WED~ESDAY, JULY 13, 1977 AT 3: O0 P. M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Mrs. Mary Schorr
Richard Lambert
Carmen An~unziato, City Planner
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Garry Winter (Excused)
Ronald Arena
Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 3:10 P. M. and
announced it was a workshop meeting for the purpose to con-
tinue discussion of Chapter 30 regarding trailers and related
matters. He stated they were going into detail regarding the
definition of vehicles and consider the matter of permissive
uses of parking on private property. He added that as far as
parking on public streets, he does not think there is~any
question about the fact they have to be barred. Also, he
thinks they should consider the area of boats.
He announced he had attempted to work within the framework of
Chapter 30 and amend accordingly and requested Mr. Annunziato's
comments. ~. Annunziato stated he thought they had established
the groundwork and thiB~s they are all talking about some sort
of regulation. The permit procedure seems to be a good way to
go. He wishes they could put some performance standards on the
storage of vehicles to eliminate a junk yard effect. Also, he
would be in favor of having a site plan submitted with the per-
mit application and explained. He does not support the unregu-
lated number of vehicles parked in the rear yard~. Ln regards
to the number, he does not think the one should be counted
parked in an enclosed structure. They must regulate the number
allowed to be parked. Also tobe considered are trailers of
other sorts, such as lawn maintenance trailers. They must
consider vehicles used for multi,.purposes.
Chairman Ryder suggested that he read his proposed amendments
for discussion. He referred to Article t and suggested adding
Section (f) to define recreation vehicles to read: "The phrase
recreation vehicle shall be defined as follows: vehicle used
primarily for recreation purposes whether used on land or water
including towLng equipment used to transport such vehicle and
may include a camper, van, pickup camper, and possibly motor
home.,, Under Section 30-3 regarding parking on private property,
add No 2 - No t~ailer or mobile home which is not
- self-pro-,
pelled may be pazked on priVate preperty unless it is within
a fully enclosed garage or parked within the side or rear
yards. Trucks under 3/4 ton rated capacity and boats and boat
trailers may be parked either in an enclosed garage or within
JULY 13, 1977
side or rear yards. He suggests a new Section#3 - Parking
on Driveways - Vans, campers and panel or pickup trucks not
over 3/4 ton rated capacity may be permitted to park on drive-
ways (with the possibility of including motor homes). He
would follow this up with requiring a permit in each instance.
Under Section 30-4, Limitation of Number of Vehicles on Parcel
of L~d, which was taken from the Delray Beach ordinance, (A)
One boat and trailer or one recreation vehicle m~y be pa~ked
in side or rear yard. He suggests that the boat trailer or
recreation vehicle must be used by the owner/resident of the
premises. A boat or boat trailer or recreation vehicle may
be pa~ked only if it is currently registered as required by
the State or Federal Law. (D) Total parking of boat with
trailers, motor homes and recreation vehicles, would be
limited to two at each residence. (E) No boat or Boat trailer
shall be parked in the area between the street and the struc-
ture. Section 30-5,~ Permits for Parking: (a)
For the parking or storage of amy (other than~-~passenger
v~hicles), the owner/resident shall apply for and obtain a
permit from the Building Official prior to the parking or
storage of any vehicle. A permit shall be obtained for each
such vehicle which shall be valid owner
of such vehicle rema~s a resident (b)
The Building Official shall permit if he finds the
following facts to exist: will be parked or
stored in a safe and orderly manner.. Special attention shall
be given to and special conditions may be attached to the per-
mit to reasonably insure that campers stored upon the driveways
will not be a hazard to people entering the driveway or persons
passing on the sidewalk. The BUilding Official shall ismme a
permit decal for each permit granted pursuant to this section
which shall be affixed and maintained on the vehicle. The
decal shall be removed when it~is no longer valid pursuant
to this section. The City Manager may establish administra-
tive regulations to aid in the administration of the provi-
sion of this chapter including additional limitations upon
driveway parking more restrictively than s~t in this section
which may be necessary to carry out the purpose and intent
of the provision of this chapter. He explained that this
was a rough draft for the Board's discussion.
Mr. Lambert referred to the permit requirements not mentioning
a current inspection sticker and Chairman Ryder replied that
he did mention motor vehicle registration, but did not mention
including a plan as he has some reservations whether it would
present problems to the applicant~ He does not rule it out
entirely, but feels possibly the people may find it to be an
Mr. Annunziato suggested limiting the parking of these vehicles
to some sort of slab area and Mr. Lambert added that they should
also require the proper tie-downs. ~. Annunziato replied that
he did not think tie-downs were necessary according to the use
JULY 13, 1977
of theSe vehicles. It would also add a point of enforcement
to this. Mr. Lambert then referred to the cost of pouring
slabs and they discussed whether this would be necessary.
Chairman Ryder referred to making a distinction between re-
creation vehicles and explained that he thought self-pro-
pelled vehicles could be parked in the front, But vehicles
requiring towing should be parked in the side or rear since
they are not used as frequently. Mr. Annunziato replied that
he thought there would Be a problem with that amd questions
whether a distinction can be made. He does not know if they
could have one recreation vehicle hame more enforcement than
another. ~. Lambert stated that he personally would not
like to be told he was not allowed to park his boat in his
driveway. Mr. Annunziato also pointed out that in some in-
stances there was not enough room to park a boat on the sides
of houses. Mr. Lambert added that there also could be some
problems getting a boat into the rear yard to be parked.
They discussed the parking of boats further.
Mrs. Huckle then referred to the possible effects to the
neighbors with having a boat, motor home, or recreation
vehicle parked on the side. She suggested giving the alter-
native of parking the vehicles in the driveway or back, but
she is opposed to side setbacks. M~. Annunziato explained
how there were objections to having them parked in the rear
yards. There was further discussion regarding parking in
the setbacks.
Mr. Annunziato referred to parking in the side yard setbacks
and suggested setting a certain footage such as 7 ft. and if
a person has a large enough side yard, he can use it for
parking, but if less than 7 ft. ~ould not.
Mrs. Schorr told about equipment ~s~ed for business being
parked in her neighborhood and Mr. Lambert informed her
that it had been discussed not to allow commercial vehicles.
Chairman Ryder stated that they must consider panel trucks
and vans being used for business purposes. Mr. Annunziato
stated he did not think it could be classified as a recrea-
tion vehicle if it is being used for work or personal use.
They discussed the weight capacity limitation for vans and
trucks and ~. Annunziato suggested covering this by defi-
They then discussed where the vehicles should be allowed to
be parked f~rther and the possibility of not allowing them
to be parked in the se2backs.
M~o Annunziato asked if there was going to be a limitation
on the number and Chairman Ryder suggested not allowing
more than two, not counting what is in the enclosed garage.
JULY 13, 1977
Mr. Lambert referred to Jet Skis and Jon Boats and they dis-
cussed various types of vehicles.
~r. Annunziato referred to requiring a paved area to park the
vehicle on and M~s. Huckle referred to requiring tie-downs and
asked if they could be anchored without being parked on a
slab. They discussed tie-down requirements and Mr. Lambert
suggested that .Mr. Howell be consulted as to whether it would
be feasible.
Mr. Annunziato then referred to requiring a site plan and ex-
plained how there might be the necessity to require a survey
also. They discussed the preparation of site plans and Mr.
Annunziato stated he thought it was important that a person
understands where a recreation vehicle is allowed to be parked.
Chairman Ryder suggested that the City supply a simple line
drawing with the application to be completed.
Mr. Lambert referred to allowing parking in the front and they
discussed whether this would be adequate with requiring sur-
facing and not allowing parking in the side setback. Mrs.
Huckle stated she thought the number of vehicles should be
limited with allowing the parking in the front and Mr. Lambert
suggested two being allowed in the front and: one in the
buildable area. M~. Lambert then pointed out how it would be
more attractive to park in a widened driveway to the side
rather than in front of the house. They discussed at length
the effects of allowing parking in the front.
Chairman Ryder stated he did not think they should require
surfacing or slabs and explai~ued how these vehicles were con-
sidered temporary and could be properly parked on the grass.
~M. Lambert stated that if paving was not a requirement,
then parking should possibly be allowed on the side. After
~iscussion, Mr. Annunziato suggested'ithat this be given more
thought and Chairman Ryder added that the members not present
should also be given an opportunity to consider this.
Mr. Lambert then referred to the possibility of the vehicles
parking in the grassed area between the sidewalk and street
and Mr. Annunziato reolied that he did not think it was a
good idea to go in that area. They discussed parking in this
area and Mr. Annunziato stated he did not think anything shomld
be permitted to be parked or stored in the rights-of-way with
possible access being necessary for the utility lines.
Mr. Lambert then asked if parking in a carport would be allowed
and ~. Annunziato replied that he recommended parking in an
enclosed garage or carport enclosed on three sides, which
would be the same status. Mr. Annunziato referred to the
possibility of having a carport enclosed on only two sides
and the members agreed this would be satisfactory. ~.
JULY 13, 1977
Annunziato suggested including the wording that the vehicles
may not stick out further than the roof line and the members
Mr. Lambert referred to the possibility of having unregistered
boats or cars in carports in plain view with people working
on them since they would be considered in the same classifica-
tion as a garage. They discussed this possibility a~d Mr.
Annunziato suggested that the vehicles in the carports be
required to have a permit.~ After further discussion, Mro
Annunziato clarified that the consensus was'~to allow as many
vehicles as desired in an enclosed garage and in at least a
two sided carport, but not extending beyond the roof line,
and a permit required for carport vehicles only. He added
that a vehicle in a carport would be the same as in an en-
closed garage but with performance standards. They discussed
further whether it would be advisable to require the vehicles
parked in a carport to obtain per,ts and Chairman Ryder sug-
gested that everyone consider these suggestions further°
Chairman Ryder then ascertained that the members were in agree-
ment to have the next workshop meeting on Wednesday, July 20
at 3:00 Po M.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the definition and Mr. Lambert replied
that he didn't see any problem with that and~suggested that
Mr. Annunziato recommend a definition for their approval.
M~. Annunziato stated that they must consider two purpose
vehicles as he doesn't think they can be treated as recrea-
tion vehicles with serving two purposes. He added that they
would have to decide how big, etc. Mrs. Huckle asked if the
Dept. of Vehicle Registration made a distinction of the vehi-
cles in some way and Mr. Lambert suggested having a local
dealer's representative come to a meeting and explain the dif-
N~. Lambert referred to a Coast Guard sticker not being required
for a boat and Chairman Ryder informed him that all boats must
have a State registration number. They discussed the Coast
Guard inspection and~registration requirements.
Mrs. Huckle read the section of the Lake Park code regarding
not allowing work on equipment and added that it also has a
maximum width, length and height, number of vehicles allowed,
Mrs. Schorr referred to vans parking when visiting and they
discussed possible regulations for temporary parking~
Mrs. $chorr made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lambert.
Motion carried 4-O and the meeting was properly adjourned.
(Two Tapes)