Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Richard Lambert
Mrs. Mary Schorr
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
M~rs. Mariiyn Huckie (Excused)
Chairman Ryder called the meeting to order at 9:00 Po M.
Mr. Annunziato explained the responsibility of the Local
Planning Agency to act as a guiding body for the production
of the comprehensive plan. It will be a comprehensive plan
which they will recommend to the City Council.
M~. Annunziato then told about interviewing consulting firms
at the staff level per the City Manager's instructions.
Mr. Annunziato advised that the next step would be to decide
the scope of work to be done. He explained how it would weigh
heavily on the cost of the plan and the depth this Agency
w~uted to get involved. He then read the nine required ele-
Col. Trauger asked if this would be paid for by City funds
and ~. Annunziato told about applying for funds, but he
believes the City will have to pay.
Chairman Ryder asked what guidelines had been set down for
the depth and scope of the comprehensive plan and ~. Annun-
ziato replied that general guidelines have been offered, but
the development of the plan is left to the Local Planning
Agency. He explained how the objectives must be reasonable,
financially consistent and coordinated with all levels of
V ~
go ernmen ~o
Chairman Ryder asked to what extent their control would be in
the reserve area and M~. Annunziato replied that joint plan-
ning was permitted subject to formal agreement. He referred
to Boca Raton doing this now and also to Boynton Beach having
had minor input into the land use plan~for the reserve annexa-
tion area. He explained how he could find no fault with the
County land use plan and it was possible for the City to sub-
mit a plan, but the final approval will come from the Board
of County Co~missioners. Mr. Lambert referred to recommending
to the City Council for the City to enter into an agreement
with the County regarding this planning and ~. Annunziato
PAGE ~¥0
~¥ 24, 1977
informed him that it went to Council and was approved, but
he is not sure they knew the extent of the approval as the
Interlocal Agreement did not come about. This was discussed
and it was agreed it should be followed up.
Chairman Ryder referred to the funds available and the depth
the consulting firms could go into and asked if the consul-
tants were going to submit proposals and Mr. Annunziato ex-
plained that he had prepared a work program and believes the
consultants will estimate the cost of the program. They
discussed further the availability of City funds and Mr.
Annunziato told about applying for Federal funds, but not
hs~ing been successful which does not eliminate the City
from complying. Mr. Lambert asked if Mr. Annunziato had
approached anyone in the City about where the funds would
come from and M~~. Annunziato told about reference made to
unencumbered surplus and also the entire project could be
extended over two budget periods. Chairman Ryder referred
to Mr. Kohl transferring funds in various instsmces and
told about Boca Raton and Delrsj Beach being much further
ahead in the area of p!anning~and he believes if we find~he
required scope is going to be limited because of money, it
is up to us-~to strongly let the Council know how we feel.
He feels we must come up with this plan and it should be
prepared in depth and be a definite contribution to the City.
The rate of growth ws~rants it and we should make up for lost
time. He stressed that the Planning & Zoning Board must
prevail on the Co~ucil to make the funds available to go
with this. Mr. Lambert suggested that possibly the Agency
should meet with the City Council and City Manager and
discuss this thoroughly.
Mr. Annunziato asked whether the Board wanted to go beyond
the nine required elements right now? He added that it was
their option and he read again the nine elements. Col.
Trauger replied that they certainly would want to go into
some of the others. They discussed further the others.
~. Annunziato then explained that this land use plan would
take on the authority of the zoning map when adopted. This
law was very progressive in the State of Florida and nation-
wide. The decisions made are subject to reviewa~nually and
everyone is tied in. There can be no rezonings contrary to
the plan without going through the procedures of altering
the plan with public hearings, etc. ~. Lambert cls~ified
that it was similar to what we have now, but on a larger
scale and ~. Annunziato agreed, but it will be called the
land use plan and not a zoning map.
Mr. Lambert stated that basically what he thought would be
done is the consultants will take our existing zoning map
and the unincorporated areas and put it altogether and
~Y 24, 1977
coordinate the whole pac~kage. We have been concerned within
the City limits and they must tie in the whole thing.
Annunziato replied that it depended to what extent the Coun-
cil and Board of County Commissioners get involved. ~.
Lambert referred to it being coordinated with all m~nici-
palities and we should know what is going to happen in the
~. Annunziato asked again if they wanted to limit the ele-
ments in the plan to those required. He added that if it
becomes evident through the production of the plan, which
will certainly take a year with meetings, etc., that the
need or demand arises to expand past the nine elements, the
Local Planning Agency may then want to make reco~endations
to the Council. They discussed further the other elements
and particularly the two additional ones required for cities
with over 50,000 population. M~. Annunziato asked again if
they wanted to leave it with the nine required elements at
this point smd Col. Trauger requested that the others be
read. M~. Annunziato read the suggested ones and added that
anything could be added that they wanted. Col. Trauger re-
ferred to,the City being behind and also explained how he
thought the public service thing wasa!quite important.
Chairman Ryder asked if any of the other cities had engaged
consultants and what their scopes have been and ~. Annunziato
informed him that Delray Beach has limited it to the nine
required elements.
Chairman Ryder asked if there was an estimate of the fee and
~. Annunziato replied that he thought they were talking
about a minimal figure of $30,000. He referred to the first
two elements being land use and housing and exolained how
they would be very expensive. He added that Boynton should
have been considering these things since 1975. Chairman
Ryder referred to the growth having been exceptional within
the past five years and ~. Annunziato agreed.
M~s. Schorr asked if they had received the map from the
County and Mr. Annunziato replied that he had and it pro-
vides for 40,000 units in the Boynton Beach reserve area.
M~. Lambert asked where this plan stood at the present time
and ~. Annunziato informed him that it had not gone before
the Board of County Commissioners yet. ~. Lambert questioned
the procedure if it was approved and Mr. Annunziato informed
him that it must be coordinated County-wide through public
hearings. M~. Lambert referred to the possibility of paying
money for a p!am. the same as passe~ by the County and ~.
Annunziato agreed this could happen, but the County will be
required to have public hearings which we could object to.
He added that he has looked at the plan mad finds very little
fault. The densities have been reduced where they should have
and bull2 up where they should have and he explained. However,
it still must be coordinated with the City plan.
~_Y 24, 1977
Chairman Ryder told about the experiences of Boca Raton and
West Palm Beach.
M~. Annunziato stated they would not be locked into the nine
elements, but would know what they have to do and what it
would cost to get off the ground. In working with the con-
sultants, it may be worthwhile to add additibnal. He would
like a motion stating the Local Planning Agency would like
to start with these nine elements and enter negotiations.
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the City Planner proceed with
negotiations with the consulting firm to develop the nine
elements as prescribed by the Local Government Planning Act,
which are considered to be the absolute minimum with regards
to scope. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried
Mr. Lambert asked if they were going to meet as the Local
Planning Agency after every Planning & Zoning Board meeting
and M~. Annunziato replied that it depended on the topic and
~. Annunziato then told about a House Bill which has come
through retroactively removing all reserve annexation areas
and advised that a letter was sent to the Legislative Dele-
gation and they notified Delray Beach and Boca Raton. M~.
Lambert asked if the City would still have to provide ser-
vices and M~. Annunziato replied that this was not mentioned.
Col. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by M~~. Arena.
Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
9:40 P. M.
Res pec tfutty submit ted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)
Date: j~_May
Time:-~7:30 P,M.
Place: Council Chambers
City Hall
~.~' Regular' Meeting ~
Acknowledgement of Members
Reading a d. Minutes
n Approving of
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
Proposed Ordinance 77 -,amending Section-6 (A) (1) Of
the Zoning ~Regulations to PrOvide for th~ establishment
of crematoriums as a conidtional use in the C-1 zone. '
.B'~--- SITE'-PLAN ? ................ :
1. Completion of '3 ~'wakehouse bays :-. ~ I ~
· 523 Industrial Avenue . ~' ~.~" ' '- ~'
Jim Edwards; . APplicant ' ' ' :'
C. FINAL.: .!.'PLAT',...':' .': ~ / : ' 'i ~ - i
East of U.S.-1 between N~E.,~-Avenue and. No~.o 12th Avenue
1 ~ School~ Proposal · ·
,2'.~. Leu Preidktsch-. setbacks R-3 zone -i
~3. Scope of work program for Comprehensive Plan
Rev. 3/19/76
TUESDAY, ~Y 24, 1977 AT 7:30 P. M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Ronald Arena
Richard Lambert
~s. Mary Schorr
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Mms. Mari!ynHuck!e (Excused)
Chairman Ryder welcomed everyone and called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board,
City Planner, and Recording Secretary. He announced that
M~s. Huck!e had contacted him advising that a matter has
come up requiring her attention making it impossible for her
to attend.
Minutes of Apri.1 26~ ~977
Col. Trauger moved that the Minutes of the P!~nning & Zoning
Board Meeting of April 26, 1977, be accepted as written,
seconded by~. Lambert. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing
An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,
amending Section 6(~&) (1) of Appendix A - Zoning
Regulations, of the codifie~ Ordinances of said City,
to provide for establishment of crematoriums under
zoning C-1 as a conditional use; providing for auth-
ority to codify, savings clause, repealing provision,
an effective date and for other purposes.
Chairman Ryder read Item ~-C of Section 6 on Page 23 of the
Zoning Regulations and clarified that this proposed ordinance
was to include funeral homes with crematoriums subject to
conditional use. He then asked for ~. Annunziato's comments.
Mr. Annunziato stated that this proposal was forwarded to the
Board by the City Council per a reeuest from Mr. Combs who
feels a change in technology would not make this objection-
able. His recommendation is to include it as a conditional
use which he believes will be in accordance with the Council's
24, 1977
Col. Trauger asked if this came up at the request of ~.
Combs only and ~qr. ~Annunziato replied: yes. Mrs. Schorr
added that it was in the C-3 zone. Chairman Ryder referred
to Bethesda Hospital requesting something similar and ~.
Annunziato agreed and added that it was permitted as an ac-
cessory use. Chairman Ryder stated they were concerned about
the discharge of gasses, odors, etc. ~ud were told at that
time that to a great extent it is pretty much minimized now.
~. Annunziato pointed out that it was proposed as a condi-
tional use and this type of evidenCe must be presented with
an application. Chairman Ryder referred to making a point
previously that the stack must be at least 10 ft. above the
roofs of surrounding homes and this consideration would come
under conditional use and ~. Annunziato agreed. ~. Lambert
added that hopefully the technology has come to being ~%~.o~jection-
able, but with conditional use they are able to consider this
and if it is a problem,it could be disallowed or a request
made that the stack be higher.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone in the ~' ~
~umme~ce desired to
speak in favor of this proposed ordinance a~d received no
response. He thea asked if anyone wished to speak in oppo-
sition and received no response.
Col. Trauger referred to the memorial park~having a cremator-
ium and Mr. Annunziato replied that this was not in the City.
Mms. Schorr told about the memorial park being in the City at
one tLme and also referred to there being a crematorium in
Delray Beach and asked why one was needed here?
~. Lambert stated that Mr. Don Combs had just arrived and
asked if he desired to speak. ~. Don Combs appeared before
the Board ~ud stated he was just present to answer any ques-
tions. Chairman Ryder asked how this would be accomplished
and ~. Combs explained that it was a completely packaged
self-contained unit which meets all environmental require-
ments. The company will send engineers to testify what it
will or will not do. He has a warehouse in the rear where
he is anticipating putting this.
Chairman Ryder asked if details would be presented to the
Board and ~m. Annunziato replied that if this becomes an
ordinance, submission is per conditional use and a public
hearing will be held.
Mr. Lambert asked if a crematoriBm was mentioned in any other
zoning ~ad M~. Annunziato replied that it w~s only specifi-
cally excluded in C-1.
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend the City' Council adopt the proposed ordinsmce
amending Section 6 (A) (1) of the Zoning Regulations to pro-
vide for the establishment of crematoriums as a conditional
use in the C-t zone. Col. Trauger seconded the motion.
P2~.Y 24, 1 977
Under discussion, ?~. Lambert referred to the ordinance re-
ferring to the C-1 zone?only and asked if it would have a
pyramiding effect and M~. Annunziato replied: yes. Motion
carried 6-0.
Site Plan
Completion of Three Warehouse Bays
523 Industrial Avenue
Jim Edwards, Applicant
The members reviewed the plan and then Chairman Ryder re-
quested input from M~. Annunziato. ~. Annunziato pointed
out these proposed warehouse bays were currently being used
as open sand and gravel bays. .When they were constructed,
it was with the intent of enclosing them. During the inter-
ium,~ the ordinance was changed not permitting construction,
but a provision for this use was provided in the non-conform-
ing section and is per~mitted if the non-conformity is not
enlarged. The stemwalls were buil~, the columns in place,
and the steel extended from the columns with the intent to
do this.
Mr. Jim Edwards appeared before the Board. Chairman Ryder
asked if the walls were erected with the necessary footing
so they could be completed and M~. Edwards replied: yes.
~. Lambert asked when it was originally built and ~.
Edwards r ~'
~ep~med about five years ago. Chairman Ryder ques-
tioned the purpose of the pagoda in the center and Mr. Edwards
informed him it was a small office with garage space below.
M~. Annmnziato informed the Board that the only comment from
the staff is that the final plan meet the handicapped re-
~ou~d be.
quirements and Col. Trauger questioned What this ~ ~
Mr. Annunziato replied that it could be the bathrooms, but
one parking space for handicapped parking has definitely
been indicated. Mr. Lambert referred to these being ware-
houses ~d not being open to t._e public and as~ed how it
could be required to designate a handicapped parking space
and Mr. Annunziato replied that he could not answer, but
this was 'required by the Building Dept. After further dis-
cussion, Mr. Lambert requested Mr. Annunziato to find about
this requirement in this particular instance.
Chairman Ryder clarified that the rear setback was not perti-
nent and Mr. Annunziato agreed in that the non-conforming
ordin~uce foresaw this type of problem and does permit alter-
ation or construction as long as the non-conformity is not
incr~ased and this obviously was planned with the erection
of the walls.
M~Y 24, t977
Mr. Arena questioned why it must be approved with the handi-
capped requirement bud Mr. Annunziato clarified that this
was indicating to the applicant that something is required.
Col. Trauger added that the Board has always accepted plans
with comments. M~. Lambert added that the Building Depart-
ment does not always list every comment. ~. Annunziato
clarified that comments affecting the site plan were listed.
Mx. Lambert asked if he knew it was specifically in regards
to a parking space and M~. Annunziato replied that he be-
lieved so.
Col. Trauger moved to recommend to the City Council approval
of the site plan for the completion of three warehouse bays
at 523 Industrial Avenue with Jim Edwards being the appli-
cant, subject to the note of the Building Dept. ~r. Lambert
seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Final Plat
Lake Worth Mariner Village
East of U. S. 1 between lOth ~venue a_nd N. E. 12th Avenue
Chairman Ryder referred to this coming before the Board several
times and requested an explanation from
Annunziato referred to this plat being fa~iiar to most of the
members and advised that it had been reco~mmended for approv~k
by the Board and approved by the City Council, but the bond
was not officially posted and the plat expired. The appli-
cant asked for it to be resubmitted, so it was run through
the staff and must come back to this Board, since S~me of
the principles have been ch~aged and the platting documents
were never endorsed by the Planning & Zoning Board Chairman.
The staff finds it meets or exceeds all ordinance requirements
and recommends approval.
Col. Trauger asked when it was before the Planning & Zoning
Board previously and Mrs. Schorr reolied that the ordinance
had second reading on August 17, ~9~6 and ~. Annunziato
added that it was probably before the Board in April or May,
~ 976.
Chairman Ryder asked if there were any prob!en~ and ?~.
Annunziato replied: none. He added that there were some
problems, but explained how they had been resolved. He
commented that a number of the lots would require the house
to be two stories to get the area for the house. It is zoned
R-3 which permits R-1 specifications, 6,000 sq. feet per lot.
Mr. Lambert questioned the percentage which would be two
story houses and Mr. innunziato replied there were quite a
few, but he did not remember the exact number. He added
that i~ was a difficult piece of land to work with. ~.
Lambert asked if the small lots had been corrected and Mr.
~Y 24, 1977
Annunziato replied: yes and explained. Col. Trauger asked
if the lots were all bulk?headed smd Mr. Annunziato reolied
that most are and those which have not will be. ~Ms. ~chorr
asked if they were filling to the bulkhead line and Mr.
Annunziato replied: yes, they have to~'fill out to the bulk-
head line.
Chairman Ryder asked if anyone was present representing the
applicant. ~v~. Jay J. Reynolds of the Law Firm of Reynolds &
Marchbanks, Boca Raton, appeared before the Board. He intro-
duced two gentlemen with him and stated they were present to
answer questions. He explained how the property was taken
back and they have tried to cooperate with the City of Boynton
Beach and have made changes as required by the staff. They
ask for approval of this plat.
Chairman Ryder referred to the bulkheading sad Mr. Reynolds
informed him the bulkheading has been approved by the Corps.
of Engineers. Mr. Vandermeer explained how an extensive
investigation was made by the Corps. of Engineers and they
have complied with everything. The permits have been issued.
He explained how' they had the land a long time and the other
group spent thousands of dollars, but neglected to post a
bond and in the i~terim they had problem~ and we were forced
to take it back ~ud start over. They have gone into detail
to comply with all the requirements. P~. Reynolds also told
about having an ecological study.
Mr. Lambert asked about the old building there and ~. Vander-
meer informed him they would use this as~an office at first
and it will be torn down within a year's time.
M~. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend approval of the final plat of Lake Worth Mariner
Village located east of U. S. 1 betweem~N. E. ~Oth Avenue and
N. E. 12th Avenue. ~. Winter seconded the motion. Motion
carried 6-0.
~. Reynolds referred to the previous site plan and the dis-
cussion of requiring handicapped parking and informed the
Board that the State Legislature passed a law stating in all
public and quasi-public places, there must be provided therein
parking spaces for the handicapped. Also, in public estab-
lishments, bathrooms must be redesigned for the handicapped.
M~. Lambert still questioned this requirement and M~. Annun-
ziato informed him that ~h~. Edwards' place was public with
having an office there. Mr. Arena remarked that he thought
it should be more specific when there is a comment like that
MA~2 24, 1977
School Proposal
Chairman Ryder referred to a proposal prepared by ~. Annun-
ziato to be included in Section 5 under R-1AAA, Page 16,
which was prepared because questions have come up wt~ere and
in what instances schools will be provided for. ~. Annunziato
referred to the Board asking him to prepare a proposal for
treatment of schools in the zoning ordinance subject to con-
ditional use and clarified that it was necessary to alter
5Atb to specifically exclude schools as an accessory use
from churches. In his proposal, schools are not to be con-
sidered aa an accessory use to places of worship. He also
explained how he had added language to Section 5Flc on Page
20 to make nursery schools conditional uses in R-2. He added
that he felt it was necessary to continue this into the com-
mercial district to make it work in all dimensions. He then
read additional Sections K and L to be added on Page 23. He
clarified that schools would be permitted in all residential
and commercial districts, but prohibited from industrial dis-
tricts, which he thinks was the intent of the Board.
Mrs. SChorr asked if schools would be included in the P.I.D.
and M~. Annunziato replied: no. Mr. Lambert asked why they
were keeping schools out of the industrial district and Mr.
Annunziato explained how he felt the P~i.D. should be for
industrial purposes and adequate potential has been provided
for locating schools in other districts.
~. Winter asked about correctional schools and M~. Annunziato
replied that he did not work these into the language and
asked if the'Board would like this considered. Col. Trauger
referred to correctional schools being pretty rare and Mr.
Winter insisted they were still schools.
Mr. Lambert clarified that all schools were permitted in
residential and commercial zones strictly as conditional use
and M~. Annunziato stated that nursery schools were permitted
in the R-2 zone up,
M~. Annunziato asked if thms proposal satisfied the intent of
the Board and the~members replied affirmatively. Col. Trauger
referred to the proposal being added as an addendum and Mr.
Annunziato stated he would Prefer to alter the ~xt. He ex-
plained that the procedure was to recommend the proper ordi-
nances be prepared at the Council level and it will have to
come back to the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council.
Col. Trauger moved that the Planning & Zoning Board accept
the changes to the Planning & Zoning Regulations as presented
pertaining to Section. 5 and Section 6 as to the location of
school facilities. Mr. Lambert seconded the motion. Motion
carried 6-0.
MAY 24, 1977
Lou Preiditsch - Setbacks R-3 Z~ne
Chairman Ryder announced a request had been received from Mr.
Lou Preditsch, who has been here previously, to appear before
the Board in regards to setbacks in the R-3 zone.
~. Lou Preiditsch appeared before the Board and referred to
the last time when they discussed the erosion of the side
setbacks, etc. in the R-3 Zone. He stated that the present
R-3 zoning does not allow 4~ usage of the old platted lots
and requests that these lots be amended to R-3A having a front
of 25 ft., rear 20 ft., and side lines of 15 ft. The unplatted
raw land can conform to the present R-3 requirements. His
Wife owns property on which she would-like to build a condo-
minium for senior citizens and the handicapped, which they
would like to move to since she has been in a wheelchair for
15 years. He read the requirements from five surrounding
towns ~d the land use allowed. He showed preliminary plans
for the building and explained how it would be designed in
accordance with the Regulatory Agency for the Handicapped.
M~. Arena clarified that the request was actually for relief
on a certain piece of property and suggested that ~L~. Preiditsch
appeal to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Preiditsch replied
that he has gone before many Bosa~ds during the years and be-
lieves the proper way to go about it is to appear before the
Planning Board and see if the property can be made conforming.
The members studied the plans and discussed the location.
M~. Lambert referred to the possibility of redesigning the
buildings to fit on the property and ~. Preiditsch explained
that he was trying to design them to give as much as possible
to the purchasers and referred again to other towns allowing
more area to work with. He added that it has been zoned for
28 units, but he would prefer not to build them.
Mr. Lambert asked if he was requesting the entire ordinance
to be changed and ~. Preiditsch replieS: no, just the seg-
ment of the old lots. ~. Lambert replied that the Board
could not do this and Chairman Ryder added that they must
consider whether it will be in the general interest to do it.
It must be considered how this would not just be confined to
his property. He explained how the Board of Adjustment had
the power to grant variances on such requests.
Mr. Preiditsch explained how the old platted lots would have
difficulty conforming to the 40 ft. setbacks. He added that
he would be allowed to put 28 apartments on this property,
but feels his plan would be better use of the property. ~.
Annunziato informed him that the l~ad could be redeveloped
into lots for duplexes or single family homes. He added
that the R-3 ordinance works well on large trac%s of land,
~lY 24, 1977
but does not preclude the possibility of using small lots.
If it is impracticable for R-3 uses, it can be dropped to
other use. There would be a hardship if the land could not
be used. ~. Lambert suggested again that he take his re-
quest to the Board of Adjustment.
Mx. Preiditsch told about being familiar with this area and
how they couldn't do anything with many of the lots. Mr.
Lambert explained how the Board of Adjustment could grant
approval by motion, but this Board does not have that power
and isaa recommending body to the City Council. ~ir. Preiditsch
replied that he would like the feeling of this Bos~d and then
would go before the City Council and Board of Adjustment. Mr.
Lambert informed him that all that was necessary was to apply
to the Board of Adjustment. Chairman Ryder clarified that he
was trying to get this Board to change the ordinance and Mm.
ITeiditsch replied that it has been changed many times at the
drop of a hat.
~. Annunziato stated'that as far as the Board was concerned,
there was no obligation to make. No official site plans have
been submitted. M~. Preiditsch referred to submitting pre-
liminary plans and Mr. Annunziato clarified that he offered
him the option to go before the Board under discussion and
he made a presentation. The Board's responsibility has been
to recommend appealing to the Board of Adjustment if there is
a hardship.
Col. Trauger moved that the Planning & Zoning Board does not
intend to entertain a motion for the amendment of the R-3
Zone and accepts ~fr. Preiditsch's comments with thanks. Mm.
Lambert seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Arena
stated he didn't think the Board should get involved and
Mx. Lambert clarified that the intent of the motion was that
the Board has gone into this in depth and does not intend to
change the R-3 zoning. Mr. Arena stated he didn't thi~ it
s~ould be this definite. Col. Trauger replied that there was
no cause to change the zoning regulation at this time. Chair-
man Ryder asked if questions were going to be raised by the
Council and if they were going to do anything with it and
Col. Trauger clarified that it was not a reco~endation to
the Council. ~. Arena stated he could not acceot Mr.
Preiditsch's comments with thanks and Col. Trauger explained
that he made the motion to get it off the agenda. ~.
Arena stated that a private citizen wanted discussion with
the Board and comments were made and he does not see any
reason to make reference to changing the R-3 zone. Mr.
Lambert referred to M~~. Preiditsch's request to know the
Board,s position and Mr. Preiditsch stated that he be-
lieved a reason should be given for not changing it. He
appeared here to discuss it and get to a point where he could
do something. Col. Trauger referred to the presentation being
a proposal to change the R-3 zoning. ~. Lambert asked for
M~_Y 24, 1977
M~. Annunziato's comments and Mx. Annunziato replied that he
didn~t think the Board had to make ar~ formal motion on this
at all. He believes their suggestion to seek relief from the
Board of Adjustment was in order. Col. Trauger then withdrew
his motion and Mr. Lambert withdrew the second.
M~. Preiditsch referred to the previous plans presented and
Mr. Annunziato suggested that he discuss particular instances
with him in his office. _Mr. Preiditsch stated he would like
to discuss it here and Chairman Ryder informed him it was not
the place and he does not think it-should be discussed by the
Board and the City Planner has extended an invitation to him
to discuss it further in his office.
Sg~0Pe~ ~°~ Wo. rk ~ Pxogr~.~m .for .C°mprehensive Plan
M~. Annunziato suggested that the Board discuss this program
as the Local Planning Agency and Chairman Ryder suggested
that the Planning & Zoning Board meeting be adjourned and a
separate meeting be conducted as the Local Planning Agency.
Discussion of Public Hearings. for Moving Zoning Line
~. Lambert referred to the Council feeling that public hear-
ings should be h~la in the future for moving zoning lines and
Mr. Annunziato agreed and stated that in the future, he would
strongly recommend that the person seek rezoning. Chairman
Ryder told about the Co~ucil's review and stated he got the
impression they decided a oublic hearing was necessary. M~.
Lambert referred to a slight variation in the lot line and
asked if a rezoning application must be filed and Mr.
Annunziato explained how it would be thoroughly covered by
the ordinance rezoning land since a public heisting was re-
quired. Mr. Lambert referred to having a provision in the
code stating a public hearing was not necessary and it was
discussed whether this should be changed. Chairman Ryder
suggested that they think about it further and see if it
happens in the future.
~. Lambert moved to adjo~mrn, seconded by Col. Trauger.
· Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 8:59 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Zruse
Recording Secretary
( 1~,~ o Tapes)
Planning and Zoning Board:
Mr. Chairman, on my last appearance before this Board you
requested that I bring a plan for use of my wife's property.
Due to the set backs required, present R.3 zoning does not
allow 40% usage of old platted lots, a request to amend these lots
to R3A having a front of 25', rear 20', side lines 15'. Unplatted
raw land can conform to present R.3 requirements.
As per your prior request to submit a set of plans, you will
find plot plan and floor plans. My wife confined to a wheelchair
has asked me to design a condo for senior citizens and the handi-
capped, otherwise known as "widetracks".
We plan to move from our home that was designed for the
handicapped to one of the units.
Zoning Requirements:
5 Towns - 10 to 15 to acre
R - M 10-to acre
Front 25
Side 15
Rear 25
Allows 43%
Boca Raton
Front 25
Rear 25
Side 25
- 9.5 acre
All ows 40%+
Lantana - 15 to acre
Front 20
Rear 5
Side 5
Ocean Ridge
Front 25 ~/~
Side 15 ~m
Rear 15
P~ofessional offices: Physician, Su~eon,
othe~ of medical p~fes~[on ~[$~e~d in s~a~e of Florida; La~e~, Eng~nee~s~
2. H~pi~s, Medical ~d ~ntal Clini~, bu~ no ~im~ H0sPit~.
$. Motels 6 Hote~
Reshapers when p~ of ~he principal mo~ei, ho~el, a~n~ or office s~c~
5. Pe~e~ies~ Plant N~series ~d Co~ercial ~e~ouses and other ~icul~al
General Business Offices.
Height allowed 45 feet.