Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
John Jameson
Richard Lambert
Garry Winter
Carmen Annun~iato,
City Planner
Marilyn Huckle (Excused)
Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
7:35 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board, City Planner,
and Recording Secretary. He added that Mrs. Huckle informed him
previously that she would be unable to attend this meeting.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 9, 1978
Col. Trauger moved that the minutes of May 9 be approved as presented,
seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 6-0.
Minutes of Special Meetings of May 3 and May 10, 1978
Mr. Lambert 'moved that the minutes of the Special Meetings between
the Technical Review Board and Planning & Zor~ng Board of May 3 and
May l0 be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. Winter. Motion
carried 4-0 with Col. Trauger and Mr. Arena abstaining.
Chairman Ryder gave the following report on the action taken by the
City Council with regard to recommendations made by the Planning &
Zoning Board following our last meeting.
He referredto there being two items on the agenda pertaining to the
buffer walls regulation and explained that-one was a proposed ordi-
nance amending the present ~ordinance giving the Council the discre-
tion to make a decision and the other was our proposed amendment.
It was the Boardfs feeling that the proposed ordinance with leaving
the decision to the Council was not definitive and did not provide
any adequate conditions for considering such applications and we
submitted an amendment for their consideration. Both items 'were
tabled and no action was taken. The City Attorney informed the
Council that he had not had the time to look into our recommenda-
tion in view of being busy in other areas.
Chairman Ryder continued that there was an item on the agenda under
Old Business, P~vgew Boards, and Mr. DeMarco suggested that a Council-
member be .present at the various Board meetings presumably to report
MAY 23, 1978
and assist if necessary and more or less witness the Boards in action.
The Council was reluctantto make this mandatory and left it on a
voluntary basis With the members of the Council attending various
Board meetings when they desire.
Chairman Ryder informed the Board that the proposed amendment regard-
ing antenna heights was approved 5-0. He told about there being some
questions~and expressions given in favor ,of this. He added that hope-
fully this will solve the problem.
Chairman Ryder refermed to the site development plans and advised that
the Council approved the plans for the self-service car ~wash on North
Federal Highway, the additional condominiums at Four Seasons, and the
construction of the Rella Plaza Shopping Center.
Chairman Ryder added that there was alSo an item on the agenda to con-
s-idem personnel for the City Clerk's office and it was announced at
this time that Sue Kruse, our Recording Secretary, was a member of
the City staff.
Mr. Lambert referred to the Four Seasons application and asked if
anything was brought up about the requirement of a qualified utili-
ties contractor .and Chairman Ryder replied that nothing was discussed
at the meeting, but we have received a communication pertaining to
Chairman Ryder read a memo from Mr. Perry Cessna addressed to the
Planning & Zoning Board dated May 15 in reference to the requirement
of a qualified utilities contractor. He referred to installations
and explained how problems had occurred at Coastal Towers, Snug
Harbor, and BoyntonMiddle School. He stressed that it 'was necessary
to have qualified contractors when installing lines to serve people.
Col. T~auger referred to the inspections which must be .made and Mm.
Arena stated that-he still has the same question of where it is
described in the City Code who is a qualified utilities contractor
to make these installations? Mr. Lambert added that ~all utilities,
even thoses running into residential homes, serve people. Chairman
Ryder stated that the ideal situationis the inspection, but it does
not ~always~prevai! that the inspectors are there. He referred to
work being done according to plans and specifications, but in order
to get-what is required, we must have someone there all the time.
He. sees this request-as an attempt to introduce another safeguard.
Mr. Arena stated that according to Mr. Cessnafs statements, the City,
State and County license unqualified plumbers. Chairman Ryder replied
that he thought Mm. Cessna was indicating that this type of~k does
not always come under the province of an ordinary plumber.
Chairman Ryder suggested that the Site Plan Review Procedure be dis-
~-cussed at the end of the regular business and the members agreed.
MAY 23, 1978
Site Plan Approval
Applicant: Tropical Acres Restaurant, Inc~ (Caeser Mauti, Agent)
Location: 2320 $. Federal Highway
Legal Description: Acreage
Project Description: ACcessory Storage Building
Mr. Annunziato referred to the storage building being utilized by
Tropical Acres Restaurant recently being condemned and torn down and
advised that the building presented is a small storage building, 600
square feet, to be utilized in conjunction with the restaurant oper-
ation. These plans have been reviewed by the staff and there..are no
comments except his'that this is an accessory use to the main use.
The recommendation is to approve the plan as submitted.
The members reviewed the plans and Chairman Ryder eIarified that the
building is 20 x 30fft. directly east of the existing restaurant,, Col.
Trauger questioned why it 'was noted as an accessory use and Mr.
Annunziato clarified that it is a use in conjunction with the existing
restaurant. He added that a storage building is not permitted in the
C-3 zone unless it is an accessory use. Chairman Ryder referred to
the parking and M~. Annunziato informed him that no parking will be
added or deleted as not parking is required for this use.
Mr. Caeser Mauti, General Contractor, appeared before the Board and
informed them it was merely a storage building for Tropical Acres
Restaurant which will replace a ,demolished wood frame building which
was located at 'the rear ~end of the parking area. No parking space
is being added or deleted. This will be of masonry construction,
completely fire retardent. Chairman Ryder re~rred to lighting and
Ms. Mauti pointed out lighting by 'the trees and in the parking areas.
Col. Trauger made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend
to ,the City Council the approval of the accessory-storage building
for Tropical Acres Restaurant at 2320 South Federal High-way, seconded
by Mr. Winter. Motion carried 6-0.
Applicant: Nat Gould, Gould Plastic Bins, Inc. (Richard C. Ahrens,
Location: .High Ridge Road (North of Curt Joe, Inc.)
Legal Description: Acreage
Project Description: Office/Warehouse Distribution lCenter for
Gould Plastic Bins, Inc.
Mr. Annunziato explained the location and added that it is a portion
.of the M-1 property planned in the submission of Sandhill. It is a
combination storage .and distribution facility. The Building Departr
ment has'recommended sidewalks on High Ridge Road. The Engineering
Department noted the parking lot construction requirements. The
staff recommendation is the plans be approved as submitted with the
staff recommendations. Chairman Ryder referred toaa septic tank
being noted and Mr. Annunziato agreed and advised that 'no sewer was
available in this area. The members then reviewed the plans.
MAY 23, 1978
Mr. Jameson asked if the sidewalk was required or recommended and
Mr. Annunziato replied that it is required by ordinance unless the
Technical Review Board deletes the recommendation, but he sees no
~eason to delete-it on this plan as this is a new area. Mr. Lambert
asked ifthis was within the realm of the Technical Review Board and
Mr~ Knnunziato replied that he thinks the Technical Review Board can
waive the requirement of a sidewalk for reason. Mr. Lambert referred
to the ordinance requiring it and Chairman Ryder clarified that the
ordinance pertains to newly developed areasx Col. Trauger asked if
it-applied~to M-1 areas and Chairman Ryder replied affirmatively and
added that he believes it ~on!y exempts areas partially developed.
Mr. Lambert stated that he was under the impression that ~-to delete
it would require a variance from the Boardof Adjustment and Mr.
Annunziato replied that the ordinance was altered.
Mr. Richard C. Ahrens, General Contractor and Designer for this project,
appearedbe£ore the Board. He referred to the sidewalk requirementsand
requested grades be given from the City. He explained~'how~other projects
had resulted in varying elevations and requested some guidelines so it
-would be a uniform situation. Chairman Ryder suggested that he contact
the City Engineer's Office since it is an obligation 'of the City to
give those grades.
CO1. T~auger referred to the plastic bins and Mr. Ahrens explained
that they were bins ~er -skipping highly fragile objects. He added
that Mr. Gould patented this system and sold the rights for manufac-
turing, but has retained the rights for distribution. This product
will be distributed to Europe and South American from this location.
Mm. Lambert-referred to the application showing 16% for building area,
19% for parking, and 9.9% for landscaping and stated that this repre-
sented .approximately 45% of the site and Mr. Ahrens replied that it
did not take into consideration the open area. He told about plans
forage ee~Dansion and added that theY~hoped it would not be re-
quired at this time to landscape the total vacant area. Mr. Lambert
asked if the applicant just made the decision of the area to be used
~or parkiqg, landscaping, etc. and Mr. Annunz~ato pointed out that
'the east 1/3 of the property would remain undeveloped according to the
site plan. Mr. Ahrens explained how areas would be sod and grassed,
just excluding the area planned for future expansion.
Col. Trauqer made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend
to the City Council approval of the Off~ce/Warehouse DistributiOn
Center site plan with the staff comments for Gould Plastic Bin~ !nc.~
seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 6-9.
Applicant: Bulldog Fence Co. (Mike Newman)
Location: West Ocean Avenue (Between railmoad tracks and 1-95)
Legal Description: Acreage
Project Description: Off/ces, Garage and covered storage for
Bu~l~dog Fence Company
Mr. Annunziato explained the location and Stated that 'the application
is for a storage yerd, office and garage for Bulldog Fence Company.
There is an area for a septic tank because sewers are not available,
but fresh water is. Parking is provided for office space and the
vehicles in operation. Drainage is contained on site. The Building
Department has noted that the plan must meet handicapped requirements
for parking and rest rooms. The Utility Department notes that no
sewers are available. Mr. Lambert questione~%dthe distance to sewers
being available and Mm. Annunziato replied that if within 100 ft., it
must be connected. He continued that his recommendation is that-side-
.walks are ~equired at this site. The staff recommendation is it be
approved with the comments from the City Departments.
Col. Traugerreferred to this being located onthe same street where
the the traffic going to the steel company and
Mr. and stold about steps being taken by the admini-
stratiOn to set up a truck route.
Mr. Bill Hartman, 1003 S. W. 24th Avenue, appeared before the Beard and
advised that he owns Bulldog FenceCompany with his partner. He re-
ferred to looking at properties throughout the County, but wanting to
locate in Boynton BeaCh because he has lived here for four years. This
location is ideal because of the exposure with people being able to see
it from 1-95. They ~want to have an attractive building and area. He
then questioned the sidewalks~and handicapped requirements since the
building will be strictly for employees and workmen and Mr. Annunziato
informed him that the handicapped requirements apply to all new con-
~stmuction any facility-open to the public. He suggests that he
dd with as .he will give specifications
onthe co Mr. that a special separate bath-
room not be required, ~a larger door, handrail, etc. would
be required.
Mr. Lambert referred to the sidewalk being required along Ocean Ave.
and asked if there was an existing sidewalk on the other side of the
tracks and Mr. Annunziato replied negatively. Mr. Lambert referred
to the nature of this project and asked if a sidewalk should be re-
quired and Mr. Annunziato replied that the staff did discuss the side-
walk requirement and since this is a fairly new area, they feel a
sidewalk system should begin. He added that most of the area is un-
-developed in this general location. Nm. Lambert asked if the railroad
was going to build a sidewalk across the tracks and Mr. Annunziato
replied negatively. Mr. Lambert referred to sidewalks not being neces-
sary at this location and Mr. Annunziato replied that this is a develop-
ing area and a sidewalk system is needed. Chairman Ryder agreed that
the sidewalks must be started.
Chairman Ryder asked if this would be limited to chain link fence and
Mr. Hartman explained how it ~would be a storage area for wood fence
sections. Chairman Ryder referred to a chain lin~ fence being noted
on the plan and Mr. Hartman explained that this was the 1-95 right-
MAY 23, 1978
Mr. Arena explained .how he did not :see how people were going to be
moved in this particular area with a sidewalk system and Mr. Annur~
ziato replied that ]?ight now, it is not applicable where they-would
be coming to or going, but he thinks it would be short-sighted on our
part not to relize that people in the future will be utilizing side-
walks in this area. The time to put in sidewalks is in the beginning
of the deveIopment. Mr, Arena stated that he would agree with develop-
ment taking place on the other .side of Ocean Avenue, but not on this
side as he believes it 'would create more of a safety .type hazard which
may not be beneficial to the City. Mr. Hartman referred to there being
a huge building across the street and stated he ~coutd see no function
of people using this Sidewalk at all either on his side or across the
street. He added .that probably ,~a large part of the front would be
be by
it is
He does not see the ~nction ora sidewalk.
t~he si is .nance and
and Mr. Annunziato ~hi s would
Board. Mr. Lambert r'efe~rred to the City
the Council
He sidewalks are
Review Board finds an '~ext~reme hardship
~ are unable
area i s
to ten
that they
in the
'S. Mr~.
'.ned how
M~,. Winter 'made a motion plan be approved for Bulldog
Pence Co. to the ~ seconded by Mr. Jameson.
Motion with Mr. Lambert and Mr. A~ena dissenting. Mr.
that ha is not against this project, but
a sidewalk be put on Ocean Avenue and Mr.
vote ~was based on the same reason.
P~l, at ~pproval
Applicant: Sandhill Unit #1
Location: S.W. Corner High Ridge Road and N.W. 22nd Avenue
Project Description: 95 Single Family Lots
255 Multi-Family Units
Public Bike Paths
Mr. Annunziato stated that this will be the Board's only review of
this preliminary plat for Sandhill Unit~l. The materials required
by the preliminary plat 'submission 'were submitted to the staff and
ample review was given by the staff. The preliminary plat is found
MAY 23, 1978
to be acceptable and in conformance with.the master plan. The only
note is f-~om the Utility Director that the approval be subject to
submission of detailed plans. He would .like to have a report as to
the status of the agreements that were to be worked out at the time
the land was rezoned.
Mr. Bill Pruitt, Attorney, appeared before the Board and advised that
the School Board Agreement has been completely executed. Mr. Winter
asked if the money would stay in the City 'and Mr. Pruit replied affir-
-matively that the .monies 'will be expended in the City of Boynton Beach
or reserve area with a fund set up-fOr that specific purpose. In re-
femenme to the traffic, a draft-~as sent to the County. It ~would have
been executed by today, but'the County Attorney has been sick. Mr.
Annunziato elamified ;that there would be nopproblem with finalizing
the agreement~and Mr. Pruitt agreed. Col. Trauger asked if there
was any disagreement with any parties and Mr. P~uitt replied nega-
-tively ~and toldabout going over each item and ag~eing. Mr.
money being eazvnarked for '~our, taning of a road
and Mm. explained how it 'would be put in a f~hd for the actual
Partieular road only. Col. Trauger questioned
the point ~when this WOuld begin timewise and M~. Ppuitt explained
how this was new groulnd and it Was tied in direet!y ~with the c/o's.
Mm. Bill Todd appeared before the Board and referred to submitting
copies of the plat ~and detailed construction plans. He advised that
they-have conformedto the master plan'wbgch~was approved several
weeks 'ago. He pointed out Hnit~l on themaster 'plan submitted previ-
ously. He ~referred to it being approximately 96 acres and explained
about increasing the right-of-way for N. W. 22nd Avenue with landScap-
ing and a'bike path. He pointedout the lots~ park area, public open
space~ etc.~ He stated that the detailed engineering drawings consist
'of paving, drainage,, water distribution plans, sewage connection plans,
street lighting drawings~ underground electrical distribution by
Florida Power &Light ~o,, design for bike paths, off-Site utilities
which will cor~tect to the existing system as designed by Russell g
Axon~ three detailedsheets covering the details of the manholes,
wye connections, etc.
Chairman Ryder referred to the extension of the sewer and water ser-
vices and Mrs. Todd explained how the units were planned with the
water connections to be made. He showed small sketches of the water
phaSing t~ough~tthe project. Chairman Ryder Clarified that re-
gardless when the other units are built, this can stand by itself and
Mr. Todd agreed. He added that as more units come on the line-, then
the system expands. He explained the various phases and the City re-
Mr. Annunziato referred to the tremendOus amount of cooperation from
the applieant~ Boards, people and staff, and stated that some unique
things have been doR~ right from the beginning with the cor~ept,
agreements, and design of plats. This will be the first 'subdivision
MAY 23, 1978
to have installed street lights as part of the initial construction.
The .street light system 'will be owned by the City. It iS a departure
from where Florida Power & Light Co. maintains and installs and .charges
so much per month. The City's cost-will be reduced a~ the owner of
these facilities. He explained how the maintenance cost would be
minimal. Col. Tmauger referred to the installation and Mr. Annunziato
informed him that they .are ir~talled as part of the construction by
the developer. Mr, Annunziato continued with pointing out. that the
bike path and landscape area is a 25 ft. easement-with 8 ft. for the
hike path ~which Will border this plat-in' its entirety. He feels
Riteco should be .eomu~nded. In the very near future, we wi~ see
the final plat for Sandhill Unit #1 which Will consummate work-which
began a year ago. The recommendation is to approve the plat.
Chairman Ryder asked if the ~mui~i-family units would be two story
and Mm.. Todd mepliedthat no architectural designs hadbeen made.
M~, Lambert asked if it was all residential and Mr. Todd~eplied
affirmatively and pointed out the single family and multi-family
The membems then studied and discussed the plans.
Col. Traugem-questioned the procedure for the building plans and Mm.
Annunziato explained that once the plat is finalized rom'the single
'family.lots,-it is recorded and the utilities are in, it is a mattem
~of submitt~plans and securing pemmits. For the multi-family homes,
the-site plans will have to be submitted to the Board.
Mr. Lambert referred to a qualified utilities contmaetom 'having to
ma~e the utilities installation and Mr. Todd infommedhim that the
bid would be put out to qualified contractors. Mrs. Lambert stated
he would like to see the definition for a qualified utilities con-
Mr.. Lambert referred to the number and sizes of lots and Mm. Annun-
-ziato replied that he had checked these and it 'was prepared by a
eomputem. Mr.. Todd added that the minimum lot-is 80 x 100 feet-and
~here are quite a few lamger lots at the eomners and curves. He
explained how the plat was traced by a draftsman over a computer
Mm.. Winter made a motion that the plat for Sandhill Unit ~1 located
at 'the Southwest eomner-o~ High Ridge Road and N. W, 22nd Avenue be
approved subject to the staff comments, seconded by M~, Amena.
MotiOn Carried 6-0.
Mr. Howard Riley thanked the Board for thei~,~me and help and also
commended the staff for their help. Chairman Ryder thanked him and
added that the Board is aware of the fact that the members of the
staf~ are doing a great job and are especially aware of the fact that
the City Planner is doing a great job.
MAY 23, 1978
Site Plan Review P~oeedure
Chairman Ryder referred to forwarding a draft.to the members of the
Board and requested comments ~or suggestions.-~r/ Winter replied that
he was satisfiedwwith~thedraft.
Mr.. Lamb.err stated that the prepared letter covered his feelings, but
he questions whether someone not involved would f~ily understand it
and Chairman Ryder explained how i~ the first paragraph, he had t~ied
to give ~some introduction. Mr. Lambert asked if he was going to pre-
sent it personally 'to th4 Council and Chairman Ryder replied that this
was suggested, but he thinks copies should be made for the City Council
members. Mr. Lambert suggested that he give a personal p~entation.
Mr. Winter suggestedi forwarding copies to the Teeh~cal RevieW Board
Col. Trauger suggested that the first paragraph be amended to give
further clarification and suggested making a firm recommendation in
the last paragraph for the City Council to act on. Further discussion
followed with expressions given in favor of these suggestions. It was
also suggested that the draft-as amended be read at the Council m~eting
as the format recommendation of the Planning $ Zoning Board.
Mr. Arena refer~ed to Mr. Howell'~n~on of whether the Board is
operating legally under the present procedure and Chairman Ryder re-
plied that-the procedure could be made legal and Mr. Annunziato
stated that the procedure followed presently.is spelled out 'wo~d by
~w~din the code. Further discussion followed.and it was pointed out
that the procedure is covered by code.
M~. La~ert meferred to the recommendation that the site plan Procedure
remain the same and stated that wemay want 'to take a look at the
alterations and additions part. Chairman Ryder agreed that the matter
of alterations and additions should possibly 'be investigated.
M~. Arena suggested prefacing the statement to the Council with how we
~eached this ~ecommendation with 'the recommendation at the end for the
Council's action.
Mr. Jameson suggested having another meeting toapprove an amended
draft. He told about there being a situation with another Boar~'
where a communication was not 'approved by the full-Board. Chairman
Ryder 'replied that if this was the Board's preference to have another
meeting, then he-requests that the other members submit-specific
recommendations to this draft. Col. T~auger 'replied that he agreed
with the letter prepared~ but suggests that Chairman Ryder give a
verbal preface of how this all acme about.and in the lastuame~aDh~
give our firm '~ecommendation. Further discussion followed.
MAY 23, 1978
They continued with reviewing the draft and Mr. Arena suggested leaving
out the line referring to the Planning $ Zoning Board and clarified that
the letter explains what wemRre directed to do, what ~we did, what the
Technical Review Board eontends~, what the present policy permits, in-
eludes an example, makes a suggestionr'egarding alterations and addi-
tions and the recommendation should be made at the end. Col. Trauger
added that the recommendation should be that the current procedures
for site plan review be confirmed and approved and Chairman Ryder
clarified that the present procedure means the Planning g Zoning Board,
Technical Review Board, Community Appearance Boardand City Council.
Mm. Lambert-refer~ed to the second line in the fifth paragmaph and
it was agreed to change it to: commercial, industrial and substantial
residential construction. Mr. Annunziato stated that public meetings
were held and not public hearings.
Col. Trauger moved that the Chairman make the presentation to the City
Council by anoral preface of the situation leading up to this report
-and the report us amended be approved with the recommendation we
added that the Planning & Zoning Board by a vote of recommends
to the City Council that the current procedures for site plan review
be appmoved~ confirmed and continued. Mr. Winter seconded the motion~
Under discussion, Mr. Jameson referred to Mms. Huckle not being present
and Chairman Ryder repliedthat her vote could not be recorded at
this time since she is not here. Mr. Jameson stated that he did not
like this and would like to have her statement on this. Chairman
Ryder explained that 'the actual vote would be recorded and Mr. Jameson
replied that it wouldbe a minority vote. Chairman Ryder referred
to having six members present and ~stated that ia qu~um 'was necessary.
Mr. Lambert meferred to the Boardinot meeting again for three weeks
and PI~. Jameson replied that asp~cial meeting could be called. He
stressed that he would like this to be a unanimous vote and Chairman
Ryder replied that this was not possible tonight. Mr. Jameson pro-
pos.ed to have anothe~ and Mr. Winter referred to the possibi-
lity of notall the next meeting. Chairman Ryder added
that it was have the six members present shave to come
meeting because Mms~ Huckle is not present. Mr. Jameson
oflthis being voted on tonight and
Mr. Jameson referred to Mrs.
~which were not entirely.in agree-
ment ~ these comments changed at the
that she~ahanged her mind and
stated that he was eom£ortable
and if someone changes their mind,
they can before the Council. Mr. Jameson re-
nded all the workshop meetings and
ithat Mms. Huckle is not present
!is right to have another meeting.
a roll call vote on .the motion
and he does not
As '~equested~ M~s. K~se
as follows:
MAY 25~ 1978
Mrs. Arena' - Yes
Mr. Winter - Yes
Mm. Lambert - Yes
Mr. Jameson - Yes
Col. T~auger- Yes
Mm.. Ryder - Yes
Motion'carried 6-0.
Mm. A~ena made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Winter. Motion
ear~ied 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:50 P. M.
Respectfully s~mitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
~Th~ee TaPes)
Regular Meeting
May 23rd, 1978
7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
City Hall
Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
Reading ~nd Approving of Minutes.
Old Business:
A. S{te Plan Review Procedure
New Business:
-~A. Site PlanApproval:.
Applicant: Tropical Acres Restaurant Inc. (Caeser Madti, Agent)
Location:. _ 2320 So. Federal Highway
Legal Description,: acreage '
Project Description: Accessory storage, building
Applicant: Nat Gould Gould Plastic Bins, Inc.~(Richard C. Ahrens,Agent)-
Location: High Ridge Rd. (North of Curt Joa, Inc.)
Legal Description: acreage
Project Description: Office/Warehouse Distribution Center for
Gould Plastic Bins, Inc.
Applicant: Bulldog Fence Co. (Mike Newman)
Location: West Ocean Avenue (between railroad tracks and 1-95)
Legal Description: acreage
Project Description: Offices, Garage and covered storage for
Bulldog Fence Company
B. Plat Approval:
Applicant: Sa~dhill Unit 91
Location: S.W. corner High Ridge Rd. and N.W. 22nd Avenue
Project Description: 95 Single Family lots
255 Multi-Family units
Public Bike Paths