Arnold E. Thompson, Chairman
Fred F. DiSalle, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Lillian Bond
Ezell Hester
Gene Johnson
Simon Ryder
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner
Caesar Mauti
Chairman Thompson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board and
City Planner.
M[~dTES OF JUNB 26, 1979
Mr. DiSalle made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Mr.
Hester. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Thompson added that the meeting of July 10 was cancelled.
Mr. Annunziato announced the City Council at their last meeting
approved responses to the state, regional and county planning
agencies. The City Council will hold the first required public
hearing next week on August 1 at 7:30 P. M. and the second hear-
ing will be held on August 21 at 8:00 P. M. The intention is to
have the ordinance on first reading on August 7 and adopt it on
second reading on August 21.
Site Plan Approval
Donald H. Cunningham
3660 Congress Avenue
Extra Closet of Boynton/Delray Ltd.
Mr. Grabeel told about extensive site planning being required for
this because of the size of the building and restrictions on the
property. He explained the location of this property and advised
a 20,000 sq. ft. metal building was planned to be used for mini-
warehouses. He explained the access with a one way street around
the building with access from the north and south sides. This
road was proposed to be compacted shell rock. Also, there was a
potential problem with utilities since the sewer manhole terminated.
JULY 24, 1979
Mr. Donald H. Cunningham, 229 Orange Treet Drive, Atlantis, came
before the Board and stated in essence, Mr. Grabeel~s presentation
covered everything and he would be glad to answer any questions.
Mr. Ryder referred to it being a metal building and questioned
how it 'would be divided and Mr. Cunningham explained it would be
divided on the inside with chain link enclosures. Mr. Ryder
referred to access since the parking is not close to the build-
ing and Mr. Cunningham replied the parking places are shown to
meet the requirements. He pointed out there would be three doors
on the north elevation and three on the south. He explained how
the cars are pulled in and each owner has a cart to transport
their things into the building.
Mr. DiSalle asked if this building had been approved by the Fire
Marshall and Mr. Cunningham replied affirmatively. Mr. DiSalle
stated this would not pass the Southern Standard Building Code
as there should be fire partitions separating the areas and Mr.
Cunningham informed him the building will be fully fire sprinkled.
Chairman Thompson requested the staff comments to be read. Mr.
Grabeel read the memo from Mr. Howell stating: "With reference
to the above, be advised that the compacted shell rock driveway
from the south parking area is in conflict with Section 18-4 of
the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. I am in agreement with
page I in reference to the sidewalk, as long as the developer
installa a six foot (6~) compacted paved bike path which, accord-
ingly, is in conjunction with the land use plan."
Mr. Grabeel noted the Fire Department has requested details on the
fire connections to be shown. He added there is a question as
to the size of the line running across the road to this building.
It is indicated on the plans to be 1" which will not adequately
sustain the sprinkler system.
Mr. Grabeel read Mr. Clarkts memo stating: "Paving and drainage
plans shall show final elevation of pavement and catch basins.
Impervious membrane is required over rock drain."
Mr. Grabeel noted the Utility Department commented the developer
is to make a tap into the sewer. The Police Department has
noted stop signs are required. The City Planner has noted the
temporary driveway is to be asphalted~ and an additional ?t
right-of-way on Congress Avenue is required. The Recreation
Director has augmented what has been said about the bike path
and clarified a 6' bike path is to be substituted for a sidewalk
to the into the proposed bike path network extending north to
23rd Avenue and south to Lake Ida~Road.
Chairman Thompson clarified thata shell rock driveway would not
be allowed and Mr. Grabeel agreed this was the recommendation.
He explained it was the owner's intent to extend the building
and was hesitant about paving the ingress road.
JULY 24, 1979
Mr. Annunziato asked if the applicant is familiar with the staff
comments and understands them and Mr. Cunningham replied affirma-
tively. However, he referred to the access road and stated the
owner wants to know if it is potentially possible to give him 12
or 18 months to pave it. He is pretty sure the addition to the
building will be within that time. Mr. Annunziato informed him
this ~s an as built site plan and deviation from the site plan
would preclude issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Tem-
porary driveways not paved do not meet City code. The plan could
not be approved if the driveway is not paved. Mr. Cunningham
replied that it will be paved. Mr. Annunziato recommended con-
strutting the drive where it will be eventually and Mr. Cunningham
replied this may be possible.
Mr. Hester moved to accept the site plan from Extra Closet of
Boynton/Delray subject to staff comments, seconded by Mr. DiSalle.
Motion carried 6-0.
Preliminary Plat
Boynton Lakes/PUD (Rossi & Malavasi, Agents)
Congress Avenue at Lake Worth Drainage
District Canal #20
47.720 acres, 184 units, Single Story
Attached Townhouses
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this application is for appro-
val of the preliminary plat which follows the approval of the
master plan rezoning. This is Phase I of F $ R Development of
Boynton Lakes comprising 47.7 acres located north of Canal 20.
He pointed out the location on the vicinity map. He also
pointed out that portions of the 80t right-of-way winding
through the development are included in the first platting.
This is consistent with the approved master plan PUD.
Mr. Ryder referred to this being located at the extreme northerly
limit of the City and questioned how the water and sewer exten-
sions were going to be done. ~r. Annunziato replied with'regard
to the sewer, E.P.A. has recommended to the City they can extend
the existing EPA regional force main grant. We should know by
October 1 and we are almost guaranteed the extension of two addi-
tional pumping stations and force mains. He explained the loca-
tion of these two proposed pumping stations. Concerning the
water, a feasibility study has been completed and the staff has
recommended a basic system of water to this area and he explained.
He explained the location of the water line and advised the cost
is -beinq~e ~investigated. He suspects Mr. Jemkins may be able to
give a little information where that water line stands. No
development will occur without water.
JULY 24, 1979
Mr. Ryder asked if the plans were being developed now by Russell &
Axon and Mr. Annunziato replied the plans and specifications are
being brought up to date. He added it is just a matter of putting
together the correct financial package and it will be funded 75%
by E.P.A. and 25% by the City. Mr. Ryder added there will have to
be some coordination between the developers.
Chairman Thompson referred to the right-of-way for Congress Avenue
and Mr. Annunziato informed him the portion of Congress Avenue
adjacent to this plat is being dedicated by the platting document.
An additional l0T will be dedicated by this plat to conf%rm to the
120~ section of Congress Avenue. Mr. Ryder clarified that Boynton
Lakes Boulevarde~ill be a City dedicated street, 80' wide and Mr.
Annunziato agreed.
Chairman Thompson questioned how the pumping station on Lawrence
Road will tie into this development and Mr. Annunziato replied
the force main will be coincidental at the §outhwest corner of
this property and the developer will have to tie in.
Mr. Ron Jenkins, Registered Professional Engineer representing the
developer, came before the Board and stated he did not have any-
thing to add to the presentation but will be glad to respond to
any questions.
Mr. Ryder asked if their consultants were engaged with our Uti-
lity Director to move in ~xtending the utilities and Mr. Jenkins
replied affirmatively and added they have been in negotiations
since last November to extend the water and sewer to this pro-
perty. They have taken the lead in establishing an escrow ac-
count with the City so Russell g Axon could prepare a study of
the entire area for extension of these lines which would benefit
all the properties in this northwest quandrant. They have also
been working with the other developers to help bear the cost of
construction. They have received a draft agreement from the
City Attorney and their attorneys ~nd engineering staff are re-
viewing that proposal. Once a mutual agreement is reached, it
will be their duty to meet with the other developers and get an
agreement. This will probably take two to three months with all
the details to be worked out.
Chairman Thompson called on the City Planner for the staff com-
ments. Mr. Annunziato advised this plat was reviewed by the
Technical Review Board and comments noted. The Building Depart-
ment notes subject to abbike path on Congress Avenue. The Engi-
neering Department notes subject to dedication to the City for
utility easements and dedication of 10' right~of-way for Congress
Avenue. The Utility Department notes subject to revised utility
drawings. The Police Department requires street signs and traf-
fic control. The Public Works Department notes no underground
garbage cans will be allowed. He has commented regarding the
bike path on Congress Avenue and this is consistent with the
master plan. He also reiterated the right-of-way for Congress
JULY 24, 1979
Avenue, dedication of easements for utilities, and substitute a
bike path on the 80~ right-of-way for one of the sidewalks. The
staff recommendation is the plat be approved consistent with
staff comments.
Chairman Thompson referred to the four laning of Congress Avenue
and Mr. Jenkins told about having an agreement with Palm Beach
County dated September 5, 1978, listing six items which they must
do in relation to the Congress Avenue corridor.
Chairman Thompson asked if the subject of schools has been ad-
dressed and Mr. Jenkins replied they are planning on marketing
to the adult community but children are not excluded. Chairman
Thompson asked if an impact study had been done for this develop-
ment and Mr. Jenkins replied they have reached anagreement with
the County regarding the school impact and have signed an agree-
ment. Mr. Annunziato added thet agreement is to pay .4 of l%~of
the sales price for construction of school facilities in Boynton
Beach or the reserve annexation area. Mr. Jenkins added the fee
world be paid at the time of the building permit.
Mr. Ryder asked if they contemplated crossing the canals when
widening Congress Avenue and Mr. Jenkins replied the agreement
with the County does not cover c~sing the canals and read
what the agreement covered. Mr. Annunziato added that he thinks
the agreement with C L H Properties continues from the north line
of Canal 19 to Canal 20.
Chairman Thompson clarified that there would be no construction
done on Congress Avenue with this plat as only 47 units will be
built. Mr. Jenkins agreed and stated they plan to follow the
County's recommendation to start when reaching 50% and complete
by 60%.
Mr. Annunziato asked if the applicant is aware of and understands
the staff comments and Mr. Jenkins replied the only item he would
like to address is the bike path as the other items have been
taken care of by their engineers. They have shown the proper
dedications and the utility plans have been revised and resub-
mitted. They only found out about the bike path requirement
within the last couple days and have not worked with the staff
to determine exactly what is expected. They understand C $ H
Properties must build a bike path system and possibly could cooper-
ate in some manner. Mr. Ryder stated the extension Of bike paths
throughout the City is an important factor which will be benefi-
cial to the people. Mr. Jenkins clarified that at the master
site plan approval, the concept of bike paths was not addressed
and through the preliminary approvals, they have not addressed
this. They were just informed about this. Chairman Thompso~
asked if it was the Cityfs intention to have a bike path on the
east and west sides of Congress Avenue and Mr. Annunziato replied
it was the intention to continue it on the east side, but C L H
Properties have indicated a bike path on the west side might be
JULY 24, 1979
helpful. Possibly there could be cost sharing between the two
developers to construct a bike path on the east side. Also as
far as Mr. Jenkins working out the particulars with the staff,
he finds no fault with that. The recommendation is to construct
a bike path on or adjacent to Congress Avenue on the eas~ side,
which can be addressed at staff level. As to why this was not
addressed at the masteTAp.1.a~,~ it was not of the scope of the
master plan. Mr. Ryder added that realistically, the bike path
should be limited to the east side because property on the west
in many instances is in the County.
Mr. Hester moved to accept the preliminary plat for the Boynton
Lakes development subject to staff comments, seconded by Mr.
Johnson. Motion carried 6-0.
Seaway Villas (Frank Mendoza, Trustee)
Lying East of Seacrest Blvd. (across from
High Point)~ North of S.E. 21st Avenue and
West of the FEC Railroad
5.92 acres/21 duplexes (42 units)
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this application follows the
rezoning recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board. He showed
the boundary plat with a 30f private road right-of-way dedicated
for ingress, egress and utilities to the City. He pointed out
the 10~ utility easements. He referred to the lot layout desig-
nating the units by number and letter and added that it will be
served by sewer, water, drainage and access from S.E. 1st Street.
21 duplex units are planned to be sold fee simple comprising 42
distinct single family units.
Mr. Ryder asked if S.E. 1st Street would be a public street and
Mr. Annunziato informed him it exists .to this property at the
present time. Also, by approving this plat, the Council will
abandon all existing rights-of-way in the Seaway Terrace Plat.
Mr. Ryder asked if this required separate action and Mr.
Annunziato replied that he has seen it occur both ways. His
experience has been some applicants abandon by the plat and the
City approves a resolution and others feel the replatting aban-
dons the existing rights-of-way. Mr. Ryder asked if there were
any existing buildings in this plat and Mr. Annunziato replied
negatively~as the property was never developed.
Mr. Gene Moore, Attorney representing the developers, came be~6re
the Board. He clarified that this property was not rezoned, but
has been zoned R-2. They complied fully with the PUD site plan
approval which encompassed abandoning the old plat. The deve-
lopers have just finished the Los Mangos development and would
like to start in this area. He feels they can comply with the
ordinances and would like to reserve any further remarks until
hearing the staff recommendations.
JULY 24, 1979
Mr. Annunziato read the staff comments. The Engineering Depart-
ment recommends approval subject to showing the recreation area
on the plat. He read the Acting Utility Director's notes to show
an 8T' water main connection to Seacrest Boulevard and show clean-
out detail where cleanout is at finished grade in asphalt. The
Police Department notes traffic signs are required. The Public
Works Department notes that underground garbage cans will not be
allowed. He has noted that site plan approval is required prior
to construction.
Mr. Annunziato continued that in regards to recreation, the Plan-
ning g Zoning Board must set the value on the land and this was
addressed at the master plan level. He read the memo from the
Recreation Director stating: "Based on .018 acres per unit dedi-
cation requirement at 42 units, .756 of public land dedication
is required. Half credit for private recreation provisions re-
duces the requirement to .378 acres. Recommend that fee in lieu
of land be provided; land value to be determined by Planning and
Zoning Board." He added there is a pool and clubhouse shown in
the development. The applicants have submitted to the City a
recent contract which indicates the purchase price of the land.
The contract indicates the acre cost is $20,270.27 per acre.
It is recommended the Planning & Zoning Board accept the recent
contract purchase prige as the value of the land and the .378
acres be permitted to be donated as dollars. The total would
be $7,662. Mr. Moore replied there was no objection to this,
but they request relief in one area. They request the fee to
be divided and added onto the building permits as they are pulled
instead of paying the ~ull amount up fmont. Add it pro-rata onto
the 42 unitsl They request that as an avenue of relief if at all
possible. Mr. Annunziato read the section of the ordinance ~over-
lng this and pointed out the full amount must be paid when the
subdivision plat is filed or a bond furnished. Mr. Moore agreed
it could be done with a bond.
Mr. Moore then referred to the sizing of the water line along
the east side of the property and questioned what was shown in
the final plan and Mr. Annunziato informed him that a 16" water
line is indicated. Mr. Moore objected to this and stated he
does not feel there is a legal reason to over-size the line to
serve this purpose. They can totally serve everyone in the devel-
opment with a 6" line. The purpose for over-sizing is to serve
other developments outside. If the City wishes to enhance this
system to service future areas, he thinks the City should pay for
it. He doesn't feel there is any legal justification for it.
It would cost about $19,000. Mr. Annunziato informed him the
newly approved utility ordinance addresses this situation and
clarified where the applicant is required to over-size a facility
beyond his means, there is a mechanism for the City to credit or
participate in dollars. Mr. Moore continued that a 10" over-
sizing was being requested and questioned when this would be
addressed and Mr. Annunziato replied it will be addressed in
conjunction with the final plat. Mr. Moore agreed.
JULY 24, 1979
Mr. DiSalle questioned the location of the recreation building and
Mr. Annunziato pointed out that it will be located just east of
the entrance road and just west of Building 21.
Mr. Ryder asked if any hydrants are required and Mr. Annunziato
replied there would be three. Mr. Ryder referred to storm water
retention and Mr. Annunziato explained that water retention would
be on site. Mr. Ryder clarified there would not be any runoff
onto 21st Avenue and Mr. Annunziato agreed. Mr. Ryder clarified
there would be no tie-in with the new storm water system and Mr.
Annunziato agreed and explained the system on Seacrest Boulevard
will only take care of Seacrest Boulevard. He added this plan
and the drainage plans meet the requirements.
Mr. Ryder moved to recommend approval of the preliminary plat for
Seaway Villas in accordance with staff comments, seconded by Mrs.
Bond. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. DiSalle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Bond.
Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:30 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)
All ap~t~cations to be processed by the planning and Zoning
Board must be received and accepted by the.City Planner twenty-
(13) days prior to the regular meeting. The applicant will be
advised as to supplemental meetings necessary for applicati6n
All applicants with approved site plans, which at a later date
request a revision, will be processed in the same manner as the
initial application subject to all Code requirements'effective at
the~time-the revision is requested.
Name of Applicant Donald H. Cunnin~ham
Applicant's Address P.O. ~ox 3004-601 N. East Coast Ave. L~ntana: F]m.
Address of Site 3660 Con&ress Ave.
Intended Use of Site }4ini-Warehouse
Legal Description of Site See S~]rvey
The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan:
1. Existing Zone M'I
2. Area of Site 2.1 Acres
3. Total Number of Units Proposed 1
4. Density Gross Per Acre
5. Building Area 20,000 Sq. Ft. 24 % of Lot
6. Parking Spaces: Req'd Proposed ~5
7. Parking - Aisle Area22,000Sq. Ft. · .... 24 % of Lot
8. Street Area Sq. Ft. % of Lot
9. Landscape Area 4,045 Sq. Ft. 4½ % of Lot
10. H~ight 6f Buildings 1~~ Feet 1 Stories
11. Total Floor Area ~~ Sq. Ft.
What is the applicant's interest in the premises affected?
~Ow~eX-;-'Agent, Lessee, Etc.).
(I). (We) u~derstand that this Site approval becomes a part of the
permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby
certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made
in 'any paper Or p~'~ubmit~a~ herewith ale t~e
to th~tl~ ~=f
(my)~ (our) k~owle~ge and belief. This application will ~ot\be ac-
cepted Unless signed by the owner of ~he property.
gnature o~'NDWNER The Owner has h~r~_~-designated
· the above signed per~on to act
as his agent in regard to th~
petition. (To be executed when
Owner designate~ another to act
on his behalf.)
Carmen .Annunziato
City Planner
JUL 1 ? 1979
Edgar E. Howell
Building Official
JECT:__Metal Stora_~Buildinq - James O'Connor DATE:~ 7-17-79
_ J ~o~ ~
With reference to the above, be advised that the compacted shell rock
d~iveway from the south parking area is in conflict with Section 18-4
of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances.
I am in agreement with page I in reference to the sidewalk, as long
as the developer installs a six foot (6') compacted paved bike path
which, accordingly, is in conjunction with the land use plan.
June 5, 1979
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach,.'-Fla.33435
JUN .1..1. 1979
Attention: Tom'Clark,P.E.
Dear Mr. Clark:
Please find attached two (2) sets of construction drawings of the referenced
,.-project which have been revised based on your letter of the following Comments:
1. The 600 foot rule has beenapplied and conforms to your standards.
2. The manhole frame and cover has been revised to indicate a 30" in
width opening.
3. A note has been added that:street signs and stop signs are required
at all intersections°
4. Key map has been placed~on cover.sheet ....
1. Key map has been added
2. Waterservices have been revised to be placed in the closest-grassed-
3. The word "by others" has been removed.
4. At the point of~connection for the water supply the required revisions
have been made.
5. Match lines are now shown.
6. The 2" blow-off detail has been revised.
7, A Ford 112 yoke will be utilized~
8. Fire hydrants shop drawings shall be submitted to this office fop
approval (meeting the City Standards) then forwarded to the Utilities
Department for final approval.
9. Tie rods have been o~i~edras required.
10.. The A~W.W.A pressure and leakage test specifications have been added.
11. A fire hydrant detail for the 32' roadway and utility easements has
been added.
1. All cleanouts have been placedat the ~oadway easement line.
2. Key map has been placed on the cover sheet.
3. Cleanout detail has beo~revised as required.
4. The manhole frame and cover shall be 30" in width.
5, A compaction note has been added to the detail sheet.
6. All steps have been removed
7. The lift Station has been revised.
A street lighting plan for the entire Plat I is attached.
A billing procedure.is being established for the Homeowner's
Association with F.P. & L. and will be forwarded to you for
your approval.
The preliminary plat has not been submitted at this time with the required,
revisions since the language required for the dedication sheet has not yet
been totally revised. The plat will be sent to you for your approval as
soon as possible.
If is is-possible to obtain approval on..the construction drawings and have'
the D.E.R. application roms signed it would be greatly appreciated.
)f any questions should arise, please do not hesitate to call.
very truly yours,
Michael P. Lower
Plat #1 .
Land SurveYors -
'Civil Engineers ~,o~ N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY
May 9th, 1979
O££1ce of the City Englneer
City of Boynton Beach, Florida
Re: P.U.D.
Attn: Clarke, P.E.
DELRAY 276-4501
BOYNTON 732-327~
Dear Tom:
Accompanying the corre~spondence you will find six
copies of the '~~:~ for the above mentioned
P.U.D..along ~~'~ete sets of construction plans.
We ask that your office begin processing these plans
so that our client can proceed post haste in securing the
requisite governmental permits prior to. beginning construction
of this development.
Your continued cooperation in this matter is
n, Suiter & O'~rien
~~ni~, Pres.
',13 o/j kw
Carmen Annunziato
City Planner
Mark G. Law
Acting Utility Director
July 13, 1979
Seaway Villas
Attached herewith please find the above subject drawings, which
have been approved, subject to the following:
1, Show 8" water main connection to seacrest Blvd.
Show cleanout detail where cleanout is at finished
grade in asphalt.
Mark G. Law
Acting Utility Director
MAY 1 ? 1979
Tom Clark
City Engineer
Seaway Villas
May 16, 1979
Based on .018 acres per unit dedication requirement at
42 units, .756 of public land dedication is required. Half
credit for private recreation provisions reduces the
requirement to .378 acres.
Recommend that fee in lieu of land be provided;
value to be determined by Planning and Zoning Board.
Charles C. Frederick
Recreation Director
CC: Carmen Annunziato
City Planner
;U-'_~/' ?'.:i-~! '-"",::i'. ~ . ...~~..: (~~~ ,.,.,.,u,y.. ~t, ,~7~
Seaway' Vi 1las I
315 S. E~, 21st Avenue
,.-"., Boynton. Beach, FL 33/-I.35 ~_
Attention Hr.. Felix Granados
.RE:..~Street Lighting - Seaway Vi11as
Dear Hr. Granados:
Florida Powe.r & Light proposes the installation of six
4,500 lumen mercdr¥ vapor lights on 20 feet concrete
poles at the following location=
One foot off of private road right of way between
buildings 11 and 12, 13 and 14~ 14 and 15, 15 an~
16, 17 and 18 and il and 18.
.The estimated Cost for this installation would be aprox-
imately $3,600,00 and would be negotiated on a ten year
street light agreement which we have previously.discussed.
Enclosed is an illustration of proposed pole and light.
Trust this is the information required and if I can be
'of any further assistance, please advise.
Don Ross
Customer Services Representative
Eno l osu re
$.W. 15TH AVE. ~E. 15TH. AVE.
! i!
I -
I II ~E. 18TH- AVE, ' .
Regular Meeting
July 24th, 1979
7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
City Hall
1. Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
2. Reading and Approving of Minutes.
3. Announcements.
4. Communications.
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
A. Site Plan Approval:
Applicant: Donald H. Cunningham
.Location: 3660 Congress Avenue
Legal Description:
See Survey
Project Description:
Project Name: Extra Closet of Boynton/Delray Ltd.
B. Preliminary Plat:
1. Applicant:
Boynton Lakes/PUD (Rossi & Malagasi, Agents)
Congress Avenue at Lake Worth Drainage
District Canal #20
Legal Description:
See Survey (acreage)
Project Description:
47.720 acres /184 units/Single Story attached
Applicant: Seaway Villas (Frank Mendoza, trustee)
Location: Lying East of Seacrest Blvd. (across from High Point)'
North of S.E. 21st Avenue and West of the
FEC Railroad
Legal Description:
See Survey
Project Description:
5.92 acres/21 Duplexes (42 units)