Minutes 01-25-77MINUTES OF T~E I~GULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY H~LL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TUESDAY, JANU;~Y 25, 1977 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Fred Kostner, Vice Chairman .Richard Lambert Simon Ryder Oris Walker Garry Winter Carmen Annunziato, City Planner ABSENT Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman Louis Reiser (Excused) (Excused) Acting as Chairman, Mr. Kostner called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board and the City Planner. He then welcomed the guest in the audience, ~. Richard Vastine, and introduced his wife, Josephine Kostner. MINUTES Minutes of.Regular Meeting of January..1.1, 1977 M~. Ryder referred to Page 4, top paragraph., halfway down, and stated it should be: conm~ercial ~connotation,~. ~.~. Lambert referred to Page 8, first paragraph, and referred to changing Paragraph P. M~. Anunziato replied that he thinks the misunderstanding occurred in that he had changed it previ- ous to the meeting and they discussed changing it again. For clarification, it should read: front - 30 ft., rear - 30 ft., side - 20 ft. Mr. Lambert moved to adopt the minutes as corrected, seconded by Mr. Ryder. i Motion carried 4-0 with Mr. Walker abstaining. Minutes of Wo~k~o~....Me~.t~ng of January 17, ].97~ Mr. Ryder moved to adopt the minutes as presented, seconded by M~. Lambert. Motion carried 4-0 with Mr. Walker abstain- ing. ANNOUNCE~,~NTS .~ Chairman Kostner announced the following with the request that it be recorded verbatim in the minutes: "At the request of the Planning & Zoning Board, the City Council On Tuesday, November 20, 1973, adopted Ordi- nance 73-5~, Which provided for staggered one and two year terms for the members of the Planning & Zoning Board. MZNU~S PLANNING & ZONI]~G BOARD PAGE ~0 JA~U3~Y 25, 1977 T~is was a good Ordinance - good for the City, good for the Council, and good for the Zoning Board because it pro- vided continuity of service and avoided the possibility of an entirely new and possibly ine×perienced Board being appointed at one time. Mrs. Emily Jackson voted for it. Because of this Ordinance, one o£ her appointees served on the present Board and has completed a two year term. Now, however, Mrs. Jackson, once again reverting to her personal whims and practicing small, cheap, petty politics, has proposed to abolish the two year term, not because of any member's lack of qualifications or lack of attendance at meetings. No, the sole reason for asking for my resignation is to deny my serving the remaining year of my two year term. In my five years on the Zoning Board, i have devoted approximately 800 hours of time, including regular and work- shop meetings, plus field trips and council meetings during the years of my vice chairmanship and chairmanship. As to my qualifications, let me call the City Council's attention to my business background. I am a 74 year old re- tired businessman, have no conflict of interest in zoning matters. I have, for some forty years, been actively engaged in residential and commercial construction, land planning, subdivision development, and real estate appraising for the courts and Veteran's Administration. I also chaired the Commission of Eminent Domain, whose function was to determine fair awards for the taken· ~g of private oroperty for public use. ~ I also served in the following organizations: Pr_esident, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Board of Realtors. President, Society of Real Estate Appraisers, M~lwaukee, Wisconsin and surrounding counties. Referee in MiiwauMee Cowry courts in civil matters and others. Vice President, New Berlin State Bank, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. President, Lion's Club, Waukesha County, Wisc. It is with humble pride that I speak of my business back- ground, which surely indicates that ~ am qualified to serve on the Planning & Zoning Board, and only ~s. Jackson's petty politics seem to deny ~e~athe right to complete my apoointed term. ~ E~r actions in this matter thoroughly disgust me. fore, Z hereby tender my resignation as of now." There- .Mr. Kostner then personally said goodbye to the members, Mr. Annunziato and Mrs. ~ruse. He requested that a copy of the MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THREE JA~JARY 95 1977 minutes be mailed to his of£ice. He suggested that the mem- bers of the Board elect a temporary Chairman and then left. ~ppoinSme, nt of Temporary Vice,,,,,Chairmso Mr. Ryder referred to changes taking place in the Board shortly and suggested that a Chairman be appointed on an interim basis. Mr. Lambert clarified that they officially still had a Chairman and they must re-appoint a Vice Chair- man. Mr. Annunziato suggested that the member with the greatest longevity be appointed to lead this meeting. Mr. Ryder replied that Mr. Walker had served on the Board the longest, but had not attended regularly. Mr. Walker ex- plained how he had personal obligations in the past, but had made arrangements to be able to attend the meetings on Tues- day nights as he desired to serve. However, if there were work~hop meetings on other days, he may not be able to at- tend due to being employed. ~. Winter made a motion to appoint Mr. Otis Walker the tem- porary Vice Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board only for tonight's meeting. M~. Lambert seconded the motion and re- ferred to the possibility of needing a temporary Vice Chair- man for the February 8 meeting until the Board was re-organ- ized. Motion carried unanimously. C Oi~R~JN I C A T IONS ~. Annunziato informed the Board that he received a communi- cation from the Palm Beach County Planning & Zoning Division informing that they are in the process of revising the zoning plan and reserve annexation areas. They will meet with the Board to give explanations. ~. Lambert asked if they could participate and Mr. ~nnunziato explained how it would be ad- vantageous for them to do so. OLD BUSINESS ~ID Proposal ~. Annunziato referred to there being only one change re- quested at the last meeting on Page 11 to refer to City Ordinances instead of Chapter 25 and advised that this was done and he submitted a new Page 11 to the members. He re- quested a recommendation from the Board to the Council. Mr. Lambert referred to discussing a dollar amount for site application fees and Mr. Annunziato replied that he did dis- cuss this with ~. Cis~k and ~. Howell and they agreed the fee as written is£fair. Mr. Lambert referred to it origin- ally stating $75.00, but is now $100.00 and ~. Annunziato informed him that the $100.O00fee was decided by the staff. Mt~YJ TES PLA~7~iNG & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR JANUARY 25, 1977 ~. Lambert referred to the staff comments, Page 11, Para- graph 3, and stated that he had noted to add: "and/or Plan- ning & Zoning Board". ~. Annunziato replied that he thought this was!in reference to the traffic analysis study and he read Page 9 where this was incorporated. He added that the latest revision of the proposal had the pages numbered and the only addition was Page 1~ which was submitted tonight. M~. Annunziato referred to discussing the Subdivision Regula- tions at the workshop meeting and their instructions to him to research the parks and recreation areas with ~. Clark and Mr. Frederick. He advised that they did discuss this and com- piled a proposal which he submitted to the members for study. Mr. Lambert moved that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend to the City Council the adoption of the PID Proposal. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. N~~ BUSINESS Plan Review Townhouses of Go!fview Harbor - Tract 2 & 3 Congress Avenue & S. ~. 25th Place Norman j. M~chael The representative, ~. David Bait, stated his name and his address as 2560 S. W. 14th Court. ~'.~'. Annunziato informed the Board that the plans were submitted for their review and recommendation to the City Council. This is actually the second and third phases of the townhouse deVel- opment. The Board previously 'ded and the Council ap- oroved Tract 1 and this is therec°mmen ~ remaining two tracts. Tract 2 is comprised of 76 units and Tract 3 is comprised of 56 units He has requ ~ · es~ed that the unit in the northeast corner be eliminated because it was designed over an existing -- u~m_mty easement~and the contractor has agreed. The members then reviewed the plans and ~r. Annunziato ex- plained the staff recommendations. He then recommended that the comments listed by the Technical Review Board be recom- mended in their entirety ~ith the approval of this plan. Mm. Lambert moved that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend these plans to the City Council subject to the following recom~endations being met: ?rovisions for handicapped requirements as reouested by the Building Department. Looping of the water system as requested by the Fire Department. All sewer lines having less than 3~' Cover shall- be cast i~on pipe and under 12" shall be encased in PLANNING & ZONZ~G BOARD PAGE FI~fE JANUARY aS, 1977 concrete and all service laterals shall be the respon- sibility of the developer as requested by the t~.blic Works Department. Also] the garbage cams shall be within 5 ft. o£ paving. The elimination o£ the unit in the northeast corner be- cause it is setting on an easement as recommended by the City Planner. Ail easements shall have access and utilities throughout the project as required by the City Engineer. Mr. Winter seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Lambert referred to ~. Frederick,s acceptance based on previous plat pprov~l and questioned what that meant. Mr. Annunziato in- formed him that he had a lengthy discussion with Mr. Frederick about this and explained how he was pointing out the fact that there are no large recreation areas in Gol£view Harbor. He explained how there was no ordinance requiming this and Mr. Michael has provided recreation areas to meet his needs, but the need in ~ ~ ' =o±fvmew Harbor has not been met. Mr. Lambert' clarified that each section would have their own and it would be the owners' responsibility for maintenance. Chairman Walker then clarified that it had been moved and seconded that the preliminary plat be recommended to the City Council with the recommendations as listed. Motion carried ~-0. Knights o£ Columbus - Trinity Building &ssoc. ~ Old Dixie Highway Addition of Storage Room The members reviewed the plans, and Mr. Annunziato informed them that it was for a storage room to be constructed directly behind the existing building. There were no recommendations nor negative comments from the staff. No adm_tmonai~ ' parking has been provided as this is a storage room and none is re- quired. Mr. Winter ask. ed if there were any problems with setbacks or easements and Mr. Annunziato rep~_ed:~ no. Mr. Winter made a motion to recommend approval of the plans for the addition at the Mnights o£ Columbus as presented. Mr. ~yder seconded the motion and the motion carried ~-0. Other M~. ~yder referred to what had happened at the beginning o£ the meeting and stated that he would like to make a statement. He clarified that they were faced with a Chairman who has been ill and unable to attend and also with a Vice Chairman having resigned. He has stressed his interest since becoming a member o£ the Board that someone in the City should lend ~ontinuity to this program. He thinks the City is fortunate mn having obtained a City Planner. He thinks his importance is particularly evident at this time. With the Board going MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE SIX JA~YJAR¥ 25, 1977 through a transient period, he thinks it is imoortant to have a City Planner, The City Planner should be a ~ermanent part of City G , . overnment ~1~ ~eeting. Dates Mr. Lambert suggested that a workshop session not be set until the Board is re-organized. Mr. Annunziato referred to the City Council having a meeting scheduled in the Council Chambers on their next meeting date, February 8. It was discussed whether to meet after the City Council, at another location, or on another evening. It was agreed to meet in Mw Annunziato's offices at I16 S. ~' - ~ ' oeacres ~ at 7:30 Po M, on February 8 unless notified otherwise by M~, Annunziato, ~, Annunziato ad~.ed that he would have a tape recorder and Possibly arrange for Mrs. Kruse to type the ~in- utes fro~ the tape afterwards, Mr. Ryder referred to their difficulty in the past on several occasions to get a quorum and stressed the importance for the members to a tend on February 8 with the Chairman being il] t' and the Vice ~hairman having ~ ~ ~_ '- . res_gnem. Mr. w~t~ stated that he planneid to attend on February 8 and referred to his previous expl~nation of being unable to attend: but had now made arrangemeints to be able to attend on Tuesday evenings and is willingi to serve. He added that he has talked to ~s. Jackson about ithis and she requested a letter from h~m t ~ -- $ lng he would bb willing to serve. He does plan to write the letter as requested and plans to attend on February 8. ADJ 0URN~NT Mr. YVinter made a motion to adjourn, seconded hy Mr. Ryder. Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:25 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Kruse Recording Secretary (One Tape ) AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Regular Meeting Date: 1-25-77 Time: 7:30 Place: Council Chambers City Hall 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Acknowledgement of Members'and Visitors'. Reading and Approving of Minutes. Announcements . Communications. Old Business: PID PrQpo~Sal New BusineSs: Townhouses of Golfview Harbor; Tract 2 & 3 Congress Avenue and S.W. 25th Place Norman J. Michael Townhouses _ 2. -.Knight~of__Columbus ~--Trinity Buiiding Asso. 3314-01d Dixie Highway " Knights of Columbus-~'.Trinity Building Asso. Addition of Storage Room Rev. 3/19/76