Minutes 02-28-78MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLA~ING & ZONING BOARD ~LD AT CITT HALL, BOI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA T~SDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1978 AT 7:30 P- M. PREsE . Simon Ryder, Chairman Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman Ronald Arena Marilyn Huckle John Jameson Richard Lambert Garry Winter Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 7:35 P- M. He announced that displays have been set up for the members of the Board to follow the zoning presentation and he is sure the applicant will explain it to the members of the audience. He introduced the members of the Board, City Planner and Re- cording Secretary. He then acknowledged the presense in the audience of Honorable Emily M. Jackson, Mayor, and Councilmen Edward F. Harmening and DaveR-ob~r~S, He also acknowledged the presence of the representatives of the press: Mr. Tucker of the Palm Beach Post Times and Mr. Sullivan of the Sun Sentinel. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 197_ 8 Mrs. Huckle stated she would like to comment on the public hearing held for Mr. Jefferies and stated we were at a dis- advantage not having input from the Housing Authority when the presentation was made for the request of rezoning from R-2 to R-3. The Housing Authority made a presentation to the City Council which was very good and in favor of that type of housing in that area. It was unfortunate we did not have a presentation as it may have influenced our voting or thinking. A comple members of our Housing AUthority have talked to Mr. Annunziato and perhaps in the future, they will get copies of our agenda so they can elucidate further as to the facets of the application. It will be very wel- t om~. Mrs. Huckle then moved to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Chairman Ryder announced there are two items he thinks we should discuss dealing with the City Comncil's suggestion to explore with the City Manager and Technical Review Board the matter of scope of the activities~of the Planning & Zoning Board and to schedule another workshop meeting on antenna heights. He suggests these items be deferred until the end of the agenda and the members agreed. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 NEW BUSINESS ~Blic Hearing Rezoming: Applicant: Riteco Development Company Legal Description: Acreage Location: Sections t7 & 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East Project Name: Sandhill Rezone: From R-IAAA to R-1AA, R-3, ¢0, C-l, C-3 Annexation and R-1AA Zoning: Applicant: Riteco Development Company Legal Description: Acreage Location: Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East Project Name: Sandhill Subdivision: Pre-Application A~licant: Riteco Development Company Legal Description: Acreage Location: Section 17 & 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East Project Name: Sandhill Chairman Ryder announced that these three items all referred to the Sandhill development to be located in the north part of the City. Although there are three separate items, he suggests since they all bear on the same matter, we hear the presentation and all other statements before we take action. He then announced that Councilman Richard Caldwell had joined the audience. Chairman Ryder then requested a report from the City Planner. Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that three different matters ~ere~before them. One is a rezoning request from R-1AAA to R-1AA, R-3, CO, C, 1 and C-3. This is a zoning ordinance func- tion requiring a public hearing. He pointed out the lands in questio~ on the map bordered on the west by Congress Avenue, on the east by High Ridge Road, on the south By the Boynton Canal, and on the north by Miner Road extended. The portion not annexed is zoned for single family in the COUnty. There is an application for annexation which is accompanying this request for approximately 62 a~res into the City subject to the R-1AA zoning regulations, which is the city codefunctiono The third part is the presentation of a pre-application for a subdiviSion. This is our first venture into the new subdivi- sion regulation. It is the preliminary lot layout preceding the master plan in the subdivision function. Mr. Annunziato then referred to the housing units, commercial and parks planned and advised that the project could build out at less than the R-IAAB standards, 4.8 units per acre. This -2- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 was computed over the areas to be used for residential purposes not including the commercial. R-1AAA is a holding zone in preparation ef plans to be submitted for development. He ex- plained how this community would be self-sustaining with com- mercial, industrial and varied housing. He then announced he would like to turn over the presentation to the applicant with a request to the Board to hold their questions until the end of the presentation. Mr. Bud Post, Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan Planners~ appeared before the Board and introduced Mr. Howard R~le$, President of Riteco Development COmpany, developers of this property. Mr. Riley stated it is a pleasure to be here and he hopes~when the night is over, they will be glad he came. He told about his experience in the real estate business and advised that real estate development now requires the help of specialists. Mr. Bud Post referred to his firm going into business 18 years ago and told about their experience in the planning field. He told about Riteco wanting to do a first class job and stated he is sure this development will be something Boynton Beach will be proud of. He referred to working on this project for eight months and the City having adopted a new subdivision regulation and advised that they are pleased to be able to work under the new regulations. He told about meeting the City's requirements and not seeking any variances. The project at this stage has been soundly conceived and has been worked out to meet the needs and requirements of the City. They are ready to move forward. He'~then introduced Mr. Walter Collins, the project manager,and told about his background. He introduced Mr. Roy Bardon, the chief pla~ner, and told about his experience in planning. Mr. Walter Collins then appeared before the Board and pointed out the boundaries on an aerial photo. He added that other tracts are owned by Riteco and pointed out the M-! Industrial area and advised that no change was requested. He referred to having many conversations with the staff of Boynton Beach and stated they think they have developed a plan which is mutually agreeable. Many changes have been made based on the input from the City staff. The plans have been prepared in compliance with the new subdivision regulations. There will be a total of 2,600 of a mixture of dwelling units. The density would be equivalent to R-I~AAS~ zoning. The master plan requests a mixture of zoning districts. He then requested Mr. Bardon to present the development plan. Mr. Roy Bardon appeared before the Board and stated that the site itself is an excellent site with some natural borders perfect for neighborhoods and villages of planned open space community and he explained how this was their approach. -3- MINUTES PLANNIN8 & ZONIN8 BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 He stressed that they were not trying to change the environ- mental features and are trying to compliment the natural fea- tures. He told about the sand dunes, sloping areas, wooded areas, etc. and explained how their plans were to preserve mhd protect these areas and they have modified their street Pattern to accomplish that objective. The preparation of the master plan is that of a planned open space community capitalizing and utilizing some of the man made bomudaries which exist to form neighborhoods and villages of single family homes. He referred to the streets and canal border- ing the property and explained how they assisted in formu- lating the plan. The major shopping area will be located to serve this series of neighborhoods and ethers in the community. The industrial area already zoned is a key land use plan providing some rment for the area. These boundaries serve to restr t movement from this neighborhood to another making is self-sufficient. Mr. Bardon then referred to the plan and explained how a Dark and racquet and swim club would be the nucleus with the resi- dential areas built around it.~ He explained how each neigh- borhood would have a separate identity and unique character with each one drawn to the club facilities with streets, bike and pedestrian ways. He added that radiating out from this £o¢al point would be a system of bike ways with screened land- scape buffers. The kind of land uses proposed are those of mixed use development which varies the kinds of uses based upon the arrangement that fits the land and adjoining land use. They have proposed more intensive development of apart- ments and multi-family near the neighborhood and commmnity shopping center at 22nd Avenue and Congress. Single family development is~dominant mixed throughout the project with the exception of the m~l between the existing M-1 and villages. Int throughout the neighborhood are lakes and parks in exc olf those required by the sub- division re~mlations which require 43 acres of open area. They have designed 81 acres!altogether, of which 23 acres will be in public park useage a~d the remaining will be private park spaces and The lakes and private areas will Be maintained ~y owners association which will be established at the be of the project for maintaining and assuming liability for lake areas. He then explained the construction phases wit the community shopping center and apartment area being the last phases. Mr. Bardon then showed a map illustrating the district boun- dary changes. The area to the north to be annexed will be R-IAA. The shopping center will be in two parts: C-3, 20 acres, and C-1, 10 acres for offices. The R-3 apartment district would be buffer between the shopping and single family. He pointed the areas to be zoned CO along 22nd Avenue and also the downzoning of approximately 20 acres of M-1 to R-1AA and R-3. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Mr. Bardon stated that once the rezoning is accomplished, they will then begin the actual subdivision process itself. They have gone through several site plans and the master land use plans with the staff. A subdivision sketch has been presented. He explained how the streets were designed to preserve the maximum trees possible and to protect child- ren. This has resulted in approximately 100 fewer lots than the rezoning will permit. The tentative lot size is 80 x 100 at this planning stage. If an ordinance is developed to mtilize cluster zoning, they hope~ to pick up these 1OO lots later. The layomthas incorporated what they feel as land- scape architect land planners and engineers to be a system of neighborhoods and villages with geed quality predominantly single family homes - 64% is residential and 45% is single family. It is an open Plan. They feel i~ is protective of Boynton Beach minimizing the impact on surrounding areas and complimenting what is on the site now in the form of trees and environmental characteristics. ~. Walter Collins app~red before the Board again and stated in order to implement a master plan, they must plan urban services. They have reviewed a drainage plan with the South Florida Water Management District, other agencies and the City and all have strict requirements. He explained how these agencies restricted the amount of water which can be ~ischarged from the site into the bodies of water and con- trol the water quality. The Water Management District has approved the plan in the preliminary review. They have a 100 year flood elevation of approximately 11 ft. and will be filling the house pads to 12 ft. He showed a map and pointed out the drainage districts. He explaimed how the lake was designed with proper elevations and discharge control. Mr. Collins thea stated that the water supply and sewage treatment would be provided by the City. He referred te discussing this with the City staff ~d they have been told the present facilities and proposed improvements are adequate to serve the project. He pointed out the initial ~ie-in* points for water supply and sewage treatment. Future plans are being prepared to submit to the City. Mr. Collins stated that electric and phone will be provided by the franchised utility companies. Other urban services such as waste disposal, fire, police, etc. would be provided by the City. City parks would be City maintained and the other lakes and open areas would be maintained by a home- owners association handled through assessments to the home owners and membership would be mandatory to all in the pro- ject. The roadways would also be dedicated to the City. Comments have been made by the Recreation Director regard- ing the park system which h~ve been incorporated into the plan. -5- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1 978 Mr. Collins then referred to schools and advised that very early in the project, they met with Mr. Howard Johnson and discussed the school requirements. He explained how the re- quirement was to help through school sites or other dollar amounts. Currently the dollar amount is .4 of 1% of the value of a dwelling unit which is paid at the time of closing on the unit. The developer has agreed to contribute the dollar value. The details of the agreement between the School Board and Riteco are being worked on now and from what he understands, there is an agreement in concept. Mr. Collins then referred to the traffic and advised that a rather extensive impact s~udy has been included in the re- zoning application. He referred to the project being over a ten year phase and explained how it would require increas- ing the two lanes on N. W. 22nd Avenue to four lanes with turning lanes for streets in the project and also increase Congress Avenue from two lanes to four lanes. Ne referred to discussions with the County and City regarding this im- pact and advised that Riteco has agreed to pay their fair share of the traffic impacts and that is in concept to add two lanes for the frontage along N. W. 22nd Avenue and the frontage Congress Avenue or make a contribution to the County for improvement of Congress Avenue. It includes the improvements to lanes and sign~lization along 22nd Avenue and within the project and also at Seacrest Blvd. and22nd Avenue. They feel they have reached an agreement with the City and County on traffic. Mr. Bud Post then referred to the time frame and advised that the drawings, sketches, ~ud plans presented tonight represent eight months of concentrated effort to get to this point, They have a target date to have ground breaking on July 4. They anticipate the first area to be platted in the vicinity of the clubhouse and work on the streets, utilities, etc. to be b~July 4. The subdivision regulations require many things and they are here tonight as one of the major steps in the process to seek approval for the annexation, zoning approval to proceed with platting, and approval of the pre- application to know the master plan is approved in concept. Chairman Ryder then requested Mr. Annunziato to give the input from the local and County officials. Mr. Annmnziato referred to this presentation being a culmination of eight months of work and stated that much to his pleasure the project goes beyond the scope covering County roads and schools. He referred to comments from the City staff and advised that the presentation reacted to many in a positive way by Riteco. Mr. Annunziato referred to Mr. Clark's comments and advised- that he referred to the rights-of-way and road improvements on High Ridge Road and Miner Road. With respect to High -6- M!~UTES PLANN~G & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Ridge Road, Pod 30 is not a part of this application, but at the time the land is developed, the developer will be respon- sible for High Ridge Road adjacent. With respect to Miner Road, an agreement has been reached in concept for Miner Road subject to the County plan. Four laning of 22nd Avenue may be required and this has been reviewed and a commitment has b.een made. Improvements to Congress Avenue may be required by the County - this wa~ covered by Mr. Collins in his pre- sentation. Although the report does not include traffic signals, they may be necessary based on the traffic generated. Through constant meetings with the County Engineer, City Engineer, and developer, an agreement has been reached in concept at Congress Ave. & 22nd Ave., and Seacrest and 22nd Avenue. The approvml of the master plan must meet the sub- division regulations of the City. Mr. Lambert referred to these being included in the presen- tation and Ns. Annunziato clarified that conceptual agreements have determined what is the responsibility of the developer, but everything listed should be included. Mr. Collins added that some of the comments are items that will have to be in- cluded at subsequent submissions. Mr. Lambert referred to the improvements required along Congress Avenue and Mr. Annunziato stated that as far as the staff is concerned, it would be the developer's respon- sibility to four lane Congress Avenue adjacent to his pro- perty. Mr. Collins clarified that in discussions, agreement was reached for Riteco to m~e a contribution to the County for the improvement based on the frontage along Congress Avenue since the County will do the actual construction along the length of COngress Avenue. Mr. Annmnziato continued with reading a memo from the Police Department advising that the only possible problem would be the placement of a traffic light at Seacrest and 22nd Ave. This has been addressed by the developer. ~. Annunziato read the Recreation Director's comments to change Pod 14 from public open space to private open space. He explained how this was based on a possible negative bene- fit in terms of maintenance. It is also recommended that Pod 21 be extended to commercial Pods 22 and 23 to provide bike paths. M~. Collins replied that it has been extended to Pod 23 where it is commercial area, but explained how they did not think it was necessary to extend the bike way to the pro- fessional office area since sidewalks would be provided. Mr. Annunziato continued that it was recommended that appro- priate landscaping be provided by the developers on the bike paths within th~ 25 ft. easement and Mr. Collins replied that this was always their intent and has been included. Mr. Annunziato stated that the City reserves the right to lake access for provision of water for the sprinkler system in -7- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Pod ll~and Mr. Collins replied they would make sure there are sufficient easements for irrigation in the strip along the lake. Mr. Annunziato continued with referring to Pod 10 and stated if agreeable with the Fire Department, an area could be reserved for a future fire rescue station and 5~. Collins replied that is agreeable to the owner as long as he reserves the right to review or approve or the homeowners association has the right to review or approve any sighting of such faci- lity. Mr. Annunziato then stated as pointed out earlier, Palm Beach County School Planning and Traffic Engineering were brought into the development of this and he introduced Mr. Noward Johnson from the Department of School Planning, Palm Beach County Schools. Mr. Johnson stated he would like to confirm that Mr. Annunziato brought them into the project very early which worked beneficially for the City and school system. The developers have met with their staff and conceptually there is an agreement that the developer will pay to the school system for the outlay capital. This is subject to approval by the School Board. Mr. Annunziato then introduced Mr. Charles Walker, Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. Mr. Walker confirmed that Mr. Annun- ziato brought them in at a fairly early stage of the project. This is one of the largest projects to come along in Palm Beach County for a period of time. He explained how the traffic generated would be very extensive. He has been work- ing with ~. Annunziato and the developer and has reached what he feels ia an equitable contri~ution for the traffic impact. He has not been completely involved with the latter ~art of negotiations and hopes the specifics are documented so there is no question what was ag~reed to and the time frame when improvements will be made. He appreciates the opportunity to cooperate with the City4 Mr. Annunziato then publicly thanked the members of the Couaty staffsffor their impact on the plan which has been a tremen- dous help. Chairman Ryder announced he was happy to see Councilman Joe DeMarco present in the audience and the entire Council is now present. Ee stated with the input from the Couaty people and all the Department Heads, he thinks this is a wonderful pro- posal. ~All the members have had the opportunity to review the application in advance. Since this is~a public hearing, we will hear from anyone wishing to speak in favor of these applications, but there was no response. Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to these proposals. Mr. Arnold Thompson, 1307 N. W. 8th Ct., appeared before the Board and stated he was not actmally speaking in opposition as he is glad to see this coming into MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 the area; however, we would like to know if there is going to be a bridge going across the canal at N. W. 9th Street and Chairman Ryder informed him no crossing of the canal was pre- posed from Laurel Hills into this project. Mro Thompson agreed there should not be. He then asked if a study had been made whether the impact of this project would necessi- tate an interchange on 1-95 at 22nd Avenue and Chairman Ryder replied that he did not know of any plans at the pre- sent time and added he imagined it would be difficult to get a commitment at this time until this plan proceeds and traffic increases. Chairman Ryder then opened the matter for discussion to the Board members. Mr. Lambert referred to the Recreation Direc- tor's comments and questioned the feeling regarding the loca- tion of a fire rescue station and Mr. Annunziato replied that he thinks the developer wants the right to review the location of the site which is understandabl® as it should be directed away from residential areas and the residents should be able to give input. Mr. Lambert referred to the Board's usual recommendations including the recommendations of the Technical Review Board and stated that some recommendations like Item 5 could turn out to be a problem. Mr. Collins suggested striking this as when the City is planning to build a fire rescue station, there will be enough people living there that they will make their wishes known. The City would not propose a station until a sufficient number of people live there. Col. Trauger referred to No. 2 listed by Mr. Fredericks and Mr. Collins replied that they did not have a chance to rebut that pa~ticular comment and explained how they thought a side- walk would be sufficient going to the professional office area with a bike path on the other side of the street going to the shopping center. Mr. Lambert referred to the City's overall plans for interconnecting bike paths and Mr. Collins explained how there would be a continuous bike path on the one side of 22nd Avenue and it would only require crossing the roadway at one point. Mr. Annunziato explained how the people on the north side would have to make a crossing and suggested not dropping this comment. Mr. Collins explained how there was enough room in the right-of-way to accommmdate bike paths if necessary. Col. Trauger referred to the School Board trying to get land for school sites and asked if this money would be set aside in a capital escrow fund. Mr. Johnson refe.rred to there being an alternative and explained that they needed money to build facilities on the sites. They feel in this case the dollar contribution may be a very viable alternative. Col. Tranger asked where the site would be in this area when they have the money and Mr. Johnson replied that to the north, there is a -9- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 major high school facility underway. Nith regards to elemen- tary and middle school sites, there is some question whether to expand the existing facilities or build new. The money would be placed in a separate capital outlay account. ~. Lambert asked if the School Board was satisfied and Mr. Annunziato replied that it was his recommendation these be approved subject to these agreements being consummated. Mr. Johnson stated that the final agreement would have te be ap- proved by the School Board. Mr~ Annmnziato added that the percentage is sort of a mmtual agreement throughout Palm Beach County, but we, as a City, perhaps might request that the monies collected be earmarked for this development. If the need lsrfor schools in this area, then the demand should be that the money be spent for children emanating from this development. Mr. Collins stated that he worked with the School Board and Mr. A~nunziato and they recognize there will be a substantial ~eneration ~udagreed to contributing the .4%. Mr. Arena ask~ if it would be part of the agreement that this money will be earmarked for the school district in this area and Mr. Post replied proDosed agree- ment in concept and read the use of the school construCtion sub~ te~ be designated for an additional school plant faciility in ~ter Boynton Beach area in which the Sandhill s~bdivision is located. Mr. Jameson asked if that me,ut in the bility that there will be the Sandhill area and Mr. net be in this area proper as no ~ut there are major acre be project. Mr. Jameson cl that~he of the construction of a school within Beach and Mr. Annunciate agreed~ there is a possi- constructed in that it would ~ailable for that, d adjacent te this see the ~possibility confines ef Boynton N~s. Nuckle complimented Mr. ~ohnson and his staff for their inpmt and added that she thought it was very detailed and a very ~xacting representation of what the projection might be from this project. Mr. Lambert referred to the reference to an 1-95 interchange and stated he is sure studies have been made and there is no need for such an interchauge. Also, there are no reads pro- jected to cross the Boynton Canal at this time. Col. Trauger asked if 22nd Avenue~would be four laned as far as Seacrest Blvd. and M~. Collins informed him that it would be four laned through their project from Congress Avenue to High Ridge Road. Col. Trauger referred to the four lanes going into two lanes at a critical point mnd asked about the four laning from High Ridge Road to ~. S. 1 and ~. Annunziato replied that he di~ not know of any plansffer four la~ing from 1-95 east. -lO- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Mr. Lambert referred to the cluster housing being mentioned and Mr. Bardon explained how the design of the plan had re- sulted in about 100 lost lots and they would like to reserve the right if the City adopts a zoning district including cluster housing districts to come back and change a phase to that district in order to pick up the 100 lots they have appeared to have dropped. He told about cluster housing being popular in other areas with ease of maintenance, lower cost, etc. Mr. Lambert clarified that this would be~in the nature of a future rezoning request and Mr. Bardon replied that it depended how the cluster zoning is worded. Mr. Lambert asked if they felt a 25 ft. buffer was adequate between the residential and industrial and ~. Collins replied that with High Ridge Road being 95 ft. wide plus the 25 ft. buffer, they think it would be compatible for business or industrial use. If an additional buffer is needed, it would probably come out of the industrial rather than the residen- tial. Also, the buffer would be considered when they are aware of what is going to be built in the industrial area. Mr. Jameson questioned the definition of cluster housing and Mr. Annunziato explained that it was common wall single family homes or homes with small~setbacks between them. Such a po- tential does exist in a P.U.D. There...is also the potential of any of these Pods coming in as a P.U.D. in the form of a rezoning application. Colo Trauger referred to the drainage and elevation and ¥~. Collins informed him that the floor slabs would be approxi- mately 12 ft. Mr. Annunziato added that the criteria was established by the Water Management District. Mr. Oollins explained further their plans for meeting the criteria of the State and Water Management District. Col. Trauger asked if 12 ft. would be the average and Mr. Collins clari- fied that it would be the average minimum in lower areas because some are 20 ft. or higher, and he told about the vary- ing elevations. Mrs. Huckle referred to there being a variety of requests for rezoning and questioned why C-2 was not included and what was planned in C-3 and Mr. Post informed her that they see the area at 22nd and Congress serving a group of neighborhoods. The kind of retail activity which you would find in a commun- ity shopping center would not be permitted in a meighborhood center. This will be to serve these neighborhoods as well as adjoining neighborhoods which will develop around the Sandhill project and the City will benefit more from a commmnity l~vel shopping center than a neighborhood center. The uses are not specific as yet but possibly there will be a food store, drug store, hardware type store, convenience goods, junior de.~t- ment store, etc. They ex~ect a combination of neighborhood shopping and a few community level activities. -11- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Mrs. Huckle referred to the possibility of the DeBartolo Mall becoming a reality Just to the south and asked if it would make a differen~in their planning for this area and Mr. Collins replied they were aware of these plans and do not feel it will compete with the kinds of uses they propose. A regional shopping center would serve a much larger service area and he explained how their shopping center would serve the neighborhoods surrounding the project. Also, studies have shown community shopping centers are needed because the rate of rental at regional shopping centers is prohibitive. He explained further how they did not see a regional center competing even in close proximity. Mr. Arena questioned the basis for their beginning point and referred to the traffic impact of the people shopping in other areas until the shopping center is built during the last phase. Mr. Collins explained how it takes a certain number of residents in an area to justify building a commer- cial area . Mrs. Huckle referred to the industrial area not being part of the presentation and questioned their~plans for development and asked if it was included in the traffic analysis and Mr. Collins replied that the industrial is not included because it is not part of the rezoning. Mr. Riley further explained his plans to develop it when there is a matter of need and stated there were no immediate plans to develop it. Mrs. Huckle asked if it would be something to be investigated as to the impact on the whole project and Mr. Collins explained how traffic was difficult to estimate for an industrial area unless the specific businesses or offices are known which are locating there. Mrs. Huckle suggested that this be considered and Mr. Collins replied that it was not part of their planning at this stage, but it is marked for a potential industrial area. Mr. Annunziato added that perhaps as it is developed, a traffic impact analysis may be required relating to its impact en the Sandhill development. Chairman Ryder suggested making the Board's recommendations to cover each item and they discussed the proper method. Col. Trauger made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend to the City Council thetacceptance of the San~hill Project to be developed by Riteco Development Company per their application for rezoning and recommend the rezoning of Sections 17 & 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Tracts A thru H, from R-1AAA to R-1AA, R-3, CO, C-1, and C-3.subject to those applicable portions of the Technical Review Board's comments,and that the developer consummates agreements with the Palm Beach County School Board to provide a dollar fee based on unit sales?price for schools to be built to service this development, and concerning traffic that the developer sign agreements with the City predicated by the traffic analy- sis being forthcoming. Mr. Winter seconded the motion. -12- MINUTES PLA~ING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 ~nder discussion, Mx. Lambert clarified that all the comments from the City staff were being left in tact. H~. Post re- quested clarification on the agreements with the School Board and traffic and Col. Trauger replied that the agreement is primarily they are going to give money instead of land at the rate of .4 of 1% per dwelling unit to the School Board. Mr. Annunziato clarified that this agreement would be between the developer and the School Board. They discussed further the agreements to be finalized. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Annunziato announced he had a few comments from the staff in reference to the annexation. He read that the Personnel and ~rchasing Director commented that there would be no sig- nificant effect on his operation. The library responded no negative impacts. The Finance Department responded no nega- tive impacts. The Parks and Recreation do not reflect an impact and-the comments relating to the rezening smpersede. The Police commented that their operation and maintenance would requ~e an additional $300 per year, but they do not think additional personnel .or equipment would be needed. They will monitor services rendered to see if additional zones are warranted. His comment is that this project has impacted on his department with man hours and staff time for processing the application. The City Engineer has commented that this will not increase the costs of his department. Col. Trauger referred to waste disposal and water being ade- quately taken care of and Mr~ Annunziato informed him that trunk lines and collection and distribution systems would be the responsibility of the developer. Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend the approval of the annexation on the Riteco Deve- lopment Company request and that the zoning be~R-1AA as requested on the application, seconded by Mr. Arena. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that action could not be taken on the prs-application for the subdivision until the land is zoned. He suggests tabling this until the zonings have been accomplished and then taking off the table and approving after the zoning is grante~. Mr. Post referred to the time involved to finalize the agreements with the School Board and traffic impact and explained that they would like to move ahead with preliminary platting. Chair- man Ryder replied that he did not think we had to wait for the consummation of the agreement from the School Board, but the Council must act on the zoning recommendations with the proper ordinance procedure. They discussed f~rther the pro- cedure to be~llowed and Chairman Ryder suggested if there were any questions, that they consult the City Attorney at the City ~omncil meeting next week. -13- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1 978 Mrs. Huckle made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board table the subdivision pre-application request of ~i~eco Development Company for the Sandhill project for the purpose that the subdivision standard procedures, Article 8 Pre-Appli- cation, cannot be acted on ~ntil the property in question has received zoning, ~econded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Ryder commended Mr. Riley for giving us the oppor- tunity to apply our new subdivision regulation. It is grati- fying to see he has retained a consulting firm with such ex- perience and he thimks their presentation has been very help- fml. Col. Trauger complimented the Palm Beach Couuty School Board and County Traffic Engineer for their assistance. Mr. Riley thanked the Board for their time and the County people for coming. Chairman Ryder declared a recess and then reconvened the meeting at 10:20 P. Mo Site Plan Approval Applicant: Ward A. Cummings Legal Description: Acreage Location: 333 North Congress Avenue Project Description: Drive-In Overhang ~. Annunziato informed the Board that this is the bank located at N. W. 2nd Avenue and Congress and the request is for additional canopies at the ~rive-in facilities. The staff has no comments, but te approve as submitted. Mr. Ward A. Cummings appeared before the Board and they reviewed and discussed the plan. Col. Trauger made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend to the City Council approval of the application from Ward A. Cummings for a drive-in overhang at 333 North Congress Avenue, seconded by Mr. Winter. Motion carried 7-0. Applicant: William Peck for Richard Bonvie Legal Description: Acreage Location: Congress Avenue adjacent to Ranch House Project Description: Revised Traffic Plan Me. Annunziato informed the Board that previously a traffic plan was submitted for this project with a shopping center to be built in the rear of the Ranch ~ouse. The traffic plans which were approved werefound to be unacceptable ~ue to the orientation of the bike path by the County. The plan presented is mutually agreeable between the City, Palm Beach County and the developer. It is the recommendation that the plan be approved as revised. The Police Department has one comment that the yield sign for northbound traffic be changed to a stop sign. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING B0~D FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Mr. William Peck appeared before the Board and the members reviewed the plan. Mr. Arena referred to the plan showing one way in and one way out and Mr. Annunziato agreed, but added that there would be other entrances to the plaza. Col. Trauger asked if this development would set as far back as Winn-Dixie and Mr. Peck informed him that it would be set back farther. Mr. Arena asked how you could go south from this center and Mr. Peck informed him that you would have to go through the adjacent center. He explained that the Police and Traffic Departments did not want cars making a left turn at this point. They discussed further the traffic situation. 5~s. Huckle asked if this plan was acceptable to the other development and Mr. Peck replie~ affirmatively. Mr. Annun- ziato asked if he had an agreement with Lassiter and Mr. Peck replied that they do as they bought the property from him with the agreement to share the parking, etc. Mrs. Huckle referred to the possibility of the ownership chang- ing and Mr. Peck informed her that they have an option on the property in the rear and have a right-of-way to the street to the south. M~s. Huckle asked if the agreements were ade- quately certified and Mr. Peck replied that he would have to verify this with his client,s attorney. Mrs. Huckle referred to the traffic congestion on Congress Avenue and they dis- cussed further the traffic situation. Mr. Winter made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the revised traffic plan of the Bonvie acreage located on Congress Avenue adjacent to the Ranch House, seconded by Col, Trauger. Motion carried 7-0. Applicant: Donald Fackler - Gulf Stream Lumber Co. Legal Description:Acreage Location: 1415 South Federal Highway Project Description: Adding a Storage Building and Moving a Storage Building Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that it was brought to them after action taken by the Board of Adjustment. The C-3 zone does not permit lumber yards and does not permit expan- sion of a non-conforming use. , The B6ard of Adjustment, City *See P&ZMin Attorney and Building Official have recommended construction of 3/14/78 be allowed to add to the non-conforming use at this location, for correc- The staff has reviewed this and since there is a variance for tion. the non-conforming use, it is recommended this be approved since a variance was granted to the applicant. Mrs. Huckle asked if a copy of the Bo~d of Adjustment variance was sub- mitted and M~. Annunziato replied that he read the minutes. The members then reviewed the plan and Mr. Annunziato explained that there was a storage building to the north being moved away from the residential area and a proposed open storage shed to be located to the south. Mr. Lambert asked if there was any parking to be considered and Mr. Annunziato informed him these buildings were for storage and parking is not required. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Col. Trauger referred to the plant store being removed and the Community Appearance Board requesting the front to be landscaped and Mr. Annunziato replied that improvements were still being made. Mr. Donald Fackler, Vice President of Gulf Stream Lumber Company, appeared before the Board and referred to their beautification program being greatly hampered by the construction along the highway and told about their plans. Mr. Lambert stated that he did not fully understand the Board of Adjustment granting relief on this and Mrs. Huckle requested that a copy of the minutes from the Board of Adjustment meeting be attached to these minutes. Mr. Annunziato informed them that the Board of Adjustment granted relief according to Sec- tion 1t.1, Paragraph B, Subparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 and read these for clarification. He added that the variance was authorized subject to Paragraph 4, Section 10, Subparagraph C and read same. Col. Trauger agreed that a copy of the minutes granting this variance should be attached to these minutes. Mr. Lambert referred to the property being zoned C-3 with a lumber yard not being allowed ~ud questioned when the zoning was changed and Mr. Fackler informed him that it was rezoned in 1 975. Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend to the City Council the approval of the application for the Gulf Stream Lumber Company for adding a storage build- ing and moving a storage building subject to staff comments. Mr..Arena seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Ann~n- ziato stated that he would include a copy of the minutes from the Board of Adjustment. Mrs. Huckle referred to there bedmg two items involved, one moving and the other adding a building, and asked if the minutes from the Board of Adjustment addressed Both and Mr. Fackler replied affirmatively. Motion carried 7-0. Presentation County Land Use Plan Proposal for the City' Reserve Annexation Area Mr. Annunziato showed the County land use recommendation for the reserve annexation area and explained that they are revis- ing the land use plan similar to ours. He explained the u~its and population projected and pointed out the various cls~sifi- cations. Mr. Annmnziato advised that there was one change he recommended concerning the area where the Bowers annexation is occurring and stated that their recommendation was to keep it single £amily, but he suggests these unincorporated pockets assume a commercial nature since the area is developed commercial and surrounded by commercial. -16- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Mr. Annmnziato then told about a P.I.D. being recommended and pointed out that the County planners showed this in the area south of the DeBartolo Mall to a point north of Congress Middle School. He referred to this possibly being an area of controversy and explained that we do need such an area, but the location must be considered. Mr. Arena questioned the high density area noted and ~. Annunziato informed him that it is improved land and is served by City sewer and water. Mr. Lambert asked what the planning consmltants had to say about this plan and ~. Annunziato explained that they were not contracted with for any planning in the reserve annexa- tion area. Mr. Annunziato pointed out that the plan is basically resi- dential and the County has acted to reduce density. He thinks they have made the right decision in reserving the lands. Mrs. Huckle questioned the County's maximum density on resi- dential and ~. Annunziato replied that it ishhigher than the City and possibly goes as high as ~5 to 30. ~. Lambert asked how far west this covered sad Mr. Annunziato informed him that it goes to the E-3 canal, ½ mile west of Military Trail. Mr. Lambert asked if we were going to end up with less density in the development west of our City than other municipalities and Mr. Annunziato replied that he hoped so and explained how this was our service area which must be considered. Mr. Lambert asked how they were justifying the concept with the land owners and Mr. Annunziato replied that they have discussed it with the people and told about there being opposition to rezoning applications along Lawrence Road. Col. Trauger made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend to the City Council the acceptance of the concept for the future land use proposal for the reserve annexation areas with the recommendatio~ that the south portion of this map Be put in a commercial area bounded by U. S. I and the railroad tracks and the City Council consider the submission of this plan to the Palm Beach County Commissioners. Mr. Winter seconde~ the motion. ~nder discussion, ¥~s. Huckle referred to the marked industrial area and asked if it was M-~ or P.I.D. and ~. Annunziato explained that it was a P.!oD. concept a~d sort of a special exception to our indus- trial zone. They discussed the actmal industrial uses which could fit in this area. Mr. Annunziato referred to the loca- tion and explained how he did not know if there could be an alternate land use. Mr. Lambert questioned the use for the strip north of Boynton Road to the canal and Mr. Annunziato replied there was a problem with that ~iece, but he does not *S~ P&Z 3~4~8 -17- MINUTES PI~NNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 think commercial is the answer. Mr. Arena referred to this Board not having any input and ~s. Huckle replied that public hearings were still being hold.and she told about attending an Advisory Board meeting. Mr. Arena referred to the density and growth potential and ~. Annunziato stated that from the planning viewpoint, he thinks they have made the right deci- sions, but as far as the growth potential, 48,000 people a~e a lot of people. Mr. Arena referred to this making ~oynton Beach a suburb without industry. Mr. Lambert referred to the building of streets and maintenance required to this area by the City. Mr. Annunziato stated that this responded to the requests of the people in the area. Mr. Arena stated he could see no reason for annexing. There is no benefit to provide services in estate areas. There is no fit to the rest of the people in the area to annex Motion carried 5-2 with Mr. LamB~rt ~d Mr. Arena dissenting. OLD B~SINE$S Chairman Ryder told about four members of the Board being present at the workshop meeting last week and their discus- sion of the antenna heights as verified By the minutes. He thinks our primary interest should be minimizing interfer- ence to television reception. He suggests considering keep- ing the existing heights of 10 or 15 ft. for all television aerials and allowing transmitting aerials to go higher. He would like to set another workshop date for discussing this further. After discussion~ it was agreed to set a workshop date for Wednesday, March ~ at 2:30 P. M. Chairman Ryder then told about the City Council's action in reference to the plan review by the Board and advised that the final motion made was to have the City Manager meet with the Planning & Zoning Board and Technical Review Board in an attempt to streamline the process. He told about discussing this with Mr. Kohl and they got into the area of alterations and additions and he advised that our primary interest is in new development. They discussed commercial and he suggested possibly considering the construction costs and if substantial to be reviewed by us. Mr. Lambert stated that it has been admitted that there are a few site plans that need not be re- viewed by us; however, the entire Board should have been con- sulted about this and a meeting held with the Technical Re- view Board and department heads to see if we can streamline the system as per the motion made by the City Council. The Council's instructions are clear and such a meeting should be arranged. Mrs. Huckle asked if he assumed Mr. Kohl should schedule that meeting and Mr. Lambert replied affirmatively. ¥~s. Euckle added that she was also wondering why we did not receive a call about the meeting. Chairman Ryder stated he didn't know if there was some other understanding, but Mr. Kohl chose to talk to him and get the feelings of the members. -18- MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Mx. Lambert stated that we are not prepared to make a recom- mendation to the City Council how to streamline the system when not knowing where the problems lie. Chairman Ryder re- plied that he thinks we must decide whether to continue ap- proving site plans. Col. Trauger suggested that we sit down with the Technical Review Board and draw up a procedure plan. Mr. Arena referred to this all being predicated by some con- tractors and stated that the Technical Review Board and Mr. Kohl have taken steps ~me directives. He feels we have not and suggests discussing this among ourselves what functions as a Board we would like to handle. He explained how this would be a starting point w~th discussing just what has to come before this Board to obtain a permit. Mr. Lambert referred to still not knowing~where the problem lies and stated that ~. Howell has not approached this Board to tell us where the problems are. Mr. Arena replied that his concern was not Mr. Howell's problems, but that commercial developments are properly reViewed thoroughly with citizens' input. He does not believe it should all be done by one official in the City and the permit be issued. He explained how it would not have to refer to all plans such as alterations and additions, but further told about the problems about three to five years ago when the Building Department made all the decisions. Further discussion followed about the procedure and problems and it was then agreed to continue this discussion at the workshop meeting. ADJOURNMENT ~s. Huckle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~. Lambert. Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 1I:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Mo Kruse Recording Secretary (Four Tapes) -19- REVISED PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Regular Meeting DATE: TIME: PLACE: February 28th, 1978' 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers City Hall 1. Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors. 2. Reading and Approving of Minutes. 3. Announcemen~s~ 4. communications. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Public Hearing: 1. Rezoning (s).: Applicant: Riteco Development Company Legal Description: Acreage Location: Sections 17 & 18, Township 45~South, Range 43 East Project Name: SANDHILL Rezone: FROM - R1AAA TO - R1AA, R3, CO, C1, C3 2. Annexation and R1AA Zoning: Applicant: Riteco Development Company Legal Description: Acreage Location: Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. Project Name: SANDHILL B. Subdivisions: 1. Pre-Application Applicant: Riteco Development Company Legal Description: Acreage Location: Sections 17 & 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East Project Name: SANDHILL C. Site Plan Approval: Applicant: Ward A. Cummins Legal Description: Acreage Location: _ 333. North Congress Avenue Project Description: Drive-In overhang Applicant: William Peck for Richard Bonvie Legal Description: Acreage Location: Congress Avenue, adjacent to Ranch House Project Description: Revised Traffic Plan ApPlicant: Donald Fackler - Gulf Stream Lumber Company >Legal Description: acreage Loca~ion: 1415 South Federal Highway Project Description: Adding a Storage Building.and moving a Storage Building Planning and Zoning Board Agenda February 28th, 1978 Page 2 DJ Presentation County Land Use Plan proposal for the City Reserve Annexation Area.