Minutes 12-12-78MINI/TES OF THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1.2, 1978 PRESENT Simon Ryder, Chairman Ronald Arena Mrs. Marilyn Huckle Richard Lambert John Jameson Garry Winter Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Craig Grabeel, Asst. City Planner ABSENT Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman (Excused) Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 9:05 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board and acknowledged the pre- sence in the audience of Vice Mayor Ed Harmening. Before getting into the meeting, Mr. Arena announced that he would like to make a couple comments. He referred to this being the last meeting of the year and it not being known how many of the members will be reappointed and suggested instead of causing confusion and making statements on the plan and having additional minutes, he thinks it would be in our best interest and the City's best interest to adjourn this meeting. Chairman Ryder referred to this meeting being set at our request; however, a lot has happened since the last meeting. He mentioned this to Mr. Annunziato, but he thought the agenda should be pre- sented as requested. He would like to hear from the other members. Mr. Winter agreed that any action we take tonight may not be rele- vant at all. Mr. Lambert agreed and added he did not realize when he brought this up there was only one meeting left. Mr. Jameson stated he also agreed with the comments made by Mr. Arena and Mrs. Huck!e also agreed. Mr. Annunziato stated that he did present to the Board tonight the technical report of the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan culminating 1~ years of work, meetings, research~ etc. He has placed two copies on file with the library for the public. It would have been incumbent upon the Board to determine when the Board would hold public hearings and that action will be deferred until a new Board is organized in January. He added that it has been a pleasure working with this Board and he hopes to see them back next year. Mrs. Huckle replied that it has been a jo~ to work with a planner. Chairman Ryder referred to changes in administration causing changes in B~ard members and the result was no continuity with not having a City Planner and Building Officials changing. He stressed the importance of having a capable City Planner. Mrs. Huckle added that the Board members' terms used to be staggered MINUTES - LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY DECEMBER 12, 1978 so there was some continuity. Chairman Ryder added that for the Board's information, whether the members resign or not, the terms terminate at the end of this year. The appointm~n~s~ere for one year. Mr. Harmening referred to possibly having hopeful thinking on his part, but stated that he hopes some of the members will serve on the Board next year to lend continuity and give details of what preceded. Mr. Lambert questioned the information submitted to the members for this meeting and Mr. Annunziato informed them that it is the staff and consultants recommended plan which coordinates all reports done by other governmental agencies and he ~plained. It also includes the existing land use survey conducted a year ago. He told about the maps being accurate. Mr. Lambert stated that it has been finalized bytthe staff and now the Local Planning Agency must review it and hold public hearings. Mr. Annunziato added that the economic feasibility will be added to this. Capital improvements must be considered and funding sources provided. Chairman Ryder clarified that this sums up the progress and status as of this date. It is important for the next Board and City Council to be alerted how we stand at this time. There is a deadline of July 19Y9 and a lot of work to be done. Mr. Annunziato stated that two things make the plan a workable one. One of the things i~ they relied on interviewing consul- tants with housing expertise and he demanded the plan be prac- ticable. This plan is a pragmatic approach to City problems and will be easy to implement and follow. Mrs. Huckle asked if the consultants would go through the hear- ings and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatively as their contract does not expire until the Council approves the plan. Mr. Arena then moved to defer action on the County Land Use Plan, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Arena made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted~ Suzanne M. Kruse Recording Secretary (One Tape) AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Regular Meeting DATE: TIME · PLACE: December 12th, 1978 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers City Hall Acknowledgement of'~Members and Visitors° Reading and-Approving of Minutes.- Announcements, Communications. Old Business:: 6. %Ne~_Business: A Master Plan Review: Applicant: Burlison.Gentry for Ridgewood-Properties,'Inc. Location:~ on S.W. 6th Street south of S.W. 23rd Avenue Legal Description: See survey Project-Description: 35 .building lots; 10.7 acres Project Name: RIDGEWOOD ESTATES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING $ ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1978 PRESENT Simon Ryder, Chairman Ronald Arena (Arrived 8:00 P.M.) Mrs. Marilyn Huckle Richard Lambert John Jameson Garry Winter Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Craig Grabe~l, Assistant City Planner ABSENT Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman (Excused) Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board, City Planner and Recording Secretary. He added that Col. Trauger was called out of town for a business matter and was unable to attend. He then acknowledged the presence in the audience of Vice Mayor Ed Harmening and requested him to please stand. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 28, 1978 Mr. Lambert moved that the minutes of the regular Planning $ Zoning Board meeting of Tuesday, November 28, be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. Jameson. Motion carried 4-0 with Mrs. Huckle abstaining. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Ryder ascertained all the members had received invita- tions to the annual Board dinner this Friday night and stated he would be looking forward to seeing them there. NEW BUSINESS Master Plan Review Applicant: Burlison Gentry for Ridgewood Properties, Inc. Location: St W. 6th Street south of S.W. 23rd Avenue Project Description: 35 building lots, 10.7 acres Project Name: Ridgewood Estates Chairman Ryder announced that this comes under the category of the subdivision regulations. The Board previously considered the preapplication plan and the maste~!~an review is the next substantial step towards final adoption. The Board reviews the master plan, but a recommendation is not made to the City Coun- cil. This is immediately south of 2$rd Avenue and bounded on the west by 6th Street. He then called on Mr. Annunziato to provide further input with regard to compliance to the subdivi- sion regulations. MINUTES - PLANNING $ ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1978 Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that Mr. Grabeel has prepared the presentation. Mr. Grabeel showed the master plan and advised that it is for the proposed Ridgewood Estates in accordance with the City of Boynton Beach Subdivision Regulations. The developer's pre-application was approved on September 26 and subsequent to that the master plan was submitted on November 30. The master plan was reviewed by the City Engineer and Technical Review Board on Decem- ber 6. The recommendations were approval of the master plan con- tingent on the comments stipulated. He pointed out the location of the property and explained that it is just east of I-gS and south of S.W. 23rd Avenue. He explained how the subdivision would require the extensions of S.W. 4th and 5th Streets and S.W. 24th and 25th Avenues. He referred to the requirements for the utili- ties and explained the extension of the water and sewer lines. Mr. Grabeel then read the comments noted by the Technical Review Board. The Building Official requires designation of all lot fronts. The Fire Marshall has noted the fire hydrants required. He read the attached memo dated 12/11/78 from the City Engineer. The Utility Director requires relocation of the manholes along S.W. 6th Street out of the swales and into the street. He read the requirements for the sanitary sewer line to be installed between Lots 2 and 3, and 14 and 15. The Police Department has noted the requirements for stop signs, street signs and street markings. The Public Works Department had no comments. The City Pla~ner requires the applicant to coordinate with the other utilities involved. Mr. Grabeel then read the attached memo dated December 12, 1978, from Mr. Roy E. Nichols, repmesenting the developer, regarding recreational facilities. He then read the memo in response from the City Recreation Director dated December 12 (attached). Chairman Ryder referred to the letter from Gentry S Associates transmitted with the application and pointed out that it noted conformance with different items, but Items C-18 and C-19 do not apply. Mr. Grabeel informed him that a copy has been forwarded to the school system in reference to this and Mr. Annunziato added that there are no temporary structures; models will be of a temporary nature but hopefully will be sold. Mr. Lambert referred to the applicant having gone over the require- ments, but stated there seems to be a question about the recrea- tion requirements. He questioned if a final decision had to be made on this tonight and Mr. Annunziato explained that the master plan must be followed with a submission of the plat and at that time, the Board must make a recommendation to the Council whether to accept dollars or land for recreation. In a small subdivision, land would not be practicable, so it is a question of dollars. However, there are some legal questions since the proposal sub- mitred is not covered in the ordinance. There is also the ques- tion of whether the City can allow the developer to construct the facilities without going out for bid. ChairmanRyder questioned -2- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, ~978 how this proposal originated and Mr. Annunziato replied that it was on his suggestion that the developer coordinate with the Recreation Director to survey the condition of existing facili- ties in the neighborhood. He added that we have some indication the County would be willing to turn over ownership of the old Girl Scout Park since it is a maintenance problem for them. Mr. Lambert questioned the benefit of ~his and Chairman Ryder replied there would be an immediate benefit with having the facilities extended rather than taking a fe~. Mr. Lambert clarified that Forest Hills Park is fully developed according to Mr. Frederick and we have no control over the Girl Scout Park, which leaves the alternate of money. Mr. Annunziato replied that he didn't want to rule out the possibility of the Girl Scout Park becoming a City owned park. If this cannot be worked out and the facility option is not viable, we can fall back on the dollar valuation. We will have more information when the preliminary plat is sub- mitred. Mrs. Huckle asked if he was implying that the County could just transfer ownership of the Girl Scout property or would a sale be involved and would the developer pay? Mr. Annunziato replied that we might ask that the Girl Scout property be dedicated to the City from the County. Mrs. Huckle asked if the developer would pay for facilities and maintenance and Mr. Annunziato re- plied the developer would provide for the construction of facili- ties. Mr. Annunziato suggested taking the Recreation Director's recom- mendation and possibly seeking guidance from the Council whether the Girl Scout Park should be a City park and follow up whether the facility option opposed to a dollar option should be accepted with the preliminary plat. Mr. Lambert stated that he did not interpret Mr. Frederick's memo as a recommendation. Mr. Annun- ziato referred to the last paragraph stating the developer will pay a fee in lieur of land dedication if this is not possible. Mr. Lambert questioned what was gained by not taking the dollar amount and Mr. Annunziato replied that immediate facilities would be built. Mr. Lambert continued that dollars can be turned into immediate facilities with putting them out to bid. Also, there is some question regarding the interpretation of the Subdivision Ordinance. Chairman Ryder replied that it can be referred to the attorney. We have the possibility of requiring the regulations to be conformed to. He then asked the applicant to step forward. Mr. Burl Gentry stated from what he aaa understand of the debate, it centers around the same point and they will come up with the same amount of dollars. An amount can be designated for facili- ties or cash and it is the developer's suggestion to go ahead with the facilities without the City having to do it. Mr. Lambert asked if he was aware that Forest Hills Park was fully developed and Mr. Gentry replied negatively. -3- MINUTES PLANNING $ ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1978 Chairman Ryder clarified that apparently Mr. Annunziato thought this proposal would be beneficial and the developer can go either way. Chairman Ryder then asked if anyone else in the audience wished to speak in favor of this application and received no response. He referred to many people being present and asked if they wanted to know more information or speak in opposition. Mrs. Suzanne Borchardt, 2705 S.W. 6th Street, came before the Board and asked why 4th Street wasn?t being extended onto 23rd Avenue instead of 6th Street getting all the traffic and Chairman Ryder replied from his own observation, 23rd Avenue is a high speed road and to have another means of access between 6th St. and Seacrest Blvd. would be dangerous. Mr. Annunziato added that the primary concern in a subdivision is the fewer number of through streets, the safer the streets are. If 4th Street was extended, it would provide a straight bpass through to 23rd Avenue. To have it connected to 23rd Avenue would be contrary to regulations because it provides for access to be separated by a minimum of 650 feet. Additionally with extending 4th and 5th Streets and 24th and 25th Avenues, it will result in allevia- tion of traffic on 6th Street. Mrs. Borchardt questioned the d~stance between 4th Street and 6th Street and Mr. Annunziato informed her it was approximately 350 feet. Mrs. Borchardt con- tinued that with extending 4th Street, it would alleviate traffic as 6th Street already gets a lot of traffic. This is a plan for 35 homes which means 70 more cars onto 6th Street. Adding more homes into a subdivision is not helping the traffic flow. 6th Street not only accommodates people in this subdivision, but those people living back i~ Lake Ida. This will result in pour- ing more people onto 6th Street. (At this time, Mr. Arena arrived.) Mr. Annunziato stated again that he thinks this will alleviate the traffic on 6th Street and Mrs. Borchardt questioned how as neither of the two new roads are going over to 4th Street. Mr. Annunziato explained how traffic would have the option of using 4th or 5th Streets as opposed to just using 6th Street. Mrs. Borchardt disagreed and explained how people were not going to drive the longer way around. This plan will just cause another big bottleneck with these two streets stopping at 5th Street. The opportunity should be taken to open another street to 23rd Avenue. Mr. Annunziato replied this would be illegal and Mrs. Borchardt stated possibly the ordinance should be revised. Chairman Ryder added that introducing another street into a road where people travel fast would be dangerous. Chairman Ryder referred to possibly the people in Chapel Hill ~0~ want~7~t many intersections and Mrs. Borchardt a~reed possi- bly they were not needed when it was developed, but it is needed now. She stressed that 6th Street does not only accommodate -4- MINUTES - PLANNING $ ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1978 people living in Chapel Hill and explained how 23rd Avenue was the only thru street to Congress Avenue north of 4th Street in Delray Beach. The problem cannot be confined to the Chapel Hill Subdivision. Chairman Ryder referred to the widening of Seacrest Blvd. being an improvement and Mrs. Borchardt replied that the people will not go all the way out to Seacrest Blvd. with the traffic lights when they can cut through Chapel Hill. Mr. Annunziato referred to this being a problem of traffic con- trol and suggested that stop signs might alleviate the problem. Mrs. Borchardt replied that they have more stop signs than needed and they should look into the feasibility of changing the ordinance. Mr. Annunziato informed her that the County will have to approve cuts into 23rd Avenue and they are not going to permit an additional cut within 650 feet of one exist- ing. Mrs. Borchardt referred to the people fighting the ramp at 1-95 in the beginning and told how the 6th Street extension was dan- gerous. They request that 4th or 5th Street be extended to make 6th Street safer. Mr. Fletcher, 2701 S.W. 6th Street, appeared before the Board and stated he would like a list of all these ordinances and County rules and regulations which preclude cutting streets through. Mr. Annunziato informed him that he was referring to the City Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Fletcher asked if it was possible to obtain copies and Chairman Ryder replied that if he cared to see Mr. Annunziato in his office, he will show him the regulations. These are readily available at Mr. AnnunziatoTs office. Mr. Fletcher continued that it is hard to believe ordinances so strict that no changes can take place under extra-ordinary conditions. Ail the traffic is pumped into the reverse curge into 23rd Avenue and it is a dangerous situation. Mr. Russell Brown, 2709 S. W. 6th Street, stated he would like to bring to the Boardts attention something else concerning 6th Street. There is a very serious drainage problem. He explained how the entire 6th Street became flooded in heavy rains and stated if there is a severe hurricane, it will really be a problem. They always were told Churchill Road was going to go through and were surprised when 1-95 was built and it was 6th Street. He thinks Churchill Road is a better road to go through. Also, the area is bound on the west by 1-95 and Lake Idaaand there is no way to get out. Chapel Hill and Forest Hill have very few accesses. He would like the case of flooding to be taken into consideration. Chairman Ryder replied that this is not a unique situation since drainage is a problem in various areas. -5- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1978 Mr. Lansing, 700 S.W. 27th Avenue, appeared before the Board and referred to the drainage and advised that there is a manhole at 27th Avenue and 6th Street and the sides appear to be about to fall in. He would hope this Board would bring this to the CityTs attention. Chairman Ryder suggested that he call the City Manager regarding this and someone will be sent out. Mr. Lansing contin- ued with referring to recreation and suggested that something be developed for older people such as handball courts. In reference to it being a hazard coming out onto 23rd Avenue from 4th Street, he thinks an exit could be planned with an extra lane of traffic which would minimize the hazard. If this Board wanted to, they could ask for a waiver of the number of footage as required by the County. However, from what he sees tonight, he does not see they are in mind to ask for an emtrance from 4th Street to 2Smd Ave. Chairman Ryder informed him that this is the first time most of the members on the Board became aware of this problem. Mr. Lansing continued that he concurs with the first woman who spoke and feels 4th Street going through would help alleviate the traffic. Chairman Ryder informed him that this will be explored, but possibly it is nor within the CityTs jurisdiction. Mr. Rudy Blank, 702 25th Place, stated in the event of a civil defense evacuation, the people in that area would be trapped as there is only the one exit. With all the extra houses and the area covered, the ramp would not be adequate for all the people. Mr. Arena stated that he knows this intersection and it is very dangerous. He asked if it would be possible to close 6th St. and open 4th Street? Mr. Annunziato stated there were a lot of considerations given duming the construction of 1-95 which re- sulted in this configuration. It would be as reasonable an approach to open 4th Street as what we have now, but he would not begin~ to know how to abandon 6th Street for 4th Street to go through. Mr. Lambert added that the people living on ~th Street must also be considered. He also pointed out that if 4th Street was extended, it would be a clean shot from Mission Hill Road. The people would not use 6th Street if 4th Street was opened. Chaimman Ryder referred to there being a good deal of discussion about this when the overpass was built and stated we would be in the same predicament if 4th Street was cut through and we would just be using another street. This matter needs more study. Mrs. Marguerite Tolpo, 2839 S. W. 6th Street, stated that 8th Street had the traffic for awhile, 6th Stmeet has' had it for a few years, so now it should be given to 4th Street. She also suggests that a counter be put on the road to see the number travelling off 6th Street to 23rd Avenue. Chairman Ryder re- ferred to the traffic being increased because of the conStruc- tion on Seacrest Blvd. and Mrs. Tolpo disagreed and added that she has the police out at least once a week Checking on speed- stems. -6- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1978 Mr. Arena stated he was not clear on the answer and Chairman Ryder replied he didn't think there is an obvious one now. It is a question whether it would be an improvement or not to close 6th Street and oPen 4th Street. He does not know if the inter- section is dangerous according to accident reports. Mrs. Huckle stated thatexperts in this City could study this situa- tion. Chairman Ryder suggested that the matter be explored to open 4th Street. Mr. Arena stated if qe move on this master plan and at some date in the future, the City decides 4th Street would be a better access to 23rd Avenue, then he doesn't think we have been fair to the developer. Chairman Ryder replied that it should be ex- plored in the near future and ft can be made a condition on approval of the plan. Mr. Arena continued that if 4th Street is better access, thenthe developer may want the opportunity to revise his plan. Chairman Ryder stated this is not the place to do engineering, but to hear~suggestions. Mr. Fletcher thanked the' Board for taking an open mind attitude and requested them to review this and arrive at the best engi- neering solution. Mrs. Huckle stated that this is certainly a b6xed-in area with the people having a limited way out. She asked if there was any possibility 4th St. could be extended but not immediately connect to Golf Road but travel east/west until meeting the requirement and Mr..Annunziato informed her it was private pro- perty to the east. Chairman Ryder added that this was explored previously and it was felt it would not be used because people would have to double back and the price was approximately $100,000 for the private property involved. Mr. Annunziato clarified that apparently when 1-95 was constructed, designs were made whichwere unpopular regarding the connection of 6th Street. 4th Street will definitely be more dangerous than 6th Street since it will be a straight drive from Mission Hill Blvd. This obviously affects the subdivision and we don't want to make it easy for traf!fic to flow through. His opinion is if 4th Street does go t~rough, it will provide a worse situa- tion than now. Some people will benefit while others will lose. Mr. Arena referred to possibly turning around the proposed sub- division and explainedhow this would change the picture. Chairman Ryder replied that if he was talking about changing the location of the lots, he did not see how we could move on this plan. 4th Street can be opened if found to be advisable without changing the plan. Mr. Gentry informed them that this would be a matter for study by the City and County and would not affect the layout of the development. -7- MINUTES - PLANNING $ ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1978 Mr. Annunziato stated h~s only recommendation is to cut 24th or 25th Avenue to 4th Street which will alleviate some traffic from 6th Street. He does not think there is any way to resolve this problem equitably. Mrs. Borchardt clarified that they are asking to have 4th Street opened and 6th Street not be closed. Chairman Ryder suggested moving on this with a proviso being made that the traffic situation be explored. Mr. Winter asked if it would be feasible for Mr. Annunziato to contact D.O.T. and advise them of this problem and request them to analyze it and ask if it would possibly be feasible to waiver the 600 ft. cut requirement. Mr. Annunziato informed him that in addition to County ordinances, the City ordinance prohibits an additional cut within 650 feet. The only way for 4th Street to go through is if 6th Street does not. Mr. Winter continued that if 4th Street could be cut through, it would cut the traffic im- pact on 6th Street by more than half. Mr. Annunziato suggested that some professional traffic engineers perform an analysis and Chairman Ryder agreed it should be studied further. Mr. Winter referred to Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, and questioned the frontage and Mr. Annunziato replied the narrow side would be the front. Mr. Gentry added that according to the preliminary plat~ the frontage would be on 23rd Avenue with no access on 23rd Ave. Mr. Annunziato asked if it was the understanding the developer is to provide some analysis in regard to traffic and Mr. Gentry replied he really didn't feel it would be the developer's re- sponsibility since he is complying with the ordinance subdivi- sion regulations. He does not think it is fair to burden the developer with the cost of this traffic analysis. Mr. Lambert agreed that the developer has followed all ordinances. Mr. Arena also agreed and added that he doesn't think it is the developer's responsibility, but it is the City's responsibility. Chairman Ryder asked if this could be explored with the County and Mr. Annunziato replied that he didn't think 4th Street going through is the answer. Mrs. Huckle questioned the amount of traffic estimated to be generated 'from a subdivision this size and Mr. Annunziato in- formed her about 350 trips per day. Mrs. Huckle pointed out that our regulations do not require a traffic impact analysis from the developer for a subdivision of this size, but it does require an intersection analysis. Chairman Ryder suggested that Mr. Annunziato meet with Mr. Clark and Mr. Walker from the County and check the traffic movement in this area. -8- MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DECEMBER 127 1978 Mr. Winter made a motion to approve the plan contingent upon staff comments and Mr. Annunziato shall coordinate with the County Engineer's office in.accordance with submission of the preliminary plat with regards to a study made of the access in connection with 23rd Avenue. Mr. Lambert seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Lambert clarified that Mr. Annunziato will report back at the time of preliminary approval and Mr. Annunziato agreed. Motion carri~dd 5-1 with Mr. Arena dissenting. Chairman Ryder clarified that this plan is approved to move forward; however~ it still has to come before the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council with the understanding the matter of access to 23rd Avenue will be further explored. Chairman's Statement Chairman Ryder referred to this meeting being the last in which most of the members will participate together and announced that he intends to submit his resignation. He congratulated his fellow members for their contribution of service to our City. He th&nked them for their cooperation and attendance. He commended the Board on reaching solutions to difficult problems such as the recreation vehicles and CB antennaes. He thanked the City Planner for pro- viding direction and input enabling the Board to consider and judge many applications. He also commended Mr. Annunziato for his efforts in conjunction with the consultants on the comprehen- sive plan. He added that further additional efforts are needed to see this plan through with the new Planning & Zoning Board and new City Council so the deadline of July 1979 can be met. He con- tinued with referring to the approval of a substantial number of development's within recent months felt to be in the City's best interest. These developments will result in carefully planned growth and moderate density and should set a pattern in the re- serve annexation areas. He also thanked Mrs. Kruse for her effi- ciency in recording the minutes. He then extended best wishes to all. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Arena made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:50 P. M. Respectfully submitted~ Suzanne M. Kruse Recording Secretary (Two Tapes) -9- ?O M~. Ca~men Annunziato FROM Tom Clark JBJECT Ridgewood Estates Master Plan Date 12/ 11/ 78 M ESSA G.E The "Master-Plan" submitted appears to'be adequate and.layout is acceptable to the Engineering Department. - - Prior to !approval of construction-drawings computations must be submitted for dr'ainage along with approvals of.D E.R. and D.O.T The construction drawings for utilities must include detail sheets and sewer profiles. No manholes will be acceptable in swales. TAC:mb cc: Perry Cessna Signed ~/~ REPLY T Reditype 4X460 Signed ~ ~ Date /~----//'~ 7C~ SEND PARTS ! AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT. - 3 ITH REPLY. INC., REALTOR 5829 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (3051 392-62O0 -December 12, 1978 'DEC Hr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director, Planning Board 200 North Seacrest Blvd. City of Boynton Beachi Florida Dear Mr. Annunziato: Re: Ridgewood Estates Recreation Impact Fee Ridgewood Estates does hereby propose to pay the Recreation Impact Fee by performing work in either the Forrest Hills playground or in the old Girl Scout recreation area now owned by the County. We _feel the prospective home owners in Ridgewood Estates and surrounding community would benefit more by expanding %he development of these two park areas. ~e propose to develop or build according to, and in conjunction wi%h, the City of Boynton Beach Recreation Department~cilities most needed in these parks on the following basis: 1. Construct and build structures, practice fields (baseball, football), tennis courts, etc. according to City specifications. 2. Will submit a cost breakdown of each project. ® Total dollar amount to be agreed upon prior %0 final approval of Has%e: plan by the City of Boynton Beach and Ridgewood Estates. We feel, by offering this service, the City of Boynton Beach and the local residences of the surrounding area will recezve greater benefits and services a% less cost in a shorter period of time. We will appreciate your comments as soon as possible. Since~y, b~ ~. NIC~kLS REALTOR PEN:lo Residential · Commercial · SINCE 1957 · Land Development · Investments M E M 0 R A N D U M - TO: RE: Carmen Annunziato City Planner Ridgewood Estates December 12, 1978 The developer's recommendation seems to be a reasonable approach to fulfilling his obligations. However, the following considerations should be resolved before approval is granted: 1. The City Council and County Commission must agree to the City's acquisition of the old girl scout property either by deed or long term lease. (Forest Hill Park is already fully developed.) 2. As the sub-division ordinance'does not specifically provide for this method of contribution, can it be accepted? Does this approach conflic~ with laws or ordinances pertaining to required public bidding procedures of the City? (Attorney's opinion) If it is determined that this method of contribution is not possible due to any of the above considerations or other reasons, I would then recommend that the developer pay a fee in lieu of land dedication as provided for in the sub-division ordinance. Charles C. Frederick Recreation Director A G E N D A LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY DATE: December t2th, 1978 TIME: 8:00 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers City Hall 2. 3. 4. 5. AqknoWle~_gement"of_Members-a~d Visitors'. Reading and Approving of Minutes. Announcements. Communications. Old Business: New Business: Presentation of County Land Use Plan.