Arnold Thompson, Chairman
Ezell Hester
Caesar Mauti
Frank Oberle
Simon Ryder
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner
Fred DiSalle, Vice Chairman
Gene Johnson
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
Mr. Hester moved to accept the minutes as written, seconded by
Mr. Oberle. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Annunziato announced a meeting Was held by the Technical Advis-
ory Committee last Thursday and the comprehensive plan was discussed
and the plan was well received. He did receive copies of the offi-
cial comments compiled by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Com-
mittee which were very complimentary and noted all the elements
exceeded the statutory requirements.
Site Plan Approval
Perrin Mifsud, Inc. (Bob Mifsud, Agent)
N. E. 7th Street, East of N. E. 7th Avenue
Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, Block 7, Lake Addition
8 Townhouses and One Apartment
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this is a nine unit condominium
complex located on N. E. 7th Street consisting of eight townhouses
and one condominium apartment. He explained how the height compli-
ments the condominiums and houses in the area. He then explained
the site plan and floor layout for the units.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments and read Mr. Howell's
notes as follows:
1) Sidewalks required on N. E. 7th Street
2) Handicap ramp does not meet code due to the fact there are
no 5' level areas every 30' as required by code and no rails.
JUNE 12, 1979
3) Building access on at least two apartments must meet
handicap code for accessibility.
· ) Site plan does not indicate handicap parking signs.
5) Parapet walls are in excess of 45' of average grade and
must have Council approval.
Mr Annunziato then read the recommendations noted by the City
1) A 5' drainage easement for a f~ture City storm sewer or
swale that will benefit this property is required adja-
cent to the north property line.
2) An 18" perforated corrugated metal pipe should be used
with catch basin at each end (to facilitate cleaning)
for french drain~.
3) Normal and high water table levels should be indicated
along with a subsoil investigation for type of soil.
4) In this area, a pervious membranee surrounding the rock
drain would be appropriate.
5) The sixth and seventh column of the drainage schedule is
6) Pavement shall be a minimum of 6" of rock and !" of asphalt
on a stable subgrade material.
Mr. Annunziato also read the commen~s noted on the plan by the
Utility Department, Police Department, General Services and
Planning Department.
Mr. Bob Mifsud representing Perrin Mifsud, Inc. came before the
Board. Mr. Ryder referred to the subsoil conditions and questioned
on what basis they were going to proceed on the foundation and Mr.
Mifsud explained they would go down about 20' to 28' with pilings.
Mr. Ryder asked if there would be a sea wall and Mr. Mifsud replied
negatively as it is not permitted by D.E.R. and the Army Corps of
Engineers. He explained that the mangroves and wetlands would be
preserved. Mr. Annunziato added that preservation of the mangroves
is consistent with our comprehensive plan.
Mr. Annunziato asked if there were any problems with the staff com-
menus and Mr. Mifsud replied the recommendations seem to be satis-
factory and he sees no problems. The Architect stated they would
like to get approval subject to reviewing the staff comments and
Mr. Mauti replied approval could only be given subject to the staff
comments and not subject to the applicant approving the staff com-
ments. The Architect stated he did not see anything critical which
would require redesigning.
Mr. Mauti'made a motion to approve this plan subject to staff com-
ments, seconded by Mr. Hester. Under discussion, Mr. Ryder referred
to the parapet walls requiring Council approval if they exceed 45'
and Mr. Mauti replied this was covered by the staff comments.
Motion carried 5-0.
JUNE 12, 1979
Open Storage and Zoning Ordinance - Section 4, B, 2
Mr. Bud Howell, Building Official, came before the Board and referred
to the Building Department having to enforce the zoning codes set by
this Board and advised they have run into some problems. In regard
to open storage~ he requests the height limitations be taken into
consideration in conjunction with maximum allowable fence heights.
He told about lumber yards and fence companies actually storing
their supplies in'excess of the maximum fence height allowed. He
does not know how the Board wants to address this, but it is a
problem with referring to having to screen something from public
Mr. Howell requested that it be reflected in our ordinance a defini-
tion for "properly screened", pertaining to open storage yards, shall
be of a solid and durable material, such as wood, aluminum, masonry,
etc. He has discussed this with Mr. Annunziato and they have run
into problems where people want to use bamboo on the inside of a
fence for screening, which he does not think is durable and should
not be allowed. We should be specific in our definition of what is
meant by properly screened.
Mr. Howell suggested that somewhere in our ordinance we have a
stipulation imposing the responsibility for the maintenance of
said screening on the owner of the property and/or his lessee.
He also suggests that open storage be permitted only in affiliation
with an on-going business, represented by the existence of a build-
ing, in conjunction with the open storage area. These are some of
the problems they have run into when enforcing the ordinance. He
does not think a conclusion can be reached tonight, but wanted to
advise the Board of some of the problems.
Mr. Howell referred to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 4B2, Page 14,
and stated he would appreciate this being changed to read 7T maxi-
mum ceiling height and a 7'6" overall height. This would be allow-
ing proper heights for standard doors and would not limit an owner
having a small pitch on his roof for water run-off. Additionally~
he feels that the 3T rear setback should address any part of the
roof, so these buildings could not have overhangs which encroach
in the 3' setback. He explained how the height caused problems
with getting a door to fit and also how a 2' roof overhang caused
problems with having a 3T setback. He added that our other ordi-
nances allow a 2T encroachment into the building setback lines~ but
he does not think it should be allowed for s utility shed.
Mr. Mauti asked if there was anything in the code stipulating any
structure cannot exceed the side lines and Mr. Howell informed him
we do allow up to a 10 x 10' ~cessory building and explained the
only thing which can encroach is the overhang. Mr. Mauti stated
in the County if an overhang is 2', it becomes part and parcel of
JUNE 12, 1979
of the main structure and the side yards must start from that point.
Mr. Howell clarified that we do not allow anything except an over-
hang to encroach and only for 2' Mr. Mauti stated having a 3' side
and rear yard on an accessory building should include an overhang
on all roofs and Mr. Howell agreed and stated the 3' setback should
address any part of the roof and if they want a 2' overhang, it
must set back 5~.
Mr. Mauti referred to the setbacks causing accessory buildings to
be located in the middle of back yards and Mr. Howell agreed this
had been a problem and the Planning & Zoning Board addressed it
and an accessory building is allowed to be within 3' of the property
line~ but the maximum size allowed is 100 square feet.
Chairman Thompson asked if he wanted a definite decision to be made
by the Board and Mr. Howell replied that he did not expect a deci-
sion tonight, but would appreciate the members looking at this and
studying the zoning book and if in agreement, come up with an ordi-
nance to make it simpler.
Mr. Ryder referred to Mr. Annunziato having prepared a draft regard-
ing open storage and Mr. Howell replied he was i'n agreement with
this. Mr. Annunziato clarified that the draft was an attempt on
his part to extract from the minutes the important points of dis-
cussion concerning this. He needs some direction from the Board
what they would like to do.
Chairman Thompson referred to having two ~i~uations to consider -
the existing ~hd future. We cannot handle bot'h the same way. He
explained how those existing could not be expected to comply immed-
iately and Mr. Howell agreed and suggested obtaining a legal opinion.
Mr. Annunziato suggested possibly including an amortizing non-con-
fo~mity clause such as the sign ordinance includes. They discussed
at length how non-conforming situations could be made to comply.
Mr. Howell informed the Board that House Bill 1161 was introduced
in this legislative session which proposes to allow municipalities
create a Board to hear zoning violations. It has been a problem
getting these violations processed through the court. This will
be law October 1 and the City can create a Board who will have the
authority to subpoena, fine and get violations corrected. Discus-
sion followed regarding how this would help.
Mr. Annunziato asked if it was the Board's opinion the open storage
issue has to be addressed further with making the ordinance more
definitive and addressing the standards and regulations and Mr.
Ryder replied that it apparently is a problem at the present time
and requiring a building to have screening and setting a duration
period for open storage should help.
JUNE 12, 1979
Mr. Mauti asked if a permit is required for open storage now and
Mr. Howell replied negatively and they only have to apply for a
license. He added if a company has a lot and it is screened by
6T, then they can have open storage. Mr. Annunziato suggested
that he and the Building Official be instructed to prepare a draft
proposal in ordinance form for the Board's review. Chairman Thomp-
son referred to a legal opinion being needed and Mr. Annunziato
replied he would discuss it with the attorney.
Mr. Mauti made a motion to delegate Mr. Annunziato and Mr. Howell
to come up with some kind of ordinance with the approval of the
City Attorney to give this open storage matter a corrective mea-
sure for screening, etc. as the Building Official sees fit for
Board review. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Ryder then made a motion to includeda provision, along with the
previous recommendation, for altering the limitation on accessory
buildings with regard to setbacks, seconded by Mr. Hester. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Ryder referred to the City Council having approved on first
reading an ordinance dealing with the extension of City utilities
in connection with future developments and asked if Mr. Annunziato
could give some information on this. Mr. Annunziato explained that
currently a developer is required to pay three fees: the connec-
tion charge which charges for a portion of the plan, a tap fee and
meter fee. He explained how the new ordinance was more definitive
and provided for a capital utilities fee to pay for the sewer and
water plants and distribution facilities. The developer has to
have a feasibility study prepared prior to receiving approval for
construction of utility lines to determine the cost to the City,
results of the fees to the City and that the utility lines proposed
are consistent with the master sewer and water lines shown in the
comprehensive plan. Also included is a section regarding the City's
participation pertaining to oversizing of lines which has not been
finalized. He explained how this ordinance provides for a capital
facilities fee and arranges for properly defined connection fees.
He thinks this will help support our utility fund. Mr. Howell
added that the Building Department will be collecting impact fees
for the County in conjunction with the impacts the developments
will make on the major arteries taking effect July 1. Mr.
Annunziato added that we have addressed this fee in the approval
of ma~or developments. Discussion followed regarding the basis
for this fee.
Mr. Mauti made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Oberle.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse, Recording Secretary
(One Tape )
Regular Meeting
June 12th, 1979
7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers-
4. Communications
5. Old Business
Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
Reading and Approvingof Minutes.
6. New Business: _
A. Sit~ Plan-Approval:
Appl-icant: ~Perrin Mifsud-Inc. (Bo~MifsudrA Agent~--
Location.: ~_~.E~'_.Tth Street; East~of N~E.~,7th~ven~e.~
Legit-Description:_ _
Lots~18,t9,20,21 Block 7, Lake Addition
8 Townhouses and One Apartment
B. Discussions:
1. Open Storage
2. ~Zoning Ordinance - Section 4, B, 2
(see page 14)