MONDAY, SEPTEmbER 20, 1976 AT 2:00 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Fred Kostner, Vice Chairman
Richard L~mber t
Simon Ryder
Garry Winter
Louis Reim~r
Otis Walker
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Chairman Kelly welcomed everyone and called the meeting to
order at 2:05
Board and the
Chairman Kelly
cuss the quest
mitted use in
homework since
ence anyone, b
of the Blue Bo
it spells OUt m
read same. In
this with
Section D, it
referred to
and approval
under the C-3
?, Mo He then introduced the members of the
~mty Planner.
announced that this meeting was called to dis-
~on of hotels and motels primarily being a per-
bhe R-3 zone. The Chair has done a little
the last meeting and doesn't wish to influ-
~t would like to put on record that on Page 21
~k, Section 5G3 under Uses Permitted, (b),
nulti-family residential structures and he
his opinion, Section C completely contradicts
commercial enterprises, in reference to
restrictive to a degree with having to be
Planning & Zoning Board for recommendation
the City Council. Section E is covered
Section G is covered under the C-1
He then decl~ed the floor open for discussion.
Ym. Ryder stat
probably ch~ag
are ~ted.
questions: wh
to permit on a
pla6e in the R
eral Highway.
other business
retain A, B an
bly C-1; and p
Mr. Lambert qu
under the C-1
~m~y structu
but nursing ho
occupants to h
be located in
~d that after studying this, he agreed that
~s other than the matter of hotels and motels
He explained how he had asked himself three
ich to permit, which to relocate, and which
conditional basis. Hotels seem to be out of
-3 zone. Most of them are looated along Fed-
He explained how they seemed to be useful to
~s. He then stated his recommendation was to:
D; relocatedC to ~ossibly~ C-3 and G to possi-
~rmit E and F as conditional uses.
~stioned the difference of putting Section G
zone and Mr. Annunziato explained how multi-
¢es were single family residences of sorts,
~es or convalescent facilities require the
~ve resident care. Also under C-1, they would
onSunction with hospitals, medical clinics,
SEPTEMBER 20, 1976
Mm. Lambert r~ferrem to apartments and questioned why it
included serving meals and Chairm~u Kelly explained how
condominiums arranged to serve meals in their auditoriums.
Mr. AnnunziatOadaed that the clause waspprobably included
to, handle recreation centers with kitchens. Chairman Kelly
added that they were still not commercial enterprises.
Mr. Kostner sSated he did not believe Section G, nursin~
homes and convalescent f~cilities should be in ~he R-3 ~one
because there are hospitals, medical and dental offices,
etc. in the C~1 zone. He agrees they should be ~aken o~t
of the R-3 zone and~put into the C-1 zone. In r~ference to
Section F, ro~
considered re~
R-3 zone. ~
strictly resi
should be per~
lng factors t(
~ming and boarding houses, he feels they are
:idential and should not be t~ken out of the
'ooming house is usually a ~mall building and
.ential. Chairman Kelly agreed and stated they
~itted as a conditional use. To give further
he read the laser ps~agraph on Page 21 regard-
be considered. ~. Kostner agreed.
Mm. Kostner c¢
may be an ass~
He agreed wit~
they willhhav~
ferred to the
siderabl~ dis(
he had mixed
to comment fu
.ntinued with explaining how he felt Section E
,t and should be included as a conditional use.
Mr. Ryder that Section D should remain as
control. In reference to Section C, he re-
streets where they were to be located and con-
ussion about this previously. He explained why
~eelings on this and requested the Board members
Mr. Annunziat ~
meeting and s~
located adjac~
for motels ~ad
Kelly replied
of initiating
in the C-3 zoz
referred to the comments he made at theilast
~ated he did not think the R-3 zone was properly
nt to single family homes. The R-3 zone is
.nd not co~nercial. It is not the proper place
hotels and their attendant uses. Chairman
that he agreed and added that anyone desirous
co~maercial business of this type can find land
Mr. Winter re~
R-3 zones inv(
~f Leisurevi!~
from those tw~
ment in the w~
eliminated in
believed it s]
area. He canz
is commercial
On Sections D
tions.H Howev~
told about the
should be ~qua~
and referred
erred to the zoning map and stated the only
!ved were along 15th Avenue and the north side
e. It is his opinion to eliminate Section C
~ parcels. Chairman Kelly referred to develop-
s~ and stated he did not think it should be
certain areas. ~&~. Winter continued that he
~ould be eliminated. There is plenty of C-3
.ot see any reason to leave it in there. There
property available adjacent to the R-3 areas.
and E, he agrees with Mr. Ryder's recommenda-
r, rooming houses are a touchy subject and he
possibility of having a large one. They
ified by conditional use. ~'~. Ryder agreed
o large areas of commercial property along
PA~E r
SE?TE~ER 20, 1976
Congress Avenue
place for motel
commercial zon~
Mr. La~2oer t
copy with them
pretty well adk
. Also, he ~s~= this is a more aporopriate
s and hotels. He thinks the facilities for
ng are adequate.
.ed what the overall study indicated for these
nd it was ascertained that nobody had their
and Chairman Kelly informed him that they had
ered to the plan.
M~. Lambert ststed that his feelings on Sections C, D, E, F,
and G was that they possibly should be left in with conditional
uses. Mr. Ryder replied that he tried to assess this as far
as practical a~d feasible and believes they should take out
commercial aspects. ~. Lambert explained how a possible
location may b~ in conflict. However, he cannot see objections
to having hotels and motels in the R-3 zone. He further ex-
plained that h~ would go along with conditional uses.
M~. Kostner re!
referred to the
He believes wit
tected if it i~
with ~. Lambez
feels it shoul~
be areas where
there was the
Chairman Kelly
and Mr. Annunz~
recreational ve
some talk about
M~r. Kostner cla
not to lock it
is adequate prc
tractor or dev~
~. Ryder refe~
ing and explain
ply with Leisur
about the peopl
erred to his mixed feelings on Section C and
possibilities at the interchange on 15th Ave.
h conditional use, this could be well pro-
terfersd with any residential area. He agrees
t that inssome areas it may be applicable.H He
not be completely eliminated beCause there may
it would be desirable. He then explained how
ossibility of changes taking place.
referred to a section on 15th Ave. zoned C-4
ato informed him it was a storage area for
hicles. Mr. Levitow referred to there being
a marina for this location.
rified that it was his main reason and concern
out entirely. If they use conditional use, i~
tection. ~. Annunziato referred to the con-
loper also having the right to request rezon-
red to ~. Kostner's mention of changes occur-
ed how this area a~ 15th Avenue would not ap-
eville being located there. He again told
e~ concern living in that area.
M~. Annunziato stated that the City has provided enough pro-
perty for hotels and motels in Boynton Beach without includ-
ing them in R-3. They do not need any more zoning for hotels
mhd motels and have probably exceeded the requirement. Chair-
man Eelly agreed. M~. Lambert replied that he did not. He
agrees that acreagewise there is possibly adequate C-3, but
he does not agree with reference to the locations. He ex-
plained how he felt the place to put motels and hotels was
on the major roads. ~. Levito~ disagreed and referred to
SEPTEt~ER 20, 1976
there being ad.
He continued t
with trying to
he does not re
in the hearing
be on this par
security. The
between reslde~
~quate commercial acreage adjacent to this area.
of the zoning is excellent
and business. However,
~all the inclusion of these clauses as a factor
a year ago. They were told apartments would
~icular property and were lulled into false
basic intent is to establish and distinguish
~tial and business. They must protect the resi-
Chairman Kelly announced they could proceed into a special
~ee~ing to an official motion regarding this. There was
some discu~
only a worksho'
~Annunziato su
pare a propose
on September
mendations mad~
~r. Winter sta~
Section C; lea~
uses recommend~
by the City Co~
~m. Ryder stat~
C and relegate
and conditional
whether this would be proper in view that
meeting was ~dvertised for today. Mr.
ested stating their intent and he would pre-
for the Board for their next regular meeting
and they could take proper action then.
decided to take a poll regarding the recom-
by ~. Ryder and various comments.
ed his recommendation would be to eliminate
~e Sections D, E, and F, in with conditional
~d by the Planing & Zoning Board and approved
~ncil; and eliminate Section G.
~d his recommendation would be to remove Section
to the C zone; remove Section G to the C zone;
uses for Sections E, D, and F.
Mr. Lambert recommended to leave hotels, m?tels, hotel apart-
ments and mote~ apartments under Section C~ add another letter
for accessory uses as stated with conditional uses, and leave
Sections D, E, F, and G as conditional uses under R-3.
~. Kostner st~
and F as condi~
Chairman Kelly
Sections A and
D~ E, and F as
and put into z~
Mr. Lambert as~
concerned abou~
in the R-3 zon~
whole thing ou~
pect. ~. Ls
established an~
these being inc
previously. He
acres availabl~
~ted his recommendation was to le~-e C, D, E,
~ional uses; and remove nursing homes entirely.
agreed with Mr. Winter's recommendations:
B to remain; take out Section C; leave Sections
conditional uses; take Section G out of R-3
~ne C-1.
:ed the members of the audience if they were
hotels and~otels or the accessory uses being
and Mr. Levitow replied that they wanted the
and explained how they were a commercial as-
mbert referred to the commercial areas being
Mr. Levitow replied that they did not recall
luded or would ~ave voiced their objections
stressed again that there were hundreds of
along Congress ~venue.
SEPTE~ER 20, 1976
~. Arnold Fas~
S. W. 14th Ave~
this section
to remain. He
w~ich is to pr
permitting hot~
with the inten
Mr. Lambert re~
and questioned
~xplained how -
plan showing ~
was approved u~
was zoned to p~
~. Levitow qu~
the change wou~
the Planning &
the City Counc~
etc. Chairman
method they co~
Annunziato add~
mendation for t
discussion reg~
gested having
regular me~tin~
suggestion and
~no stated his name and his address as 2093
~ue. He stated he thought it wo~zld devaluate
~ the community if this section were permitted
referred specifically to the intent of R-3
)vide a higher residential density, etc. By
~ls and motels, it certainly is inconsistent
~. Chairman Kelly agreed.
~erred to this being a planned unit development
if the Board could change it and ~. Annunziato
~he developer must submit an overall development
~eas of land use. He then explained how this
~der a different ordinance than existing and it
· ovide the uses.
~stioned the procedure to be followed before
.d t~ke effect and ~. Annunziato explained how
Zoning Board would make a recommendation to
.1 followed with an ordinance, public hearings,
Kelly further explained how this was the best
~ld follow under the circumstances. Mr.
~d that the City Council would have this recom-
~heir first meeting in October. T~ere was some
~rding a special meeting and M~. Levitow sug-
,his meeting serve as a continuation of their
~. There was some discussion regarding this
it was pointed out that the owners of this
land must also be notified. There was further discussion
egarding the ~ctuai procedu_~e and Chairman Kelly announced
hat the Board was working on this in a prudent and legal
Chairman Kelly then declared the meeting adjourned at 3:11 P,M.
Respectfully submitted,
SuZanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)