TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 197~7 AT 7:30 P. M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Wice Chairmam
Ronald Arena
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Richard Lambs rt
,: Mary Schorr
Carmen Amnumziato,
City Planner
Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
He announced that at the conclusion of this meeting, the
Board will recenvene and hold a special meeting since we
constitute the Local Planning Agency. He then introduced
the members of the Board, City Pla~ner and Recording Secre-
Minutes of september 27. 1977
Col. Trauger moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting
of the Planning & Zoning Board of Tuesday, September 27, 1977,
be approVed as presented, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion
carried 6-0 with M~. Winter abstaining.
Chairman Ryder announced that at the last meeting of the City
Council, the Council decided to set a public hearing which
will take place on Thursday, October 13, dealing with the
Recreational VehiCle proposal. If possible, he hopes all
the members will attend b. ecause this is something we have
all appliedzourselves te over a long period of time and he
is sure they will want to get the reaction of the people and
the Council.
Chairman Ryder announced he had received a letter from the
City Manager advising that plans for the Board dinner have
been finalized. It will be held at Bernard's on December 15
and the Community Promotions Board would like to know if we,
as members of the Board, would like to be seated together.
He suggests that withim the next couple weeks~ he be given a
feeling on this so he can advise the Chairman of the Commun-
ity Promotions Board as to the seating arrangements.
Chairma~Ryder referred to a representative for the first
site plan not being present and suggested moving omto Item
2 and the members agreed.
OCTOBER ~11, 1977
~ite Plan Approval
Applicant: James E. and Jane A. Crook
Location: 400 West Industrial Avemue
Description: Lot 39, Boynten Industrial Park Subdivision
Description: Narehouse
The members reviewed the plan and Mr. An~unziato informed
them that this applicatio~ is for a warehouse on Industrial
Avenue.~ It has been reviewed hy the staff and there are no
comments. Everythlmg is acceptable and in order. This lot
did receive a variance for lot size which was approved by
the Board of Adjustment on july 25, 1977. Everything is in
order and the staff recommends the plam be approved as sub-
Col. Trauger questioned what general business meant and Mr.
Annunziato informed~him that general business is the standard
classificatio~ with respect to parking, which is one of the
most stringent in the code.
Chairma~Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak on behalf of
this application. Mrs. Jame Crook, 4701 Summit Blvd., West
Palm Beach, appeared before the Board and stated she was pre-
sent to answer questions. Col. Trauger questioned the type
of business and Mrs. Crook informed him they planned te lease
the building smd leave it as a warehouse. She explained that
they would just bmild the building and what is done inside
would be the lessee'$ ~nsinesso Mrs. Huckle questioned the
type ~f business and Mrs. Crook replied that it would be a
~ody shop.
Mr. Lambert referred to there being a zero setback on the one
side and Mr~ An~ziato agreed and clarified that the variance
was for lot size. He added that it was a simple u~cemplicated
plan just for a warehouse.
Mr. Lambert moved that the Planning ~. Zoning Board recommend
that the Oity Council accept the site plan for the Crook
Warehouse o~ Industrial ~venue, seconded By ~. Minter. No
discussion. Motion carried 7-0.
Description: Utility/Office Building
The members re~iewe~ the plan and Mr. Annu~ziate informed
them that this plan as submitted is for offices, laundry,
Chelsea Pickett Associates
414 S. Wo 1st Court
Lot 6, Block 4, Bowers Pa~%k Subdivision
and storage r TOBER ! ~, 1977
ang has bee~_h~y ~-~ specific +~ ~Apartmeats.
that ~ .~l~ m~'~ed. The ~_~ens with setb~ ~ ~
that sidew~ ~ d~al~age plans ~~.De~rtment h ~
al~ are reqmire~ o ~ ~-=qu~re~. He ha ~ ~
n 8. W. 3r~ A~eaue. $ noted
Et 5th Avenme, De!r 'Be
advised ~ ach,
as a Personal representative for the that he was serving
Ee h~ sealed only the ~d not as the
landscape Pl~. He is
se~g on behalf of ~. ~t~ No~ot~, who is out of the
co. try. They will gladly comply With installing
walk ~d will order the Di~ required, the Side.
to the OWner and hi as they are aware of the
ordin~_~ce requirements and it will be taken care of; it was
Just an oversight.
Mrs. $chorr referred to there being a 20 ft. Side setback and
Mr. AnAmnziato agreed there was on the east side of the build-
ing and the west side ties into
$Chorr referred to this lot not th? ?ri~g.ima.1 building. Mrs.
Chelsea Pickett and Mr. Black agreed and advised that it was
ormgmnal~y being included with
purchased recently and this addition is mow proposed. Ne
added that this additional property would be deeded to make
it one contl~uous property.
Mr.s~. $chorr referred to a
building and Mr ~--,- P rklng bein~ ne~_~ ~
provided an~ _~'_T~S.c~ agreed and ~y~£_~=m_z.or a~ office
used as - erie of th at
. an office . e tow~hou - a
W~th a and th~s will · se un, ts h~ b
P rking ~o m~ - prov~e a eon
if Cbc!se- ~ .... e ~t more effi~ -~eP~ate office
~ r~C~et~ was ~=~. ~S,
was all rent~ & ~rentals ~d ~ _ Up~e asked
needed ~d '~-'~-~m~' HUc~e asked ~%-~lack replied that
c' ~'~- ~lacE inf - ~ ~n~ee off'
,~es nee~ a se~-~- 9~med her that c~- }ce~ were,
will have one ~-a~ office and t~ ~CTT~sea-~ckett Ass~
there wou~'~ T~s.oz~'ice is e~+~~ dn ~ rental n~ '
put that the e~, ~ for only o~, ~w ~s, Huckle ~ree~
looks like .__m ~. ~ a matte - ._ 9zz~to Dolnte
and made · 1~ ~ne fut~ q tlon ~ecaus
~to ~ .~ e it cou e
~- Novot~v. .~_~P~me~t~ but he h .... ~d be clo~ed off
sUb'ect +~ ~-~ _ ~n a resident . . real estate
3 ~= ~=angen= restmicti~ _~1~ district, they
Black stated that ~u .... ~ ne exp~ined'
office for an ap~tment pro3ect this
Size is not unco~em and he told about the employees needed.
OCTOBER 11, 1 977
~airman Ryder asked if this business would be directly re-
lated to Chelsea Pickett and Mr. Black replied affirmatively.
Col. Trauger referred to this buil~ngbeing contiguous with
the present building and stated that according to the size,
nothing would prevent it from being made into sm apartment°
Mr. Black asked why this would net be allowed and Mr. Ann~m-
ziato replied that the density allowed has already been ex-
ceeded. Mrs. Huckle read Section B on Page 21 of the Zomi~g
Code and pointed out ~hat no commercial ~nsinesm connected
therewith was allowed and Mr. ~nn~nziato informed her that
this is an accessory building to a residential ~velopment.
Mrs. Huckle stated that it was mot just for this development
and Chairman Ryder replied that it to ~e for mainte-
nance and is not a separate commer~ use~ Mrs. H~ckle stated
that they do have other businesses and this will be an office
for them. Mr. Black clarified that they also own Seagate of
Gulfstream which will ~e sold out shortly and the office for
that Will not be needed. There will only be t~ second office
for a short perio~ of time. Mr. ad~ed that this
would be ~y the lic ~ill be no licenses
permitted ~ould not r~ to ~he~ Pickett.
Mr. Arena made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend to the City Council approval of the site plan for
the utility building at Chelsea Pickett subject to staff
recommendations, seconded by,Mr. Lambert. No discussion.
Motion carried 7'0.
Col. Trauger referred to the past experience in the building
of Chelsea Pickett and asked if this was expanded to anything
else, it woul~ reqmire a license and Mr. Annunziato replied
that he feels the use i~ legitimate. He can see this as an
accessory use for the apartments for storage, lamndry, and
maintenance Chairma~ Ryder added that he thinks
we m~st be ~ the fact that this is what it is pmr-
ported to be and it is also more substantial than the apart-
ments themselves. Mr. Arena added that new owners have taken
over and have done a tremendous amount of work there already.
F~. Lambert added ~hat he thinks there will be a tremendous
improvement. Mr. Annmnziato stated that he has noticed an
improvement since he has been here. M~s. Schorr referred to
the parking not being sufficient and Mr. Arena replied that
it just was not laid out properly and Col. Trauger added
that problems occurred with apartments having two cars.
Mr. Arena made a motion to adjourn, seconded by I~. Winter.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
7:55 P. M.
Respectfully sub,mitted,
~u anne M. Kruse, Recording. Secretary
(One Tape)
October llth, 1977
7:30 P.M. .
Council Chambers
City Hall
Regular Meeting
1. ~cknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
2. Reading and Approving of Minutes.
3. Announcemen~s~
A. Public Hearing:
4. Communications.
5. Old Business:
with City Council, at 7:30 P.M.
6. New Business:
Site Plan Approval
1. Applicant: Chelsea Pickett Associates
Location: 414 S.W. 1st Court
Legal Description: Lot 6, Block 4, Bowers Park Sub-division
Project Description: utility/office building
Applicant: James E. and Jane A. CroOk
Location: 400 West Industrial Avenue'
Legal Description: Lot 39, Boynton Industrial Park Sub-..-
Project description: warehouse