TUESD.&Y, JULY 27, 1976 AT 7:30 Po M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Fred Kostner, Vioe Chairman
Richard Lambert
Louis Reiser
Simon Ryder
Garry Winter
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner
Oris Walker (Excused)
Chairman Kelly welcomed the two gentlemen present in the
audience and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He
introduced the members of the Board and City Planner and
added that M~. Walker was ill and unable to attend.
Public Hearing
Parcel #1 - Lots 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 and 61, inclusive,
Lake Side Gardens, according to the Plat thereof
recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 57, Palm Beach
County Records, less the West 64.49 feet of,
~when measured along the South line of, Lots 58
to 61, inclusive, of Lakeside Gardens, according
to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8,
Page 57, Palm Beach County Records, in Section 15,
Twp. 45 South, Range 43 East; being further de-
scribed as that pa~t of said lots 58 to 61, inclu-
sive, Easterly of the Baseline of Survey according
to the Right of Way Map of Section 93010-2501,
State Road 5, as filed in the office of the Clerk
of Circuit Court, Palm Beach County, Florida; and
Less that part of said Lot 58 of Lakeside Gardens
which is included in the external area formed by
a 12 foot radius arc, tangent to the North line
of said Lot 58 and tangent to a line parallel to
and 64.49 feet Easterly of, when measured along
the South line of said Lot 58, the West line of
said Lot 58.
Address - 2624 North Federal Highway
Request - Rezone to C-4 from C-3
Nse - To be used as a Nation Wide Trailer & Truck
Rental or a Travel Trailer Sales Location
Applicants - Amos and Kathryn M. Eudeon
Chairman Kelly noted that the necessary papers were submitted,
a legal description, warranty deed, newspaper notice, survey,
copy showing plat of the area and list of neighbors within a
400 ft. radius.
JULY 27, 1976
Mr. Amos Hudson stated his name and his address as 127 South
Atlantic Drive, Boynton Beach. Chairman Kelly ascertained
that his property did not run out to the highway on the south
end. He then requested Mr. Hudson to give further informa-
tion regarding his application. ~. Hudson stated that if the
application is recommended, it'~will definitely be for a good
tenant with the Nation Wide Trailer & Truck Rental. It would
be a good clean operation° Chairman Kelly interrupted him
and questioned if this meant big heavy trucks and M~. Hudson
replied that they would be strictly utility trucks and trailers
~ud explained. Chairman Kelly then questioned the reference
to rental and Mr. Hudson explained how people would rent trucks
or trailers for moving purposes. Chairman Kelly referred to
the second choice listed of a travel trailer sales location
and ~. Hudson informed him that he was granted conditional
use in 1970 for travel trailers. He did nicely, but had to
retire on account of his health. He explained that if he
had to, he would re-open it for his daughter and grandson
and supervise it. He then explained how he would much rather
lease it to Nation Wide Trailer & Truck Rental.
M~. Ryder asked if any communications had been received and
Chairman Kelly informed him that a letter had been received
from Mitchell & Josephine Strach stating their objectiom~be-
cause they feel it would not enhance their property values.
He added that there were 32 owners listed in this 400 ft.
area. ~¢r. Lambert questioned where Mr. & Mrs. Strach's lots
were located and M~. Ryder informed him that they were listed
as owning Lots 40-43. ~. Hudson informed them that these
were towards the intracoastal.
~¢r. Ryder stated that he noted from reviewing the zoning map
that the location in regards to this request immediately abuts
an R-JAA zone and the request is to go to C-4, which is the
least-restrictive area. He explained how he was concerned
when something like this is presented with the impact on the
people in the area. He has visited this site and knows there
is a lot of open land, but he still feels it is a matter of
concern in this respect.
Chairman Kelly then asked if anyone was in favor of this ap-
plication and received no response. He then asked if anyone
was opposed to this application ~ud the following appeared
before the Board.
Mr. John Jameson stated his name and informed the Board that
he did not live within the 400 ft. area, but as an interested
citizen of Boynton Beach, ~e would like to raise an objection.
He feels the Planning & Zoning Board has spent a lot of time
during the past few years rezoning the City and referred to
the public hearings held and the ordinance and map being
JULY 27, 1976
adopted. As an individual, he personally has the interests
of the City in mind. Two weeks ago, he was within the 400
ft. area of the request heard. He feels that area zoned C-3
should remain C-3 and he asks the Board not to allow for any
spot zoning.
F~. Lambert asked if the property had been used in the past
for the same use he was requesting and Mr. Hudson replied
that he did use the property for travel trailer sales until
a few years ago when he had to retire for health reasons. He
decided to put his daughter in 'there, but found out his license
was cancelled six months after he did not renew it. Mr.
Lambert remarked that he tlhought they were running into a
problem with a zoning change. He clarified that ~ HuH~on
wanted to use it as it was in the past and was. requesting
C-4 for that purpose. Mr. Hudson agreed as it was only al-
lowed now in C-4o He was igranted a conditional use befores
but he got sick and when his license lapsed for six months,
the conditional use was cancelled out, but he was not noti-
fied. Mr. Lambert questioned whether up until recently they
had grandfathering and ~. Annunziato replied that he was not
that familiar with the previous ordinance. He would say it
did have a grandfathering 'clause because it is a pretty stan-
dard item. They cannot force a person out of business by
changing the zoning° He thinks Mx. Hudson is referring to
when a non-conforming use or structure goes out of business
f~r six months, it is rescinded. Chairman Kelly added that
there was nothing covering~ it until Ordinance 76-19 was
passed. ~. Lambert clarified that Ordinance 76-19 was re-
cently adopted in the past month and made part of this parti-
cular code. Previous to that, they did not have any grand-
fathering. They had this problem right in the beginning
though. Chair~an Kelly asked ~. Hudson when he ceased to
use the business and Mr. Hudson replied that it has been
approximately one year sin~e a license was issued there.
Chairman Kelly stated that it must have been longer than
that as Ordin~uce 75-19 established the new zoning proce-
dure. He asked if he was operating the non-conforming busi-
ness on June 13, 1975 and Mr. Hudson replied that he thought
it was earlier than that when it was closed out. .Mr. Lambert
stated that the fact the existing code did not provide any
language to do with non-co~forming uses; therefore, how could
~. Hudson object totthis ordinance when the wording did not
exist about the use discontinuing for six months? Chairman
Kelly informed him that he was there under conditional use.
~. Hudson added that in 1970, conditional use was granted
by the Planning & Zoning Board. ~. Lambert questioned if
the Planning & Zoning Board could grant conditional uses in
the.~old code and Chairman Kelly explained how they made recom-
mendations to the City Council. Mr. Lambert referred again
to there being no language in the code and Chairman Kelly ex-
plained how a conditional use was probably allowed at that
JULY 27, 1976
M~. Annunziato stated that he was not sure whether the exten-
sion of conditional use at this point really matters. They
have a non-conforming ordinance now. By Mr. Hudson's own ad-
mission, the use has been out at least six months and now' he
cannot operate that business and requires a new zoning. M~.
Ryder stated that they were talking about two different things.
The application is for a change in zoning and it is not the
same as permitted land use. ~. Lambert replied that he rea-
lized the application is for a zoning change, but he does not
think it is out of line to ask these questions. Maybe this
gentleman does not need to be before the Planning & Zoning
Board, but possibly before the Board of Adjus~tmento There is
a void between the zoning ordinance with having no lanEuage
for non-conforming. The proper~ty was used. He may have other
recourse with the Board of Adjustment.
~. Kostner asked M~. Hudson whether he had contacted any of
the people within 400 ft. and Mr. Hudson replied that he
talked to the four people adjoining his property and none
M~. Eostner then referred to Mr. Annunziato clarifying that
the non-conforming use had been vacated for a period of time
and the question before the Board is whether to recommend C-4
as opposed to C-3.
Chairman Kelly referred to the C-3 and C~4 zones ~ud informed
~. Hudson that the Board spent many hours going over this
strip along the east side of U. S. 1. The people who own
property in this area have appeared before this Board and are
not worried about what he may do with his property, but what
eventually could result in the C-4 zone. There could be some
very objectionable things that could go in that zone. He then
read some of the uses permitted, tf the Planning & Zoning
Board that worked on this for 2½ years felt it should be C-4,
he thin~ they would have recommended it to the City Council.
He re£erred to the public hearings held ~nd Mr. Hudson stated
that he did not know anything about them. He added that the
average person does not keep up on things like this, but he
owns 40,000 sq. ft. and is interested in the value of the
M~. Kostner stated that he has given this matter considerable
thought and several things disturb him greatly. The City is
interested ~ upgrading the zoning of the City. He ms not
happy with a request for downgrading unless it will benefit
the owner ~nd the City° This property is adjacent to R-1AA
property and he does not personally feel this request should
warrant approval° He would like to hea~ from other members
of the Board.
JULY 27, 1976
Mr. Ryder referred again to reviewing the zoning plan as it
exists today and it reveals an obvious pattern of C-3 on
either side of Federal Highway. He would not feel justified
in going along with anything that would dePart from that in
a way which would be considered irregular. He definitely
thinks this application should not be approved.
Mr. Winter pointed out that this would be spot zoning and
he is against it.
~. Reiser concurred with Mr. Kostner's comments and thinks
they would be downgrading°
Mr. Lambert stated that they have another problem with this
particular applicant. The applicant is forced to go for a
zoning chan~e because the use he wants is C-4, but some of
the uses under C-4 are not desirous.
Mr. Kostner made a motion that the application from Mr. Amos
Hudson to rezone certain property from C-3 to C-4 be denied
and be recommended to the City Council for rejection. Mr.
Winter seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Lambert then read paragraph G-3 from Ordinance 76-19
and questioned when the six month period started and ~.
Annunziato replied that to the best of his knowledge, it
would be retroactive. He added that there were other sec-
tions which specifically say they go back and ~¢r. Lambert
replied that this particular section did not. ~. Annunziato
stated that he thought he would have to check with the City
Attorney. He sees where a conflict might exist. This will
require more thorough research. M~. Lambert referred to the
one year period between ordinances and after discussion, it
was decided to have M~. Annunziato research this further.
Minutes of Jul~ 13~ 1976
M~. Ryder stated that he had nothing, but praised Mrs. Kruse
for coming up with something like these. Chairman Kelly
agreed. Chairman Kelly referred to Page 2, fourth paragraph,
and stated the man's name should be: Homer Kimbrell. He
then referred to Page 5, first paragraph, fourth line, and
the meeting was May 22 and he had given the other date incor-
rectly. ~¢r. Lambert referred to Page 19, first paragraph, and
stated it should be: "in" its possible outcome.
M~r. Kostner moved to approve the minutes as corrected,
seconded by Mr. Ryder. Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Kelly stated he hoped they could discuss certain
items with M~. Annunziato and referred to the communication
JULY 27, 1976
dated July 8 from the City Attorney to the City Manager re-
garding the City Council's suggestions to the zoning code.
He asked if there was a need for a special meeting and Mr.
Annunziato informed him that this would come back to the
Board for a public hearing.
01d Business
Boat Sales in C-3
~, Annunziato referred to the last meeting when they had a
rezoning request for C-4 from C-3. At that time, the appli-
cation was withdrawn, but there seemed!to be strong indica-
tion that they could allow boat sales in C-3. With that in
mind, he is bringing it to the Board's attention on tonight's
agenda. He would like the Board to consider some of the
things he has outlined or any other thing they would like to
tie in with a use like that if they allow it in C-3o
Mr. Ryder questioned whether this would be in the category
of~general rezoning and Chairman Kelly informed him that any
change in the zoning code must go to public hearing.
Mr. Lambert referred to including boat sales in C-3 and ques-
tioned whether recreational vehicle sales m~d'automobile sales
should also be included? He a~ked whether they should have an
asterisk to require review and public hearings by the Planning
& Zoning Board? He gave the example of a car dealership want-
ing a dealership, but it would not be automatic but would
have to be reviewed by this Board with notification to the
people. Mr. Annunziato replied that it could go in either
direction and would have to come with a recommendation from
the Board to the City Council. tf they arejgoing to have
public hearings for one type of use, he would not be opposed
to having public hearings for all development plans to come
before the Board just as a general procedure. If the Board
felt they wanted those specific uses to have public hearings,
it would require reworking of the ordinance at this point.
He explained how it would be easier to alter the ordinance
collectively with these three sales categories. He clarified
that what they were doing tonight is recommending these ordi-
nance amendments be acted on by Council. It will have to
come back for at least a site plan approval by the Planning &
Zoning Board..
M~. Ryder stated he would like to explore this and requested
that they not permit any such change where it is next to pre-
sently developed residential areas.
~. Winter stated he agreed with including new boat sales,
but gave examples how it may be damaging to include used
or storage. He also gave an example of how Used would apply
See Min.
JULY 27, 1976
to car agencies also. There was a lengthy discussion of how
used and storage could be used.
~. Winter made a motion to recommend that under Section 6 of
Ordinance 75-!9, C-1 Uses Permitted, to add a line T - New
Boat Sales* (*To be referred to the Planning & Zoning Board
for recommendation to 'the City Council for approval).
Reiser seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. Ryder re-
ferred to discussing further not having C-4 adjacent to a
presently developed residential area. They discussed how
this could be considered when site plans were presented and
M~. Annunziato explained how he thought a 6 ft. masonry wall
was effective. After discussion, the motion carried 6-0.
~. Lambert then asked if they were contemplating going over
the categories further to consider possible recategorization
and Mr. Annunziato replied that this was certainly something
to consider, as there are some in C-4 which he doesn't be-
lieve should be included. Chairman Kelly announced that the
City Plann~would research this further and make a report to
the Board. ~o ~nnunziato added that he was open to recom-
mendations from any members.
New Business
Schools in R-~IAAA
Mr. Annunziato informed the Board that this came to his atten-
tion approximately two weeks ago when someone from the Flood
District called and asked him if the new middle school was in
the proper zone. He looked through the ordinance and only
found schools mentioned in R-2, which are nursery schools and/
or pre-school facilities. He was surprised they did not per-
mit schools of a public or private nature. ~. Ryder replied
that the County School Board did not require a permit to put
up the buildings and possibly are autonomous ~egarding zon-
ing. Mr. Annunziato stated that he was questioning whether
it was an omission. He agreed that the School Board did not
require City approval, but explained how this might change.
M~. Annunziato referred to the possibility of a parochial
school wishing to build and questioned where it was permitted?
M~. Ryder told about attending a meeting of the School Board
and how he had gotten the impression they can acquire property
any place and build. He believes it was intended to be left
out, because they have no control.
The members discussed whether schools should be permitted
in residentS! zones and Chairman Kelly took a po~l of the mem-
bers and they agreed~they would be against any schools in
residential areas. There was further discussion and ~.
Kostner suggested obtaining a legal opinion.
Mr. Lambert did not agree. (See Min. meeting of 8/10/76)
See Min.
JULY 27~ 1976
Winter made a motion to leave the code as it is and dis-
cussion of this matter will be brought up after further con~
sultation between the City Planner and City Attorney. Mr.
Kostner seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Annunziato questioned if they?were interpreting churches
and other places of worship that the accessory uses can be
schools and M~. Ryder replied that he wanted this clarified.
~. Winter added that it might be wise to check with the at-
torney to include parochial uses instead of accessory uses.
~Ar. Winter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~. Ryder.
Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 9:20 P. Mo
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
Time: 7:30 PoMo '-
Place: Council Chambers
City Hall
Regular Meeting
1. Acknowledgement of Members and VisitorS.
2. Reading and Approving of Minutes.
3. Announcements.
4. Communications.
5. Old Business:
1. Boat sales inC-B (£ordiscussion)
New Business:
1. Amos Hudson - Rezone from C-S to C-4
2624 North Federal
2. Schools in R-1AAA
(for discussion)
Rev. 3/19/76
1. For Boat Sales in C-3
A. New
B. Used
C. Buffer
D. Approval Procedure
E. Outdoor Sales
F. Setback frc~ right of way
G. Paving
H. r ~ndscaping
I. Storage
'2. Schools in R-iAAA & C-1
A. But]ding and Site Regulations
1. Minamum lot area
2. Minimum lot frontage
3. Minimum front yard
4. Minimum rear yard
5. ~ side yard
6. Maximum lot coverage
7. Maximum structure height
5 acres