Minutes 02-24-78MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1978 AT 2:30 P. M. PRESENT Simon Ryder, Chairman Marilyn Huckle John Jameson Richard Lambert ~BSENT Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman Ronald Arena (Excused) Garry Winter (Excused) (Excused) Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 2:50 P. M. and announced it was a Workshop Meeting to devote further consid- eration to the matter of antenna heights. He stated that Mr. Winter was out of town and evidently Col. Trauger and Mr. Arena were unable to attend because of business matters. He added that Mr, Annunziato was in Miami working with the con- sultants. Chairman Ryder referred to a hearing being held on January 24 regarding antenna heights and advised that he has made some notes as exploratory suggestions. With only four members being preSent, he suggests they discuss certain sectors of problems which were brought to our attention. He does not think this is a problem of an emerEency nature and the matter needs a lot of consideration on our part and on the part of the Council. He stated that in the first instance, our in- terest has got to be of minimizing television interference, as the majority of people watch television. It is not so much of a concern to go along with the CBers. Ne suggests retaining the present limits of 10 to 15 ft. depending on the overall height for all antennaes that do not transmit. If television or radio antennaes are installed higher, then the CBers will want to go higher. When an antenna transmits, that causes the interference. Mrs. Huckle clarified that he meant 10 to 15 ft. above the roof line and Chairman Ryder agreed according to whatever is stated in the code now for antennaes that do not trans- mit. Mr. Lambert agreed that the problem occmrs with trans- mission and the ordinance is probably good as it stands, but we 'will have to consider the area of transmitting towers. Mr. Jameson referred to researching this some in the library and advised that it is a matter of distance and if you want distance, you want height. Chairman Ryder continued and advised that his third sugges- tion with regard to transmitting antennaes is that a maximum of 20 ft. above the roof be allowed; however, it can be up to 60 ft. if free standing properly supported and approved MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE TWO FEBRUARY 24, 1978 by the Building Department. Mr. Lambert clarified that a per- mit would be needed and Chairman Ryder agreed. Chairman Ryder added that he thought it was unsightly to go 60 ft. on a house and a free standing antenna has structural support. If they have ~to go higher than 20 ft. above the roof, let them go to 60 ft., but free standing and approved by the Building Department. Mr. Lambert questioned the structural difference between free standing versus wall mounted and Chairman Ryder drew a sketch and explained how an antenna would be mounted to the house and a free standing antenna would be guyed with concrete footings in the ground. ~. Lambert asked if roof mounted antennaes were structurally okay up to 20 ft. and Chair Ryder replied affirmatively and added that it ~gets house and to some being in house and Chairman to 60 ft., he thinks the the picture to av ly~going to 60 ft. from the good~ Mrs. Huckle referred to the side of the stated that with going should get into conditions~ Mrs. Huckle referred to it being mentioned there were approxi- mately 7,000 CBers in the City and asked if there would be 7,000 antennaes and Chairman Ryder explained how the antennaes were just needed for base stations and the majority of CBs are mobile units. ~. Lambert suggested Just leaving the ordinance as it is and make an exception of transmission antennaes. He suggested possibly that transmission antennaes must go according to the code or secure a permit from the Building Department. Mrs. Huckle read the requirements for residential zones and these were discussed. Mrs. Huckle then asked if antennaes were addressed in other zones and she read the sections on Page 14 and they discussed whether it would apply to antennaes. It was suggested that any regulations should be the same for both residentia~ and commercial zones. Mr. LamBert referred to discussing this subject with Mr. Bert Keehr and advised that it is the Building Department's feel- ing that they do not care specifically about a certain height, but free standing antennaes should require a permit so they can check the structure. Mr. Jameson told about a satisfac- tory structure near his home ~ud they discnssed further the actual structures of antennaes. ~s. Huckle questioned the total height allowed if attached to a house and Chairman Ryder replied 20 ft. above the roof and it could not be pinned down because of the varying heights of houses. Ee ex~lainedhow o!ther antennaes would be limited to 10 ft. above the roof, but ~tihe purpose was to get CBers hiEher to eliminate receDtion!problems. It is his recommenda- tion to keep the present limitations to apply strictly to MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THREE FEBRUARY 24, 1978 television reception antennaeS. He thinks our concern should be to minimize television rece~ion problems and not go over- board to accommodate the CBers. N~. Lambert replied that he did not think the CBer would be limitede He can either put up an antenna 20 ft. above the roof or obtain a building per- mit and put up a free standing antenna. Mrs~ Huckle referred to the picture submitted of a house with two antennaes and they discussed these installations and the different kinds of antennaes. Ms. Jameson asked if Mr~ Annunziato had gotten any input from any officer of the Federal or State Bureau and ChairmmnRyder told about him being in contact with an officer in a CB organ- ization. Mr. Jameson referred to the people speaking at the hearing being men in the business and people backing him and stated he would be willing to go on his own to Miami or another City where there is a government agency with this information to consult with them. Ne explained how he thought it would be advisable to get some professional advice. Chairman Ryder read some comments from the minutes of the public hearing and stated that apparently a CB antenna 'has to be higher than a television antenna to minimize interfer- ence. Mr. Lambert told about Mr. Keehr having indicated that he had written or called the FCC requesting information. He referred to reading articles on this subject and advised that the FCC has a two year backlog on complaints and he does not know what they could do for us. Mrs. Huckle asked if going to 60 ft. would eliminate the tele- vision interference and Chairman Ryder replied affirmatively and added that their range was also increased. Mrs. Huckle read comments from the September 6 City Council minutes veri- fying this and also noted that it was stated that the FCC allows a 60 ft. maximum and 20 ft.above the roof line and Chairman Ryder agreed and stated that is what he is suggest- ing. ~s. Huckle asked if we go along with the same thing as FCC, she would like to know if they deviate between free standing and house attached and Chairman Ryder replied that it is stated 20 ft. maximum for house attached and 60 ft~ for free standing. Ne clarified that a CB antenna must be higher and on a roof, a television antenna would be allowed 10 ft. higher and a CB antenna allowed 20 ft. higher. Mr. Jameson referred to the different types of antennaes and stated with specifying types, it would almost require a per- son to be hired to check what is being used and Chairman Ryder clarified that a transmitting antenna should be allowed above a receiving antenna. MINUTES PLANNING & ZON~G BOARD PAGE FOUR FEBRUARY 24, 1978 Mrs. Huckle asked if FCC allowed a 60 ft. house attached antenna and Chairman Ryder replied that he did not know, but the local municipality must be concerned with the struc- ture. Mr. Lambert suggested obtaining a copy of the FCC regulations as he would like to see the official ruling. N~. Jameson suggested that he and N~. Ryder go to the FAU library to research this and Mrs. Huckle and Mr. Lambert agreed this was a good idea. Mrs. Huckle added that we should have the background materialfor reference. Mrs~ Huckle again referred to the possibility of fastening a 60 ft. antenna to a house and they discussed further how the structure must be satisfactory and inspected. Mrs° Huckle suggested that a permit be required for anything above a certain height and not separating free standing an- tennaes and Mr. Lambert replied that anything above 20 ft. above the roof line, no matter how installed, would require a permit and inspection. Mrs. Huckle explained how she thought it would not be proper to require a higher antenna to be free standing as there may not be the room and it pos- sibly could be supported better mounted on the house.' Chairman Ryder referred to obtaining some suggestions and suggested deciding on the next workshop date at the regular meeting on Tuesday night. Mr. Lambert stated that after some research is done, he does not think this will take much to finalize. We have agreed we should obtain the FC~ regula- tions to back up the requirements. Chairman Ryder added that possibly the IT~ station may have some information. Mr. Jameson suggested that Chairman Ryder contact Col. Trauger as he is in the educational field and possibly could make some contacts ~£~ us and may want to join us in researching the matter and Chairman Ryder agreed. Chairman Ryder ascertained there was no further comments and declared the meeting adjourned at ~:50 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne M. Eruse Recording Secretary (One Tape)