Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
John Jameson
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Richard Lambert (Excused)
Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
7:35 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board, City Planner and
Recording Secretary. He acknowledged the presence of Mayor Emily M.
Jackson in the audience.
Chairman Ryder'referred to Mrs. Kruse doing an outstanding job in
the preparation of the minutes and stated that the description of
the presentation made by the consultants is very comprehensive and
will be a good guide. He announced that a workshop meeting would
be held by the Local Planning Agency on July 19 at 3:00 P. M. fol-
lowed by a Citizens Workshop Hearing on July 26 at 7:00 P. M.
Mr. Winter moved to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr.
Arena. Motion carried 3-0 with Mrs. Huckle, Col. Trauger and Mr.
Jameson abstaining.
JUNE 27, 1978
Mr. Winter moved to accept the minutes of June 27, seconded by Mr.
Arena. Motion carried 3-0 with Mrs. Huckle, Col. Trauger, and Mr.
Jameson abstaining.
Chairman Ryder announced that he received a letter from the Boynton
Beach Chamber of Commerce which relates to the rezoning matter and
will be read during that part of the agenda.
Site PlantApproval
Applicant: Village Royale on the Green, Inc. (Irving Gross)
Location: 2600 N.E. !st Court
Legal Description: Acreage
Project Description: 2 Story Recreation Building
JULY tl, 1978
Chairman Ryder asked if there were any new developments and Mr.
Annunziato replied that there were none and stated with the Board's
approval, he would like to have the ability to take this off the
agenda and scratch it from the agenda and notify the applicant.
Col. Trauger moved that the item of the Village Royale on the Green
site plan approval be memoved from the agenda, seconded by Mrs.
Huckle. Motion carried 6-0.
Continuation of Public Hearings
Rezoning Request
Applicant: Charles L. & Linda L. Leemon, III
Location: 470 N. W. 2nd Avenue
Legal Description: Lots 6 thru 10 inclusive, Block 71; Lots
5, 6, 7, less 1-95 right-of-way, Block 72; Lots !, 2, 3,
31, 32, less 1-95 right-of, way, and Lots 33, 34, 55, 36,
Block 73; Beverly Hills Addition No. S ALSO South t30' of
Parcel B, more particularly described as: Commencing at a
point 334' West of the Northeast corner of that tract of
land described as the North half of Lot 5, of the subdivi-
sion of the West half of Section 28, Township 45 South,
Range 43 East, running thence east 50'; thence South 330';
thence West 50'; thence North 330'; to the point of begin-
ning, less road rights-of-way.
Use: Construction of Holiday Inn Type Motel
Request: Rezone from R-iA to C-3
Applicant: Charles L. & Linda L. Leemah, III
Location: 470 N. W. 2nd Avenue
Legal Description: Lots 1 thru 5 inclusive, less road right-
of-way, Block 71, Beverly Hills Addition No. 3 and Parcel
A: Commencing 244T West of the Northeast corner of the
North half of Lot 5, thence running South 165T, thence
West 50', thence North 165', thence East 50' to point of
beginning, of the subdivision of the West half of Section
28, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, less road rights-of-
way. AND Parcel B as described above less the South 130'
ALSO the West 110' of the East 244~ of the North half of
Lot 5, Section 28, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, less
road rights-of-way.
Use: Construction of Holiday Inn Type Motel
Request: Rezone from C-2 to C-3
Abandonment Request
Applicant: Charles L. & Linda L. Leemon, III
Legal Description: Abandonment of that portion of N.W. 4th
Street lying between Blocks 71 and 73, Beverly Hills Addi-
tion No. 3, bound on the South by N.W. 1st Ave. and on the
NOrth by the Iwgg' exit~ramp to N.W. 2nd Avenue AND Aban-
donment of that portion of N.W..~st Avenue lying between
Lots 5, 6, 7, Block 72, and Lots 31 and 32, Block 73,
Beverly Hills Addition No. 3, less 1-95 right-of-way.
JULY 11, 1978
Project Description:
Request for Abandonment of N.W. 4th St.
between SR-804 and N.W. 1st Ave. AND
portions of N.W. 1st Ave. lying West of
N.W. 4th Street
Chairman Ryder referred to this being a continuation of the public
hearing held at-the last meeting on June 27 and stated at that time,
we heard the applicant address this Board with regard to the rezoning
request. This is the property at the southeast corner of the inter-
section of 1-95 and N.W. 2nd Avenue opposite Galaxy School. South
of the frontage going towards N.W. 1st Avenue, the applicant has
requested rezoning to C-3. The applicant has requested rezoning of
a piece on N.W. 1st Avenue from 4th Street going~to 1-95 to be re-
zoned from R-IA to C-3. Those present at the last meeting are aware
of the fact because of the absence of three members and one member
present indicating he would abstain, it was deemed advisable to defer
any action. The applicant and people in opposition were heard at
the previous meeting, but the Board is prepared at this time to hear
them again so those members not present will have the opportunity to
be brought up to date even thoughdovered in the minutes. Also in-
volved i~ theaa~andoning of a portion of N.W. 4th Street and a portion
of N.W. 1st Avenue. At this time, the Board would like to hear from
the applicant or representative.
Mr. Chuck Leemon appeared before the Board and advised that he is a
Holiday Inn 6perator and owner. In 1976, he appeared before this
body and presented a similar suggestionsfor this area to be approved
for a Holiday Inn, but did not own all the property shown now. He
took the comments and suggestions from the Board to his architect
and talked to engineers and they decided to revise the plans so
there would be little or no traffic on any other street other than
2nd Avenue. He acquired three additional parcels and houses to
eliiminate the tra£fic on the side streets and have the entrance on
2nd Avenue. This property will have access to 804 at the exit of
1-95. Several other changes were made and the architect and engi-
neers spent time in Boynton Beach so the building would fit into
the town itself. They have designed something like a Spanish man-
sion and not the usual Holiday Inn. In the operat~nof a Holiday
Inn, there are high standards, not only in style and cleanliness
but the highest moral standards. They would like to be here in
Boynton Beach and think it would be an asset to the town. Ir'will
put Boynton Beach on the map. There are 1,800 other Holiday Inns
and he thinks Boynton Beach deserves a f~st class facility here.
Mr. Annunziato asked if any access to 1st Avenue was anticipated
and Mr. Leemon replied that with the revision, access to 1st Avenue
would be unnecessary as far as the business operation is concerned.
Chairman Ryder asked if access on ~nd Avenue was approved by. the
D.O.T. and Mr. Leemon replied that his engineers have talked to
the D.O.T. and they have no objection. Chairman Ryder referred to
there being a sight problem with coming off the curve and Mr. Leemon
replied that with the fence extension, there is a deacceleration
lane with time to turn off. They D.O.T. did not express any Opposi-
tion but wereiin agreement.
JULY 1!, 1978
Chairman Ryder referred to utilities being located along N.W. 4th
Street-and N.W. 1st Avenue and stated that building would not be
allowed over these areas. He asked if the piece south of 1st Ave.
was still included and Mr. Leemon replied that in reference to the
utilities, they are aware of them and his engineers have met with
the City engineems to determine whatever is necessary. Chairman
Ryder referred to the portion on 1st Avenue being for additional
parking and Mr. Leemon replied that after the discussions at the
last meeting, he met~with his architect and this area will be for
employees~ parking only with a large buffer area and there will be
no activity on 4th Street. Chairman Ryder clarified that the other
residential lots would be immediately adjacent to the C-3 category.
Mr. Jameson referred to the minutes from the previous meeting and
stated that one of the members of the Board addressed the question
about the meaning of a Holiday Inn "typeT' model and the reply at
thattime was that applicationwith Holiday Inn has been accepted
and verbally approved~ but 'the written franchise had not been re-
ceived. It is further stated that this motel may be a Ramada Inn
or chain type motel. Has there been any change in this matter?
Mr. Leemon informed him that Holiday Inn cashed the $20,000 check
he submitted and to him that means they are interested. It is just
a matter of going through the process.
Mrs. Huckle questioned where the front of the building would be and
Mr. Leemon replied that it would face the east and showed a render-
ing and plan.
Chairman Ryder stated that if rezoned, any permissive use in the C-3
zone would be allowed. Mr. Jameson added that it could be a four
story building and Chairman Ryder replied that four sto~es were con-
templated at this time.
Mr. Don Lambert showed a picture of the proposed motel to the audience.
Col. Trauger asked if there would only be one sign and Mr. Leemon
replied there would be the one sign shown and possibly a script sign
adjacent to the highway.
Chairman Ryder then read a letter dated July 10 from the Greater
Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce concerning the need in general
of meeting~ooms and banquet facilities in Boynton Beach. Boynton
Beach has a definite need for an accommodation facility with ampt~
meeting rooms and the capability to hold large banquets. Currently
groups have a difficult time finding suitable meeting places and ban-
quet-rooms for over 200 people. It is felt an affiliation with a
facility with a national name would be an assettto the community.
Chairman Ryder then asked if there was anybody else wishing tosspeak
in support of this application and the following appeared before the
J~LY 11, 1978
Mr. Ray~.~Zompa appeared before the Board and advised that he is a real
estate broker in Boynton Beach and owns three lots on this block.
Two lots are building lots and would be directly in back of this
Holiday Inn. He is in agreement with the letter from the Chamber
of Commerce. Any time an organization has a banquet, they must go
out of town to find the facilities. This is needed in Boynton Beach.
If he were to lose these two lots, he would still be in favor of
this Holiday Inn or something like it. He did not attend the previ-
ous meeting because he thought-people in Boynton Beach, the way we
are growing, would like to see a Holiday Inn. When travelling and
looking fo~ a place to stay, he will ride further to stay at a Holi-
day Inn. He has owned these lots since 1970 and will not be hurt by
this. He owns Lots 8 and 9 on the north side of 1st Avenue and
pointed out their .location on the map.
Mr. Arena asked what he intended to build on these lots and Mr.
Zompa replied that he intends to build homes on these lots. This
will notaffect the homes as there will be a ~uffer zone. Something
like this is needed badly in this City. He has been in Boynton Beach
for 35 years. Every time something good comes up, some way or somehow
they get beaten down. If this man needs ground, he will give him his
lots free of charge.
Mr. Ben Lackow, operator of the Texaco Gas Station at 433 N. W. 2nd
Avenue, appeared before the Board. He has been the operator of this
gas station for two years and gets quite a number of people off 1-95.
They always ask where is there a good motel and some place to stay.
He usually sends them to West Palm Beach. Having an investment, he
feels this would be an asset to the community and himself to have
something like this in the neighborhood. Mr. Arena asked if he was
a resident of this area or in business there and Mr. Lackow clari-
fied that he is a resident of Delray Beach, but owns the business
Mr. Serge Pizzi, 1061 Coral Drive, appeared before the Board and
stated that he wanted to speak in favor of the applicant. He sold
some real estate to Mr. Leemon which will be incorporated into this
pmoject. Even though their business has been concluded, he felt
compelled to speak in favor of this application. Mr. Leemon has an
excellent reputation in operating facilities of this nature. Both
Mr. Leemon and the motel will be an asset in Boynton Beach. 2nd
Avenue is an important thoroughfare through the City. We felt
slighted when the turnpike did not provide an interchange for
Boynton Beach, but now we have an interchange from 1-95 at 2nd
Avenue. This is not the nicest approach and many houses should be
torn down. Holiday Inn would be a good improvement. This City
can use several large motels and their facilities to attract people
and even for our sports complex. If we don~t have the facilities
when asked for, we are bound to lose good prospects. Holiday Inn
is a welcome sign to people. We do not have decentlarge banquet
facilities in Boynton Beach. We should do it now. This will create
a healthy economy for the City i~ogeneral.
JULY 11, 1978
Chairman Ryder ascertained there were no further speakers desiring
to speak in favor and then the following speakers in opposition ap-
pe~ed before the Board.
Mr. Thomas J. Woolley, Jr., 917 Sunset Road, appeared before the
Board on behalf of the residents. If he can receive assurance from
the members not present previously that th~ actually read the min-
utes, he will avoid repeating. The members replied affirmatively.
Mr. Woolley continued that one thing that everyone is missing is
there is not a%question that Boynton Beach needs a first class faci-
lity. He likes tennis, but does not want a tennis court next to
his house. There are areas in our town, one at-the end of 2nd
Avenue where thebridge is planned and one on 15th Avenue by 1-95,
bothwhich are properly zoned. These areas were shown on the overall
general plan because they are downtown and at anI-95 interchange
where there is no pmoblems of people living close by. This appli-
cation would change a residential area where people live. This
will not be a problem on east 2nd Avenue or 15th Avenue and there
is plenty of room at these locations. Also, Southern Bell has
their main lines in this location. The petitioner has taken the
approach that they are doing the City a big favor, but want to go
on t~ir p~operty rather than where is it properly zoned. He be-
lives the appli!cant cannot build on the roads if abandoned. There
was mention ~hat D.O.T. have no problems, but they do have a lot
of problems and this must be approved by them. Palm Beach County
traffic will be a problem. He checked and no petition was filed
with the county and there is the possibility that no left turn will
be allowed at this location. He thinks thesethings should be con-
sidered with regard to rezoning to C-3. If C-3 is given and the
Holiday Inn does not come, it could go down to Ramada Inn or Days
Inn. Also, four stories would be allowed ahd the people would be
stuck with that. Boynton Beach does need such a facility, but we
have proper zoning for it on tbth or 2nd Avenues. It will be
better to have it by the bridge being close to the beach and access
to Route 1. The people purchased the property by the new h~r~idge
with the same idea as Mr. Lee~n to build a first class facility.
However, the people looked at the master plan and bought the land
properly zoned. There are plans for a 100 room Holiday inn on
that property. Mr. Leemon bought the property knowing what it was
zoned and hopedtthe City would rezone it. There are other areas
where they can build and which are properly zoned. He does not
think this applicant has done enough in .proving they have done
enough. They want an exception, but there are already two loca-
tions zoned properly.
Col. Trauger stated that in reading the minutes, he did not find who
Mr. Woolley was representing and Mr. Woolley informed him that he
was originally contacted by Mr. John Midgette and Mr. Lou Samyn to
represent the people along N. W. 1st Avenue and Ocean Avenue. He is
also representing Mr. Arnold Stroshein who bought the proper~ty zoned
proper~y with plans to build a Holiday Inn. Col. Trauger questioned
the progress at this site and Mr. Woolley replied that Mr. Stroshein
would address this when he speaks. He emphasized that Mr. Leemon
still does nothave the .zoning and Holiday Inn has not approved his
JULY 11, 1978
application. Evemyone keeps hearing about the downtown area and we
should keep the downtown area and have the Holiday Inn by the bmidge
close to the beach. The zoD/ng shouldn't be changed because somebody
has the land. It is good land and can be used.
Mm. John Midgette, 460 West Ocean Avenue, appeared before the Board.
He first stated that he has nothing against Mr. Leemon and noddoubt
he operates a good clean motel business. The thing he would like to
emphasize very strongly is the fact that on N.W. 1st Avenue, there
are nice homes. People have bought retirement homes and it is re-
quested to be changed to C-3 and any type of business could be put
there. Would anyone like to have something like this in the front
of their house? The people are present tonight to protect this
from happening. A couple have spoken in favor of a motel and hells
in favor also, but thinks this is the poorest spot. He then told
aboutMr. Leemon turning over a house to young people for a party
and how it ~disrupted the neighborhood. This is a metirement village
and this area is not the proper place for a motel. He could secure
1,000 signatures of people in Leisumeville and around wanting to see
a motel, but not at-that location.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the area presently being zoned C-2 along 2nd
Avenue just one lot depth away from N. W. 1st Avenue and questioned
hit feelings about this and Mr. Midgette replied what akind of busi-
ness could be built on 2nd Avenue with considering the parking
quired? Mrs. Huckle informed him there are quite a few commercial
uses listed under C-2 which would be allowed and Mr. Midgettere-
plied that he would like 1st Avenue to stay R-iA. Mrs. Huckle
stated that-she understood this, but was wondering if he had some
feeling about the commercial presently zoned on 2nd Avenue. Mr.
Midgette repli~ed that he had not checked into that and was just
considering having a four story building facing him in the C-3 zone.
Mm. Lou Samyn, 151 S. W. 25th Avenue, appeared before the Board and
advised that he is a builder and has built in Boynton Beach for 20
years. He is building houses on N. W. 1st Avenue where it is zoned
R-lA. He served on the Planning & Zoning Board and remembers how
spot zoning was put in. They had no master plan then and wished
they had so they could have eliminated spot zoning. Finally in 1975,
a master plan was developed, but now we are going back to spot zon-
ing. If the Board approves something like this, they may as well
take the mastem plan and throw it out the window as that is all it
would be good for.
Chairman Ryder referred to a new home being built on the south side
of tst Avenue and Mr. Samyn explained that this home was just being
completed. He added that there are three more 60 ft. lots in the~e
which he intends to build on immediately. It is zoned R-IA and
should be.
JULY 11, 1978
Mr. Arnold Stroshein, 710 N. E. 7th Street, appeared before the Board
and stated that he said everything two weeks ago, but would like to
add when he acquired the site he has, it was the only parcel zoned
for a motel in Boynton Beach. It was zoned C-4. No other sites
were available then, but since then 15th Avenue was rezoned. He
bought with the intent to build a motel complex. He has lived here
most ~f his life. He has a site plan which has met Mr. Annunziatots
basic approvals and is about ready to start construction. He is not
interested in having a foot race to have a Holiday Inn. The repre-
sentative from Holiday Inn viewed the three parcels in the City and
advised him to send in his $20,000 also. He has been contacted by
other people with '.smaller chains and could put one of them on this
property. He feels when the time is right and Holiday Inn wants to
go then we would get it. He then showed the members the site plan
for his motel.
Col. Trauger questioned his meaning of having a foot race and Mr.
Stroshein explained how there could be two Holiday Inns in Boynton
Beach, but he does not think this is good planning. He thinks we
would be jumping over the fence if we constDucted two 100 room
motels. We do need such a facility, but the location is the ques-
tion. He thought the City needed one and bought the property pro-
perly zoned for it. With building two motels at the interchanges of
1-95, it would not do anything for the downtown area. Not 'much has
happened in downtown for the last 20~ars and it is needed, but he
has not been able to do it until now. However, he will not have a
foot'race for a chain motel. Holiday Inn would have taken the $20,000
from each of them. Mr. Leemon works for Holiday Innand knows the
chairman, but he is an outsider and will hire proper management and
do the best he can.
Chairman Ryder referred to the location of his proposed motel and
Mr. Stroshein.informed him that it is Lot 26 just east of Route 1.
Also~ this property was considered for a sewage treatment plant by
the City, but it was decided to put it on the parcel adjacent to
his. Chairman Ryder stated that this would be on the approach to
the new bridge and Mr. Stroshein replied that it would not and ex-
plained that it would be directly west and approximately 200 feet
before the approach.
Ms. Mildred Cooner, 429 West Ocean Avenue, appeared before the Board
and advised that she grew up in Boynton Beach, left after marriage
and then returned to live in a nice neighborhood. She has grand-
childrenwho visit her periodically and does not feel it is sage for
them to be in a neighborhood where there is business, especially
traffic. There are a lot ofe~lderly people living in this area.
However, they are passing on and younger families are bu~ing in
this area because it is a dead end street and safe for their children.
JULY 11, 1978
Mr. Earle Waters appeared before the Board and advised that he owns
two lots on N. W. 1st Avenue. He spoke at the last meeting and would
like to add that he has been a plugger for Boynton Beach. A motel
is needed here, but not in this location. It is not as if this is
the last chance to get a motel in Boynton Beach. This is only the
first one and he thinks we will get a lot of better offers later on.
It looks like the little people versus the big money and he is the
little people and they were here first.
Chairman Ryder ascertained that no other people desired to speak and
opened the matter for discussion to the members of the Board.
Mr. Winter made a motion that the rezoning request for Charles L.
and Linda L. Leemon to rezone from R-iA to C-3 be denied. Mr.
Arena seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Winter stated
that he has to agree with everybody else as it is properly zoned
on Woo!bright Road and this is an ideal location for a motel. Also,
he cannot agree to rezoning residential to commercial.
Mr. Arena stated that he thinks we must take into consideration that
we have a situation and what we would be doing is exactly what the
residents and attorney said: we are taking an area in town and
would be creating a site to accommodate a motel. There is a lot in-
volved as far as traffic flow, safety, traffic congestion, increase
of traffic in that school area, etc. He thinks the situation is too
involved, also with the utilities and easements. Although taking
separately, we must look at the overall basis. No matter what is
said now and they can show us pictures, etc., but it is not guaran-
Col. Trauger referred to the~vork and time spent in developing the
master plan and admitted that in the case 1-95, some changes were
required. However, with the current zoning and areas available, he
does not think the necessity is evident right now to cave in the
R-lA zoning to commercial zoning.
Mrs. Huckle stated that her feelings were similar since being on the
Board for five years and being meticulous in making the zoning in
1975. They want to protect the sanctity of residential areas and
want people to plan that areas would not be disturbed. They tried
to allocate areas which would not disturb residential zones. She
feels commercial zoning should not be given to an existing residen-
tial area.
Chairman Ryder clarified that apparently nobody here is opposed to
the hotel coming to Boynton Beach and the need is realized, but
the question is the location. Is it going to go where proper zoning
is providedoor go where the property owner wishes? As Mrs. Huckle
mentioned, the current plan with C-2 fror~ge on 2nd Avenue apparently
seems to be working. Most of us have been up and down the streets
here and the zones compl~tment each other. There are private homes
in ~ack of the C-2 zone and new homes are being built. It is one
thing to rezone an area that is totally undeveloped which was done
JULY tl, 1978
recently at !Sth Avenue and 1-95, but it is another thing to rezone
an area developed according to the preconceived pattern and plan.
We must provide some stability in zoning and not change from time to
time. We must assure the people moving into the area that the area
will develop according to plan and not according to the whim of some
people. He feels this is not the area for a motel.
Col. Trauger stated that 1-95 will still have t.memendous impacts on
the area for the next three to four years. When the present zoning
was developed~ consid(.~ration was given to th-e downtown area and the
new bridge. The City does need a greater hotel and meeting room
facility, but he does not wish to .dave in on R-lA because it is
developing with new homes being built. He does not think it ~would
be fair to the residents.
Mrs. Huckle added that-recently a plan was approved for the Vintage
Restaurant which will have banquet facilities and Mr. Winter added
that 'they plan to accommodate 600 people.
Mr. Arena stated that one point made by one of the speakers is this
is the first ~opportunity at a motel and quite possibl~ will not be
the last. He does not feel this is the proper site. We have the
need~ but the site is not proper.
Mrs. Huckle referred to Mr. Stroshein making a good point and stated
that-many motels are right at the interchanges and having a motel at
the bridge location, people will come ~urther into the City. Mr.
Jameson referred to motels being at every intersection along 1-95
and stated he didn't think the transient moving with his family or
alone was at all interested seeing businesses a mile or two away.
The traveller is looking for a modern hotel/motel to stop in with
a good restaurant. The City has only two entrances to 1-95 and
they will open up Boynton Beach more so than any other location.
He does not see the advantage of a motel behind Kwik-Chek. How
will the traveller even know there is a motel there? The motels
at the interchanges are what attractsthe travellers' eye and that
aspect should be considered. Mr. Winter referred to signs adver-
tising the motel being placed miles ahead along the highway and Mr.
Jameson replied that for the most part, the motels can be seen from
the highway. Mr. Arena stated that Mr. Jameson's comment was well
taken, but he thinks we must be interested in creating a situation
where we are not that accommodating to the transient type. The re-
sult of this would be people pu~ing off 1-95 for a room and some-
thing to eat and early the next day, they are on their way. He
thinks we should be concerned with the general business community
of the City. The only way to help the general business community
is to get people to come into the town and come to where there are
stores and giving them the possibility to spend some of their tour-
ist dollars. The important pointis by rezoning this site, there
is no guarantee we will see a motel there. The other sites are
already zoned for motels. He does not see where we should as a
JULY 11, 1978
City create a new site for a motel because we cannot guarantee it
will be a motel. If we could say to build the motel and then we
will resone, it may be different. What this would do is infringe
into a residential neighborhood with no way of guaranteeing the
people what the infringement'will be.
Col. Trauger explained how the zoning was given in the area of the
new bridge as an attempt to upgrade the area.
Mr. Jameson explained how in all probability the property along 2nd
Avenue would be entirely different in 20 years. Mr. Arena replied
thatthe present development does not lend i~sel£ to that idea because
single family homes are being built.
As requested, Mrs. Kruse then took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Mr. Arena - Yes
Mrs. Huckle - Yes
Mr. Winter - Yes
Mr. Jameson - No
Col. Trauger - Yes
Mr. Ryder - Yes
Motion carried 5-1.
Mr. Winterthen made a motion that 'the request for rezoning from C-2
to C-3 submitted by Charles L. and Linda L. Leemon,~ legal, descrip-
tion as printed, be denied. Mrs. Huckle se~nded the motion. No
discussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a moll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Mr. Arena - Yes
Mrs. Huckle - Yes
Mr. Winter - Yes
Mr. Jameson - No
Col. Trauger - Yes
Mr. Ryder - Yes
Motion carried
Mr. Winter made a motion that the abandonment request of Charles L.
and Linda L. Leemon for a portion of lst'Avenue and 4th Street be
denied, seconded by Mr. Arena. No discussion. Motion carried 6-0.
At-this time, Chairman Ryder declared a five minute recess.
called the meeting back to order at 9:00 P. M.
Public Hearings
JULY 11, 1978
Annexation & Planned Unit Development Zoning
Applicant: Summit Associates, Ltd., (John Planigan, Agent)
Legal Description: The northeast quarter (NE%) of the north-
west quarter (NW%) of the northeast quarter (NE%)
of Section 1, Township 46 South, Range 42 East,
less and except the north 40 feet thereof.
Project:Name: The Golf and Racquet Club
Chairman Ryder requested input from the City Planner. Mr. Annunziato
explained the location of the site and advised that Charter World has
been purchased by Summit Associates, Ltd. This developer was in-
volved with Boca Lago and the plans are to develop this area similar
to Boca Lago. The public hearings on this property are scheduled for
the July 25 meeting. The plan for the PUD is 54 holes of golf and
4,000 units, which is a reduction from Charter World. This tract
submitted for annexation represents an out parcel owned by the deve-
loper. It is their intent to have it annexed and zoned according to
the future plans. The staff has reviewed this application for impact
on their individual departments. Most of the staff members answered
the department ~review form by-indicating no additional impact as a
result of this annexation. Mr. Tom Clark noted that subject tract i§
within the reserve annexation area and should be annexed. Col. Trauger
questioned the size of this parcel and Mr. Annunziato informed him
that it is approximately tenacres. He added that this will bring
into unified governmentcontrol all lands owned by Summit Associates.
The staff recommendation is to approve noting no negative impacts and
the land be zoned PUD upon annexation.
Mr. Cole Fitzgerald of the firm of Mgyle, Gentry, Jones, Flanigan $
Groner of West Palm Beach, appeared before the Board and advised that
he was present on behalf of Mr. John Planigan representing Summit
Associates, Ltd. He believe Mr. Annunziato has covered everything
and he WOuld be glad to answer any questions.
Mrs. Huckte referred to this piece being exempt from Charter World
and questioned what was originally proposed and Mr. Fitzgerald
plied that he did not know. Mr. Annunziato stated that in reading
the co'urt-order, possibly this was the piece to be optionedw
Col. Trauger asked if this would be single family 4wellings and Mr.
Annunziato informed him that this tract has already been incorporated
into the PUD application master plan. This will be multi-family or
golf course. Mr. Fitzgerald added that he believed this location
would be the 18th fairway on the north course. Mr. Annunziato clari-
fied that the plans submitted have included this parcel.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the court order covering this property and Mr.
Annunziato informed her that this may have been incorporated by some
manner into the court order, but the entire plan which will be pre-
Sented at the meeting of July 25 will address the court order. The
plan as presented meets or exceeds the court order provisions. The
attorneys are very much aware of the court-order.
JULY 11, 1978
Mr. Arena referred to annexation requests having to meet county re-
quirements and Mr. Annunziato clarified that the question is whether
the requestrepresents a conflict in the County Land Use Plan and the
answer is no. The plan allows three units per acre and five ur~ts in
a PUD. The gross density for this entire plan is fewer than five in
the PUD format.
Chairman Ryder ascertained that nobody else desired to speak either
in opposition or approval.
Mr. Arena made a motion that the Planning g Zoning Board recommend
approval of the annexation and PUD planned unit development zoning
as requested by Summit Associates, Ltd., to the City Council. Mr.
Winter seconded the motion and the motion carried 6-0.
Applicant: Town & Country'Squire of North Miami, Inc.
(Ronald Mastriana, Agent)
Legal Description: North 2.5 feet of Lots 21,22,23,24, and
257 Block 54-A, less the West 6 feet of the North
2.5 feet of said Lot 21, together with that Public
Utility Easement being the South 2.5 feet of Lots
2,3,4,5, and 6, Block 54-A, less the West 6 feet
of the South 2.5 feet 'of said Lot 6, all in Plat
of Lake Boynton EStates Plat 4-A
Project Description: Abandonment of the Public Utility Ease-
ment in Lake Boynton Estates, Plat 4-A
Chairman Ryder announced that this represents an assembly of a number
of 'lots encumbered with easements. The request is to abandon the
easement areas so the proposed project can be constructed. We have
been informed that the public utilities companies and the City agree
provided other arrangements are made for relocating and maintaining
the present utilities. He then requested input from Mr. Annunziato.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the page of the plat and pointed out that
~handonment of this easement is necessary for construction of the
site plan to follow. It is a 5 ft. easement centering east and
west on Block 54-A and currently in this easement, there is power,
telephone7 and a 2" water line. This was brought to light in the
early development of this site and the applicant has endeavored to
work with the utility companies. Concerning the phone and electric,
the applicant has assumed the responsibility for relocating those
lines out of the easement. Concerning water, there is a 12" water
main in 2nd Avenue which will be tapped and an easement dedicated on
the west side of the property and a 2" line brought down and recon-
nected to establish service. He then read the attached memo dated
July 10, 19787 from Mr. Tom Clark. He added that construction of
the water lines will be based on plans approved and payment by the
owner. He explained how it was just a matter of swapping. The
staff recommendation is the easement be abandoned subject to the
recording of the additional easement and applicant assuming respon-
sibility for relocation of all affected utilities.
JULY 11, 1978
Mm. Ronald Mastriana appeared before the Board and advised that he is
an attorney and has a power of attorney for the applicant, Town &
Country Squire of North Miami, Inc. Their plans are to construct a
~uneral home on this property in compliance with the zoning, but can-
not build anything on the property uDless the easement is abandoned.
They have agreed to foot the entire cost for the relocation of the
utilities. They have talked to neighbors on the two lots and there
are no objections as long as their utilities are not interupted and
they will not have to pay additional cost. Chairman Ryder clarified
that this would be done to the satisfaction of the private and public
utilities and Mr. Mastriana replied affirmatively .and also, all
drainage will be retained on their property so there is not runoff
onto the adjoining lots.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone desired to speak either for or against
this application and received no response.
Col. Trauger questioned the location of this property and Mr.
Mastriana informed him that it was just 'west 'of the 7-11. Mrs.
Huckle asked if they owned the little piece to the south and Mr.
Mastriana replied that they did not own this, but own everything
else. There is a larger Spanish hous% left on that property and
those people desire to stay.
Chairman Ryder commented that this can only be beneficial to what's
there at the present time and Mr. Mastriana replied that the neighbors
agree. Chairman Ryder added that it is also properly zoned.
Mr. Winter made ~a motion that the application of Town & Country Squire
of North Miami, Inc., for abandonment of the utility easement in Lake
Boynton Estates, Plat 4A, be approved subject to relocation of
Florida Power & Light Co., Southern Bell, and water facilities be
provided to the two houses on the west end of the easement and the
applicant will assume all expenses for the relocation of all utili-
ties and recording of the easement. Mr. Jameson seconded the motion
and the motion carried 6-0.
Site Plan Approval
Applicant: Town & Country Squire of North Miami, Inc.
(Rona!d Mastriana, Agent)
Location: N.W. 2nd Avenue and N. W. 8th
Legal Description: Lots 1 thru 6 and Lots 21 thru 24, Block
54-A, Lake Boynton Estates
Project Description: Funeral Home
Mr. Mastriana showed a rendering of the proposed building and the
members reviewed the plan. Mr. Annunziato explained that this was
to betlocated at the southwest corner of 2nd Avenue and N. W. 8th
Street. The site encompasses a number of lots. If this plan is to
be approved, it should be subject to the abandonment of the easement
by the City Council. This represents very good ubban redevelopment
JULY 11, 1978
as several existing older homes will be removed. He pointed out the
ingress and egress to the site and explained how the parking was cal-
culated at a minimum of 50 parking spaces being required and 57 spaces
being provided. The zoning is C-2 and funeral homes are permitted in
the C-1 zone and would carry through. The site will be served by
s~wer and ~water .and on the water, the applicant indicated service
from a 2?'line being extended southward from 2nd Avenue and the
Water Dept. indicated a tap on the 12"line. If properties to the
west 'are developed~ there is a possibility a 2" line may be abandoned,
Mr. Annunziato then read the staff comments. The Fire Marshall
noted a fi~ hydrant to be installed in the northwest corner 'of the
property. The Utility Dept. has noted that water service is to be
from 2nd Avenue as opposed to tapping into the 2"line. His com-
ments are that 'the sidewalk on 8th Street which is existing has to
be extended southward to the limits of the property. The cupola
height exceeds the C-2 height requirement by several feet. It is
provided in the code that we have the opportunity to approve such
.extensions beyond the district height limitations providing appro-
val is predicated upon the information in Section 47 Paragraph 37 of
the Zoning Code and this must be addressed in the recommendation to
the City Council. He then read the standards listed in the ordi-
nance. Col. Trauger questioned how much it exceeded the limitation
by and Mr. Annunziato replied that the height restriction is 25 ft.
and calculated that the cupola was approximately 2 ft. higher.
Chairman Ryder questioned the necessity to have it this high and
Mr. Mastriana-mep!ied that it was an aesthetic reason to make it
look proportionate. They would not be able to lower it, but would
have to memove it.
Mr. Annunziato continued and advised that all water munoff will be
retained on the site through a wet well system. Chairman Ryder
referred to storm well facilities existing and Mr. Annunziato re-
plied that he thinks there are on Boynton Road, but these are
public storm wells and not to be used for private use. The staff
recommendation is the plan be approved subject to the comments
Mr. Arena questioned how close the curb cut ~was on 8th S~reet to
the corner and Mr. Annunziat~ informed him that it is approximately
~5 feet to the intersection of the lotlines extended. Mr. Arena
asked if there would be enough room and explained how a traffic
situation may be created and Mr. Annunziato replied that this was
addressed and it is minimally acoeptable. Theydiscussed further
the traffic flow from the street and in the parking area. Mr.
Annunziato clarified that the Police Dept. did consider this and
felt there was no particular severe problem. Mr. Mastriana added
that there would be nothing there to obstruct the view.
Mr. Mastriana stated that the applicant has designed and developed
approximately 400 funeral homes througha~t the United States and
they are very well expertised in this field and came to this area
to design a beautiful structure to benefit Boynton Beach.
JULY 11, 1978
Mr. Winter made a m~nthat Town & Country Squire of North Miami
site plan for a ~uneral home be approved subject to the staff com-
ments based on the abandonment approval, seconded by Mr. Jameson.
Col. Trauger referred to the height exception and Mr. Winter added
to his motion that the height exception be permitted for aesthetic
reasons and it satisfies the conditions spelled out in the ordinance
and will not be a detriment to the area. Mr. Jameson seconded the
amendment 'and the motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Winter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Col. Trauger.
Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
9:45 P. M.
Respectfully s~bmitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
July 10, 1978
Mrs. Ter'eesa Padgett, City Clerk
Mr. Carmen Annunz±ato, City Planner
Tom Clark, City Engineer
Abandonment of 5-ft. Easement, Plat 4A,
Lake 'Boynton Estates
The response Of all interested parties including the
Utility DePartment indicates that 'the Property'owner intends
to pay for the cost of relocating all utilities and will
provide the 'necessary easements for said relocations.
Construction of neW water lines to serve the area would be
based on plans approved by the 'City with 'the construction
by the developer.
Predicated on above 'I recommend approval of the subject
abandonment request subject to the applicant's assumption
of costs for rel'ocation of utilities and also providing the
required easements.
Tom Clark