PRESENT TL~SDA¥, NOVE~ER 23, 1976 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Keliiy, Chairman Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Richard Lambert
Simon Ryder
Garry Winter
~ed Kostner, ~ice Chairman (Excused)
Louis Reiser
Otis Walker
Chairman Kelly!welcomed everyone ~nd called the meeting to
order at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members of the Board
and the City Pi[anner. He announced they wou!d proceed with
the Public Hearing scheduled at 7:30 P. M.
N~,~ BUSi~SS
Rez onin. g Revue
The West
Recorded ~
Palm Beacl
Chairman Kelly
Leisurevii!e o~
added that anyh
be mmmtem and
floor load limi
Chairman Kelly
to please come
~.~. E. D. McArt
S. W. ~9th Driv
to him by ~. R
two points. As
posal as reques
~76.87 feet of Parcel A, Plat of Tenth
~lm Beach Leisurevi!ie
.n Plat Book 30, Pages 129 thru 141,
County Records
N. E Corner of Intersect_on of
S. W. 22nd St. and S. W. 15th Ave.
"Leisureville Professional Plaza"
- Enrico ROssi~
- Rezone to C-1 from R-3
- Medical and Professional Offices
read the above notice, He announced that the
ficiais had given him a list of speakers. He
ody may speak, but requested that the number
explained how there was a problem with the
then asked anyone in favor of the application
forward and state their reason.
bur stated his name and his address as 1604
~. He stated that the proposition as presented
ossi requesting rezoning from R-3 to C-1 raises
a point of information, he asked if the pro-
~ed was defeated, it is his understanding that
NOVE~'~ER 23, 1 976
the zoning of
man Kelly repi
with referring
Subsections C
tion after sev
New York State
motels, hotels
attendant nece
S. E. 15th Ave
He pointed out
ton Beach whic
tioned are the
told tha~ the
tion to the Ci
R-3 throughout
that this was
this recommend
sequent to thi
on that ordina
these two subs
cretions of th
they may or ma
this was corre
was on the bas
should allow~ a
what he belier
ization and C-
ience expresse
Chairman Kelly
sive uses. M~
homes were inc
the basis in h
simply the cho
the constructi
benefit to the
R-3 as it stan
trict with the
which he stron
Therefore, whe
land, he is fo
would be for t
ing ~esidents.
Mr. Enrico Ros
Whispering Pin
was President
that the petit
for rezoning i
business partn
like to go ove
the land in question will remain R-3 and Chair-
ied that this was right. I~. McArthur continued
to the Zoning Ordinance, Page 22, and read
~nd G. He advised that he was asking this ques-
~n years of experience on the Zoning Board in
He referred to the oermissive uses stating
rooming houses, restaurants, gift shops and
~sary operations being permitted on S. W. and
aue, Route 1, Congress Avenue or 2nd Avenue.
that there are many spots in the City of Boyn-
h are zoned R-3, but only on these streets men-
se uses permitted. He has been informed and
Planning & Zoning Board has made a recommenda-
ty Council that these ite~ be deleted from
the entire City and Chairman Kelly replied
might. ~. McArthur questioned the status of
~tion and M~. Annunziato informed him that sub-
s public hearing, a public hearing will be held
ace. M~. McArthur clarified that at the moment,
actions are still in R-3 and subject to the dis-
e Board tonight and action of the City Council,
~ not be removed and Chairman Kelly replied
ot. ~. McArthur continued that his judgement
is that they were included. He believes they
portion of this property to be converted to
es to be a perfectly legitimate service organ-
is specified as a medical complex. The aud-
their ~isapprovat.
then read the definition of C-~ and the permis-
~Ryder pointed out ~2aat nursing and convalescent
uded in this category. Mr. McArthur stated that
is own mind for support of this application is
ice between two alternatives. In C-~, it allows
on of services and operations which would be of
surrounding neighborhood. The alternative is
ds now, but would ~till be m multi-family dis-
possibility of motels, hotels and restaurants,
~ly objects to in a residential district.
a it comes down to a choice in the uses of the
rced to conclude that the best use of the land
~ings which.would be of service to the surround-
si stated his name and his address as 625
~s Road, Boynton Beach, and advised that he
of Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, inc. He stated
ion filed before the Planning & Zoning Board
s for a parcel of land owned by himself and hi~
st, Mr. Malavasi. He stated that he would first
~ the concept of the plan and then have his
architect, ~k~. Menendez, explain further.
NOVE~t~ER 23, 1976
~J~. Rossi first showed a location p~an and pointed out the
major roads. He stated that Woolbright Road has an inter-
change at 1-95 and goes to A1A and ultimately will go to
Jog Road approximately ½ mile east of the turnpike. It is
a 120 ft. right-of-way calling for four lanes and will ui-
tim. at~ly be siR lanes. The average daily trips will ap-
proach 30,000 by the year 1990.
~. Rossi then showed a vicinity Dian and pointed out Lei-
surevi!!e and the area roads. He pointed out that the pro-
posed rezoning parcel is located abutted on the east side of
S. W. 22nd Street extending 7?6 ft. to the east. It abuts
the north side of 15th Avenue. The north side of the parcel
is an 80 ft. right-of-way for the canal. He'a!so pointed out
the lots located within ~00 ft. of this parcel. He pointed
out that they were only petitioning for 776 ft. to be rezoned
located in a ~
C-2 and C-~ zo
Mr. Rossi then
tion as it wou
bit along with
buildings at L
these for info
Menendez to ex
M~. Menendez s
tered architec
~lex in West ~
project accord
fessionai busi
related profes
frontage. The
of the propert
ing in the cen
line. He poin
road, it will
builder's conc
a one story bu
will be a two
lng a~d all ac
need services
from any direc
of the complex
able to have a
They have cres
key uses and n
will create a
treatment than
areas in Boca]
scape treatmen
arcel 1850 ft. long. He then pointed out the
nes in this same area.
showed a colored rendition showing the eleva-
id appear. He added that this particular exhi-
three others were posted in the recreational
eisureville. He asked Mr. Pittman to display
rmationa! purposes. He then requested 1~.
~iain further as he had prepared this concept.
;ated his name and advised that he was a regis-
t with his office located in the Forum Iii Com-
aim Beach. He advised that the idea in this
ing to C-~ was to develop a complex for pro-
nesses like architects, doctors, dentists and
siona!s. The land is narrow with a lot of
y plan to put the buildings in the extremes
y surrounded with landscaping and have park-
ter with a buffer of 20 ft. between the property
ted out the substantial green area. From the
look like a complex in a park setting. The
spt is to develop by phases. Phase 1 will be
i!ding with 7,500 sq. ft. The second phase
story building creating a court with iandscap-
~ess from the court. The people in the ~icinit~
sf such a complex and will be able to walk in
tion. The last phase will be the :deve!opment
in the other extreme. He thinks it is prefer-
park in the front and. parking in the back.
ted a landmark in the areaaand these s~e !ow
st like a motel, hotel, or nursing home. They
buffer area from the street with providing more
required by the City. He referred to similar
~aton. He stressed how there would be land-
t in front of the buildings.
NOVE.~ER a3, 1 976
A member of th? audience asked how many offices were planned
and IrK~. Menendez explained how this would be determ_nem~ i ~ by
the sizes of t~e offices. A member of the audience asked how
close this would be to the canal and ~. Rossi informed him
there~va~ a~ ~9 ft- canal right-of-way in the rear, the houses
are_ser oac~ 1~ ft. and C-1 requires a 20 ft. setback. A
member of the audience disagreed and Mr. Rossi reoiied that
the right-of-way of the canal as recorded in the ~fficial re-
cord books is 80 ft., but the actual ohysical canal is 40 ft.
Mr. ~nnunziato added that a sealed s~vey had been submitted
showing the cabal with an 80 f~. right-o~-ws~.
A member of the audience asked if there was anything in the
City ordinances requiring a developer to maintain shrubbery
after planting it aha Chairman Kelly replied that the Commun-
ity Appearance Board enforced the maintenance of plantings.
The man asked for how long this was enforced and Chair~.~n
Kelly re~ested the City Planner to reply. Mr. Annunzia~o
referred~~o th~se conversations possibly being ore-mature
~s the~ are,ta~king about a site plan as o~po~e~ to rez~ing.
~e exp±ainem how the site plan submitted mu~t be maintained.
~he Zoning Ordinance would provide for enforcement of main-
~,nance' Cham~man. , ~.elly a~ded~ ~ that thms situation was cove-re_8
o~ the Zonmng 0rdmnance and enforced by the Community Aopear-
~n~e Bom?d. H~.explained how the CommUnity Aopearance ~oard
naa a suo-comm~ttee to take care of th~s. -
M~. Rossi~!requested to continue with the o~esentation and
stated~that as the owner of this parcel of land, they are
going to develcp it in some way. It is R-3 and can be deve-
loped into apaztments. The R-3 zone does permit ma~imum
building coverege of 40% of the land area and four stories
high. These t~o things he thinks could possibly spoil that
land. The proposed plan shows a coverage of 17.7% and is
two stories high. He has talked to people about this and
they have referred to the Zoning Regulations not having a
provision for site plan approval, it means when someone
comes in with a beautiful plan, there is no telling that he
is going to do what he says. He is hopeful that one day
this will be re
since people ha
question about
There is no pro
nants because t
it. Because of
vi!ie, they wou
nants and reach
Associations sa
covens_uts on th
as it will take
will be the fir
quired. In view of this lack of control and
~e apprehensions about C-I, then there is the
someone imposing deed restrictive covenants.
~ision for him to make deed restrictive cove-
here are no provisions for the City to enforce
this parcel of land being nested in Leiso~e-
!d be willing to draw up the necessary cove-
an agreement with both the North and South
ling they will build it that way and put those
£s land. They have presented it in phases
time to fill the offices. The architect
t to move into an office.
i~07E~ER 23, 1 976
Chairman Kelly asked if anyone else desired, to speak in
favor of this request and received no response. He then
asked if any members of the Board had any questions.
~. Lambert r~ferred to the Planned Unit Development of Lei-
surevilme first establishing this property as R-3 and ~.
Rossi agreed it was zoned R-3 in 1969 or ~970. ~. Lambert
rated ~hav a~ that tmme R-3 permitted general commercial
business offices and ~. Ross~ agreed. Mr. Lambert stated
that mu!ti-~a_ $ity~ office and~ mote~s_ wer~ the ~efznm~mon. ''' . of
R-3. He aske~ if it was true that he could obtain a build-
ing permit tomorrow for a hotel or motel and M~. Rossi re-
plie~tthat he believed he could, t'~. Annunziato added that
a site plan review would be required.
Mr. Ryder referred to a chsmge of plans taking place as far
as the o was concerned. Apparently the intention in
Section 10 to utilize this strio as two story apartments
similar to th~ north side and ~. R~ssi questioned what he
based this on~, Mr. Ryder replied that when this was zoned
R-3, he be!ie~ es thed~eve~oper~ had this in mind and ~. Rossi
replied that the conceptual plan came out, he thinks
they had in .nd that the strip of land along Congress Ave.
would be story apartments. They were going to use
this land for r R-3 permitted. Mr. Ryder stated that
~s~_u_nd~r~tan~.ing w~s t_hat this would~ be developed in two
ory aparvme~vs. ~. i~ossi statedttnat some people say
this was supp6sed to be quadro-plexes a~d others say two
s~t~r~y~apartme_~ts, but he doesn't know w~re t~is information
~am~ ~rom. 15 is zoned R-3. ~h~. Ryder refer~ed to one
meveloper building two story apartments in R-~ and Mzr. Ro~s'
agre~d anm aaded ~hat th~s was by choice. M~. Rossi referred
~? the ~confu?~on~ and stated that he didn't think the R-3 on
~ne porvion oy the canal and 15th Ave. lied in the realm of
the Leisureville Community Association nor in the realm of
,t~he~ ~ Boynton W~st Association._ They.~ourchase~_ ~ th~s_ iand ~rom ~
tn~ developer. A me,mber of the audmence asked when and Mr.
Rossi replied that iv had nothing to do with the appl~c'ation
but he dim furnish Mr. Kimbrel! with a copy-of' the de~1 show-'
ing the date. M~. Ryder then referred to not hearing yet
from the peopl
from them and
Chairman Kelly
request to com
~. Arnold Fas
S. ~. 14th Ave
f ~
oz almost fou
~S ~ ' ~
~ soc~atlon o~
to the subject
behalf of the
e opposed to this request and suggested hearing
then soliciting questions from the audience.
then requested the people opposed to this
e before the Board.
ano stated his name and his address as 2093
hue. He advised that he has been a resident
r years and is the Co-Chairman of the Pr_operty
Leisureville. His property is closely located
area. He has been designated to speak on
Property Owners Association. He explained how
NOVEMBER 83 , 1 976
the Associati
the sole purp
for rezoning
people in Lei
in keeping an.
From all indi
}n was formed and was an Ad-Hoc Organization for
)se of considering or.disc'ussing any attempts
:arts of Leisureville. He explained how the
~ureville took great pride and were interested
~aduit community for residential p~poses.
:ations, most of all the Leisurevilie residents
are opposed t} any rezoning in the community and wish that
the community beileft as originally eresented. It was pre-
sented as an adult community for rest-dentrOl ~ur~oses only.
He referred to the reasons vnat the peo-ole bought themr
homes in LeisUreville and stressed the ~mportamt fact was
~ i~ ~ ~ ' '
t~at was a como!e~e ad~ult f c~l!t
..... y. The subject parcel
was acce.oted ~s 9-3 with assurances of one sto~y quadropiex
homes. 90 gr~nt this request, would start a cancerous effect
with s~ot zon~ng. The inclusion of any ousmne~s or profes~
siona! use in any part would have a deeP.manta! effect on the
community and ~ · '
~ower property values. To grant a petition to
rezone would ~pen the door and invite other~petitions to re-
pone. in theirs}community. There are no shor~age of s{.tes for
ouslnes~ or p~ofessional purposes. He then submittem a peti-
tion signed by 8,89~ ~roperty owners. He added that he ~.;as
confident mo[$ p$o~ie~wouid be uresent if there was more'
available sp=¢e. He then read %he contents of the petition.
He then stressed their o~position to this petition and re-
questedtthe B~ard to deny it.
Chairman Ke!!~
had been noti~
mailed and re~
and no respon~
Mr. Hom~'~rKim~
S. W. ]9th St~
Board of Dire(
of ~ne ~to_~d~
could add to }
and a few obs~
sider. Land
behind which
about the sro
depression an~
which could n{
lng and to ov~
as during the
this so the c{
Mm. Angeio Sez
· S. W. 14th Av~
ments in oppos
items which we
in reference t
fled that the
ciuded office~
advised that the property owners within 400 ft.
!ied by mail. He stated that 96 letters were
~ponses were received from 18 people objecting
:es were received from 78 people.
~reli stated his name and his address as 503
~eet. He advised that he was a member of the
'.tore and counsel for the Board being a member
~ Bar. He stated that there was not much he
~. Fasano~s presentation. He has a few remarks
,rvations which he thinks the Board should con-
:se planning and proper zoning is the fortress
~eopie like these should be defended. He told
'es a.~.d business empty and vacant during the
· how commercial was overbuilt in com~un~tmesTM ~ ~ '
,t support it. The econo~g is not very promis-
rbuiid now would put them in the same pesition
depression. It is up to the Board to protect
untry can remain stable.
acuso stated his name and his address, as 1911
hue. He stated thatbefore submitting his com-
ition, he would like to clear up a couple of
re said. He referred to Mr. Lambert's remarl~
o the R-3 zoning in 1965 and Mr. Lambert cia~i-
original PUD under the definition of R~3 in-
and motels. Mr. Seracuso continued with
NOVEMBER 23, 1976
referring to the new zoning map and regulations being passed
in 1975 and everyone had a chance at that time to comment on
the new definition of R-3. He then stated that the deed is
dated April, 1976, and Mr. Rossi just recently acquired this
property thds year. This clarifies the questions raised.
Now~ the basi~ for his objection to this appl%cati~n is that
the applicatidn should have been submitted in a dixferent
format. The application has given no reasons for requesting
this rezoning. He understands this piece of property was
included in the Leisurevi!le PUD and this should becconsidered
an amendment to the PUD and should give reasons and the effect
of the change. The regulation which he believes is applicable
to this application is Chapter 31 of the City Code d~ting with
PUD. He then read Paragraph 31-1~I). He stressed that any
changes to co~merciai~uses within a PUD must serve the needs
of the i~m~edi~te residents and not outsiders. He then referred
to Ordinances 68-19 and 68-24 also applying to th~s. One of
the exceptions was to reduce the setback from 15 ft. to 5~ft.
and who ~rote~ts the public? He then asked who sent out ~he
notices to th~ residents On the south~de? They must defi-
ni~e!y consider why they want to rezone. He objects to this
personally because it w~s not submitted as required by regu-
Mr. Homer Kim~rell appeared before the Board again and stated
that he had received the deed from ~. Rossi. The land in
question was ~eeded by Boynton West Development Corp. to
Roger G. Saberson, Trustee on April 16, 1976. There was
~ubsequently an agreement between Mr. Rossi and Mm. Malavasi
between Mr. S~berson for the purposes of developin[ the land
in question. ~. Rossi and M~. ~alavasi are refer~ed to in
the agreement as co-tenants and actu~lly are the owners and
Mr. Saberson holds it in trust for them.
Mm. Lee Levit,
14th Avenue.
the people in
it was on the
the canal. H~
anything abou~
showing one si
stated that h~
that the yel!~
Mr. Levitow c]
story, but we~
part of the s~
in Parcel A i~
questing rezo~
1,100 feet to~
and the exist~
C-2. He does
but probably
tween two com~
~w stated his name and his address as 2078 S. W.
He stated he thought it was important that when
Sections 8~ 9 and 9A were sold their properties,
basis of apartments being on the south side of
referred to Mm. Rossi not being able vo recall
apartments. He would like to show a sales plat
ory a~rtments in the affected area. Mm. Rossi
thinks the people are getting the impression
~w sales plat shows one story apartments and
.arified that they didn't think they were one
~e apartments. It is a recognized condition as
~les plat. There is approximately 1,800 feet
~ R-3. A petition was cancelled last July re-
~ing to C-3. They havekheard nothing about the
~ight which is in between this requested parcel
~ng C-2. It will be right in between C-t and
not know what is going to happen to that land,
~omeone will say they cannot put apartments be-
~ercial zones.
M~. Albert Fu
S. W. 13t!h Te
people had re
sure these 96
wanted to poi
A member of t
people did no
formed, him th
~.~. Lambert ~
and a man re
canal and did
NOVEmbER 23, 1976
ria stated his name and his address as 2089
trace. He referred to the statement that 96
ceived notices and advised, that he was quite
were listed on the petition filed. He just
nt out that actually the 96 had responded,
he audience disagreed and stated that many
t receive the letter and Chairman Kelly in-
at this was taken care of by the City Clerk.
mestioned if they lived within the 400 feet
lied that he lives across the street from the
not receive a letter. Mm. Lambert stated he
thought it wa~ important that people living within 400 feet
get notification on this. There was some discussion about
this and then ~. Annunziato requested anyone who did not re-
ceive a letter to contact him at his office and__eh would
check into it.
Chairman Kelly ascertained that nobody else desired ~o speak
in opposition and opened the discussion to the Board members.
[~Ir. Ryder sta~ed that he feels a major concern of the members
of the Board ~s the concern of the peoole involved. He does
not think the~ have to belabor the number of people notified.
They are talking about the community and the impact is felt
by everyone ia the community. He thinks they havetto concern
themselves with how the people in the area mn ~hms~"communzty
feel about this. The petition submitted with over 2,000 sig-
natures indicates how they feel. if they were to deny this,
they would be consistent with what was done a short while
back on the south end. At that time, many people were in-
voived and interested and professional people said there was
no need for aiditiona! commercial space. There is so much
co~rmmercial ar~a presently zoned to permit subject use. He
thinks it is ,~pparent as to how he feels.
~. Winter st~ted the only thing he woul5~ like to bring out
is if they de:
thing. He ca:
He wonders if
sented or a f.
that they had
'told there is
sider the eff,
The Community
over this pos~
made as a thr~
he could do ti
referred to M~
nants e×actty
under R-3, it
referred to ~
lng many acre~
~y this, ~r. Rossi can use the land for some-
~ put up four s~ory condominiums on that property.
the people wou±d prefer something like pre-
~ur story condominium. Mm. Levitow replied
considered this possibility. They were also
a committee that does ~ave the right to con-
~ct of anything detrimental to the neighborhood.
.Appearance Board does have some jurisdiction
~ibi!ity. ~.~. Rossi's statement was o%vious!y
~at. M~. Winter replied that the point is that
~is or could sell it to another developer. He
'. Rossi's statement that he would put in cove-
how he would develop it under C-I; whereas
could go to four story. In reply, ~. Levitow
· . Rossi and Boynton West Development Corp. hav-
of land in the process of being developed and
'T ~
NOVEi~'~R 23, 1 976
mt would, ce ho
have this othe
Winter replied
Board had the
condominium an
mitted by zoni
their chances
they will figh
Mr. Rossi requ
realistic that
lop it. Devel.
sell it. He h
of use to the.;
17.7% and two
the community.
they realize t~
ference to the
developed as ~
four stories.
Chairman Kelly
Mr. Lambert re
a co~aercia! c
ing condition
They must take
is 10.8 per ac~
would be requi~
hearing, they
Chairman Kelly
merit regarding
referred to Dec
and announced
the public heaz
M~. Ryder stat~
sure the people
in going from z
ing. Chairman
~@. Ryder made
recommend to t~
rezoning the We
Section, Palm 5
of S. W. 22nd S
M~. Winter seco
Kelly stated he
rribie tactics to do this. Also, the City does
committee that would review the request. ~.
that he did not think the Community Appearance
~ight to ~ject an application for a four story
only review the landscaping on something per-
ag. ~. Levitow replied that they would take
on Mr. Rossi's integrity snd if he does it,
it with every means possible.
~sted to reply and stated he thought it was
he could not hold onto the land and not deve-
)pets have been asking to buy it and he must
~s presented what he thought would be something
~ommunity. He has shown a building area o~
~tories. He planned medical offices to serve
In reference to his integrity, he is sure
~is plan will be developed like this. In re-
plat showing apartments, etc., R-3 can be
~ovided for in the regulations and that is
now declared the public hearing closed on th~
~erred to the feeling being apparent based on
mcept. They must consider R-3 in its exist-
~nd rental complexes could be put in there.
a look at all the possibilities. The density
'e. Approximately the same amount of parking
~ed as for commercial. Before the next public
~ust make absolutely sure of the alternatives.
reau~stem the City Planner to ms3~e the announce-
the next City Council meeting. Mr. Annunziato
ember 7 being the date of the general election
he City Council would meet on December 8 and
ing on this would be postponed until then.
d that in regard to what may happen, he is
considered this who have signed the petition.
esidential to commercial will cause downgrad-
Kelly agreed with these comments.
a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
e City Council the denial of the request for
st 776.87 Feet of Parcel A, Plat of Tenth
each Leisurevilie, located at the N. E. Corner
treet and S. W. 15th Avenue, from R-3 to C-1.
nded the motion. Under discussion, Chairman
agreed with this recommendation and it was
the way to settle the question. He does not think it is
their concern what may go in there in the future. He thinks
the people have expressed the opinion that they want to take
a chance. Motion carried 4-0.
Chairman Kelly referred to the,~ii~people from LeisureVi!!e being
interested in lamother item on the agenda and requested a
motion from t~e Board to change the order of business and
move from Zte~ a(a) to a(b). Ms. Ryder so moYed~ seconded
by ~. Winter. Motion cs~ried ~-0.
Ordinance~ Amendments
An Ordinalnce of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida
a~e~ding Section 5~)(1) of Appendix A, Z~ning RegUla-
tions, or, the codiIied 0rdinan~es of said City to alter
permissive uses within the R-3 multi-family dwelling
district by deleting certain previously permitted uses
and by allowing other such uses only on conditional
basis; providing further for authority to codify~
savings clause, repealing provision, an effective date
and for other purposes.
Chairman Kelly requested input from the City Pi~nner. Mr.
Annunziato stated that this ordinance came about through the
Board's recommendation, it removes certain uses from the
R-3 zone and p~ovides that other uses become conditional~
Chairman Kellyl asked if anyone was in favor of this ordinance
Mr. Lee Levitow stated his name and his address as 20?8 S. W.
l~th Avenue. {e stated that they are strongly in favor of
the revision o
Attorney as re.
Zoning Board.
in a residenti,
the time of ad.
should be comp[
a commercial c;
abls for busin~
signatures of
posed revision
City Council w:
tween resident:
in favor.
~5~. Homer Kimb~
S. W. 19th str~
the Palm Beach
lng ~, 5DO pe op]
The people in
all Boynton Be
mmprovmng ~he :
posed amendmen'
~ the Zoning Ordinance as prepared by the City
tuested by the City Couhcil and _lann~ng &
The present zoning ordinance-allows business
~! zone, which they feel was an oversight at
)ption and he explained. They do not feel they
[etely eliminated, but should be contained in
~tegory only. There is a lot of acreage avail-
)ss. He has a petition to submit bearing the
~,788 residents strongly in favor of the pro-
They feel 2h~ Planning & Zoning Board
.1i vote to maintain the present balance be-
[al and commercial zones. They are strongly
· ell stated his name and his address as 503
~et. He stated that the Board of Directors of
Leisurevi!ie Conmunity Association represent-
.e sponsored the amending of this ordinance.
,eisurevilie are interested in the growth of
~ch. They are concerned about updating and
;oning ordinance. They urge that this pro-
be adopted.
Mm. E. D. McAr~
S. W. 19th Dri~
there is no po~
from the one pi
very small grot
the further in(
de trimental to
asked about th:
d. oes not prote~
Chairman Kelly
this ordinance
~. Ryder stat(
He told about
ing for these
the recommenda
~. Lambert re
statement that
this ordinance
apartments. H(
adequately pro~
The people
to voice their
Y~. Ryder made
Council the ap
permissive usef
by deleting ce]
a conmmt~onal ]
the motion. Nc
Lambert voting
At this time,
He called the
nounced a moti
~. Ryder somm~
An Ordina~
of the Co~
Building ~
for autho~
Ghairman Kelly
of this ame~mm~
if anyone was
NOYE~ER 2~, ~ 976
;hur stated his name and his address as ~60~
'e. He stated he would like to point out that
;sibiiity of separating the present question
'eceeding it. His position and that of the
~p of people he represents is that they oppose
:ursion of commercial activities which would be
their co:~munity. This is specifically why he
.s in R-~. He believes R-3 as it is written
:t them. The deletion of item C has their sup-
then ascertained that no omy was opposed to
~d he would like to review this matter briefly.
;he Board reviewing this and the people appeal-
:hanges and state~ that this ordinance reflects
;ions made by the Board previously.
'erred to discussing this in the past and his
he was opposed to deleting all the uses which
would delete, namely hotels, motels and hotel
~ thinks the people in Leisurevil!e would be
;ected if these were made conditional uses.
~d have the opportunity under conditional use
opinions in reference to the plan submitted.
a motion that the Board recommend, to the City
~roval o£ the proposed ordinance which alters
within the R-~ multi-family dwelling distrlct
'tain permitted uses and allowing other uses on
~asis as provided therein. Mr. Winter seconded
discussion. Motion carried 3-], with Mr.
~ha~rman Kelly declared a five minute recess.
~eeting back to order at ~:28 P. M. He an-
was in order to revert back to Item ~(a).
~ved, seconded by Mr. Winter. Motion carried
~ce of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,
iection ~(B) of .Appendix A, Zoning Regulations,
[ified Ordinances of said City to establish
~nd Site Regulations applicable to accessory
in residential districts~ providing further
'ity to codify, savings clause, repealing
an effective date and for other purposes.
asked if anyone in the audience was in favor
mt and received no response. He then asked
~pposed and received no response.
NOVEi~BER 23, 1976
M~. Lambert stated that~e~ feels about 99%o8f this is good,
but with refez
1OO sq. feet,
ings ~nd ~he
how a concret~
7 ft. height
ft. standard
and is this th
the Board reqv
Chairman Kei!~
cii members d~
possibly the
ence to no detached storage building exceeding
etc., he thinks it will encourage metal build-
~ossibi!ity of them blowing around. He explained
block structure could not be built to meet the
imit. He thinks this may encourage the ~0 x 10
.etai building. Is this the way the Board felt
e exact wording? Mr. Annunziato replied that
ested a 10 x 10 ft., 100 sq. ft. maximum and
agreed. Mm. Winter referred to the City Coun-
scussing the size and ~. Harmening feeling
O0 s~. ft. was restrictive.
Mm. Ryder made a motion that this Board recommend to the City
Council t~e a~prova! of this ordinance relating to amending
Section 4(B) ~f Appendix A, Zoning Regulations, of the Codi-
fied Ordinances of said City to establish Building and Site
Regulations aDplicabte to accesso[.y buildings in residential
districts. M~. Winter seconded the motion. No discussion.
Motion carried 4-0.
An Ordins
of Eppend
nances of
except wk
Chairman Ke!l
nce of the City of Boynton Beach, F!orida~
Section 6(D)(1)(u) and adding Section 6(D)(B)(d)
ix A, Zoning Regulations, of the codified ordi-
said City to prohibit warehouse and storage
within the C-4 general commercial district,
en utilized as accessory to a permissive or
al use specified in Section 6(d)(~) thereof;
for authority to codify, savings clause,
provision, an effective date and for other
asked if anyone in the audience was in favor
of this ordinance and received no response. He then asked if
anyone in the audience was opposed to this ordinance and re-
ceived no response.
Mr. Wint
~ . er made a motion to recommend to the City Council the
adoption of the proposed ordinance amending Section 6(D)(1)(u)
and adding Sec
of the codifie
and storage bu
trict, except
conditional us
Ryder seconded
stated he was
is the second
he feels wareh
tion 6(D)(2)(d) of Appendix A, Zoning Regulations,
d ordinances of said City to orohibit warehouse
ildings within the C-4 general commercial dis-
when utilized as accessory to a permissive or
e specified in Section 6(d)(1) thereof. M~.
the motion. Under discussion, ~. Lambert
opposed to this particular ~ '
amenamenv as C-4
highest commercial zoning classification and
ouses should be allowed. Motion carried 3-~.
Chairman Kelly requested a motion to move the order of busi-
ness forward to site plan review. M~~. Lambert made a motion
to move to the Site ~lan Review portion of the meeting,
seconded by M~. Ryder. Motion carried 4-0.
NOVEI,~ER 23., 1 976
Site Plan Review
Sambo's Restaurant
S. W. Corner of U. S. 1 and S. E. 21st Ave.
Andrew A. Arozena and Jim White
Sambots R~staurant
Mr. Jim White
was a site des
would be iocat
White replied:
Chairman Kelly
and Mr. Annunz
~uested the se~
6" and he read
also read the ~
walks. He thel
garding the wa
a wall to the ~
rial deveioome~
~ppeared before the Board and informed them he
[gner for Sambo's. ~. Ryder asked if this
~d on the site of the Golden Sands Motel and ~.
yes, that will be removed.
asked if the other Boards had reviewed this
Jato informed them that the City Engineer re-
vet line to be increased in size from 4'~ to
the notes on Page C-3 regarding this. He
?equirements noted regarding paving and side-
read the Utility Director's requirements re-
,er meters and lines. Also required, will be
~est and south with being adjacent to residen-
~ts. ~. White agreed to these recommendations.
Mr. Ryder refe~red to there being access from U. S. 1 and ~.
White informed him that the Dept. of Transportation had issued
a permit for a drive on U. S. 1.
Mr. Lambert ma~
recommend appr~
from Sambo's Ri
tions as noted
motion. No di~
Harbor Ha]
720 N. E.
Derle Bai~
Covered P~
~. Der!e Bai!~
Baile~'s Home .
Inlet Club.
Mr. Annunziato
the T. R. B. a~
read the comme~
in their revie~
M~~. Lambert as~
iea motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
)val to the City Council of the site plan
~staurant subject to the T. R. B. recommenda-
on the site plan. Mr. Winter seconded the
~cussion. Motion carried 4-0.
.! Inlet Club
7th Street
~y stated his name and that he represen~ted
:ervices, General Contractor for Harbor Hall
informed the Board that this was reviewed by
~d there were no comments. Chairman Kelly
~ts from the C. A. B. meeting on November 15
of this plan.
~d if the covered parking eliminated any park-
ing sp~a~es and Mr Ennunziato informed him that it~vwouid just
co~[er what is ~xisting. ~. Ryder asked if there would be
d. ownspouts and~Mr. Bailey replied: yes and they will drain
mnto the landscaped area. They then discussed the materials
of cor~struction. M~. Annunziato informed the Board that if
it did not mee~ the code, a permit would not be issued. M~.
Bailey added that he had no reason to doubt that this roof
would not meet the .code.
NOVE~'~ER 23 , 1 976
Mr. Lambert made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
recommend to the City Council the approval of the site plan
for covered p~rking at the Harbor H~ll Inlet Club. Mr.'
Ryde~ seconded the ~ ~
- mo~_~on. No discussion. Motion carried
M~. Winter sugEested that the City Planner check to see if
the code was lax on this item and they discussed the require-
ments further.
}~. Lambert moved to revert to the regular order of business,
seconded by M~. Ryder. Motion carried 4-0.
Minutes of the Re~uiar Meetin~ of November_9~ 1976
Mr. Ryder made
seconded by ~
Minutes of the
M~. Ryder made
as submitted,
would have to
Chairman Kelly
have to be pos
.present who at'
~r. Ryder refe:
request at the
C-~ and their
that the City
This is the Co
statement that
why this was t~
action condone
uncal!ed for.
~ud are volunt
lier treatment
matter and he
M~. Winter sta
Board members
ne ~eel~ the
and this const~
Chairman Kelly
He does not ha~
rides them.
a motion to adopt the minutes as submitted,
Lambert. Motion carried 4-0.
Workshop. Meetin~ of November 15z__1 9?6
a motion to adopt the minutes of November 15
~econded by ~. Lambert. Mr. Winter stated he
~bstain as he was absent from this meeting and
~unounced the approval of these minutes would
~poned until a quorum of the four members are
~ended this meeting.
~red to the Board's consideration of the rezoning
November 9 meeting on 23rd Avenue from R-3 to
~nanimous vote to deny- this request. '~e stated
~ouncil approved this request by a vo%e of 4-1.
~ncii's prerogative, but Mayor DeLong lade the
for the life of him~ he could not understand
~rned down. He also implied that the Board's
~ spot zoning. He believes these remarks were
He explained how they had taken serious actions
~ers and should not be submitted to such cava-
This is a statement of his feeling of the
~s not asking for endorsement from other mem-
~ed he would like to have the rest of the'
.n attendance endorse this statement because
~me way. They 'ha~e always opposed spot zoning
.tutes exactly that.
stated that this is a reco~mmending body only.
e any negative reactions when the Council over-
~'. Ryder agreed, but was not in agreement with
NOVE~ER a3, 1 976
the remarks indicating they don't give proper consideration
and condone spot zoning.
M~. Lambert stated that~he wonders about the definition of
spot zoning.
Possibly all o
Council would
reasonings we
zoning being u
agreed they sh
zoning. He re
Possibly they should have it further defined.
f them have been left wondering if the City
like to indicate their thinking on some of the
~ive. Mr. Ryder referred to the term spot
sed lose!y~and explained. Chairman Kelly
ou!d get a very specific definition of spot
~uested the City Planner to take this under
~nd see if a definition could be forthcoming.
Chairman Kelly referred to Mayor DeLong's further remarks
at the Council meeting regarding requests of some of the
Council member~ to arrange a joint meeting with the Plan-
added his own
ning and Zonin~ Board. He that requests were
turned down three times.
~. Lambert referred to there still being a parcel of land
remaining on S. E. ~rd Avenue zoned R-~. ~. Ryder agreed
that as a result of what happened, there is something left
that needs further clarification.
Mr. Lambert then referred to the Industrial Zoning Classifi-
cation and questioned why it did not include permitted uses
in C-~, C-2~ C-3 and C-~. Mr. Annunziato agreed it was cor-
rect as written from a planning viewpoint. He explained
that manufacturing was a zone designed specifically for manu-
facturing and not for commercial uses. He also explained
how there were problems with parking and for the Police,
Fire and License Departments with including them. This was
d~scussed further and Mr. Lambert was assured this was not
an oversight.
Chamrman Ke!!z announced that the Cmty Planner nad reques~em
further discussion of the PID and requested the members to be
prepared to d~scuss this at the next-meeting on December ~.
Mr. Winter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~. Ryder.
Motion carried ~-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at ~0:lZ P. M.
Respectfully ~ubmitted,
SUzanne ~rus~
Recording Secretary
(Three Tapes)
Date: 11-23-76
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Place: Council Chambers - City ~al 1
1. Acknowledgement of
2. Read~ ng and Approv~
3. Announcements.
4. ~ C~,~nications.
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
Members and Visitors.
of Minutes.
Re z on in(
a) . En]
:ico Rossi for Roger Saberson, Trustee _..
)m R-3 to C-1
~t 776.87 Feet of Parcel A, Plat of Tenth Section,
.m Beach Leisureville
~. Corner of S.W. 22nd St. and S.W. 15th Ave.
Ordinance Amendments:
a). An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,
amending Section 4 (B) of Appendix A, Zoning regu,
lations, of the Codified Ordinances of said City to
b) .¸
~ablish Building and Site Regulations applicable
accessory buildings in residential districts;
)viding further for authority to codify;-savings
~use, repealing provision, an effective date and
~Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,
~nding Section 5 (G) (1) of Appendix A, Zoning
~ulations, of the codified ordinances of said
~y to alter permissive uses within the R-3 multi-
~ily dwelling district by deleting certain previously
muitted uses and by allowing other such uses only on
~ditional basis; providing further for authority to
~ify, savings clause, repealing provision, an effective
:e and for other purposes·
Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,
~nding Section 6 (D)(1) (u) and adding Section
(D) (2) (d) of Appendix A, Zoning Regulations, of
: ~odified ordinances of said City to prohibit warehous~
~' storage buildings within the C-4 general commercial
~trict, except when~utilized:as accessory to a per-
~sive or conditional use specified in Section 6 (d)(1)
~reof; providing fOr a~th0~ity to'codify~ savings claus~
~ealing provision, an effective date and for~other
Sambo's Restaurant
Southwest Corner of U.S. Hwy. 1 and S.E. 21st Ave.
Andrew A. Arozena and Jim White
Sambo's Restaurant
Harbor HalI Inlet Club
720 N.E..7~h Street
Derele Bailey
Covered Parking