Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col.~Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Mariiyn Huekle
John Jameson
Richard Lambert
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at
7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board, City Planner, and
Recording Secretary.
Mr. Winter make a motion that the minutes of April 25 be approved,
seconded by Mrs, Huckle. Motion carried 6-0 ~th Col. Trauger ab-
Chairman Ryder referred to the Board's recommendations to the City
COuncil and reported at the Council meeting of May 2~ there was an
amendment to the ordinance pertaining to buffer walls listed under
Legal which was tabled and also our recommendation regarding this
was listed separately on the agenda and was tabled too. The City
Attorney prepared a suggested amendment and we made a recommendation
and the decision was to table these for their consideration. Mrs.
Huekle asked if reference was. made to our proposal and Chairman Ryder
replied affirmatively. Mrs. Huckle asked if it was noted in the
~nutes that the Council acknowledged our recommendation ~nd Chairman
Ryder replied affirmatively. ~
Chairman Ryder announced that Antenna Heights was also' on the Council
agenda, bug was tabled also. He was asked whether we had a public
hearing and he informed them that 'we had~ then subsequently had a
number of workshop meetings and came up with the proposed amendment.
He was asked whether we contacted the speakers from the public hear-
ing and he advised them we had not, but pointed out that there would
be first and second reading of the ordinance when a hearing would be
held. This matter was referred to the City Manager and he is sup-
posed to contact the people who spokeat our public hearing and get
th~J~.input. Mr. Lambert clarified that the summation of our ~hearing
was reflE~cted in the ordinance we recommended. Col. T~auger agreed
that-the requests from the audience were satisfied in the proposed
ordinance. Mr. Jameson added that it was puzzling how 'it was han-
dled by the Council, but apparently they want some kind of hearing
on it.
Chairman Ryder reported that the site plans for the branch bbank at
Leisureville Plaza, Vintage Restaurant, and the units at Palmland
were all approved by the Council.
MAY 9, 1978
Mr. Lambert referred to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Chairman
Ryder replied that the City Manager submitted a figure to the City
Council ~or the consultantst service and possibly Mr. Annunziato can
bring us up to date on that. Mr. Annunziato informed them that the
firm submitted a contract to the City Manager on an hourly basis not
to' exceed $57000. Mr. Lambert questioned the status~of th~s and Mr.
Annunziato repliedthat he did not know, but~they have been. working
on the plan. M~. Jameson added that the City Manager was instructed
to sign the contractand Chairman Ryder commented that apparently it
is moving.
Public Hearing
Abandonment Request
Applicant: E. H. Bauer and Evelyn Raulerson (Hearing continued
from Planning & Zoning meeting of April 25, 1978)
Project Description: Request to abandon 20 ft. alley east of
F.E,C. Railway right-of-way from 200 feet
north of N. E. 6th Ave. to N. E. 10th Ave.
Chairman Ryder'referred to there being a number.of lots involved in
this abandonment, but 'we ran into a problem with one owner of a lot
not indicating support of this request. Because of this and in order
to determine the options, it was tabled. He then ~equested Mr. Annun~iato
z~3~to bring us up to date. Mr. Annunziato stated as instructed by the
Board, he contacted the City Attorney to find out whether it was neces-
sary for Mrs. Ho!tberg to join in the. application. Mr. Moore informed
him that as long as the advertisement includes the property, Mrs.
Holtberg did not have to be in the application and we can proceed.
Mrs. Huekle referred to the land locking of this one piece of pro-
perry andMr. Annunziato replied that it is served from Federal Highway.
Mrs. Huekle refer~ed to statements at the previous meeting not feeling
this access was adequate and Mr. Annunziato clarified that if the alley
is abau~doned, it will not serve foregress and ingress for the public.
Mrs. Huekle clarified that Mrs. Holtberg's property would also be aban-
doned and Mr. Annunziato agreed.
Mr. Annunziato advised that if there is a motion to approve this aban-
donment~ it should be subject to dedicating utility and Tngress and
egmess easements with a hold harmless agreement for the Ci~ty.
Mr. Lambert referred to the mechanics of this and clarified that if we
make a recommendation to abaQdon this alley, ~in essence we are giving
these people some property and we are asking to retain easements across
the ~atire width of the abandoned alley. Is this done indiVidually by
documents with the City giving a deed to these people? Mr. AnnUnziato
replied that he was not entirely sure of the mechanics as it iS the
City Clerk's responsibility. The abandonment is by resolution and
this is worked out by the City Clerk and City Attorney. Col. Trauger
MAY 9, 1978
questioned how this goes to deed and Mr. Annunziato informed him that
copies of the resolution go to the County Clerk and County Tax Assessor
and they alter their legal descriptions accordingly.
Mr. Lambert referped to the comments from the Department Heads and
Utility Companies and stated that noneoobjected as long as easement
rights-of-way are left across the entire width'of the alley and Mr.
Winter disagreed. Mrs~ Huckle read Mr. Annunziato's recommendation
whihh included all the~comments. Mr. Annunziato e!arified that some
utility companies objected if an easement was not received. Mr.
Lambertreferred to Mr. Clark's comment that the Utility Department
would require a 29 ft. easement for egress and ingress on a 24 hour
basis and Mr. Annunziato replied that we must have the ability to get
to these easements. Mr. Winter clarified that the alley could be aban-
-doned provided wecould use it at all times. Chairman Ryder clarified
that it~meant nothing could 'be built on it, but it could be paved. Mr.
Winter stated that it could not be used for parking andChairman Ryder
replied that use it for parking as long as the cars could be
moved in case nergency. Mr. Winter referred to relinquishing the
taxbase to these people and Chairman Ryder replied that it is ques-
tionable since they cannot build on it.
Mr. Lambert referred to Mr. CesSna~s comment and stated he would like
~urther clarification on that since he says this alley cannot be aban-
doned and he does not follow it up with requesting an easement. Mrs.
Huckle referred to Mr. Cessna's reference to having a sewer line in
this alley and Mr. Annunziato clarified that i~ we have an easement,
it satisfies the-same basic requirements as a right-of-way for utili-
ties. We must have access. He feels secure that a 20 ft. easement
would satisfy Mr. Cessna's needs. Mr. Arena replied that he did not
understand why we need 20 feet. In essence, we are saying not to
a~andon it. Chairman Ryder explained that 20 feet was needed for~
truck access or to repair the sewer line.
Mr. Lambertasked if there were two different types of easements With
one allowing building on it and the other not allowing building? He
referred to parking lots and fences being installed and stated that
there are sewer lines to be considered. Chairman Ryder explained how
a permit would not be issued to build over an easement. He added that
if paving or fences were installed, these could be torn up by the uti-
lity companies to make repairs. Mr. Winter questioned who would pay
for these repairs and Chairman Ryder replied that the City has the
right to go in and make the repairs, but he does not know if they are
required to replace the paving and fencing. Mr. Lambert clarified
that the.taxpayers of the City presently own it, then all of a sudden
we are giving land to the propertyowners and they can make improve-
ments, but if we have to get to those utilities we have to replace the
improvements?' Mrs. HuCkle referred to the ho!d~harmtess agreement
relieving Chairman Ryder replied that the applicants are
aware of the ii He told about this procedure being followed
Mr. Lambert questioned the zoning of the property and Mr. Annunziato
informed him that it is C-4. ~Mr. Lambert 'referred to the rear setback
MAY 9, 1978
and Mr. Annunziato replied that it is 20 ft., but he thinks it is less
by the railroad. Mr. Lambert clarified that if someone wants to build,
he.~could build to the easement and Mr. Annunziato agreed. Mr. Lambert
referred to there being a la~ge sewer line in this easement and asked
what would happen if there was a building at the edge of the easement
and it must be dug up to get to the sewer line and Mr. Annunziato in-
formed him that any damages resulting 'from servicing the utilities are
at the expense of the owner. Mr. Lambert clarified that if this was
left atone~ there would be another 20 feet to the sewer line.
Lambert requested comments f~om theaapplicants.
Mr. Edward H. Bauer, 617 N. E. 8th Avenue, appeared befmre the Board
and stated as of the last-meeting, he understood that if this property
isobtained by the various people interested, no buildings can be built
and in theevent of an emergency, the City and utility companies can
have access. ~etices were sent out and nobody has objected to this.
They would be foolish to try to build a building oD/it and if someone
did, it would be the property owner's responsibility~if it was torn up.
Mrs. Holtberg's property has been paved and if it is tomn up, it would
be at her expense. Hecannot see any major problem. This area will
probably be used for'temporaryparking or access to the rear of the
buildings for deliveries. Chairman Ryder replied that the Board would
assume that~the people understand just what is involved and Mr. Bauer
replied that he understands.if he obtains a permit and paves it and
it is to~n up to make he would be responsible for
the pa~ing~ added Annunziato did clarify to the
that the City would be relieved of any responsibility if this
Mr. Winter made a motion that the request for abandonment of the 20 ft.
aR]eyeast of F.E.C. Railway right-of-way from 200 feet north of N.E.
6th Avenue to N. E. 10th Avenue be approved predicated on the continued
Use of the alley on a 24 hour basis ~a!lutility companies including
the City's sewer and water-crews, and there be a hold harmless clause
for atl damage that might be ~ed by the City sewer and water crews
and any other utilities. Mr. Jameson seconded the motion. Motion ear-
tied 7-0~
(Mrs. Huck!e requested to be excused at this time and left.)
Site Plan Approval
Applicant: Village Royale on the Green (Irving Gross) ~Tabled)
Location: 2600 N. E. tst Court
Legal Description: Acreage
P~ojeet Description: Two Story Recreation Building
Chairman Ryder referred to this being tabled at the last meeting and
suggested before taking any action to hear from Mr. Annunziato about
any later developments. Mr. Annunziato read a letter from Mr. Marks,
a partner of Mr. Gross, dated May 5 requesting this application to be
tabled and same to be-forwarded to the City Council to determine vested
MAY 9, 1978
rights. He clarified that this application would not be forwarded to
the Council, but the materials requested mustbe forwarded to the City
Council and they must determine the vested rights issue. Chairman
Ryder stated that it could be left on the table or taken off the agenda
until requested.
Col. TTauc
ziato rep~
stated th~
be the pr(
an approw
the BuildJ
if it is
ret asked how the vested rights were determined and Mr. Annun-
ied that it would be the C~uncil's decision. ~ol. Trauger
Lt it ~would take a recommendation from himand Mr. Howell in
to this and Mr. Annunziato replied that he thoughtthis would
~per procedure. Col. Trauger referred to it coming to the
.n and Mr. Annunziato replied that this siteplan may not.
Led how if it was determined there were vested rights as per
~d site plan, they would just need to apglyyfor a permit from
.ng DePartment. Col. Trauger referred to extra parking being
Mr. Lambert replied that parking would not be a question
ned that thiswas approved with the original Site plan.
Mr. Stated that he advised the applicants of the information
make the vested rights determination and he read this from
,~ and stated that thesedocuments must be submitted. Mr.
Lambert e~arified that he would make a'recommendation to the Council
on this a~d it would not be a decision for the Board and Mr. Annunziato
agreed. 'Mr. Lambert stated that this may automatically cancel itself
out and explained that if the Council finds they have
vested not substantial changes and the site plan
is in next to seek permits from the Building
on approval. Chairman ~der suggested
~is'on ithe tableand added that Mr. Annunziato would keep us
leaving tl
Mr. Winte~
will happ~
from the
~aested ii
thinks it
Site Plan
refer~ed to the applicant playing for more time and Mr.
replied that this matter is in court .now and many things
~n very shortly. Mr. Winter suggested possibly removing it
genda and Mm. Annunziato replied that the applicant has re-
to stay on the table and that is his recommendation as he
is the proper thing to do until this is resolved.
cant: Robert S. Bacon
'ion: 1310 North Federal Highway
, Description: .Acreage
ct Description. Self-service carwash (U-Save Carwash)
Mr. Annun~iato referred to the two page plan and expiained that this is
a drive-t~.ru carwash located south of and adjacent to the existing
drive-th~ carwash south of the Boynton Canal. He pointed out that
there are no median cuts on U. S. 1, so access i~ from the south only.
He read the stafff eo~mments that the applicant'will be required to have
D.O.T. approval for curb cubs~ elevation for paving will be required,
and the parking lot'requirements are noted. His comment is that 'the
MAY 9, 1978
parking space adjacent to the dumpster will have to be deleted so
access to the dumpster is available at.~all times. This plan conforms
in all aspects to the zoning code and the recommendation is to approve
it subject to the comments listed.
Mr. Robert Bacon, 1408 Lake Geneva Drive, Lake Worth, and Mr. Philip
Bacon, Lake Clarke Shores, appeared before the Board. Mr. Bacon told
about being in the self-service carwash business in Lake Worth .and
Delray Beach and advised that they plan a beautiful carwash for BOynton
Beach. It-will not be the same as their competitor next door. Those
who wantself-service will come to them and ~those who want more service
will gotto the competitor. Col. Trauger asked if this was the high
pressure, wand type method and Mr. Bacon replied affirmatively. Further
4iscussion followed about the car washing process to beused and the
operation of the facility.
Mr. Lambert moved that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend to the
City Council the site plan approval for Robert S. Baconts self-service
carwash located .at 1310 North Federal Highway subject to staff comments
and recommendations. Mr. Winter seconded the motion and the motion
Applicant: Frank J. Rella (Rella Plaza)
Location: Federal Highway and Golf Road
Legal Description: Acreage
Project Description:~ Retail and Office
Mr. Annunziato explained that this plan constituted some good urban
renewal with some of the older buildings being, removed and being re-
placed by a retai'l office complex. There will be 11,214 sq. feet
devoted to office spadeand 17,371 sq. feet devoted to retail commer-
dial. The parking requirement for both uses is 156 parking spaces,
which are providedon the plan. This application is for the'SOuth-
west corner of 23rd Avenue and U. S. 1 loopio$ aroUnd the Standard
Service Station with frontage on 23rd Avenue and U. S. t. Efforts
have been made to save the existing vegetation ~ith many large trees
included on the site plan. One interesting feature of the plan is the
service road on the south with dumpster facilities located there. He
had some questions pertaining to the ability for a truck to turn in
the 60 x 60 ft. area in the southwest corner, but it was checked and
determined to besuf£ieient for trucks to turn. The staff comments
are noted on the¢orner.of the plan. The Building Dept. notes that a
masonry wall will be required pe~.ordinance~ he thinks the wall was
not providedin oneloeation on the lot extending to'Golf Road on the
east side. The Engineering Dept. notes that the parking lots must be
6" crushed rock and l"asphalt concrete. The Utility Dept. notes
that it is subject to sewer connection, elevation to manhole marked
on plan. The Public Works Dept mequ~es access to the dumpster on
the west to be 12 ft. minimum. On the no,th side of the westernmost
buitding~ there are two dumpste~s located and that access is too nar-
rOW and the drive will:have ~o be extended to provide 12 ft. and the
dumpsters must~be on concrete pads. The staff recommendation is to
approve subject to staff comments.
MAY 9, 1978
Mr. Lambert referred to the wall requirement and the 6 ft. wood fence
noted on the plan. Mr. Annunziato referred to 'there being a residence
to the east .and explained the buildings, wall and fence planned.
Col. Trauger asked if the curb cuts were in and Mr. Annunziato replied
that someare existing, but explained how the median cut in U. S. 1
would beextended to the north shifting the cut to line up with Hamp-
shire Gardens entrance and the entrance to this site.
Mr. Lambert referred to there being a residential use behind the service
station and pointed out that 6 ft. wood fence was noted and Mr. Annun-
ziato informed him that this is why 'the comment was made by the Building
Official that wherever it is adjacent to a residential use~ there must
be a masonry wall. --
Mr. questioned the zero setback of thewest building and Mr.
Federal Highway is 'the front
and ned that the zero lot line was allowed on the one side ~f
15 ft. is providedonthe other side. Mr. Arena referred to there
being the possibility of a-fire and pointed out there would be no
access on the one side and Mr. Annunziato explained how access could
be obtained bythe firemen. Mr. Arena commented that evidently the
Fire and Police Departments have approved.
Mr. Arena to the requirement towwiden the 'access by the
if it would do away with a parking space
and Mr. Annunziato explained that the landscaped island would have
to be modified ore!iminated.
The members then reviewed and discussed the elevations of the building.
M~. Lambert asked what the lines were in the rear of the west building
and Mr. Annunziato replied that they were 6 ft. high fences. M.r.
Lambert referred to fire truck access fo~ this area and Mr. Annunziato
informed him this was nora road and the fire truck could not qetin,
but the firemen could. ~r~ Lambert referred to Setbacks being neces-
sary for emergency access and ~r.~Annunziato explained that setbacks
were frontiQg on a street with an alleyin the rear.
Chairman Ryder were required for light and~air.
Mr. Lamb. err to the safety factor and Mr. Annunziato replied
that he thought the safety requirements have been satisfied.
Mr. Fernandez, Architectand Planner for this project, appeared before
the Board and told about meeting with the City Planner, Fire Marshall,
and City Engineer several times to clarify all the requirements. They
have tried to comply with all the requirements and are following the
code regulations. The owner is trying to save the beautiful old trees.
He told about'the appearance of the buildings and court yards. SmalIer
speciality shops are planned with offices in the back. He explained
how yards in-the rear of the offices would give the benefit of light
and landscaping to theoffices. He then pointed out that a 45 ft.
tower was planned to be.la landmark for the p~Ojeet and hopefully for
the City. He told about the construction materials and stressed that
they wanted to enhance the area.
Chairman Ryder referred to the zero lot line and Mr. Fernandez told
about discussing this with the Fire Marshall and obtaining his appro-
val. He added that this is the best use of the land considering the
odd shape.
MAY 9, 1978
Chairman Ryder questioned when Mr. Rella purchased this property and
Mr. Fernandez informed him that he has owned the land except the piece
that has access to Golf Road which he recently acquired for the purpose
of having access from Golf Road since many people will be coming from
the west from Golf Road. Also, he does not think the access will com-
plicate the traffic on Federal Highway. He thinks it will improve the
considered with cars going straight-across and being close to 23rd
Avenue and Mr. Fernandez replied that he did not think the traffic
from the eot to ~he~other would be major. Mr. Annunziato
thought the revised median cut would make a better sit-
uation. They~discussed furtherthe types of stores planned.
Col. Trauger made~a motion that the-Planning & Zoning Board recommend
to the City Council the approval of the site planof Frank J. Rella
for Rella Plaza to be located at Federal Highway~and Golf Road subject
to the comments listed by the Technical Review Board. Mr. Winter~
seconded the motionl Under discussion, Mr. Lambert 'asked if there
would be exits in the rear ofthe west building and M~.~ Fernandez
replied negatively and explained that rear exits werenot necessary
if it is less than 50 ft. depth. Motion carried'6-0.
Applicant: Keith B. Granger (Four Season~)
Location: N.E. 17th Avenue and N. E. 4~h Street
Legal Description: Acreage
Project Description: 44 Apartments
Mr. Annunziato explained that this was the property adjacent to the
Four SeasonsCondominium with access to the development from N. E.
3rd Court. The application is for 44 apartments, four are two story
eight unit buildings and three are one story four unit buildings.
He pointed out that the buildings on the south were not scaled pro-
perly on the plan as'when the architec~ drew the plan, he did not
have the proper setbacks, but the room is there and the buildings
can be shifted approximately 15 feet to the north. Chaimman Ryder
asked if this was immediately to the eastof the present development
and M~. Annunziato replied affirmatively. Mr. Annunziato continued
that 88 parking spaces are required and 99 are provided.
Mr. Annunziato then read the staff comments. The Engineering Dept.
has required thesidewalk to be 1 ft. inside of the right-of-wRy,
leaving 1 ft. for utilities or whatever purpose and he pointed out
that it was shown with the sidewalk projecting rightto the right-
of-way. Also, parking lots are to be 6~ rock and 1" concrete.
There are sewer and water line extensions to be made and Mr. Cessna
has noted that a bond will be required, easement required, and work
must be done by a qua~lified utility contractor. The Sanitation
Supervisor has noted that no underground garbage can's will be allowed
in,this section and dumpsters are to be located by the Sanitation
Supervisor. His comment refers to there only being a hal£ lan~
entrance on the easternmost parking lot and the recommendation is
to construct south Circle Drive with two lanes and shift the road
southward to provide two lanes of pavement. He continued that the
MAY 9, 1978
density a3~!owed is 10.8 units per acre and the build-out will be 10.4
u~lts per acre. All the units are zoning minimums. This plan does
conform to the zoning code. The staff recommendation is to approve
subject to the staff comments.
Mr. Lambert referred to theparking necessary for the~recreation area
and MD. Annunziato explained that the primary use of the parking shown
was for the buildings, but there are extra Hpaces for this opensspace
recreational development with no facilities.
Chairman Ryderlasked if this phase was contemplated in the original
plan and Mr. Annunziato replied affirmatively and told about the
Council denying ~vested rights because of construction
for several years and it now must be according to the current
Mr. Jameson questioned~the stipulatf must be done by
a qualified Utilities contractor and replied that in
developments of this size, the are beyond the abilityof
a genemal ~lumbing contractor and ization ora utili-
ties contractor to 'install sewer and water lines. Mr. jameson refem~ed
to this not being required of Palmland and Mr. Annunziato informed him
that-they already had their utilitiesin. Chairman Ryder added that
apparently 'there have been problems:and this requirement is a ~afeguard
for the City. Mm. Lambe~t stated that regardless who does it~ it is
subject to Cityspecifications and Mr. AnnunziaTo replied that it must
be Mm. Cessnats experience when a job is of this magnitude as opposed
to installing plumbing in a bui!ding~ it transcends the ability of
mostplumbers. Mr. Lambe~t'stated that i.f this was 'the ease, it should
be included in the Code and Chairman Ryder explained how this'was just
a s~eguar~ that theworkmanship will be good and the City inspector
will not have to be there all the time. Mr. Arena referred to. possibly
'our bounds with making this kind of requirement and
replied that he thought it was in order because the
maintain these lines oncethey a~e installed. Mr., Lambert
again just'what difference it made since specifications
Chairman.Ryder replied that there are s~ecifiCations
to specifications. The only way to conform is to have
an all thetime. Mr. Lambert stated that to d~ctate
to a developer that he musthire a qualified utility contractor is
bounds. Mr. Annunziato ~eferred to the size
of and Pointed out 7010 feet
of water to extended which is beyond realm of work of a
plumbing contractor. This is
pluming,mb4 Plumbing is
ties by one
bond 'required and requested
ties contractor. Chairman
and stated bethought the
Mr. A~ena disagreedand he
be set and Chairman kyde~
el ari fi ed
or utility extension and not just
and the utili-
referred to a
of a qualified utili-
point net to hie belabored
the City.
precedent would
we are
was s
MAY 9, 1978
qualified and who knows what he is doing. Col. Trauger suggested
hearing from the applicant.
Mr. John Walker, 1200 S. Ocean Blvd., Manalapan, appeared before the
Board and stated he was sure his utility man.would be acceptable to Mr.
Cessna. This requirement does not pose a problem to him. Mr. Lambert
asked if he wanted to besubjeet to somebody's whim in the Utilities
Dept. and Mr. Walker replied that he agreed in'this respeet~ but the
p~opte he employs amc ~qualified and expemienced. Mr. Annunziato clari-
fied that Mr. CesSnats concern was not attempt to cause duress on any
applicant. Mr. Walker suggested that this recommendation be checked
with the City Council and.added that they have the right-to protect the
City and Utilities ~rtment. Chairman Ryder'agreed that the City
must be concerned as over the utilities.
Mr. Lambemt asked if Mr. Walker was familiar with all the staff com-
ments on the plan and Mr. Walk~m replied that he heamd them tonight
for the first time and-theme are no pmobtems.
Mr. Winte~ made a motion that the application of Keith B. Granger,
Foum Seasons, at N. El 17th Avenue and N. E. 4th Street, rom a p~o-
ject described as 44 apamtments be approvedand recommended to the
City Council for their'approval subject to staff comments. Mr.
Jameson seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mm. Lambert stated
that he thought the comment by the Utilities Department that the work
must be done by a qualified utilities contractom is ridiculous. The
City haS conditions for installing City utilities, the contractor will
be bonded, inspections will be made, and he thinks this reoommendation
is unreasonable. There is no possibleway to define what this is sub-
ject to. There is also no way to define qualified utilitycontractom.
Mr. Jameson asked if this type of work was covered in the code and
Lambert ~eplied affirmatively. Chairman Ryde~ clamified, that the.code
is not a gu~mntee of womkmanship, but only spells out what ~shou~ be
done. Mm. Arena Stated that it is our Building Departmentts obliga-
tion to make sure it is done according to code because they are in
charge of enforcement of the omdinance. He also questions how a qual-
ified utilities contractor ~an be determined. Further discussion
followed about the r~sponsibilities of contmactors. Motion camried
5-1 with Mr. Arena dissenting.
Mr. Lambert stated that he approves the project except for the comment
made by the Utilities Director that a qualified utilities Contractor
,~iS ] He objects to this requirement. Mr. Arena clarified that he
~s favor of theapplication, but thinks we as a Board and the City
Council should examine Mr. Cessna~s recommendation and check if we are
not over-stepping our bounds with this recommendation and he strongly
urges seeking the City Attomney's advice.
Chairman Ryde~announced that he would like to discuss the meeting with
the Tecb~cal Review Board held last week. The summation is that the
Building Official wants it back the wayit was before with the sole
jurisdiction being with the Building Official, but most of us from the
MAY 9, 1978
Board feel this.is not the proper thing to do because plan review
belongs in the area of public hearings and helps us in our Work in
developing the City. There.was discussion.about possibly excluding
additions and alterations and possibly common ground can be reached
on this. Mr. Howell suggested not referring matters to the Board
under 5 acres, but he does not agree with that and would like to point
out that Rella Plaza,is 3,6 acres. It was suggested thateveryone
submit their,own recommendation, but he believes we should make a
decision by the Board.
Col. Trauger qUestioned the comments from the Technical Review Board
members and Mr. Lambert replied that most of the~ Department Heads were
there and it was bis impression that they do not have any problems
with the existing site review process, except for ~Mr. Howell. Chairman
Ryder agreed that Mr. Clark and Mr. PCessna did not feel the procedure
posed any problems and it is primarily the Building Official who wants
things changed.
Chairman Ryder refermed to having a similar procedure in the past and
added that you never know who is going to be the Building Official.
He feels he must know what i~ going on to do the job on the Board p~m-
perly and he wants the public to,know. Our objectives are different
than Mr. Howell'S. A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 2:30 P.
but he doesntt see anything in the way of compromise. He thinks we
will have to make our recommendation to the Council. For those mem?
bets unable to attend tomorrow, he would like to hear their cOmments.
Mr. Winter referred to Mr. Howell constantly talking about delays and
stated that the letter from Ward Cummings had nothing to-do with the
Planning & Zoning Board, but referred strictly to the operation of the
Building Department. He told about deve~DDmmssubmitting simple ap-
plications and having to wait a week to ten days for the Building De-
partment to review the plans. Chairman Ryder agreed that it was not
this Board discouraging builders.
Col. Traugerreferred to Burger King having nothing to do with the
Planning & Zoning Board and Mr. Lambert added that a corporation like
this certainly would not Object to going through the p~ocedure and
never made the statement they would not build in Boynton Beach.
Col. Trauger referred to the previous procedure and explained how it
was operated with the Building Official having total authority. Our
Board is the only eye for the public in this total operation and to
do away with it-would be disasterous. Chairman Ryder referred to
there being comments about Sand Hill and stated that'the defense used
was the public hearings held.
Mr. Arena stated that after reading the minutes, he was in agreement
and does not see any g~ound for compromise. Mr. Winter replied that
possibly there.are some exceptions such as the canopy at the bank. Mr.
Arena replied that he thinks all the compromise is coming from this
Board. According to the minutes, he feels Mr. Howell is unwilling'to
compromise. The comments made by him about us operating illegally shows
MAY 8, 1978
unwillingness to cooperate on his part. He has devised his plan for
operation and he wilI stonewall us. He told about having dealings with
Jack Barrett-and told how some people got permits and others d~d n~t.
He does notthink this is the way a City should operate. There are
possibly some things which the Board and CounCil do not have to look
at, but there are.minor things which bring up questions and he.referred
to the ~aalified utilities contractor required tonight. He doesn't
think the plans can be looked at enough.
Chairman Ryder how the difference was review on the~legisla-
tive to review on the administrative level being done
with one person making the decision. By the present process with the
Council makingthe final decision~ the decision is made by a body which
is responsible without giving the responsibility to an individual who
can give leeway or play favoritism.
Mr. Lambert asked if any of the members had given further consideration
to possibly eliminating reviewof alterations and additions? He thinks
possibiythe City Council does not need to see site plans except when
they pertain to subdivisions, rezonings and major projects. This will
not save much time, but we do not feel time is the problem and it will
relieve somebody from going thrOugh the appearances. Chairman Ryder
replied: that he was reluctant to recommend that the City Council not
review the plans. It is part of the present procedure and he would be
inclined to let it go the way it is. He thinks the Council should
make this decision. Col. Trauger suggested that we submit a firm-
reeommendationto the City Council.
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that it~ was their responsibility to
make the..recommendation to the Council and explained that it should
be done by the Chairman and he would not be involved. He thinks the
Board should discuss their position after tomorrow's meeting and their
recommendation be drafted by the Chairman or a sub-committee-for review
at the nextregular meeting. The members agreed to this suggestion.
Mr. Jameson stated he did not agree with Mr. Howell's statements on
page 3 reqarding the procedure being illegal, the State Legislat~rs
thinking the municipalities are coding the people to death, etc.
Chairman Ryder agreed and stated if there is a question about the
legality~ it can be made legal.
Mr. Arena told about having intentions to attend this meeting; however,
after reading the minutes of the last meeting, he does not see any
sense in it. Mr~ Howell's whole case is based on the code book, but
he does not bring out that there are two different things in the code
book and he only brings out the things he wants. We are operating by
code. A decision must be made by the City Council. Mr. Howell wants
things to go back like they were five years ago and he cannot under-
stand the Council entertaining such ani~dea and he explained. There
was further discussion about the procedure and Mr. Jameson referred
to the members of this Board being appointedby people elected by the
residents of this City and he thinks we should make our recommendation
and he believe~ th~City Council has certain respect for us and .Wil!
read our recommendation and make a decision.
MAY 9, 1978
Mr. Lambert urged all the~members of the Board to attend the meeting
tomorrow and explained how he thought it was their responsibility to
carry out the instructions of-the City Council in order to-make a recom-
mendation. Chairman Ryder agreed. Mr. Arena replied that.he just did
not see anyway that this could be worked out. He explained how he
thought our opinions were given consideration at Planning L Zoning
Board meetings, butat the meeting tomorrow this would not be done.
He does not feel he has to justify to Mr. Howell what he is doing as
a member Of this Board. He only feels justification is due to the City
Mr. Lambert referred to the result of these meetings possibly being
the elimination of additions and alterations for review and Mr. Arena
replied that this was not a result of what Mr. Howell is s~ying, but
because the Board has felt for years this was not necessary. This
was knoWn all along. If he thought this was what Mr. Howell was look-
ing for~ he would agree.
Mr. Jameson asked if it would be worthwhile to review the minutes for
the last few years to note significant statements made and contribu-
tions from the Planning & Zoning Board and Chairman Ryder replied that
he did not think it was necessary forthe meeting tomorrow, but-we
may want to submit this to the Council.
Chairman Ryder urged all the members to attend the meeting tomorrow.
Col. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Jameson.
Motion ,carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. 'Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
Regular Meeting
May 9th, 1978
7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
City Hall
Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
Reading and Approving of Minutes.
Old Business:
A. Public Hearing:
Abandonment Request
Applicant: E.- H. Bauer AND Evelyn Raulerson (Hearing continued
from Planning and Zoning meeting of April 25th, 1978)
Legal Description: see attached
Project Descripti6n: Request to abandon h0 ft. Alley Eas~ of F.E.C.
Railway right-of-way from 200 feet North of
N.E. 6th Avenue to N.E. 10th Avenue
B. Site Plan Approval-
Applicant: Village Royale on the Green (Irving Gross)
Location: 2600 N.E. 1st Court
Legal Description: acreage
Project Description: 2 Story Recreation BUilding
6. New'Business:
A. Site Plan Approval:
Applicant: Robert S. Bacon
Location: 1310 North Federal Hwy
Legal DescriPtion: acreage
Project Description: Self-service carwash (U-SAVE CARWASH)
Applicant: Frank J. Rella (RELLA PLAZA)
Location:. Federal Highway and Golf Rd
Legal Description: acreage
Project Description: Retail and Office
Applicant: Keith B. Granger (Four Seasons)
Location: N.E. 17th Avenue and N.E. 4th Street
Legal Description- acreage
Project Description: 44 apartments