Minutes 11-08-77MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING-OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1977 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Simon Ryder, Chairman Remald Arena Richard Lamber t Carmen Ammm~ziate, City Ptammer ABSENT  el. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairmam s. Marilym Huckle (Excms:ed) C~airma~ Ryder called the meetimg to order at 7:30 P. M. and imtroduced the members ef the Board, City PlSmmer amd Record- Secretary. Mi~mtes.ef October 25, 1972 ChairmamR~der stated that Col. Trauger remimded him that he had motifiedhim that he was mot able to attend this meetimg and his absemce should be ~oted as excused. Ne added that he had not heard from him im regards to attemdance temight, but that Mrs. Huckle did leave a mote advising' she would be umable te attemd tomight. Chair~amRyder them referred to Page 7, third paragraph from the bottom, amd referred to there beimg a lot of diseussiom at the time of Mr. Lambert's motion, But he was im agreememt that the public-should be heard and the vote should be 4-I. Mr. Lambert moved that the Mimutes of the Regular Meeting of the Plamming & Zomimg Board of October 25, 1977, be approved as corrected, seconded hy Mr. Arena. Motiom carried 4-0 with Mrs. Scherr aBstaimimg. A~OUNCEMENTS Ohairmam Ryder told about receiving a call from Vice Mayor Emily Jacksem im regards to the moratorium om the heights of antemmaes having expired and advisimg that the matker rests with the Plammimg & Zomimg Board. He ~hem asked Mr. Ammu~- ziato about this amd Mr. Anmu~ziato replied that several momths ago, there was a complaimt about a 50 ft. CB amtemma tower and the Council im~tituted a moratorium, but he does mot recall a directive to the Plammimg & Zoming Board at that time. Mr. Winter added that a moratorimmwent into effect at that time because of the adverse weather amd the B~il~iag Department mot being able to make am inspection. Chairmam Ryder stated that he didn't recall this being mm- finished ~usimess im this Eoard's file. Mr. Lambert added MINU~S PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE T~O NOV~EMBER 8, 1977 that the Board went over the ordinance a long time ago, but he doesn't remember a~Ything further coming up about it. ChairmamRyder suggested that Mr. An~u~ziate check back his to see whether there is a~y indicatiom it was somethimg e would have to go back Chairmam Ryder the~ refer~ed te the Board dinner and advised that.the COmmumity Promotions Board would like to kaow if the members wanted to sit together. After discussion, it was agreed to request t-hat the Board members be seated together. OLD BUSINESS ~ecreatiena~ Vehicle Ordimance Proposal ChairmsmRyder reviewed the action takem on the Recreational ~ehiele Ordinance Proposal with the City Coumcil having a p~blie ~e~i~ wi~h ~ng ~o dimpositie~. Sub~eq~e~t~y~ at ~he following regul~ meeting of the City ~em~cil, the matter wam brought mD an~ a~ that time, ~he ~t~er w~ discusse~ by the fe~ Ge~cil members presemt a~d a motion p~sed unani- momsly to ret~m thim matter to the Plam~mg & Zomimg Bo~ presm~b~ to cemsider the ~pmt from the hear~g ~d~ther so,cos. A.~ the same time, two of the Council memberm imdi- cated the Drese~t ordinance ~homld ~t~ as is which l~ to memo beWildermen~ ~d he felt~ we ~id mot get ~ef~iti~e ~ec- tio~. However, at th~ last Cemncil mee~g, ~. H~reym ~e~ e~ proposal am~ requested a~ expression from whether, we should proceed. The Go--oil ve~d aga~ ms rece~mider it. He thi~ o~ that b~im, we ~heul~ c~ry Ghair~n R~er stated first he woml~ like am i~dieatie~ whether there is ~ ebjectiom to e~ proceeding ~d if we do, he would l~e to met ~p a b~im mpom which we ~e goim~ to pro~ee~. He muggeste~ spelling out the ite~ for reco~i~eratie~ such as ~ie-~ewm~, fee, amd side metback. He ad~e~ that if it w~ mot Dossible to complete th~ tomight, pomsib~ a wor~hop me~sio~ s~oml~ be set bmr the City Plier m~ not have the time ~ ~e im ac~i~e~ eng~d with meeting with the Co~ult~ts. He them ~eertaime~ there were mo obJeetiem~ to :oceed~g a~d .added tha~ he wam previemsly oppome~, directie~ h~ been ~ivem by th~ Ce~cil. He ~hem ameer- members were i~ agreement to proceed with ~isems- of ~he ite~ of ~f~itio~m, ti~-~owns, fee and decal, side se~baek~ an~ pa~ing. Chairma~ Ryder referred to there being questions o~ .the paving and~explai~ed how this was actually clarified since the ~eOple had not-really read the entire ordinance. Mr. Lambert sug- gested possibly deflmi~E hard surface fmrther for clarifica- tion in the f~ture. They discussed what a hard surface sisted of ~ud agreed to ~iscmss it further. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THREE NOVEMBER 8, 1977 Mr. Winter referred te somebody mentioning the possibility of having temporary permits for vimitimg guests er relatives. After discussiou, it was agreed this did not warrant special mentiou as it weald be covered with the guests actually re- siding at the house. Chairmam that they discuss further Sectieu 5-7, the total vehicles allowed and stated he would like te limit parking im the frost amd explaimed hew he was mot' in favor of having two.beats or two recreational vehicles parked in freut, bat it could be erie of each. Chairmau Ryder suggested discussing Definitions. Mr. Winter stated that it seems all right, bat it should except vans used in the daily course of busiuess. Mrs. Schorr referred this and stated she thinks it belongs sidered ia Ryder them clarifie review by proposed Mr. until the as re=JmeS. whether to suggested and a mum in mime of the agreed it s~ to tiem te explained ion followed based on vans being cea- of passeuger vehicles. Ohairma~ that tonight~'mthe Beard was em~.arki~g em some of the regmlatiens origimalty should be reserved mmtil the uext the items with pessi- bmr n~t formally taking a vote n the sectious c~uld be prepared ~yder sta~ed that the questioa was ational vehicles. Mr. ~intem vans over 3/$ tom capacity about the dif£erence in the te 18". Mr. Lambert ~ues- penalized for 18" amd stated he iuclm~ed an~d Mr. Arena. and Mr. Winter Mr. An~mmziato them referred used ever~ day for tra~sporta- the erdim~uce actually applied eferred to the defini- ChairmamRyder other sport type Chairman state~ cedmre of the an~ This has bee important tical tha~ if a be te' in eft a dec an ins referred to the permit fee and decal and in er~er te get control, we need a pro- permits. He thimks a decal isiimportant of imspectiom, hut does ~ot care about $1.00weuld be sufficient for the decal. ed in other codes and he thiuks it is ontrel. Mr. Lambert questioned the pra¢- wo~ld serve au~ Ohairman Ryder replied lodged an~ a permit is issued, tha~ it amd the fact that a decal will be im- ~he vehicle i~ covered, it will take it eat thor controversy. Mr. Lambert replied meam that the parking is legal and woul~ still have to be made by the Baildimg MINOTEG PLA~ING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR NOFEMBER 8, 1977 Department. ChairmamRyder insisted that a permit procedure was necessary te have control. Mr. Lambert stated that the Building Department would have to hire extra staff to police this and Yms. Schorr agreed. Chairmam Ryder referred te this ~eing suggested by the Building Department amd Mr. Lambert replied that the suggestion was made .in the begimni~g when a site plam, tie-downs, etc. were being included a~d he deem ~et see the reasoning £er it with ha~ing made changes. Mrs. Schorr added that itweuld be law with er without a decal. Mr. Winter hew a decal and~ permit application we~d showregis a particular smd stated that for the matter of centro~, like te see a decal gQ into ef£ect, the same ~hat how a ~ach to kee permit. ~der.. stated a Mr. a and stated the involved feel- 00 that sense to it. amd Mr. with Mr. C~air- believes ~f a Chairmam Ryder then proc ~ to Section 5A3 pertaiming te side and rear se . Lambert explained hew he only theist, the was needed im the rear. Chairman Ryder stated he thought it imclude ~et to project- ~eyend the front reef llne and e: how there was the' possibility of a le exf end the front roof line er. eh when pa~ked em ~ but the front part would be requ~ed to be om a ce. OhairmanRyder referred tc felt it should be limited being the same being parked and e so one comld be parked in Expressions were .5-7 and explaimed how he par¥~lmg im the f~ont net Mr. Arena refer~red to this Ryder disagree~. Mr. te ~ne being allowed te be the 3 ft. on the side, front and one o~ the side. to t~is an~ ~. vehicles, wft~ as ~escribe~ i~ P~a~ap~ it f~ther theu~t. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FI~rE NOVEMBER 8, 1977 Mrs. Scherr referred to Sectiom 7 amd there being some quos, tions.abomt ~he defimitiom of passe,get vehicle and ¢~airmam Ryder suggested giving this further thought. referred te Page 4, Sectiom 8, Tie-downs, ama ;this inview of the statements regard- img the~constrmcti this implied res this req~ement. He added:.that he felt to sure a safe- should be theconsemsus was to delete? Mr. Anmunziato referred to the hard surface area and suggeste~ clarifyimg it by adding such as asphalt, pavimg stones, shell rock or concrete. Mr. Lambert referred to possibly reachimg agreement to allow eno recreatiomal vehicle to be parked in the front amd one on the side or rear amd stated that with this being commem kmow- ledge, there would be no meed for a decal. ChairmamRyder replied that he thought it still womld be advisable to have a decal, but will await Mr. Howell's comments. Mr. Lambert agreed to consider Mr. Howell's commemts. Mr. Arena referred to Section 6-5, Penalty, amd stated if Shere was a permit fee and it is changed to $1.00, this should be dropped dewm to $5.00 instead ef $20.OOand the members agreed. Chairmam Ryder then suggested giving these items further con- sideration for discussion at the mext regmlar meeting om Nov- ember 22 and hepef~ly at that time, a recemmendationcam be made to the City Ceumcil. Mr. Arena them referred te an orgamization being mentioned who woul~ aid im the preparatiom of this erdimance and asked if it would be possible te have a represemtative attend the next meetl~gl.. M~. Winter replied that he did not think it would be mecessary and Chairmam Ryder added that it was kind of late mow. A mam im the audience advised that he did met think a representative could attend on such short motice. Chairman Ryder added that the confusion at the public hear- lng resulte~ from the public and City Council mot being fully informed and explaine~. Mr. Arena made a metiom to adjourm, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion carried~ 5-0 and the meeting was properly adJo~med~at 8:50P. M. Respectfully submitted, SuZamue M. Kr~se' Recording Secretary ~ Two Tapes) DATE: TIME: PLACE: 2. 3. 4. 5. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Regular Meeting November 8th, 1977 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers City Hall Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors. Reading and Approving of Minutes. Announcements. Communications. Old Business: Recreational Vehicle Ordinance Proposal New Business: