Arnold Thompson, Chairman
Sidney Bernstein
Lillian Bond
Simon Ryder
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner
Fred DiSalle, Vice Chairman
Wayne Drew
Following the Local Planning Agency Public Hearing, Chairman
Thompson called the Planning & Zoning Board meeting to order
at 8:20 P. M.
Mr. Bernstein made a motion to accept the minutes as drafted,
seconded by Mr. Winter. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0
with Mrs. Bond abstaining.
Mr. Annunziato referred to distributing additional agenda
material and advised it would be incorporated into the re-
view. Also, there is a packet of zoning book new pages ,which
should be incorporated into the zoning code.
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Proposed amendment to Appendix A (Zoning Regulations), of
the Code of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as amended,
Section 11, "Supplemental Regulations" to provide for regu-
lations for parking of automobiles for condominium recrea-
tional buildings.
Mr. Annunziato referred to submitting a proposal and advised
it is the proposal as presented by the Planning & Zoning Board
but the wording was changed for clarification and the substance
is as originally proposed. This proposal is to add a new cate-
gory in the offstreet parking section concerning parking re-
quirements for condominium recreational buildings. He then
read the following requirements proposed:
1. .'No parking spaces required for all units within 500
foot radius;
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
2. One space required for every four units within 500
to 800 foot radius;
3. One space for every two units outside the 800 foot
radius; and,
4. Total required parking to be no more than one space
for every four persons, based on a maximum occupancy
of fifteen square foot per person for assembly area;
however, a minimum of six parking spaces will be re-
quired for each condominium recreational building.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone cared to speak in favor of
these parking requirements for condominium recreational build-
ings and received no response. He asked if anyone cared to
speak in opposition to this proposed zoning ordinance amend-
ment for parking requirements for condominium recreational
buildings and received no response. He then declared the
public hearing closed.
Mr. Ryder stated that it has been called to his attention that
the term "condominium" is limited. He suggests that "condo-
minium'' be removed and this be parking requirements for recrea-
tional buildings. Mr. Annunziato replied there may be some
misunderstanding ~with just saying recreational buildings such
as recreational buildings for profit may want to fit into this
category. He suggests that it be stated: "Recreational build-
ings for housing developments". Mr. Ryder agreed. Mr.
Bernstein added that the last sentence in paragraph four would
have to be changed.
Mr. Ryder moved that this Board recommend to the City Council
approval of the proposed amendment to Appendix A (Zoning
Regulations), of the Code of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,
as amended, Section 11, "Supplemental Regulations" to provide
for regulations for parking of automobiles for recreational
buildings in housing developments. Mr. Winter seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Gulf Oil Company, U. S. (L. L. McDaniel, Agent)
1500 South Seacrest Blvd.
To rezone from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to
C-3 Community Commercial
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that this is the existing
Gulf gas station located on the northeast corner of Woolbright
Road & Seacrest Boulevard. The request is to rezone from C-2
to C-3 based on an attempt to perform modifications. The
applicant has requested this to perform modifications to up-
grade the facility. Structural modifications cannot be made
in accordance with the C-2 zone.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone in the audience cared to
speak in favor of this rezoning request and Mr. Bill Dube
with Gulf Oil Company stated the main purpose for this re-
quest for rezoning from C-2 to C-3 is to add a mansard roof
to the existing facility. This change is requested in order
to update the property and make it more aesthetically pleas-
ing to the community. The lighting would also be improved.
There would be no change in the operation. He showed photo-
graphs of the existing building and of the type of roof pro-
posed. The basic application is for beautification and modi-
fication of the existing structure.
Chairman Thompson ascertained there were no questions from
the Board members for Mr~ Dube and asked if anyone else in
the audience cared to speak in favor of this rezoning request
and received no response. He asked if anyone cared to speak
in opposition to this rezoning request and received no re-
sponse. He then declared the public hearing closed.
Mr. Annunziato stated he would like to see what the applicant
proposes occur, but not with the zoning change. However,
there is no other avenue to go since this is a Structural
change. He explained that the only changes which can be
made under the present zoning are those dealing with plumb-
ing, electrical, and-improvements under 25% of the assessed
value. It is a shame the applicant cannot make these improve-
ments under the existing zoning. This would be spot zoning
and contrary to proper planning principles. It is apparent
with the right-of-way taking which has occurred, the gas
station is deficient even though profitable. The western
pump almost requires automobiles to encroach on the side-
walk. His recommendation is this rezoning be denied since
it is contrary to the Comprehensive Plan and would constitute
spot zoning and he believes the station is deficient because
of not enough area to properly have this kind of operation.
Mr. Ryder commented that it is admirable to dress up a loca-
tion, but in viewing the site, the north side is zoned C-2
with R-2 further north and it is apparent from the develop-
ment taking place that it is in accordance with the zoning.
The impact must be considered on the rest of the neighborhood
and also on the Comprehensive Plan. He does not think it is
in the public interest to consider this change, bearing in
mind that in going to C-3, this is picking one corner and
even though not much change is anticipated, what we are doing
is making this C-3 subject to all permissive uses in the zoning
regulations. He agrees this application should be denied.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Chairman Thompson added that in the recent past, we did change
the C-3 zoning to allow a number of uses previously in C-4,
which many would not be conducive to this corner lot. In the
future, it could be sold and could be used for any existing
uses permissable in C-3. He has reservations about this. He
agrees what is proposed is a good idea, but cannot go along
with it under the present circumstances.
Mr. Bernstein asked whether the Gulf Oil Company can make the
change under the C-2 provisions by asking for an exception to
the C-2 regulations without a request for a zoning change and
Mr. Annunziato replied this has come up whether a variance
procedure would be an avenue acceptable to the zoning code.
In his opinion, no variance avenue exists. A variance to
structurally alter a non-conforming use is tantamount to a
zoning change. Our ordinance has been interpretted not to
provide for use variances and in his opinion, this is what
this would be.
Mr. Ryder moved that this Board recommend to the City Council
denial of the application on behalf of Gulf Oil Company, 1500
South Seacrest Boulevard, to rezone from C-2 Neighborhood Com-
mercial to C-3 Community Commercial. Mrs. Bond seconded the
motion. Under discussion, Mr. Annunziato asked if he would
like to include his reasons for denial and Mr. Ryder replied
that primarily it is not compatible with the development that
now exists in the immediate vicinity and it is an example of
spot zoning. Motion carried 5-0.
F & R Builders, Inc. (Serafin Leal, Agent)
North Congress Avenue at LWDD Canal #20
Recreational Facilities
Mr. Grabeel showed the site plan and explained the location.
He pointed out that although a clubhouse was not shown on the
original plan, it was required by the Board and the developer
agreed and has shown the modifications for this. He explained
the access to the building and pointed out the parking area.
The zoning is PUD. The total recreation site is about 2½ acres.
The building is 2,900 square feet. Parking was computed at 26
required spaces and the developer is providing 30 spaces.
Mr. Ryder asked if the parking requirements are in accordance
with the ordinance just discussed and Mr. Grabeel replied af-
NOVEMBER 25, ~980
Mr. Grabeel continued that the recreational area will be con-
structed with the first phase of units and the developer has
stated their intent is as follows:
Construction of the recreational facilities will be ini-
tiated at the same time that the construction of the first
group (not counting the models) of residential units is
Ail recreational facilities planned for the site will be
completed within 12 months from the starting date.
Mr. Bernstein asked how many units this building will serve
and Mr. Bill Pitts replied 184. Mr. Annunziato added this
facility is intended to serve part of Phase II and Mr. Pitts
agreed that it will serve a portion, but other facilities are
Mr. Bill Pitts, F & R Builders, informed the Board that this
first phase of this development consists of 184 units. This
recreational facility is designed primarily for this phase.
The second phase is site planned for 350 units with additional
recreational facilities. The recreational facilities as
planned will be more than adequate and will be adaptable to
the use of the people. Mrs. Bond clarified that the residents
can use any of the recreation areas and Mr. Pitts agreed this
was correct. Mr. Annunziato added this is in direct response
to the concerns raised by the Planning & Zoning Board.
Mrs. Bond asked how many square feet will each unit have and
Mr. Pitts explained there will be three different model types
with the smallest being 1,015 square feet, then 1,050 square
feet and the third size will be 1,250 square feet.
Mr. Grabeel referred to the staff comments and noted that the
Utility Department required water service to be shown, and the
Police Department noted subject to sidewalk on N. W. 34th Avenue
and lighting plan for the recreational and parking areas. It
is recommended this be approved subject to staff comments.
Mr. Pitts stated this is the first time he is aware of these
staff comments, but does not see anything to cause concern on
their part. They will provide lighting and submit sidewalk
Mr. Bernstein asked if these are condominium units and Mr.
Pitts replied negatively, but are fee simple.
Mrs. Bond made a motion to approve the site plan for the
recreational facilities for F & R Builders on North Congress
Avenue with staff comments. Mr. Bernstein seconded the mo-
tion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Lee A,~ Walker Company
N. E. 17th Avenue and N. E. 4th Street
44 two bedroom, two bath units in 8 build-
ings plus meeting room and recreational
Mr. Grabeel explained the location, plan and access to the
proposed buildings. He also pointed out the clubhouse and
pool. The total number of units is 44 for an overall density
of 10.47 per acre on 4.2 acres. The total building area is
30,880 square feet. 88 parking spaces are required and the
developer is proposing 98 spaces.
Mr. Lee Walker, 758 N. E. Harbor Drive, Boca Raton, stated
he feels this will be a nice addition to the City. This
property has been hampered with foreclosures. He thinks it
would be good for the City to approve this site plan. They
are prepared to move ahead as quickly as they can, now they
have decided to go ahead with a separate association instead
of being involved with Four Sea Suns. There is a need for
housing in this area.
Chairman Thompson clarified that this is to the west of Four
Sea Suns and Mr. Walker agreed. Mr. Ryder referred to no park-
ing being provided for the clubhouse and Mr. Annunziato pointed
out that eight parking spaces are provided to the west of the
Mr. Annunziato stated he would like to give the historical
background of this property. A site plan was presented for
this as an addition to Four Sea Suns, but there were several
problems. However, two buildings were completed. This is
similar to the original site plan, but some change,was made
along the south border. The building locations have not
changed. The difference is this proposal is separate from
the Four Sea Suns. ~t shares no recreational facilities and
stands on its own. However, the road system does tie into the
Four Sea Suns and he explained how primary access will be
from 4th Street crossing the Four Sea Suns Convalescent Home.
Through Mr. Walker's attorney, an attempt has been made to re-
search rights of access through parts of N. E. 3rd Court as it
projects north of S. Circle Drive and serves properties not
part of Four Sea Suns. There is free passage through Four Sea
Suns. Mr. Walker's attorney has not been able to produce a
legal document granting that access, but hopes to have it for
the City Council. He pointed out how there does appear to be
access to the west.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Mr. Bernstein asked if we have gotten an opinion from our
City Attorney on this and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively
as he asked Mr. Walker's attorney to research the record.
Mrs. Bond asked how many square feet per unit there would be
and Mr. Walker replied about 1,050 square feet.
Mr. Grabeel referred to staff comments and read the following
comments listed by the City Engineer:
1. Does survey show all existing structures?
2. Existing paving is not shown on survey and is not
clear on the site plan.
3. Easements will be required for the City maintained
4. Architect's site plan should show pavement width of
22 feet.
The private roadway easements should be shown and
Access to existing private streets is assumed but
documentation is desirable.
The connection of the existing parking lots north
of the private street is recommended for the use
of service vehicles such as garbage trucks, etc.
Mr. Grabeel continued that the Utilities Department noted to
relocate the water lines out of the pavement; the Police De-
partment noted subject to lighting plan; the Public Works
Department noted to relocate the dumpster; and the Planning
Department noted sidewalks on N. E. 3rd Court where the street
is public. The recommendation is approval subject to comments.
Chairman Thompson asked if Mr. Walker had any comments regard-
ing the staff recommendations and Mr. Walker replied that he
feels there are no comments which would hinder. They will
have the letter from their attorney for the City Council meet-
ing. They will comply with staff comments.
Mr. Bernstein moved to recommend that the City Council approve
the application of the Lee A. Walker Company for apartments on
N. E. 17th Avenue and 4th Street subject to staff comments.
Mr. Winter seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Boynton Interchange Plaza
Daniel J. O'Brien, Agent
S. W. 15th Avenue at 1-95, southwest corner
Proposed subdivision which provides for the
parcelization of two commercial tracts
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this application is the result
of a requirement on the part of the zoning code to plat property
when there is a zoning change. An extension to the time to plat
requirement was granted by the City Council. The applicant has
gone forward with the pre-application which the Board approved
and is now in the master plan stage.
Mr. Annunziato then explained the location and added the pro-
perty to the south and which bisects this development is the
Boynton Central Park Planned Industrial Development. He then
explained that this plat cannot stand on its own, but relies
entirely on the construction of the planned industrial develop-
ment for sewer, water and street construction. It could be
made to stand on its own if that was the intention of the
Mr. Annunziato continued that several items came up in staff
review which should be brought to the Board's attention. One
concerned our normal procedure for drainage which is to for-
ward the plan to the Water Management District for cursory re-
view to determine if the master plan as submitted can be con-
structed. The application did not include two parcels and this
has been rectified. There is a communication from the consult-
ant that drainage can be taken care of on site, but the compu-
tations are not prepared at this time.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments and read the
following comments listed by the Engineering Departments:
1. A drainage plan should be submitted showing drainage
areas. Computations should be identified.
2. Drainage plans and computations should be signed and
dated and sent to the Water Management District for
conceptional approval.
3. Only section D-D should be shown on Sheet PD-1 or
other sections marked "OMIT"
4. Paving and drainage plans should be clarified to show
that off-site drainage construction is included in the
construction for this plat or that it will be included
in the construction for Boynton Central Park. Limits
of paving and transition information should be shown.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
5. Cross-section D-D should be corrected to show a mini-
mum of 8 ft. of shoulder stabilized to 50 p.s.i.,
F.B.V., and should be drawn symetrical.
6. Two different sheets are identified as PD-2. This
should be corrected.
7. Section I-I for driveway construction should be con-
structed according to current City standards. Drive-
way is pitched 1/8 inch to the foot from the edge of
the pavement to the "swale centerline"
8. Section F-F is not identified on the plan sheet PD-1.
9. Flush headers or curb and gutter are required on S.W.
15th Avenue.
10. Limits for water line .and sewer line construction
should be added to water and sewer plans.
11. Details not required should be removed from drawings
or noted with "OMIT".
12. Since the roadway construction is also included in
Boynton Central Park, a clarification is required.
13. Show width of FP&L easements on plat.
14. The Subdivision Ordinance requires contours on the
topo map.
15. A subsoil investigation is required for Parcels 1 and
Mr. Ryder referred to a motel being mentioned in one of the
memos submitted and questioned if this is what would be located
on one of these parcels and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively
and advised no site plans have been submitted. He added that
traffic was calculated on the contemplation that a 100 room
motel will be constructed. Mr. Ryder clarified that some of
the details are predicated on an actual improvement and Mr.
Annunziato replied that the recommendations will accommodate
any kind of construction. He clarified that we are just aware
of the zoning at this time.
Mr. Annunziato then read the memo from the Utility Department
stating that the plans as presently shown on this instrument
cannot be executed until such time as the P.I.D. plat is
bonded and recorded. The reason for this is that there must
be a lift station built to' serve both pi~es of property. He
pointed out the location for the proposed lift station. This
lift station is contemplated to have a gravity system which
serves the commercial property and pumps back into the exist-
ing force main. Also, the water line is presently in a pro-
posed street in the P.I.D. and therefore, the Boynton Inter-
change Plaza has no easements to connect onto the existing
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
water line. He clarified that the water line, which we believe
we have an easement for, is located in the proposed entrance
road. We know of no easements tieing east or west onto the
water line although provisions have been made to serve these
parcels in the water line.
Mr. Annunziato continued that he commented that the developer
is to participate in the cost of traffic signalization at the
intersection when warranted by traffic counts. If this develop-
ment does not generate traffic exceeding warrant for a light,
then the developer will have to share proportionately. The
entrance road is to be four lanes and not three lanes as pro-
posed. He prepared a memo for the Board in which he tried to
~address several of the items which came up for discussion at
the staff meetings and were discussed with the applicant. It
also takes into account the comments of the Traffic Engineer
with respect to County systems. He then read the following
memo addressed to the Board:
"This memo pertains to the traffic impact analysis and
development plans which accompanied the above mentioned ap-
"As noted in Mr. Clark's memo, it will be necessary for
clarification purposes to determine where the responsibility
for public improvements lies because water, sewer and streets
are shared with the Boynton Central Park Planned Industrial
Development. In faCt, this plat cannot be recorded in the
form that it is in unless the plat for the PID is bonded and
recorded. Concerning drainage, the plans that were initially
submitted to the City did not include the two commercial
tracts. Mr. Clark's memo notes that conceptual approval of
the proposed drainage system from the Water Management District
is required in connection with the approval of this master
plan. Appropriate drainage plans and calculations are sup-
posed to be submitted with the filing of the application.
"In connection with the traffic resulting from this dev-
elopment, please be advised of the following:
1. As noted in the traffic impact analysis, 80,000 square
feet of commercial square footage and a 100 room motel are
proposed. This results in 8,000 trips per day (TPD) for the
commercial and 1,500 trips per day for the motel (the analysis
submitted assigns 10 TPD per motel room but the Palm Beach
County Fair Share Ordinance assigns 15 TPD per motel room).
2. This Traffic Impact Analysis was reviewed by the Palm
Beach County Traffic Engineer and his comments are noted in
the attached letter to Craig Grabeel, Assistant Planner,
dated November 20, 1980. Concerning Mr. Walker's letter,
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
be advised that Item No. 2 should be modified to the extent
S. W. 7th Court can be addressed only. through this proposed
master plan and that the impact fee should be $118,750 as op-
posed to $142,150 because Mr. Walker inadvertently included the
PID traffic in his calculations. If the impact fee is imposed,
it should be in connection with the court's finding that the
Palm Beach County impact ordinance is legal.
"With respect to access to the surplus 1-95 right-of-way,
real but expensive access is available from S. W. 23rd Avenue.
This access would require that a ramp be constructed from the
overpass at 1-95 and S. W. 23rd Avenue into the 300 feet of
State Road 9 right-of-way that was dedicated to the State by
Palm Beach County. Therefore, I do not recommend that the City
require any public right-of-way through this proposed master
Mr. Annunziato then read the following letter from Mr. Walker:
"As you requested, we have reviewed the master plan and
traffic impact analysis for the subject development and would
like to offer the following comments:
1. At the intersection of Woolbright Road and this develop-
ment's access road (S. W. 7th Court), the following
improvements should be required:
a. Lengthen the existing left turn lane on the east
b. Construct a right turn lane on the west approach.
c. Construct 2 lanes on the south approach (a right
turn lane and a left turn lane).
d. Pay the cost for the installation of a traffic
signal, if and when warranted, as determined by
the County Engineer.
2. Provide four lanes on S. W. 7th Court from Woolbright
Road to S. W. 17th Lane.
3. Any yield or stop sign at the intersection of S. W.
7th Court and S. W. 17th Lane should be located on the
north approach.
4. In order to off-set this development's direct and
identifiable impact on the public road system, a fee
of $142,150 should be paid to Palm Beach County.
"If you have any questions on these comments or if we can
be of further assistance, please contact me. The opportunity
to comment is appreciated."
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Mr. Annunziato added that we are currently assessing but not
collecting the traffic impact fee when not a part of the re-
zoning application. For this master plan, the fair share
ordinance, which is currently being contested, did require at
the time of permit, an impact fee of approximately $119,000
after subtracting P.I.D. traffic.
Mr. Ryder referred to access from 23rd Avenue instead of
Woolbright Road and asked if it makes sense to require an
additional 30 feet here and Mr. Annunziato replied that he
was not aware of the access from 23rd Avenue, but it is real
and probably can be permitted. With that in mind~ it becomes
inappropriate to require right-of-way from this developer.
Mr. Ryder commented from his recollection to come in from
23rd Avenue would require a high level ramp which poses pro-
blems of visibility and would be expensive. Since we have
half of the road from the P.I.D. with better access coming
in at a natural grade, he doesn't know why we are trading it
off for this. Mr. Annunziato stated he doesn't think our
position is as strong with respect to this proposal as it
was with the P.I.D. In the P.I.D., we were being asked to
Solve a problem which the developer bought with the property.
This would be trying to solve the problem of the P.I.D. by
action with another developer. Mr. Ryder commented that it
might be advantageous for a motel to have a street at that
point on the common boundary line. Mrs. Bond added that she
thinks a street from 23rd Avenue would create a problem.
Chairman Thompson added in reference to this alternate access,
there could be a right-of-way overpass constructed up to the
1-95 overpass between the railroad and 1-95. However, there
may be a problem with this if 1-95 is widened.
Mrs. Bond referred to the access onto 23rd Avenue creating a
lot of traffic in the Leisureville area where it is a two lane
road and Mr. Annunziato agreed and explained this access is
real, but would be expensive. He explained how this additional
right-of-way would actually be givi~ a second access, plus two
lanes could be constructed in the 30 ft. Mr. Ryder asked if
the City accepts a street 30 ft. in width and Mr. Annunziato
replied they do not for public purposes. Mr. Annunziato re-
quested the applicant to comment.
Mr. Stephen J. Jarvis came before the Board and asked if they
had heard from Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Annunziato replied nega-
tively. Mr. Jarvis stated that he had not heard from Mr.
O'Brien either and apparently is at a disadvantage. He has
not even seen the drawings. He can make a few broad state-
ments. When the property was zoned, he was told it had to
be platted. It was decided when the traffic impact analysis
was proposed, there would be one motel. He missed the money
market for a motel. This cannot be assured unless financing
is lined up.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Mr. Ryder referred to this being tied in with the P.I.D. and
Mr. Jarvis replied that this property was all owned by him at
one time and all the plans were made at one time. Mr. Ryder
stated there are recommendations from the staff that this can-
not be recorded until the P.I.D. is bonded and recorded and
certain easements are required and Mr. Jarvis requested this
to be approved based on the plat being recorded. However,. this
plat cannot be involved in the 30' road. It cannot be made
incumbent upon him to satisfy an adjacent owner's desires.
Mr. Ryder referred to the streets in the P.I.D. originally
being public streets and Mr. Jarvis replied that he had nothing
to do with that.
Mr. Jarvis clarified th&t he was before the Board because under
zoning, they are forced to plat. He added when not subdividing
property, it is ridiculous to plat when not knowing what is
going on it. .He had to spend money for the traffic analysis
and it is ridiculous.
Mr. Ryder stated he feels what is coming here is important.
We cannot act without knowing. He asked what Mr. Annunziato
recommended and Mr. Annunziato replied that his recommendation
is this be approved subject to staff comments and the applicant
can go forward with a preliminary plat. If that is found to be
acceptable, recommendations will be made. Until the P.I.D. is
bonded and recorded, final approval cannot be recommended unless
this proposal separates itself from the P.I.D. Mr. Ryder re-
ferred to qualifying any approval given and Mr. Annunziato
stated the comments are clearly clarified.
Mr. Ryder referred back to,the street and asked if it was logi-
cal to require 30 ft. to get the additional width here and pro-
ceed in that direction? He feels access may never be developed
from 23rd Avenue because of the costs involved and the location
being so close to the top of the 1-95 overpass. Mr. Annunziato
informed him there would be no problem with ramping, but they
must secure a crossing from the railroad. Whether securing a
crossing over the railroad or a ramp off 23rd Avenue, both
appear to be long range proposals. He has been told the cost
would be about $200,000. There is a passing track at this
location. If there is public demand and need to cross the
railroad, they will eventually get the crossing. Mr. Ryder
referred to requiring a 30 ft. easement from the P.I.D., but
stated we did not establish any requirement for a public street
and Mr. Annunziato replied that it was understood it was public
right-of-way. Mr. Ryder commented that physically there is no
construction and Mr. Annunziato stated if right-of-way appears
on the plat, there is the question of need, setbacks, etc. and
whether constructed or not~ there is some bearing. Mr. Ryder
commented that it may be desirable when seeing what is planned.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Chairman Thompson stated he feels if we are reluctant to ask
for the additional 30 feet, then we should eliminate the exist-
ing 30 ft. right-of-way and go back to the original plan giving
this to the railroad for the City's use. We will have limited
accessibility to our well field unless the City paves it. We
will have defeated the purpose of what we intended with the
P.I.D. If we are not going to ask for this 30 ft., we better
approach Mr. Hamilton and re-establish what was originally in-
tended. The public still will not have accessibility to the
tract to the east of the railroad. If the City does not estab-
lish public right-of-way to this property, then there is only
one group having accessibility and use and that would be the
landowners to the west of the railroad. If we do not intend
to acquire this land for recreational purposes, we should deter-
mine that and ask for the 30 ft. right-of-way or forget it.
He cannot see the City paying for it for access to the well
fields or foot the bill from the interchange which may not be
feasible. We must come up with some answers or ask for this
30 feet.
Mr. Jarvis referred to having access from 23rd Avenue and asked
if it would be preferable to have a grade crossing over the
railroad or a ramp? He questioned if they were still saying
that access through this property to the south was required
and public access to get to property the City doesn't own when
there is access from 23rd Avenue? He stressed that it is not
legal to require, another property owner to give this right-of-
way. There is a letter from the County stating they will give
access when and if it is needed and asked for. Since this is
available, is access still required through the P.I.D. and Mr.
Annunziato replied the P.I.D. is a separate issue. He clari-
fied that the City is requiring access to surplus right-of-way.
Mr. Jarvis stated he was the first one who asked for access
from the railroad long ago and has a letter stating they will
not grant a crossing. To put a crossing over the railroad
will cost about four times more than an earthen ramp to 23rd
Avenue. Mr. Ryder referred to the height being about 20 to
25 feet and Mr. Jarvis advised that the clearance is 22 feet.
Mr. Ryder explained how a ramp would have to be built. Mr.
Jarvis clarified that there is access and Mr, Ryder questioned
whether it is practical.
Chairman Thompson referred to the possibility of discussing
this all night and Mr. Jarvis requested an answer that since
they have access to the property, is access still required on
the property that he is the mortgagee on nd Mr. Annunziato
replied that 30 feet has already been required for access on
the P.I.D. Mr. Jarvis stated his signature is required on any
recorded plat as mortgagee. This has been pushed around for
two years since he gave the property for water wells and the
City is pumping, but he has not been able to start yet.
NOVEMBER 25, 1980
Mr. Ryder referred to plans for a motel being favorable and
Mr. Jarvis replied that he doesn't propose a motel, but was
forced to say that. Mr. Ryder commented that this is a good
location for a motel and Mr. Jarvis replied that he is not
opposed to that, but is opposed to having to plat acreage as
a requirement to retain the zoning.
Chairman Thompson asked if the City feels favorable to do a
study to clarify access to this property and Mr. Annunziato
replied that this surplus right-of-way will probably result in
some type of public use at some time in the future. ~The City
has indicated possibly putting in water wells on that property.
This would be a good location for a park and ride lot. The
Comprehensive Plan indicates' this property should be developed
for recreational purposes. As an interim use, a greenbelt
makes sense. If the situation changes in the future and the
property needs to be developed, it could be addressed as an
amendment to the plan. He believes this property will come
into public use in the future. Access is the key. There are
differing views on the best access. Probably neither access
is the best whether too close to the railroad or with the ramp
off 23rd Avenue and the cost. It possibly needs to be re-
searched how willingly D.O.T. would be to give access. The
County has requested that right-of-way. According to Mr.
Jarvis, D.O.T. may be willing to give back the State Road 9
right-of-way. Access is the real question. He thinks we
have access. In the P.I.D. as modified, we have a 30 ft.
public road, not to be constructed by the developer but pro-
viding access to the surplus right-of-way where two lanes can
be constructed. Access from 23rd Avenue probably can be pro-
vided for. His recommendation is to approve subject to staff
Mr. Winter made a motion that the subdivision master plan for
Boynton Interchange Plaza at S. W. 15th Avenue and 1-95 be
approved subject to staff comments which does not include the
30 ft. right-of-way. Mr. Ryder referred to clarifying the
recommendation and Mr. Annunziato stated the recommendation
as made does not include the right-of-way. Certain clarifi-
cations must be made as they go forward with this and this
is included in the comments. Mr. Bernstein then seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Ryder dis-
Mrs. Bond made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Ryder.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
R:55 P.M.
'Suz~nne M. Kruse, Re~rding Secretary
(iThree Tapes)
Regular Meeting
November 25th, 1980
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
Counci 1 Chambers
' ~ V
C1L3 Hall
i. Acknowledgement of Members and visitors.
2. Reading and Approving of Minutes.
"Citizens' ' Awareness" Program:
(None Scheduled this Meeting)
6. Old Business:
7. .New Business:
The local Planning Agency (P & z Board) will conduct a public Hearing
on a proposed energy element to be considered as an amendment to the
Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. ~
Proposed amendment %o Appendix A (Zoning Regulations), of .the code
of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as amended, Section 11,
,,Supplemental Regulations" to provide for regulations for parking
of automobiles for condominium recreational buildings.
GBlf~O~!.~Compgny, U.S. (L. L. McDaniel, Agent)
1500 Seacrest BlVd.
To rezone-from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to C-.3
community Commercial
See Survey
F & R Builders, Inc. (Serafin Leal, Agent)
North Congress Avenue at LWDD Canal ~20
Recreational Facilities
Lee A~ Walker Company
N. E. 17th Avenue and N. E. 4th Street
44, 2B/2BR units in 8 buildings plus meeting room
and recreational facilities.
~g a:nd Zoning Board Agenda Continued:
Boynton Interchange Plaza (Daniel J. O'Brien, agent)
S. W. 15th Avenue at 1-95 S. W. corner
Proposed subdivision which provides for the parcelization
of two coimmercia! tracts
Irving Bol ot~n
SeniOr Vice ~resident