Simon Ryder, Chairman
Garry Winter, Vice Chairman
Liltian Bodd
Ronald Linkous
Caesar Mauti
Robert Wandelt
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Tim Cannon,
Assistant City Planner
Ezell Hester (Excused)
Walter Kies, Alternate (Excused)
Stormet Norem, Alternate (Excused)
Chairman Ryder Called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He
introduced the Members of the Board, City Planner, Assistant City
Planner, and Recording Secretary. Chairman Ryder acknowledged the
presence of Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman, Councilman Joe deLong; Sam
Scheiner, Vice Chamrman of the Community Redevelopment Agency;
Owen Anderson, Executive Vice President, Chamber of Commerce; James
Rhoden, Fire Chief, and William Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector.
A motion was made. by Mrs. Bond, seconded by Mr. Linkous, that the
Minutes of July 12, 1983 be accepted as presented. Motion carried
3-0, with Chairman Ryder, Vice Chairman Winter, and Mr. Mauti
abstaining from voting as they were not presen~ at the July 12
Chairman Ryder read a letter from Gary Duchane, Reporter, expressing
sincere thanks to the Members and telling them he is leaving the
Boynton Beach News Journal. He stated that he hopes the people he
meets are as open, honest, helpful, and kind as the individuals he
met in Boynton Beach.
Mr. Linkous moved that the Minutes of the preceding Workshop
Meetings be adopted, seconded by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 6-0.
AUGUST 9, 1983
At the la.st~ Workshop Meeting, Chairman Ryder said'they covered
the Uses with staff'members. He announced that they would have
a final Workshop~Meeting on the Environmental Review phase of
the proposed regulations at 3:30 P. M., August 22, 1983 in the
Conference Room of the Building, Planning, and Engineering build-
ing. Chairman Ryder~ informed the Members that it fs the building
on Seacrest Avenue.
Project Name:
Yachtman's Cove
Carmen S. Annunziato
Hovis L~ Westberry
Rezone from C-3, Community Commercial to R1AA
Single Family Residential
N. E. 15th Place, East of U. S. 1
Residential development providing for the construc-
tion of a single family detached unit
That portion of Lot 18, Yachtman's Cove, as recorded
in Plat Bk. 31, Page 225, lying within 300' as
measured normal and parallel to E r/w line of State
Road 5, containing approx. .14 acres~ Palm Beach County
Official Records
Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Plaaner, thought the overlay explained
the action before the Board. The problem was brought to the
attention of the City Council by the residents of Yachtman's Cove.
When the property was platted, 1/2 of Lot 18 w~s put into the C-3
Community Commercial District and 1/2 was put'.in the R1AA Single
Family Residential.
As it currently exists, split like that~ the lot cannot be
developed under either zoning category.. To permit the extension
of the C-3 eastward to the remainder of Lot 18 would be an
encroachment into the R-1AA zone. Being the applicant for the
City of Boynton Beach, Mr. Annunziato's recommendation was that a
portion of Lot I8 be zoned R-1AA and the Land Use Element Of the
Comprehensive Plan be modified to reflect a Moderate Density
Residential classifieation and that this action be approved.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the following three issues, which were
pointed out in his report:
1. What was the intended use of the property in question at the time of
platting? It was platted for single- family purposes.
2-. Is the property physically developable under the present C-3 zoning?
3~.. WO~ld development of the property for C-3 uses have an adverse impact
- 2 -
AUGUST 9, 1983
.on surrounding residential uses? By moving the zoning line
Eastward, Mr. Annunziato thought it would negatively
impact on the remainder of the single family lots in
Yachtman's Cove.
Chairman Ryder recalled that the retail development just to the
west that fronts' on U. S. 1 put a wall up when that was
constructed. Mr. Annunziato believed the wall that was constructed
is somewhere mn the middle of Lot 18. Mr..Ma~ti was informed
Hovis Westberry owns Lot 18. Mr. Cannon showed the location of the
Wall. In the event this ms approved for residential, Chairman
Ryder felt the 'walt would be needed as a b~ffer. In this
instance, Mr. Annunziato~thought the commercial property was
developed. It would be up to him whether he wanted a wall.
Mr. Linkous commented that he ~thought they were just trying to
correct an error.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to.speak in favor of the
proposed rezoning. There was no response. He asked if anyone
.wished to speak in opposition to the proposed rezoning. There
was no response.
Mr. MaUti was informed that the lot was platted with the sub-
division. It looked to him like it might have been a continuation
of N~ E. 15th. Mr. Annunziato disagreed, saying the plan was
relatively recent (1975), and it was not platted as a street.
He showed the-Members a copy of the plat.
Mr. Linkous moved to grant t~he rezoning request from C-3,
Community Commercial to RtAA Single Family ReSidential.
Wandelt seconded the mot~ion, and~the motion carried 6-0.
Conditional Use
Project Name:
Bayflite Marine, Inc.
Digby C. Bridges
Jane C. Kreusler
Zoned C-4, to be considered for conditional use
to allow retail, new boat sales
1406 N. Federal Highway
N. 150.'00/' of Lot A, Plat of Harbor Estates, as in
Plat Book 21, Page 98, Publfc Records of Palm Beach
Mr. Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said the application came
with a~positive recommendation from the Technical Review Board,
subject to staff comments. He informed the Members it is an
application to utilize the .65 acre parcel of land for boat sales.
The site is on the east side of Federal Highway and lies immediately
south of the Boynton Canal. The Boynton Canal runs along the
north side of North Road.
- 3 -
AUGUST 9, 1983
Presently, there is a derelict car wash on the site and some broken
up. pa~ing. The applica~nt proposes to fence in the entire property,
add to existing-4paving,~and renovate the bUilding. Parking provided
at the location confQrms to the current Code. Mr. Cannon advised
that the concrete aprons on Federal Highway would be removed and
the sidewalk rebuilt. "Entrance'to the site will be on North Road.
There wilt be a 6<~fo~,high, CBS concrete wall built along the east
side of the property that wiI1 block off the existing asphalt
drive. The asphalt drive will be broken-up and removed.
Mr. Cannon indicated an area that will be filled with gravel and
said it will be used for boat storage. He read the staff comments
as follows:
Engineering Dept.:
(Tom Clark).
"Drainage'calculations should be revised to show that 2.70
inChes of rainfall in one hour (not 1" of runoff)will be
contained on site~ In other words, all the water from a
three year~' storm must be contained on site."
Public Works Dept: "Notify Department before pouring du~pster pad."
Chairman Ryder noted the existing curb cuts' on Federal Highway are
to be removed. He asked .if that meant there will not be any access
from Federal Highway~ Mr. 'Cannon replied that the only access will
be through a gate that leads out of North Road.
Mr. Annunziato tol(t the Members that the applicant has petitioned
to be re'ill'ed from,%herequirement for sidewalks. The Technical
Review B~dlis amenable to this request~because there is not enough
right-of=way on North Road or-West Road to provide for sidewalks.
There is something like 20 feet of right-of-way in each of these
streets, and it is practically all occupied by pavement. Chairman
Ryder ascertained that the applicant was asking to eliminate all
of the sidewalk' on North Road and all of the Sidewalk on West Road.
Mr. Linkous pointed out that it is Practically all black topped to
the s~reet anyway, So it is a built-in sidewalk.
Digby C.~ Bridges, AIA, ARIBA, NCARB, Digby Bridges & Associates,
P.A., Architects and Planners, 124 N~ E. 5th Avenue, Delray Beach,
Florida 33444 referred to the sidewalk issue and advised that the
full width was to'.;be asphalted completely today. Right next to the
roadway, they have put in plantings with a hedge to hide the chain
link fence. They are putting in a brand new chain link fence.
There is a six foot high concrete stucco wall to the east to match
the colors of the building.
Mr. Bridges was aware of the comments by the Technical Review Board
and accepted them. He remarked that %hey have. to do a little bit
more drainage design. Mr. Bridges-felt that'his client was upgrading
the site, as it is an eyesore now. He thought.it would be much nicer
for the people in 'that neighborhood to have this-there. It ms a
'bit more luxury than a car sales", and the traffic generated around
there will be minimal.
Chairman Ryder thought eliminating the curb cuts on Federal Highway
AUGUST 9, 1983
was a distinct improvement.
Robert Constant,-1407 Dale Lane, Dei~ay Beach, represented~the owners
that bought the fronts to Coquina Cove and Yachtman!-s, Cove several
years ago. Mr. Constant./has sold. real estate in this area for ten
years and when he sold their properties, they were very concerned
about this location. AS Mr, Bridges'pointed out, it has been
derelict, abandoned, 'and a numsance. It has been.:an eyesore.
When Mr. Constant s01d the properties across the canal, they were
concerned about that' site, as it was a detriment, but they
developed and bought~ Mr. Constant spoke to Har~y Kirsner, who owns
the vacant section to Coquin~ Cove, about this proposition. Mr.
Kirsner ~of Miami is in favor of it. Mr. Ton'y Velardo, in. New York
City on business,was also very much in favor of the property being
turned around.
As no one else wished to speak in favor of this request for rezoning,~
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition.
Mr. Sal~atore Tranq01o, 815 South Road, a Member of the Board of
t~e~ NOrth and South Road Homeowners Association, was speaking for
them and said .~heY do not object to the boat sales being located
there. They are in favor of it except for a few things that border
North Road. Mr. Trantolo said they object to the enmrance being on
North Road. They feel the entrance should be on Federal like every-
one else because this ms a business, and they are residential.
With reference to %he.chain link fence, Mr. TrantO~o said it would
have to be enhanced by nice shrubbery. They were concerned about
what kind of hedges would be put there. Mr. Trantolo further
informed the Members that they want the wall to conform with the
same wall that is in back of the car wash.
Mr. Annunziato explained ~hat this wall is to be constructed
consistent with current requirements, beautified on both sides,
stuccoed,.~p~in%ed~.~and lan'dsc~ped. The ~all to the south is
concrete slab.
Mr. Cannon indicated the location of another car wash and a wall
which extends along the eastern property line.
Elizabeth Hermans'on, 622 South Road, lives i~ back of the new car
wash. She has lived there for 12 years and wanted to be sure what
they put there will enhance the area. She felt North Road was very
narrow for an entrance and could not see why it cannot be along
Federai Highway. Mrs. Hermanson was here to protect their interests.
She' said it iS commercial, ~and the entrance would be going into
waterfront property. They are very concerned about it. Mrs.
Hermanson added that she wen~ along with the facn that it is a bless-
ing they are coming in.
Chairman Ryder recognized the presence of Councilman Samuel Lamar
Wright in the audience.
- 5 -
AUGUST 9, 1983
Mr. Wandelt was advised that South Road comes behind the property.
There is a road to the north of the ~property and to the east of this
Mr. Fred A. Lenz, 620 North Road, BoyntQn Beach, lives on the property
directly east of the project. He did not care what kind of walls
there were as. long as there was a wall. Mr. Lenz objected to the
entrance being on North Road. He agreed with Mrs. Hermanson that
there could be traffic congestion in the front, causing accidents,
and that would cause a problem.
~Mr. Trantolo inquired how much footage there is on North Road
between that fence and North Road.because the canal is on the other
side of the road~ M~. Annunziato answered that the public width
of North Road (dedicated right-of-way~, i~ 20-feet. ~T~e ca~a~_irig~t-
~f-way>is-beyond~the road. Mr. Annunziato said there is probably 40
feet of earth betWeen to the canal.
Concerning the entrance on North Road, the site is designed consistent
wzth our Codes, Mr. Annunziato told the Members. At an intersection
with Federal Highway, you have to have 180 feet minimum between a
curb cut and an intersection of right-of-way. The applicant does not
have 180 feet and, therefore, would.be precluded from having his
· curb cuts on Federal Highway. ~
Secondly, under any circumstances, Mr. Annunziato did not think
access to North Road could be denied. It is ~a corner property. The
applicant has access rights to North Road and is taking advantage
of that. To deny that.kind of access would be to take away a right
that this property enjoys. Mr. Annunziato did not think they could
do that. If he had no access on North Road, he would have to have
access on the Federal Highway.
Mr. Mauti suggested that perhaps the entrance could be widened.
Mr. Bridges told the Members that they are not large boats and they
can be manuevered easily with 25 feet. These are travel boats to go
behind cars, up driveways, in garages, enc. Mr. Mauti would much
rather see the entrance on North Road providing they could make the
entranceway 30 feet
Chairman Ryder referred to the wall. Mr. Annunziato explained that
the wall to the south does not meet current Code requirements.
Current Code requirements call for a solid, decorative, masonry wall
to set back somewhat from the property line. They defined decorative
by stucco and painted. Mr. Annunziato thought this wall would be
much more attractive.
The maintenance redevelopment has to meet current Codes for land-
scaping and other things adjacent to all of the publicly dedicated
right-of-ways. Mr. Annunziato said this has access on three sides.
The applicant will have a 36 inch hedge with one ~ree about every 40
feet.. On the south side, the hedge will be 18 inches with a tree
every 40 feet. Mr. Annunziato added that there will be interior
landscaping adjacent to the parking lot.
- 6 -
AUGUST 9, 1983
As no one else wished to speak in opposition, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS
Mr. Mauti moved to approve the request, subject to staff comments,
and subject to widening the gate from 25 feet to 30 feet. Mrs. Bond
seconded the motion, and the motion carried 6-0.
Project Name:
Boynton Beach Shopping Center
Harvey Taylor, Architect
Peabody & Childs Architects, Inc.
Congress Avenue, south of First American Bank
Boynton Beach Mall Parcel #3, being a tract of
land located in Sec. 19, Twp. 45 South, Rge. 43
East, County of Palm Beach, Florida
Construction of a shopping center on a 6.45+ acre
Chairman Ryder commented that this location is directly on the west
side of Congress Avenue and immediately south of the present small
bank building that is there below the canal. The DeBartolo Mall
ms several hundred feet west of Congress Avenue. T~is involves
frontage on the west side of Congress Avenue.
Mr. Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said the site plan came with
a positive recommendation from the Technical Review Board, subject
to staff comments. The proposal is to construct a 76,940 square foot
shopping center which would be located on a 6.45 acre site abutting
the Boynton Beach Mall. Mr. Cannon showed the location on the
overlay and said immediately to the west is a retention pond for the
Mall and this parcel.
Mr. Cannon showed the entrance roads, ,~secondary roads, and the
parking both in back and i.n front of the shopping center. A 5,000
square foot will be in the northeastern part of the parcel. Mr.
Cannon indicated the three sections of the main building which will
be used for retail, restaurants, offices, and a health club.
Water wilt come from a 16 foot water main on Congress Avenue and
loop around to the rear. The sewer would also loop around to the
rear and connect to a ten inch sewer main.
Mr. Cannon read the staff comments as follows:
Building Dept.
(Bert Keehr)
"1. Board of Health permitwill be required.
2. Hotel and Restaurant c~n~nission registration number will
be required.
3. Parking stalls require double line striping.
4. Sidewalks to go through driveways.'
Police Dept.
'Place Stop Signs at Exits."
Utility Dept.
S6~.attached (Memo dated 8/2/83 from Perry Cessna)
- 7 -
AUGUST 9, 1983
Public Wotk~ Dept.: "Notify Department before pouring dumpster pad."
Mr. Linkous questionedwhether the 76,490 was total floor area,
meaning an upstairs and downstairs. Mr. Cannon replied that it
is total floor area. Part of the main building will be two stories.
Chairman Ryder acknowledged the presence of Mayor James R. Warnke
in the audience.
Chairman Ryder determined that there are no curb cuts between the
north and south entrances to the.Mall.
Mark Weiner, Peabody & Childs Architects Inc., 440 E. Sample Road,
Suite 100, Pompano Beach, Florida 33064, stated that they had no
problems with any of the staff comments and were willing to work
along with anything staff advised. He told Chairman Ryder they
have no problem with the comment by the Director of Utilities.
Mr. Weiner said they have a 7,500 square foot health club, which
would be on the second floor over the retail areas. There is
about 8,000 or 9,000 square feet of office space above that. The
remainder will be on the ground level. ~. Weiner advised Mr.
Linkous that the client is talking to two or three restaurant
operators. They are talking about a total of 10~,000 or 11,000
square feet of restaurants~
Mr. Annunziato commented that the Parking Ordinance is fully in
effect here. Parking is separated from the front of the buildings
by a fire lane. The applicant has met and exceeded the Landseape
Mr. Weiner informed Chairman Ryder that the buildings are primarily
one story. There are elevations that have been submitted. There
is a health club over the separation between the north and center
Mrs. Bond moved that the site plan of Boynton Beach Shopping
Center be approved, subject to staff comments. Mr. Linkous seconded
the motion, and the motion carried 6-0.
Project Name:
'The Storage Place - Modified Site Plan
James L. O'Connor
James L. O'Connor
3660 South Congress Avenue
To provide for a 13~600 sq. ft. addition to a
previously approved Storage Place site plan
Mr. Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said the modified site
plan came to the Board with a positive recommendation from the
Technical Review Board, subject to staff comments. He said the
proposal is for a t3,600 square foot addition to an existing
20,000 square foot building located on Congress Avenue and Neptune
Drive. Mr. Cannon informed Chairman Ryder there are no entrances
on Congress Avenue. They are located on Neptune Drive, and he
showed the two entrances on the overlay.
_ 8_
AUGUST 9, 1983
Several years ago, this proposal was approved but the approval had
lapsed. In order ~to bring the site up no the currenn Code, Mr.
Cannon told the Board that the Planning Department requested that
the site plan be resubmitted. The applicant has to bring the park-
ing lot up to current Code and also has to bring the landscaping
up to current Code. He read the staff comments as follows:
Fire Dept.~: 'Add one fire hydrant at thesouthwest corner of the property.
However, there was an amended memorandum, as follows:
Fire Dept ~:
(James Rhoden,
Fire Chief)
"Fire hydrant for The Storage Place will be provided only if
Mr. O'Connor is required to extend the water line on the
West side of property."
Mr. Cannon said Mr. O'Connor is to extend the water line down
along Congress Avenue. Then fire hydrants, in that case, would 'have
to be provided south of the property.
Utilities Dept.: "Please be advised that the developer must extend the 8" water
(Perry A. Cessna, line at Neptune Avenue southward along Congress Avenue, to
Director of the South'property limit, with a fire hydrant an or near the
Utilities) end of the line per Fire Department regulations andper
Environmental Control Rule II."
Mr. James L. O'Connor, 3250 South Ocean Boulevard, Palm Beach,
Florida 33480, said the issue was whether the 8 inch line must be
extended down from Congress Avenue. This identical site plan was
submitted two years ago, was approved by the Planning and Zoning
Board, Council, the Building Department, and the building permit
was ready to be issued. Because of recession, Mr. O'Connor said
they decided not to build.
They have now decided to build and have resubmitted the identical
site plan. The only new thing now is that the Utilities Department
has injected for the first time the question of extending the 8
inch line. Mr. O'Connor noted that Mr. Cessna has cited the
Environmental Control Rule II, which provides that any new
development or construction connecting to an off-site water main
shall provide an extension of that water main along the public
right-of-way or utility easements which adjoin or border the
Mr. O'Connor advised that this construction is not connecting into
any mamn an all. It did four years ago, when they first built the
project, and that question was addressed at that time and decided
at that time. Mr. O'Connor stated that this application, by itself,
is not a construction connecting to an off-site water main so he
did not think the reference required the extension.
Mr. O'Connor thought the real question was whether it should have
been required four years ago when they first built on the site.
Mr. Perry Cessna, Director of Utilities, advised Mr. O'Connor he
had no recollection of having addressed the problem at that time,
Mr. O'Connor told the Members of the Board.
_ 9 _
AUGUST 9, 1983
When they originally came in, among the comments that were made by
staff were two, one of which 'was the comment that there should be a
fire hydrant at the southwest corner and ~hat it should be serviced by
that eight inch line coming down Congress. Mr. O'Connor added that
the eight inch line which comes down Congress from the north stops
oh the north.side of Neptune, across the street from him. It then
goes eas~ as, Mr. O'Connor believed, a six inch line.
The site plan which was originally approved four years ago provided
for a connection across Neptune into that six inch line. The
discussions resulting from the comment about the extension of the
eight inch line were withdrawn. Mr. O'Connor said the point is,
the City accepted his site plan which provided for the connection
across Neptune, which is what was eventually done.
Mr. O'Connor could not tell what the reason was for not requiring
the extension of the 8 inch line at that time. He recalled another
comment at the time which required them to deed in fee to the
County the 7 foot strip along the west border of their property and
to put on it a bike path. Mr. O'Connor told the Board Members they
did that. At that point, they no longer abutted the right-of-way
along Congress.
The Envmronmental Control Rule has nwo requmremen~s: (1) you must
be connecting into a water line~ and (2) you mus~ be abutting the
right-of-way. Mr. O'Connor thought to come along now, four years
later, on an application, which application by itself is not hook-
ing into a water main, does not trigger this. To try and reverse
a finding made four years ago, Mr. O'Connor thought was wrong and
should not be done.
Mr. O'Connor told the Members the applicant has already gonq to
the expense of going across Neptune and hooking into that smx inch
line. If they now have to extend that eight inch line down there,
they will have to come across Neptune a second time. Chairman
Ryder asked why. Mr. O'Connor answered that they tapped into the
N~pnune line, which was already there. They crossed the street
and tapped inno the 6 inch line. Mr. O'Connor advised there ms
no questmon of its sufficiency.
Mr. O'Connor repeated that the point is they were granted a build-
ing permit, a certificate of occupancy, and it was approved by
everybody on the theory that they would cut across Neptune, and
they went to that expense and did it.
Chairman Ryder asked if the point was that they are not going to
tap into this extension as they already have service, or would they
be using this extension. Mr. O'Connor answered, "No~ We don't
need itl" He said they have their water and are fine. They are
asking to expand their building, which has nothing to do with the
wa~er main. Mr. O Connor pointed out that the comment is an
attempt to raise Rule ii, which pertains only to construction
connecting to an off-'site water main.
Chairman Ryder asked if it was a major problem, as far as Mr.
AUGUST 9, 1983
O'Connor was concerned. Mr. O'Connor replied, ',On~.~, yes[" He
informed the Members that it is a very expensive project, as it is
300 feet along there, and they would also have to cut through
Nepnune. Mr. O'ConnOr emphasiZed that 'he would have to cut through
Neptune ~.-second~time~amd"run it all the way down to this corner of
the property. He added that he was not using this water anyway.
Mr. Cessna was not present, and Chamrman Ryder did not see how the
Board could ignore his recommendation. He advised that the Board
would have. to take acnion in accordance with. the direction of
Mr. Perry Cessna, Director of~Utilities. Mr, Linkous wondered if
Fire Chief Rhoden. Should-have input into this~ When it goes to
Council, Chairman Ryder thought both the Director of Utilities
and the Fire Chief would be there,-and they could both help
enlighten the Council in'the matter.
Mr. Wandelt questioned why it would be required now and non four
years ago. Chairman Ryder though~ Mr. Cessna, Director of UtiLities,
would have to answer that question. Mr. A~nunziato agreed with
Chairman Ryder. He said it was a quesqion that should be directed
no the Director of. Utilitmes, the Fire Chief, and the City
In our s.ystem~ Mr. Annunziato informed the Members, there is
nothing to prevent the additzon of commenqs at the time of an
expansion of a building. He thought that was probably in the light
the Planning and Zoning BOard and~the Council ~would addreSs this.
Mr. -~nnunziato.~said~tlhere may be some t~ch~ical reasons why
Environmental Control Rule II may or may not apply. He thought
those should be addressed to o~r legal staff and that they
probably will be.
Mr. Wandelt asked, "What about Mr. O'Connor's comment that he
does not use this line and won't be connecting into it?" Mr.
Annunziato said-"Using" is an interesting word. If a fire hydrant
is installed at the corner of his bulling, he will ~have additional
protection. Mr. O[Connor pointed out that it-is a fully sprinkled
building, and there is no requirement for' the fire hydrant by
itself. If he has 'to'go.to the expense of putting an 8 inch line
all the way down there, he does'not mind putting a hydrant down
there, but there is no requirement for it by itself.
Mr. Wandelt moved to approve the-modified s~te plan, subject to
staff comments. Mr. Linkous seconded the motion, and the motion
carried 6-0.
Project Name,:
Richard C. Ahrens
George Gould
1580 High Ridge Road
Provide for the construction Of a 9,600 sq. ft.
addition to. an existing warehouse facility
- 11-
AUGUST 9, 1983
Mr. Tim Cannon,- Assistant City Planner, said this modified site
plan comes with a positive recommendation from the Technical Review
Board, subject to staff comments.
Mr. Cannon informed the Members that High Ridge Road is to the west
~of the property and the Boynton ~anal is several hundred feet to
the south. The site plan also calls for the addition of parking
spaces along the northern edge of the property.. Mr. Cannon read
the staff comments as follows:
(Bert Keehr~,
Deputy Building
"1. Septic tank and potable water'well permit from the
Health Department will be required.
· 2. Hedge at the west~property line ~ust be thirty-six
i~nches (36") high at plahting two foot (2') on center.
Fire Dept.. "Please be advised before Fire Prevention office can sign
(~n~ D. Cavanaugh, off~.this Subject, it is mandatory that applicant supply a
Fire Inspector) plan to show howhe intends to-provide w~ter for fire
protection-at the above captioned location."
Public Works:
"Contact department prior to pouring du~ster slab."
Stephen~ A. Brock, Stephen A. Brock Architects, Inc.., 6667 - 42nd
Terrace North, West Palm Beach, Florida, wanted some further
discussion with the Fire Chief before he commented. It was the
first he had heard of this staff comment[' Mr. ~Brock said it had
obviously been studied out by the Fire Marshalt~ However, he
thought it required a'little study by the owner also. Mr. Brock
agreed with the rest of the staff comments.
Mr. Wandelt asked if this should be tabled. Chairman Ryder
said it was similar to the issue they,.had before, and the Board
was not inclined to dfsregard a comment frOm the staff. Mr.
BroCk understood. Chairman Ryder advised the Board could proceed
on the basis they.were approving it subject to compliance with the
s~aff's comments. Between now and the Councii meeting next week,
Chairman Ryder told Mr. Brock he. should take' steps to clarify
and resolve this issue. Mr. Brock said he would discuss it with
the Fire Marshall,
Mr. ~andelt moved to approve the modifie~ site plan, subject to
staff comments, in addition to the comment from the Fire Department.
Mr. Mauti seconded the motion, and the motion carried 6-0.
Project Name:
Stonebaven PUD
Satter Companies, Inc.
Mode, Incl
West of Congress and South of State Road 804
Proposed modification to previously approved master
plan to delete the patio home neighborhood and
recreational facility and distribute the units into
the garden apartment and single family home neighbor-
AUGUST 9, 1983
Chairman Ryder informed the Members the proposal essentially is
to eliminate.92 patio homes and substitUte 36 additional single
family homes and 56 garden apartments. He called attention to the
fact tha~ this was on the agenda- aq the last Council meeting. At
that time, ~the Council found no major modifications.
Based on.his sales history at Dos Lagos, Mr. Annunziato, City
Planner, said the applicant has found that product is no'~ selling
and-there is a market for the two products that he has. He is
ProPosing to eliminate the patio home product, spl'it the units
north and south at Canal 25 (the north being~the single family
cluster homes and the south being garden apartments.). The total
number of units does not change; access to the site does not
change; but there is a reduction of one recreational facility
which was to serve the-patio homes. The-Recreation and Parks
staff looked at this ,from a recreational point of view and thought
the recreation pa,ckage that remained was still adequate to serve
the u~its proposed, Mr~Annunziato said they were recommending
that the Master Plan be approved, subjectcto the memo from John
Wildner, Park Superintendent, .dated July 28, 1983, attached.
Fred Roth, Engineer, Satter Architectural & Engineering Group,
Inc., 2330 S. Congress~Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406,
felt there was a strong marke~ for the single family, small
detached houses they proposed to put in the north half of the
project. It. will give.them two communities in which to market.
Mr. Roth told the Board Members the patio.homes have not been a
good selier.~in Dos Lagos.and other patio communities they have.
They have had a lot more actiVity with the small unit develop-
ments. Mr. Roth explained that they felt it was prudent at this
point to make the change instead of going ahead and developing
Mr. Roth said they were talking about the Same type of unit with
the small living area andr the single story with a~front yard and
akba~K yard,'~,~Instead of two neighbors attached to each-side,
they would be on a single lot by themselves.
Mrs. Bond asked about the deletion of the recreation facility.
Mr. Annunziato asked that the Members recall there are three
neIghborhoods and three recmeation facilities. With the deletion
of the patio home neighborhood, that recreational facility was
also deleted. There is already an approved recreational
facility for .the sznq!e~family homes. Mr. Roth showed and
explained the plansl He said it is exactly the same thing as
they have at Dos Lagos except they have.~bigger lots instead of the
smaller lots.
Mr. Roth told Mr. Wandelt they eliminated the recreation facility
on the canal. They shifted the lake to the middle and wrapped it
with the houses. Mrs. Bond thought 900 square feet was small for
a two bedroom house. Mr. Roth advised that the trend is to the
smaller houses because everything costs more money.
- 13-
AUGUST 9, 1983
Mr. Wandelt moved, secOnded by Mr. Linkous, to approve the Master
Plan Modification'subject to the Memorandum of John Wildner, Park
Superintendent, dated~July 28, 1983, which is attached to these
Minutes. Motion carried 6-0.
Project name:
Lawson Park, Plat II
Rossi & Malavasi, Engineers
Paul Plunkett
South Congress Avenue aG, S. W. 30th Avenue
Sec. 5, Twp. 46, Rge. 43, Palm Beach County
Preliminary Plat consisti~ng of 4 industrial lots
and'construction documents ~which provide for the
construction of infrastructure improvements to
support the final phase of previously approved
master plan
Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, said this is the final phase
of the Lawson Park Subdivisios. It is fo~ four'~lots along
Congress that lie north and south of S. ~. 30th Avenue, which is
-.the entrance to South Tech. As a part of.the initial Master Plan
proposal and in. connection with this phase of the Master Plan, the
applicant had to continue the extension of S~'W. 30th Avenue east-
ward to South Tech school. It has a four lane section, and there
were some minor additional utility requirements. The application
was reviewed by the Technical Review Board and came to the Planning
and Zoning Board with a.positive recommendation from the City
Engineer, subject to~four comments:.
'(a) Dedication description is incorrect shd/or'incomplete and 'no
P.O.B. is referenced at the beginning point of the boundary
(b) Spaces for seals Should be blocked and identified.
(c) Extension of rock base beyond the asphaltic concrete should
be shown on the section for new roadway construction.
(d) No street lights shown.'
M~r-.-..En~co Rossi, P.Ei, Rossi and Malavasi' Engineers, Inc.,
1675 Palm Beach Lakes Bou%evard, WeSt~Palm Beach, Florida accepted
t~he City Engineer's comments and had no quarrel with them.
Mrs. Bond moved to approve the preliminary plat, subject to
staff comments. The motion was seconded by Mr. Linkous and
carried 6-0.
Project Name:
Sky Lake Plat III
Rossi & Malavasi, Engineers
HYlih, Inc.
South of Boynton Canal, west 6f Laurel Hills
Sec. 20, 45 South, Rge~--43 East, Palm Beach
County, Florida
- 14 -
AUGUST 9, 1983
Preliminary Plat consisting of 45 single
~family lots and construction documents which
provide for the construction of infrastructure
improvements to support the ~hird phase of a
previously approved mas%er planl Phase II has
not been platted to date.
Mr. Carmen Annunziato,..City Planner, clarified that Phase II has
not been final platted. The Preliminary Plat for Phase II has
been approved, and he thought it was the developer's intent to
go ahead with the final platting of both phases. Mr. Annunziato
referred to the staff comments as follows:
Tom Clark,
City Engineer:
'" (a) Information concernmng proper~ivalue may be
required for P&Z establisb~aent~ of recreation ~fee~
On June 16th, in connection with Phase II, 'the applicant submitted
an appraisal report'prepared by William Branch, which determined
t.hat the-land value: for Phase II that lies.directly to the West of
this and surrounds the lake had a current fair market value of
$25,000 per acre. It was their recommendation to continue to accept
that appraisal as the cur.rent fair market value for this Phase for
the Recreation and Parks criteria purposes.
".(b) Deed ,to the City will be 'reqUired for the 40 ft.
right-of-way needed, for the connection to the existing
N. W. 13th Avenue.
(c) Boundary map does not close mathematically.
Scrivener's errors occur in several places in boundary
description. .
(d)[' Spaces for seals should be blocked out and identi-
fied. '.'
Mr. Enrico Rossi, P.E., Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc.,
1675 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West Pal~ Beach, Florida, had no·
problem with.~those comments. He said it is the'interest of the
owner to go ahead and proceed wi~h getting both plats on record
and then proceed along with the land development of that property
and. complete it atli Mr. Rossi explained tha~ the reason it was
.put into Plats II and tZ~ was that at that time, the interest was
to'break in phases. Now certain things, have happened' on the
market, so he wants to proceed. Mr. RosSi told the Board Members
they will be recording one plat, placing the bond, and starting
construction. He told Mr. Wandelt the size of the lots is 80x100.
Mr. Wandelt moved to approve the Preliminary Plat, subject to
sta.ff comments, seconded 'by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 6-0.
Project Name:
B0Ynton Lakes Plat II
Rossi & Malavasi, Engineers
Lennar Homes, Inc.
North of Boynton Lakes Blvd., east of Congress
Section 8, Twp. 45 South, Rge. 43 East
_ 15_
AUGUST 9, 1983
Preliminary Plat consisting of 102, zero lot
line, single family.lots and construction docu-
ments which provide for the construction of
infrastructure improvements to support a
previously approved phase of a Planned Unit
Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, said/this was a preliminary
plat to support the master pt~n~modi,fication p~ocedUre the~ Board
recently went ~hrough for PUD construction. Mr. Annunziato said
it comes to the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive
recommendation based on a'memo prepared by the City Engineer, Tom
Clark, as follows:
City Engineer:
"(a) Spelling in the dedication boundary description is
to be corrected.
(b) The canal easement required should be dedicated and
recorded withe?book and page number.
(c) Seal blocks-should .be shown and identified,"
Mr% Jim Walker, Regional Manager Of Lennar Homes, INC., 7000 West
Atlantic Avenue, Detray Beach, referred the comments to their
Engineer, Mr. Enrico Rossi, Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc.,
1675 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida. Mr.
Rossi had no problem with the staff comments.
Mr. Mauti moved to accept the preliminary plat, subject to staff
comments. Mr. Linkous seconded the motion, and the motion carried
Project Name:
Lakes of Tara,~ Plat I
AmbroSe & Associates, Engineers
Tara Development Group, Inc,~
North Woolbright Road, west of Congress Avenue,
south of S. W. Congress Blvd. extended
A portion of Sec. 30, Twp. 45 South, Range 43
East, Palm Beach County, Florida
Preliminary plat consisting of 59 zero lot 'line,
Single family lots and construction documents
which provide for the construction of infra-
structure improvements to support Phase I of a
previouSly approved Planned unit Development
Mr. Carmen Annunziato~ City Pl~ner, asked the~Members to note
the.change of name. At. the time they reviewed the .Master Plan,
Captain Hillery brought to their attention~there were two
developments: one called Tara Estates and the other called Tara
Lakes. Captain Hillery, Police Department, felt not only the
C~ty but ~hoever.wo~ld service this ~property wo~ld fi.nd it
confusing, especially when names are given over the radio in times
of emergency. The application came with' a positive recommendation,
subject to the memo from Tom Clark, City Engineer, dated August 3,
1983. (See Attached.)~
- 16-
AUGUST 9, 1983
Mr. Annunziato called attention to the fact that the Board had
to address the land value for Recreation and Parks' 'dedication
purposes. Also, there were several items that were not included
that were not included in the bonded amount submitted to Mr.
Tom Clark, City Engineer. Two he knew of'were sidewalks and
the street light and. traffic signal at the intersection of S. W.
Congress BouleVard Extended and~ Congress Avenue. Mr. Annunziato
said they have to be included in connection with the final plat.
With respect to the land value for Recareation and Parks' dedica-
ion purposes, as this property recently changed hands, Mr.
Annunziato said.staff felt the'price~of the~exchange .constituted
fair market'value. They recommended that the Planning and
Zonihg Board accept the value of $40,'000 per acre, which was the
exchange'price, consistent with our subdivision regulation.
Mr. Linkous asked where the traffic signal would be. Mr.
Annunziato answered, "At S. W. COngress Boulevard Ex~ended~~ He
told Chairman Ryder it was part of the old High Point area.
Chairman Ryder determfned' it is the southern part of it, south of
Congress Boulevard. Mr. Annunziato advised that the eastern
half of the mas-er plan is Lakes of Tara.
Mr. Annunziato larified that it wil.! be the intersection of about
two public thoroughfares. S. 'W. Congress Boulevard is a public
thoroughfare through Leisureville~ He showed the location where
it will cross Congress Avenue, will extend th'rough'the' development
and pick up at the next acreage tract, go through that property,
~nd tie in to Kruth Road.
Mr. Annunziato~said the recommendation was that' the plan be
apProved,~su~j~ect~to staff comments, %hat the ~hon~ amount
submitted to the City Engineer be modified to ~t-'.leaSt include the
cost of the sidewalk and a traffic signal', and that the land value
for the RecreatiDn and Parks dedication purposes be set at
$40,000 per acre
Michael Ambrose, Engineer, D. M. Ambrose ~ssoeiates, Inc.,
21 Highway, Boca Raton, had no problem with the
~ne. ~All .but #9~and~<~lt in~thelist of comments
~re of. As-to ~9, it had b~en applied for and
it is forthcoming.
With reference tD comment #11, Mr. Ambrose said they typed the
cost estimate, and he is taking it to Mr. Clark in the morning.
Mr. Ambrose adde~ that the street lighting was his fault because
he did not realize it was to be bonded~on and off-site. Mr.
Ambrose also was not aware that the traffic signal was to be
bonded, and he s~oke to Mr. Clark in respect to the economic
difficulty in beading that as one more item to be bonded.
Mr. Walker, of the COunty Engineering Department, had recommended
the stop light, 5nd they agreed that at some p~int and time a
traffic light wikl be warranted at that location but nothing more
6190 North'Feder
comments except
had been taken c
Mr. Ambrose said
- 17 _
specific than t
warranted in thc
housing portion
warranted some
acre tract. Mr.
determined today
that light is wa
County Engineeri
Mr. Ambro'se said
that action is't
difficulty is th
simply for that
sure his client
sold 500 houses
would like to se
could be provide
keep in force fo
In regard to the
provision for a
Ambrose replied
He informed Chai~
Mr. Ambrose's. cl~
and there are ac'
AUGUST 9, 1983
~at, Mr. Ambrose said it was not necessarily even
development of the entire 33 acres, which is the
of-the Lakes of Tara, but would certainly be
ay in the further development of that whole 90
· Ambrose stressed that~a.~time~specific cannot be
. He told Mr.'Clark it will be four years before
rranted because it is triggered when Mr. Walker,
ng Department, says it is to be there.
they accept that .as they-are-developing~ if.
riggered, they will pay[for that light. The
e whole bonding structure and carrying a bond
light for three or four years. Mr. Ambrose was
would love to put the light up next year if he
~ut in front. Mr. Ambrose'thought his client
e if there was some other .kind of surety that
~ that is less difficult than~a bond they would
r three or four years.
intersection, Chairman Ryder assumed there is
morthbound storage lane for a left turn. Mr.
zhat is part of the design and in the permit.
?man Ryder a right turn is also provided for.
L'ent advised that the Agenda referred to 52 lots,
zually 59 lots in Phase I.
Mr. Ambrose thought the intersection would be substantially
improved at this point and time because-they will immediately have
· the left turn la]le for northbound traffic and a right turn lane
for southbound ti
that in~ersectio~
Other than the at
talk to the staf~
and will have ew
~affic, so it should 'expedite movement through
ove, which Mr'. Ambrose .said'they_are going, to
about, they .have no problems With the comments
~rything finalized in the next day or two for the
3, 1983 (Page 20
Extended and Con.
Recreation and P~
The motion was se
Mr. Mauti moved ~o accept the preliminary plat, subject to staff
comments in the Memo from Tom Clark, City Engineer, dated August
; bonding the traffic signal at S. W. Congress
ress Avenue, and to set the land value for
rks dedication purposes at $40,000 per acre.
conded by Mr. Wandelt and carried 6-0.
Mr. Mauti moved,
meeting properly
seconded by Mr. Wandelt, to adjourn, and the
adjourned at 9:10 P. M.
Patricia Ramseyer / ]
Recording Secretary ~ ~
(Two Tapes) ~3 - 18-
Carmen Annunziato
City Planner
Perry A. Cessna
Director of Utilities
Aug~ast 2, 1983
Boynton Beach Shopping Cente
On the subject development-
Easement will be r~quired for all water and sewer lines
plus easement up to the water meter installation point.
The City will be responsible for the mainsewer line only
(from manhole to manhole) and tile developer will be responsible
for the laterals.
Fir.e hydrant assembly requires hydrants and valves, for
more than one (1) pzpe length from the main line. There must
also be a valve at the main line.
There must be a valve installed on the main line just North
of the fire hydrant located at the southwest corner of property.
The service lateral serving the building on the northeast
corner A~fD on the entrance-into the manhole, must go into a
I am return'lng your plans herewith.
erry A. ~essna
Director of Utilities
Carmen Annunzia to
City Planner
John Wildner
Park Superintendent
July 28, 1983
Stonehaven P.U.D.
Mas ter P1 an Modi fi ca ti on
Upon review of the above listed masterplan modification
subject to our land dedication ordinance, the_public
dedication required is changed as follows:
324 Multi-family Units ~.015 = 4.86 Acres
130 Single Family Units ~.018 =2.34 Acres
Total 7.20 Acres
-5 credit 3.60 Acres
288 Multi-family Units ~.015 = 4.32 Acres
166 Single Family Units~.O18 = 2.98 Acres
Total 7.31 Acres
-5 credit 3.65 Acres
In order to maintain our recommendation for ~ credit for private
recreation facilities provided, childrens play areas shown in
the original master plan should be retained.
As a result of this master plan modification the public acreage
dedication requirement is increased from 3.60 acres to 3.66
We continue to recommend that fees in lieu of land be provided
by the Developer.
/ 3bhn Wildne=
cc: Charles Frederick
Recreation & Park Director
AUGUST 9, 1983
August ~, 1983
Mr. Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Tom Clark,
City Engineer
Tara Lakes Preliminary Plat, T.R.B. Meeting 7/26/83
The T.R.B. review of the subject plat stipulated that the follow-
ing items be corrected and included with ~he materials submitted:
1. Chords for 25 ft. radius shown at typical street intersections.
2. Title certification is required.
3. Scale and north arrow required on first sheet
4. Location sketches should indicate Phase I and Phase II.
5. Off-site easements and dedication for lift station to be shown.
6. Boundary description and the boundary drawing do not close.
A scrivener's error should also be corrected in the description.
7. Name should be changed because of similarity to existent
Drainage easements for pipes serving privat~ streets should
be dedicated to Homeowner's Association.
A Wat~_~ Management District letter concerning conceptional
approval should be submitted.
Section C-C should show sidewalk and 8' bike path.
should be shoWn for private roadways.
A section
The cost estimate should include the cost for sidewalks and
street lights in public rights of way and the cost of a
traffic signal as per County Traffic Engineer's letter of
June 20, 1983. Definitive street lighting plans required for
private streets.
A print of the plat with T.R.B. review sign-off initials is forwarded
herewith along with five copies of updated prints received this date.
P&Z Board shall establish recreation and park fee.
Please note that comments 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 have been addressed with
appropriate corrections.