Minutes 08-08-78MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, AUGUST '8, 1978 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Simon Ryder, Chairman Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman John Jameson Richard Lambert Ronald Arena (Arrived 7:50 P.M.) Carmen Annunziato, City Planner ABSENT Mrs. Marilyn Huckle (Excused) Garry Winter (Excused) Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. He referred to the agenda being rather short and announced that uponcompletion of the business before the Planning & Zoning Board, the Board will adjourn and reconvene as the Local Planning Agency and reconsider further hearings in regard to the comprehensive plan. He introduced the members of the Board, City Planner and Recording Secre- tary. He acknowledged the presence in the audience of Mayor Emily M. Jackson and Councilman David Roberts and added that he was glad to see them here. MINI/TES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 25, 1978 Mr. Lambert moved that the minutes of the July 25 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board be approved as presented~ seconded by Mr. Jameson. Motion carried 4-0. Col. Trauger referred to the street lighting discussed at this meeting and questioned if the decision was to forward this to Mr. ClarkTs office for review and Mr. Jameson replied that he thought Mr. Annunziato was going to follow this up. Mr. Annunziato informed them that he did follow this administratively and has been discussing it with the staff. He asked if the Board was expecting an ordinance revision proposal and Chairman Ryder replied that the recommendation was for the Technical Review Board to consider lighting in their review. Mr. Lambert stated that under the new ordinance regarding site plan review, if it is not included in the ordinance~ it is not enfor~ble, so something should be included. Chairman Ryder suggested that it may be helpful to make an inventory to see if there are other instances besides Los Mangos and give these consideration. He suggests that Mr. Annunziato check it further with members of the staff and give a report at the next meeting. An ordinance amendment may have to be prepared, so it can be enforced legally. MINUTES OF LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1978 Chairman Ryder referred to just receiving these minutes and suggested not acting on their approval until the following meeting and the members agreed. MINUTES PLANNING $ ZONING BOARD PAGE TWO AUGUST 8, 1978 ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Ryder announced following their usual practice, he would like to call the membersTattention to the action taken by the City Council at their meeting of ~ugust 1 dealing with matters this Board referred to them. Inreference to the rezoning for Fidelity Federal & Savings & Loan Associationon S.W. 15.th Avenue, this was approved by the Council 5-0. In reference to the Golf & Racquet Club development on Congress Avenue west of the South Vo-Tech School, the rezoning was approved by the ~o~ncil and they also approved the abandonments necessary for the development'proposed. Chairman Ryder referred to Legal and advised the ordinance was read on second reading eliminating site plan review by the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council with relation to commercial building projects $100,000 or less. The ordinance states under $100,000, neither the City Counmi! nor the Planning & Zoning Board will review the site plans and that was approved by a vote of 3-2. The members of the Board have tried to indicate what was proposed originally would seriously .inter- fere with.their ability to do the work they are supposed to do, but apparently that feeling is not universal on the part of the Council. Chairman Ryder advised that the plat of Sky Lake Subdivision was approved by the Council. Chairman Ryder stated that under Old' Business, a request was made by Councilman Caldwell and .approved by the Council for reconsideration of the rezoning request submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Leemon. This means this will be re-advertised and there will be a re-hearing before the City Council. Mm. Lambert referred to the site plan review and questioned what happened to alterations and additions and Mr. Annunziato replied that they were notincludedinthe ordinance. It refers to commercialbuildings and it must be determined whether they will be included. Mr. Lambert referred to theordinance stating ~'commercial projemts" and questioned if this includesalterationsand additions and Mr. Annunziato replied that he would assume ~so if they are lesser than $100,000. Chairman Ryder added thathhe also noticed thelack of this~reference. All along, two differ- -ent things were considered, one ~setting thelimit on'construction~ and the other eliminating alterations and additions. He gathers alterations and additions would be included if under $100,000. Mr. Lambert-asked about-review by the Community Appearance Board and Mr. Annunziato replied thiswas not specifically mentioned in the ordinance, but because they are arecommending body to the Council that 'remains to be answer~ed. Something must be decided whether the Community Appearance Boardwill have final review powers. Chairman Ryder read the ordinance and pointed out that i~t calls for pro= messing by the Technical Review Board and municipal Building Department and the Community Appearance Board is not included. Mr. Lambert com- mented that he thinks some dangerous loop holes have been left and MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THREE AUGUST 8, 1978 he stated that nobody seems to know whether the OAB standamds will be disregarded entimely under $100,000. Mayor Jackson informed them that the Community Appearance Board was not addressed because it is covered by a separate ordinance. The CAB will continue to review everything. Chairman Ryder stated that 'this ordinance is not included with the exist- ing ordinances dealing with the powers of the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Lambert referred to most plans having comments and recommendations wmitten all over them and stated if these requirements were not written, they were not enforceable. What happens to these recommendations now? Should recommendations be made to the department heads to make amend- ~ments to the .codes? (Mr. Arena arrived at this time.) Mr. Lambert con- tinued that since Planning & Zoning Board review and recommendation was part of the ordinance, the requirements were legal. Mr. Annunziato added that this was not an unusual procedure and is utilized in many municipalities. Mr. Lambert clarified that the problem is since site plan review has been done away with and if the-~equirement is not in the code of ordinances, it cannot be enforced legally. Chairman Ryder added that the need is still theme and department heads will probably make conditions, but the question is whether they will be legal. Mr. Lambert agreed it-was very questionable. Chairman Ryder agreed it was a valid concern. Mr. Jameson referred to the City having an attorney and stated that legal matters of this type should be referred to him and not be subject for discussion by the Planning & Zoning Board. Chairman Ryder replied that he hoped the members feel free to discuss whatever they wish here. Col. Trauger referred to there only being a few commercial buildings in the $100,000 or over category during the past'year ~two and Mr. Annunziato replied that the greatest majority were over $100,000 and referred to shopping centers, restaurants, etc. At this time, Chairman Ryder introduced Mr. Arena and announced that Mr. Arena had been away on vacation and unable to attend the previous meet- ings. He added that Mr. Winter was away on vacation at this ~me and Mrs. Huckle is excused because of being called out of town due to ill- ness. NEW BUSINESS Site Plan Approval App!ieant: Howard McCall for M. J. Morris Location: S.W. ~0th Avenue (West of South Tech) Legal Description: Acreage Project Description: Mini Wa~e~huses Chairman Ryder requested input from the City Planner. Mr. Annunziato referred to a location drawing on Sheet ~! and explained that this devel- opment is located approximately 300 feet east-of Congress Avenue, 700 feet north of S.W. 30th Avenue~ and the east boundary is adjacent to the entrance road going north/southalong the side of South Tech. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR AUGUST 8, 1978 The development 'will be served by two private 60 ft. entrance roads. The first phase calls for construction of a paved driveway to serve 400 mini warehouses. The total buildout would provide for ten acres of this type. Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments and read the attached memo dated August 3 from Tom Clark listing seven comments, i~e referred to No. 4 and advised when S.W. 30th Avenue was initially built, there was a master plan for the development providing for drainage. Mr. Plunket has now sold two parcels and with the sale of one more parcel, it will constitute the requirement of subdividing and a master plan must be sub- mitted. A master plan will aid the City in ~uture road requirements, drainage, etc. Chairman Ryder referred to a future street layout and Mr. Annunziato replied that he thinks the private drives will provide access for the remaining tracts. He added that there is substantial acreage remaining in unified control. Mr. Annunziato then referred to comment, s from the Utility Department and read the requirement to loop the water system in the first phase and a '~eptic tank is okay, but must connect to sewer when available. He has commented that relocation of the kennel to the south is recom- mended and additional trees are recommended to the north to break up the wall as it is viewed from Golfview Harbour. The staff recommenda- tion is to approve subject to comments. Chairman Ryder clarified that the septic tank will be permitted until the sewer line comes down Congress Avenue and this will probably be next year. Mr. Annunziato clarified that the force main will go down Congress Avenue, but he does not know when the local sewers will go down there. Mr. Howard McCall, Architect, representing Mr. M. J. Morris, appeared before the Board. He stated that he has listened to the comments by the staff and concurs with some easily. They can take care of the land- scaping on the north side. He thought the water main proposal was all worked out with the Public Works Dept. by supplying an 8T~ line for the future instead of a looped 6T' line. The kennel can be moved to the south and he agrees this is a good suggestion. Mr. Lambert questioned the intent of these warehouses and Mr. McCall informed him they would be mini-warehouse units varying in size from 5 x 10~ to somewhat larger. He told about them serving their need in the Boca Raton area.with local business people using them to store materials. He added that in this portion, there will be a total of 19 having exit doors meeting-the requirements for habitablespace where an office could be located. Mr. Lambert questioned the parking require- ments for these offices and Mr. Annunziato read from the M-1 code where one of the uses permitted is manufacturing processes and distrib'~tion. He explained how an office would ~bs in connection'with a large bay and would accommodate parking. He added that storage does not require parking, but over 100 spaces have been provided on the plan. Mr. McCall clarified that the intent was any office space would be in conjunction with a storage area. Mr. Lambert questioned the location MINUTES PLAN~[[NG $ ZONING BOARD PAGE FIVE AUGUST 8, 1978 of these 19 office units and Mr. McCall pointed out the locations in Buildings H and B. Mr. Lambert-referred to Building H not having any parking and Mr. Annunziato pointed out that there is parking in front of Building G across the driveway. Mr. Lambert commented that there were only eight places and Mr. Annunziato informed him that only one parking space for 300 sq. feet was required. Mr. McCall told about the tenants at their Boca Raton facility and how only a minimum parking area was required. He stated that with 400 storage units, there have been no more than 16 to 20 cars parked at the facility at one time. The parking requirement for dead storage is very low. Mr. Annunziato agreed that he did not see any problem. Mr. Lambert-referred to the requirements for anoccupational license and Mr. Annunziato explained how distribution would be limited by the size of the bay. Also, no retail sales are allowed. Mr. Lambert asked if there would be a security arrangement and Mr. McCall informed him there would be a manager on duty all day and watch dogs at night. He told about the manager living at the project in Boca Raton and being on the pr~mises, but advised that the Boynton ordinance would not permit this. They had hoped it would be allowed as it would give better security. Col. Trauger referred to a person renting a warehouse and asked if there would be a way for him to have access 24 hours a day and Mr. McCall replied negatively and entrance would only be available during ~aylight hours. Mr. Jerry Church, Engineer for Mr. M. J. Morris, appeared before the Board and stated he wouldlike to clarify a couple cppoints. On the drainage, they are prepared to provide drainage for this tract. The comments have requested a master drainage plan and is this required at this time or when the next subdivided development comes in? Mr. Annunziato replied that as far as master drainage, it would have to be tied into the subdivision of the land. On this plan, D.E.R. approval of drainage plans is required and detention of the first inch of runoff is a requirement. Mr. ~hurch agreed to this requirement~and stated they would provide drainage for this particular tract. Mr. Church then referred to the extension of the water line and explained how their proposal would cover extension for remaining phases and they did not want to make a loop. Chairman Ryder suggested that he discuss this with the Utility Director. This is a specific requirement and possi- bly a standard procedure and it is generally more adequate to have a loop. Mr. Annunziato added that it is also a good reason to have it looped because of having two fire hydrants on that line. Mr. Church explained how their plans covered the installation of larger pipe to provide the adqquate flow. Chairman Ryder suggested that he discuss it further with the Fire Marshall and Utility Director as it is not this Board's preroga- tive to make a change. Mr. Lambert added that the final approval comes from the City Council and suggested that this be discussed with the Uti- lity Director prior to their review. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE SIX AUGUST 8, 1978 Mr. Church clarified that they will provide drainage for that particular tract and not 'a master plan for the entire tract. Mr. Lambert referred to the comment stating the drainage design must include consideration for drainage of the entire area and Chairman Ryder clarified that he thinks what is intended will hopefully fit in with the overall drainage of the entire area. He suggests this be discussed with Mr. Cessna. The City feels the ultimate design is a concern here with the treatment of this partimular tract. Mr. Church explained how adequate drainage was p~ovided for these ten acres. They will also p~ovide extensions,so it can be tied into other drainage systems. They will provide for the total ten acres in increments as it is developed. Chairman Ryder suggested that he meet with the City Engineer and Utility Director as he is sure they can reach a resolution. Mr.. Arena made a motion that the site plan for Howard McCall for M. J. Morris for ten acres containing mini-warehouses be approved subject to staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 5-0. Site Plan Review Procedure Mr. Lambert referred to there still being legal questions about the site plan review procedure and stated he believes it would be in the best interest of ~the Planning &Zoning Board, City Council and citizens to know what the answers are to these questions. Chairman Ryder referred to the Local Planning Agency meeting following and this subject result- ing in a lengthy discussion and suggested tabling it for discussion at the next meeting and Mr. Lambert agreed. ADJOHRNMENT Col. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne M. Kruse Recording Secretary (One Tap e ) ~-~ ~:.M 0 R A N'D U M August 3, 1978 TO: FROM: Re: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Tom Clark, City Engineer Boynton Storage, Site Plan by McCall and Lynch Comments are as follows: 1. Grades forentrance road shOuld be indicated. Are entrance roads (proposed and future) to be private or public? 'Southwest 30th Avenue is graded to a low point where drainage pipes (or a ditch) were originally planned to be extended to LWDD Canal-28. Drainage design must include consideration for drainage of the entire area even though only a portion is being developed. The "Plunket" property is being developed piece-meal. A master plan for streets, drainage, and utilities IS recommended. D.E.R. approval of drainage plans is required. of the first inch of runoff is a requirement. Detention Details of construction for parking and roadway areas are requested in addition to note No. 8 on sheet 4. 5 Standards for water line construction require ultimate looping of water lines. The extensions to an additional existing City water line should be shown. TAC:mb Tom Clark .......... . .......... .~v= ~=.,,=,,~ a,,u ux~u snatements or showings made 'AGENDA Regul~Meeting ~: Time: Place: August 8th, 1978 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers - City Hall 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors Reading and Approval of Minutes Announcements COmT~nications Old Business New Business A. Site Plan Approval: 1. Applicant: Heward Mc Call for M. J. Morris Location: S.W. 30th Avenue (West of South Tech) Legal Description: Acreage Project Description: Mini Warehouses