SimonRyder, Chairman
Ezell Hester
Lillian Bond
Ronald Linkous
Robert Wandelt
Garry Winter, Vice Chairman
Simon Zive
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
7:30 P. M. He introduced the Members of the Board, the City Planner,
and the Recording Secretary. He noted the presence of Councilman Joe
deLong in the audience.
Mr. Linkous moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by
Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 7-0.
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, informed the Board they would find
an inventory of industrial land uses which had been prepared by the
Planning Department. The Planning Department took all industrial
land parcel by parcel and formed an inventory, as noted on the letter
of transmittal to the Mayor and Council Members, Mr.~ Annunziato
advised that the information would be available to the upcoming
Comprehensive Plan and would be a tool for the State in connection
with the State Department of Commerce computer. It was requested of
the City that information be prepared to provide for the State
computer those parcels of industrial land which'may be available for
redevelopment. Lots of times investors go the State, looking for a
place to relocate. With this information, Mr. Annunziato said, they
could go to the computer and very quickly orient themselves to
Boynton Beach.
Chairman RYder commented that it was highly coincidental ~that this
follows on the heels of a recent application for rezoning to an M-1
industrial area.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1981
Master Plan Modification
Project Name:
Michael HOlleman "
Motorola, Inc,
Congress Avenue @ NW 22nd Avenue, SW 'corner
Master Plan Modification
Approximately 90 acres, west of E-4 Canal,
east of Congress, north .of C~16 Canal, and
south of NW 22nd Avenue
Chairman Ryder stated that the application had been bef6re the
Board before in pr.eliminary forms and the Board has also acted on
the master plan, as Wel~ as the City Council. The matter was
before the City Council last week with regard to whether the
changes constituted any substantial change, and the Council decided
there was no substantial change, and it was approved, It came
before the Planning and Zoning Board for similar action.
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, advised the Board that the next
step was for the plan to come before the Board for approval, Mr,
Annunziato said the application requests the addition of one
additional driveway at N. W. 22nd Avenue, which lies to the North
of the overway. The .change was a result of the' reorientation of
the front of the building from Congress to N. W, 22nd Avenue. The
resulting change was owing to the fact that the driveway will no
longer exist and results in redistribution of %he on-site industrial
workers' traffic either to the south on Congress or to the previously
approved exit on 22nd Avenue. Although the change in traffic is
minor in nature, Mr. Annunziato informed the Board it will result in
some changes to the construction drawings which have already been
prepared by Palm Beach County-in connection with the money that was
forwarded to the County by the State of Florida asa part of the
development programs by the State.
In the opinion of the County Engineer, Mr. Annunziato continued,
the application will result in some changes in the construction draw-
ings. The nature of the changes are minor and will only result in
the addition of some turn lanes where they were not previously
contemplated. Therefore, the County Engineer fel~Tit was not a sub-
stantial change and could be recommended. Therefore, it should be
approved by the Board. Tom Clark, City Engineer, came up with the
same conclusion, based on traffic impact,
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SEPTEMBER 22, 1981
Chairman Ryder asked whether anyone from Motorola wished to appear.
He said when the project began, the Board was told construction might
start in October, and wondered h~w it was at this time, It was
determined that no"one was present to represent Motorola.
Mr. Annunziato told the Board that Motorola has Chapter 10, Excavation
and Fill Permit from the City of Boynton Beach and the City
anticipates that earth movement will begin sometime in early October.
Mr. LinkouS noted-that Motorola alludes to the years 2000 and 1~990
with four laning and six laning, He asked if that would be difficult.
Mr. Annunziato replied that four laning will in all likelihood be
under contract before the end of the yea~ from New Boynton Road
through the intersection of N, W. 22nd Avenue, Six laning would be
anyone's guess at this point. Mr. Linkous asked if they would take
it to Hypoluxo Road, and Mr~ Annunziato answered~ "No," Mr.
Annunziato advised there are commitments from developers to construct
the mile frOm Hypoluxo Road south, and the City has money from the
developers of Dos Lagos to cause additional construction to Congress
where needed.
Mr. Annunziato further 'informed the Board that the City is antiCipat-
ing application as a part of the annexation of the~property into the
City, which will be going through the development mechanisms ~nternall~
which will further fill the gap between this construction and the
construction at Canal 20 North.
Chairman Ryder commented that there were substantial setbacks from
the road. Mr. AnnunziatO pointed out that initially, parking was to
be to the west of the building. The intent now is to put the park-
ing to the east and south of the buildings. Therefore, the sod will
be exposed to the public, and will be one of landscaping, lakes,
lagoons, and bridges.
Mr. LinkoUs thought perhaps 22nd Avenue, East of Seacrest would be
a bottleneck, and asked whether there were 'any projected plans to
widen it. Mr. Annunziato did not believe there was any.money fUnded
or any money that would be funded in the near future for that
Mr. Hester moved to approve the plan, seconded by Mr. Zive.
motion carried 7-0.
Project Name:
Cook Complex
Alan M. Strassler, Architect
Mrs. Jeannine Cook
SW 35th Avenue, 1300 Block, Boynton Beach
Warehouse/Office Complex
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SEPTEMBER '22, 1981
Chairman Ryder noted the property borders~the regional park. He
said he understood that 35th Avenue would be an entrance into the
regional park. This structure will be on 35th Avenue,
Mr. Annunziato also informed the Board that the lOcation was on s.
w. 35th Avenue, which is the southerl-y entra, nc~ to the Boynton
Regional Park~ '.He stated the requeSt calls for the construction of
approximately 137,000~.square feet of ibuildings, of which approxi- -~
mately 100;000 square feet will be in warehouses. Mr. Annunziato
advised Chairman Ryder that they were not mini-warehouses, He said
it was proposed to construct approximately 37,000 square feet of
offices, which can ohly be used in connection with~the warehousing.
Mr. Annunziato explained that the M-1 zoning classification does.not
permit' offices per se, but it permits'them as a function of a ware-
housing use or industrial use. An office could not be leased for a
doctor, lawyer, or real estate broker, but an office for a moving
firm could locate there.
Circulation to the site is providedby three points of access, west,
center and east, with access, through the industrial warehousing area,
and a courtyard type of arrangement thrOugh the office area with
parking in the front of the office building, adjacent to the offices,
and interior court, and alongside, adjacent to the warehouses.
Mr, Annunziato said the application was reviewed by the Technical
Review Board and comes with a positive recommendation, based on the
following comments:
Building Dept.:
Water Management Approval is required,
Sidewalk would be required on South West 35th
Office must be an accessory use to a permitted
M1 use.
Office construction must be of Type II construc-
tion or Type V sprinkled.
Warehouse construction must be of Type I or
Type II sprinkled.
Must meet landscape and tree ordinance.
Sidewalks must go through driveways."
"Subject to Pavement Elevations."
Police Dept.:
"Subject to security lighting plan, traffic control
CitY Planner:
"Substitute bike path for sidewalks."
"Recommend sodium-vapor lighting."
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SEPTEMBER 22, 1981
Mr. Zive asked how much of the area would be given tO landscaping,
and Mr. Annunziato answered 62,1~0 square feet or ~7~6% of the site.
Mr. AnnUnziato advised Chairman Ryder the property line is'co-
terminous with the property line of the park, He told Chairman
Ryder the rear does not abut the park. The site will be served by
a gravity system that will connect to Lawson Park. 'The water line
which was to go through Congress westward will now continue soUtherly,
and the developer wit.1 be required to connect his water line from
his westerly property line to the water line of Congress.
addition, there will be a water line which'~will perform a secure
route through the warehousing area.
Chairman Ryder commented'that perhaps the park will provide some kind
of fencing. Mr. Annunzisto replied there will be a' solid wall. He
advised that the roadway pavement was complete, Mr. Annunziato
informed Chairman Ryder that the only part of S. W. 35th which was
not paved was that part that will be dedicated to the City as a part
of the park construction plan. The turn-around would be the extent
of the new paving.
Chairman Ryder asked to hear from the applicant,
Mr. Linkous asked if signalizat.ion-'would be necessary., Mr.
Annunziato responded by saying at some point in the future, there
will be signalization required. S.W. 35th AvenUe was designed and
constructed to line up with the future exit from the commercial,
which is a part of the property which ~is owned by the Hunters Run
Golf and Racquet Club developers. Mr'. Annunziato said he suspected
when the property develops commercially, the City will exceed the
warrants which will require a signal.
Alan M, Strassler,. Architect and Agent for Mrs. Jeannine-Cook,
appeared before the Board. He presented a plan and informed the
Board that Mrs. Cook wished to develop the courtyard as something
she will always be proud of.~ She'intends to have an office for her
company ~n the building. He said he did a model, which Mrs. Cook is
to bring with her.
Mr. Strassler infOrmed the Board it will be a flat roof building,
masonry block with~stucco, with a continuous canopy in the f~6nt~
1/2 of the front will face S. W. 35th Avenue, The building will be
in beige and brown tones, and the entrances will be in a b~onze
frame. The end result will be something refined and nice to see.
It will be set up in such a way that if there are a lot of trucks
loading or tractor trailer trucks, you will not see them, because
they will be in back of the side of the building that faces S. W.
- 5 -
SEPTEMBER 22, 1981
The front will be purely for emp!oyees~ and visitors'' parking,
Mr. Strassler advised.
Mr. Zive asked what kind'of light manufacturing there would be, Mr.
Strassler responded that it would be primarily a storage operation,
but light manufacturing is permitted. Mr. Strassler thought it
would be semi-conductors and that type of thing. Probably, it will
become a support facility for Motorola, but Mr, Strassler said it
was hard to say at this point.
Chairman Ryder asked if both driveways were for ingress and egress,
and Mr. Strassler answered that they were, They are designed for
trucks. He showed the Board where cars and trucks could enter and
Mr. Strassler pointed out 62,000 square feet of green area on which
there will be trees and landscaping, Hopefully, Mr. Strassler said,
the front will be offices to support the people's manufacturing or
warehouses, which would be in the rear. Mr. Strasste~ showed the
Board the location of the dumpst~rs and the landscaping plan.
Mrs. Jeannine Cook, Owner of Cook Complex, entered the meeting .and
gave a model to Mr. Strassler. Mr. Strassler introduced her to
members of the Board and showed the model to the Board,
There will be a series of trees along the front, facing S, W, 35th,
at 40 foot centers or whatever the Code requires, Mr, St~assler
informed the Board. Mr. Linkous noted that there will be approxi-
mately three acres under roof.
Chairman Ryder asked Mr. Strassler if it would primarily be a
distribution center~ with very little industrial. Mr~ Strassler
replied that they really will not know until they start leasing.
He said it would be nice to get all semi-conductor manufacturers
but he did not know if i~ would go that way. It certainly could
not be heavy industrial, as that is not permitted, It may turn out
to be 100% storage; Mr. Strassler did not know,
Mr. Zive commen~ed that the model showed it woUld be a thing of
beauty, which is what Boynton Beach wants. Mr. Strassler told the
Board they had worked long on the l~ighting, 'There will'be sodium
vapor poles mounted right on'the building, There will be sodium
vapor lighting around the courtyard but it will not be that strange
yellow color. There will be a hedge around all of the parking
areas. 270 cars can be parked on the property, exclusive of the
loading spaces. Mr. Strassler said 225 spaces are required, and 227
are provided, although he seriously doubted that that many parking
spaces will be used in the complex.
Chairman Ryder asked if some of the floors would be up ~to truck level
height'. Mr. Strassler said all floors will be at grade level
height. Chairman Ryder said that would make them more flexible.
Mr. Strassler explained that if you build a dock height building,
you must somehow control the grade between the floor and the property
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SEPTEMBER 22, 1981
line. Either you slope it, or you have steps coming out all over the
place, which is kind of expensive and not necessarily worth doing.
Most trucks can off load, using fork lifts. Many of them have
mechanical ~aCilities.
Chairman Ryder asked about fire hydrants. Mr. Strassler answered
that fire hydrants were being built inside the property, Chairman
Ryder asked whether the Fire Department had any comments about the
hydrants, Mr. Annunziato informed him that all fire hydrants are
accessible by truck on a loop line, and there is no problem there.
Mr. Strassler pointed out four fire hydrants. He explained that
the gaps in the parking were loading spaces.
Mr, Strassler felt the only point that may cause any question
would be the sidewalk or bike path. He asked the Board if Mrs~ Cook
will be required to build a sidewalk to serv~be the County park
when the sidewalk is,-in fact, off her property, Chairman Ryder
advised him a sidewalk is required, park or no park.
Mr. Linkous asked if the sidewalk was the only objection Mr,
Strassler had to the staff comments, and he replied it was~
Mrs, Jeannine Cook, Owner of Cook Complex~ 105 N. W. 43rd Street,
Boca Raton, came forward. She told the Board they plan to pave all
of the driveways and if a sidewalk is required, she preferred .to
see a sidewalk in front of the building rather than a black top
bike path. Mrs. Cook assured the Board they plan to work with the
Chairman Ryder preferred a sidewalk, which he said-could serve the
same purpose as a bike path. It would also be more readily
Chairman Ryder asked to what degree would there be operations over
a weekend, Mr. Strassler thought it would be very light, Chairman
Ryder pointed out that the park would get most of its activity over
a weekend. Mr. Strassler commented that it would be virtually
impossible to say at this time, but he was sure ~the bulk of the
employees coming to the complex would come during the week and would
probably leave at 4.:00 or 4:30 P. M.
Mrs. Cook did not anticipate much weekend traffic in the complex
itself, She told the Board they were not building small storage
type facilities for people who want to store things ont~he weekend,
Mrs. Cook said there would be offices, light industrial, and
distribution kinds of things, which would be mostly during the week.
Mr. Linkous moved that the site plan be approved, subject to staff
comments, including paved sidewalks, seconded by Mr, Zive. The
motion carried 7-0.
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SEPTEMBER 22, 1981
Mr. Zive moved, seconded by Mr, Wandelt, to adjourn, The motion
carried 7-0, and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:10 P. M,
Respectfully submitted,
(Two Tapes)
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