Lillian Bond
Wayne Drew
Marilyn Huckle
Simon Ryder
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato~ City Planner
Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner
James Wolf, Board Attorney
Arnold Thompson, Chairman (Excused)
Fred DiSalle, Vice Chairman (Excused)
Mr. Annunziato called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. and
recommended that the Board elect a temporary chairman since the
chairman and vice chairman are sick. Mrs. Huckle moved that
Mr. Simon Ryder be temporary chairman for the evening, seconded
by Mr. Winter. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ryder welcomed everyone and introduced the members of the
Board and the City Planner.
Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 21, 1980
Mrs. Huckle referred to Page 8, next to last paragraph, and
Mr. Beane's statements and corrected that he cannot find out if
the zoning is being changed "for" his office and she clarified
that Mr. Annunziato's reply meant any commercial district. Mr.
Annunziato agreed and suggested inserting "commercial" before
Mrs. Huckle referred to Page 17, and corrected Mr. Tomberg's
question asking if they "should" file a rezoning request.
Mrs. Bond moved to accept the minutes of the February 21 meeting
as corrected, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion carried 5-0.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 26, 1980
Mrs. Huckle moved that the minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board
for February 26 be approved as submitted, seconded by Mr. Winter.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Annunziato introduced Mr. James Wolf, Mr, Vance's associate,
and advised that he will be able to address some of the questions
we have regarding the Comprehensive Plan and proposed changes.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Ryder acknowledged the presence in the audience of Council-
man Joe deLong and Councilman Marty Trauger.
Mr. Grabeel announced that next Tuesday afternoon, March 18,
there will be a bicycle information and safety seminar. "Only
One Road", a 25 minute film on bicycle safety will be shown at
2:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers. This film produced by the
Missouri AAA has received nationwide acclaim and will be pre-
sented by Mr. Bob Husky, President of the West Palm Beach Recrea-
tion Bicycle Club. The guest speaker will be Mr. Keith Kingbay,
former racing and veteran cross-country cyclist. Mr. Kingbay
serves on the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports,
the U. S. Olympic Committee for Bicycling, the National Safety
Council and is a national representative for the League of
American Wheelmen. He is presentlY leading a bicycle tour of
Greece, Morocco and Egypt. Anyone interest in or involved with
cycling, bikeways, traffic safety, etc., is encouraged to attend.
Mr. Grabeel announced on Thursday, March 20, at 7:30 P. M., we
will have a town meeting on the 1980 census. There will be a
film on the census and there will be speakers from the district
office in West Palm Beach.
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that he has received a letter
from Mr. Joe Lattel who is involved in the development of the
First Financial Plaza and he is requesting that the Planning &
Zoning Board hold a special meeting to review their revised site
plan. Mr. Moore has requested that the Board review these modi-
fications even though it is not approved by the Technical Review
Board. He explained the few modifications to the plan. He
added if they were required to wait until the next Planning &
Zoning Board meeting, possibly they would not be able to save
the Palm Trees. If the Board wishes to review these modifica-
tions, they cover closing the curb cut on Ocean Avenue, modify-
ing the paving to save the Palm Trees and some changes in the
lighting. Mr. Ryder referred to reviewing these prior to the
meeting and stated it looks like improvement in the access. If
the Board members are in agreement, this could be added at the
end of the agenda tonight.
Mr. Ryder continued that the regular agenda should not take too
long and he would like to propose that although the public hear-
ing is scheduled for 8:00 P. M. to continue the changes to the
existing zoning map, possibly it would be desirable to proceed
with the regular agenda and continue the public hearing after
Mrs. Huckle moved to add Mr. Gene Moore's modified site plan
request at the bottom of the agenda with the public hearing
being at the end of the regular agenda, so the people will have
the opportunity to speak. Mrs. Bond seconded the motion and the
motion carried 5-0.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mro Grabeel introduced Mr. Gene Caputo from the Area Planning
Board of Palm Beach County. In Mr. Caputo's presentation, he
gave the definition and history of the Area Planning Board and
explained their functions and structure. A question and answer
period followed the presentation.
Mr. Grabeel announced that two weeks from tonight on March 25,
the speaker will be Mr. Dick Warefield with the Areawide Health
Care Council.
Site Plan Approval
Village Royale on the Green, Owners League, Inc.
Richard Wensing, Agent (Tabled)
N. E. 1st Court
Recreational Building
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that a letter has been received
whereby the applicant has requested this application be taken off
the table and scratched from the agenda as they are going to sub-
mit a revised plan.
Mrs. Huckle moved to remove Village Royale on the Green Owners
League site plan approval request from the table, seconded by
Mr. Winter. Motion.carried 5-0.
Mrs. Huckle moved to scratch this application for site plan
approval from the agenda, seconded by Mr. Winter. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Site Plan Approval
St. Andrews Club, Inc.
4475 North Ocean Blvd.
(Mr. Lamb, Pres.)
Expansion of existing clubhouse
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this is an addition to the
clubhouse to expand the dining and lounge facilities. Mr.
Grabeel explained the location. He advised that what is pro-
posed is simply to extend the clubhouse into the parking and
driveway area slightly. It will be an addition to the first
and second stories. This area is currently zoned C-l, but is
proposed to be rezoned to R-3 to bring it in with the existing
use. The parking proposed is 74 and the requirement is 60.
There is a question about height which will be discussed in the
staff comments.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Grabeel referred to the staff comments and read the memo
from the Building Department noting that handicap entrance ramps
are no~ shown, handicap parking is not shown, and the first floor
elevation is not shown. He read the memo from the City Planner
advising the following comments are applicable:
1. Height: The area in question is subject to a use change
via the Comprehensive Plan from Office Commercial to Multi-Family.
The height limitation on the existing zoning is 25 ft., whereas
the height limitation in.the proposed R-3 zoning is 45 ft. The
building addition is proposed to be 26'6" in height. The ques-
tion to be answered is which set of site development criteria
apply. If the C-1 site criteria apply, then the new construc-
tion cannot exceed 25 ft. in height; conversely, if the R-3
site criteria apply, then the building is correctly drawn as
submitted. He recommends that this question be referred to the
City Attorney at the.time that the plan is reviewed by Council.
2. Sidewalks: As this is the only property located in the
City of Boynton Beach located on the east side of A1A, and the
adjoining local governments are not requiring sidewalks, the
T.R.B. recommends that no sidewalk be required of this developer.
3. Membership: The membership of the club cannot exceed
296 members based on 74 parking spaces provided at four members
per parking space.
Mr. Annunziato stated the overall staff comment is this plan be
approved subject to recommendations.
Mr. Larry S%ahl, representing the applicant, referred to the
height and stated to clarify this, he would like to show a ren-
dering. He explained that the building 33' tall and they are
reqUesting to come out 5' on the existing ridge line, which is
26½' On either side of this building are apartments three
stories high. The expansion is primarily on the west side of
the building.
Mr. Ryder asked if Mr. Wolf wanted to let the height question
go as suggested for the City Council meeting and Mr. Wolf re-
Plied affirmatively as they have had some preliminary discus-
sions~ but have not reached a final decision and would like
another week to prepare a recommendation for the Council.
Mr. Winter asked what happened to the steps and Mr. Stahl ex-
plained that the steps were eliminated and the driveway is
being lowered to allow access from the gound level and an
elevator is being installed in the building. He added they
are addressing the handicap problem and wii1 take care of the
comments noted by the Building Department.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mrs. Huckle made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend approval of the site plan application for St. Andrews
Club, 4475 North Ocean Blvd., for expansion of their existing
clubhouse, including staff comments. Mr, Winter seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
First National Bank in Palm Beach
W. Gossett, Agent
Southwest corner of Briny Breezes Blvd. & A1A
Branch Bank and Offices
Mr. Grabeel stated this zone is currently C-1 and this plan is
for a branch bank and offices. He explained the location and
entry to the site. Parking is provided for with just meeting
the requirements including two underneath the third lane of the
drive-thru, which would preclude future development of this
drive-thru lane. The height will be 25 ft.
Mr. Ryder clarified that the northern boundary is consistent
with the Town of Briny Breezes and Mr. Annunziato agreed. Mr.
Ryder asked if Briny Breezes Boulevard is a private road and
Mr. Annunziato replied that he is not sure, but there is no
access onto it. Mr. Ryder referred to this being zoned C-1
and Mr. Annunziato agreed and added the use is consistent with
the zone.
Mr. Grabeel referred to the staff comments. He read a memo
from the Building Department listing the following comments:
1. The developer of this property will be required to
obtain turn-out permits from the Dept. of Transportation, be-
fore permit will be issued.
2. Handicap parking requirements would be two spaces.
This plan shows one.
3. The two required parking spaces under the second floor
overhang cannot be utilized as a drive-thru at a future date.
Mr. Grabeel read the memo from the Fire Marshal requeSting that
a fire hydrant be provided in front of the property and that
office shall be called upon so as to determine the location
before installation of the fire hydrant. The Police Department
has requested they coordinate security with their department.
The staff recommendation is approval subject to comments.
Mr. William Gossett, representing the applicant, stated he
agrees to meet all requirements by the City as outlined.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Ryder asked if the offices on the second floor would be
associated with the bank and Mr. Gossett replied negatively
and explained they will be rental executive type offices. He
added they tried to follow the architecture of the St. Andrews
Club as near as possible.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the drive-thru lanes and Mr. Gossett
explained that two lanes will be used for drive-thru tellers
and the third lane will be a double parking space. Mr.
Annunziato added the planning copy has been altered on the floor
plan to show that a future drive-thru lane has been eliminated.
If the bank could accommodate two spaces somewhere else, that
drive-thru could be opened. The plans have been modified to
show that. Also, this plan constitutes the remainder of the
undeveloped property in Boynton Beach east of the Intracoastal.
Mrs. Bond asked if the handicap parking requirements would be
met and Mr. Gossett replied affirmatively and added they will
abide by all the comments.
Mrs. Bond made a motion to approve the site plan of the First
National Bank in Palm Beach with staff comments. Mrs. Huckle
seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Request by Robert Hamilton, President of Mariner Village of
Boynton Beach, to change a portion of the plat and plan require-
ments for Lake Worth Mariner Village by deleting a portion of
the private road construction
Mr. Annunziato referred to this application being forwarded to
the Board at the request of the administration and advised that
what this amounts to is a request for reduction in the scope of
the plat and plans for Lake Worth Mariner Village to the extent
of the private road serving lots 33-35 not be constructed at
this time because the developer is not in a position to develop
these three lots at this time and they are not part of Mariner
Village. This request was reviewed by the City Engineer and
City Utility Director and they submitted memos. He read Mr.
Cessna's comment that the Utilities Dept. would have no objec-
tions providing the present or future owners are responsible
for any damage to the manhole, cover or ring~ when paving is
actually done, and further, the Utilities Dept. is informed to
inspect same at the time of the construction. He then read Mr.
Clark's memo advising the Engineering Department does not have
any concern in the requested deletion of roadway improvements
as long as current owners or future owners of the platted lots
affected know that the improvements will be delayed. Storm
sewers crossing the area that serve other lots as shown on the
paving and drainage plans should be constructed. All improve-
ments must be certified by the Design Engineer and agreed to by
the Utility Dept. and the Engineering Dept. prior to a recommen-
dation for return of the bond. This has not happened yet.
~ARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Annunziato stated that he suggests this request be approved
subject to these two memos.
Mr. Bob Hamilton stated that the drainage which is asked for is
totally unnecessary. Mariner Village is a peninsula. These
lots are not on the peninsula, but are across the canal. They
are not in the Mariner Village structure. They are not allowed
to use the Mariner Village amenities. Water and sewer has been
installed on these lots. Fill was brought in to bring them to
the proper elevation and it is actually a pile of sand. He
cannot understand the request for drainage. These lots are bor-
dered on the north by the canal, on the east by the Intracoastal,
on the south by mangroves, and on the west by a group of homes,
but the topography is such that it goes away from the'west to the
east. A pipe could be put on that lot, but it will serve no pur-
pose. Mr. Annunziato stated this will require further clarifica-
tion and perhaps it shoUld be forwarded to the Council in the
current form and he will get clarification from the City Engi-
neer before the Council meeting. Mr. Hamilton added that if
it is found a pipe is necessary, he will put it in to comply
with the staff comments.
Mrs. Bond asked if these lots were part of the original site
plan and Mro Hamilton informed her they were part of the ori-
ginal plat, but not part of Mariner Village. Mariner Village
consists of 65 townhomes on a peninsula and when these are im-
proved, they will not be a part of Mariner Village. They will
be sold and developed as separate lots.
Mrs. Huckle moved that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend
that the request by Robert Hamilton, President of Mariner
Village of Boynton Beach, to change a portion of the plat and
plan requirements for Lake Worth Mariner Village by deleting a
portion of the private road construction be recommended to the
City Council for approval with all staff comments and consider-
ations to be worked out particularly with the City Engineer,
Mr. Tom Clark, with respect to the storm sewer requirement.
Mrs. Bond seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried
Gulfstream Annexation Report
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that approximately one month
ago, there was a request to the City Council to serve the pro-
perty south of Gulfstream Blvd. lying between Dixie Highway and
U. S. 1 with sewer and water service. This developer has
agreed to seek annexation to the City now. Further, the com-
mercial land lying to the south along U. S. 1 has also agreed.
What has occurred is two annexation requests to incorporate
that land. The City Council has had on first reading an ordi-
nance to annex and is now in the position of advertising that
ordinance consistent with State Statutes. He is advising the
MARCH 11, 1980
Board what has occurred. The staff has reviewed the applica-
tion. According to the departmental review forms, no negative
impact is anticipated as a result of this annexation.
Mr. Lou Preiditsch referred to living in this area and told
about having difficulty when driving to enter the highway.
He suggests there be a right turn lane from the southbound
lane to poSsibly help this problem. Mr, Ryder informed him
this would be considered when the site plan is reviewed.
Mr. Winter made a motion ~to acknowledge this Gulfstream annexa-
tion report and acknowledge the C-3 zoning which is consistent
with the zoning in the reserve area. Mrs. Huckle seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Review Modification of Site Plan for First Financial Plaza
Mr. Annunziato stated this request comes to the Board without
review by the Technical Review Board. It was submitted late
last week. The modifications are minor and are positive in
nature. The applicant is requesting review subject to staff
comments forthcoming. Their request is to eliminate the turn-
out onto Ocean Avenue and save some Royal Palms at the southeast
corner of the plan. He then read the letter submitted by the
applicant explaining the proposed modifications.
Mrs. Huckle asked if on the original site plan for this office
building, was the Ocean Avenue cutout the idea of the planner
for the plaza or was it a requirement of the Technical Review
Board and Mr, Annunziato replied negatively and advised it was
requested by the applicant. He added that he feels this is an
improvement of the site plan previously submitted. He recom-
mends that he be instructed to submit this to the Technical
Review Board prior to going to the Community Appearance Board
with approval being subject to their comments.
Mr. Winter questioned the number of handicap parking spaces
required and Mr. Lattel pointed out there was one in the north
and two in the south, which meet the requirement. Mr. Ryder
asked if they contemplated paving N. E. 6th Court and Mr.
Lattel informed him that this was just recently repaved.
Mrs. Huckle asked if the roadway circles around to the north
and Mr. Lattel explained the driveway system and how the ele-
vation was corrected. Mr. Ryder referred to one area being in
the right-of-way for the new bridge and Mr. Annunziato informed
him the north property line is consistent with the property
which has been taken.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Annunziato suggested if this is going to be recommended
favorably that it be subject to any staff comments which will
be forthcoming. Mr. Ryder suggested that the applicant be in
touch with the City Planner so when this matter comes before
the Council, he will be asked whether he agrees with the re-
Mr. Winter made a motion that the condominium office building
of First Financial Plaza as amended be approved subject to any
proposed staff comments. Mrs. Bond seconded the motion. Under
discussion, Mrs. Huckle referred to the trucks having to come
inside for the dumpster and Mr. Lattel agreed since this was
not changed and added that everything is as originally approved
except the south parking lot. MOtion carried 5-0.
At this time, Mr. Ryder declared a five minute recess and then
reconvened the meeting at 9:15 P. M.
OLD BUSINESS (Continued)
Contination of Public Hearing to Consider Amending the Existing
Zoning Map of the City of Boynton Beach to Conform with the
Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Ryder announced this is a continuation of the public
hearing started some time ago. Several hearings have been
held as well as a workshop session. This hearing is confined
to amending the existing zoning map of the City of Boynton
Beach to conform with the Comprehensive Plan which the City
has already adopted. The map indicates some 96 locations,
which as a result of the Comprehensive Plan~ the zoning cate-
gomies are dictated to be changed. The map shows the various
locations and we have a draft copy of the proposed new zoning
map on display. We are confined to discussing these changes
only. Last week, the Planning & Zoning Board went over each
of these changes in a workshop session. Basically they are
changes in label which have little impact on the owners or
surrounding areas and in some cases, they are changes which
are logical to conform with the surrounding area. One matter
which has had a lot of discussion is Area 49, the downtown
area. A lot of people have spoken in opposition to the pro-
posed change from C-4 to C-3. An attempt has been made to
reduce the impact by allowing some of the C-4 uses to be in-
cluded in this C-3 zoning. The Council has directed the City
Attorney to prepare an ordinance to that effect.
Mr. Ryder referred to having heard complaints about people not
being notified properly and stated we are not required to advise
each individual, but have followed the legal procedures for
notifying the public. We had articles on television, in the
newspapers, etc. The consultants presented the Comprehensive
Plan in preliminary and final stages to the public.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Ryder continued that we have come to the point where we
should close after this hearing tonight and move this onto the
City Council. He would like to give everybody here a chance to
speak, but will have to.limit the time to not more than five
minutes. Please keep to the subject at hand, which are these
proposed changes and all we can act on tonight. He requested
anyone wishing to speak to please come forward and give their
name and address.
Mrs. Dee Zibelli of the North Boynton Community Improvement
Association referred to the portion being rezoned between
Arthur Court and Atlantic Avenue from commercial to R-1 and
Mr. Annunziato clarified this is Area 3 and we are making
recommendations consistent with the plan and not rezoning.
He explained this was a combination of Areas 3 and 5 with
commercial along Seacrest Blvd. and R-1 zoning in the rear.
Mrs. Zibelli asked if there was a possibility to raise this
residential zoning from R-1 to R-lA since they are trying to
upgrade this area? Mr. Annunziato replied it would be consis-
tent with the plan, but the area to the north and south are
R-1 and it is located behind commercial. Mrs. Zibelli told
about this area having a lot of pride and making improvements
to their homes and stated that R-l.means the same thing as they
had along Seacrest Blvd. where the low income housing was
built. Mr.~ Ryder questioned the area involved and Mrs. Zibelli
informed him it is approximately five acres. Mr. Ryder added
that it is adjacent to 1-95 and Mrs. Bond added that most of
the lots are small and the land size isn't comparable for R-lA.
Mr. Ryder clarified this entire area was C-2 and it is now
being cut down with the exception of the frontage on Seacrest
Blvd. The adjacent area is R-1. He thinks going from C-2 to
R-1 is a distinct upgrading. Mrs. Zibelli referred to this
area being zoned R-lA before 1974 and Mr. Annunziato replied
that he didn't know. Mr. Annunziato explained that when sub-
divided, it would allow 4½ to 5 units per acre. Mr. Ryder
added that Mr. Post spoke on this property previously and was
opposed to the proposal for R-1 and he was advised our proposal
would remain R-l.
Mr. Derle Bailey, property owner in this area, stated that what
Mrs. Zibelli is trying to get across is immediately north of
this approximate five acres, which is vacant and not subdivided,
there are homes comparable to those homes in R-1AA zoning on
Atlantic Avenue and Arthur Court. The houses to the south are
comparable to R-1 but have been improved and enlarged. This
land is sandwiched between comparable houses to the north and
south and by zoning R-l, the lots can have 60' frontage. Mr.
Annunziato agreed, but added they need 7,500 sq. feet.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Bailey explained how this area could be subdivided into
75 ft. lots and this would be desirable for future employees
of Motorola as this area warrants something better than R-1
zoning. He referred to other areas being zoned R-1 consist-
ing of homes federally financed and how this had turned into a
fiasco. He feels it is the duty of the people that work for
the Cit~y and plan for the City to plan ahead. They have ap-
proved Motorola and should consider the fact that we will be
housing a lot of people working at the plant. Please take this
into consideration before coming to a final decision.
Mr. Jim Tirhorst, Manager of Gulfstream Lumber Company, referred
to their property being zoned C-3 and stated they have been on
this corner at 15th Avenue and Federal Highway for 15 years and
have been continuing to grow. With the present zoning, they have
been grandfathered in. He can understand the concern of the City
to get a master plan developed. They don't contemplate changing
their form of business or selling the business. Their big con-
cern is under the present zoning, and the grandfather clause, if
they have a fire or change ownership, they would be at the
mercy of the code. They have always been industrial and the
property is on the railroad and consists of one square block.
The property is industrial and should be classified that way.
They are being penalized being zoned C-3 and whenever they want
to do anything~ they must go through different boards to get
simple things done. He would like to conduct business like in
the M-1 zone. Mr. Ryder informed him this is not one of the
areas designated. He would have to go through the usual proce-
dure of asking for a change in zoning. At the present time,
there is no change proposed in this area.
Mr. Tirhorst stated his concern is if this Comprehensive Plan is
adopted, it is one more nail in the casket. The possibility of
getting it rezoned to M-1 would then be dead. Mr. Ryder informed
him this property will continue to be C-3. As far as going to
M-l, there is a procedure for doing that, but he doesn't feel
such a request would meet with too much success and it cannot
be considered tonight. Mr. Wolf added that it is his understand-
ing, the plan is already adopted and this is to get the zoning
in accordance with the plan.
Mr. Annunziato further clarified that the use for Gulfstream
Lumber Company is not non-conforming. It can be rebuilt and
sold. It is a conditional use. He explained that lumber yards
are included in the C-3 zone as a conditional use. To expand
the building, a site plan must be submitted and a public hear-
ing held for t~conditional use. He believes this served a
good purpose in their case as the neighbors were notified and
supported Gulfstream Lumber Company. The plan does not address
this and there is no change contemplated. The business is not
Mr. Lou Samyn referred to owning lots next to the dog pound
being rezoned from C-4 to C-3 and questioned what uses were
going to be included in the C-3 zone from the presen5 C-4 zone.
He is worried his property will depreciate considerably accord-
ing to what he can put in there. Mr. Annunziato read the list
of uses to be added to C-3 which are presently in C-4. Mr.
Samyn stated this does not cover his problem. He has had tenants
in this building for the past 25 years doing automotive repairs.
His tenants will be non- conforming if this is approved. He
bought this building for an investment and with the understanding
they would be left alone. He feels he is being put under a hard-
ship with making the tenants non-conforming. The dog pound will
also be non-conforming. He does not feel it is America to take
somebody's property. The valuation of the property would de-
crease with the rezoning. In this area is the dog pound, rail-
road, fish market and they do not even have frontage. A block
away, the C-4 was not touched on U. S. 1. He feels there should
be some relief. He feels he is being penalized.with just singling
out this one block.
Mr. Ryder informed him there was no intent to single out anybody.
When changes happen, somebody has to feel it. We have heard
similar complaints from people in this area, but to make them
happy, we would have to revert back to what is there and cannot
just walk away from this downtown area. Nothing has been done
on the part of private enterprise to upgrade the area and we
have to start somewhere. Mr. Samyn asked if he meant his area
should be upgraded and Mr. Ryder replied the general downtown
area should have. Mr. Samyn commented that it seems unique this
one block was singled out. M-1 is across the tracks and the
other C-4 has not been touched. He asked if he has recourse to
go before the City Council and Mr. Ryder replied affirmatively.
Mr. Ryder referred to the Board having been involved with this
for quite a time~ as the Local Planning Agency as well as members
of the Planning & Zoning Board, and explained how guidance was
given by the consultants with objectives to be followed. The
plan itself has been approved. We are just going through the
necessary procedures now to bring the present zoning regulations
in conformance with the plan already adopted. As a member of
this Board for many years, it would be inconceivable to con-
sider backstepping at this stage. It would not make sense since
the plan has been approved. We have spent a lot of time on this.
He feels we have come to the point where we must go along with
this. We cannot disregard all that has been done. Very little
has been done by private enterprise to do any upgrading. The
City is responsible for orderly growth and development. As far
as housing, the City has approved 10,000 housing units and we
are not lacking in housing. He thinks we have come to the point
where we have to close the hearings on this and make our recom-
mendation to the City Council.
MARCH 1I, 1980
Mr. Robert Beane referred to the downtown area constantly being
mentioned and questioned the boundaries of the downtown area?
Also, he understands they do not want automotive repair in the
downtown area~. Mr. Ryder informed him that Area 49 is the immed-
iate downtown area and generally it is from Ocean Avenue from
the railroad to the waterway and north to 5th AVenue. Mr.
Beane asked how far west it would go and Mr. Ryder replied it
would go to Seacrest Blvd. .Mr. Beane stated that next to the
railroad in the downtown area is an automotive repair and body
shop and questioned why this use wasn't included in the C-3 zone?
Mr. Ryder informed him it is not our intention to permit any new
enterprises of that kind in this area. It would not be consis-
tent with the downtown area. Those existing can stay, but we
don't want new ones to come in. He would not like to see a C-4
use come into the vacant lot across the street from City Hall.
Mr. Beane asked if Goodyear is in the downtown area and Mr.
Annunziato replied negatively since they are north of 5th Ave.
Mr. Ryder read the editorial published in the Palm Beach Post
on March 3 in reference to the planning in Boynton Beach.
Mr. Samyn referred to the value of his property being decreased
about $75,000 and stated maybe the City should have sent him a
postcard for 15¢ telling him the City was going to take this
one block. It should have been more than the newspaper ad for
something like this. He served on the Planning & Zoning Board
and it did not operate this way. The proper notification should
be given so the people can defend themselves. Mrs. Bond asked
how the people were notified when he was a member of the Board
and Mr. Samyn replied the people were notified by mail if the
zoning was going to be changed 15 years ago. Mrs. Bond asked
why he didn't come before the City Council and request them to
proceed with this same system and Mr. Samyn replied that he pro-
bably should have.
Mrs. Huckle stated if she personally had enough influence over
the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which the attorney has advised
has been passed, she would not have wanted to take the property
along the railroad track and try to incorporate it into this
area. The railroad' has been there and doesn't invite a lot of
uses. She does not think it would be a tragedy if the C-4 zone
would drop down into a one block depth. It seems a C-4 buffer be-
tween the tracks and the C-3 downtown area is a logical step in
planning, particularly because there is M-1 on the other side of
the tracks. This is her sixth year on the Board and she has
been told by a variety of different consultants that zoning
should be graduated from one use to another, so they compliment
each other. The fact the track is here, it invites only certain
uses. There is also the noise factor, dirt factor, etc.
-13 -
MARCH il, 1980
Mrs. Huckle continued that she would not like to sit in an office
next to the railroad. Right along it is C-4 along the highway
with uses as objectionable as what are along the railroad tracks
and it does not make a lot of sense to have that small area along
the track from 6th Avenue down to 3rd Avenue out of the C-4 zone
when its uses were attracted to that area originally. The City
even put their dog pound there. However, as the attorney has
indicated the intent of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan was put
into law last August. If we are labeling the downtown area as
Mr. Beane requested, she thinks we should properly label every
nook and cranny of the downtown area. She does not think it is
proper addressing an area which people can do little about. They
cannot do much to landscape it and cannot do much about the dirt
and noise. She thinks one block of buffer is a very sensible
way to bring the zoning into a comprehensive appearance. She
would not want it to loop all the way to 2nd Avenue.
Mr. Wolf stated that what is being said isn't necessarily fall-
ing on deaf ears. The Comprehensive Plan has been adopted, but
there is a procedure to amend the plan. What is being said might
be true, but the proper procedure would be to go for amendment
of the plan and rezoning at that time. Once it is adopted, it
does not mean the Comprehensive Plan will remain forever. The
strict issue being addressed tonight is the Comprehensive Plan
has been adopted and State law requires the zoning to be in con-
formance with the plan as quickly as possible and we cannot
adopt zoning ordinances inconsistent with the plan. The Board
is addressing each particular area to see what is consistent
with the plan. It has been interpreted that C-4 isl not consis-
tent with the downtown area. The gentleman has every right to
come in and say the Comprehensive Plan is wrong and~ request a
change. It is adopted now and we do not have an amendment to
the plan before the Board tonight. Mrs. Huckle asked if there
was a time period after adoption of the plan and Mr.. Wolf in-
formed her it can be done any time and the man can file an
application tomorrow. Mrs. Huckle clarified this would be done
one lot at a time or a group of people could make the request
with contiguous properties and Mr. Wolf agreed, as long as the
procedures in the statutes are followed. Mr. Beane~ clarified
that he would have to come before this Board and Mr,. Wolf
agreed and the City Council. Mrs. Huckle asked if they are
essentially C-3 now because the plan is adopted and Mr. Wolf
clarified that the zoning stil~ states on the recordi it is C-4,
but according to the plan it is C-3. Mrs. Huckle s~tated that
technically they could ask for rezoning tomorrow ann Mr. Wolf
clarified they would have to seek an amendment of t~e land use
plan to allow the property to have a C-4 zone. Mrsi. Huckle
asked if it is sold tomorrow, would the property ha~e to be sold
as C-3 and Mr. Wolf replied that basically it wouldI as C-3 is
being adopted to be consistent with the plan. It clannot be kept
C-4 because it is not consistent with the plan. There are pro-
cedures which the people can follow.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mrs. Bond clarified that as long as he still owns the property
and still has a C-4 business, we cannot force him to go into a
C-3 use and Mr. Wolf agreed it would be a continuing use; it
would be a legal non-conforming use.
Mr. Ryder stated at the last meeting~ the Chairman made a recom-
mendation that Area $9 go from R-3 to REC and Mr. Annunziato
agreed and added this would be consistent with the plan.
Mr. Ryder stated when we formulate a recommendation, we should
refer to the list of City-wide rezonings and Mr. Annunziato
Mr. Annunziato explained his intent per Chapter 166 of the rezon-
ing procedure is to advertise the map with the areas outlined
along with the proper language and the list. Mr. Ryder suggested
that the Board move in the direction of making a recommendation.
Mr. Samyn referred to being under a restriction right now and
told about his tenant having a beautiful automotive repair shop
and would like to sell a few cars, but when he applied for an
occupation license, City Hall would not approve it. The City
has already imposed this. This is not C-4 even though it has
always been C-4. It has been C-3 for several mOnths as his
tenant was turned down by Mr. Annunziato. Mr. Annunziato clari-
fied that it was not by him and explained the request was for
an occupational license for a used car sales license which is
permitted in C-4. According to the language in the plans that
use was found to be inconsistent with the intent of ithe plan.
Mr. Samyn stated he is being denied the use of the property.
Mr. Samyn referred to having recourse by making an application
and Mr. Wolf informed him the specific procedure will have to
be established by the City Council, but he can make ~application
with the City Clerk and it will be processed. Also ~in defense
of Mr. Annunziato, the law says once a Comprehensive Plan is
adopted and he had to follow the law.
Mr. Samyn stated if he had been notified in August, possibly
something could have been done and Mrs. Bond agreed. Mr.
Samyn suggested again that the owners should be notified by
mail to give them a chance to defend themselves. Mrs. Bond
agreed and stated only a little map was in The Post and many
people don't read The Post, but subscribe to the Sun Sentinel
and she thinks it should be in both newspapers. Mr. Annunziato
informed her that the City Council made a policy decision over
a year ago to run all advertisements in The Post. Mrs. Bond
commented that she doesn't personally read The Post and if she
had property, she would be questioning the advertising.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mr. Wolf advised that the legislature when they passed the Com-
prehensive Planning Act in 1975 said there are certain ways you
have to notify the people and the City followed those ways. The
City Council could make more restrictions. Mr, Annunziato added
the advertisements which appeared in The Post were in addition to
what is required. They were effective as people have been here
Mrs. Janet Hall, Sea Mist Marina, referred to the plan being
passed, but stated she still could not find out today what the
difference is between C-3 and C-4. She doesn't see anything
which makes her feel better with it being changed from C-4 to
C-3, especially since this was passed as C-4 in August. She
requests that her property remain C-4. Mr. Annunziato clarified
the marina will remain the marina. If it remains C~4, it will
receive the same.benefits as when the use changes are adopted
by the City Council for C-3.
Mr. Ryder announced that he thought it would be desirable at
this time to close the hearing and make a recommendation to the
City Council. Mr. Winter made a motion to close the public
hearing, seconded by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Ryder referred to the recommendation to be made and asked
if it should refer to the list of locations and specifically
Area ~9 and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatively that the recom-
mendation should include any changes to the proposed list.
Mrs. Huckle asked what happened to the parcel Mr. MOore asked
about in the north end of the City, Area ~7 and Mr. ~Annunziato
advised that he checked the plan and explained that the single
family designation was extended from the Intracoastal to U. S. 1.
There was no error in the map. Mrs. Huckle referred to every-
~ing along U. S. 1 being C-3 for a 300' depth and questioned
why that was rescinded in the Comprehensive Plan and Mr.
Annunziato informed her there was vacant land and the trailer
court lying east of the zoning line. The trailer court was made
non-conforming in 1975 and the commercial land was undeveloped.
The intent was to redevelop the area in single family houses.
Mrs. Huckle questioned single family homes along U. S. 1 and
Mr. Annunziato replied this was correct and it could be done
with some buffering.
Mrs. Huckle asked if the comments were addressed from the first
hearing and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively. Mrs. Huckle re-
quested these to be reviewed.
Mro Annunziato referred to Mr. Moore's objection to the change
in use and zoning from C-3 to R-1AA on the property on the east
side of North Federal Highway and Mrs. Huckle requested the
Board members' feelings about this objection. Mr. Ryder replied
the Board has gone through this.
MARCH 11, 1980
Mrs. Huckle asked if the attorney had located the annexation
agreement Mr. Post referred to and Mr. Annunziato informed her
that we have not been able to and neither has the developer been
able to provide a copy of said annexation agreement
a letter expressing Mr. Field's desire, but no soli~
binding the City. A further agreement provided for
park which was not provided. Mrs. Huckle clarified
researched this and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatl
added a representative of the applicant was in City
to find the same agreement. They have been asked t,
for action if they find it. Mrs. Huckle clarified '
is obstructing the proposed change and Mr. Annunzia'
this was correct, as far as can be determined.
There was
a four acre
that he has
[vely. He
Hall trying
submit to us
zhat nothing
zo agreed
Mrs. Bond referred to Mr. Moore's objection of the zoning remain-
ing R-2 on the property south of the water plant and requested
M-1 and stated this is the area where Seaway Villas!is being
built and she doesn't think it would be compatible to zone this
area M-1.
Mr. Annunziato read through the objections listed from the previ-
ous meeting. He added that some questions were als0 asked. Mr.
Moore questioned the bulkhead line and a memo has b
to the City Manager for legal clarification as to tl
the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Beane questioned the il
Comprehensive Plan has on uses made non-conforming .
forwarded to the City Manager for legal clarificati,
Beane questioned the uses in the downtown area and
fied the land subject to change in the downtown are.
available all uses in the C-3 zone currently plus al
sequently added. Mr. Oyer referred to a Downtown D.
Authority and the potential exists in the plan subj
ther study.
~en forwarded
~e impact on
~pact the
~nd memo was
)n. Mr.
it was clari-
will have
%y uses sub-
~ct to fur-
Mr. Drew referred to there being questions about the notifica-
tion and stated even though it was legally correct, probably
some statement should be considered by the Board to forward to
the City Manager to the effect that we agree legally we may be
correct, but perhaps it was insufficient. He thinks the City
Manager should bring this to the City Council's attDntion.
Mr. Wolf agreed this was proper and suggested that possibly the
Board forward a recommendation to the City Council as to what
they feel would be proper notification. Mr. Ryder ~dded that
he would not like to say the legal notice was not sBfficient,
but they should explore whether the present method Of advising
people is adequate. Mr. Wolf clarified that it was legally
sufficient. However, what is laid out in the statu~e is the
minimum requirement and the Council can adopt a morD stringent
procedure. Mr. Drew requested that a direct statemDnt be for-
warded to the City Manager. Mr. Annunziato suggested that
public notification be addressed at another time so a recom-
mendation could be made on expansion and he will prepare a
basic legal procedure for the members' study,
MARCH 11, 1980
Mrs. Huckle stated that according to the Florida Statutes, the
advertisement shall not be placed in the newspaper where the
legal notices or.elassified advertisements appear and Mr.
Annunziato informed her the map didn't appear in the legal ad
sectiOn. Mrs. Huckle added that she was led to believe the map
advertising was a courtesy, but the wording sa~ an advertisement
shall also contain a map and Mr. Annunziato replied that is at
the Council level. This map will be advertised again. The re-
quirements will be met. Mr. Wolf clarified there will be two
public hearings before the Council and we will meet the require-
ments. In the future, one hearing will be before the Planning &
Zoning Board and one before the City Council. Mrs. Huckle
clarified that there will be two more hearings before the City
Council and Mr. Annunziato agreed and stated there will be a
hearing prior to the ordinance to amend and a hearing on the
ordinance to adopt. Mrs. Huckle stated the local governing
body shall hold two public hearings on the proposal and Mr.
Wolf replied this is what is going to be done. One hearing
could be on the first reading of the ordinance and there will
be a second public hearing. Mr. Annunziato added there will be
at least two hearings prior to adoption of the ordinance. Mrs.
Huckle asked if the people will be able to express themselves
and Mr. Wolf replied the public will be given the right to speak
at the hearings. He added because there were some complaints
about the map, they felt it would be better to hold two public
hearings before the Council. In the future, hopefully there
won't be any controversy and one of the public hearings will be
before the Planning & Zoning Board.
Mr. Ryder announced that a motion was needed to amend the exist-
ing zoning map and ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach to
conform with the Comprehensive Plan, specifically with the modi-
fications of the City-wide rezoning consisting of 96 items and
also Item 9 should be REC instead of R-3. Mr. Winter so moved,
seconded by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 4-1 with Mrs, Huckle dis-
senting. Mr. Annunziato requested Mrs. Huckle to state her
reason for objecting so he could make a statement to the City
Council and Mrs. Huckle replied that she is not required to and
prefers not to.
Mrs. Huckle referred to what actually exists on the properties
and stated the property near High Point was requested to be re-
zoned to R-3. They came before the Board and the audience was
packed in opposition and the Board turned it down. The opposi-
tion was so strong,the people withdrew their application before
it went to the City Council. However, the Comprehensive Plan
as adopted shows that entire piece as R-3, which they requested.
Why did they have to come in for rezoning if the Comprehensive
Plan shows R-37 Mr. Wolf stated that technically the Comprehen-
sive Plan does not change the zoning. The Comprehensive Plan is
more general. It will tell you in most cases several zoning
categories allowed in a particular section. What the law says
MARCH 11, 1980
and the Attorney General issued an opinion on,is that you cannot
rezone property inconsistent with the plan and it is the duty of
the cities to rezone property to be consistent with the plan as
soon as possible. Technically these properties have not been re-
zoned. The law says further there shall be no development permits
issued inconsistent with the plan. Development permits are
building permits, variances, etc. Although not technically
rezoned, the plan is under the zoning. Technically these pro-
perties have not been rezoned yet, but cannot be used inconsis-
tent with the plan. That is why the Attorney General issued the
order for the cities to rezone the properties as soon as possible.
Mr. Annunziato referred to this specific property by High Point
and stated it shows a maximum density of 10.8 units per acre.
The categories on the Land Use Plan deal with densities and not
zones. A PUD would be consistent with the plan as long as it
didn't exceed 10.8 units per acre.
Mr. Annunziato referred to trying to implement the plan in an
orderly manner and Mr. Wolf added that probably some mistakes
have been made, but the people will have to ask for amendments.
Mr. Winter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Bond.
Motion carried 5-0 ~d the meeting was properly adjourned at
10:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretarv
(Three Tapes)
,5 o
Regular Meeting
DATE: March llth, 1980
TIME: 7 -
· 30 P.M.
Council Cha~ers
City Hall
Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
Reading and Approving of Minutes.
~lzens~Awareness,, Presentation:
~r. Gene Caputo, Ar~ea Planning Board of Palm Beach
APB & Local Government"
County - "The
6. Old Business:
Continuation of Public Hearing 8:00 P.M.
Public Hearing to consider amending the existing zoning
map of the City of Boynton Beach to conform with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Site Plan Approval:
1. Applicant:
New Business:
Village Royale on the Green, Owners League Inc TABLED
(.Richard Wensing, agent) '
N.E. 1st Court
See Survey
Recreational Building
Site Plan Approval:
St. Andrews Club, Inc.
44.75 No. Ocean Blvd.
(Mr. Lamb, Pres.)
See Survey
Expansion of existing Clubhouse
First Nat'l Bank in-Palm Bch (W. Gossett,
S.W. corner of Briny Breezes Blvd. & A1A
See Survey
Branch Bank and ~-'
Request by Robert Hamilton, President of Mariner Village ?~
of Boynton Beach to change a portion of the plat and plan re-
quirements for Lake Worth Mariner Village by deleting a portion
of the private road construction.
Gulfstream Annexation Report.