TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1979 AT 7:30 P. M.
Arnold Thompson, Chairman
Lillian Bond
Ezell Hester
Gene Johnson
Simon Ryder
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner
Fred DiSalle, Vice Chairman (Excused)
Caesar Mauti
Chairman Thompson welcomed everyone and called the meeting
to order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the
Board and City Planner.
Mr. Hester made a motion to approve the minutes as written,
seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Grabeel announced there will be a presentation at the
next meeting, the first in the series of citizens' aware-
ness programs, by Mr. Bob Bergen of the Pine Jog Environmental
Center. The nature of the presentation will be a slide show
depicting the ecological system of South Florida.
Mr. Grabeel recommended inserting on the agenda after the
item of Communications, Item 5 - Citizens' Awareness Programs,
prior to resuming any Old Business. Also, for the purposes
of advertising public hearings, he thinks it would be advis-
able to change the time from 7:30 to 8:00 P. M. to accommo-
date the time for the presentation. Mr. Annunziato added
that we will not be able to commence the public hearings for
October 23 at 8:00 P. M. because they are already advertised,
but this will be done from November on.
Mr. Annunziato announced that on October 1, the consultants
from Motorola submitted their application for development
approval to the Treasure Coast Planning Council. Everything
is on track now for the Motorola development in the City.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the Abandonment Request listed
under New Business on the agenda and announced that due to
an error in the advertisement, this was scratched from the
agenda and re-advertised and will re-appear on the agenda
for October 23.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Subdivision Regulation Pre-Application
Edgewood Heights (Danny O'Brien, Agent)
North of N.W. 8th Ct. at Old Boynton Road
21 residential lots on 6.13 acres
Mr. Annunziato requested this application to remain on the
table since the applicant just submitted a revised drawing
today and the staff has not been able to review it. This
will appear on the agenda for the meeting of October 23.
Letter from the Building Official, Bud Howell - Re: Boat
Houses on Private Lakes, Canals and Waterways
Mr. Howell informed the Board that he wrote this letter
because he feels when he runs across something in the zoning
ordinance which he feels puts a hardship on the citizens of
Boynton Beach that it is his place to bring it before this
Board. In this instance, he has run across a problem which
he feels is a hardship on the citizens. When people buy
waterfront lots, he feels they are buying them with the
intention of having boat docks and possibly boat houses.
He feels it is unfair for them to have to go before the
Board of Adjustment and pay a fee of $150 to ask for a set-
back variance when their lozs are backed to waterways in the
rear of their homes. He feels the Board should possibly con-
sider this for an ordinance change, such as we did in allowing
utility buildings within the setbacks of the rear property
lines because we felt that ordinance was unfair to the citi-
zens of Boynton Beach. He suggests, possibly the size be
limited and recommends 300 square feet under roof within the
column limes. Also, possibly the Board may want to consider
requiring the roof to be in conformance with the house roof
so it would be aesthetically in Conformance. Basically this
is his opinion and he requests the Board to consider this.
Chairman Thompson asked if any permits were required from a
state agency pertaining to waterways and Mr. Howell replied
affirmatively that it is required by.the Building
Department if it is on a Lake Worth Drainage District ca~at
or waterway under their jurisdiction. Ordinarily they are in
agreement to allow this.
Mr. Ryder asked if the Board of Adjustment has granted vari-
ances for boat houses and Mr. Howell replied affirmatively.
He added that we do have violations because of the way the
ordinance is written and he explained they have been approved
in the past when shown on site plans.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Ryder clarified that the City does not have control how it is
going to be built and Mr. Howell agreed. He explained his recom-
mendation for 300 square feet was based on considering the size
of the largest lake boat and having ample room to house it. Mr.
Ryder agreed it would seem advisable to have some way to control
this rather than the present system with a variance being ob-
tained and not having any control. He also feels it would be
advantageous to see certain areas removed out of the province of
the Board of Adjustment because he feels their variances negate
our zoning ordinances.
Chairman Thompson suggested handling this by a motion from this
Board to the City Council and Mr. Annunziato suggested it might
be better if the Board has a specific recommendation. He suggests
that possibly he and Mr. Howell prepare an ordinance proposal for
the Board's review.
Mrs. Bond made a motion that Mr. Annunziato and Mr. Howell get
together and prepare an ordinance for this Board to present to
the Council pertaining to boat docks on private lakes, canals
and waterways, seconded by Mr. Ryder. Motion carried 5-0.
Public Hearing - Rezoning Request
Christian Development Corp. of Boynton Beach,
Inc. - Clyde Worrell, Agent
S.W. 19th Avenue and Congress Avenue
Palm Beach Leisureville, Tenth Section, Parcel E
Continuation of construction of multi-family
Rezone to R-3 from C-1
Mr. Annunziato stated at the final public hearing of the Compre-
hensive Plan, Mr. Worrell made a presentation to the City Council
expressing his feelings on the use of this land currently zoned
for commercial purposes. At that time, the City Council and he
concurred that multi-family would be a less intense use than
commercial. The City Council did ask to change the future land
use in this plat on the Comprehensive Plan. He asked Mr. Worrell
to follow this with an application in compliance with the Compre-
hensive Plan.
Mr. Clyde Worrell, 915 Palm Trail, Delray Beach, stated this
property is contiguous to the property in Palm Beach Leisure-
ville Tenth Section where they are developing Parcel K. They
are completing 38 units presently. They anticipate the second
phase being on Parcel E with 43 to 47 units depending on the
abandonment. They feel this would be the best land use and it
will be a continuation of the type of construction they are pre-
sently involved with at the present time.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Ryder clarified that this application indicates the plan is
to continue to construct the type of units being built now and
Mr. Worrell agreed. Mr. Ryder continued that once a recommenda-
tion is made for R-3, the applicant can resort to any permissive
use. He would not want anything other than single story units
to be built. However, this is different than considering rezon-
ing in an area entirely virgin since the character of this neigh-
borhood is established with single story homes. He thinks the
impact of anything other than that certainly would be damaging.
He thinks we should have some kind of assurance this is what is
going to happen. Mr. Worrell stated the intended use is to con-
tinue zero lot line single story construction. They do have an
obligation to build a swimming pool with the residences. However,
if they don't build on it, he cannot guarantee anything. They do
have tentative pre-sales on this property and intend to begin
construction immediately. Chairman Thompson clarified that they
plan the same type of construction which is to the south and Mr.
Worrell agreed.
Mrs. Bond questioned how many units would be built and Mr.
Worrell replied that R-3 allows 10.8 units per acre and it
will be near that. Abandonment of the roadway may change it.
Mrs. Bond referred to a swimming pool being built and asked if
it would be a recreation area and Mr. Worrell replied affirma-
tively, for the land residents. Mr. Annunziato added if this
property does develop, it does have to be replated in a single
family format and all the subdivision regulations would be mm-
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone from the audience wished to
speak in favor of this rezoning request.
Mr. Marchese, 1901 Roma Way, stated if the same type of struc-
ture is going to be built, he has no objection to it. He is
very pleased to see residential rather than a commercial enter-
prise. However, he is concerned about the 30' easement and
hopes houses wilt be built on that too. Mr. Annunziato in-
formed him this abandonment was not a matter for discussion
tonight. The abandonment application will be heard at the
meeting of October 23.
Mr. Joseph Maezes, 2207 Roma Way, stated he was confused about
the road abandonment and Mr. Annunziato informed him the reason
it is not for discussion tonight is because it was advertised
improperly and it has been re-advertised and will be heard on
October 23. Mr. Maezes asked if this had anything to do with
rezoning to R-3 and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively. Chairman
Thompson added that these are separate requests and he explained
that i~ was intended to handle both together, but due to an
error in advertising this could not be done.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Hester made a motion to accept this rezoning request to R-3
for Christian Development Corp., seconded by Mr. Johnson. Mr.
Annunziato requested the motion to reflect this request is con-
sistent w~th the approved Comprehensive Plan for the City. Mr.
Hester and Mr. Johnson agreed. Motion carried 5-0.
Site Plan Approval
Flagship Bank (Robert Bernzotz, Agent)
N. E. Corner Congress & Woolbright Road
Branch Bank
Mr. Annunziato referred to the site plan and advised this re-
quest is for a branch bank for Flagship First National Bank.
Several months ago, this property was rezoned from R-3 to C-1.
This application represents the site plan for a portion of the
property rezoned to C-1. The intention of the applicant is to
sell the eastern 1/3 of the property. The plan provides for a
building area of 2,933 square feet including the covered drive
thru area. The required parking spaces are 10 and they have
provided on site 47.
Mr. Robert Bernzotz, 2837 - 26th Street, North, St. Petersburg,
Florida, informed the Board this branch bank is proposed to have
a three lane drive-in with approximately 2,300 square feet of
inside area and designed for six lanes in the future. There is
access off Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue, but he doesn't
think a median cut will be allowed on Wooibright Road as shown
on the plan. Mr. Ryder asked if it was too close to the inter-
section and Mr. Bernzotz replied that he understands 640 feet is
needed to an intersection for a median cut, but he will be meet-
ing with the engineers.
Mr. Johnson referred to the storm water~etention and Mr.
Bernzotz explained it would be a pit with the overflow slowly
draining into the canal. He told about finding a storm sewer
tonight on the corner running northeast into the canal.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments. He read the
memo from the Building Official requesting: "Handicap parking
spaces required equals two, in addition to signs for same. One
is shown on plan with no sign. Palm Beach County approval for
turn-outs on Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road required. Side-
walks on Woolbright Road as per ordinance and bike path on Con-
gress Avenue per plan. Show existing elevations of adjacent
property on east side."
Mr. Annunziato read the memo from Mr. Clark stating: "The
subject site plans should be revised to show that all water for
the first hour of a three-year storm will be retained on site.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Overflow pipes should be identified as emergency overflows and
will require permits from the Water Management District and from
the Lake Worth Drainage District. Inlet structures and outlet
structures should be detailed with elevations. Pipes should
show invert elevations. Pond areas should have dimensions.
Grassed areas should show finish grades. Elevations should be
shown for Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road. If part of the
property will be sold off in the future, the drainage computa-
tions should exclude the area to be sold."
Mr. Annunziato then read the two comments listed by Mr. Cessna:
1. They will install a grinder pump type private lift
station of such capacity as to serve this bank and the
Savings & Loan, which will be just east of it. They
will also have to install an appropriate force main
by jack and bore method under Woolbright Road to empty
into the sewer being installed by Sun Bank.
2. Water will be served from the extension of the water
line on the south side of the street if the 16" line
being installed by the City has not been built and
placed in service by the time they are ready for water.
Otherwise, they will connect onto the new 16" line.
Mr. Annunziato continued that the Police Department has noted
there must be adequate exterior lighting and parking lot lights,
stop lights at the east entrance, and stop sign on Woo!bright
Road. The Public Works Department noted there will be no under-
ground garbage cans.
Mr. Annunziato advised that his comment was to eliminate the
driveway on Congress Avenue. He explained how this exit was
in close proximity to the canal right-of-way and bridge and he
thinks it would be dangerous. He also noted a hedge to be
planted to the rear to be consistent with the zoning regula-
tions, provide arrows in the parking lot, provide lane dividers
every ten parking spaces, and provide a landscape buffer on the
east side.
Mr. Annunziato summarized that the recommendation is to approve
subject to staff comments.
Mr. Bernzotz stated none of these comments are a problem except
eliminating the driveway on Congress Avenue. If they cannot get
a median cut, they will have no access for northbound traffic.
Mr. Annunziato explained how the way it was shown would create a
problem considering the shape of the land. Discussion ensued
pertaining to the road and bridge widths and access. Mr.
Annunziato asked if the County Engineer had seen this configura-
tion and Mr. Bernzotz replied negatively, but he has a meeting
scheduled with him. Mr. Annunziato suggested the solution
might be to construct a joint driveway for both properties with
a median cut and this was discussed.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Chairman Thompson stated this Board can table this until recom-
mendations are received from the County Engineer or approve it
with staff comments which would restrict the applicant until he
gets permission from the County.
Mr. Bernzotz stated they will work with the staff. If a drive-
way must be eliminated, it will be. They still have to get
county permits which is part of the building procedure. Mr.
Annunziato added the City will work with the applicant to secure
at least one median cut on Woolbright Road to serve these proper-
Mr. Johnson made a motion to accept this plan with staff comments
for the Flagship Bank, seconded by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 5-0.
Waters Edge Condominium (Tom Erling, Agent)
2030 N. Federal Highway
Sam Brown Jr., Lot. 10
Wood Dock
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this site plan application is
an addition to the Waters Edge development which was previously
approved and platted. The dock was not included in the site
plan, so the applicant is requesting approval of the dock into
the Intracoastal. One staff comment was made and that is to
light the dock for safety purposes. The recommendation is this
be approved subject~to providing dock lighting.
Mr. Tom Erling stated that permits have been granted from the
Corps of Engineers, Environmental Department of Natural Re-
sources and he did not realize site approval was required. Mr.
Ryder questioned the nature of the construction. Mr. Erling
informed him it would be a wooden dock with approximately 12
spaces for the residents. There will be a street light on it.
Mr. Hester moved to approve this plan for a dock for the Waters
Edge Condominium with staff comments, seconded by Mr. Johnson.
Motion carried 5-0.
Preliminary Plat
Hy-Lib, Inc.
West of Laurel Hills, East of E-4 Canal
North of 01d Boynton Rd. & South of Boynton Canal
Single Family Subdivision/57 Building Lots
Mr. Annunziato stated the preliminary plat materials submitted
are consistent with the new subdivision regulations. He referred
to this application being submitted in various forms over theyears and
OCTOBER 9, 1979
explained that it was approved by the City Council in 1978 under
the old subdivision regulations. The ordinance in effect at
that time provided for filing of ~he plat within 90 days. However,
the recent plat did not occur until the proper bonds were sub-
mitted to the City. Bonds were not filed within the specified
time and in the opinion of the City Attorney, the plat expired.
Since Spring, there has been an effort to revitalize Sky Lakes
in the form existing under the old subdivision ordinance. When
this was given to the staff for comment, there was the feeling
if this plat was going to be re-approved, it should be consistent
with the current subdivision regulations. Many things have
changed such as the right-of-way width, parks and recreation
requirements, new utility ordinance, street light requirement,
Water Management District review, etc. He thinks most of these
items are alluded to in Mr. Herring's letter. The applicant has
agreed to most of the new ordinance requirements, but two areas
of concern remain.
Mr. Annunziato stated one area of concern is the width of the
roads. The current ordinance permits a 50 ft. right-of-way only
if built with mourtable curbs. The Water Management District
will not issue a permit to the applicant if the subdivision is
constructed entirely with mountable curbs, but will permit Phases
2 and 3 with curbs. The only option open would be to seek a var-
iance to the subdivision regulation from the City Council request-
ing they be permitted to construct Phase 1 with 50 ft. rights-of-
way uncurbed. He believes this is one area the Board may want
to make a recommendation on.
Mr. Annunziato stated the second issue is the reluctance of the
applicant to participate in the policy of the Board to forward
.4 of 1% of the sales price to the School Board for school con-
struction. This is something else the Board may wish to comment
on. Other than that, the applicant has agreed to all the issues
Mr. Annunziato then referred to the staff comments. He read
the memo from the Fire Department stating: "Fire hydrants
conform with Subdivision Regulation #77-36 as shown on Water
Distribution System plans."
Mr. Annunziato read the memo from Mr. Cessna listing the follow-
ing comments:
Water Distribution System - We do require them to tie into
our system on N. W. 10th Street, so that they do have a
looped system to furnish water to this first phase. This
will requmre an appropriate easement for this connection.
Sewerage Collection System - We have allowed them to use 6"
double services, and we are also requiring encasement of the
vitrified clay pipe where it is close (at least 12") to the
proposed storm drains.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Lift Station - Notations have been marked in red. We have
also attached a copy of our pump station criteria for their
Mr. Annunziato then read his memo which he sent to Mr. Clark:
"You will recall that the final plat of Plat I, Sky Lake
Subdivision was approved by the City Council in the summer of
1978. Failure on the part of the developer to submit a bond
resulted in the lapsing of the .Council approval. During that
period, the City approved a new subdivision ordinance which
differs considerably in terms of design criteria and procedure
from the submission which accompanies this memo. In discussing
this situation with the City Manager, it was determined that
this submission should be processed as a Preliminary Plat
through the TRB, P&Z and approval by City Council.
To that end, I offer the following recommendations:
1. The School Board of Palm Beach County should review
this application for impact on the school system~
2. It would be helpful that the area of Parcel A was shown
on the Plat. In order to determine the ~rks and recrea-
tion dedicat~ion of this area, it will have to be computed
against the requirement of .018 acre per unit;
3. The land value will have to be determined if the appli-
cant does not dedicate all of the required land consis-
tent with the code;
4. Street lights must be provided;
5. The Utility Ordinance and its attendant construction
requirements and fees must be addressed;
6. The Palm Beach County Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance is
applicable~ and,
7. In order for Ph~es 2 and 3 to meet the code, the 50 ft.
streets must be constructed with mountable curbs.
The 50 ft. streets shown in Phase I without mountable curbs
do not meet the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. There-
fore, the applicant must seek a variance from City Council."
Mr. Annunziato then read the memo from Mr. Frederick stating:
"The Subdivision Ordinance requires the following recreation and
open space dedication: 193 units @ .018 acres = 3.474 acres.
As the preliminary plan approved by Council on October 4, 1977,
provided for a private recreation area to include one ballfield,
two tennis courts, four shuffleboard courts, and one basketball
court on approximately 2.9 acres, one half credit is allowable
if said facilities are provided. Thus, 1.737 acres of public
dedication for recreation purposes is required. Recommend fee
in lieu of land be provided as prescribed in the Subdivision
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Annunziato clarified that this plat provides for 57 single
family homes. Half of the recreation requirement would have to
be dedicated in the form of doZlars to the City. However, there
is no land value on the land. This was to be provided by the
applicant, but has not to date. Mr. Herring advised the informa-
tion was supposed to have been submitted and will be promptly.
Mr. Annunziato suggested that based on this, the Board in their
review can accept a recent appraisal as the real land value. He
clarified the issue before the Board is the plat of Sky Lakes
Subdivision being processed as a preliminary plat through the new
subdivision regulations with some minor things with the Board
setting the land value and School Board fe~.
Mr. Ryder asked if the purpose of the mountable curb was to
provide an impervious water channel and Mr. Annunziato replied
affirmatively and added the intent of 60 ft. rights-of-way is
to do without curbs and have more swale areas. If given a
choice, we would prevail to have no curbs. By providing 50 ft.
streets, the only alternative is to go with mountable curbs to
conform with the current subdivision regulations, but the Water
Management District will not agree for the entire development.
Mt. Ryder asked if in this case, could the City require 60 ft.
rights-of-way and Mr. Annunziato replied that he thinks this
will be the mssue of the variance. If the variance is denied,
it will result in an entire redesign of the subdivision with
the lot sizes changing, locations of sewer and water, etc.
Mr. Grover C. Herring, special counsel to the applicant, came
before the Board. He referred to this being a special unique
situation and stated this developer is canght in the transition
which is unfortunate. He thinks the developer's rights are
perfectly clear, but also felt the City had some points. They
have spent several months trying to resolve this and this ms
fully stated in the letter he submitted. He referred to the
applicant acquiring this land about November 1976 and told
about the application and development plans being started and
proceeding through 1978. Approval was finally given and an
ordinance passed in July 1978. Under the regulations at that
time, there was the provision for a bond. There is a legal
point of disagreement between the staff and his office regard-
ing this. Under the old ordinance, the approval was filed sub-
ject only to the posting of a bond. There was some delay in
posting the bond and more than 90 days went by. In the mean-
time, the City proceeded with passing other ordinances, etc.
Then somebody took the position because the 90 day period had
passed and no bond was posted, the plat had lapsed. This is
not the law. They should have the right to post that bond
today. They have been trying to work this out and his letter
of September 28 summarizes the various things his client is
wil~ing to do. This covers everything but the two points which
the City Planner referred to.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Herring stated his client is willing to build 50 ft. streets
with. or without curbs. They don't agree it is necessary to
apply for a variance, but will handle it that way if the City
requires it. The streets must be 50 ft. or the subdivision must
be replatted.
Mr. Herring referred to the School Board requirement and stated
he knows all governmental bodies try to cooperate with other
agencies, but this plat was being processed in 1976 and finally
approved in 1978. This was done properly at that time and was
completely approved. His client is unwilling and unable to com-
promise on this point. His client has agreed to all the points
cited in the letter. They did not ask this to come back to the
Planning Department, but have no objections. He requests the
position of the prior approval be reconfirmed with taking into
account the comments in his letter and let this go back to the
City Council so this matter can be concluded.
Mr. Hester referred to the bond not being posted and Mr. Annun-
ziato explained that the applicant has 90 days to record the
plat but the City will not release the plat without the bond
being posted. No bond was submitted, so the plat lapsed. In
the opinion of the staff, this plat has lapsed.
Mr. Johnson questioned why the developer was trying to build
now and Mr. Herring replied that he has been trying to build
all this time, but questions arose regarding water and sewer.
Mr. Johnson commented that even if this is approved tonight,
it may be ten years before it is built. Mr. Herring stated
the applicant has been trying to meet w±th City officials,
staff and boards to get this processed. Mrs. Bond referred to
this being 1979 and stated the plat was presented to the City
Council in 1977. Mrs. Bond asked if an extension was requested
in the posting of the bond and Mr. Herring replied that the
City legal staff is in error on this point. Mrs. Bond questioned
the error and Mr. Herring replied the bond did not get posted
within the time the City staff felt was proper and they say the
plat has lapsed, but his opinion is different. Mr. Ryder
referred to the Board members not taking a legal position,
but stated the minutes have been submitted for revmew when it
was originally approved and he feels we must take the position
the plat is voided because Of non-compliance. He thinks we
are forced to go on the basis that this must now conform to
the present regulations.
Mr. Herring stated the only difference of opinion is the School
Board matter and there is no legal right to require this. This
is just simply what the School Board would like the City to do.
His client will not agree to it. If this cannot be worked out,
it will only delay things further. He is present to resolve
this. This goes before the City Council next week and he hopes
this Board will re-affirm their previous recommendation.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Johnson asked if most of these homes will be sold to families
with children and Mr. Herring replied that he would guess so.
Mr. Johnson stated he doesn't see why the builder is against the
impact fee for the School Board. What is being requested is that
the City make an exception to the rule for this builder. Mr.
Herring replied that the City does not have the legal right to
ask for this. There is no ordinance requiring this. This is
just a request and he doesn't think it can be enforced. Chair-
man Thompson informed him that this is an established precedent
in this City. This Board has required it many times for develop-
ments of this type. Mr. Ryder added this could be moved along
with the staff recommendations and the City Attorney and City
Council will clarify these conditions.
Mr. Annunziato referred to an appraisal being submitted and Mr.
Hmring agreed. Mr. Annunziato requested it to be a recent
figure within two months to have an accurate land value.
Chairman Thompson referred to the plat showing an extension to
the north of where the homes are to be built and questioned
the purpose for this to be included in this plat and Mr. Annun-
ziato informed him this is the parks, recreation and lakes
tract. Chairman Thompson referred to the request being made
at the original approval to donate additional lots for this
area and Mr. Annunziato informed him that Lots 65 and 66 were
absorbed in Parcel A.
Mr. William B. Kement, 1216 N.W. 8th Court, referred to coming
before the Planning & Zoning Board Sen this was previously
approved and stated when the developer plotted this land, he
just disregarded the piece of land abutting it. He neither
considered the street nor the facing of the houses. He de-
valued his property by putting the back of a house on his
street. It is a dedicated street planned by the City and i.s
in existence. S~nce the developer did not have to comply pre-
viously, he asks the Board to consider the new regulations this
time and have the houses face in the proper manner, so his
street doesn't become a back alley. Only two houses have to
be turned to accomplish this. This will take place under Phase
3, but he would like it considered, so he doesn't get left out
in the cold again. He agrees with the City that smnce the
developer did not post a bond, it is too late to come back.
He feels the time is past for this developer to draw a permit
and he should now abide by the new laws, the same as he had to
suffer by the old ones.
Mr. Annunziato stated he is very aware of Mr. Kement's problems
and thinks his comments are something the Board might want to
discuss or make the applicant aware of for future action. He
doesn't think it applies to what is before the Board at this
time. If the Board wants to make comments how things should be
in the future regarding Phases 2 and 3, perhaps the applicant
may reconsider these.
-12 -
Mrs. Bond stated she would like to hear more about this and
Mr. Kement showed a plot plan. Chairman Thompson explained
how onl.y one access was shown to the north end of this develop-
ment and it was Mr. Kement's suggestion~the two lots on the
corner be turned. He stated in speaking for the homeowners
in this area, he would like to request the applicant to ask
for N. W. 9th Street to be abandoned between N. W. 10th and
N. W. 13th Avenues. This would require a complete redesign
of the present plat, but may be to the betterment of the entire
City and this subdivision. Mr. Annunziato informed him the
applicant cannot request abandonment of a City street, but
all the property owners abutting N. W. 9th Street would have
to join mn that application. Chairman Thompson stated he
thinks this may be a possibility at this time. However,
concerning Mr. Kement's situation, he thinks the Board is
well versed in this and when this comes before the Board it
will be entertained at the appropriate time.
Mr. Harold Werger, 719 N.W. 7th Court, stated he was instru-
mental in drawing the map and asked the Council originally
for another easement out of Sky Lake. He explained how
three accesses could be put mn which would alleviate a lot
of the congestion in Laurel Hills. This was voted on by
the City Council and the City Manager wrote to the developer
about this and the reply was that it would cost thousands of
dollars. At this time, it will not cost anything except a
little piece of paving. He stressed further how this would
cause increased traffic in Laurel Hills.
Mr. Ryder stated he would think before the Board or City
Council takes any action, this needs study by Mr. Annunziato
and Mr. Clark as the points being made are about rights-of-
way and streets. Mr. Werger stated he discussed this with
Mr. Annunziato, but he has taken an opposite view with
being in favor of limiting access. Mr. Annunziato clarified
that the fewer entrances and exits to a residential area re-
sults in reduced thru traffic. A traffic engineer did review
this previously, but the traffic report should be updated.
Mr. Johnson added that When the traffic comes through Laurel
Hills, it passes two City parks on a 30' road and this is not
a good situation. Discussion ensued regarding the access
routes to this development. Mr. Annunziato then summarized
that he thinks the applicant is cognizant of the discussions
and has heard the feelings of the Board with respect to Phases
2 and 3.
Chairman Thompson announced that the Chair entertains a motion
and suggested that it incorporate the thoughts pertaining to
the width of the road, curbing or not, school impact fee and
land value.
OCTOBER 9, 1979
Mr. Ryder made a motion to recommend approval of this preliminary
plat of Sky Lakes based on compliance with the existing subdivi-
smon regulations and compliance with all staff comments particu-
larly with regard to the matter of 50 ft. roadways without curbs
where the Water Management District does not recommend it and the
matter be put before the Council to consider a variance, also that
we in accordance with customary procedure recommend recognition
of the impact fee for schools and the land value to be provided
by the applicant by a recent appraisal not older than 60 days for
recreational and parks purposes. Mr. Annunziato clarified the
motion included subject to compliance with the existing Subdivi-
sion Regulations, subject to staff comments, consistent with the
City's policy of requiring a school transfer fee, and 50 ft.
roads are recommended versus 60 ft. roads without curbs with a
variance. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Werger asked if the Board was going to take a vote on this
access road now and Mr. Ryder replied negatively, but it will
be studied and a recommendation made. Chairman Thompson added
this will be addressed when the remainder of the subdivision is
submitted for the preliminary plat.
Discussion - Set Workshop Date for Implementation of Comprehensive
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that they have been working to
prepare implementable zoning ordinance amendments to provide for
the changes required by the Comprehensive Plan such as zoning
changes, land use, etc. Also, the creation of three new zones
are proposed and he explained. Workshop sessions are needed to
implement these procedures. After discussion, it was agreed to
set the first workshop date for Monday, October 22 from 4:00 to
6:00 P. M. Mr. Annunziato added that he will send out a reminder
to the Board members.
Mr. Johnson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Bond.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
9:30 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
~nne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
Regular Meeting
DATE: October ~9th,- ~1979~
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
PLACE: Council Chambers
City Hall
Acknowledgement of Members a~d Visitors.
Reading and Approving of Minutes.
A. Mr. Bob Bergen/Pine~Jog Environmental Center
B. Time Change/Public Hearings
C. Motorola Development.
.Old Business:
A. Subdivision Regulation Pre-Application:
Applicant: Edgewood Heights (Danny O'Brien, agent~ ..... TABLED
Location: North of N.W. 8th Court at Old Boynton Road
Description:See Survey
Description: 21 residential lots on 6.13 acres
Letter from the Building Official (Bud Howell)
Re: Boat Houses on Private Lakes, Canals and Waterways
New Business:
A. Public Hearing:
Applicant: Christian Development Corp. of Boynton Beach, Inc.
(Clyde Worrelt, agent)
Location: S.W. 19th Avenue and Congress Avenue
Description: Palm Beach Leisurevitle, Tenth Section, Parcel E
Use: Continuation of construction of multi-family dwellings
Request: Rezone to Rv3 from C-1
Christian Development of Boynton Beach, Inc.
(Clyde Worrell, agent)
Planning & Zoning Board Agenda
Page 2
October 9th, 1979
B. Site Plan Approval:
Applicant: Flagship Bank (Robert Bernzotz, agent)
Location: N.E. corner Congress & Woolbright Rd.
Description: See Survey
Description: Branch Bank
Applicant: Waters Edge Condominium (Tom Erling, agent)
Location: 2030 No. Federal Highway
Description: Sam Brown Jr. Lot 10
Description: Wood Dock
C. Preliminary Plats:
1. Applicant: Hy-Lib, Inc.
Location: West of Laurel Hills, East of E-4 Canal
North of Old Boynton Rd, & South of Boynton Canal
Description: See Survey
Description: Single Pamily Subdivision/57 building lots
S~workshop date for implementation of Comprehensive Plan.