TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1977 AT 7:30 Po M.
Simom Ryder, Chairmam
Romald Arena
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Richard Lambert
Garry Winter
Carmem Anmunziato, City Plamner
Col. Walter M. Tra~er,. Vice Chairmam
Mrs. Mary Schorr (Excused)
Chairmam Ryder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. amd
introduced the members of the Board, City Pla~ner an~ Record-
ing Secretary.
Reading amd Approving of Minutes
Ohairma~Ryder referred to having mimutes for approval from
the regular meeting an4 from the Local Plammimg Agemcy and
asked if the mim~tes from the Local Planning Agemcy should
be deferred until the next Local Planming Agemcy meeting.
Mr. Ann~nmiato replied that he thought this would be appro-
priate. ChairmamRyder referred to the Local Plaaming Agency
meeting amd aanouneed that at that meetimg the plamning con-
smltants, who have beem retaine~ by the City of Boynton Beach
to map out future development of the c.omprehemsi~e lamd use
plam,expoun~ed en what ~hey intend to do amd from time to
time there will be public hearings. They are interested in
getting recemmendatiems from local ~ivic groups. Their intem-
tion is to get all the residents' interest in this comprehen-
sive land ~se plam.
ChairmamRyder then referred to the mimutes from the Regular
Meeting of October 11, 1977, and ascertaimed there were no
corrections and commented Mrs. Kruse om the excellent prepara-
tiom. Mr. Lamber% moved that the mim~tes ef the Regmlar
MeetimE of October ~1 be approve~ as presented, seconded by
Mrs. Huckle. No discussiom. Motion carrie~ 5-0.
ChairmamRyder referred to receiving a copy of the City Ooum-
oil minutes regardiag the public hearimg em the recreatiomal
vehicle ordlinance proposal amd stated if there was ne oppesi-
tiom, he woiuld like to defer this amd proceed to New ~usimess
since there is omly one item involved. The members agreed.
Site Plato Approval
OCTOBER 25, 1977
Colelial Club Condominium, Section 1
Applicant: Ms. Nellie Sharpe for Association
Legml Description: Acreage
Location: Former location of sales models
Project Description: Landscaped park area aud eight
parking spaces
Mr. Amnunziato informed the members that there will be eight
additional parking spaces which were originally intended upon
the removal of the models. The pla~ has been reviewed By the
Technical Review Board and there are no comments. The staff
recommendation is to approve the plan as submitted.
Chairman Ryder asked i~i anyone was present wishing to speak
on behalf of this application. Ms. Nellie Sharpe, Apartment
304, 30 Colonial Club Drive, appeared before the Board and
requested approval from the Board. She stated that they have
Been waiting a long time for these parking s~aces. They will
he guest spaces for the area. There have only been two park-
ing spaces for a long time. Chairma~ Ryder referred te this
apparently being intended as the final treatment and Ms.
Sharpe agreed and stated they were following through with it
now. She hopes they have conformed to everything and told
how Mr. An~mnziato ha~ been very helpf~.
Mr. Lambert asked if the parking places would be immediately
put in and Ms. Sharpe replie~ as soon as possible and they do
have an estimate from Hardrives. Mr. Lambert asked when the
rest would be completed a~d M~. Sharpe explained that the
developers were supposed to do it, but they made an agree-
ment with Mr. Johnston that he could have the models and he
would have to put in the park area. Mr. Johnston removed
them in and it has been idle since. They appealed
to the pers and it has been agreed they could go ahead
and have the work done and send the ~ills to them and they
pl~.~ to sue Mr. Jok~stO~o They intend to u~e their own money
temporarily te put i~ the parking and the planting will take
place if and when the money is furnished. She referred to
this being a difficult situatie~ and told how they had te
take legal action to get this far.
¥~o Arena made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board re-
commend to the City Co~cil the approval of the site pla~
f~or Eolonial Club Condominium, Sectio~ 1, seconded by Mr.
Lambert. Under discussion, Mrs. Huckle asked if there was
a time limit £or completion of a project after approval
and Mr. Annu~ziato informed her there was a startup time,
but no completion date. He explained ~ow the permits had
dnrationm. Mr. Lambert asked if this would only apply when
it pertained to the occupancy of a dwelling an~ Mr. Annun-
ziato explained hew a project must contimme with the things
for each b~ilding being done. Mrs. Nuekle referred to the
possibility of this parking area and park being approved as
OCTOBER 25, 1977
one site pla~, but the park not boise completed for awhile
and asked if it might b.e beneficial to separate the two and
Mr. Amnunziato replied he did not believe there is amy pro-
blem. He does not thimk there is a permit reqmired to con-
struct a park. Mrs. Hmckle referred to a permit being re-
quired for the installatio~ of a sprinkler system and Ms.
Sharpe informed her that the sprinkler system was already
in. Mrs. Hmekle asked if there was a~y need to change it
im view of models having been there a~d Ms. Sharpe replied
that Mr. Johnston put the sprinklers in after removing the
models, but that is all.. Motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Ryder referred to the recreatiomal vehicle ordinance
proposal and stated that before going further, he would lik®
to ~riefly review this matter to sum mp what has happened amd
statefer the ~enefit of the people ia the audience. A p~lic
~earing was held before the City Co~uacil on October 13. Some
of the Board members were present and all received copies of
the minutes of that meeting. ~t that hearing, he delivered
an introductory statement relating to the problem the City
was face~with and expressed the hope that what we proposed
would ser~e as an approach to a realistic solution. His
impression was that the acceptance of the proposal was gen-
erally favorable, hut there was considerable objection to the
permit fee, tie-downs, and the matter of paving. It also
~ecame apparent that mamy-people were not aware of the details
of the complete proposal nor aware of the provisions in the
existing ordinance. No action was taken by the City Council.
O~ Tuesday, October 18, the regmlar City Council meeting was
held an~ the matter came up. He stated that he was not aware
that the City Council had sent this back to the Plaa~ing &
Zoning Board and also requested specific recommendations for
us in addition to the input given by the people. However,
what happened is that in spite of the fact that the matter
was referred 5.ack to ms, two members of the Council insisted
that the existing ordinance should remain the way it is. In
all fairness, he felt this was casual~treatme~t to what we
have spent good time and effO~t on. E~has expressed the
need for a change. Howewer, since two Comncil members
pressed a stand pat sees no need for
this Board to ~evote ~ r time matter ~atil
it is .made apparent that the Council will accept amy change.
He then requested opiaions from-the other Board members.
~Mr. Lambert stated that he questions why the City Council
held a publichearinE. It states that the primary purpose
of the hearing was for input to hear the pros and cons for
the proposed ordinance regulating parking of recreatiomal
vehicles for the Planning & Zoning Board as well as for the
City Council. He thimks there were three major points brough%
OCTOBER 25, 1977
out at the DmBlic hearing. Ne does think the existing law on
the books cannot stand. He questions whether it had a~y pmr-
pose other than trailer parks and tourist parks. He thinks
it is a matter of interpretation whether it even applied to
travel trailers or Boat trailers. He Eot out of the public
hearing that the fee .for the permit and the decal possibly
were not needed. The more he thinks about it, he is not sure
it would serve any useful purDose.
Chairm~ Ryder clarif±ed that he would like to k~ow how the
members feel about continuing this rather than goi~ug into
details. Twice he has said to the Council that if they don't
do something, they will not resolve the problem. Boca Raton
has had all kinds of problems and he explained. This is some-
thing they Just ca,met walk away f~rom and he thinks a change
is needed.
Mrs. Hmckle referred to the City Co~u~cil mimutes and the
motion made By Mrs. Jackson to turn this matter over to the
Planning & Zoning Board with input from the public and i~put
from the Comncil members. She read the discussion following
the motion and pointed out that they voted in favor o~ it,
hut did not direct ~he Pla~i~g & Zoning Board te add a sec-
tio~ on boats and did not ask us to do mmything specifically.
She referred to Mr. Ryder asking ~or recommendations a~d
directio~ from the City Council, but she ca~not see in that
paragraph that they directed ~ to do a~ything except con-
sider Something to be added Im regards to boats.
~hairma~Ryder referred to this being a controversial matter
and stated maybe the members of the Council don't wa~t to
take a stand publicly, ~ut we are left with no pmrpose te
continue further.
Mr. Lambert stated that he could not figure o~t exactly
what the motio~ meant.
Chairma~Ry~er referred to two members ef the Council suE-
Eesti~g that it be left the way it is, but the other three
members did not speak up one way or the other~ He k~ows as
a result of that meeting, Mr. Strnad ~aid to leave it alone
and Mayor Zack agreed there was no need for change. He
th~ks we need somethimg more specific in the interest of
the people involved. He does not like for it to come back
to ms at this time to feel aremnd with it more.
Mrs. Huckle stated she agrees with Mr. Lambert that the
motion refers it back to us, But she thinks the Co~cil's
input was given under the discussion on the motion.
Chairman Ryder added that he thought some use could be made
from the input from the public but he is concerned with the
remarks from the two Council members. Mr. Arena replied
OCTOBER 25, 1977
that the Coumcil voted unanimously in favor to turm it back
to us and he thir~ks we have some direction. Chairman Ryder
stated he feels it was thrown back to us because he gets the
impression that the Council doesn't want to fac$ up to the
problem. We have spent three months on this and possibly
it should just be left alone.
~, Arena stated that initially when this came up, Mr. Strmad
and Mayor Zack had the same feelings as they did last week.
We did work on it for three months though. He would be dis-
satisfied to sit here and wait for the Council to make a de-
cision. He got a lot of different feelings from the public
hearing and thimks we should work om it and send it back.
Mr. Lambert stated that he thinks part of the big confusiem
is the City Coumcil has not studied this for three months
like we have. He does mot think an addition cam be made to
the existing ordinance on the books. There is a question
whether the existing ordinance is related to the issue.
He thimks the existing ordinance does not have a~ything to
do with this issue.. Chairma~ Ryder agreed that With refer-
ence to parking it in a garage, it would take it out of the
category of a house trailer. Mr. Lambert continued that if
that was the interpretation, boats just could not be added
as it would be further confused.
F~. Winter suggested hearing from the audience first and
stated that he would then like to make his recommendations.
Mr. Arena clarified that they were trying to decide whether
to continue worki~ng om it and ~. Winter replied that there
were a few issues which could stand correction and if the
members agree, he thinks they should be corrected or amended
and referred back to the City Council. Mrs. Huckle replied
that she did not feel this is what the Council directed us
to do. Chairman Ryder asked if they felt clear direction
was given a~d Mrs. Huckle replied that our purpose is to be
an advisory boa_rd and she 4oes~ not think we should spend time
on something the Council did not ask us to do. Mr. Winter
referred to there being some corrections necessary and Mrs.
Huckle agreed, but state~ that the Council is not interested
in the ordinance. The Coumcil did not give specific ~irec-
tions when Mr. Ryder made the request. Chairman Ryder agreed
that we were not being directed in any purposeful mamner at
all. Mr. Winter pointed out that only two Comncilmen made
Mr. Arena stated that he spoke to the Council members. Mr.
Strnad had the same feeling he expressed continually. The
ether three he spoke to expressed the opimiom that there
were some good points about the ordinance basically, hut
some objections were raised and we should work on the objec-
tions raised. He thinks the City Council and the public
want us to c~ntinme and just to drop it would be ridiculous.
OCTOBER 25, 1977
Chairman Ryder stated that apparently many people who wanted
to see some change were not aware of the fact that the present
ordinance is so restrictive. He explained how they were mot
aware of the pertinent facts. He thinks those present had the
opportunity to sho~ they wanted a change, but apparently the
Council did not get that impression. We have had omr public
hearing and the Council has had their public hearing. There
is no need to send it back, but a ~ote should have been taken
by the Council. He feels some people got tied up in the de-
tails and the Co~mcil came to the conclusion to throw it back
to us.
Ghairman Ryder then asked how many members Eelt we should ge
ahead amd Mr. Arena and Mr. Winter replied affirmatively. Mr.
Lambert stated he would only proceed on what he feels. He
thinks he understands what the Council wants even thomgh mo
firm direction was given. Mrs. Huckle and Chairman Ryder
Chairman Ryder referred to the full Board not being present
and suggested getting the additional members' opinions. He
suggests leaving it that some of us have indicated we see no
direction in which we can go in any constructive manner in
view of the fact there have been statements made by two
Council members that they feel they do not see any need for
a change.
Mrs. Huckle suggested drafting a memo to the City Coumcil
specifying that we, as a body, are looking for information
whether they would like us to conduct additional workshops
on this matter and if so, in what areas. She added that to
spend a lot of time o~ something the Council has not asked
us to do seems pointless. She thinks an official memo shomld
be sent requesting a specific answer. Chairma~ Ryder dis-
agreed and stated that when the Council members read these
minutes, they will be aware of our feelimgs and possibly
something like that will be forthcoming. He will not im-
plore the Council to do something and Mrs. H~ckle replied
that she did not meam that, but wants directions for this
Board. Ohairman Ryder replied that he would not be in favor.
Chairman Ryder suggested lea~ing it this way until the next
meeting and thinking aboUt it~.further and getting opinions
from the other members. Mr. Lambert referred to three mem-
bers ~ing in favor of continuing and Ohairman Ryder replie~
that he still feels the same way and at the next meeting,
he may tmrn it over to the Vice Chairman and abstain from
any discussiom of this matter. Mr. Arena suggested contin-
uing working om this ordinance and Chairmam Ryder replied
that he was not in favor of doing that. Mr. Arena replied
that he would be willing to put it im the form of a motion
at this time and Chairman Ryder replied that if he does,
he would turn it over to someone else and would not take part
OCTOBER 25, 1977
in the disc~sion. He added that it is not a pressing matter
or it would not be here and the Council would have taken ac-
tion. Mr. Arena replied that he feels it is a pressing issue.
He referred to Mr. Ryder taking the opimion of Mr. Strnad and
saying it is the opinion of the entire Council and he does not
agree. It was a motion and it was voted en 4-0. He think~
some of the things which came out at the public hearing will
take time to set up.~ Some recreation vehicle organizations
are willing to come into the City to give information and he
is willing to hear it.~ If it is postponed, some members of
the Board may be missing again. Chairman Ryder replied that
it was not debatable and if action is take~, he will refraim
unless it is left ~mntil the next Board meeting when we will
ha~e the consens~s of the others.
Mrs° Huckle referred to the last part of the discussiom on
the motion indicatImg there was a mi~m~ in the Council mem-~
bors' Eeelings of what they were voting on and Chairman
Ryder agreed. ~s. H~ckle added that in reading the discus-
sion~ it did not sound like they were for the original motiem.
She does ~ot kuow if they wanted an amendment on the existimg
ordinance er the motio~ made. Based om the ambiguities of
thisbe?paragraph, it seem~ it is not a~ adequate motion.
Mr. Lambert referred te three-of the members being pretty
sure of the understanding of the Cemncil's motiom a~d made
a motion to continme discussion of the recreational vehicle
ordinance, seconded by Mr. Arena. Motion carried 3-2 with
Mrs. Huckle and Chairman Ryder dissenting.
~airmanRyder then announced they would now hear from the
people in the audience and ~s. Huckle referred to this mot
being a public hearing and q~estioned the reason f~r this.
Chairman Ryder replied that in all fairness to the people
present, he think~ they should be permitted t~ speak.
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the public be heard at this
meeting, seconded by Mr. Winter. Motion carried 3~2 with
Mrs. Hmckle and Chairman Ryder dissenting.
Mrs. Huckle then a~nounced that she would excuse herself
from this meeting. She is never against the people speaking
on a topic on the agenda, but her belief is that we have not
been directed to pursue this topic and technically it is not
en the agenda. If that is the only other topic ~uder dis-
cussion, she will excuse herself from the meeting. She does
not feel it serves any purpose to pursue this. Chairm~_n
Ryder replied thathe agreed with her, But feels the people
should be heard. At this time, ~s. Huckle left.
Mr. Lambert announced that with both members abstaining,
they could not take official action, but will continme with
the meeting. Chairma~ Ryder replied there was no need for
official action.
0C~ TOBER 25, 1977
Mr. Bill Humphreys, 143 S. W. 24th Avemue, appeared before
the Board and stated he could see the predicamemt. He can
see the Chairman's discontent and Mrs. Huckle's positiom.
He referred to the Ce~ucil being confused and not knowing
how they voted and stated that they all need to know that
the public feels this is important and needs some action.
He kuows this Board worked hard for three months and came up
with a good ordinance, but it needs to be refined on a few
points. They felt after the public hearing, it would come
back to the Pla~ing & Zoning Board for some refimement and
then ge back to the City Council. He agrees this Board
should have held the pub. lie hearing. Unfortunately, the
o about it ~r~ If the ordinance was
explained ia paper, there would mot have
been the arguments and mit picking. The people heard the
points of the ordinamce without seeing the ordinance. The
Board did on She ordinance. The p~bli¢ did not
know what a ~ this Board did and the City Co~mcil was
so about the old and new ordinances. Ne thin, ks
this Board reali~
k~ow what i
with the
to try to
~ity Ceunci~
can easily
from ~ow,
far with
permits do
be best to
from the
a ou~ the
It's poss
tion. The
then it
the Board
a~out the
serve a
to give
ordinance amd
~th. He th
serve the
job shomld refine
~0 they don't
the Board should make chamges
~ information they
members, are here tonight
back. The
but six months
has gone pretty
inue. They
If the
already going
~s it may
wait £or
mi~ [formed
the new one.
won't give direc-
the ordinance
necessary and
il. He thinks
quit worrying
Mr. Eeril 2563 S. W. 10th Court, appeared before the
Board and the motion~de by the City Council and
Mr. ~n~unz to read it from the minutes. Mr. Kruger referred
to the actually ~oting on this motion and Chairman
Ryder pointed out that two members said to leave it as it is.
Mr. Kruger continued that he would like to give input re-
garding changes to be made. The four things to discuss
should be: the $5.00 fee, tie-downs, decals, and pavinE.
OCTOBER 25, 1977
Mr. Kruger told about being a Zoning Investigator with Palm
Beach County. and part of his job being the investigation of
complaints on recreational vehicles. The County has no fee,
no decals, etc., but go out when there is a complaint. The
inspectors in Boynton Beach will be out looking at these
anyway. Ee referred to a recreational vehicle Being parked
illegally and stated that it would be a violation and the
ownership could be checked by the license plates, so there
is no need for a permit or decal. Mr. A~nunziato replied
that the flee was not intended to make money and told how
the permit was originally ted Based on a site plan
for the of the vehicle. He explained
how it would be necessary for m~ to check the site
to be sure there were tie-downs for vehicle. However,
the more things removed, there is less need for inspection.
He does not think the doll~ amount was that significant
and it would not co~er
of a courtesy thing for
Department and inspection
that when they first
site ~lan and a decal Be
that the permit,
ful He added
the .ich
the 3 ft. side
for the City. It was more
the owner, Building
tie-downs. Mr. Lambert added
out they re~uiring a
to it was registered.
input, he is in agreement
~mld not serve any use-
impression from
to do away with
With taking out these few things,
the ordinance would change.
Mr. Lambert then asked for his comments on the hard surface
and Mr. Kruger replied that he thought there would be a defi-
nition for camper and referred to a slide-on camper for a
pickup truck not Being de~in~d? also. Mr. Lambert referred
to this being-covered by other units and they discussed fur-
ther the actual differences. Mr. Kruger then stated they
would ru~ into Drohlem~ with vans and explained how these
were u~ed the same as cars.
¥~. Kruger asked just what inspection would be needed for
and Mr. Annunmiato asked what an ordinance was needed for
and Mr.. Kruger re~lied that an ordinance was needed ~ecause
recreatiomal vehicles are not allowed now.
Chairman Ryder stated that mention was made at the public
hearing about the lack of definition, but everyone always
has something to add. ~o Kruger stated that he thought
van could be dropped from this. F~. Winter stated that in
their original discussions, they were going to include the
exception of vehicles used in daily performance.
Mr. Kruger then referred to the side and rear setbacks and
stated that mmuy people could not comply with them. He
parks his vehicle on the lawn next to his driveway as he
only has ?½ ft. on the side. Mr. Annunziato questioned the
OCTOBER 25, 1977
width of his vehicle and Mr. Krmger informed him it was 7 ft.
and told about having a fence and tree in his side yards.
Chairman Ryder referred to parking it in the driveway and
Mr. Kruger replied that he collectsclassic cars and has four
in his driveway. Mr. Lambert referred to parking it in the
rear and Mr. Kruger explained how most of the people in his
neighborhood spent most of their time in their back yards a~d
did not want to look at recreatie~ml vehicles. He prefers to
leave it in the front yard where vehicles should be, but it
does depend on the neighborhood though.
Mr. Krmger referred to the requirement to have it registered
and licensed by the State and said that this is already a law.
There are other ordinances to cover j~k cars and Mr.
ziato replied that there are boats over a year old with the
registrations having expired. Mr. Kruger explained how these
would be covered with enforcement of the housing ordinance.
Mr. Kruger then stated he could not underst~ud the reason for
requiring a hard surfaced area and they can just require the
grass to be trimmed and Chairman Ryder replied that it would
not serve the same purpose and he does not think it looks good
being parked on the lawn.
Mr. Kruger then told about speaking to the Building Official
in reg~ards to tie-downs and told how motor homes, travel
trailers, and p~-up campers are made of steel and built to
withstand traveling on the highways at 80 te 90 mp~.
Mr. Gene Johnsom, Laurel Hills, appeared before the Board and
referred to there being a lot of discussion. He suggested
the Board and City Council getting together to work on this
and Chairman Ryder replied that would not be workable aud is
why the Gouncil sent it back to this Board. The Coumcil would
not be prepared to spend the amount of time that this Board
spent on it. Mr. Johnso~ then asked how many members on the
Board owne~ recreational vehicles and Mr. Winter replied
aflirmati~ely. Mr. Johnson then referred to the other speakers
covering it pretty well and stated he thinks they are in agree-
ment that something in a~ordinance is needed, but they need
input from the City Council. Ne has some proposa~swhich he
got from other ~people- An ~xplanation is needed of what a
recreational vehicle is. He proposes that vans and pickup
trucks with toppers be listed the same as passenger cars ~ot
to exceed 3/4 ton. Travel trailers shomld ~ot exceed 28 ft.
to be parked at the side of a residence. If it is impossi-
ble to park it in the side or rear, there should be a letter
from the neighbors stating their okay to said vehicle er
boat and it should be filed with the Building Department or
Planning & Zoning Board. The vehicle shall not exceed above
the roof line of the house. The vehicle must have current
license plates and be usmble, boats the same. No overnight
OCTOBER 25, 1977
parking on public right-of-way. Vehicle or boat to be en
hard surface and his definition would be shell rock. He
basically feels most people who li~e in Boynton Beach keep
their properties up and do net want weeds growing arced
their vehicles. Ee feels this whole thing came to a head
because of a couple isolated complaints in the whole City.
The people with campers and motor homes over 28 ft. have a
big investment and he thinke the City should prov.ide a fenced
the parking of these
Mrs. BarBara Kruger, 2563 S. W. lOth Court, appeared before
the Board and stated she was really against the reqmirement
of a hard surface. She explained how neighbors would have a
slab to look at when they were using their camper a couple
times a month, plus other people going away ~or months.
She told about people mowing around their vehicles when mowing
the rest of their lawn and if there are weeds, they will be
all ever. GhairmanRyder informed her that a hard surface
was dm the side or rear, But only in the front.
There iscussion about this and Mrs. Kruger stated that
this was not understood previously and thanked them for the
Mrs. then requested that there be some kind of commit-
tee to complaints and Mr. Lambert disagreed and explained
how the people would begat the mercy of their neighbors.
~hairman Ryder agreed there were problems, but stated if there
was nothing to enforce it, the matter could not be resolved.
He then ascertained that nobody else desired to speak. He
announced the Board was very much interested in coming up
with some kind of solution. He thinks perhaps some of the
things were clarified now° Paving all around is not neces-
sary. The tie-downs and permit fees are negotiable. However,
it must be recognized when we go to this extent, the City
should have a per~it procedure and an ordinance to enforce it.
Mr~ Winter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Arena.
Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 8:55 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Re cording Se crc tary
(Two Tapes)
Regular Meeting
October 25th, 1977
7:30 P.M.
Council Chambers
City Hall
t. Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
2. Reading and Approving of Minutes.
3. Announcements.
4. Communications.
5. Old Business: Preliminary copy of City Council minutes of 10-18-77
Re: Recreational Vehicle Ordinance Proposal
New Business:
A. Site Plan Approval
1. Colonial Club Condominium, Section 1
Applicant: Ms. Nellie Sharpe. for Association
2. Legal Description: Acreage
3. Location: Former location of sales models
4. Project Description: landscaped park area and eight (8)
parking spaces