WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1978 AT 2:30 P- M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Marilyn Huckle
~ohn Jameson
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Ronald Arena (Excused)
Richard Lambert (Excnsed)
Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 2:45 P. M. and
announced it was for the purpose of further discussion and
review of the site plan procedure and the matter of antenna
~M~n~ltes of the Workshop Meeting of Februar~ 24, 1978
Mr. Jameson made a motion to adopt the minutes of the Work-
shop Meeting as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion
carried 3-0 with Mr. Winter abstaining and Col. Trauger not
having arrived yet.
Discussion of Site Plan Procedure
Chairm~n Ryder advised that he met with the City Mauager as
requested and informed him that the Board is interested in
keepimg~ in touch with the growth, development and new con-
struction, but he did not feel we had to go into the area of
additions or alterations to existing buildings. Mr. Kohl
referred to review of commercial building plans and he feels,
if they are new, we should review them. He then read a memo
sent to the members of the Board from Mr. Kohl requesting
that we me~t with the members of the Technical Review Board.
Before the meeting, Mr. Annunziato had informed the Board
that he would be out next week from Thursday until about the
end of the month. The members then discussed when would be
an appropriate time to meet with the Technical Review Board
and expressions were given that it would be important to hate
Mr. Annunziato present since his review of the plans is an
important function.
Mr. Annunziato suggested that the Board decide among them-
selves what suggestions there could be for streamlining the
procedure for presentation to the Technical Review Board.
Chairman Ryder agreed and suggested that each member write
down recommendations for discussion at the next meeting.
~. Annunziato suggested in addition to what should or should
not be reviewed, they must decide whether it is necessary to
change the procedure° Also, if certain plans ~o ~ot come to
the Board, there must be a limit set pertaining to which ones,
MARCH 8, 1978
such as with a dollar amount, square footage, etc. Discus-
sion followed about the present procedure and the City Plan-
ner's function. After discussion, Chairman Ryder requested
the members to present their recommendations at the end of
the next regular meeting on Ms, ch 28 to be finalized into a
proposal to submit at the meeting with the Technical Review
Discussion of Antenna Hei~ht.M
Chairman Ryder referred to obtaining a copy of the FCC regu-
lations and referred to discussing the distinction between
antennaes for reception and for transmission. Apparently
the antenna for transmission is the one which creates pro-
blems such as interference to televisions. The current regu-
lations do not define receiving or transmitting antennaes.
He told about he and Mr. Annunziato visiting the Rel, Inc.
Plant and discussing this matter with their knowledgable
representatives. They were informed that the FCC requires
the present CB equipment with 40 channels to have suppress-
ing equipment Built in, so these should not cause any pro-
Blems. They were informed it would be difficult to redesign
the older units to these specifications. However, it is the
responsibility of the CBer to do something about it if there
is interference and complaints should be filed with the FCC.
The height ~is a factor to obtain distance. He told how the
distance between antennaes was a factor in creating inter-
ference. He suggests maintaining the present regulations
for receiving antennaes and going higher for transmitting
antennaes, possibly 20 ft. a~ove the roof line and anything
higher must be free mounted and possibly allow an overall
height of 60 ft. The representatives of this company felt
this approach would be logical, but they also suggested
limiting each building to one transmitting antenna. He also
referred to special cases, such as at Village Royale on the
Green, the FUC should be contacted to see what the offender
should do. Mr. Ann,.muziato added that he did not feel they
had reached a decision whether only one transmitting antenna
should be allowed. He further explained how there were dif-
ferent types of antennaes for broadcasting in all directions
or in one direction. Chairman Ryder added that they were also
informed that interference was caused when an operator was
operating illegally and explained how they tried to increase
their power.
~. Annunziato added that it was also pointed out that the
CB range is generally a 7 mile radius and they discussed
how the height affected the distance.
Mr. Jameson referred to the reference of having the two dif-
ferent antennaes at one house and questioned the height and
Chairman Ryder replied that they were informed that the CB
antenna was lower than the television antenna.
~RGH 8, 1978
C~hairman Ryder suggested considering making a differential
in the regulations between antennaes used for reception and
antennaes used for transmission. Hopefully, it will result
in a limitation to television interference with considering
something higher for transmitting antennaeso
¥~. Winter explained the construction of an antenna and tower
and stated that a 45 ft. tower would be ample with an antenna
attached to it. Chairman Ryder referred to the maximum over-
all height and Mr. Winter replied that it should net go higher
than 15 ft. above the tower. Chairman Ryder suggested limit-
ing it to 20 ft. above the roof line for a house mounted an-
tenna and added that he would like the feeling of the Build-
ing Department whether they should get into the picture in
regards to inspecting free standing antennaes. Mr. Winter
agreed that above 20 ft. for a roof mounted would be dangerm
ous. They discussed the differences between the two instal-
Mr. Annunziato referred to the definitions and Mr. Winter
stated that if the house is used as part of the structural
strength, then it is not free standing. After discussion,
Chairman Ryder suggested that Mr. Annunziato prepare the
proposed amendment in draft form after discussing the matter~~
of permits and inspections with Mr. Howell.
Mrs~ Huckle referred to there being a moratorium on this and
Mr. Jameson agreed, but advised that it was extended with no
time limits
Col~ Trauger referred to a free standing tower having speci-
fications and ~. Winter explained how there were with an
amount of concrete required to go into the ground with eye-
bolts. Chairman Ryder further explained how the height and
exposed area were considered i~ the structural standpoint.
Mr. Winter clarified that they were recommending 45 ft. for
the structure and a maximum of 60 ft. overall and Chairman
Ryder added that over 20 ft. above the roof line must be
free standing and a permit required.
Mr. Jameson referred to different installations of roof
mounted antennaes he had seen and Chairman Ryder informed
him that the limitation would be 20 ft~ Mr. J~meson asked
if the inspectors would enforce this and ~ Winter replied
that inspections would be basically made on free standing
installations. Mrs~ Huckle added that it would be regulated
by the ordinance and enforced by the City.
Further discussion followed about installations and CB
Mr. Annunziato announced that he would prepare a draft as
requested of the proposed amendment and distribute at the
next meeting for the members' review and discussion at the
following meeting.
MARCH 8, 1978
Mr. Winter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Jameson.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
3:55 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M, Kruse
Recording Se cre tary
(Two Tapes)