Minutes 01-08-80MINUTES 'OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, JANUARY 8, 1980 PRESENT Arnold Thompson, Chairman Fred DiSalle, Vice Chairman Lillian Bond Wayne Drew Lynn Huckle Simon Ryder Garry Winter Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner Chairman Thompson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the Board members and City Planner. He recognized the presence in the audience of Coun- cilman Joe deLong. Election of Officers Nominations were declared open for Chairman of the Board. Mr. DiSalle nominated Mr. Arnold Thompson for Chairman, seconded by Mr. Ryder. Mr. Ryder moved that nominations be closed. Nomination carried unanimously electing Mr. Arnold Thompson as Chairman. Nominations were declared open for Vice Chairman of the Board. Mr. Ryder nominated Mr. Fred DiSalle for Vice Chairman. Mrs. Bond moved that nominations be closed. Nomination carried unanimously electing Mr. Fred DiSalle as Vice Chairman. Mr. Ryder commented that he feels this Board is starting off in a good manner with continuing the services of our Chairman who came aboard last year. Mr. Thompson did an admirable job and it is a pleasure to be serving with him again. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 11, 1979 Mrs. Bond made a motion to accept the minutes of the December llth meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Ryder. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0 with Mrs. Huckle~ Mr. Drew and Mr. Winter abstaining. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Annunziato referred to the laSt meeting when he indicated the Board members would be receiving invitations to attend a workshop meeting to make corrections to the Comprehensive Plan and advised that he is still meeting with the blue printers to work out technical difficulties and he expects this to be finalized within a week or two. MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that last night, the City Council approved on second reading the ordinance covering the Motorola rezoning and D.R.I. order. CITIZENS AW~RENES'S'PRESENT~TION Mr. Grabeel introduced Mrs. Pat Walker and Mrs. Sheila Middaugh representing the South Florida Water Management District. They proceeded with giving a slide presentation and explanations of the District's functions regarding water supply and flood drain- age planning, followed with a question and answer period with the audience participating. Mr. Annunziato also told about coordination with the South Florida Water Management District and how this has been a major asset to the City. At this time, Chairman Thompson recognized the presence of Councilman Marty Trauger in the audience. NEW BUSINESS Site Plan ~pproval Applicant: Walter Kardash Location: South Federal Highway & S.E. 28th Circle Project Description: Restaurant Project Name: Western Steer Family Steak House Mr. Grabeel explained the location and advised that it is zoned C3. The building area will be approximately 7,620 square feet to accommodate a 260 seat restaurant with 93 parking spaces provided. There is a median in the entrance way which will require a median cut for an entrance on S.E. 28th Circle. Mr. Ryder commented that it was very admirable treatment with regard to the parking areas with having dividers provided and explained how it would be advantageous. Mr. Grabeel referred to the staff comments and advised the Building Department requires sidewalks on S.E. 28th Circle and the down spouts on the north side of the building must flow into the storm system designed for this project and the water must be maintained on site. The Fire Marshal has re- quested a fire hydrant be provided on the west side of South Federal Highway in front of this location. The City Engineer commented that french drain details and computations are re- quired. The Police Department noted the requirement of a sidewalk and curb on S.E. 28th Circle. The City Planner noted the wall is to be extended along the north to the build- ing, the dumpster should be relocated to the southwest corner, and D.O.T. permission is required for a curb cut on Federal Highway. The recommendation of staff is approval subject to comments. -2- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. Walter Kardash, operator of the restaurant, stated he will not have any difficulty meeting any of the suggestions made. Mr. Bill Carpenter, Contractor, referred to the recommendation to move the dumpster to the southwest corner and stated while he can see this might be desirable to service the dumpster, it means the employees must carry the garbage across the parking lot to dispose of it. He would like to negotiate further with the Planning Department regarding this. Mr. Annunziato stated one of the reasons the suggestion was made to relocate the dumpster away from the northwest corner is to remove it from close proximity of the motel 25 feet away as this will be a restaurant and possibly some wastes will spoil. It was suggested for access of service vehicles. Mr. Carpenter replied that he would like the option to negotiate this fur- ther. Mr. Annunziato asked if he had a suggestion and Mr. Carpenter replied that he would like to review this with the engineer. Mr. Ryder referred to this being a major recommendation and asked if it would be inconvenient to table this until this is clarified? Mr. Annunziato stated with regards to parking, there is no problem as the parking bays could be moved to the north to allow location for the dumpster in the southwest cor- ner. Mr. Ryder referred to feeling we have to go along with this requirement and stated it can be approved on the basis of the recommendation and if the contractor comes up with a satisfac- tory substitute, it can be submitted to the City Council. Mr. Carpenter agreed this would be fair. Mr. Ryder moved to recommend City Council approval of the site plan application of Walter Kardash for the Western Steer Family Steak House in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Review Board and staff comments. Mrs. Bond seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 7-0. Subdivision Regulation Pre-Applications Applicant: High Point of Delray Builders, Inc. (N. Hansen, Agen Location: West side of Congress Avenue, south of Congress Middle School and north of LWDD Canal ~26 Project Description: 552 Units, two recreation areas and a lake Mr. Annunziato first reviewed the subdivision regulations for the information of the new members. -3- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. Grabeel explained the location of this parcel. He ex- plained that utilities are available at the property. The project will include 138 quad buildings consisting of 552 units, two recreation areas and an eight acre lake. The proposed density is 6.13 units/gross per acre and it is zoned R-3. The total site is approximately 90 acres. Mr. Ryder referred to the entrance from Congress Avenue lining up with Congress Boulevard to the east and Mr. Grabeel replied this was correct. Mr. Annunziato added the entrance from Congress Avenue was planned to line center line to center line with Congress Boulevard. Mr. Ryder asked if the commercial zone remains the same and Mr. Annunziato replied that it is exactly the same and ex- plained how one of the initial provisions was to limit commer- cial development along Congress Avenue. Mr. Kenneth Tate informed the Board that the commercial is not to be considered with this plan and explained they are under contract to sell that parcel. Mr. Ryder asked when the start of construction was anticipated and Mr. Tate replied that they have three years to complete construction in Delray Beach; but if sales warrant, they may start construction at this site within a year. Mrs. Bond referred to the concept being different than the existing High Point in Boynton Beach and Mr. Tate explained that it was a cluster type scheme, a change from the preliminary plan submitted. Mr. Annunziato added that one of the problems with the initial pre-application was the inability for emer- gency vehicles to turn around and with this plan having clus- ter housing, there is greater access for emergency vehicles. Also previously discussed was a future extension to Knuth Road and this has been provided now with the road right-of- way. Mr. Ryder asked to what extent there would be publicly dedi- cated streets and Mr. Tate informed him there would be one road from the east to west with the remainder being private streets. Mr. Annunziato added this was discussed initially and the staff felt there was need to have available to the public an additional east/west right-of-way and our subdivi- sion regulation demands access to unsubdivided property. The private streets were agreed to with the one public street needed for east/west access. Mr. Ryder asked if the demucking operation is a 24 hour oper- ation and Mr. Tate replied negatively, but they are working 10 to 12 hours per day. -4- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. Annunziato stated the change in concept from a linear concept to cluster has resulted in breaking out significant usable open spaces. Mr. Grabeel stated the one staff comment is from the Public Works Department that there be no under- ground garbage cans. The staff recommendation is approval subject to that particular comment. Chairman Thompson asked if there was any problem with this staff comment and Mr. Tate replied negatively. Mrs. Bond made a motion to approve the subdivision regulation pre-application submitted by High Point of Delray Builders, Inc. for the property located on the west side of Congress Avenue, south of Congress Middle School and north of LWDD Canal ~26, with the staff comment. Mr. DiSalle seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 7-0. Applicant: Location: Project Description: High Ridge Country Club (Lee Starkey, Agent) South of Hypoluxo Road and West of High Ridge Rd. 160 homes on 83.02 acres, also 171.17 acres which consists of a golf course, a club house, tennis courts, maintenance building and golf course shelters. Mr. Annunziato referred to having an application earlier this year from High Ridge Country Club to construct an 18 hole championship golf course north of Miner Road extended adjacent to the E-4 Canal and advised this is under construction. He added that there was a temporary stoppage by D.E.R. which re- sulted in preservation of the wet land in the center. The pre-application and master plan are submitted tonight for con- struction of a club house, tennis courts and attendant build- ings. The staff felt it would be difficult to give approval not knowing the dimension, character and service ability of the remaining property. He met with the consultant staff of the developer and the plans submitted resulted from this meet- ing. The zoning is R-1AAA. 160 homes are proposed at less than one unit per acre. He explained the location of the property and the roads proposed. Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments and stated the Engineering Department has noted the boundary does not close and the Phase II description is ambiguous. He explained when this land was annexed, the annexation description went to the east bank of the E-4 Canal. The ownership shown by the appli- cant runs to the center line of the E-4 Canal. This has re- sulted in an unincorporated strip in the canal. This has caused some problems with the legal description. -5- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. Annunziato continued that he has commented that a limited access easement'is required on Lots 43-52, Block 1 and Lots 80-92, Block 3. A right-of-way must be provided for Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road. An easement must be dedicated along the E-4 Canal to the Lake Worth Drainge District. No thru lots are permitted. All lots are to be 12,500 square feet with 100 ft. frontage. The E-4 Canal right-of-way should be annexed into the City. Mr. Annunziato stated the overall staff recommendation is this pre-application be approved subject to staff comments. Mr. Ryder asked if this was being presented at this time although there is no intention to develop these homes, but just to complete the plan and Mr. Annunziato replied the first phase, when approved, will be the golf course, but this does not preclude development of the residential. Chairman Thompson asked for clarification of the first comment about a limited access easement and Mr. Annunziato replied that our ordinance requires when lots are adjacent to arterial~ limited access be provided and also a physical barrier must be constructed. This is in reference to all lots abutting Miner Road. Mr. Winter referred to the temporary entrance noted and ques- tioned the location of the permanent entrance and Mr. Annun- ziato replied the temporary is for construction and the per- manent entrance will be to the east of that. Mr. Lee Starkey stated there is no problem with the limited access easement. They considered the problem of Boynton Beach going to the east bank of the canal and not to the center line and this will be solved immediately by taking by easement to the Lake Worth Drainage District and giving them the deed to the property. Mr. Ryder asked if this modifies the agreement slightly and Mr. Starkey replied that it does very slightly. Mr. Starkey continued that they were hesitant to show develop- ment in the residential area and only did so at the insistence of Mr. Annunziato. The golf course will be developed now. There are no problems with the recommendations, except that Miner Road will be constructed as they have not discussed this with the property owner. Mr. Annunziato informed him this comment was noted on the master plan and not the pre- application. He clarified that when Miner Road is platted, it must be dedicated to the public with the proper right-of- way. -6- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mrs. Bond clarified that the main interest now is to build the golf course and club house and Mr. Starkey agreed and there is the possibility they may come back with a different proposal for the remainder of the land. At this time, they want to present the plat to be recorded to obtain a building permit for the club house, tennis courts and parking lots. Mr. Annunziato added the staff insisted on seeing a master plan for the entire plat as we are concerned how any development is going to be served with City services. With this pre-ap- plication and master plan, we have a blue print for future development which can be modified. If approved, it will give the City something to compare future development to. Mr. Starkey added this serves to assure the staff that future municipal services can be provided to this property. Mr. Annunziato agreed there was a clear understanding how this facility will be served. Chairman Thompson asked if this entire parcel for the golf course and the homesites are owned by one individual and Mr. Starkey informed him there are two separate ownerships. Mrs. Huckle asked if this was planned to be a public or private golf course and Mr. Starkey replied it will be private. Mr. Annunziato clarified that even though there are two separate ownerships, several of the same people are involved in both. Mr. Ryder pointed out that we will not have access to this development from Boynton Beach, but must go through the County. This is probably not a problem with the golf course, but should be considered when the homes are built. Mr. Annunziato agreed and suggested possibly the Board should consider no residential development until there is a direct tie to the City with City roads. Mr. Annunziato referred to annexation and stated by deeding away the right-of-way of the canal, they no longer own it and it cannot be annexed into the City. In order to consolidate the borders, it is the staff's desire the canal be annexed. Mr. Starkey asked if this would delay platting and Mr. Annunziato replied that he doesn't think it is a problem if the limits of the plat are consistent with the east bank of the canal. Chairman Thompson stated the situation of continuing High Ridge Road to N. W. 22nd Avenue must be addressed; however, it does not come under this. Mr. Annunziato stated he does think it is appropriate for the Board to take the position against residential development until access is provided. -7- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. DiSalle made a motion for approval of this pre-application for High Ridge Country Club subject to staff comments and the comments pertaining to the development of residential homes being delayed until proper access is obtained from the City of Boynton Beach. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Under discus- sion, Mr. Ryder asked if this could be required and Mr. Annunziato replied that he thinks it is consistent with the responsibility of this Board. Motion carried 7-0. Master Plan Applicant: Location: Project Description: High Ridge Country Club (Lee Starkey, Agent) South of Hypoluxo Road & West of High Ridge Rd. 160 homes on 83.02 acres; also 171.17 acres which consists of a golf course, a club house, tennis courts, maintenance building and golf cours shelters. Mr. Annunziato reviewed the information submitted concerning soils, utilities, drainage, etc. Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments and read Mr. Howell's note recommending approval subject to the proposed finish grade elevations of all lots and the proposed streets; existing grade elevations of the adjacent property on the east and north side of the proposed project. The Fire Marshal requests the size of the water lines and loop system to be shown and fire hydrants provided. Mr. Clark commented that street grades should be shown, proposed storm sewer pipe sizes should be shown, the average water table elevation and subsoil information should be shown, and the construction of Miner Road from High Ridge Road to the E-4 Canal should be shown. Mr. Cessna noted the water line sizes should be indi- cated, loop the water line at the north and westward and con- nect into F & R Builders' property, Boynton Lakes Subdivision, off of Hypoluxo Road, fire hydrants should be indicated as per subdivision requirements, and no residential taps will be allowed off of a 16'~ water line on Miner Road and this would require additional~piping into some cul-de-sac areas adjacent to Miner Road, the pumping station and force main for the clubhouse to the gravity system should be privately owned and maintained. Mr. Annunziato stated his comment is the drainage easements are to be platted on the golf course. Mr. Frederick suggested a fee in lieu of land and allow ½ credit for private recreation. The staff recommendation is to approve subject to comments. MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD JANUARY 8, 1980 Mr. Starkey added that the lift station and water line for the club house would be private. They are concerned about the requirement for the construction of Miner Road and all they ask is equity. .If the project to the south constructs a por- tion of Miner Road, they will do the same. They have not had the opportunity to present this to the owner of the residential property. He would like to reserve acceptance or rejection to it. He would like to have this addressed with the residential area. Mr. AnnUnziato explained about the potential residential development planned to the south and stated he doesn't think we lose anything as a City by asking each residential developer to be responsible for the development of that road. Mr. Starkey replied that perhaps the owner would be agreeable, but he has not had the opportunity to present it to him. He would like the opportunity to speak to the developer about this and get his concurrence or rejection. He would like to defer that particular condition until some later point in the reviewing process. Mr. Annunziato referred to this master plan having finality and stated he doesn't think a recommendation can be made different than those submitted. The potential for losing the construction of Miner Road sometime in the future would be difficult for the staff to accept. Mr. Starkey requested a few moments to discuss this with the attorney. Chairman Thompson asked if the value for recreation was to be determined at this time and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively as it will come under the preliminary plat. Mr. Ryder sug- gested that the City Planner prepare a flow chart showing the various stages for the members' information. Mr. Starkey informed the Board that after seeking counsel's advi~e and discussion, they will concur with the staff recom- mendation. They would like the recommendation for the improve- ments to Miner Road be specified as part of the residential development so there would be no misunderstanding. Mr. DiSalle made a motion that the master plan for High Ridge Country Club be approved subject to staff comments with the clarification that improvements to Miner Road will be developed with the residential development. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. DiSalle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:25 P. M. 'Suz~nne M. Kruse, ~ecording Secretary (Two Tapes) -9- PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT SUBJECT:! "Citizens Awareness Program" D nt This is the next in a series of half-hour present- atio~s to be given at the beginning of each regularly scheduled Planning and.Zoning Board meeting (2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month)- The purpose of the program is to educate and inform the residents of Boynton Beach. Presentations will be given by various governmental, quasi-governmental~ non-profit and public service agencies and organizations. PRESENTATION TITLE: SPEAKER/ORGANIZATION: Date: Tuesday: 7:30 P.M. - ~Ihce: Boynton Beach City Council Chambers Boynton Beach City Hall - 2nd floor (corner of N.E~ 2nd Avenue & Seacrest Blvd) Highlights of this presentation are: ~!$~$$,o~ Sg Th~ ~$7~,f~ Thank you very much. PI~ING ~dqD 'ZONING BOAPdD ~PLTCATION BOY/qTON BEACH, FLORIDA Alli"~p~ca~ons to'be processed by the Planning and · Board-must be received and accepted by the' City Planner twenty-.~ ~ ~-~"~77~.i!'~'~i'(13)'~days prior-~to the regular meeting. The applicant will be ...... -~'~dvised as to s'upple/uental meetings necessary for appliCation i~ ~ · ..'~' ~ ~review. "' ~-~. ~' - ~ -~ ~ ' : ~"' i~': ':~ ;~: ' ' All.applicants with approVed site plans, which at a later date request a revision, will be processed in the ss~ne manner as the initial application subject to all Code requ~irenments effective at the t~e the revision-is requested. Name of Applicant WALTER KARDASH C/0 WBC CORPORATION Applicant's Address 4400 S.W. 74th AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH,. FLA. 33]55 Address of Site SOUTH' FEDERAL HIGHWAY Intended Use of Site ! RESTAURANT Legal Description of Site 'SE~ SITE PLAN ....................... ~ - . . ~ - . ~ - : · . The following data must appear on all Copies of the Site Plan: 1. Existing Zone ~3 2. Area of Site 56,326 SQ. FT. 3. 4. Total Nun%bet of Units Proposed N/A Density Gross N/A Per Acre 5. Building ~_rea 7620 Sq. Ft. 6. Parking Spaces: Req'd 93 7. Parking - Aisle Area ]8~088Sq. Ft, 8. Street ~_rea 9. Landscape ~0. H&ight 11. Tot~ ~nat N/A 13 Proposed 93 % of Lot % of Lot Western~ J House ii:, .'/ ! Gulf Building 95 5~errick Way, Suite Coral Gables, Florida 3~134 Telephone (305) 448-7536 12/28/1979 i~r. Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boyton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 310 Boyton Beach, Florida Re: Pre-Applicati6n High Point of Boyton North Development Dear Mr. Annunziato: This is in reference to your recent.meeting with Kenny Tate and our conversation regarding the High Point of Boyton North Project. The following material are enclosed: A $5 01. 00~che'ck 7 copies of our master plan, showing number of buildings, streets, lake, recreation, etc .... 3. 7 copies of a written statement 4. 7 copies of a location sketch 5. 7 copies of the survey for the property We would appreciate it if you would place our pre-application on hhe'. agenda of the planning and zoning and advise me of the time and place of the meeting. Sincerely, Nabil H~n, Ph. . ,P.E. / DEc 28 197 Ne,,w, Boynt'on West Rd - SR 804 Vacant Oual - - LE i -V , x--. % xx'x -.- -. xx r-dge x: a .'.x.'-.. '-..?:q-...-..'--.N' ,-, develOpment .w= c I/x~'"", '" -x~%?'q'x""' '"' I.WDD L- 26 Cmnm] , ~'. · Kirsner - Cogen Proj e c t Pr of Cranbrook -. -Lake s Estates · .- . !~ - .: -, > ..2/,, ?:,.' ; · . - ;f' ,.; . ,).;: . ~-...'' .-: f ~isureville'._ __ . : :' · D~uelOpment _- S ;W. :Congress Av~  osed ttigh Point' oynton North Name of Developers : High Point of Delray Builders Inc. Adress : 4640 High Point Lake Drive Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Phone # - 734-2579 Vicinity Map ( NTS ) DEC 28 1979 Coral Gables, ~torida 33134 'l'~lephoae (3[tS,~ 448-7536 STATEMENT The project to be built will include 138 Quad. Buildings ( 552 units), two recreation areas and some 8.0 acre lake (see enclosed site plan). At the present time the area is being demucked. Utilities are available at the property. A 3~" force main/along Congress Avenue is t:~c~~-~ ..... ~ - ..... ~ ...... d~oig~ A 16" Water mai~ which runs westwards south of LWDD Canal L-26 is presently under design. In addition a 16" water main is available along Congress Avenue at some 1200 ft. The proposed density is 6.13 units/gross acre. The total open space is approximately Nabil Hansen,~r,~. ~. , P. E. iNGINEERING SERVICES HIG I.~,NAyS ;ES DAT ICY~ : AIR CONDITIONING tRY WATER SUPPLY AND ,SURVEYING ! N C 0 R I~ 0 R & T I~ D CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNERS ' lg58 SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33406 TELEPHONE (~305) g64-1221 December 21, 1979 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Director of Planning 120 N,E,'2nd Avenue _Boynton Beach, Fl, 33435 RE: HIGH RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB Pre-application & Master Plan approval Dear Carmen: Attached, in seven copies, is our Master Plan for High Ridge Countpy Club, In addition to the Master Plan, we have included a utilities concept plan, a revised phase one site plan and a phase one ~ecord plat. The Master Plan 'encompasses'Lthe entire property from-Hypoluxo Road to Minor Road, from-th6'-West line of High Ridge Subdivision to the Lake Worth DrainageS']District Canal E-4, Included within the Master .Plan is a golf course facility of 171,17 acres which consists of a golf course, a'club house, tennis counts, maintenance building and golf course shelters, The residential area is 83,02 acres with 160 lots, Each lot will conform to the standards of the R-lAAA district with a minimum area of 10,500 square feet, with a 100 foot frontage minimum, The residential area is accessed by a 60 feet road ~ight-of-way, constructed to Boynton Beach standards. Of the 160 lots, 64 homesites will be fairway lots; some of which will overlook 15 acres of wetland. The integrity of this wetland has been assured by carefully designing a hydrological system compatible with the requirements of the wetland. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 195~ ~O~ CO~GREB~ AVENUE December 21, 1979 ...... - Mr..Carmen Annunziato RE: High Ridge Country Club Page 2 The entire site includes almost 18 acres of lakes~'~nd wetlands with the water levels controlled at elevation ll.O M.'S.L. for the wetlands, 9.0 M,S,L. in the northern lakes and 8.0 M.S.L. in the southern lakes, The utility concept plan provides for connection to Boynt°n Beach facilities within Minor Road when they become available. A six inch water main will be extended from Minor Road, valved and capped at Hypoluxo Road, An 8" gravity sewer system will flow to an on site lift station which will be connected by force main to the Boynton Beach force main in Minor Road. All'of the above facilities within the site will be deeded to Boynton'Beach, The revised site plan is submitted so that the "not included parcels" shown on the original, site plan can be'deleted and included within the limits of Phase I. These parcels were originally excluded as the site for the future club houses ma'intenance building and tennis courts. The future is here and we will be submitting for permits to construct these facilities in early February. The requirements for sanitary sewer service for the club house will be met initially with a septic tank and drainfield installation, The water will be provided with a small on site pressurized water system as approved by the Health Department. At such time as the utility lines are installed to serve the residential area, the septic tank and well will be abandoned and the club house facilities will be connected to the municipal system. By copy of this letter, we are forwarding a print of the proposed record plat of Phase I to Tom Clark, your distinguished City Engineer. If Mr. Clark will review the plat at this stage, for conformance to the subdivision ordinance, it would be most helpful. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1~B BOUT}~ CONGRE~[ AVENUE December 21, 1979 ~ ~ -~'I "~ · Mr, Carmen Annunziato RE: High Ridge Country Club Page 3 If you have any questions, please call, If not, We will await your notice of the time and date of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting and/or the Technical Review Board meeti.ng. Your attention to this is most appreciated and-through your courtesy, you will be receiving this on December 26th, we want to wish you and your staff a joyous and bountiful holiday season. Very tru. ly yours, ^~[¢~Y~_ INC, LS:ph C~C~: Tom Clark, P,E, Ralph Birenbaum Jerry Aron Peter Paulson Encls, ~{IGH RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB ?OLD maintained on site. _ ]3E: fs ' RETURN TO ~teur Steak Rouse -.S.E. 27th Cir¢le~ DATE-'1-2280 'lqith regara"'~ "~e ~e .referenced{ prqject, be' advised of the SidewaYs r.ec~red on So~ East 28~ CirCle. '~ Dow~ s~uts on ~he north side of'the .... bu~Ic~ng $~:orm syst~ desi~e~ for ~is ~ject ~nd ~he water ~t' be REPLY- -: ' .............. -' : :" ReceiVed,' SIGNED Bud Howell PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER GRAYARC CO. INC. BROOKLYN. N. Y. 11232 · --] FROM Carmen Annunzia%o, Planning Director Allan Nyquist, Fire Marshal JAN ? FOLD DATE:~i- 7- 8 0 Provide fire hy. drant on west side of SoUth Fed. Hwy. in front Of lo'~atiOn. Subdivision Regulations 977-36. PLEASE REPLY TO ~ DATE: SIGNED GRAYARC CO., INC,, BROOKLYN. N. Y, '~ 1232 - - . TH~$ COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner FROM Bud Howell Building Official High Ridge CoUntry Club _DATE:~i-2-80 SUB3EC~: FOLD ~ Pursuant to the abOve, I recommend approval of the master-plan subject to the proposed finish grade elevations of all lots and the proposed streets. ~Existing grade elevations of the adjacent property on the eaSt and north side of the proposed project. BH: fs PLEASE REPLY TO ~ SIGNED Bud Howell Received, ......................... H n -you. DATE: THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDFESSED GRAY Ca~men Annunzia%o, Planning Director FROM Allan Nyquist, Fire Marshal 71 80 FOLD ...... High...Ridge_~Co.untry._Club Plans ~ _DATE:__ 1,7- 80 Show size of.water ~lines and 10op sYste~ Provide fire hydrant to Lhe Subdivision RegUlations ~77-36. PLEASE REPLY TO ~ SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED GRAYARC CO,, INC.. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 1 t232 ?Y FOR PERSON ADDRESSED M E M 0 R A N D U M January 2, 1980 TO: ~Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner .... FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer ~e: ~igh Ridge Country..C!ub~ Mast~ Plan Comments on the subject Master Plan are as follows: 1. Street grades should be shown. ............. ~.' '-~Proposed"-~torm-se~er pipe sizes should be shown. The average water table eleVation and subsoil infor- mation should be shown. The constructioK- of'~'Mi~ec Roa~--' fr6M~'~i~h~Jid~ge~o~d to the E-4 Canal shOuld, be shown. Tom Clark MEMORANDUM Carmen Annunziato ~ty planner P~rry A. Cessna D$~ctor of Utilities J~nuary 2, 1980 High Ridge Country Club Development R~gar.ding a'Mast.er Plan for this~subdivision, the following things ~ho~l~d b= taken c~ of under the Master Plan: 1. Indicate the water line sizes. Loop the water line at the north and westward and connect. into F&R Builders' property, Boynton Lakes Subdivision, off of HypolUXo Road. 3. Fire hydrants should be indicated as per s~bdivision require- ......................... ments. _ No residential taps will be allOwed off of a 16" water line on Miner Road. This would require additional piping into some cul-de-sac areas adjacent to Minor Road. 5. The pumping station and force main for the clubhouse to the gravity system should be privately owned and maintained. The ........... reason for this is that we do not intend to be responsible for a force main running through the lake and across the golf courses. PAC :bt Mark G. Law Tiny Grandbois Joe Mikels City Engr. central'File Director of Utilities DATE: TIME: AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Regular Meeting January 8th, 1980 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers City Hall Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors. Reading and Approving of Minutes. Announcement. Communications. "Citizens Awareness" Presentation: - South Florida Water Management District "Water Quality and Drainage .i-~-~-Planning,,by ~rs.-Pat Walker &'Sheila Middaugh. ~Old Business: New Business: A. Site Plan Approval: Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Project Walter Ka~dash .... South Federal Highway & S.E. 28th Circle See Survey Description: Restaurant Project Name: WESTERN STEER FAMILY STEAK HOUSE Subdivision Regulation Pre-Application: Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Project Description: ~p~c~: Location: Legal Description: Project Description: C__~. Master Plan: Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Project Description: High-Point of Delray Builders, Inc. (N.Hansen, Agent) West side of Congress Avenue, south of Congress Middle School and north of LWDD Canal #26 See Survey 552 units, two recreation areas and a lake High Ridge Country Club (Lee Starkey, Agent) South of Hypoluxo Rd and West of ~igh Ridge Rd. See Survey 160 homes on 83.02 acres also 171.17 acres which consists of a golf course, a club house, tennis courts, maintenance building and golf course shelters. High Ridge Country Club (Lee Starkey, Agent) South of Hypoluxo Rd. and West of High Ridge Rd. See Survey 160 homes on 83.02 acres; also 171.17 acres which consists of a golf course, a club house, tennis courts, maintenance building.and golf course shelters.