WEDneSDAY, APRIL 2~, 1977 AT 3:00 P. M.
Simon Ryder, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Mrs. Mary $chorr
Carmen Annunziato,
City Planner
Tom Clark, City Engineer
Charles Fredericks,
Recreation Director
Ronald Arena
Richard Lambert (Excused)
Gary Winter (Excused)
Chairman Ryder called the meeting to Order at 3:00 P. M.
and announced it was a workshop session to continue the
review of the regulations for subdivisions. He advised
that Mr. Lambert and Mx. Winter had contacted him and in-
dicated they ms~¥ not be able to attend, but he has not
heard from Mr. Arena. He acknowledged the presence of
Mr. Tom Clark, City Engineer, and ~. Charles Fredericks,
Recreation Director, and added that he understood that Mr.
Annunziato had been delayed and would join them shortly.
He then distributed the latest revisions to the Zoning Code.
After discussion of the sequence of their review, Chairman
Ryder announced they would start with Page 92 and discuss
Section 8 when ~. Annunziato arrives. Mr. Clark informed
the Board that to 'a large extent the regulations were copied
from the County Subdivision Ordinances and they have not had
any problems and have been living with it for several years.
Mr. Clark then referred to Page 92, Section 11, actually
speaking for itself ~ud asked if there were any comments.
Chairman Ryder read the Administration of Construction sec-
tion and referred to the possibility of having a sizable
job which Mr. Clark may not be able to handle and possibly
they should insert City Consulting Engineer or other author-
ized representative. Mr.~Clark ~xplained how it did not
mean personal supervision, but an inspector would report
to him and an inspector in the field would report to the
Design Engineer. Chairman Ryder clarified there were no
changes necessary and Mr. Clark replied that he did not
think any change was necessary because the intent is to
have one individual to make the recommendation to the City
Chairman Ryder then referred to the definition of a Developer,s
Engineer on 'Page 92 and Mr. Clark explained that a design
engineer was responsible to an engineer registered in the
State-~of Florida, who must certify the work has been done
according to requirements.
APRIL 20, 1 977
Chairman Ryder continued with Page 93 and suggested that-
"discretion" be spelled correctly in Article 3.
Col. Trauger asked if it was under the Southern Building
Code and Mr. Clark explained how the Southern Building Code
was primarily concerned with super structures on private
property. This Subdivision Ordinance is ~estricted to City
maintained utilities, streets, easements, etc. Col. Trauger
asked what established the basic authority for the codes and
Mr..Clark explained how D.O.T., Water Pollution Control,
W.Q.M,~., etc. were used for references. He added that these
were not mentioned in the appendix mud Col. Trauger suggested
that the references should be stated somewhere.
Mrs. $chorr clarified that this applied to new subdivisions
and M~. Clark agreed. Mrs. Schorr referred to old subdivi-
sions being on the books and asked if there would be any
conflict and Mr. Clark replied that the plums must be sub-
mitted for approval and they could request that they meet
the latest requirements. He explained how the old subdivi-
sion ordinance just stated a minimum requirement and he is
not obligated to accept a minimum established hy ordinance.
Chairman Ryder then referred to the request to pave 7th St.
mn Laurel Hills as presented to Council and they discussed
how it was necessary to pave all streets to the same require-
The members then read through Page 94.
Chairman Ryder then referred to Page 95 and read the paragraph
regarding the guarantee and asked if this would be~in the form
of a bond and Mr. Clark replied there would be a writte~ guar-
antee, but the bond would really guarantee the work for one
year. Chairman Ryder suggested that it be intthe form of a
maintenance bond and Mr. Clark explained that the performance
bond protects the City for one year after they accept it and
what they are looking for is something which would protect the
City i~case unsatisfactory materials or workmanship is dis-
They proceeded with reviewing pages 96 and 97. ~. Clark ad-
vised that they do have an ordinance for excavation requiring
~ permit and Col. Trauger asked how big a hole and ~M. Clark
stated this was a good question.
Mr. Annunziato arrived at this time, 3:30 P. M., and Chairmau
Ryder brought him up to date on their review. He added that
they were waiting for him to review Section 8 since he pre-
pared this with ~. Fredericks. Mr. Annunziato apologized
for his lateness and explained that he had to attend a meet-
ing with the Area Planning Board.
APRIL 20, 1977
Chairman Ryder suggested going back to Page 58, Article 9,
and requested input from Mr. Annunziato. Mr. Annunziato ex-
plained how they felt it was important to be sure the needs
of the specific community are served. He explained the re-
quirement to dedicate five acres per 1,000 or provide faci-
lities and land of an equivalent nature. He also explained
the alternate to provide money. He told about their complete
research into this matter. Mr. Fredericks also explained how
the figures were based on the standards used by the ~ational
Park & Recreation Division and approved by the State and
County. He gave examples of how they had been lax in the
past. They discussed at length the recreation requirements.
Mrs. Schorr then referred to Page 3 stating money should be' *See
paid to the Finance Director and referred to the City not
having a Finance Director and suggested that it be paid to
a certain City account. Mr. Fredericks agreed md stated
it should be earmarked for recreation funds. Col. Trauger
stated that if the budget gets tight, the City could use
this money aud Chairman Ryder suggested that it be put in
trust smd not used for anything but recreation. After dis-
cussion, it was agreed to replace the word '?reserve" with
M~. Annunziato referred to Page 5 and read the recommenda-
tion he wrote giving the Planning & Zoning Board the right
to determine the fair market value. ~@s. Huckle stated she
thought it was a bad precedent to have a volunteer appointed
Board make any kind of assessment. ~. Annunziato referred
to having expertise on the Board and ~s. Huckle stated that
this was not true all the time and explained. M~. Annunziato
stated that the Board could also determine to hire an appraiser.
Chairman Ryder stated he agreed with M~s. Huckle and suggested
that somebody in the City have this responsibility. There was
further discussion and it was agreed to leave it as stated amd
see if problems occur.
Chairman Ryder then read the purpose on Page 1 and asked if
this was something in the future and ~. Annunziato replied
that as part of the Comprehensive Planning Project, they
must have conservation elements.
M~. En~ziato stated there was some verbiage missing on
Page 6, Section F, Subparagraph a) and the addition should
be: "regulations shall not be included in the computation,.
Col. Trauger referred to the front page, Paragraph ~, and
stated he felt two years was a rather short period and ex-
plained. Mr. Annunziato informed him that this section
came from the County Ordinance ~ud explained how they had
been concerned with the two year period also, but they must
consider how long the land will be tied up. There was a
lengthy discussion about this requirement.
of 4/2~/~
of P & Z
APRIL 20, 1 977
The members then expressed their approval for this section
and discussed how the City was really in need of parks and
recreation area.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the old pages including golf courses
and asked if it was incorporated in the new section and Mr.
nnunziato replied that it would be covered by oriv&te recrea-
ion on Page ~, Section F. i
Col. Trauger moved to accept Section 8 regarding Parks and
Recreation Area as presented with the amendments to the word-
ing and to have the City Planner and Director of Parks and
Recreation make the changes and renumber the pages to conform
to ma~er. ~so Schorr seconded the motion. Motion carried
Chairman Ryder then referred to Page 95 and told about their
previous discussion regarding the guarantee aud asked if a
maintenance bond would be necessary. ~ere was a lengthy
discussion about the actual procedure follow~d~iwith the per-
formance bond and the necessity for a year's guarantee on
the materials and workmanship. Mr. Clark then advised that
he would research this further and if necessary to be changed,
he will submit a recommendation to the Board.
Chairman Ryder then continued with Page 100. ~. Clark in-
formed them these were additional permits required ~d M~.
~nnunziato explained how the South Florida Water Management
District had assumed tremendous powers ~ud controls. Col.
Trauger then requested again that it be noted what references
were used and the dates. They discussed the agencies in con-
trol of these permits and it was agreed to state: "all regu-
latory agencies".
Chairman Ryder referred to Page 101 and the mainten~uce of
canals ~ud explained how it was very hard to determine who
owns what. Mr. Annunziato explained how they were requiring
on the plats that the land surveyors note that the control
of aquatic weeds, etc. will be assigned to the developers.
They discussed further the maintenance of the canals and the
City's actual responsibility. ~. Clark clarified that the
City would only be responsible for the minimum drainage re-
quirements. There was further discussion about the actual
drainage easement ~ud ~@. Clark advised he would research
this further and check with the County.
Chairman Ryder proceeded to Page 102 and ~s. Huckle ques-
tioned the width of 60 ft. They discussed how 60 ft. ap-
plied and it was agreed that further clarification was
APRIL 20, 1 977
Chairman Ryder continued with Page 103 and stated this ap-
plied to previously platted subdivisions. Mr. Annunziato
told about conversation with the staff regarding this sec-
tion and the members discussed at length how this applied to
Lake Boynton Estates..
FAr. Annunziato then referred to the next page and explained
how the percentage could be altered. Mr. Clark clarified
that this gave the City the right to effectively abandon a
plat at the request of an owner and it would be replatted by
the current ownership.
Ms. Annunziato continued with Page 105 stating the clarifica-
tions and specifications. They discussed the requirements
through Pages 107.
Chairman Ryder then referred to Yarimuces and clarified that
these were not subject to review by the Board of Adjustment
and the Council has control and Mr. Annunziato agreed and
explained that the Board of Adjustment only has powers and
control over zoning ordinances and this is an additional *See Minutes
document for platting, of 4/26/77
P& z
~. Annunziato stated that Page 112 just listed the penalties
and prohibitions. Pag~ 113 covers the usual paragraphs at
the end of all ordinances. Page 1~4 states it will be in-
clude~ in the Code of Laws of the City of Boynton Beach.
M~. Annunziato then informed them that the forms at the
back of the ordinance have been reviewed and several are
being used. The forms were reviewed by the former City
Attorney, Mr. Reed, and were prepared by attorneys.
Col. Trauger remarked that he thought the flow chart was
most helpful.
~. Annunziato referred to Page 121 and stated that the County
Commission did not necessarily approve our plats.~ Mr. Clark
explained how it was now possible for their plats to go
directly to the County Clerk to be recorded. However, he
explained how this put the responsibility specifically on
him aud he had no objections to continuing the procedure of
having the developer go through the Board of County Commis-
sioners. Mr. Annunziato told about the delay encountered
in Broward County with plans being reviewed by the County
Planning Commission and stated he did not see where it was
necessary for the Board of County Commissioners to approve
the plat when they have a good comprehensive plan. Mr.
Clark replied that he,did not agree as the County will be
involved with rights-of-way and canals. Further discussion
APRIL 20, 1977
Col. Trauger moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Schorr.
Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 5:00 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)