TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1976 AT 7:30 P. M.
Fred Kostner, Vice Chairman
Richard Lambert
Louis Reiser
Simon Ryder
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
ABSEi,~ _
Joseph T. Kelly
0ris Walker (E
Acting as Chair
the meeting to
of the Board an
introduced Mr.
cording Secret~
, Chairman
man, Mr. Kostner welcomed everyone and called
_o, rder at 7:30 P. M. He introduced the members
m welcomed Vice Mayor Joseph F. Zack. He then
Ann~mziato, City Planner, and M~s. Kruse, Re--
Chairman Kostner referred to three public hearings scheduled
besides the regular order of business and suggested that they
dispense with the reading of the minutes, etc. and place the
Public Hearings as Nos. 1, 2, mud 3 on the Agenda. ~@. Ryme~
so moved, seconded by ~.h~. Reiser. No discussion. Motion
carried 5-0.
Re zoning Reques
North 3/4
1/2 of the
the E~t
Section 3
feet and
the South
Location -
t from Joseph Cogen
of the East 1/2 of the S.E. 1/4; and the East
N.E. I/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4; and
2 of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4. All in
Twp. 45 S., R. 43 E. Palm Beach County,
ess: the North 120 ft. and less the East 53
ess the ¥~est 80 feet of the East 133 feet of
400 feet of the North 520 feet thereof
S. W. Corner of Congress Ave. & Golf Road
Rezone to PUD (Planned Unit .Development)
212 Unit commtuuity, single family homes
Applicant- Joseph Cogen
Chairman Kostne
appeared be fore
as 6370 N. W. ~
bought this lsm
to the Village
family homes ur.
City of Boyntor.
any aspect the
he would be gls
r asked if Mr. Cogen was present and M~. Cogen
the Board and stated his name and his address
th Place, Tamarac. He advised that they
in the County, approximately 80 acres next
of Golf, and they are requesting to build single
der the PUD Ordinance, which he understands the
Beach will honor. He then asked if there was
Board wanted him to elaborate on and added that
d to answer, smy questions.
OCTOBER 26, t 976
Chairman Kostner replied that before he continued, he would
like to ask the City Planner if all the legal documents are
in order and ~. Annunziato replied that all the legal re-
quirements have been fulfilled. M~. Ryder requested input
from the City planner. Mr. Annunziato informed the Board
that this is for a PUD with the land use intensity of 3.5,
which is arrived from a formula in the City Code. This
application fulfills each and every requirement as stipu-
lated to come Wp with the 3.5 density. There will be 212
lots with the average size being 67 x 112 ft. He also read
the acreage set aside for canal, lake, road, and recreation
~eas and clarified that there were approximately ~0 acres
in lan~ area. It breaks down to about 2.45 units per acre,
which more than exceeds the density in R-!AAA,
Mr. Ryder ques
and M~. Annunz
land use inten
change from th
past e×perienc
they are requi~
zoning ma~ as
by the County
family of 4 un
PUD, he does n
which he would
He could not e
County Land Us
checked the fi
mendation is t
provided for t
M~. Lambert re
~ioned what zoning category this would carry
~ato informed him it would be a PUD with the
~ity of 3.5. Mr. Ryder asked if this was a
past and Mr. Annunziato explained how their
with PUD's had varied. He then stated that
ed, if this land is rezoned, to label the
~UD with land use intensity. The land use set
~nd carried a PUD of 6 units per acre or single
its per acre. The advantage of coming in as a
~t have to adhere to the requirements of R-~AAA,
be forced to accept to meet the requirements.
~ceed four units per acre as fixed by the'
Plan. He has reviewed the site plan and
~ures and everything conforms. His only recom-
hat an additional 7 ft. of right-of-way be
ae widening of Congress Avenue.
ferred to discussing this a few times previously
and questioned if the 3.5 was an increase or decrease on the
requirement of the Co~.ty? Is this within the guidelines of
the County? Mr. Annunziato explained how the land use inten-
sity did not e~en consider density. He clarified that because
his gross density does not exceed four units per acre, he
would meet the County Land Use Plan requirement.
Mr. Lambert re
for this land
south of 23rd
including the
his organizat~
north of it.
annexation pre
honor PUD,s an
approached by
water tower an
~erred to a previous application being made
but it included two projects to the north and
~venue. He asked if there was a reason for not
property to the north? Mr. Cogen replied that
on owns this 80 acres and also the 120 acres
He told about his reasons for applying for
vious!y, but at that time, the City did not
d did not want it. He then told s2oout being
Mr. Perry Cessna to buy an acre of land for a
d they agreed to donate this land ~ad also
the right-of-way for Woolbright Road to be extended providing
they received commercial zoning in that area. He understands
OCTOBER 26, 1976
it was approved by the Planning & Zoning Board and then went
before the Cit Council. Then, Mr. Annunziato was hired smd
he informed hi that this was incorrect as they are in the
County and mus~ get the County's approval before going into
the City. in r. Anntmziato's opinion, the City of Boynton
Beach would be obligated to give him the same zoning that the
County did. Tt~e City had already zoned a portion of the 120
acres~for busi~.ess and they approached the County, but they
would not givethis strio zoning. They would give business,
bu~ not ~trip ~oning as ~he City agreed, This was a year later
and he w=s lef$ with no zoning and nothing official. Mr.
Annunziat~ suggested that he pay another $100 and start all
over and ne woW1$ work with him. He referred to there being
several chmugeS mn the employees of the City and now he just
wants it zoned so he can build houses.
~. Lambert clarified that the north tract of land will remain
agriculture zoz.ed and ~. Cogen agreed, at this time. He
added that theF wanted to get started on this PUD and will
then approach he City on the north 120 acres.
Mr. Lambert st ~ted he did not recall exactly what they ap-
proved on this parcel of land and they did m~e a recommenda-
tion to the Cily Council. M~, Annunziato informed him that it
was never follcwed through as oublic hearings were not held
on the rezonins. He explained-that the original rezoning was
not in accordance with the County. The only potential for
commercial would be in the PUD to serve the residents of this
area. The members discussed further their previous recommenda-
tions for this south tract. Mr. Annunziato stated that ~.
Cogen is c~rrect in that he requested this to be started over.
The City h=s tsken the position that he is zoned Agriculture
and they are obliged to enforce that zoning.
~. Ryder questioned the typical setback~ for each of these
homes and M~. Annunziato informed him that the only require-
ment would be t
and the rear se
that as a PUD,
Mr. Ryder asked
lng the side or
to the side, th
Congress Avenue
hat they honor the front setback on the streets
tbacks along Congress Avenue. He cls~ified
the setbacks disappear except for on the streets.
if there were any minimum requirements regard-
rear and M~. Annunziato replied that in regards
ere were not; but there are for the rear on
M~. Lambert ask
individual prop
common grounds
recreation or 1
impesing restri
side. He told
between Leisure~iile and the Village of Golf.
sd if this PUD would be a situation where the
srty owner will pay a monthly fee towards the
~nd Mr. Cogen explained that there would be no
~nd lease. He will start cutting the grass and
ctions~ but he will have no control on the in-
about this being done successfully in various
Els plans are to sell these sort of midway
He told about
OCTOBER 26, 1976
their plans for a 25 acre lake, recreation area, guard house,
etc. He added that the roads and lake will be private and all
maintenance will be paid for by them. Chairman Kostner clari-
fied that the ~rounds would be co~on elements and i~. Cogen
agreed they would be~'for the unit owners.
l~. Ryder stated he was interested how close the homes would
be to each other and ~. Cogen replied that the lots are 67
feet wide. If they will tell him what to do, he will do it.
In the County, he could have built 6 PUD homes per acre or
3½ homes per acre under single f~nily. He is planning a
better density of 2.46 homes per acre. He is not coming into
the City and b~ilding as many ~s he can. He is just a~king
that no furthe~ economical restrictions be imposed on ~hem.
Chairman Kostn~r referred to the lots fronting on the water
and ~. Cogen dnformed him of the 212 lots, 106 will be on
the lake. He ~xplained the plansffurther and pointed out
that none of t~e homes would face on Congress Ave.
M~~. Lambert referred to 2.46 acres being required for recrea-
tional facilities and ~. Cogen replied-that he was providing
28 acres. Mr. Annunziato clarified that he was providing
2.23 acres of !and and the lake and dock would be provided
towards the land area.
M~. Winter referred to there being an objection the last time
to having only one road going in and out and Chairman Kostner
agreed the question was raised, but no~ definite decision was
made. Mm. Lambert stated there was an actual proposal for one
50 ft. road, but they came back with a divided road.
~@. Annunziato informed the Board that the ordinance permits
them to set the front and rear setbacks on the street under
PUD and it is up to them to set them according to the zone.
He does not th~nk it would be unreasonable for the rear yards
adjacent to Congress Avenue and the front yards adjacent to
the street to ~e 2~5 Ft. ~. Winter asked about the side yards
and ~. Annunz~ato replied that this was taken care of by the
PUD. The concept of the PUD involves dissolving the side
setbacks. The side yards are Mr. Cogen's problems. Mr.
Ryder asked whet he had in mind for side yards and Mr. Cogen
replied that he did not think anything less than 5 ft. would
be practical. He doesn't think he could sell houses with less
than 10 ft. ~. Ryder stated he would like to see something
mor~ than 5 ft. ~. Winter stated he would like to see the
minimum requirements of the R-tA zone met, which is 7½ ft.
Mm~. Ryder referred to the frontage being 67 ft. and asked if
15 ft. would pcse a problem and Mr. Cogen replied that he
thought it would. He added that he has brought it down to
2.46 units per acre and has had more rules and regulations
imposed, The !rice of the lots will run $12,000 after taking
out the lake, etc. He cannot charge $80,000 for a home on a
lot this size. If he stayed in the County, they would permit
OCTOBER 26, 1976
6 units per acre and }~. Annunziato clarified that the Co~m. ty
would accept his application, but whether they would permit
'it wou!m depend on the site plan. Mr. Cogen contlnued and
advised that he was here to discuss a compromise. With requir-
ing 15 ft,, he could only build a house 52 ft. wide and he must
give these pecp!e a two car garage and this would be diffiCult
to do. He asa.ed if the Board would conSider 12 ft. and the
members discussed this f~ther. Chairman Eostner stated he
would go alon~ with the 12 ft. if the garages were all on the
same side to ~ct as a buffer to guarantee more privacy. ~.
Winter agreed he would also go along with it and referred to
a garage bein~ 20 ft. wide. Mr. Rym~r stated he would also
be inclined tc go along with the 6 ft. SetbaCk after noting
that none of the homes will be back to back. The members
then disCusseS the actual plans further.
~. Lambert t~en questioned the effect of the Bosm~d's recom-
mendation on this and asked if they would see it again and
Mr. Annunziat~ informed him they would be recommending ~ PUD
with land use intensity of 3.5 and the master plan for devel-
opment as submitted by M~. Cogen for the 2t2 lots. They
would also be recommending the recreational facilities, guard
house~ wall a~ong Congress Avenue, etc. They would be recom-
mending 12 ft minimum between the buildings and 25 ft. front
and rear yard setbacks on road rmonts-of-way. If the City
Council appro~ es this rezoning a.m ~r~ster olan, ~. Cogen
would have the land zoned PUD. His next step would be to
submit plats £or the land he wishes to develop. These plats
have to be in substantial conformity with the master plan sub-
mitted and if not, the master plan is dissolved as well as
the zoning. ~hey will be approving the master plan for deve-
lopment and the PUD. The Planning & Zoning Board will see
it again for the plats. The issuanceii'fOr individual permits,
they will not see.
Chairman Kostner then asked if anyone wished to speak for
this proposition of ~. Cogen's in regard to the PUD and he
received no response. He then asked if anyone wished to
speak against this PUD.
M~. Donald Gustafson stated his name and his address as Village
of Golf. He stated that he was not necessa~m~y speaking against
this, but he woUld like to have more information. The Village
of Golf is not a PUD. He would like to ~maow the size of the
houses he plans to build. He did State 2,000 sq. feet, but
does this include the garage and M~. Coo~en· replle~:- ' ~ yes. Mr.
Gustafson then questioned the price range and Mm. Cogen re-
plied from $48,000 to $50,000. Mr. Gustafson thanked them.
~. Lambert m~de a motion that the Planning & Board
recommend the City CoUncil approve the zoning chsmge on the
Cogen propertl from Agriculture to Planned Unit Development
with a land uss intensity of 3.5 with a~a residenth! lots
OCTOBER 26, 1976
with the~.irestrictions of 25 ft. front setback and 25 ft. rear
setback and 6 ft, side yard setback and also request Mr. Cogen
to dedicate tl~.e additional 7 ft. along Congress Avenue for the
future wideni~g of Congress Avenue. Mr. Annunziato interjected
that possibly it should be a minimum of 12 ft. between build-
ings and ~.]~ambert questioned the difference. ~.~. Annunziato
explainedh°W it might offer a little more ease of development
in certain in,~t~mces and Mr. Lambert agreed to chsmge to 6 ft.
side yard set])ack to t2 ft. minimum between buildings. M~.
Reiser then s~.~conded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Ryder
stated with a density of 3.5 and Mr. Annunziato clarified that
it was land u~e intensity. Chairman Kostner then asked the
Recording Sec~:~etary to read the motion and Mrs. Kruse read it
back. He ask~.~d if there were any~questions and Mr. Winter
questioned th~ 12 ft. between buildings. He referred to the
possibility o a house being built within 3 ft. of the property
line as long s the other hoUse was 9 ft. away and ~. Annunziato
replied that ~e saw no problem. Mr. Winter stated that the
person with 9 ft. could build anything along the side of his
house and Mr. Annunziato replied that there were no property
lines in a PUi). Chairman Kostner referred to this being iden-
tical to cond ~minium setbacks. Where you have con. non elements,
it does not m~tter. Nothing can be ~one between the homes.
They discussed this further and Mr. Winter requested that
there be a stipulation that 6 ft. minimum side setbacks be
maintained wi~h a minimum of 12 ft. He explained how there
was the possioility of people putting up awnings extending
out 6 ft. or
Mostner refer~
were going to
that he did n
him. They wi
them. He the
started compa
man Kostner r
him to clarif
that he had n
is required,
how his surve
sentation. M
asked ~. Ann
ize and M~. A
asked if the
house and
if they are j
on and the re
referred to c
hoped people
be no const
family zones
back to 6 ft
pointed out.
motion. As
over the imaginary property line. Chairman
~ed to common elements and asked if the lots
be individually recorded and M~. Cogen replied
ot know what the City was going to impose on
11 have restrictions, as it will be better for
a referred to M~. Gustafson's statements and
ring his plans with the Village of Golf. Chair-
~ferred to a motion being on the floor ~ud asked
y his answer to the question. ~ir. Cogen stated
idea what the City~ would require. Whatever
that i~ what he will do. He further explained
yor and architect would make an authentic pre-
r. Lambert referred to M~. Winter's example and
mnziato if he thought a problem could material-
nn~uziato agreed that it possibly could. He
~eople would be buying the land under their
Cogen agreed. ~. Annunziato clarified that
~st buying the land,the slab, the house sits
mainder will be common element and M~. Cogen
ondominiums becoming stigmas and stated he
would want their own single family home. He
t they modify the requirements to there shall
ction to a minimum of 6 ft. like in the single
M~. Lambert then amended his motion to go
side yard setbacks because of the problems
Mr. Reiser accepted the amendment to the
equested, M~s. Kruse took a roll call vote as
M~.iWinter m Aye
Mr. Reiser - Aye
Mr. Ryder Aye
Mr. Lambert AYe
~. Kostner Aye
OCTOBER 26 , 1976
Motion carried
~band0nm. ent ReQ
Request ab~
N. W. 4th
and South
ft. of the
West of N.
Ave. West
~est from Charles Leemon~ III
~ndonment of the following rights-of-way:
~treet lying North of N. W. 1st Avenue
~f N. W. 2nd Avenue and 1-95, Also 100
North 25 ft. (1/2) of N. W. 1st Ave.
W. 4th Street and All of N. W. 1st
)f the 100 ft of N. ~. 1st Ave.
bove - up to the 1-95 R/W
Applicants - Charles L. Leemon, III and Linda L. Leemon
~. Lambert requested to be excused from participating since
he is related {0 the Leemons by marria e. Chairman Kostner
thanked him and requested him to sit with the audience.~
Mr. Cha~t~es Leemon appeared before the Board and' statea~ his
name and home aSdres~ as 6520 N. Ocean Blvd., Ocean Ridge,
and his busines.~ address as 679 N. W. 79th Street~ Miami.
Chairman Mos tne]
He referred to
application was
~his attention t~
lng the western
1st Avenue. Th~
City utilities
neer if the Cit
they receive eq
His recommendat:
not reco~mend tl
Lots 32 and 33
requested the City Planner to give input.
nformed the Board that this abandonment is
~ts-of-way which were made dead ends for Z-95.
;he map with the application and advised the
to abandon the areas striked, it has come to
~at almost all the major utility lines servic-
part of the City cross Z-95 at 4th St. and
~y have received requests from the public and
nd it is the recommendation of the City Engi-
does agree to abandon the rights-of-way that
a! amount of land in return as easements.
~on would correspond and in addition, he would
~at one half of the right-of-way adjacent to
~e abandoned to leave one half of the right-
~namrman Kos~ne~ ~hen reques~em Mr. Leemon to present his
case. M~. Leem~n informed the Board that this abandonment
OCTOBER 26, 1976
includes a pr
This particul
It took them
about 30 lots
live in Boynt
~el recogniti
do it is to h
have visitors
place for the~
all the inter~
on U. S. 1.
this is a sup~
part of the c
They will bui
Beach. This
assure easeme
well as anyon~
Mr. Ryder ask~
over the righ'
'the project
Mr. Ann~uziat~
~posal to build a fine Holiday Inn on that site.
~r site has been surveyed by them for some time.
~bout three years to accomplish putting together
in this loc~tion. About 9~ of his relatives
on Beach and he is interested in getting national ho-
rn in Boynton Beach. He thinks the best way to
~ve a prime site in Boynton Beach. People do
from the north and they do not always~have a
to stay in their homes. They have surveyed
~hanges in Boynton Beach and looked at property
~here is a need for a fine motel. They feel
~r location. He is going to live here and be
~mmunity. They will put up shrubbery buffers.
~d the inn to conform tolthe style in Boynton
is the reason for the abandonment and they will
~ts for all utilities. They need utilities as
~. They certainly would not hinder them.
~d if he understood that nothing could be built
~-of-wsj and ~. Leemon replied that he did and
in the formative stage and they will conform.
clarified that this meant a permanent structure.
.~. Ryder the]
the City to a]
they may face
be denied~to ~
that thei~ pl~
has never bee~
serve the co~
Chairman Kost~
further questJ
~ referred~to the request in one instance asking
~andon ha!x a street and if the City does this,
legal' problems in the future because access will
~eople across the street. ~. Leemon replied
~nners have looked at this site and the street
put in. Their recommendation is that it would
~unity as well as the hotel to abandon it.
~er ascertained that the Board members had no
.ons and then asked if ~uyone wished to speak
for this prop~sed abandonment and received no response. He
then asked if anyone cared to speak in opposition to this
Mm. Milton Py~
Ocean Avenue.
motel is goin~
is from West
endured for 1
Avenue was de
on the map.
1st Avenue or
Annunziato re
streets. Mr.
clarified tha
abandonment of
the site plan
Board. This d
added that th~
~tt stated his name and his address as 419 W.
He stated he would like to know how large this
i to be an~ how high. The only access to this
tcean Avenue. He referred to the traffic they
~ years while 1-95 was being put in and 2nd
outed. M~. Annunziato pointed out the location
~. Pyatt asked if they intended to use N. W.
~est Ocean Avenue for their entrance? Mr.
~tied that access would be possible from both
Pyatt questioned the height and Mr. Annunziato
this particular public hearing was~for the
the public rights-of-way. They will address
when the rezoning request comes before the
s~just an absmdonment request. Chairman Kostner
re was another request following this for re-
OCTOBER 26 , 1 976
Chairman Kostner then asked if anyone else wished to speak in
opposition to the request for abandonment on the streets indi-
cated and received no response.
r~~. Ryder stat~
tion in consid~
abandonment is
would take pla~
are so many uti
with the fact
1st Avenue, wh
k considera-
~d he thought they have to ta~e into
~ring this abandonment that the intent is if the
permitted to proceed~ this proposed development
:e. They are faced with several problems. There
_lities in 4th St. and 1st Ave. They are faced
:he petitioner wants to abandon only half of
_ch he has indicated would be difficult to do.
M~. Winter and Mr. Reiser stated that they had no comment.
Chairman Kostn~
proposal by re~
residential ar~
created from t!
opinion, it wo~
cannot see whe~
proposed comme~
Also, as Mr. A~
not good and c:
doesn't be!jew
pated to be pu~
because it is
Mr. Ryder made
~ouncil that t!
N. W. 4th Stre~
The basis for
is intended to
which would re~
don half a str~
secondly, acce~
these areas ar~
quire a route
3rd Street and
motel and this
AlSo, in view
lities. Mr. W~
requested, Mrs
~r stated he was greatly concerned with this
~son that it is, as indicated prior, near a
~a. He referred to a noise condition being
~e travel of automobiles and patrons. In his
~ld be very disturbing to the neighborhood. He
~e they could justifiably warrant placing this
~cial enterprise for the reason of abandonment.
~nunziato outlined, vacating half a street is
~eates problems and he is opposed to that. He
that the proposed structure that is antici-
on this property would be an advantage to I-9~3,
n a residential area.
a motion that this Board recommend to the City
~e application fOr abandonment of a portion of
~t and a portion of N. W. 1st Avenue be denied.
~enial is that subject abandonment apparently
provide a consolidation of a site for a motel,
luire ~n the first instance permission to aban-
et, which this Board finds unadvisable and
~s to the intended development, in the event
~ abandoned, would be primsarily by 1-95 and re-
doing east on N. W. 2nd Avenue, south on N. W.
west on N. W. 1st Avenue to proceed to the
route traverses a highly residential area.
~f the fact this area is to abandon public uti-
~nter seconded the motion. No discussion. As
KruSe took a roll call vote as follows:
OCTOBER 26, 1976
R_ezoning Reque
All of th
2. Lots
3 · Lots
Mr. Winter - Aye
Mr. Reiser - Aye
Mr. Ryder - Aye
Mr. Xostner - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
st from Charles Leemon~. III
~ following in Beverly Hills Addn. #3 , 2, 3, 31, 32 Less 1-95 R/W and
~3, 34,~35 & 36, Block 73
i, 6, a~d 7, Less 1-95 R/~¥, Block 72
~ thru 5 inclusive, less the north 10
for Road R~~ and Less 1-95 ~R~ and
thru 10 inclusive, Block 71
in Plat Book 13, Page 64, Palm Beach County
Address - 205 N. W. 4th Street
Request - Lots 1-5 incl. Block 71
Rezone to C-3 from C-2
Balance of above
Rezone to C-3 from R-lA
Use - Motel
Applicants - Charles L. Leemon, III and Linda L. Leemon
Mr. Leemon informed the Board this was the same project. They
are proposing ~ motel for this area. Even though they have
made the judgement on the abandonment, he hopes they will keep
an open mind oa this deal. Boynton Beach does need this parti-
cular type of hotel for this community. Miami motels would
promote the ar~a and send people to Boynton Beach. He thinks
it would be a ~eal setback to the City if they don't consider
this very seriously to provide transient guests with this
type of facility.
Chairman Eostn~r requested ino~t from the City Planner and ~.
Annunziato replied that he reserved his judgement p~etty much
on the abandonment. In considering this rezoning, when first
approached by ~. Leemon, he e×pressed to him his concern over
the traffic pa~tern. At that point, he di~ tell M~. Leemon
he would have
to this proper
port traffic e
From the site
been answered.
property comin
to answer the way the traffic would have access
ry. At that time, he told him he could not sup-
atering this site from 1st Avenue or 4th Street.
olan submitted, these questions still have not
He cannot recommend this with access to the
from private streets.
Mr. Ryder aske
project even tl
~. Leemon rep
is not impossi~
they still had the same problem.
if they would consider going ahead with the
~ough the street areas are not abandoned and
lied that it would be very difficult, but it
ole. M~. Ryder continued and stated he felt
It still does not PrOvide
OCTOBER 26, 1976
a means of access which will not result in a nuisance to the
adjacent propeFty owners.~Mr~ Leemon replied that they have
at least 30 lots mud it shouza be considered that if it were
developed with homes, there would be traffic involved.
Ryder replied Shat a motel had transient people coming and
going. ~. Leemon informed him that their average stay is
tnreet ~o fmve .... ~ays. This will not be a large facmlmty.~ ' ~ It
will be a smal$ inn compared to the others. ~,'~. Reiser ques-
tioned the prooosed size and Mr. Leemon informed him ~t would
be approximately~ 100 units. ' ' ' -
~. Winter the~
N. ~. 4th St. ~
9, and 10.~ Mr
house on the c~
Mr. Leemon rep]
questioned who
M~. Leemon rep~
questioned who owned the southeast side of
~nm 1so Avenue, directly south of lots 6, 7, 8,
Pjder replied that he believed there was a
)rner and going east, it is largely undeveloped.
_led that they owned these lots. Mr. Winter
owned Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Block 72 and
~ied ~ ~ .-
~h~t they owned Lots 1, a and ~
Chairman Kostner asked if anyone wished, to speak for this
Mr. Serge Pizz~
Drive, Boynton
properties in
objection to i
yards and this
Maybe someone
the~.old stuff
[ stated his name and his address as 79 Coral
Beach, and advised the Board that he owns two
;he vicinity of this proposed motel. He has no
~. The State highway took all of~their front
would b~ a good face lifting for the avenue.
~lse would come along then and remove some of
M~. Dick Lambe~t stated his name and address as 140 S. E. 27th
~ace. He referred to sitting in the audience and looking at
the map and advised that Lots 1,2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block 71
are currently i~oned C-2, Commercial. If he c~ose to develop
it as C-2 Co~m~rCial, i~ would have to be served by N. W.
1st Avenue and N. W. 4th St.
Chairman Kostn~r ascertained that nobody else desired to speak
in favor and t]~en asked if anyone wished to spe~ in opposi-
Mr. Milton Y~a~t stated his name and his address as 419 W~.
Ocean Avenue. He referred to the two previous speakers not
living in the ~rea and Mr. Pizzi replied that it was diffi-
cult to live o~ 2nd Avenue as it is a commercial area. M~.
Pyatt continue~ with stating he did not know whether the Board
received a petition with 250 signatures. However, the traffic
access for a t(~0 room motel is not going to be through 1st
Ave., but will be through Ocean Avenue as it is a four laned
wide road. He is very much in opposition. He is not in oppo-
~ v but thinks if
sition to a mo~el or hotel which tne~ do need,
they are going to have access to the hotel, they should widen
N. W. 1st Avem~e. Chairman Kostner replied that this would be
another questi~n and the question at this time is strictly
rezoning. M~. ~att stated he was against it.
OCTOBER 26, 1 976
Mw. John Lajett atated his name and his address as 460 West
Ocean Avenue. He told about buying his property aver 16
years ago because of it being a nice neighborhood and being
restricted tc
traffic when
age of the ne:
in a R-lA are~
in a resident~
traffic will
retired peopl
then presente~
the people wh~
jecting to th~
the people si~
plied that al
other people
single family homes. They did have a lot of
~nd Ave. was closed. There is a large percent-
Lghbors in the area opposed to this motel going
~. They are strictly opposed to a motel going
[al area. They cannot guarantee what type of
~e coming ~d going during the night. Most s~e
in the neighborhood and like their rest. He
a petition with 46 names signed by almost all
received letters and~some on the fringes ob-
s. Chairman Kostner asked if he ~ew whether
ining lived within 400 ft. and M~. Lajett re-
~ the oeoo!e within 400 ft. did sign and a few
~cross the street a_e opposed as we~=.
M~. Lou Samyn stated his name and his address as 151S. W.
25th Avenue. He advised the Board that he objects to this.
He owns the pyoperty that Mr. Ryder re~erred to, the vacant
lots on?. W. 1st Avenue. He bought them for the purpose
of builming some retirement homes. He primarily came tonight
vo fmnd out a)out ~he e~srance to ~hms mote~ and ms.oust
aghast about this. He just cannot understand this. He rea-
lizes it is v~luable property, but the entrance is ridiculous.
If the Board m
rezone his pr
create a hard
are three to
Chairman Xost
opposition an
many raised t
necessary for
ment, he will
cussion to th
~pproves this, he certainly would like them to
operty across the street. He believes it would
~hip on the people living in the area. There
our houses to the west of the land he owns.
~er then asked how many people present were in
asked for a show of hands. He noted that
~eir hands. He stated he did not think it was
all of them to speak. If the Board is in agree-
close the public hearing and ~pen this for dis-
Board members.
Mr. Winter st
teeing reside
will affect t
there. Also,
Under the cir
M~. Reiser co
~ted he could not see spot zoning, where you ~e
~tia! and changing it to commercial zoning. This
~e whole area. He would not be happy if he lived
in changing from C-2 to C-3, it is spot zoning.
~umstances, he cannot see this at all.
Mr. Ryder sta
the area to 8
matter whereh
distance thr¢
to be a perpe
Chairman Kost
feeling~ re
ted he felt this definitely would be downgrading
~ from R-lA to C-3. Secondly, they have the
~ access means travelling for a considerable
mgh a residential area, which can only turn out
tual nuisance to the people in the area.
aer referred to the Chair previously showing his
~ards to this matter. His greatest concern was
OCTOBER 26, 1976
reoresented by the other members o£ the Board, namely the
traffic travelling through a resmdentlal are~. ~'~condly,
as he;outlined before, noises would emanate from such a
Mr. Ryder move¢
denial of the ~
ciusive of
of block be re~
the motion. C~
p a~ed and Mrs.
quested, Mrs~ ~
~ that the Board recommend to.the City Council
~o!!owing request, namely tha~ Lots I to 5 in-
k 7t be rezoned from C-2 to C-3 and remainder
~oned from R-~A to C-3. ~. Reiser seconded
~airman Kostner requested the motion to be~re-
Eruse read it back. No discussion. As re-
ruse took a roll call vote as follows:
Y~. Winter - Aye
Mr Reiser - Aye
Mr] Ryder - Aye
M~. Kostner - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
Chairm~n Kostner announced that this finalized the Public Hear-
ings and suggested for expediency they dispense with the Min-
utes and continueJ with the items on the Agenda.
Shane's Motor Iodge
2607 S. Federal
Branko Lovreko~
Covered Carpor~
Mr. Branko Lovz
S. Federal Hig~
~ Highway
ekoric stated his name and his address as 2607
~t~. ~nnunziato informed the Board that this request was for a
covered overhang at the driveway where the driveway abuts the
office at Shan~
hand,corner of
other than to ·
The members re~
this was propos
's Motel. It is~labeled on the bottom right
the site plan. The staff has no recommendations
ecommend that it be approved as submitted.
iewed the plans and it was pointed out that
ed on a private drive entranceway.
M~. Lambert made a motion that the application for the covered
overhang at Sh~ne's Motel be recommended to the City Council
for approval. ~. Reiser seconded the motion. No discussion.
Motion carried ~-0.
First United Methodist Church
101N. Seacrest Blvd.
Robert Alan Black
}~nor Maintenan
Mr. Robert Alan Black appeared-before the Board and explained
the plan for two transepts to be added to the church. He re-
ferred to a portion of the building projecting into the exist-
ing setback ani that they did receive approval from
the Board of Ac
Mr. RYder refe~
BiacM informed
asked if the B(
Black replied:
t advised
tjustment as noted on the plans.
· red to Seacrest Blvd. bei~ widened and Mr.
him that they would lose 6 ft, ~. Ryder
~ard of Adjustment was aware of that and M~.
Mr. Lambert re
a ppr ox ina t ely
the parking fa
the code, they
have. He adde~
parking area f~
La~r~b ~r~ as~ed
time and Mr. Bi
projects. The~
widene~, the a~
Chairman Kostn~
Annunziato rep]
report only th~
Mr. Lambert ma(
recommend to tl
for the First
transepts to ti
the motion. N~
roll call vote
Motion carried
Chairman Kostn~
City Planner t~
sion in respec~
Annunziato rep]
these legal doc
and asked since
the requiremen~
they can be res
best of his h~o~
has b~en fu!fi~
~erred to the additional seating capacity being
OO seats and asked if it was going to overcrowd
:ilities and M~. Black replied that according to
will need 76 parking spots which they already
that there were future plans to make a grassed
r overflow traffic during the season. Mr.
.f both projects would be done at the same
.ack replied that they would be done as separate
' already have 76 and by the time the. road is
[ditional parking will be added.
~r asked for the City Planner's input and M~.
.led that his input was very limited to
~t the T,R.B. had no recommendations or comments.
~.e a motion that the Planning & Zoning Board
~e City Council approval of the application
inited Methodist Church to add two 343 sq. ft.
~eir existing facilities. M~. Ryder seconded
~ discussion. As requested, M~s. Eruse took a
as follows.
Winter - Aye
Reiser - ~je
Ryder - Aye
Lambert - .~ye
Eostner - Aye
that he wanted to ascertain from%the
.at all the legal documents were in his Dosses-
to the abandonment and rezoning reques%s. Mr.
ied that the City was in possession of all
uments. ~. Lambert referred to this comment
it was on the agenda, couldn't they assume all
s are in order and Mr. Annunziato replied that
sonably sure that all are in order. To the
ledge and recollection everything presented
led legally.
OCTOBER 26, 1 976
t~~. Winter ma(
table, second~
Mr. Lambert
bet 6 Wort~ho
Motion carrie
Minutes of Re
M~. Ryder mad~
Meeting of
Motion carrie~
~. Reiser ma~
Motion carried
' 0
9~3 P. M.
~kshop,,,Meet,in~, of October~ ,6,~ ]9~Z~
[ea motion to remove these minutes from the
~d by M3~. Reiser. Motion ~ ~
c=rr_ed 5-0.
~de a motion to accept the Minutes of the Octo-
Meeting as presented, seconded by ~o Reiser.
uiar Meeting. of October t2,,, ,,!,97.~
motion to approveI the Minutes of the Regular
~ober 12 as pres~nted~ seconded by Mr. Lambert.
~ ~ Mr.
a motion to adjourn, seco_~ed by Ryder.
5-0 and the meeting was proper adjourned at
Respectfull~ Submitted
Suzanne K~ use
Recording Secz etary
(T%vo Tapes)
Regular Meeting
Date: 10-26-76
Time: 7:30 P~M.
Place: Council Chambers - City Hall
Acknowledgement of Members and Visitors.
Read~ng and ApprOV~dl ~of Minutes.
Old Business:
New Business:
t. Cogen: r~quest.to rezone to P.U.D.~ ·
~ S~W.. corner,of Congress and Golf
JOesph Cogen_
2. -AbandonmeiLt:- request to abandon N.W. 4th street lying
North of .W. lst-Ave, and South of N.~. and~-95.
Rep., Charles--Leemon III and Linda Leemon
3. Rezoning: request Lots 1 to 5 inclusive Block 71
Rezone to C-3 from C-2.
Balance of above
Rezone %o C-~ from R-lA
205 .N.W. 4th Street
Rep~., Charles Leemon III and Linda Leemon
1. Shane's M(~tor Lodge
2.607 So. }'ederal Hwy. Boynton Beach, FL.
Branko Lo~,rekoric
Covered C~Lrport
2. First Unified Methodist Church
101 North Seacrest Boynton Beach, FL.
Robert Ai~Ln Black
Minor MaiILtenance