TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1977 AT 7:30 P- M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Mrs. Mary Schorr
Richard Lambert
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Chairms. n Ryder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. a~d
introduced the members of the Board, City Planner and Record-
ing Secretary.
Minutes of June 28, 1977
Col. Trauger made a motion, that the minutes of the Regular
Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board of June 28, 1977, be
approved as presented, seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion car-
ried 7-0.
Mr. Annunziato announced they had litigation with Mr. Norman
Michaels on Tuesday, but no decision was reached by the court
and he expects to hear within 10 to 15 days. He explained the
background of this case in reference to a rezoning request at
the south~east corner of 23rd & Congress Avenues.
Public Hearing
To consider amendments to Section 5A-1, Section 5F-1,
and Section 6A-1 of Appendix A, Zoning Regulations of
the Codified Ordinances of said City to allow schools
as a conditional use in the R-1AAJ~ and C-1 Zones.
Chairman:Ryder read the above a~d referred to the members hav-
ing working copies to consider sometime ago, which they even-
tually approved. He then requested comments from the City
~. Annunziato referred to reaching a consensus on this item
and recommending schools to be placed in the C-1 and R-1AAA
zones with pyramiding allowed through the zones. Basically
it will be spelled out in the Zoning Code that schools will
be permitted with the procedure outlined to be followed and
he explained. He read the definitions to be included in the
three sections for clarification and advised that the ordi-
nance prepared adopted the worksheet as far as verbiage is
JULY 12, 1977
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone in the audience wished to
make a statement regarding this ordinance either for or
against and received no response. He then ascertained there
was no further discussion from the Board members.
Me. Arena made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend to the City Council approv~of the consideration
of amendments to Section 5A-1, Section 5F-1 and Section
6A-1 of Appendix A, Zoning Regulations of the Codified Ordi-
nances of said City to allow schools as a conditional use in
the R-1AI~ and C-1 zones. Mr. Lambert seconded the motion.
No discussion. Motion carried 7-0.
Site Development Plan Approval
Parking Lot and Carport
31'4 West Industrial Avenue
Lloyds of Boynton, Inc., Applicant
The members reviewed the plans and ~Ir. Lloyd Linell appeared
before the Board.
Chairman Ryder asked if there was an easement involved on the
east side of Industrial Avenue and M~. Annunziato replied there
was not in this case. Chairman Ryder referred to noticing a
curve at this location close to the building and Mr. Annunziato
informed hHm that all the dedicated rights-of-way are ad~acent
to the property. ~. Lambert asked if there was an alley in
the rear and ~ir. Annunziato replied: no, it goes from property
line to property line.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the existing building and Mr. Linell
informed her it was a complete concrete building originally
designed for a motor cycle shop with w~ndows in the front
for display. Chairman Ryder clarified that it was not occu-
pied at the present time and Mr. Linell replied: no, there was
a water conditioning plant there previously. Mrs. Huckle ques-
tioned his purpose for the building and Mr. Linell referred to
his present business and advised that it would be the same to
repair batteries, generators, etc. Chairman Ryder referred to
the configuration of the front being changed and Mr. Linell
explained the plans.
Mr. Annunziato referred to the staff comments 8md first stated
that it was a great improvement to the area. He then explained
the City Engineer's recommendation to meet the parking lot ~a~-
ing requirements. He suggests that %he landscaping be extended
across the rear of the property and also the center driveway
he eliminated since it becomes superfluous serving no purpose.
He pointed out the location of the drives on the pla~. He ex-
plained how they were used previously, but since the center one
is no longer necessary, he is requesting that it be removed
with the landscaping to be extended.
JULY 12, 1977
Chairman Ryder asked if the City was adopting 6" rock and 1"
asphalt as standard paving requirements and ~ Annunziato
replied that they were for parking lots.
Mr. Lambert referred to the driv~eway existing in theffront
and questioned the purpose for requiring it to be removed and
Mr. Annunziato explained that it would remove one additional
driveway from entering onto West Industrial ~venue, will add
to the~beautification and will be for safety purposes. Mr.
Lambert asked if the applicant agreed that it does not serve
a useful function and M~. Linell replied that he was in agree-
ment and does not want people coming in there. Chairma~
Ryder added that there would also be better traffic circula-
~M~. Lambert referred to the request to extend the landscaping
across the back and Mr. Linell replied that this was just a
matter of extending it another 5 ft. out and he explained how
he had possibly planned future parking for that area. Mr.
Annunziato informed him there would still be adequate space
left for parallel parking. Mr. Lambert stated that the exist-
ing asphalt would have to be taken out. Mr. Linell also told
about there being a 2 to 3 ft. dropoff in this area which
should be considered. Mr. Lambert asked if the Community
~ppearance Board had reviewed these plans yet and Mr. Annunziato
replied: no.
Col. Trauger remarked that this would be an improvement for
that area and other members expressed opinions in agreement.
Mr. Lambert commented that he did not personally see why it
was necessary for the Planning & Zoning Board to get into
the landscaping part of it. If it meets the code, ~e does
not think it is necessary to put the applicant through the
hardship of having to tear up 50 ft. of asphalt. They dis-
cussed further the effect of the landscaping.
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend approval of the addition to Lloyds of Boynton, Inc.
subject to the Engineering Department's recommendatio~ that
the asphalt parking lot consist of 6" of rock and 1~' of as-
phalt and the one City Planner's recommendation that the
center driveway be eliminated. Mr. Winter seconded the
motion. No discussion. Motion carried 7-0.
Office Building
680 ~est Industrial Avenue
Joseph j. Muro, Applicant
Mr. Annunziato referred to the site plan and advised that the
applicant had been granted a variance for relie~ from the side
yard setback. Mr. Annunziato then read the departmental recom-
mendations from the City Engineer regarding drainage and paving
JULY 12, 1977
drawing requirements and the Utilities Director regarding
systems for removal of sewage. He stated that his recom-
mendation was for the 50 ft. easement adjacent to this pro-
perty to be dedicated in the.~form of a right-of-way. He
then referred to the recommendation from the Utilities De-
partment and explained that when a developer cannot flow by
gravitity into a sewer system, there is another acceptable
means~to install a grinder pump and wet well.and he explained
the operation. They discussed this system and then Chairman
Ryder asked' if this installation had been used before in the
City and Mr. Ann~muziato informed him that the grinder pump
system has not, but they have discussed it and the Utilities
Director has given the option to use it.
~s..Huckle questioned the purpose of the office building
and Mr. Annunziato replied that he understood it was to be
rented in conjunction with the warehouses, but Mr. Muro is
present and he could possibl~~ give more informmtion. Mrs.
Huckle referred totthere being eight office suites and ques-
tioned how the parking was computed and Mr. Annunziato in-
formed her that it was fewer than one for every 400 sq. ft.
Mrs. Huckle clarified that there were more than required.
Mr~ Joseph J. Muro, 1198 S. W. 5th Avenue, Boca Raton,
appeared before the Board. Chairman Ryder asked how the
pumping facilities in the present warehouse drained and
Mr. Muro explained that he designed a sewer system himself
which goes into the existing City sewer. Mr. Lambert asked
if he was familiar with the system recommended and Mr. Muro
replied that he was somewhat and appreciates the option
being given as he does not know the cost. They discussed
further the operation of this system.
Mr. Lambert referred to the easement and Mr. Annunziato ex-
plained that when these lots were platted, 50 ft. easements
were dedicated and it is now recommended that these ease-
ments be rededicated as rights-of-way. Col. Trauger ques-
tioned the procedure and Mr. Annunziato informed him it would
be by deed. He explained how that right now, it is private
property and Mr. Muro pays taxes on it with the City ha~ing
an easement. According to this request, it would revert to
public property. He added that this was the last break in
the link on West Industrial ~venue.
Mr. La~bert asked ~. Muro if he had anything further to say
about the drainage requirement and ~. Muro replied that he
has looked at the project with ~. Annunziato and he is con-
cerned with drainage and will work out the requirements.
Mr. Annunziato clarified that Mr. Clark's recommendation was
to present paving and drainage plans with elevations shown
to a how how the parking will be drained.
JULY 12, 1977
Col. Trauger made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend to the City Council approval of the-site develop-
ment plan for an office building at 680 West Industrial Ave.
with H~. Joseph J. Muro being the applicant subject to the
Technical Review Board's comments on the plan, and the Engi-
neering comments be amended to say paving and drainage plans
with elevations shown with 6" rock and 1~' asphalt, and the
Utility Department's and City Planner's recommendations stand
as is. Mr. Lambert seconded the motion. Under discussion,
Chairman Ryder asked if the motion adequately referred to
the Utility Department's comment and ¥~. Annunziato replied
that i~ did ~nd in his memo to Mr. Kohl, he will list them
separately. Motion carried 7-0.
Parking Lot and Covered Storage ~rea
403 N. E. 7th ~venue
Tom Gustafson industries, ~pplicant
The members reviewed the plans and Mr. Annunziato informed
them it was for a paved parking lot and covered storage area.
He added that it was a great improvement to this area and
the applicant should be commended. He told about the present
condition of this north half of this property and how it would
be improved. Concerning the staff comments, a 6 ft. wall
will be required by ordinance on the north property line and
a sidewalk will be required on 7th Avenue.
Col. Trauger asked if there were any other sidewalks on 7th
~venue and ~. Annunziato replied that he didn't know. Chair-
man Ryder added that there were no other developments on 7th
Avenue going east and they must start somewhere.
~ Lambert asked if it was zoned residential to the north
and M~. Annunziato informed him it was a residential use.
Mrs. Huckle asked if there was an existing building and Mr.
~nnunziato replied that it was and they are requesting ~
parking lot and covered storage area.~ Col. Trauger referred
to the lot being open for storage of materials.
Mr. Jeff Faulkinger, ~rchitect, 1620 ~. Federal Highway,
Pompano Beach, appeared before the Board representing Tom
Gustafson Industries. He informed the Board that this com-
pany is a roofing and painting contractor with a great num-
ber of trucks. The yard area is mainly for security. He
explained how the covered storage area would be for materials
to keep the rain off. In regards to the 6 ft. masonry wall,
there is a possibility of building another covered storage
area for their trucks and this may be done along the north
property line. They would like to construct the wall about
5 ft. back and put landscaping on the other side for the
benefit of the residents instead of landscaping for the
parking of the trucks. They discussed the future plans
JULY 12, ~1977
Chairman Ryder remarked that he thought it would be a com-
mendable idea for the landscaping to serve a more useful
purpose. Mr. Lambert questioned the ordinance requirement
and Mr. Annunziato read the ordinance section for clarifi-
cation. They discussed further the necessity for requiring
this wall and Mr. Annunziato informed them that it was reJ
quired by ordinance as recommended by this Board.
Mrs. Schorr questioned the setbacks and Mr. Annunziato ad-
vised that any new development would have to conform to all
setbacks and read the code for clarification~ They discussed
the proposed storage add±tion planned for the future and how
it would be affected by the setback requirements according
to the actual street the building faced on.
Mr. Lambert then referred again to the wall requirement
and they discussed further the location for the wall based
on the landscaping and the future addition. Mr, Annunziato
suggested that the wall be constructed on the property line
regardless of the landscaping as the Community Appearance
Board must consider the landscaping and the wall must be
properly placed according to the ordinance. There was fur-
ther discussion about the location of the wall and the
proposed addition.
Col. Trauger made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend to the City Council the approval of the site devel-
opment plan for the parking lot and covered storage area
located at 403 N. E. 7th Avenue subject to the comments of
the Technical Review Hoard as indicated on the site plan.
~s. Huckle seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-1 with
~. Lambert dissenting. Mr. Lambert clarified his 'vote stat-
ing that he believes the project will be an asset to the com-
munity, but he does not believe the interpretation of that
particular ordinance should require this man to build a 6 ft.
wall along the north property line because the property ad-
joining is in the same C-4 zone.
Cristian Villas
38 Eingle Family attached dwelling units
Located between proposed ~. W. 19th Avenue and existing
Fire Substation on Congress Avenue
Christian Development, Applicant
Chairn~n Ryder announced that he understood this had been
scratched from the agenda and Mr. Annunziato agreed and ex-
plagued about the applicant deciding to change the orienta-
tion of the site.
JULY 12, 1977
Mrs. Huckle suggested that the application have a place for
stating the use intended and ~. Annunziato replied that he
would try to revise them when he has the time~ Chairman
Ryder also suggested that the address of the site be listed.
Mr. Lambert referred to the applications being signed s~ud ~.
Annunziato informed him that Nos. 3 ~ud 4 on the agenda were
not signed through an oversight on his part.
Chairman Ryder announced that the Board would be meeting
tomorrow in workshop session at 3:00 P. M~ Col. Trauger and
~o Winter explained that they possibly may not be able to
attend and Chairman Ryder replied that if they could not make
it, he would consider them excused.
Mr. Bud Post representing the firm of Post, Buckley, Shoe &
Gernangin, Consulting Engineers and Planners, appeared before
the Board. He told about having a client contemplating devel-
opment of a fairly sizable tract in this City. Chairman Ryder
questioned the nature of the development and ~. Post replied
that it was for a major tract in the northwest part of the
City to include different types of zoning, but primarily
housing. They discussed the plans a little further and Mr.
Post clarified that he felt it was premature and just wanted
to explain his presence at the meeting. He will meet with
the City Engineer and City Planner tomorrew and follow the~
procedure in applying to the Boards. He then told about the
company's experience.
Mrs. Huckle moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Arena. Motion
carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:50
P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)