TUEoDA~, DECEt~ER 23, ~975 AT 7:30 ~. M.
Joseph T. 2Jelly, Chairman
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Enrico Rossi
Oris ~al~er
Simon Ryder
James Smoot, Planning Consultant
Len Schmidt, Chief Bldg. insp.
M~s. Vicki Caste!io
M~rs. Marilyn Huckle
Chairman Kelly welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present and
called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M. He also apologized
for the late start explaining that he had to await the arrival
of the members to constitute a quorum. He then introduced the
members of the Board, Mr. Schmidt and Mrs. Kruse. He announced
they would defer the items on the agenda and proceed with the
public hearing.
Abandonment Request - City of Boynton Beach
Rep.~- M~. Frank W. Donovan
Parcel #1 - Abandonment of a publicly dedicated right of way
and easement grant more particularly described as:
The North 90 feet of the West one-half (~/2) of
the Northwest one-G'uarter (1/4) of Section 5,
Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach
County, Florida, less the West 53 feet thereof,
subject to existing right of way of Lake Worth
Drainage District Lateral Canal ~.~28.
Applicant - City of Boynton Beach
Chairman Kelly read the above notice and ascertained that each
member had received a copy of same. He added that he thought
it was pretty much settled since they discussed it previously.
It is located on the east side of Congress at 28th. The ease-
ment was given smd it was found it was not needed.
The members discussed the location and Mr. Schmidt pointed it
out on the aerial photo. ~'~r. Ryder asked if there was any
financial consideration involved and Chairman Kelly replied:
Mr. Rossi asked if there were any comments from tn~ ~ City Engi-
neer and ~. Schmidt read Mrs. Padgett's memo to the various
City departments. He then read the replies from the Engineering
PAGE ~%~0
DEC~i~ER 23, 1 975
Department, Utility Department, General Services, Police
Department, and Fire Department all stating they have no
objectior~. Mr. Rossi remarked that this was a bit unusual
since the City is the applicant. Usually they are initiated
by abutting property owners sad this is running along a
lateral. He has a feeling the reason it is no longer needed
is because there was a road dedicated from Congress going back
to the school.
Chairman Kelly asked if anyone in the audience was in favor
of this application and received no response. He then asked
if anyone opposed the application and received no response.
Chairman Kelly stated that he thought they would have to depend
upon the input from the various City Departments stating they
have no objections. Mr. Ryder stated that evidently the City
acquired this easement based on the consideration it was
needed by the school and if this is so, he would like it to
appear on record. Chairman Kelly replied that the use for
which it was intended is no longer needed and the City wants
to give it back to the donor. ~. Ryder referred to matters
like this in the past where City owne~ property was abandoned
and he still thinks there should be a financial consideration
when the City turns property back. Chairman Kelly replied
that these were different situations. Mr. Ryder stated if
there was an agreement here that it was to revert to the donor
in the event it is not used, it is okay with him.
~¥~. Walker stated he would like to hear the County's policy.
~. Rossi stated he thought this abandonment was proper because
where it is located, it abuts a canal and the point at which
it enters Congress, from the County's standpoint, is an un-
desirable point of connection. Probably an explanation would
be helpful, but he believes it is no longer needed at this
location. He then explained the County's policy regarding
egress and ingress being a certain distance from a bridge.
M~. Smoot added that they also considered sight distance.
Chairman Kelly agreed with Mr. Rossi's explanation and pointed
oui that a road was located further south.
Mr. Smoot referred to Mr. Ryder's reference to extraction of
fees for abandonment. He explained in detail the procedures
followed in various situations. He pointed out that perhaps
they should know in advance what the equity is. Chairman
Kelly stated that this is a dedicated right of way apparently
dedicated by the City for the use of the school. He suggested
that a motion could be made subject to the clearing of this
DECE~I~ER 23 , 1 975
Col. Trauger made a motion to recommend to the City Council
the abandon~nto£ the publicly dedicated right of way and
easement grant more particularly described as: The North 90
feet of the West one-half o£ the Northwest one-quarter of
Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach Co~nty,
Florida, less the West 53 feet thereo£, subject to existing.
right of way off Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral Canal ~a8.
Mr. Walker seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. Smoot
asked if the School Board had commented and Chairman Kelly re-
plied that he understood that they were building a road to the
south. He suggested they could possibly have si! the legal
questions discussed by the Board cleared by the City Attorney.
Mr. Schmidt informed them that he did have a copy o£ the agree-
ment, but it was nst legible. Col. Trauger moved to amend the
motion to include clari£ication o£ the legal questions. ~.
Walker seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Re-zoning Request - Huddle & Detert
7~8-806 N. E. 7th Street
Rep. - W. H. DaCamara
Parcel #2 - Lots ~8, 19, 20 and al, Block 7, Lake Addition
Recorded in Plat Book 1~, Page ?~
Pal~ Beach County Records
Address - 718-$06 N. E. 7th Street
Request - From R-lA to R-3
Use - To construct small condominium bldg.
~ppiicant - W. H. DaCamara
Representing Luther G., Sr. and Ann E.
Huddle & Arden and Nancy Detert, Owners
M~. W. H. DaCamara stated his name and. his address as 836 East
Drive, Boynton Beach. He informed the members that the doctor
purchased this property in September, ]974, when it was zoned
R-~. Mr. Rossi asked where this was located and ~. DaCamara
replied that it was on N. E. 7th Street next to the Harbor
Hall Inlet Club built by Stroshein. The members checked the
location on the aerial photo. Mr. DaCamara gave copies of the
plat to the members.~ He then continued with repeating that
the property was zoned R-~ when it was purchased in September,
1974. In January, 1975, a new master plan was proposed and a
public hearing was held in January. He received a copy of the
map and saw the line was re-drawn to separate R-lA from R-3
and this cut out the R-3 on the doctor's property and changed
it to R-lA. He formally objected at the public hearing advis-
ing that the doctor would be damaged and have property with
no use. The area is quite low. It has been in its present
condition for ma~ years. It has always been low, the streets
are under water at high tide. Chairman Kelly asked if he
meant it would have to be piled and Mr. DaCamara replied that
it would hsfce to be filled, piled and sea walled and also some
of the streets would have-~to be raised. The area breeds crabs,
D~CE~R 23, t 975
rodents, mosquitoes, sand fleas, etc. with the stagnant water.
The only way the property could feasibly be developed finan-
cially would be multi-family. That area could not be developed
residential. He did make formal objections ~ud was advised
it would be taken into consideration, but it was accepted as
R-~A. They had Griffith & Moore write letters to Mayor Roberts
explaining this situation and they never received a reply.
They continued to pursue the matter and were advised their only
recourse would be to apply Eor rezoning. They went through
the necessary .preparations to meet the requirements for rezon-
ing and submitted it to the City Clerk on September 25, 1975.
On October 17, they received an application from the City
Clerk advising the moratorium had been extended. Then, on
November 18, they oroceeded again. The owner will be damaged
financially if it is not returned to R-3 like when he purchased
Chairman ~etly asked if anyone desired to speak in favor of
this application.
M~. Arnold Stroshein stated his name and his address as 710
N. E. 7th Street and also his business~ddress as 612 North
Federal and occuoation licens8 #11429. He informed the mem-
bers that he lives in the residence next door to this property.
He was the original man who had this property rezoned. He
purchased it in 1965 and had it rezoned. Since ~965, he has
continuously developed this whole parcel o£ property from U.S. 1
to 7th Street. In his opinion, this was a pretty low blow.
He brought it to the attention of the Board when this rezoning
was taking place and also brought it to the attention of the
real estate people making the sale. He would hate to be in
the position of these buyers. When getting invloved in develop-
ing a city, there are a lot of things to consider. They must
consider the highest and best use of the land and how it is
zoned. Also, if the improvements on the land blend in with
the adjoining property. He referred to the adjoining property
being marsh with mosquitoes, rats~etc. He has lived here for
30 years. He referred to the land being zoned something else
and stated that it was zoned residential in ~925. He then
told about the existing condition mn this area of being under
water which was caused by the opening of the Lake Worth Canal.
It has always been under water since ~928. He then referred
to the question of the land being platted in lots and stated
that it was platted in 50 ft. lots, which are all non-conform-
ing now. They cannot build on one of them to conform to the
new ordinance. He then showed photographs to the members of
the condition of this property. He explained that it was
under water at high tide. He added that he took~his personal
time and expense to take these pictures. This condition
exists at least four times a year. He has complained about
this numerous times during the past ten ye~s. They must also
consider how this property can be ~eveloped and he will gladly
DE~E~R 23, 1975
show his books for building his condominiums. Another thing
to question is if all the improvements are available for con-
struction and yes, they are through many years of sweat they
have gotten City water and sewers through his efforts.
~. Stroshein continued with referring to the book published
on the City of Boynton Beach. He pointed out that this area
was considered as downtown Boynton Beach. He suggested that
the members really think about this land being used for resi-
dential. It could be used for residential, but the approxi-
mate cost of a house on this property would go above $100,000.
He also referred to considering the value of the surrounding
homes and asked if the building of a condominium would devaluate
these homes. He added that he didn't know the applicants, but
was interested in Boynton Beach. He continued that the value
of the homes in the area are $30,000 to $40,000. If the zoning
stays at R-lA, a house would cost ~200,O00. The last single
family residence built on N. E. 7th St. was in 1961 when U. S. ~
was made a four lane highway. Apparently, this is not an area
being developed. It is right along the intracoastal. It is
not because of land costs. This parcel has been rezoned in
n~gligence. What happens if a man wants to build on a certain
50 ft. lot? He referred again to the book of the City of
Boy,ton Beach pertaining to the growth of Boynton Beach and
showing pictures of the new library, City Hall, Police Depart-
ment, Fire Department, hospital, beach,docks, etc. Nowhere
are there pictures of the beautiful residential area of Boynton
Beach, but right on the cover is downtown Boynton Beach swamped.
He is in favor of having this rezoned the way it should be R23.
Mr. Clifford McCoy stated his name and his address as 306
Ocean Avenue. He informed the Board that he owns property
on N. E. 8th Avenue in this area. He had intended to build
there eventually, but held up waiting for it to develop. He
is in favor of the zoning being changed. He would rather see
someone deveioo it than how it is now.
Chairma~u ~elly asked if anyone wished to speak against this
~,~. Lawrence Chandler stated his name and his address as 914
~. E 7th Street. He ~ ~ '
· =n~ormed the Board that he lives slightly
north of these lots and is the only property owner living there.
He referred to a petition being submitted from people in this
area, which he signed. He moved here and bought his house for
a'o~roximateiy~ ~o0,000 and it is valued greatly higher than that.
The property was zoned for single families in 1974. There sa~e
small condominiums to the north and south. He is approximately
in the middle of these two condominiums. In reference to the
highest possibt~ use of this property being for condominiums,
it is entirely fallacious in these economic times. Many are
DECEMBER a3, 1 975
going bankrupt, sitting vacant, etc. He doesn't see any reason
to zone for condominiums. A condominium there at this time
would be absolutely silly. The only £easibte condominium that
could be built there would be a small, cheap, slip-shod condo-
minium. There is development in the north all the way to
Tequesta and heavy development in Fort Lauderdale. Boynton
Beach is fairly well untouched by high density buildings.
Chairman Kelly in£ormed him there was an ordinance permit-
ting buildings no higher than 45 £t. in height and limited
to four stories and there will be no high rises in Boynton
Beach. M~. Chandler agreed this was good.
Mr. Chandler continued and referred to the statement of re-
zoning being negligent, but this is not mea!ly an issue. They
should consider what the City or residents gain from it.
Apparently the residents are opposed to it. They have enough
condominiums down there already. Apparently the people living
in the area, as expressed by the petition, do not wish it.
In regards to the property owners, he doesn't think they could
sell a condominium on these four lots. He thinks this would
constitute spot zoning. Also, it would be a non-conforming
use. it would also block out air and light from his property.
He is not too concerned with the height since there are ordi-
nance restrictions. At this time, there is absolutely no
reason to rezone unless they want to resell it. He can see
no economical value. Perhaps, one day all this property will
be hotels, etc. Let the economical situation govern and possi-
bly at some time, the whole block should go condominium at
once. To do two or three at a time just is not feasible.
He is a little concerned about someone who has no axe to grind,
but comes with photos, etc. He still thinks this property
will remain vacant no matter whether it is rezoned.
Chairman Kelly asked what lot he owned and Ms. Chandler replied:
Lots 9 and 10, four lots north of this property. He then
showed his location on the aerial photo and pointed out it
was the only house in the area. Chairman ~eliy asked if he
had to prepare his Ismd and ~. Chandler replied that he
bought the house as it exists. He added that it wouldn't
cost anyone ~lO0,O00 to build a home. In September, Novem-
ber and October, they have the high flood season sm_d occa-
sionally water floods the lands and street. Water is stand-
ing on his property from time to time, but it doesn't breed
the bad animals referred to. He would like to point out that
the condominium development has damaged the land as it existed
as it allows water to run off. He thinks this was done in a
spotty fashion. He has no objections to letting condominiums
go all along there when this area gets thriving with people.
At this time, he would feel silly with a condominium next to
him with all the vacant lots. There is no road there, but it
is dirt and water builds up. South of him, there is a high
road by the condominium. Possibly it was built by the City.
DECE?~ER 23, 1 975
He knows the land looks good where the condominium is, but
now all the flooding is down by his house. This would-not
be corrected with the building of another condominium. If
something is done, he would like to bail out and have all
condominiums. In addition to having to build streets, they
have to do something about the sewers. They were built prac-
tically on top of the ground and do not do any good. The
City would have to build streets and he will be~sessed as a
property owner and he does not wish to be assessed at this
time. It would not be an advantage to him. He is not against
development, but thinks it is good when done in a fair way.
Almost all the people in the neighborhood object. All the
people who signed the petition do not wish condominiums at
this time there. They are not against condominiums, but know
there is no market and are against it being done on a separate
basis. He can see condominiums being built along there some-
time in the future, but at this time, it is entirely unlikely.
This area has not developed, but not because of the property.
It is nice on the intracoastal. Also, no single family resi-
dences are being built in Boynton Beach. That property will
not be developed by the Board's decision. That property will
only be developed when the housing ms~ket, interest rates,
etc..combine tomake building and living there feasible.
Having water stand there from time to time is bearable.
Chairman Kelly referred to his statements always mentioning
condominiums and informed him that R-3 was not stric~!y con-
dominiums and is multi-family. ~. Chandler replied that he
would object more strenuously to apartments. The notice he
received stated the purpose was to build condominiums.
~'~. Smoot referred to Mr. Stroshein's statements referring to
rates, book~, etc. being grounds for condominiums. Any deve-
lopment would get rid of the problems in that area. He told
about Highland Beach beautifying a swamp. Essentially he is
saying that single family zoning districts are not proper
along the introcoasta! waterwsy. He referred to Boca Raton,
Delray Beach, etc. having residential along it. They must
consider each instance. Apparently what they should do is
raise the street to the sewer and then raise the land to
drain the sewage into the pipe. The problem is the flooding
with the street and land being too low. Just because it is
low, doesn't mean you have~i~to build multi-family to solve the
problem, if you develop it single, you must have assessments
to raise the street, if you zone it multi, you sti!lhave the
problem, but have more oeoole to pay for it. In regards to
the last speaker,s reference .to cheap condominiums, it is not
in the realm of this Board to discuss tenant problems. He
explained how this could be regulated by deed restrictions,
etc. He then referred to the development plan adopted indi-
cating predominantly multi-family residential in this area.
DECEMBER 23, t 975
He would recommend R-2 in this area to give better control.
This would only mean losing approximately l½ units per acre.
He would prefer to recommend R-2. He is sorry that Mr.
Chandler bought a single family home there. M~~. Chandler
stated he didn't mean that people would not want to build
single family homes there, but no single family homes are
being built in Boynton Beach. ~. Smoot disagreed.
~. Chandler referred to the public hearing when this area
was discussed. Chairman ~elly informed him that public hear-
ing were held on January 28 and 29. These were proposed changes
in the 1962 zoning code and map and the way it was resolved is
as shown on the new map. This is a recommending body and he
believes this Board recommended R-lA according to the opposi-
tion of the resideuts there. The application now is to have
these lots changed to R-3.
~r. _~yder stated that he made an inspection of this site and
it is presently substantially developed in single family homes.
Although the lots may be 50 ft,, it is his impression that the
homes were built on lots wider than 50 ft. He thinks they
should maintain the present zoning. When it was R-3, there
was no development in this area. As far as the recommendation
of R-2, he doesn't tn_nk that is before ~hem. He would be
inclined to deny this application.
Col. Trauger referred to their discussions on this area during
workshop sessions and also touring the area. They considered
this as one of the few spots left in Boynton Beach along the
intracoastal and decided it would be best to develop it as
single family. He has seen nothing except a slight deteriorating
real estate market since then to be reason for any change.
He thinks it should remain R-lA.
M~. Walker referred to their tour of this area and at that time,
the new mid-rise apartment building was being built and there
were areas being filled in. He believes a portion of N. E. 7th
St. was under water when he went there yesterday. Right now,
he is undecided what would be best. There is not any construc-
tion going on in the area right now, but he thinks it should
be multi-family according to the master plan. Chairman Kelly
agreed that they should consider the master plan.
Mr. Rossi referred to the General Development Plan prepared
and stated he was sure they were going to find some deviations
from this plan in different locations and in the proposed
annexation areas. If they are aiways~going to go back to
this plan as being ~The Master", he believes peopie will won-
der why something was followed instead of this. He believes
it was deviated from in consideration by the Board and check-
ing the site. He doesn't think they should be greatly influ-
enced by the General Development Plan.
DECE~ER 23, 1 975
Chairman Kelly referred to their discussion before they m~de
their recommendation and ~e believes the members recommenmed
that this water front w~s not feasible for single family homes
and t~e land in its conmi~ion and preoaration of land would be
out ox limits for oeoole ~anting to b~ild single family homes.
However, he voted with th~ Board members and the City Council
accepted the~
feels that the preparatio~
with quite a bit of capits
is a spot for R-3 zoning.
of the majority.
M~. Smoot admitted that ii
lop. There are about ten
streets, pavements, etc.
to the General Development
and not a zoning map. It
intracoastai to be condom~
r recommendation. However, he still
cost is going to mean only somebody
! backing could build. He feels it
However, he stands by the consensus
would be a difficult piece to deve-
acres involved with substandard
He referred to Mr. Rossi's reference
Plan and agreed that it was a guide
does show property adjacent to the
niums, but it does not have to be
zoned accordingly. This
give input. It seems to
type of zoning from multi
this. It is not always t~
sometimes it can work a hs
consider in developing thd
approximately fifty dwell~
lng to the General Develo~
in rezoning this to condo~
from being develooed singI
whether the existing singl
developing this R-3.
Mr. Ryder stated he was/a
was considered and changed
~ou!d deny the future population to
~im if a person would request another
to single, they may prefer to keep
at single family is the best as
rdshio on the community. They must
s as single family, it would yield
ng units. That is the limit accord-
merit Plan. Also, they must consider
iniums, it would deter the remaining
e family. They also must consider
e family homes will be downgraded in
member of the Board when this area
from~-~R x to R-lA and apparently
this was done for a good
cause here to change what
doesn't see what has happe
change. There are many si
Mr. DaCamara appeared bef,
the objections stated and
when ?~. Chandler bought
R-3. He admits his land is
The only improvement he ha
is what ~. Stroshein has
cause. He doesn't see any good
has been done only recently. He
ned in the meantime to grant any
ngle family homes here on wider lots.
re the Board again and referred to
petitions submitted. He stated that
is house in 1974, this ~as~ zoned
under water and he has no road.
s seen in this area in many years
done. That is the only way this
area is going to be developed. Also, there was reference
made to seeing no reason to change it and he would ±m~e to
know why these four lots were changed which adjoin a condo-
minium apartment. Only these four lots were changed. This
is taking away a man's rights. Col. Trauger as~.ed how they
would upgrade streets and drainage with building a condomin-
ium and Mr. DaCa. mara replied that this was the only way it
could be improved.
See Min.
DECE~ER 23, 1975
Mr. Stroshein appeared before the Board again and informed
them that it did not mean that the man was going to put one
house on these four lots. Four homes could be built on these
lots, The type of home on a 50 ft. lot is not a nice type
home. He told about his building experience with different
types:of residential and commercial buildings, Also, Ma.
Chandler is not the only individual that lives there. He
lives next door. They are only asking to put five units
rather than four. It is greatly feasible to put ten units
on one set of pilings rather than four spread out. Col.
Trauger asked how it would dry up the place and improve the
streets by putting a condominium on these £our lots and kB.
Stroshein replied that the reason he took the pictures was
for a legal matter and they just happen to fit into this pro-
gram. He referred to Mr. Chandler's statement that when he
built his building, his property was put under water. Any
engineer will tell you that regardless how high you build,
you cannot change the tidal water of the Atlantic Ocean. A
man will have to spend in excess of ~0,000 for fill. That
will get the land out of the water. Then, they have to re-
build the road. He rebuilt the road at his own expense.
The only way to have.it stay there is to have it filled on
both sides of it. You cannot build a road in the center of
the ocean, but must build on both sides and must put in a
seawall to keep the~ocean away from the property. No one
person can go to that expense for one house. Also, there
are not too many homes on ?th, 8th or 9th Streets. They
all have rental apartments in the rear. This has been re-
zoned in the mast several years. He added that he would like
every member of the Board to come to his place at five O~clock
tomorrow evening and they could put up. with the sand fleas.
He has called various departments, but the only way to get
rid o£ them is to develop it.
Col. Trauger referred to 50 ft. lots being all over the City
and being combined and replatted. Chairman Kelly informed
him that they would have three lots on this piece in the R-~A
Z one.
M~~. Ryder made a motion to recommend to the City Council that
this application be denied. Col. Trauger seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Walker referred to the master ~!an recom-
mending this for multi-family and questioned if this'motion
was in order and ~. Ryder replied that he didn't see why it
wasn't in order. Motion carried 5-0.
Re-zoning Request - Folsom
~2~ S. E. ~nd Street
Rep. - No!an E. Williams
v~o~.~ 23, 1 975
Parcel #3 - Lots 32, 33 and'South 20 ft. of Lot 34 Central Park
Recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 12
Palm Beach County Records
Address - 1123 S. E. 2nd Street
Request - From C-3 to C-4
use - Offices and Storage
Applicant - Nolan E. Williams
Representing Paul L. & Janet Folsom,
Mr. Nolan E. Williams stated his name and his address as 927
Mission Hill Road, Boynton Beach. The members discussed the
location and checked the aerial photo. Mr. Williams informed
the Board that he just recently sold his office and warehouse
two lots north of here and has been looking for another lot in
C-4. He would like to put a warehouse and office on this
vacant lot. It is the only one on the block. Everything else
there is warehouses, offices and a cabinet shop. It was zoned
C-4 when he built the other building. It was just changed in
June. He is just asking to have it the same as it was before.
He just wants to use it for storage. He pointed out the exist-
ing businesses on the aerial photo.
Chairman Kelly asked if anyone was in favor of this application
and received no response. He then asked if anyone was opposed
to this application and received no response.
Mr. Walker made a motion that this applicant's request for re-
zoning be recommended to the City Council for approval from
C-3 to C-4 as requested. In the absence of a second, Chairman
Kelly laid aside the gavel to second the motion. Under dis-
cussion, Mr. Rossi ~ointed out that there was C-3 zoning to
the north mad south and they would just be zoning these 2½
lots C-4. Mr. Williams stated it would be the same as he
built before. ?P. Rossi continued that across the street was
R-2. How'ever~ what he is requesting is comparable to what is
there. He is asking for C-4 to put a warehouse, since it is
not permitted under C-3. ~P. Wi!lia~s agreed this was correct
and warehouses were permitted under C-3 before June. Mm.
Williams exolained further about the existing businesses.
Mr. Smoot referred to the General Development Plan indicating
multi-family in this area. ~hen this plan was done, the uses
Mr. Williams spoke about and pre-existed this plan. Basically,
the uses there now are C-4 with warehouses, lumber yard, etc.
Also, immediately adjacent to the railroad track~ west of it
is M-~.
Col. Trauger asked what kind of building he planned to con-
struct and ~. ~' ~
~ ~ llma~s repl~ed the same as there. Col.
Trauger stated ne was fammlmar wmth the present buildings
and it looks well there.
5-0. See Min. of
Motion carried ~-~-w~-M~r-~-%~i-~o-a~iu~t-. 2/10/76
DECE}'~ER 23, 1 975
Minutes of December
Chairman Kelly referred to Page 2, second paragraph and re-
quested the change of one word which should be "consult,'~ with
the Planning Consultant instead of control. ~. Rossi pointed
out that it should be I~anning Consultant and not Zoning Con-
S m~
u!tan~ Chairman Kelly suggested making it Planning & Zoning
~. Rossi moved that the minutasof December 9, ~975 be approved
as ~ended, seconded by Mr. Ryder. Motion carried 3-2, with
~. Walker and Col. Trauger abstaining because of absence.
~. Smoot suggested instead of the Board trying to reach him
by phone, it might behoove this City to require him to attend
all meetings. He will answer any questions in full at the
meetings. Col. Trauger recommended that they invite him to
attend their meetings. ~. Rossi suggested discussing this
further later and proBe~ding with the agenda. Col. Trauger
agreed in view of the people in attendance in the audience.
Chairman Kelly announced that the ~fessman application should
be listed as it was tabled previously. He suggests this be
keot on the table until they receive further clarification.
Lake Worth Mariner Village Subdivision
(Presentation of corrected drawings)
~ ~_- mr. Co~te
Mr Conte appeared before the Board and ~ F~
- =n .... ~ ....the members
that on November 28, he met with ToM-a Clark, Perry Cessna
and John Johnson, who have made notes on his drawing. He is
in the process of hiring Mr. Grant now. He has preliminary
approval. He will meet everything requested.
Mr. Rossi checked the drawing and noted it was initialled by
Mr. Clark and Mr. Cessna regarding sewers, water, roads, and
drainage. He also noted that provisions were marked. He re-
ferred to their previous discussions regarding engineering as-
pects and input from the consultant. He outlined their previ-'
ous discussions for the benefit of the people in the audience.
He then referred to questions being asked about the sewers,
construction of roadways, property owners' association, and
the legality of the application since it was different than
the subdivision ordinance. He would !_~.e~' to hear ~LTM, Smoot's
comments. Also, to what extent does the City approve a
development with 20 ft. streets? To what extent do they go
ahead? They may pos~ problems with circulation, etc. and
they must consider there may be other projects.
DECE~ER 23, 1 975
Mr. Smoot stated that he thought the issue of streets is a
valid point. It appears to him that a single family subdivi-
sion is proposed with single f~i!y lots s=ad single family
detached dwellings. The defmn~t_on' ~ ~ of frontage is the lot
width adjacent to a public street and this is not a public
street. Most require a single family lot to be adjacent to
a public street. Is this a single family development? Can
it be permitted? Do they talk about private streets? Do
they still talk about single family detached dwelling units?
Ail the requirements go according to having frontage on a
public street. Obviously this is below the minimum require-
ment of the City. They are no longer talking about easements
or setbacks. This also makes the building go back further
into thelot and possibly into the water. They must decide
whether or not this is a single family development and if this
is to 'be a dedimted street. Does Boynton Beach permit single
family subdivisions with private streets and do these lots
have adequate frontage?
Mr. Rossi pointed out that Mm. Conte had made a great effort
to meet their requirements. This is a R-3 zone and he is
doing something with considerable less density. He recognizes
that he can't build multi-family. He thinks he is looking
for assistance from this Board for some way to take this land
consisting of long strips and the only way to develop it
would be to reduce the roadway to 30 ft. With 30 ft. streets,
there are questions of drainage and utilities. Can all this
be~out in a 30 ft. str~po__ . Mm. Conte _~e~l_ed~ ~ that they have
discussed this and there will be no problem. Mm. Schmidt
pointed out that the dra~_ng had been signed and provisions
noted. He added that it was marked on the ~olan that bond
must be posted for sewer and water, but roadways had been
erased. Mr. Rossi remarked that this was required from any
developer. Mr. Conte stated that it would be no problem to
post bond for the street. I,~r. Rossi asked if it was his
und. erstanding with the City Engineer that they would not re-
qumre a bond on the streets since they would not be maintain-
ing it and Mr. Conte agreed. Mr. Rossi clarified that what
Mr. Conte proposed wasp~ ermmssable' ' with them then.
Mr. Smoot referred to previous discussions regarding the legal
documents requiring maintenance of the streets. Mm. Conte
informed him that he spoke to his attorney and this will be
taken care of. Mr. Smoot stated that they must be sure they
are developed in standard with the other publicly dedicated
elements. Also, there is the possibility that sometime in
the future, the homeowners, association may request these ele-
ments to be dedJ~,.ted to the City and they must be as required
and not substandard. He told about similar examples throughout
the U. S. He would advise this Board to take no action until
the legal documents have been submitted to the City Attorney
and he advises the Board he is in agreement. Chairman Kelly
~'~ FOUR ~N
DECEMBER 23, 1 975
suggested that the motion could include these recommendations,
so Mr. Conte is not further hel¢ up in processing his plans.
~. Conte advised him that he has spoken to his attorney and
there will be no problems. They will meet with the City At-
torney, it will be in the homeowner,s association document
Mr. Smoot read Mr. Rossi's motion from the November 25 meeting.
He asked if a written report had been submitted from the City
Engineer? M~. Conte replied that he had signed the orint. He
has met with the City people on several occasions. Before the
attorney can proceed with the legal documents, the engineer
must proceed with these prints. He must have a starting point.
Before he is given a legal document, these must be prepared by
an engineer. He would like to have~the Board,s permission to
proceed. M~. Rossi clarified that he made a motion that a
written report should be coming from the engineer, as there
are a lot of~ro obtems. He doesn't know if Mr. Clark has re-
ceived a copy of the minutes. Mr. Schmidt reo!ied that he
doubted that he does. Mr. Rossi pointed out ~t was quite pos-
s_ole that it was not conveyed to Mr. Clark that this was re-
quired. Mr. Conte informed them that he has had several meet-
ings with these people.
i~~. Rossi asked Mr. Schmidt if he could give them information
regarding the review of these plans? ~k~. Schmidt replied that
there was a question about easements. He then read the comments
noted on the plan by the various departments. Mr. Rossi pointed
out that nowhere on the plan did it state he was not in accord-
ance. He is satisfied as far as technical comments. However,
there is the possibility it may be in conflict With the sub-
division platting regulations.
M~. Smoot stated that he has never seen the subdivision and
platting regulations. He then read Section 3-B on Page ~3
referring to buildings being located on public or private
streets. He then read the definition of lot frontage on Page
7 which t ~
s a~es the property line adjacent to a public street.
He pointed out that this was a contradiction.
Col. Trauger referred to Mr. Rossi's previous requests in his
motion and stated that he feels the notes on the print have
met the request. However, they must consider whether this
will fit into the City. He sees no reason to approve the
site plan with the stipulation that the City Attorney checks
the requirements in the homeowners, association in reference
to private streets. Mr. Smoot agreed and added that this
condition should be met prior to the processing of the record
plat. Chairman Kelly added that it should be available when
it comes to the Board for final approval. He pointed out that
on Page 13 it did not exclude a private road. ~. Smoot
agreed and added that the code is vague with having contra-
dictions. Col. Trauger suggested that he tie in the legality
DECEMBER a3, 1 975
with the homeowners' association with private streets meeting
public street requirements.
Chairman Kelly.asked if they were willing to make a recom-
mendation with the requirements having been met with the ex-
ception of the question of the legality? M~. Rossi replied
there was still the question of the 30 ft. road versus the
50 ft. road. Also, they must investigate further the non-
included parcels regarding ingress and egress. Mr. Ryder
suggested that it appear somewhere that since these streets
are private that in no w~f access is blocked to the parcels
in this area.
Mr. Smoot asked if it would be proper to write on the title
sheet that these streets will never be offered for dedica-
tion and ~. Rossi replied that it was proper. Mr. Smoot
stated he thought it should be written. ~. Conte informed
them that there were sewers there right now which the City
maintains. Mr. Smoot asked if the easements were there and
Mr. Conte replied: yes and they will be dedicated. They are
willing to dedicate easements. Mr. Smoot suggested that
anything that is not now offered to the City for dedication
will not be in the future. Mr. Ryder agreed and added that
he would hate to see the City have to accept a 30 ft. street.
Mr. Conte stated he would put this in the condominium docu-
Col. Trauger made a motion to recommend to the City Council
the preliminary site plan approval for Lake Worth Mariner
Village Subdivision per drawing No. ~O~-A dated Dece~nbe_
~975, with the proviso that the legal questions be resolved
with the City Attorney concerning the commonalty of the street
and other utilities and further that any offerings and dedi-
cations not made at the time of acceptance shall not be
offered in the future and shall remain the responsibility of
the me~foers o£ the homeowners, association. M~. ~ossi
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Smoot pointed
out that it may be difficult for the City not to accept offer-
ings made in the ffuture if they meet standards. M~. Rossi
replied that they were making a recommendation for approval
for something which doesn't conform to platting regulations.
They are actually approving this specific plan. He asked if
the square footage met R-2 requirements and if this was the
same plan as viewed previously and M~~. Conte replied: yes.
Motion carried 5-0.
Conversion of~ortion of Golden Sands Inn Motel to Conmomm_mum' '~'
220] South Federal Highway
Rep. - Mr. Je£f~ D. Kneen, Mr. Bob Webb & ~. O'Brien
DECE~ER 23, 1975
M~. Smoot informed the Board that Mr. Kneen was not present
and he would like to make comments for the benefit of the
Board. He has been in contact with M~. Kneen He thinL~
he can ~ ~ - '
summarize the prOblem very quickly.
~. Bob Webb appeared before the Board and stated his name
and his address as 2201S. Federal Highway. He told about
his previous experience in law. He had a condominium in
Village Royale and loves Boynton Beach. He would like to
keep Boynton Beach upgraded. He bought the Golden Sands two
or three years ago and has been upgrading it. He has been
trying to cooperate with zoning and it states that multi-
fa~mily is oermissable upon approval of the ~.lannmng & Zoning
Board and basically that is why he is here. He would like to
make 26 apartments into condominiums. He wants to put in a
pool, more parking and add landscaping. Eight or nine are
already spoken for by professional friends of his They are
o±ks who spend money when they are h~_e. He has used it for
his own clients in the last year and he ex~lamL~d further.
He is trying to upgrade the area to give better
than transient guests.
M~. Smoot continued that he has been involved with Mr. Kneen
and has known him for awhile. He commended Mr. Webb for
doing an excellent job of summarizing. He continued with
dv~s~ng that the property is in a C-3 zone and under Item K
in the zoning code, it + ~ ~ ~ ~
s~a~es upon reco~enmatmon by the
Planning & Zoning Board and approval of the City Council.
He then referred to the building in the rear which has 26
efficiency apartments. In each apartment, there is a bed-
room~ kitchen and sleeping area. He has discussed this con-
ditional approval previously with the Board and not having
no set orocedures. The C-3 zone does not have a provision
for con~rolling the multi-f~mily minimum living area. It
does include and does refer back to other zones. However,
it does not include the minimum standards of those other
zones. There are no controls in this zone controlling mini-
mum floor area and living area as controlled in other zones.
They'don,t want to have down o ~
. =aymen~s received and then be
advised that the City won't allow it. To the north and
south are commercial uses and to the west is multi-family.
The conversion of this particular struc~u_e from motel or
efficiency to multi-family Certainly would not be detrimen-
tal to the zoning plan. He doesn't think there would be ~uy
difference at all in the type~of traffic and he explained.
Chairman Kelly added that as owners, they would also take
better care of it and M~ Smoot agreed [~. ~'~ '
with ~oointing out that ' . ~ omoov continued
~ ~ although other zones require a minimum
of 750 sqt~re feet of living area, they are speaking of an
efficiency unit, He thi~ there will be no variance done to
the intent of the code to allow this gentleman to condomin-
iumize these 26 units.
DECE~ER 23, t 975
Col. Trauger questioned how they would specify this as a
condominium with no minimum square footage. M~. Smoot re-
plied that the gentleman was willing to comply with that
particular section of C-3 zoning, Subsection K, regarding
multi-family use in the C ~
-~ zone. ~'. Rossi stated that
they must refer back to the R-3 zone and ~. Smoot disagreed.
Chairman Eelly pointed out that it was multi-family and not
R-3 in Section K.
Mr. Smoot read Section 6 on Page 26 referring to uses.
Rossi agreed this was a very imoortant point. He has been
asked for interpretation of this paragraph and the meaning
of multi-family. There is no governing control as far as
setbacks, floor sizes, etc. in commercial areas. .Mr. Smoot
replied that there were controls. Mm~. Rossi continued that
he thinks the important thing is what was the intent of the
Board when they added this statement in brackets. Chairman
Kelly replied that he thought the intent was to allow it in
some cases. In land ownership recorded years ago, a man
~ght want to build multi-family and with this being changed
to C-3, he could still go ahead with his plans. There are
building and site regulations for this. If the improvements
on the land meet these regulations for C-3, it is the answer.
M~. Rossi referred to the minimum square footage of each
apartment being 400 square feet and he asked what would be
the density? Chairman Kelly asked what the difference would
be from a motel? M~. Rossi referred to the blue book stat-
ing that multi-family should not exceed ten units per acre.
Mr. Smoot read the definition of a motel on Page 8 and
pointed out that it stated that no cooking shall be allowed
in any particular room. They have 26 and it is a non-conform-
ing use. ~. Rossi questioned the limit for density? He
referred to someone owning C-3 property and wanting to con-
vert to multi-family and he thought they would have to go by
the R-3 regulations. Mr. Smoot replied that they must up-
grade on the basis that there is no criterion available in
this City in this code specifying upon which this Board or
the City Council shall approve or deny multi-family in the
C-3 zone. ~. Rossi remarked that they may need to change
this to make it clearer. Chairman Kelly added that the
density wouldn't change. Mr. Smoot clarified that they were
talking about a very limited site with buildin~occupying
approximately ~00% of the site. M~. 2~ebb agreed and stated
that he just wanted to add parking and a pool.
M~. Schmidt asked if he intended to tear do~'n some of the
smaller ones and Mr. Webb replied: yes, two of the older ones.
Mr. Rossi asked that he point these out on the plan. Mr.
O'Brien pointed them out and explained. ~. Rossi clarified
that he wanted to convert 26 units and make the density 50
per acre. He questioned the intent for the is~ud in the fron2?
DECE?~.iR 23, 1 975
}~. Webb replied that he would tear down two right away, but
he doesn,t know what he is going to do with the front part.
Mr. Rossi suggested that he could come back with a R-3 site
plan, as there is no limit on density in C-3. Ms. Smoot
referred to the cod_e and the uses permitted including uses
in the preceding zones and no references being made to den-
sity. Paragraph K is highly questionable and should not
have been included in the final code per legal counsel, per
~P. Simon. Chairman Kelly added that Mr. Kessman had also
stated that two attorneys stated this was unconstitutional.
Chairman Kelly asked if they would be getting a different
density in a condominium than they have now and }~. Rossi
replied that there was a lot of acreage in C-3 that could
go to 60 to 70 units per acre. M~. Smoot gave the example
of building a motel and the density being controlled by the
amount of parking. Mr. Rossi stated he thought it was the
intent that nowhere in this City would there be a density
exceeding ten units per acre. Mr. Smoot pointed out that a
motel with 200 units could have long term leases on each
room. If they are going to control it, they must do it be-
yond what they are discussing tonight. They can call it a
transient use, but it must be policed. ~h~. Rossi stated it
was not the intent to turn C-3 into multi-family with un-
limited number of units. Mr. Smoot replied that he didn't
think they would ever get to the point where they could con-
trol it~th a motel. People can reside there for a long
period of time.
t~~. Ryder asked what happened to the density if they built
residential in C-3 and Chairman Kelly replied that there is
no density limit in C-3. Mr. Smoot added that it goes un-
limited unless the code is changed. Mr. Rossi suggested
t ~
ha~ as they find these things, changes should be made.
Mr. Smoot referred to Palm Beach County with a larger popu-
lation and having a minimum floor area for efficiencies of
400 square feet. These people are so close to that. Also,
there is the issue that some people don't need a whole lot
of space and ~re content to live in efficiencies. The City
is required by the General Development
r~an to provide a
variety of housing. Mr. Rossi stated that density per acre
is important. Col. Trauger agreed that they must specify
the density. He doesn't see where~hmo'~ applicant has in-
creased the density and doesn't see any reason to block him,
but thinks they need the r~gula~mons chang~m. ~. Rossi
said he thought they needed a ruling from the City Attorney.
~ -y disagreed and stated that he thought they
should make a recommendation one way or the other.
.... ~ 2= t 975
DEC~.;~'IBER p ~
i~. Schmidt remarked that he was surprised this was never
discussed in their workshov_ sessions. They have situations
in the C=tF right now with residents living in motels. Mr.
Smoot agreed and added that it is becoming more all the time
and re£erred to a motel in De!ray Beach.
M~'. Rossi pointed out that they must consider the land 'behind
being developed for mu!ti-family in 50 to 70 units met acre.
Mr. Smoot agreed that they should pay attention to this and
some criteria must be written. He is prepared to sit down
with this Board at any time and thrash this out. He pointed
out before that they are asking for conditional uses, but
do not have a conditional use program. Either they permit
it or they don~t. Mr. Rossi stated the whole matter would
be cleared uo if this paragraph was sdmpiified with reference
back to R-3. Mr. Smoot pointed out that then they wouidn~t
need reconumendation from this Board and approval by the City
Council. M~. Ryder asked if he meant there was no other way
this could be handled and Mr. Smoot replied that he has
looked at this code and read it several times and when
Y~neen called him~ he referred him to Page 27~ Sub-paragraph
K. This had been discussed at the meetings he attended with
~.~. Bushnell, M2r. Simon and Chairman Ifel!y and he was fearful
that someone would attempt to place multi-family in a zone
like this. In this particular instance where there is no
opportunity for the person at the oresent time to expand the
use and there is a motel existing, he doesn't see any violence
against the zoning code. ~. Ryder agreed there would be no
increase. Mr. Webb also agreed. Chairman Kelly added that
there would be a decrease ~,_ath knocking down two units.
Walker pointed out that actually they would only be approving
~olans as presented. Even though they have future prob!em~
he doesn't see any reason for not approving the plans.
Mr. Rossi referred to the C~3 zone having zero setback on one
line and questioned if someone could build multi-family in
C-3 meeting these reqa_reme_~s and notR-~, M~. Smoot re~
plied, that they may place reasonable iimits on this limiting
it. I'~~. Rossi pointed out that they could definitely have a
M~. Walker made a motion to recommend approval to the City
Council of the p!an~ Parcel B, west ~10 ft. of parcel shown
on the survey~ Order No. 72-~4~6 D ~B~
. , as presented for a
conversion of a portion of the Golden Sands Inn Motel to a
condominium. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Under dis-
cussion, Mr. Rossi referred to the parking requirements and
questioned if they had been met and M~. Webb informed him
that for the motel they needed one parking space ocr unit and
now will have ]½ per unit to comply ~=tn condomi:n~ums. ~¢
Rossi remarked that it looked like~ was correct and ~
Schmidt added that they did not check the parking, Motion
carried 5-0.
DE CEi'~ER 23 ~ ~ 975
~ Rossi pointed out that they did not have a plan presented
£or this application and it was not reviewed by the C.A.B.
Mr~ Schmidt replied that the C.A~Bo would have to review it~
but it actually came to this Board first in regards to the
use. Coi. Trau~er added that they should be signed off as
approved a~d Mr~ Schmidt stated he would take care of this.
Chairman ?~el!y agreed that he would come to his office to
take care of this~
~. Smoot stated that they must do somethimg quick~ith this
C-~ zoning im regards to multi-family. He suggests adding
under Paragraph ~i: Multi~fami!y residential or motel should
comply with ~0.8 units per acre and this would dr~w it back
to R~3. M~. Rossi added that they must also have u~on recom-
mendation of the Planning & Zoming Board and approval of the
City Council. ~. Smoot re~!ied that in that case~ they must
w~ite ~riteria approvimg it. They must have written itemized
factual statements.
Image Homes~ !nc~ ~ Sales Model
262~ North Federal Highway
Rep, ~ Bob Llewe!lyn~ F~esidemt
~. Bob Ltewe!!y~ appeared before the Board and informed them
that his request to the Board was to give consideration to the
proposal they are making at this time to either lease or pur-
chase some property located at 262~ N. Fsderal Highway for
the express purpose of using this property £or a sales model
such as they have on Military Trail at this time in ~est Palm
Beach. He showed pictures of the present mode!~ He e×plai~ed
that they were erecting these homes from the ~eys to Veto
Beach. The home is being more and more accepted by the
ning ~ Zoning Boards~ He tried to give a ru~down in,the letter
to the Board. The property on Federal is p~esentiy zomed
Im the past~ it was used for a mobile home sales a~d travel
trailer sales. The members discusaed the location.
Liewe!iyn continued that since there is not a category cover-
ing this~ he is appearing before this Board. He would like
this Board to consider this for the purpose of using this
property for the purpose o£ a sales model.
~. Schmidt informed them that it was~in a C~ zone. Chairman
Kelly agreed and added that it was C-3 all the wa~ down the
highway £or a depth of 300 ft.
Col. Trauger asked if these homes were set up as models £or
erection on lots anywhere and ~. L!ewe!iyn replied that this
was correct. Col. Trauger asked if they were specification
type homes and Mr. Lleweiiyn informed him that the home comes
in several floor plans and models. They can modify them to a
certain point~ They are manu£actured umder State laws. They
are all finished homes. They just put one in West Palm Beach.
They moved onto the property one week ago and received the c/o
~¢!ENTY- OlfE
.~ _ M~. Schmidt asked
today and the ~eo~le are living in it.
if they were ready built every time and Mr. Llewe!iyn re~otied
that they were custom built. Chairman Kelly asked if they
were pre-fabricated homes and Mr. Liewetlyn replied that
they could use that term~ but they call them pre-engineered
homes. They are built according to a set of specifications
and completed ac~oramng to those specifications under the eye
of a bu~immn~ ins~oector Col. Trauger questioned the plumb-
ing and /:r L!ewe!lyn explained now it was coa~er~m by Florida
oo=d about meetings and bein~ allowed to
State Statutes, He ~ TM
put a home on Point Mana!apan Island. He e~plained the con-
struction of the home and how it could be changed to meet re~
quirements. Mr. Schmidt as~.ed iff they were basically modular
homes and T~
~. L!eweilyn explained that it was a true modular
coming in two modules and they just put them together. The
factory crews stay on the job site about two d~%~s to make
final adjustments. He referred to the
~ ............ by the
State of ~!orzda. He told about +~'
. pu~zng up four houses
ten days. He explained the experience they have had with
meeting requirements and the building of homes. Mm~ Ryder
asked if there were any installations like this in the City
of Boynton Beach and Mr. Llewetlyn replied: notat the ~resent
Mr. Ryder referred to the letter stating they would go accord-
ing to the building codes and Mr. L!ewe!lyn agreed.
Ryder asPed how the Building Department would handle this and
Mr. Smoot reo!ied that he believed these units were controlled
under a factory housing statute. M~. Ryder asked if they
would issue a c/o and Mr. Smoot replied: no and not a building
vermit either, just a permit for the slab, plumbing, etc.
Coi. Trauger referred to this not being occuoied and questioned
if they recommended an excevtion to the code and Mr. Smoot re-
plied that they have the same ,~rqb!em now, but backwards. The=
- . ~ ~ ~_~y
have a C-~ zone with the a~ lzcant wishing to move onto the
site two single family residences ~nd wanting to use both as
a model and office. Also, he wishes to connect to some sewage
facility. ~'~=~ ....... point is that the building w~l ~ tempo~'-~-~.ry.'
They are in a commercial zone. He has t~l~..ea to ~. Schmidt
about this. There is a question about fire codes; a wooden
structure in a commercial district. His experience with model
homes being placed on a commercial property is that they be~
come administrative headaches. ?aim Beach County has had
this experience. It is very easy for these things to convert.
There is a problem of a residential dwelling occuring in a
com=erc_ai d~str~ct. Iff the Board thinks this is desmraome,
he would suggest that the man be required to place bond for
removal of these units within a certain period off time. He
exglam~mm how this was not like a normal development. They
are not talking about a developer with 100 acres with the model
being sold as a residence. They have a reverse icroblem with
single family use in C-~ zone~ which is not permitted.
DECE?~ER 23 ~ 1 975
Col. Trauger pointed out that they would not object to an
office building. He recommends that this cannot be used for
a private dwelling. Chairman ~e!!y agreed that it was not
going to be a residential use and Col. Trauger added that he
didn't want it converted to that.
~r. Schmidt referred to having many things in the City which
are i!iegai~ non-conforming~ not compieted~ etc.and they are
being used. There are all kinds of stumbling blocks they
will have to meet~ They may ask to put someone in the house
amd go amd do it and how can they move them out? ~'~. Smoot
suggested having them build an o£fice on the site and not
connecting the power and se~ers to these units. ~. Schmidt
suggested setting a time limit and reviewing this approval.
Possibly request that they get a renewal at the end of the
year or remove it from the site, Col. Trauger agreed~ but
questioned if it would be legal to require that it be re-
viewed annually and also ask for a removal bond? Mr. Smoot
asked if they permitted temporary offices and Mr. Lleweilyn
replied that they have one there now. Co!. Trauger pointed
out that they have done it for the bamks in the area.
Smoot a.greed~ but added that they put u~ a permanent struc-
Mr. L!ewellyn continued with informing them that they are
establishing their models in different parts of South Florida.
They are only asking for a 2~ month temporary permit. They
are not going to put a ~22~000 home on anything which would
not be economically feasible. They are putting a model on
display at the state fair. They will move the same home to
St. Lucie County, Zt has been sold to a family in Ft. ~ierce.
These a~e considere~ as permanent homes when they are attached
to a slab and they have a permit. At any time~ withim 3½
hours they can move the unit. They may also want to change
their model. They are not looking for any long term permit.
They are in the housing market and it depends on the economy,
They are going in with a lease with the option to purchase
the ~ro~erty. Their intentions ~'~
.... 5~u now are not to be there
~'or more than a~ months.
Mr. Schmidt asked if he had a.n agreement with the state fair
grounds for removal and Mr. Llewel!yn replied: yes and ex-
p!ained. Mr, Schmidt informed him that the City is concerned
with the use and abandonment. ?~. Rossi referred to
L!ewe!iyn~s statement that he would sign a formal agreement.
Mr. Schmidt stated he would not have any objections to hook-
ing up the plumbing in this case. M~. Rossi asked if a site
plan would be presented and Mr~ Schmidt replied that one
would and added that he 'would have to meet the setbacks, y~.
Rossi '
as~em if he had reviewed the setbacks and Mr. L!ewellyn
informed him that he would put one home there and leave the
paved area for off~street parking.
Col. Trauger made a motion to recommend to the City Council
the ap-orova! of the erection of a sales nome! by Iuag= Homes~
inc. at 2624 ~'....~orta' Federal Highway, as pro:oosed~ by YK~. Bob
L!ewellyn~ with the st=pulavzon.~th~t this be limited to a two
year period subjec~ to reviewa.! 'by the same Board and. C=ty
Council~and removal bond be provided as estimated by the City
Yngineer, and comply to fire codes, and sewer connection be
completed, and to be used for public purposes only and not
residential. F~. Ryder ~conded the motion. ~otmon carried
Other Discussion
i~. Smoot requested to comment regarding the minutes of Satur-
day~ ~ovemb~r 29. The minutes reflect a general consensus
that he should contact M~. Bill Collins of Palm Beach County,
He has been unable to g~ aho!d of Mr. Co}!ins. He would go
so far as to say that the letter .~. Fronrath received from
~,~. Collins sneaks to only a residential use on the property
known as the Cogen parcel, If Mr. Collins were to ha~e been
made a?;,~are of the presentation of commercial on that oarcei,
the '~ ' ~
conw~nv~ of this letter would have been dramatica[iy dif~
ferent ~-ne County Land Use Plan does not indicate commercial
there Further~ he is wondering whether or not a letter ~ro~
the Director of Planning of a County .Agency satisfies the
statutorial demand of the County plan prior to annexation.
He knows and trust~sMr. Collins and respects him. Even if he
had been made aware of it~ he suggests that it doesn't mean
anything. He cannot presume the ability of the Board of County
Commissioners. The statute states compliance with that plan.
Chairman Yeily asked how this Board could get this information
and how could he come before the Board with the assurance that
· 9 M.r.
the ~ ' ~ ~ _
~wogect does com~iy with the State Dlan~ Smoot re,~iied
with telling about a meeting he attend~ recently regarding
the comprehensive plan. He remarked that it is going to get
a whole lot worse before it getsbetter with the County telling
the cities what to do. Nobody really knows how to solve it.
Mm. Rossi pointed out that there was something to work by and
Mm. Smoot replied that some people have suggested starting
anew. No city has ~atested it. Some city is going to refer
to having a master plan though. Maybe this City will say to
Cogen: come on in and maybe they won't.
~. Smoot continued and referred to the special, meeting on
November 29 and their discussion regarding Cogen and their
taking a vote. He asked if this meeting had been noticed and
iF~. Rossi replied that it was a workshop. Mr. Smoot cautioned
that the Board should be extremely careful of having a special
meeting ~_a~,hou~ notice. The owner of the ~ro~erty s~_ouid have
been notified, that the issue was going to be discussed. The
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Tt~i ~N T ~ -F OUR
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point is not what was discussed~ but that there was no notice
given, it is very important that this is done, They are deny-
ing the man his right to present his argument. Chairman Eei!y
replied that he had never been advised of this necessity. Col.
rrauger remark.ed that he could see the point. ~. Schmidt re-
ferred to how the members could become prejudiced at a workshop
meeting, bk~, Smoot informed him that a ~ork~hop meeting is
for information only. in this soeciai_ meeting~ they reversed
their position and the .... ~' ~
a~mcant was not present~
Mr, Smoot then passed out oopies to the members of the Sug-
gested Procedure for a District Boundary Change he prepared.
He suggested that they look at this. He referred to the note
on Pa~e ] regarding the deletion of Section oC He ' ~ ~
mn~ o_ reed
them that 9D would be the application, which cannot be final-
ized until he has feedback from the Board.
?~. Smoot then referred to his availability and. stated he
expressed his problems earlier. If they want more informa-
~=on, bne.y must have more administration involved in the pro-
cessing of the applications. Mr, Rossi stated that it seemed
to him that this Beard needed more than anything else was a
staff member to prepare the material in the proper order and
identify it, They can't be counting parking spaces~ etc. He
thinks it's about time that the City gets a full time planner.
The material before the Board should be in the proper order.
Mr. Smoot informed him that basically this whole burden falls
on the Building Department and it is not fair with the work-
load they already have. ]~. Ryder agreed that they needed
input. Mr. Rossi referred to everyone~ including himself,
spending a lot of time on this. They muddle through these
things because they are half-prepared. Mr. Smoot adVised that
he has some suggestions, which he will make at the next meet-
ing. They will get into the adoption of rules of procedure
for this Board and rules of procedure for the administration.
On the ~orocedure prepared, he has noted the City Manager~
since they do not have a planning official nor zoning offi~
M~r. Smoot continued and referred to his involvement with the
~oarm and sta~,ea he would like to come to one meeting a month.
He also pointed out that a workshoo meeting should be held one
week in advsmce of the public hearing and they would be pre-
p~.rem for the .~uolmc hearing ~. Rossi agreed t_~ms would be
a better setup. He added that with a workshop, all the things
would be ironed out and regular meetings with audiences would
m_ o=~oo~ asked if it was set by precedent to have two
meetings ~ month and ~_r..al~ replied that he believes it
WaS o
iz~. Ryder made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Col. Trauger.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
1~:55 P. M.
Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting
7:30 P.M.
December 23, 1975
Council Chambers
1. Acknowledgement of members and visitors.
2. Reading and approving of minutes.
3. Announcements:
4. Comnunications:
5. 01d business:
Lake Worth M~riner Village Subdivision
(Presentation of corrected drawings)
Rep. , Mr. Conte
New business:
* 1. Abandonment request - City of Boynton Beach
Rep., Mr. Frank W. Donovan
Re-zoning request - Huddle & Detert
718-806 N. E. 7th Street
Rep., W. H. DaCamara
Re-zoning request - Folsom
1123 S. E. 2nd Street
Rep. , Nolan E. Williams
Conversion of portion of Golden Sands Inn Motel
to condominium.
2201 South Federal Hwy.
Rep. , Mr. Jeffrey D. Kneen, Mr. Bob Webb, and Mr. O' Brien
Image Homes, Inc. - Sales model
2624 North Federal Hwy.
Rep., Bob Llewellyn, President
Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting
Time '
7:30 P.M.
December 23, 1975
Council Chambers
1. Aeknc~ledgement of men~ers and visitors.
2. Reading and approving of minutes.
4. Communications:
5. 01d business:
Lake Worth Mariner Village Subdivision
(Presentation of corrected drawings)
Rep. , Mr. Conte
6. New business:
Re-zoning request - Huddle & Detert
718-806 N. E. 7th S~treet
Rep., W. H. Daeamara
Re-zoning request -Folsom
1123 S. E. 2nd Street
Rep., Nolan E. Williams
Conversion of portion of Golden Sands Inn Motel
to condominium.
2201 South Federal Hwy.
Rep., Mr. Jeffrey D. Kneen, Mr. Bob Webb, and Mr. 0'Brien
Image Homes, Inc. - Sales model
2624 Narth ?ede~l Hwy.-~. .~ ~;~
Rep., Bob Llewellyn, President