90-GGGGG14 15 16 17 19 21 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RE~AM. ING SOUT}D;EST TWENTY-THIRD C93%NBROOK DRI%~ AS SILVER [AI{E. DRIVE; RENA,~ING £OUTHWEST TWENTY- THIRD CP~%NBROOX COURT AS SILVER .LAKE COURT: RENAF~ING SOUT.h"WEeT CRAKBROOK PLACE TO SIL%~R LAKE PLAC~: PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS ~OVIDIN~ FOR SEVERABtLITY EFFECTIVE DATE. I0 ~ER~A~, the E~tata~ of Silver Lak~ Property 11 !iAs~o~iation ha~ requ~te~ that ~h~ City r~nam~ Southwest Twenty- 12 Il ! ' Cranbrook Driv~ a~ Silver Lake Driv~ and Southwest ~enty- 13 Third Cranbrook Court as Silver Lake Court and Cranbrook Place aa Silver Lake Placer and W'AE~AS, Such request woul~ ~rea~e a continuity and ~oncisenes~ between Silver ~.-ake Prope~y O~'n~r~ and the emergency ~e%*vic=s provi~e~ ky the City. NOW, T~E~d~FORE, ~ it resolved by th~ City Co~r~isslon of =he City of Doynton Beach, Florida, tha~: sectioR i. southwest Twenty-third cranDrook Drive is hereby renamed as $11ver Lake Drive: southwest Twenty-third cra~rook Court is hereby renamed as Silver Lake Court~ Southwest Cra~ro0k Place is hereby renamed as Silver Lake Place. Section ~. The City Commission finds ~hat the renaming of the enumerated streets will best facilitate emergency services to the residents and owners of The Estates of Silver Lake. ~_9~~. All resolutions or Darts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. If any clau~e, aaction, or other part or appliuation cf this R~solution i~ held by an}' court of competent Jurisdiction to b~ un_cnst~Zutional or invalld, in ~art or TEL ~0:335-771-4~23 10 11 ] 2 -¸t3 llappiication, it shall not effect the validity of the remaining !portions or applications of thiS'Resolution. ~ Sec~on~: .... This Re~ol-Ution ~haJ..1 take effeot im~.ediately I PASSED AND ABOPTEB..By THE C~IT~ Cq .~9~!SSlON OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON ZLOlUD~ 'TaZs ~ ~ o~ ,,¢4',¢~',~, i~o. 14 15 i6. 17 22 24 20 25 (CORPORATE SEAL) RESO2 26 27 28 29{ 30 It Commissioner ' Page 2 of 2