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TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1977 AT 7 3 P.M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Marilyn Huckle
Richard Lambert
F~ry Schorr
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P. Mo He introduced the members of the Board,
City Planner and Recording Secretary. He then introduced Mr.
Gene Moore, the City Attorney, in the audience.
Minutes~.~ of May, 24~ 1977
Mm. Arena referred to the next to last page, where he said
he could not accept ~. Preiditsch's comments with thanks a~
corrected that he believed he said: "Why couldn't we accept
~. Preiditsch's comments with thanks". Chairman Ryder re-
ferred to Page 5, last paragraph, in relation to the Lake
Worth Marina Village and Mm. Reynolds referred to the previ-
ous site plan and suggested that the addition of "proposed
by-Mm. Edward~~ be added for clarification. He then referred
to Page 8, second paragraph, last sentence, in reference to
he was trying to get the Board to change the ordinance, the
"he" should be changed to ~. Preiditsch.
Col. Trauger moved that the Minutes of the Planning & Zoning
Board of May 24, 197.7, be accepted as amended, seconded by
Mr. Lambert. Motion carried 6-0 with ~s. Huckle abstaining
since she was absent.
Parcel #t - The S½ of Lot 3 and the $½ of Lot 4, Laurel Hills
Recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 38
Palm Beach County Records
Location - 315 N.W. 7th St. & 316 N.W. 7th St.
Applicant- Robert G. Beane
Request - Rezone to C-2 from R-lA
Use - Per C-2 Commercial uses
Chairman Ryder referred to this application before the Board
previously and finally they reached the decision to recommend
approval, but it was a split decision. There were discussions
about whether this could be done without public hearing and
those in opposition were primarily opposed to approval because
of no public hearing. He then asked if there was any chanEe
at this tinge in regards to this application and ~. Annunziato
PAGE ~%~0
JUNE 14, 1977
replied: no and clarified that his recommendation to the
applicant was to come in for technical rezoning. Also, no
letters have been received. Mr. Lambert added that the first
time Mr. Beane came before the Board, it was not for rezoning
but there was a dispute of the zoning line running through
two homes and according to the ordinance, the Planning &
Zoning Board had the authority to move that line. However,
the City Council felt in this particular instance that it
should have a public hearing. Chairman Ryder added that
even though a line is being moved,' it is actually rezoningo
Mr. Robert G. Beane appeared before the .Board and advised
that he contacted the people owning the adjoining property
and they have signed a letter stat¢~gthey do not object and
he submitted this to Mr. Annunziato.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone in the audience wished to
speak on behalf of this proposed change and received no re-
sponse. He then asked if anyone wished to speak in opposi-
tion to this proposed zoning change and received no response.
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Beane request for rezoning
from R-lA to C-2 located at 315 N. W. 7th St. and 316 N. W.
7th Street be recommended to the City Council for approval,
seconded by Mr. Arena. No discussion. Motion carried 7-0.
Final Plat of Cranbrook Lake Estates
S. W o Corner of Golf Road & Congress Avenue
169 Lots
M~. Annunziato informed them that this. was the final look
the Planning & Zoning Board will have of this plat. All the
requirements have been met. It has ~en reviewed in its
final form by the staff. The bond amount has been settled
upon. Approval is recom~ended.
Chairman Ryder stated that he understood it has been approved
by the Drainage District also in regards to location of the
canal and Mr. Annunziato replied this ws~ correct. ~@.
Lambert referred to Lots 24-25 and 42-43 and the radius stated
and asked if it was required or to pick up frontage and ~.
Annunziato informed him it was the frontage design. Col.
Trauger referred to there being narrov~ lots and Mr. Annunziato
informed him that they averaged about 80 ft. ~ud explained
that it came through as a PUD master plan rezoning and act-
ually the applicant has increased the size of the lots. He
added that the~ do meet R-1AA requirements.
M~s. Schorr referred to the 6 ft. side setbacks and Mr.
A~nunziato told about the Board working with Mr. Cogen on
this and under a PUD, there are no side setbacks. However,
JUNE 14, 1977
6 ft. was agreed upon by the applicant and Board. The idea
behind a PUD is not to be structured too restrictively. With
the design, he does not think it will be a great consideration.
He does not think there will be small units on these lots.
Mrs. Schorr asked if they were City streets and ¥~. Annmnziato
informed her they were private streets built to City standards.
Mr. Lambert referred to the bottom drawing and the utility
easement being shown to the building line in the rear and
M~. Annunziato clarified that if it was built to the maximum
setbacks, the utility easement would be to the rear of the
unit, but that would be a tremendously large unit. Mr.
Lambert stated that it would prohibit a pool and fence and
~. Annunziato agreed it would, but pointed out that a house
Cbuld be built and a pool without encroaching on the setbacks.
Mrs. Huckle asked if they would be all single family homes
and Mr. Annunziato replied: yes. Mrs. Schorr questioned
Tract A and Mr. Annunziato informed her it was recreation.
Mrs. Huckle asked if there would be a clubhouse ~ud Mr.
Annunziato replied: yes and it was shown on the original
site plan, but is not shown on this plat document. He added
that there would be a clubhouse, pool and tennis court in
Tract A.
~. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend to the City Council approval of the final plat of
Cranbrook Lake Estates, seconded b~ M~. Winter. No discus-
sion. Motion carried 7-0.
~. La~bert asked if this was it for Cranbrook Lake Estates
and Mr. Annunziato reolied: yes and the procedure now is to
go to Council, have the ordinance prepared, bend posted, etc.
The Board is finished with their first PUD under the ordinsmce.
Office/Retail Store Complex
Located on N. E. 6th Court between Ocean Ave. and
N. E. 2nd Avenue
Gene Moore, III, TR: Applicant
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board this was an office/retail
store complex located on N. E. 6th Court extending from
Ocean Ave. to N. E. 2nd Avenue. Concerning the staff re-
quirements, one additional handicap parking place must be
provided. The Fire Department requires the addition of a
fire hydrant on the existing 6" water line. The Engineering
Department requests paving and drainage plans as required.
The Utility Department requires extension of the existing
sewer line to service the property and he explained. His
com~nents are to pave 2nd Avenue and the sidewal~, as it is
now unimproved.
JUNE 14, 1977
M~. Annunziato then referred to the history of this applica-
tion and advised that when the plan was submitted, he wrote
a letter to the District Engineer of the DoO.T. with respect
to the location of the bridge. He read the letter received
in reply from the D.O.T.'advising they have decided to locate
the propose~ bridge on N. E. 2nd Avenue and listed the reasons
for this decision. It also requested that the Planning &
of this decision because the north
required for right-of-way. They
request the City Council to reserve this north 30 ft. for
highway right-of-way. Mr. Annunziato informed them that the
exten$ o£ damage to this plan would be to lay fallow the
north 30 fmt. of the project and actually the building line
would ha~e to~be moved.
Chairman Ryder then called on the applicant for his statement.
~. Gene Moore, 640 East Ocean Avenue, appeared before the
Board and distributed additional visual aids, photographic
studies of the proposed model. He introduced Mr. No,bert
Adair, the Technical Assistant. He then told about some
changes from the model shown as a result of conferences with
the City Planner. He added that he thinks this is something
Boyn~on Beach has needed for a long time. Chairman Ryder
agreed the inner-city and downtown business area should be
built up. ~ir. Moore continued that there will be westward
expansion, but people will be coming downtomm to go to the
beach. He added that they have cooperated with the City in
every regs~d and have added extra parking, landscaping,
eliminated ~uuits, etc. He stated that he agrees with every
point Mr. Annunziato has made with the exception of the last
recommendation. They stand ready to comply with the existing
Mr. Moore then stated that the background on the bridge situ-
ation came to light at 10:00 A. M. this morning and he still
questions whether they are going to put the bridge at 2nd
Avenue. He told about conferences still going on with the
businessmen about the Ocean .~_venue bridge. He referred to
the 15ih Avenue interchange and how it was handled by the
D.O.T. He believes he should be given the right to proceed
as long as the ordinances are complied with. if 30 ft. must
be taken-off this plan, it would cost four units which would
cause detriment to the plan. The DoO.T. only has to file an
order to take the land. He questions the legal position of
the D.O.T. placing the property owner in the position of not
using his l~ud according to the ordinances. Thousands of
dollars have been invested in tests, architect, etc. He sub-
mits it is. not on a~sound basis for them to knock out the
feasibility of proceeding. This is the only objection he
J~ 14, 1977
Chairman Ryder referred to the D.O.T. having hearings in re-
gard to the location of the bridge and when the 2nd Avenue
approach was discussed, it entailed the taking of the Boynton
Motel, so this should not come as a complete surprise. Mr.
Moore replied that it did not come as a complete surprise,
but he doesn't think their legal position is sound. As late
as last night, he heard they were going to defer the decision
for another two years. It keeps seesawing back and forth.
Today they say this isCthe final plan and he questions it.
He does not think it is right when a local project is sub-
mitted to dilly around and wait for them.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the project going from Ocean Ave. to
2nd ~venue and asked if the bridge were changed to Ocean Ave.
would he suffer any loss and Mr. Moore replied: no, it would
not affect the la~d in this a_rea.
M~. ~Lambert referred to previous experience with the D.0. T.
and asked what would happen if approval was given to the
plan? Does the City have to notify the D.O.T.? He does not
think M~. Moore would want to pomr footers ~ad then have the
D.0. T. take the property. Mr. Moore informed him that his
projection was to get this matter through the administrative
procedures as soon as possible and have occupancy by October.
They have commitments from the builders and banks. The con-
cept is' going to be an office condominium and they will sell
office space to the owners. He intends to go ahead as quickly
as possible.
Mr. Lambert questioned the response of the D.O.T. if the City
approved the project unless they want to go in and ts~e the
land and M~. Moore agreed this was his approach and they
should take the land and not just issue a letter. He thinks
this would push them forward and file the taking. In that
event, the plans would have to be altered if financially
feasible. If it is deferred, he thinks it may be another
two years before they make up their~minds. The property
owners have certain rights which the City is to abide by.
He thir~ks the courtesy of waiting for another governmental
agency to make up their minds is depriving the owners.
Mr. Lambert stated he did not think the letter could be ig-
nored and possibly the City Council should notify the D.0. T.
M~. Moore replied that this would put him in a position. He
added that there was a clear cut precedent establish~ in
this case with the High Point case. D.O.T. was plea~ed with
then to take the property and they said just don't give the
permit. It cost the D.O.T. $3,000,000 for that taking.
Mrs. Schorr referre~ to the letter stating that the D.0.T.
has "decided" and asked if it meant it was true and Mr.
Moore replied that he did not accept that and it is official
when they take the land.
JUNE 14, 1977
Mrs. Ec'horr referred to working in the Building Department
when High Point went through and the High Point situation
was discussed.
Chairman Ryder advised that sent with the letter wasa right-
of-way map, which is not official as yet. He explained that
formal adoption was required and a move in condemnation.
Mr. Arena stated that it seemed to him that the Board is off
in a different direction. ~He would tend to think the deal
between the City and the D.O.To should be done on the level
of the City Council and Mr. Kohl. A set of plans has been
submitted and as an advis~ory Board, they should advise whether
to acceptor reject this plan. The bridge is nothing new.
The D.O.T. has taken no action to put it there. This letter
does not say anything. Chairman Ryder disagreed and stated
that it puts us on notice and he doesn't think it can be
treated lightly. We can recommend denial to the Co~mucil and
suggest that the City move to have the D.O.T. come up with a
final right-of-way map and move in the direction of taking
or could go the other way. However, they know there is a
possibility of change in approving this. They can suggest
action which will bring this to a head. In all fairness to
~. Moore, that is what should be done. He believes this is
very worthwhile and would like to see it move along, but does
not intend to treat the letter lightly.
Mr. Annunziato then read his letter sent to the D.O.T. advis-
ing that these site development plans would be reviewed by
the Planning & Zoning Board on June 14 for recommendation to
the City Council ~d the City Council is scheduled to act on
June 21. He requested the D.O.T. to respond officially on
this matter in relation to the proposed bridge.
Mrs. $chorr asked if the Board could approve these plans with
the stipulation to await a reply from the D.O.T. and ~.
Lambert questioned how long would it take the D.O.T.? Mr.
Moore informed him that the D.O.T. could file the taking
tomorrow morning. Mr. Lambert asked if it would be reason-
able to put a time stipulation on it, so the D.0.T. would have
to file for taking or back off as it could be strung along
for years. ~s. Schorr referred to having the setback on
Seacrest Blvd. for years, but it still has not been widened.
~. Moore stated if the Board defers this or fails to approve
it, he does not think they are applying the ordinsnce and are
taking a property Owner's rights. He added that two other
right-of-way maps had been submitted, shewing the bridge at
Ocean Avenue in two sizes.
Chairman Ryder stated that they do have something timely and
he believes they should pay attention to it. If this is
denied, he would suggest that it be on the basis that the City
put pressure on the D.O.T. and request them to come up with
Jb~E 14, 1977
the final right-of-way map. Col. Trauger replied that posi-
tive action could also be taken with approval of the site
plan and notifying the City Council to inform the D.O.T. that
the site plan has been recommended for approval and give the
DoO.T. two weeks to reply; otherwise, it could be hung up for
years. Chairman Ryder agreed they should give a time limit.
Mr. Lambert questioned how they could deny a plan meeting
the code and ~. Moore agreed and stated he was willing to
meet every requirement. Mrs. Huckle stated that it seemed
the risk was more of M~. Moore's than the City's. She
agrees with M_~. Lambert, but still they have the warning
from the D.O.T. She cannot see how they can do anything but
approve the plan if it meets the requirements. She thinks
it should be recommended for approval and ~s. Schorr agreed.
Col. Trauger asked if two weeks was a reasonable period and
Mr. Annunziato informed him that the Council was expected to
act next Tuesday. Mr. Moore stated he assumed the D.O.T.
would know tomorrow morning and would still have a week be-
fore the Council meets. He does not see how they have any
alternative in light of the precedent established. He knows
there will be a bridge probably one place or another, but
the last he heard is that they were not going to act for two
years. Chairman Ryder stated he was concerned whether it was
going to go in this location and if the D.0.T. was prepared
to acquire the property. Mr. Moore stated that they could
do it whenever they chose and at that point, the plans would
ha.ve to be changed.
M~. Ann~uziato referred to the plans to have this project
completed by October and asked if it would have a detrimental
effect on the existing buildings if the D.O.T. comes in the
future and takes the 30 ft. ~ud M~. Moore questioned what was
the answer - wait until the D.O.T. makes up their mind? He
wants to Proceed with this and if the property is taken,they
will adapt. The worse thing which could happen would be to
change the plan and then they decide not to go with 2nd ~ve.
Mrs. Huckle asked if he owned the land personally and ~.
Moore informed her it was under contract.
Chairman Ryder referred to proceeding with the building and
how it would be expensive for everyone. He referred to build-
ings having to be moved at High Point and stated this is some-
thing they would like not to happen again. ~. Moore replied
that'~the ~O.T was solely at fault then ~d is again now. All
the D.O.T. can draw is a straight line and he thinks this
Board and the City Council should determine where this bridge
is going to go. He understands this will t~e most of the
Boynton Motel which will probably be an aS~tronomical taking
figure. The sewer lift station was also mentioned. There is
no improvement at all to the north of this alignment and possi-
bly would only have to take the bar at the shopping center.
J~E 14, 1977
There is a good probability that the City will have to bess
part of the cost. The City should look into re-aligning it
just a few feet to the north and not wipe out the Boynton
Motel. They should not take the word of the D.O.T. and sit
back. They must consider re-aligning it. They discussed
further the possibility of moving it to the north.
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend that the City Council approve the site plan for
the Office/Retail Store Complex subject to the Technical
Review Board recommendations and further recommend that the
City Council notify the D.O.T, that permitswill be issued
and the project will proceed unless the D.O.T. starts con-
demnation proceedings against the 30 ft. Mr. Winter'seconded
the motion.
Under discussion, Chairman Ryder asked Mr. Moore if he was
ready to request a building permit and ~. Moore informed
him that he would continue going through the normal proce-
dure within two weeks unle~ the D.O.T. acts.
They discussed whether it was necessary to stipulate a two
week period and after a lengthy discussion, it was agreed
the motion was satisfactory as stated and the D.O.T. would
be put on notice to do something quickly with the project
~s. Huckle requested Mr. Annunziato's comments and Mr.
Annunziato stated that in his opinion, the applicant has
complied with all the requirements of the ordinances, but
a prece~en~has been set by the High Point taking and he is
a little uneasy about approving the plan on land where the~e
is potential to be a right-of-way. If there is going to be
a bridge, it will have a tremendous effect on the traffic
pattern. Mr. Lambert stated that if the D.O.T. starts con-
dentuation proceedings, the permit will not be issued on
this plan and if the plan is changed, the Board will see
it again.
They further expressed their opinions of the effect of the
After further discussion, M~s. Kruse took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Mr. Arena - Aye
~s. Huckle - Aye
Mr. Winter - Aye
Mr. Lambert - Aye
M~s. Schorr - Aye
Col. Trauger- Aye
M~. Ryder - No
Motian carried 6-1.
JUNE 14, 1977
M~. Moore thanked the Board for taking affirmative action
rather than negative.
Mr. Annunziato stated that as a point of clarification, he
does not think they would have to take the entire Boynton
Lodge. He explained how the approach would be based on the
location of 804 to the west and the intersection of the four
lane highways. Mr. La~oert questioned the status in Ocean
Ridge and ~. Annunziato replied that it would come next to
the parking lot. Mr. Lambert asked who owned the property
and ~. Winter replied that it was in c~nflict between Ocean
Ridge and Boynton Beach.
M~. Annunziato then stated that he asked for official noti-
fication from the D.0.T. and this is the letter he received.
M~. Winter asked if ~ considered it official or a letter
of intent and Mr. Annunziato replied that it was signed by
the Project Manager. He added that ~@. Moore's plan was
good use of the ls~ad though. Mr. Lambert co~ended Mr.
Annunziato for sending the letter and bringing it to atten-
M~s. Huckle referred to receiving a copy of the minuteS of
the Local Planning Agency Meeting and asked if they required
approval now and ~. Annunziato suggested that they could
be approved at the next meeting.
M~. Arena asked if it would be possible to consider at the
next meeting the possibility of making a resolution among
the Board members regarding the qualifiCation of votes. He
added that he was aware there has been a tendency on all
Boards to state the reason for the vote. Mr. Winter agreed
it was done if necessary and Mr. Arena replied that he would
like not to do it. Chairman Ryder asked why and Mr. Arena
replied that he feels in some cases it can sway the thinking
of the Council. The person voting against has the opportun-
ity to qualify voting against and it stands out when reading
the minutes. Mrs. Schorr replied that this was the purpose
and Chairman Ryder added that the Council does this.
Chairman Ryder ascertained there was no further business and
declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 ~P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
( ~ o Tapes)