WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1977 AT 3:00 P. M.
Simon Ryder, Chairma~
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Renald Arena
Marilyn Huckle
Richard Lambert
Mary Schorr
Garry Winter
Carmen Ann~ziato~
City Planner
Chairmsn Ryder called the meeting to order at 3:05 P. M.
announced it was the third Workshop Meeting following the
public hearing in regards to discussing Chapter 30 pertain-
ing to trailers. He added that Mr. Annunziato, the City
Planner, will not be able to join~ the Board as he has been
detained at an Area Planning Board meeting in West Palm
Minutes of Jul~ 6 ~ .1977 Workshop Meeting
Col. Trauger moved that the Minutes of the Workshop Meeting
of July 6 be approved as written, seconded by Mr. Lambert.
Motion carried 6-0 with Mrs. Schorr abstaining.
Minutes of Jul~ .1~ 1977 Workshop Meeting
Chairman Ryder ascertained that some of the members had not
received these minutes and suggested deferring them until the
next meeting.
Discussion ~
Chairman Ryder announced he thought they had covered a lot
of gro~u~.d regarding definitions, permissive parking and ~
the July 13 meeting, he spelled out a rough outline of the
changes to the existing article which would have to ~e made.
He suggests possibly referring back to that. He clarified
they were talking about definitions, maybe weigh, t categories,
where parking would be permissive on private property to be
tied in with permits and also boats. At the last meeting,
they discussed parking on the owner's lot - parking in the
rear, side, driveway, and the area in front. They also
talked about additional paving. However, no definite con-
clusion was reached. He then read from the July 13 minutes
to refresh their memories.
Chairman Ryder continued that in reviewing what has happened
so far at the two workshop meetings of theBoard, he finds
we have been in areas that generally are those being consid-
ered by other cities. However, we did get into the area of
parking in front of the structures other than on the ~rive-
way, which no city now permits which he can find. This ap-
pears probably to be a drastic approach.
JULY 20, 1977
Chairman Ryder then read the fourth paragraph on Page 2 of
the July 6 minutes and asked if Mr. Lambert had anything
further to state and Mr. Lambert referred to discussing not
allowing parking in the side setback area, b~ut he still
feels ps, king should be allowed in the driveway. He also
thinks they should be able to park on the side or rear in
the buiIdable area, but not the side setback which should
be left ~epen for reasons. Chairmam Ryder questioned
what he area and Mr. Lambert explained
if the side ft. and a person had 26 ft. om one
side, he should be allowed to park in the 20 ft. area up to
the house possibly with proper screening, but the setbacks
should be kept ~epen for Col. Trauger questieaed
the logic and Mrs. it was for protection
of the neighbors police and fire access, flow of
air, etc. She added .~ was a reason for
the side setbacks and be protected from
being up against solid objects4 Also, it was mentioned that
parking in the rear should not. be allowed in the setbacks so
there is some leeway for the neighbors.
Chairman Ryder referred to every ordinance permitting side
and rea~ parking and stated these suggestions would limit
it to the garage, carport or in the driveway. He read from
the Freemomt code allowing parking on the side and rear, but
setting certain limitations for how close.
Chairman Ryder referred to discussing previously allowing
parking in the front of the house off the driveway on un-
paved areas. Mrs. Huckle added that Mr. Amnunziato had in-
fermed them that a person was allowed to pave the whole
area. Mr. Lambert stated they also discussed requiring sur-
facing for p8mking in the front and Chairman Ryder replied
they were not going to require paving.
Col. Trauger told about looking at the side setbacks in the
City and how ma~y campers were parked on the sides and he
feels it leeks far ~etter~there than out in front. He
added that most of them covered at least 2/3's of the dis-
tance between the houses. 5~s. Schorr stated that this
would mean there could be the possibility of having a
trailer parked right against your window. Col. Trauger
suggested that the permit require the neighbor,s permission
and Chairman Ryder replied that they had not gotten into
this, but talked about permits being required and a plan
~trs. Huckle referred to not allowing buildings in the set-
back areas and stated she di~ not see the logic to permit
storing. She stated that utility sheds were not allowed
there and she thinks some of these sheds are mere present-
able than the back of a trailer. ~m. Winter informed her
that these recreation vehicles are something which are port-
able and Chairman Ryder agreed they were not structures.
JULY 20, 1977
Chairman Ryder explained how he thought some latitude should
be given with considering some people not having a garage or
carport or wanting to use the driveway for parkimg their car.
R~s. Huckle suggested possibly allowing parking outside the
setbacks and Mr. Winter explained how msmy homes did not have
the room on the side. Chairman RYder stated he thought they
should allow parking in the rear or side yards with certain
restrictiOns as every other city allows it and if not, there
would only be the front driveway or carport. ~rs. Huckle
referred te not kmowing the approximate sizes-of lots in the
other cities and the setbacks required. Mr. Lambert explained
how they must consider the safety factors.
Chairman Ryder stated he thought a travel trailer should be
allowed parke~ off the driveway since it is not self-pro-
pelled and not moved as often. Mr. Lambert replied that he
did not think travel trailers should be singled out ~nd
there should be no difference what they are allowed to park
as long as a permit is obtained.
Mrs. Huckle referred to discussing tieing down these vehicles
in case of hurricanes as suggested by Mr. Howell and this
must be considered.
Mr. Arena stated that from his personal opinion, he thinks
we have gone off the deep end with the whole thing. He
thinks this ordinance will lead straight from the City Coum-
cil to the court room. They are talking about not permitting
recreation vehicles to park in the side or rear. He has a
two car garage and four cars a~d does not think he is the
exception, tn his subdivision, there are not ma~y homes
with less than two cars and.many with not more than 6 ft.
on the side of the house. There are recreation vehicles
with some parked in circular driveways, some on the sides,
etc. He felt originally they were trying to come up with
something to regulate this so there would not be the situa-
tion of making an area look rundown or congested. He re-
ferred to some people not wanting them parked in the front
and others not in the rear and explained how it all came
down to the same thing of opinions of appearances. Chair-
man R~der asked for his suggestio~and Mr. Arena suggested
incorporating into the ordinance the reqmirement of main-
taining in a neat and orderly fashion. Mr. Lambert qmes-
tioned who would define this and Mr..Arena replied that he
believed the inspectors could and clarified that he ~id not
have the answers and didn't think any of the members do,
but they must keep in mind that it is the m~u's property
and how far can we go telling him what to do with his own
private property?
Chairman Ryder referred to the court decisions smbmitted for
their review an~ stated that when living in a City, there are
certain restrictions.
J~Y 20, 1977
Mr. Lambert stated he suggested last week that they be allowed
to park one recreation vehicle with permit in the driveway
not encroaching on the side setback~or in front of the ho~se
on a surfaced area and if there is more than one vehicle, it
could be parked in the rear or side yard. Mr. Arena replied
that he saw nothing offensive about this.
Chairman Ryder pointed out that they were leaning towards
allowing the parking of recreation vehicles in the driveway
and r~ght now, this is not allowed. Mr. Arena referred to
the c~rent ordinance not Being a~hered to and they have all
agreed some kind of regulation~is needed, bmt the question
is how to do it.
Mrs. Schorr referred to a site plan being submitted with the
permit application a~d suggested the Building Official making
the decision whether or not parking would be allowed on the
side or rear. Mrs. Huckle added that 5~. Howell mentioned
that inspectors would, be sent to the site. Chairman Ryder
stated he was not in agreement with this and explained how
it would be anadditional expense to have inspectors go to
the site. Mrs. Huckle read Mr. Howell's statement from the
previous minutes. They discUssed further whether it wo~ld
be necessary for an ~pector to check the parking.
Mr. Lambert again suggested possibly requiring a surfaced
area in the front of %he.buildingand they discussed whether
this would be advisable. Chairman Ryder referred to the
possibility of having them parked on the front lawn
Lambert referred to cars being parked there now.
Chairman R~der stressed that they must find a solution for
the parking of these vehicles, but he did not think it was
the City's problem to provide for every continge~y~
Col. Trauger questioned the average width of the recreation
vehicles and Mr. Winter informed him that trailers are 7 to
7½ ft., bigger trailers are 8 ft., and ~take alongs are 6½ to
7 ft. Chairman Ryder stated that the length varies and Mr.
Winter added that the widths increase with the size. He
pointed out that there would just not be the room to park
one on the side of a 75 ft. lot. He referred to the aver-
age house in the City having 5 to 8 ft. on the side and
suggested that they definitely allow them to park on the
Mr. Lambert referred to the building inspectors having dif-
ferent interpretations and stated they should not put the
responsibility on the City, but the applicant should indi-
cate where it is going to be parked and must be notifie~
that it must be on his own. property. They discussed further
the site pla~ requirement~ and Mr. Lambert suggested that
it woul~ be the Building Official's responsibility to point
out the parking limitations.
JULY 20, 1977
Mr. Arena stated they must have some restrictive control,
but explained that he did mot want to make it too tough for
the recreation vehicle owners and mot regulating every
possible thing. He also referred to the numbers of recrea-
tion vehicles increasing and stated they must come up with
something which will be good for years.
At this time, Mr. Annunziato arrived hud Chairman Ryder
briefly told him about the Board's previous discussions.
He referred to Mr. Annunziato reading a list for further
areas of discussion after the last meeting and stated he
thought they should get to a point where they could assem-
ble these things. He suggests that a draft be prepared for
submission to the Board for review at a workshop session.
He referred to Mr. Annunziato not having the time to do this
and ~. Ann~aziato replied that he would appreciate some
help in the formation of this proposal. He would be glad
to meet with a sub-committee so they could sit down and
draft a proposal. He explained that they must have something
in writing to look at to with er change. Chairman
Annunziato to prepare a
the Board could work expe
he suggested a
work with so
be presented to
suggested that Chairman Ryder
being the Board's responsi-
~ee to work with Mr.
outline subject to change, so
at meetings. He added that
it would be difficmlt to
~tever they come up with will
dislcussion, Mrs. Huckle
Mr. Ann~ziato start on
it as she thinks it would be a easier for two people to
work om it and the Board will hawe a rough ~raft to work
from. Mr. Arena suggested two members from the Board,
but the other members did when they would be avail-
able. Mrs. Schorr suggested that any of the members could
call Mr. iato and find out the date an~ time of the
meeting and c attend if po Chairman Ryder them
suggeste~ deferring further meetings and possibly
at the nex~ ~egmlar meeting, can set a date when the
proposal will be prepared.
Mr. Annmnziato then announced that the following were the
comments they talked about in rough form:
1. We started talking about numbers and it appeared
to be the consensus as many recreation vehicles
as desired in an enclosed garage and at least two
sided carport, but not beyond the roof line, an~
permit required.
2. No .parking in si~e or rear set~acks.
3. One recreation vehicle on drive with permit.
4. Total number of not enclosed recreation vehicles -
two per site.
JULY 20, 1977
5. Definition to be added.
6. No parking on any street or public rights-of-way.
7. Attempt to secure for hurricanes and ¥~. Howell
will give us a synopsis of what could be done.
8. Site plan. Include with application a sample site
plan prepared by the staff where the applicant ca~
park the vehicle.
9. Do not treat multi-purpose vehicles as recreation
vehicles, for example the pickup trucks with shells.
Mr. Lambert came up with the question of what is a
~ or 1 ton ~an and it was suggested that some pro-
fessional help be consulted, possibly from the car
10. How do you determine the current status of a boat.
Chairman Ryder added that they kicked around the
Coast Guard registration in addition to State~r~gis-
Chairman Ryder informed Mr. Annunziato that the members had
Been talking about some of these things. In reference to
parking on the side or rear, we feel there should be a defi-
nite limitation where you can go. It was also pointed out
that almomt every ordinance from other cities permits side
and rear paking, b~t not o~ the driveways~. Mr. Ann~ziat~
referred to parking in the side yard and stated there coul~
be the possibility of an objectionable instance with having
a 28 ft. long, 10 ft. high recreation vehicle being parked
on the side, which almost would extend to the next home.
Mr. Winter pointed out that actually the owner's own air
flew would be blocked and not the neighbor's..Mr. Annunziate
stated that the setbacks were planned with 15 ft. of commom
~ninterrupted space. ~£ter discussion, Mrs. Schorr asked if
it could be limited ~y the Building Official when the site
plan was presented and Mro Annunziato replied that he did not
see how they could have ~City Official make a determinatio~
where one thing is alloWed and another not.
Mrs. Schorr told about an area where there were heavy equip-
ment trucks parked on a vacant lot, ~ut the neighbors do not
o~ject. Mrs. Huckle suggested requiring a permit be issued
to a person for his own residential property, but not for a
vacant lot. Mrs. Echo~ asked what would happen if these
were noted being parke~ without permits and Mr. Annu~ziato
replied that it was in violation of the ordinance and the
owner would be held liable.
Chairman Ryder referred to also discussing the extent the
Building Department would get involved and stated he did
not think it was necessary to have a building inspector go
out to check the parking. He feels there should be some
JULY 20, 1977
statement on the form with the owner attesting to the fact
that it will be p~rked on his own property. He suggests
discmssing this further with Mr. Howell and ~. Annmnziate
~greed. ~. Annunziato added that each inspector does have
an area of the City he is supposed to patrol right now.
Mr. Arena questioned how ~developed lots would be controlled
and Mr. Lambert suggested improved lots.
Lambert referred to the poss y of someone owning the
lot next door and they discussed whether it woul~ be permiss-
able to have two vehicles parked on each lot. Mr. Annunziato
suggested limiting the total number to two and possibly tie
in the residence with the parking of the vehicle. He added
that they comld not allow wholesale parking on vacant lots.
There was further discussion about this and Mr. Lambert again
suggested stating improved property.
Mr. Lambert stated he still ~idn't like permitting a~ything
to be parked o~ carports without a permit~ Mr. Wi~ter sug-
gested requiring a permit for every vehicle no matter where
it is parked. Mr. Lambert replied that he could do anything
he wanted in his garage and questions the legality of requir-
ing a permit for parking in the garage. He explained how he
was disturbe~ with s~eing junk cars, heats being repaired,
etc. in plain view in the They discussed further
Whether a permit shoUl~ be mired for parking in carports
and whether limitatioz~ could ~e placed on carport use.
Col. Trauger stated he liked Mr. Lambert's idea to require
it to be surfaced in the front ~ud suggests possibly requir-
ing the larger of the two ~ehicles to be parked here with
leaving the side open for the smaller vehicle. He also sug-
gested that a measurement be defined, such as 2 to 3 ft.
from the lot line on the side. Mr. Winter referred to neigh-
bors possibly objecting with ~the large vehicles being parked
in the front. They discussed parking on the side further.
Mr. Lambert suggested possibly allowing parking on one side
or the other for safety purposes. Chairman Ryder suggested
this could be spelle~ out when the plan is file~. Mr.
Winter stated he still liked to keep the front of the house
as clear as possible.
Chairman Ryder announced that the date for the next workshop
session would be set at the regular meeting and advise~ that
he would meet with Mr. Annunziato and prepare an outline.
Col. Trauger moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lambert.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 4:45 P. M.
(TwO Tapes)