T~SDA~, JANUARY a4, 1978 AT 7:50 P. M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Marilyn Huekle
Joh~ Jameson
Richard LamBert
~ry Winter
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and
introduced the members of the Board, City Planner,_ and Record-
ing Secretary-. He also acknowledged the presence of Miss
Sandra Wesley, representing the Boynton Beach News Journal.
Chairman Ryder referred to being unable to attend the first
Board meeting of the year because of a death in the family
and stated .he was gratified upon returning home to find at
that meeting, the members of the Board showed confidence to
designate him as Chairman again this year. He was also
pleased to find that Col. Trauger was elected Vice Chairman
and thamked him for presiding in his absence. He then ack-
nowledged the new member of the Board, Mr. John ~ameson, and
told about his activities in the City and stated'he was~sure
he would make a definite contribution to the Board. He also
welcomed the former members back and stated it was a produc-
tive year last year and he hopes this year will be equally as
productive if' not better.
Mrs. Huckle mewed te accept the minutes of the Planning &
for Tuesday, January 10, as submitted,
seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried unanimously.
$.bandonment Request
Walter L. Holly
Legal Description: 10 ft. unimproved alley lying between
Lots 92 & 93, Arden Park, Plat 2,
Page 96
Location: Behind 403 N. E. 6th Avenue
Description: Abandonment of ~0 ft. Alley lying between
said lots
Chairman Ryder.requested the City Planner to give some input
on .this. Mr.~ Annunziato stated .that it has been properly
pointed out that this is a 10 .ft. alley located between Lots
92 and 93 which runs perpemdicmlar to N. W. 3rd Street betweem
6 and 7th Awemues. The various de and utilities
were contacted and all responded with This is
also his recommendation.
Chairman Ryder asked if there was amybody present i~?re~resenting
ant who wishes~to speak on this request. Mr. Walter
Lame, appeared before the Board amd stated
he like to have' the easement taken away so he cam improve
the property. Chairman Ryder asked if he owned beth lots amd
Mr. Holly replied affirmatiwe~.
Chairman Ryder asked if a~eme else wished te speak and re-
ceived no response. He the~ asked if anyone in the audience
wished te speak in opposition to this applicatiom and received
mo response.
Mr. Lambert stated that since the applicant ewr~ beth lots and
there is me opposition, he does net see a~¥ reaso~ for not
recommending this. Mrs. Huckle stated she also had mo objec-
tions. Chairma~Ryder referred to him and Mr. Jameson lookimg
at this and told how it was entirely umimproved. There is mo
indication physically of any right-of-way and he sees ne pro-
Mrs. H~ckle made a motiom that the Plamning & Zoning Board
recommend te the City Council the approval of the abandor~ment
of the 10 ft.~unimproved alley lying between Lots 92 amd 93,
Arden Park, Plat 2, Page 96, located behind 403 N. E. 6th
Avenue. Mr. Lambert seconde~ the motion and the motiom car-
ried 7-0.
Annexation Re~..uest
ApPlicant: Irene Hall Bowers
· ' - N.S. Boynt~ Estates Corp. and
Legal D scrmption~ Lot 65,
Lot 69, Amended Plat of Trade Wi~d
Location: 39~0 N. Federal Highway AND 2923 S. Federal
Chairman Ryder announced that these tse lots are at the south
ex~remityof the corporate limits of' the City and that accounts
Her the fact it is listed as South and North Federal Highway.
_tn addition te the request~for annexation, there is also a
request for establishing C-3 zoaing. He then requested fur-
ther in~t EromMr. Annunziate. Mr. Lambert stated that be-
cause Mrs. Bowers is a client of his, he will net participate
in the discussion or ~oting on this and stepped dowm.
Mr. A~nunziate explained how there was a split in the govern-
ment responsihilit2 of this property and stated it was almost
impossible 'to develop them with the two govermments. This is
the £±rst annexation subject to the mew Annexatiom Resolution.
JANUARY 24, 19?8
He explained how the resolution required the application to be
placed on the Council agenda for action and then comes back to
the Planning & Zoning Board for the request and zoning. He
advised that this Property is almost adjacent to the Texaco
Station om U. S. 1 and then read the following report:
"The property in question is currently designated 'RM' -
Resid®mtial. Multiple Family District; medimm density - on the
Palm Neath countyFuture Land Use Plan. Theceunty zoning
classificatiom o~the East 250' is 'CG' General Commercial
and 'RM' on. the remaining portions.-
This ha~ an affect on the request submitted hy the appli-
cant for '~'3!..- Community Commercial Zoning - as the Florida
Statutes require lands annexed to con-
form with the County ~se'Plan in terms of demsity (Units
per acre). There is some question as to whether or not this
'density' limitation is in cases where an applicant
requests changing the fui land use from residential to
commercial on small tracts of land.
I have been in contact with the Palm Beach County Planners,
and they suggest that the procedure necessary to clarify this
problem would be for the City Council to pass a resolution
reque the COUnty Commission to change the future land
mse .from residential to commercial for this-parcel.
Therefore, if the Plamning & Zoning Board recommends that
the zoning requested by'~..the applicant is appropriate for this
location, I recommend that the Board request the City COuncil
to pass a resolutio~ as mentioned above."
Chairman Ryder clarified that this parcel consisted of the
both lots and Mr. Annunziate agreed. Nm. Annunziato referred
to the materials he forwarded with the application and stated
that it was shown that there are two parcels. The land should
properly be developed in the C-3 zone. It is on U. $. 1 and
he believes that is the classification. He re-
~erred to the departmen form and stated the only
applicable remarkreceived was at the time of development,
it will be necessary to provide a fire hydrant for this site.
Chairman Ryder referred to the Texaco Station being zoned C-3
and according-to the Count~, it is designated General ~ommer-
cial. He can see where it would be advisable_to go to the
County, but does not anticipate any problem because most of
the lots are zoned General Commercial., Mr. Annunmiato re-
plied 'that he received the same feeling from the county Plan-
ners and does not think there will be any objection. Col.
Trauger added that he thought it should be done by resolu-
tion to establish the principle. Even though this is rather
simple, there will be others to be considered. Mr. Annunziato
added that this was the type of practice used by ether cities
JA~ARY 24, 1978
in similar situations. The County Commission has been
rather cooperative and he beliewes it is the proper way to
ge as it will clarify the situation forever and always.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak on behalf of
this appliCatiom. Mr. Willard Bowers appeared before the
Board and adwised that he and his wife own this land and are
~ery anxious to get this straightened out in this manner.
He agrees with the statements made. The principle thing
they are anxious to-do is get it annexed so they can build,
sell or lease it. As it is now, they cannot'mdc anythimg
because ef the differences in the zoning and having part in
~ty and part in the County. There are two buildinga~
which apply, two community regulations, etc. He ~ad
· to lease, it to a very pro£itable orga~a-
tion, ~own because of this. They are
get this out. The piece of
,ly to them, se
it ~ piece of property. Lt should
be in ~( and zoned as one piece of land. He
~er on the good investigation.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor
of and received no response. He asked if
to speak i~ opposition to this application and
receipted no response.
OhairmanRyder explained how there was an uneven configmra-
of the Oity in this area. Mr.
legal description noted would
bring the line across U. S. ! to pick up that portion of
Mr. Arena asked if amy other property
woul~ be split and Nm. Annunziato replied negatively and
stated that it would just annex the highway.-, He explained
how rights-of-way had been excluded in other annexations.
was not
Chairman~der suggested studying the report of the Cit~
how to treat this and Pointed out that
we should ~e~' the City Council to pass a resolution to
the'effect .that be apprised~ef
this mat~e~ and request a change. Mr. Amnunziato clarified
that his commendation was this annexation request ~e re-
commended and request the City Council to for-
ward a te the County Commission requesting the
b.e changed te allow commercial zoning
Board recommends be C-3.~ Chairmam
that it would be approving' annexation and
Mrs. Huckle questioned if we-should first re-
to ask the Commission to change
~er the problem
the designation om. the
Landl ~se Plan.. Disc~ussion followe~ regarding the
proper procedUre to follow.
Mr. Arena made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommen~ to the City Council to pass a resolution request-
ing the .County~o.mmission to change the fmt.ure land use
designation from residential to commercial for the appli-
cant,.Mrs. Irene Hall Bowers, for the property located at
and further recommend the City
zoningm. Mr. Winter seconded
annex this
the mot.
it must
,the County first. Discussion followed
Use Plan and how it pertained to
then asked if not
request for Mr'
it would be valid because
commercial on the zoning map, it is
commercial property a_nd is on U. S, 1. Motion
Antemna Heights
Chairman Ryder announced that as a result of attempting to
height regulations, there have
The City Council recently estab-
lished a moratorium on the enforcement of the antenna heights
with the intent that the gity review the regulations. The
City COuncil has requested that we proceed with a public hear-
ing. will receive input from the people for and
matter, but no action will be taken tonight.
The of the Board want to listen to the contentions
and and following this meeting, subsequent meetings
will ~et up to explore this further with the Board finally
making~a recommendations'to the City Council. He then read
the present regulations, Section. 4F4 on Page 14A. He clari-
fied ~st residential zones, the maximum height
25 ft. amd 10 ft. is allowed a~ove the top of
the a single family home~:~ ~ut no higher than 35 ft.
total. He referred to this being discussed at the City
September 6 1977, and read statements
re problems faced b~ the people from the minutes.
Chairmam Ryder asked Mr. Anmunziato if he had any additions
before the audience ~as heard. Mr. Annunziate informed the
Eoard that he. met with the electrical engineer of the ITV
station to get a feeling of the problem. He explaimed hew
television rece~.~ion was~caused by the height
of the and by raising them, it reduced the inter-
ference. ~,. ~2 raising it, it would extend the inter-
~' area.. It is thought possibly there are
being to transmitters to get power fer~a
~etter range, is a certain limit of how much power
you cam broadcast with and there are ways to increase this
power by adding ~ooster units which are illegal. If this
JANUARY 24, 1978
is a problem, the FCC can be contacted~to monitor. There are
also devices available which cam be attached to television
receiwers to remove interference.
Chairman Ryder referred to the IT~ station recently increasing
their and told about b~ying a FM trap for his television
to e. the interference. He then stated that before
on the 'members of the audience, the Board is aware
established a height of.65 ft., but we are
not to that standard set. He then requested
the to and state their name and address.
He that will ~e recorded, so themembers
the recommendations and comments
Mr. James Jones, owner of J & G - CB Equipment, appeared
fore the Ne told about appearing before the Board ap-
years age and obtaining permission to install
an antemma 45 ft. high. The FCC has given permission to go
to 60 ft. high~. If this law is passed, there will be no CBers
left in this City. He told about mine or ten people monitor-
ing their radios 24 hours per day for emergency calls which
resulted in saving approximately 25 li'~es last year. Withomt
the proper antenna system, they cannot talk more tha~ three
to four miles. He requested to put his amte~ua higher a~d
raised it to 55 ft. and eliminated his problem with Village
Royale on tihe Green. About 1½ years after that, he was re-
qUested to come before this Board and state why he had it so
high.. The antenna height ismost important for a CB. The
antenma at ~illageRoyale on the Green is higher than 45 ft.
and his antienna went directly ~nto it and removed the pic-
tures from most of the residlents, television sets and all they
could hear was his voice. He in~ested $1,000 into a proper
to the
pe o~le
bleu is not~
~lOse to
and raised it to 55 ft. above his roof accord-
ints he submitted.
If a GB antenna is
blem. ~there
a decent hei,
are 5 watts going emt,
three homes next
it elimimates the
Chairman Ryder stated that the CB interest in going higher
is to increase the range and Mr.. Jeaes informed him that he
could have a walkie-talkie i~ this building and talk to
explained how the skip conditions affected the
He ad,ed that the television trap Mr. Ryder
referred to would ~ot work on ~Bs.
Mr. Annunziato asked him what the three most important reasons
would be' for raising the antenna height to 60 ft. and Mr.
Jones replied that it would satisfy the CBer so he could have
JANUARY '24, 1978
a nice antenna at a legal height and would mot have to use
illegal equipment. Also, 90% of the CBers want to talk skip.
The person who is forced to keep the antenna at 20 ft. must
cut 2 ft. off the antenna and must have at least 12 to 13 ft.
above the building to out of radiation. It will elimin-
ate half of
~r. Annunziato asked if he understood that the regulations
allow the antenna to exceed the house roof by 15 ft., but
not more than a total o~: 25 ft.. and Mr. Jomes replied affirma-
tively and explained that the 22 ft. was the shaft from which
youtransmit from amd 'allowing 25 ft.~is allowing the poorest
conditions. He also explained that the F0C realized this was
camsing the problems and :raised the height to 60 ft.
ChairmamRyder asked if filters could be introduced in the
transmission line and Mr. Jones explained how they would only
help BeCause the newer color televisions do not-have the fil-
Chairman Ryder referred to the transmission on a22 ft. and
Mr, Jones replied that ½ and ~ is for beginner CBers. If
they want to be a radio operator, it is possible.to talk 149
miles. A 5/8 wave is 22 ft. tall and all beams are 18 ft.
tall. Chairmam Ryder asked if he was contending that we have
to see to it that OBers must go 150 miles and Mr. Jones clari-
E[ed that he was contending if a CBer spends money, he should
ha~e the right to talk £rem here to West Palm Beach. Ne
added that they. monitor Channel 9 and report most of the
accidents only Because their antenna covers a 10 mile range.
Mr. Winter stated that the CB was designed originally to
cower a 10 ten mile range to. get local reception and Mr.
Jones disagreed and explained, how idle chit-chat was now
allowed only Because the cha~uels were increased from23 to
40 and all radios were modified.
Mr. Arena asked what he felt the maximum height should ~e
and Mr. Jones replied that he thought the FCC regulation of
6:0 ft.. was proper, but agrees it should be a safe antenna.
Ee added that he volunteered to go ~around and inspect them
and does install towers. Mr. Arena clarified that he meant
60 ft. from the ground and Mr. Jones agreed or 20 ft. abowe
any mam-made structure. He added that he felt they were
discriminatingagainst a one story Building since a four
story ~milding can have an antenna on top and they inter-
fere with it by being low. This is being discussed Because
of the complaints from V~llage Royale on the Green. He
explained how am antenna at the wrong position could destroy
an entire neighborhood.
Chairman Ryder clarified that there were ~wo major concerns -
appearance and safety. Once an antenna is installed, nobody
looks at them and there could be errosion and there could be
JANUARY 24, 1978
a problem with winds and Mr. Jones agreed. Mr. Jones added
that he imstalled the Fire Dept. tower and there is no corre-
siom. Chairman Ryder ~eplied that this was not the same
category. Mr. Jones explained how commercial towers were
dippedand mgalvanized a~d will net rus~.
Mr. ~ones
leavi~ the rule as it is and re-
Mr. Annunziato referred to the commercial grade materials and
Mr. Jones replied that as a CB skop, he could only sell commer-
cialgrade, it was a problem with cheaper grade pipes Being
purchased, suggests that i£ a CBer makes a request for a
higher antenma that it should Be inspected. When he was given
a permit, he submitted a blueprint, But he could have put up
anything as it:wasn't inspected. ~hairmanRyder clarified
that if. the ~t to the point of recognizing higher
tennaes, the Department would be Brought into the
picture with presentation of pla~.~s, inspection, etc.
Mr. Jones stated that two years ago, the antenna height was
45 ft.; however, a petition was presented from Village Royale
on the Green about his antenaa. If they ask
e~eryone to lower antennaes, they will have an extra
600 complaints in one momth.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the commercial antennaes amd ques-
tioned engineer drawingsbeiag required for being secure and
.Mr. Jones explained how the towers met national specifications.
Mr. Annunziato asked if they were approved by the Southern
Standard Building Code and Mr. Jones replied affirmatively.
Mr. A~nunziato asked if permits were required and Mr. Jones
re Mr. Ann~nziatoasked if a permit was
required for a 30 antenaa and Mr. Jones replied that the
, But the Co~uty only required a
He agrees everybody should have a
permit amd all antennaes should be installed safe~. He
does not thi~k the. Cityshould go against a nationwide rule.
It has been resear!ched completely. They will eliminate ]/3
of the amplification problem by allowing people the legal
~. Lambert asked if CB antemnaes should not be allowed to
be low and Mr. Jones replied that this would not be a pro-
blem as all the CBers would voluntary pat them higher. Mr.
Lambert clarified that the higher the antenna, the lower the
interference and Mr. Jones agreed as long as it is a legal
statiom. He explsined how the curvature of the earth af-
fected it. Mr. Jameson~.referred to the possibility of hav-
ing 60 ft. antennaes 60 ft. away~~ and questioned the problems
how only one would be able to talk
at one time. Mr. Lambert referred to voices interfering on
his television set and .M~. Jones explained how the CB trans-
mission affected Chamnels 5 and 2.
JANUARY 24, 1978
Mr. Ernie Price, S. W. 23rd Avemue, appeared before the Boar4
and told about having a mobile rig and base statiom. He told
about using his CB to save lives at am accident om 1-95. He
told abomt studying radio and being legal for 250 watts.
Chairman Ryder referred te his base installation and Mr.
Price informed him that he has a 40 cha~mel radio. He then
told about first ins~alling an 18 ft. a~tenna mounted om a
10 ft. almmimmm.pole, buttwo days after it was ~p his neigh-
~or complained~ about having the Delray Beach Police Department
coming into his i~ercemim his home. He offered to buy this
meighBor a filter,, but instead weumd up putting up a 40 ft.
tower mounted ~n 3 ft. of concrete ~ache4 to his house.
Since this antenna has been
he lowers his
tenna is strap~d t(
sion amten~aes im his
did not.
mot imterfOre
talkingto all over
to 20 ft,,
~talled, his neighbor has mot
during winds some televi-
have come dowm, ~ut his
high, it will
then told about
omhis radio. If the
do more harm than help.
Beach area to lower
im the area will watch
Chairman Ryder referred to the contemtion that the higher
yom better~the range and .~uestioned the good mobile
rece~ Mr. JOnes explaimed how this was based om
atmospheric comditio~s.
Mr. Les Gershberg, ~951N. E. Ist Way, appeared before the
Board and stated he appeared before this Board about two
years age and submitted prints and was allowed to go 45 ft.
on a tower. Mr. Lambert asked if he came before the Plam-
ning& Zoming Board them and Mr. Gersh~erg replied affirma-
tively and referred to some of the same members b~eing on the
Board. He stated he would like to knew what the maim com-
plaint about the antennaes is. Ne has lived here for five
years a~d has had an antenna up for five years. About two
years ago, a building inspector came an~ informed him that
he needed ~. Chairman RYder stated that the appear-
~ance and ~ were the concerms. He added that the fact
that some of the high installations were never approved and
not checked, possibly something could happen. Mr. Gershberg
stated that in reference to appearance, he has to look out
his back yard at a house painted .orange with gree~ stripe~.
He s~ showing the ¢onstructiom of his t~wer,
but up recemtly, he put mp another anter~a
ft. the greed against his house as am ex-
periment, to change his phone mumber four times
cause of c¢ from Village-Royale om the Greem. The
JANUARY 24, 1978
mail he received was ridicmleus, people knocking on his deer,
etc. Since he pmt up the higher antenna, he has net heard
from Village Royale on the Greem; however, during the last
two months, a day has mot gone b~ without being contacted by
them. He feels the ante~n%aes must be kept up to keep peace
in the neighb~orhood. As far as appearance and safety, the
individual lives there and' it will fall on his house and he
mmst ~ for it.
Mr. Lambert referred to when the Board granted permission and
asked ifa building permit was reguired and Mr. Gershberg re-
plied that it was not and the Building Official said it was.
not necessary. He asked about getting a permit, but was told
it was not needed. Mr. Lambert stated that when this came up
last , it originated from the Building Department with
them a problem of antennaes without permits. Mr.
Gershbemg told about coming across Mike Rubin's television,
a Department employee, and being informed to
go this. Mr. Gershberg then told about
the sending~egistered letter recently
gi~ing ma~y days to tak~ the antenna dew~.
Mr. late stated he recalled the past regulation provided
for & Zoning Board-to issue exceptions to~.~he
height ordinance. He discussed this extensively~with Attor-
ney Reed whether the Planning & Zoning Board had the author-
ity to issue a variance to the zoning, regulations an~ Mr.
Reed con~ended they could if it is regarded public welfare
and that is conditions were included. Mr. Lambert
~ed wasn't beingdene that way and Mr' Jones
stated they were ne~errequested te go thromgh anything.
Their were up for two years a~d then the Building
Departmen sent letters.
Mr. An~umziate read the regmlations applying to exceptions
and Mr, LamBert suggested possibly including residential CB
antennaes in Paragra~ 2 w~ld possibly solve the problem.
Ne referred to these people not having relief and Mr, Annun-
ziato replied that they could go to the Board of Adjustment.
Chairman ~der referred to exceptions having been granted by
the or various items.
ziate replied they were talking about all antennaes. Mr.
Payne told a~o~t television antennaes being higher than his
ground plane and his CB causing television interference.
After receiving complaints, he put his antenna dowm to 35 ft.
and t~is resulted in ringing ~is neighbor's phone. He the~
put i~ up te 45 ft. and doesn~_~~a~ybody in his neigh-
borhood. He explained how it'was mounted on a push Dele,
strapped to the side of his house, mounted 2 ft. deep in
JA~ARY 24, 1978
concrete and guyed four times. If a wind comes, he will
take it down as he has too mmch'money invested. Ne ham
many trees and the ~_~tenna can only be seen from his drive-
way. Ohairma~ Ryder stated that if it is 30 ft. above the
cambe seen and Mr, Payae replied that the trees
40 ft. high.
relationshipbetween his
Payne imf
his hoUSe.
levision~ 15
if~his transmit
replied that i2
th the
countr2' and
til she went higher.
Ryder questioned the
~GBantennaes and Mr.
10 ft. apart on
above his roof.
5, but
He added that
was turning her neigh-
Mrs. Huckle asked if
did this too and Mr. replied
transmit, about
their television anten-
it. Iu his
, he got away
be l~wer-
Mr. Lambert
peak of
to reading about transmissions becomImg
to come and Mr. Jones agreed and
year skip and were coming to the
Lambert asked if it would necessitate a
Mr. JOnes replied negatively.
Col.. referred to an antenna~ being bolted to a tree
in his Mr. Jones informed him this was legal
according to FCC regulations.
Mr. Edward 1611 North Seacrest Blvd., appeared
before the i stated when he first put up his umit,
he had problems with hisneighbor to the right. Being a
good neighbor he moved it away from the one side of the
house to the
He then
he has
If he must
him, he will
h.a~e been mete
blem and he
eliminate the
and them gave problems to two neighbors.
~t is 60 ft. from ground level and
and the neighbors are happy.
but when the neighbors call
City. His tower and antenna
and it is legal. He also enjoys
understand his neighbors' pro-
interfere with them. He can only
b~ going up.
Chairman Ryder then
the audience had
their antennaes and
most of the people in
changing the heights of
had problems based on neighbors'
~1. Trauger questioned the number of 60 ft. towers which
woul~ ~e erected in Boynton Beach and Mr. Jones informed him
that he could drive him to 800 homes having at least 50 ft.
JANUARY 24, 1978
antennaes in the Cit~ limits. Col. Tramger asked if the
higher ones should be Brought down and Mr. Jones replied
that he thought they should all be according to FCC regu-
lations.. Mr, Arena referred to allowing 60 ft. antennaes
and aSked how ma~y boosters would be eliminated and Mr.
Jones replied that in his cpiniom, if they could talk to
West Palm Beach with a higher antenna, they probably would
not use boosters. Mr. Arena asked if he thought linears or
the height of the amtennaes was causi~ problems a~d Mr.
Jones replied that it was mostly the antenna heights as
that is the factor. He explained how a properly
co~ antenna could be safe- Mr. Winter re-
moon s replied that he Es eno
and center antenna was at 55 ft. and the
He found a height where he could
get off~' telev:
Mrs. Huckle asked the CB antennaes that a
person would want high and Mr. Jones told
~about havinggood reception on his television with the an-
tenna 20 ft. high. Chairma~ Ryder clarified that CBs
transmit that is the source of imterference. Mr. Jones
all they were arguing about was inte.rference
from the He requests that they be allowed to
talk wd power. Ne suggests that a CB antenna
structure at 60 ft. and the television antennaes
can be lef at 15 ft.
Mrs. Huckle referred to ham radios and Mr. Jones informed
her that a 200 ft. antenna was legal according to FCC regm-
lations. Mrs ckle asked how high their antenna would have
to be to make effective and Mr. Jones explained how the
style of the antemna was different and 30 ft. laying flat
would be sufficient. ~Mr. Lambert clarified that the ham
people womld be satisfied with that and Mr. Jones agreed.
He clarified he was not asking for 60 ft., but a good
construction 45 ft. with a safe antenma on top.
Mr. Walt Koor, 602 N. W. 5th Street, appeared before the
Board suud stated he had not received any complaints, but has
a 52 ft. jackup tower. He works on it every six months and
cleans it. ChairmamRyder asked if it was guye~ and Mr.
Koor replied affirmatively and explained how it came in two
20 ft. sections with a 10 ft. galvanized pipe holding it.
~. Jones adde~ that ~it is mounted to the house at 12 ft. and
guyed at the top.. ~hairman Ryder questioned how it was lower-
e~ and Mr. Jones explained how it had a telescoping mast, but
must have or would ~low down with a 10 mph wind.
Mr. Winter to
and Mr. Jones explained
struction.. Ryder questioned the construction of his
tower and ~. explained how it has 1" tubing in three
places and the pla~eonly needs a push-up pole. He
JANUARY 24, 1978
referred to there being a tower on 14th Street not being
maintained. A mam in the audience added that as far as pre-
ventative maintenance, with having this m~ch money imvested,
they will make sure it is maintained. He has a rotating
antenna and greases the bearings, etc. regularly. He takes
pride in his equipment.
Mr. Bob Sowers, 281N. E. 16th Avenae, appeared before the
Beard and referred to a picture of his house being passed
among the Board members and stated he was here 90 days age
after receiving a registered letter from the Building Depart-
merit that he wo~d have to take his antenna dowm. Every
neighbor had complained because of his bleeding om their
televisions and he took it ap and guy wired it properly. He
went to the Building Department to try to straighten this out,
but Mr. Howell would ~ot return his calls. He dropped his
Ryder qaest
Sowers inf
her it
a lot
ft. and spent $300 em this. Cha~ma~
the purpose of the second antem~a amd
that one was a directional and tarns for
ad~ed that he has spent a lot of money on
to eliminate problems amd thimks they should
this limit. Chairman Ryder referred
in the center of his house amd Mr.
this was the new eno installed pro-
the height and Mr. Sowers
is a 30 ft, tower. Mrs.. Hackle ques-
of the other one an~ Mr. Sowers informed
t. Mr. Sowers stated that they all have spent
te problems and thinks they should
Mr. Jones then requested Chairma~Ryder~s personal opinion
about this sitaation and Chairma~ Ryder replied that he has
heard a lot tonight which was good. Whatever the Board does,
it is a recommendation to the City Council and the Council
makes the final decision.
Mr. Lambert asked if it would be unreasonable to restrict
these antennaes to one per house and N~. Jones replied that
it would mot in his personal opinion. F~. Lambert asked if
it would be restricting it that much amdMr. Jones replied
not if the an!tenna was allowed at a decent height.
~. Bill Oollims, 1619 N. E. 4th Street, appeared before the
Boar~ and told abou~ playing around with radios sin~e 193~.
H~ referred to mot being able to satisfy everyone and stated
it would be making it worse to require the amtennaes to be
lower as it will ring phones, tarn on stereos, etc. They
can isolate the amtennaes, but will mot isolate the CBers.
He referred to the doctors and hoSpitalS having equipmen~
which affected television reception. He suggests going up
as high as~necessary tO eliminate this as much as possible,
but they must be sure the antennaes are not dangerous. What
JANUARY 24, 1978
is the difference if the antenna is 100 ft. as long as it
will net fall on hemes and is structurally somad? He thimks
e~eryone agrees something should Be done amd they will ~ot Be
an. eyesore. He will guarantee there is not one in Boynton
Beach that his radio will not affect. Why spend valuable
time discuss~ something they cammet stop? The government
has gone to~ There are too many ordinances im the
cities. Be reasomable amd get them up to be effective!
Chairman Ryder tha~ thanked e~eryone for coming, Ne sug-
gested waiting ~til the next regular meeting and then de-
ciding whether to set workshop sessions to discuss this
Mr. Arena made a motion to recommend that the moratorium om
amtemna heights he continued until this is resolved, seconded
By Mrs. Hackle. Under ~iscussion, Mr. Lambert referred to
the Council and the interested people pessibly likimg some
idea whem this will b~e discmssed and Mrs. Huckle agreed~it
mast Be decided whether to have a workshop meeting to discuss
this or discuss at the next meeting. Chairman Ryder suggested
discmss~ at the next regular meeting and then decidimg
Whether a workshop session is necessar2~. Mr. Anmanziato
suggested establishing a workshop date under 01d Business at
the next meetimg, since he did mot think they would have the
time to ge imto this topic. Motion carried 7'0.
Mr. Jameson asked if it would be a good idea for Mr. Annua-
ziate to get im touch with meighhorimg towns and get their
information to see what they h~ve done in this field? Gel.
Trauger referred to there B~ing approximately 800 towers
needing inspections an~ questioned what.i~nd of problem this
would create? Mr. Anmunziato replied that he really didn't
kmow how much time he would have to devote to this project
with working om the comprehemsive plan, etc., but at the work-
shop meetim~g, he will try to have some information and will
invite the B~ilding Official to attend.
Mr. Arena announced that he would like to discuss what went
~n~ at the Gity COmncil meeting in reference to the Plan~ing &
Zoning Board site plam review. ChairmamRyder stated that
first Dr. Simon,s request for rezoming came Before the C'oum-
cil an~ he was called on By Mayor Jackso~ to give information
since the City Manager had not imcluded the minutes from our
meeting for their re~iew. He pointed ~ut the fact im the
interim we had appreve~ plans for a professional plaza in an
area properly zoned just south of the present complex oppo-
site the hospital and poimted out there still was sufficient
~1 in the area and di~ not see the need for changing a resi-
dential zone whom other areas are available. However, they
granted the rezomimg with a ~o~e of 3-2.
JA~MARY 24, 1978
Chairmam Ryder then informed the Beard there was an item on
the agemda towards the end which stated "Plan Review" and he
had no idea what it was. Mr. Kohl read about two conflicting'
ordinances and recommended the site plans no longer be sub-
mitted to the Planning & Zoning Board for review. First of
all, he felt they should have discussed this with us in some
msaner Mr. Kohl said he cannot talk te the Plamning &
Zoning but. he comld~i~ave talked to the City Plamner and
reques~ that he discuss it with us. If he had mot beem
there,~ it would have been all over. He feels everyone em the
Noard shoUld know what is going em. He
it for the public because it bri~s
things out in the open. He still very strongly about
this. However, the Goumcil decided find out what other
cities do feels~ a~important functiom
and as amd where, so
we cam .e amd zoning.
Chairman Ryder
on the zoming
they take
talked to
not be sati~
the COuncil reversing our decisiom
other instances and if
shomld we be here? He
and tel4 her that he would
they find in other cities.
Mr. Arena stated that he read the mimutes and
what he u~derstands is being be that a plam
will be submitted to the Building Department and reviewed by
the Techmical Review Board and Mr. Howell will approve the
plans. When he f~rst came to this town that situation existed
and the t~wn was in c~haos and the developers were in their
glory; whoever knew the Building Official g,Dt what they
wanted. That is why .he get involved and veluateered for this
B~oard. ~y recommenidations come here from the Technical
Re~iew Board .and
Because of our
and reverse some rec
if this is
~I~ we
mend where~ how to
wasting cur time.
we do not agree on.
we are able te give input
ions. This is ~omething we have
same feeling as Mr. Ryder -
the f~ctiom we serve is mot
what to recom-
, etc., we are just sitting here
Mr. Winter stated that we review the plans thoroughly and
then a City Co,moil member says they are mot prepared.
Chairman Ryder Stated that it was suggested to leave the
re~iew with us and mot bring it to the City CoUncil. That
may make more sense if they are mot prepared sometimes and
do ~ot ge into the details.
Chairman Ryder then explained that the Council was basing
probable consideration on Mr. Howell stating that a three
Week delay was caused and he questioned that because the
week after we act on it, it goes to the Council. He went
JANUARY 24, 1 978
through the Council agendas and picked out site plan projects
and then went to the permit book in the B~ldimg Department
to see when the permit was~requested. When the plans are re-
viewed by us, they are not final plans but give an idea of
the scope of the project but are not the working drawings.
In the meantime, the architects and engineers are preparing
the final plans. He found in some instances where it was
approved By ms a_Rd the Council, four to five menths~passed
before a permit was issued. He found that the soonest a
granted was one month. This is mot a valid reason
Mr. Z~mbert referred to some plans just covering small items
and stated h~ was smre we could recommend a formula for those
plans not having to come before us. He is disturbed that we
were not asked about this at all. He is disturbed with some
of the recent decisions of the City Council not to go along
with their recommending Board. Ne is also disturbed about
receiv an addition to the 0-2 zoning category including
taxi which he k~ew nothing about. How can changes be
made the Planming & Zoning Book which we have not even
He is aware of the Building Department being more
but thinks it wo~ld 5e a ~rastic. mistake to
site plan approvals away from this Board without
to replace it. The Planning & Zoning Board is the
S Om~
by which the public is brought into the planning con-
being able to come before this Board. He explained
how ~r had some recourse with the recommendations from
the ~heads by dis with the Plaaning & Zoning
Howe~er, what is altemnative and where will the
buil get relief? Who wi make the determination? It
woul to have it all within the B~ilding Department.
be made other amd he explained
of Fort because of %he
chan within our Cit~, a look needs to be taken at
this ~'s fumctions, issmes and no attention is
pai~; changes are made to ordinance without our kmowledge.
He has some o the other Board members. The
site plan approvals fromtthe
Board. does not kaow why we were not
ts from the builders, ~ut
on. our system. ~e have a definite
chart and there are Why all of a sudden
does ~his issue o~d us and we hear about it
only because our be at the City Council
Mr. Arena stated he would like to kmow how it got on the agenda.
~ho asked for it to be on the agenda? He is sure Mr. Kohl did
not put it on the agenda without a request. If it was Mr.
Howell, he would like to kaow his reasoning about it.
JANUARY 24, 1978
Mrs. Huckle referred to being on the Planning & Zoning Board
about five years ago and stated there was no Technical Review
Board and no City Planner and we were important. She told
about the Board having a larger f~ction until the Technical
RevieW Board was formed consisting ef people with training
and expertise. Then the Commmmity Appearance Board was
formed and their efforts can he appreciated, She agrees
Plammer is
referred t
we re
~der replied t
awa~ with
the contez
Mr~ er's res
want o~r re
whether we want to be
the Technical Review Board. She
Board mot having the same
private citizens
City Council meetings. Chairman
~e the Technical Review
we have made addi-
Mr. Aroma added that
~ growth,, theysh'ould mot de
ing some imput.
plam how the
we and by
we not
and e to say
Mrs. Huckle stated that reference to the delay, they do
have to wait until this meets. Without the Board's
rewiew~ it would automatically, go faster from the Technical
re ted that statistics
that he checked the rocor
at least a momth after the
clarified that the
.ty Appearance Board. Col. Trauger
Chairma~Ryder added
and permits are not issued for
approval. Mr. Lambert
to eliminate review
b~ the Planmiag & Zemin ~rd ~and City Council and Mr.
Arena agreed and read Mr, Kohl's recommendations from the
GOuacil minutes to review ~y the Planning
Board and City
Arena clarified that it would all be withim the Bmildimg
Department. It is his o that this ceumtry is in the
state it is in today
tics, There are'too m~y
finally getting away from
with all the Boar~s
lng Department., Mr~
ances system, was not set
of too many politiciams im pelt-
people involved. We are
mext to residential areas
a~d not just the ~aild-
that the checks and hal-
permits in 24 hours,
hut that recommendations are made by the depart-
ment ~eads and Boards to be sure that all cedes are met. He
referred to a previous was discussiom about
the type of recreation fac ~ties to be provided and ex-
plained how it was to allow full consideration of
the pro~isos recommended, this new concept, the final
JANUARY 24,1978
decision would be given to one person - the Building Official.
Mr. Arena agreed and added that it would be a giant step back-
wards. Ne added that there were several plans~ere a recom-
mendation was made to give lots for recreation and after dis-
cussion, it was changed. If the procedure is changed, the
huilder,s recourse is only from the Building Official and
that is where deals are made and a cerruptive situation re-
sults. When you place the decision with one person or one
body of people, you are talking about corruption and pro-
~ems .~
Mr. Jameson stated he did not get the same impression from
the City Council meeting, but understood that just the
Planning & Zoning Board was Being eliminated and the plans
would go right to the City Co~cil and Mr. Arena read Mr.
Kohl's statement from the minutes recommending to eliminate
the Pla~n~ing & Zoning Board and City Cemncil. Mr. Lambert
added that he talked to the Building Official today and had
mot read the minutes, but the new concept being proposed is
to ~ypass the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council. The
word from the Building Official today was that the plan would
go from the Technical Review Board to the Building Official
~.ot to be re~iewed by the Planning & Zoning Boar~ an~ C~ty
Council specifically. Mr. Arena agreed that this is what was
stated in the minutes with the reference to saving time.
Chairman Ryder clarified that there was no delay that he
could ~erify from the records.
Mr. Lambert statedthat to have orderly grow.th and good plan-
ning, we must have a checks and balance system. The future
must'be considered. He does not think an additional week or
two shomld be the reason to drop a checks and balance system.
Col. Trauger stated it was evident from looking around this
town how it was built up to five years ago.
Mr. Lambe~t referred to the new concept proposed and stated
we are supposed to work on the code book and give clear
g~idelines so anyone can interpret the code, but how are
we going to make recommendati~us and change the code if we
den,t kaow where the problems are. Ne would like to know
what the thinking was behind the taxi station addition.
How can we change the code ink, the future if we don't know
the criteria for the basis of change?
Mr. Arena then read f~rther from the City Council minutes
regarding their decision reached. ~. Lambert questioned
who would make the study of the different municipalities
and suggested that another question to be asked is what
are the functions of their Planning & Zoning Boards. He
thinks we should refocus ourselves once in awhile about
what we are doing and it goes a lot deeper with other ~mnc-
tions. He will not be satisfied with the answer to that
one ~uestion.
JANUARY 24, 1978
Mr. Arena stated in reading through the mimutes, every place
the basic poimt is the matter of the sitmatiom of delaying
the builders By three weeks. Mr. Howell says he has ordi-
nances and he must enforce them, but he doesm't think it is
an open and shut case. He does mot think that is the case.
We look at situations on the site plam and make suggestions.
These are problems brought to omr attention by the~citiz~.ms
and add a~other dimension to the plam.
Col. Trauger asked who would make the report on what the
ether cities are doing and Mr. Arena replied that Mr. Howell
would. Col. Trauger remarked that a good study could be
made with the reasons gi~em.
Chairman Ryder stated he did not thimkwe merited this
callous treatment to be disregarded entirely for the obvi-
ously superfluous reasons give~. Mr. Jamesom added that
the plans should come before somebody of the puSlic, either
this body or the City Co~cil, but should not go directly
from the Technical R~view Board to the Building Official.
Mrs. Huckle made a motion to adjourm, seconded by Mr. Lambert.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
~0:55 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
City Planner' s Report
Bowers Annexatfon
The property in question is currently designated
"~M" - Residential Multiple Family District; medium.density -
on the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Plan. The county
zoning classification on the East 250' is "CG"
General Commercial
and "RM" on the remaining portions.
This has .an affect on the request submitted by the
applicant for "C-3" - Community Commercial Zoning - as the
Florida-Statutes concerning annexation require lands annexed
to conform with the County Land Use Plan in terms of density
(units per acre). There is some questiQn as to whether or
not this "density'' limitatiOn is applicable in cases where
an applicant requests changing the future land use from
residential to commercial on small tracts of land.
I have been in contact with the Palm Beach County
Planners, and they suggest that the procedure necessary
to clarify this problem would be for the City COuncil to
pass a resolution requesting the county commission to change
the future land use designation from residential to commercial
for this parcel.
Therefore, if the Planning and Zoning Board recommends
that the zoning requested by the appliCant is appropriate for
this location,-~I recommend-~tha~_-the.board-request~theCity--_~_~
Council to-pass-,~a~resolution as mentioned above.
Regular Mcc~ ~ ng
January 24th, 1978.
7:30 P2M.
Co=ncilChambers - City Fz~ll
~ 1. Acknc~ledgement of Members and Visitors.
2. Reaaqng and Approval.of Minutes.
3. Annduncements.
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
Public Hearing:
1. Abandonment Request
Applicant: Walter L. Holly
Legal Description: 10' unimproved alley lying between
Lots 92 & 93, Arden Park, Plat 2, Page 96
Location: behind 403 N.E. 6th Avenue
Description: Abandonment of 10 ft. Alley lying between said lots
2. Annexation Request
Applicant: Irene Hall Bowers
Legal Descript$on: LOt 65, N.S. Boynton Estates Corportion and
.Lot-69, Amended Plat of. Trade Wind EStates
Location: 3940 North Federal Hwy AND-2923~So. Federal Hwy
3. Antenna Heights