Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Mrs. Marilyn Huck~e
Enrico Rossi
Simon Ryder
Oris Walker
Chairman Kelly called ~he special meeting to order at 9'~2 A. M.
~e - Joseph Cogen AnnexaTion '~
Col. Trauger referred to the minutes of November 12, Page ?,
Paragraph 2, of the Planning & Zoning Board meeting and moved to
rescind this motion and vote,based upon the facts there are re-
servations that the actions in this motion are legally and techni-
cally correct, and there are questions regarding actual procedures
of annexation, and sufficient input is needed from technical ex-
perts to make a valid decision. M~. Rossi seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Col. Trauger then referred to the procedure to request the City
Manager to withdraw this from the agenda for the next meeting.
Mrs. Huckle suggested writing a memo advising the Bo~md has taken
rescinding action on the previously recommended motion. The mem-
bers discussed this procedure and also suggested that Chairmsm
Kelly meet with Mr. Kohl on Monday advising him of the results of
this special meeting.
~s. Castello referred to the specific~aspects needed. Coi.
Trauger replied that they must get an annexation procedure and
a public hearing scheduled. ~. Rossi agreed that they must have
an outline. Mrs. Huckle referred to Mm. Smoot advising them to
do nothing based on the State law; but on November 12, they did
take action. Chairman Kelly read the memo dated November 6 from
~. Kohl to Mr. Simon and then read his reply dated November 11.
Co!. Trauger stated that they still did not have an annexation
procedure guideline and this is what they need. Mrs. Huckle re-
ferred to Mr. Simon's suggestion that the annexation application
be amended to include the applicant's statement~ The members~
discussed this and agreed this was a necessity.~%~-~'~' ~~ '~c~~
Col. Trauger clarified that they need an annexation procedure
outline step by step declared with the public hearing and legality
of this to be adopted by this Board. Secondly, they need from
Simon the outline as to the legal procedures and whether the City
Comprehensive Plan is still applicable to the actions of the City.
NOVEMBER 29, 1975
Thirdly, they need a review from Mr. Smoo~ of this application.
Also, they need to know what the City has the right to request
from the developer and how this input is gathered. With that
information, they need a plan in writing with steps to be followed
by the developer in development of this tract including the City's
requests and time frames, so it does not stall. M~s. Castello
agreed and added that they should have something similar to the
suggested zoning procedure.
~s. Huck~e added that they must also consider amending the appli-
cation to include the aoplicant's statement~._They must know what
the present County zoning is which would co~plbto ~he Florida
State Statute.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the Board not receiving a copy of the
application for this annexation. Col. Trauger referred to this
plan not being presented properly. Mr. Rossi agreed that they
have spent too much time on matters which should have been staff
prepared and corrected. He then referred to getting a new Build-
ing Official and explained how it was necessary for this man to
also be a planner. The members discussed how the qualifications
for a Building Official should be a ~enefit for the City as well
as for the Planning & Zoning Board.
Mrs. Huckle then referred to the necessity of having a firm proce-
dure for applications. She explained how the Board must have
previous information to study before discussing an application.
Mrs. Castello agreed and added that the Building Official must
insist that a flow chart is followed. ~. Rossi agreed and stated
that they need a lot of staff input on these plans coming before
this Board. They must have a man trained in this line. Mrs.
Huckle stated that not only a Building Official was needed, but
also a planner. M~. Rossi explained the County procedure and
.the members discussed how the City should operate similarly.
Chairman Eelly clarified that when an application is presented to
this Board, they should have input from all the various depart-
ments on every phase and all other matters such as engineering,
sewers, water, etc. Mr. Rossi agreed and that it could be done
by a trained man. Chairman Kelly remarked that he thought they
should refrain from setting up qualifications for the Building
Mrs. Huck!e stated she was still confused whether they could
annex without zoning. They need a copy of the application to
ascertain the exact request. Mr. Rossi agreed if the applicant
was asking for zoning, he must have a complete legal description.
Mrs. Castetlo read the present flow system on the second page of
the attachment to Resolution 74-L and questioned what the refer-
ence to ~'bac~' to Planning & Zoning Board meant under #35 Mrs.
NO'~BER 29, 1975
Huckte referred to Mr. Simon's memo suggesting amending the ap-
plication. She agreed there weren't any guidelines in the present
one and it should be similar to Mr. Smoot's outline for re-zoning
Mr. Rossi stated they were talking about something in the County
which will affect the County roads and he thinks they should meet
with the officials of the County. Chairman Kelly questioned if
he meant the Board should meet with County officials? He thinks
it should be obtained administratively. M~s. Huckle suggested
that Mr. Smoot and Mr. Collins meet. Chairman Kelly continued
that they did not have any authority to meet with County Boards.
It should go through the proper channels. He suggests that pos-
sibly they request the City Manager to suggest that the City
Planner meet with the County Planner. M~s. Castello agreed that
they should try to coordinate with the County. Mr. Rossi suggested
getting the entire package together and getting authorization and
forwarding it to each member of the County Planning & Zoning Board.
The members agreed they needed input from the County and discussed
the proper procedure to f~llow.
Mrs. Huckle moved to convey to the City Council the Board's feel-
ings on their request to study and recommend the possibly annexa-
tion of the Cogen property to the City; therefore, this Board
recommends to the City Council in view of a memo from City Attor-
ney, ~. Simon, dated November 11, 1975, which directs our atten-
tion to Florida State Statues 171.062 Paragraph 2:
"If the area smnexed was subject to a County Land Use
Plan and County zoning on subdivision regulations, said
regulations shall remain in full force and effect until
otherwise provided by law. However, a municipal govern-
ing body shall not be authorized to increase, and is
expressly prohibited from increasing, or decrease the
density allowed under such County plan and regulations
for a period of two years from the effective date of
the annexation unless approval of subject increase is
granted by the governing body of the County."
that the City Planning Consultant, Mx. James Smoot, should perhaps
be authorized to consult with the County Director of Planning for
the purpose of reviewing the a~pzmcavmon for annexation as it re-
lates to the Florida law specifying the need for the County Lan~
Use Plan to he operative in cases of municipalities annexing
County lan~s. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried
~s. Huckle suggested that the above motion be considered by the
City Council in place~of their previous motion. Therefore, it
would not be necessar~ to withdraw this application from the agenda
and this motion could be discussed at that time. The members
agreed. M~s. Huckle added that in their report to the City Council
at this time, they should advise that this whole plan was brought
NOVE~ER 29, 1 975
to this Board without any proper forums and they hope applications
in the future will follow a clearly established flow. She still
feels the Board should have a copy of the application. Mrs.
Castello agreed and added that something of this impact should
never have been added to the agenda per a verbal request.
Chairman Kelly agreed and stated that all such annexation appli-
cations should be processed by the same procedure. 2@. Rossi
pointed, out again that they must have the proper man to sit
with the Board and have all the applications in the proper form.
M~s. Huckle agreed and stated it was definitely improper for M~.
Bushnell to request that this be added to their agenda under Old
Business on October 28. She added that the Board will be differ-
ent in January and this should be straightened out.
Col. Trauger made a motion for Chairman Kelly to send a memo to
?@. Kohl, City Manager, advising that the Ptannin~ & Zoning Board
has discussed the Cogen annexation during the last three meetings,
but the Board has never received a copy of the application for this
annexation. Further, the City Attorney has advised that the appli-
cation should be amended to include statements from the applicant
of the existing County zoning on the property. Mrs. Huckle
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Rossi referred to the moratorium on re-zoning expiring on
November 13. M~s. Huckle referred to the last workshop meeting
on November 8 when Mr. Smoot presented a flow sheet and stated
he had gotten only so far. Has he made any progress or finished
this? Chairman Kelly replied that he has called M~. Smoot sever-
al times and left messages, but he has not returned his calls as
requested. The members discussed the necessity of the implemen-
tation of this and the procedure to be followed.
Mrs. Huckle moved that the Chairman of this Board be directed to ~/~/?~
submit a memo to Mr. Smoot requesting a finalization of the sug-
gested re-zoning orocedure, which he originally discussed with ~
this Board o~ November 8, 1975, so that the Board can
final recommendation of this to the City Council at ~~
regular meeting on December 9. Also enclosed is a copy of the
Board's memo to M~r. Simon in this regard. Col. Trauger seconded
the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
M~s. Huckle referred to writing a memo to t~. Simon asking by
what procedure this could be added to the zoning code and the
members agreed. ~s. Huckle moved that the Chairman of this
Board be directed to submit a memo to M~. Simon advising that ~"~
the Planning & Zoning Board would like to make a recommenda~io_~n~~
to the City Council at the next regularly scheduled~n~-on~' ~ ....
December 9 of a new re-zoning procedure outlined by Mr. Smoot on
November 8, 1975, together with the subsequent material which he
is now preparing which will complete this procedure, a copy of
which is attached for your review and recommendations. Col.
Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~s. Castello
asked what they ~anted from M~. Simon and Mrs. Huckle replied
that they wanted to be sure it is workable s~d legal. Motion
carried 5-0.
NOVE~ER 29, 1975
M~. Rossi asked what should they do about the moratorium? Col.
Trauger suggested extending it for a minimum of sixty days or
until the suggested re-zoning procedure could be adopted. M~s.
Huckle pointed out that they wouldn't be extending it, as it has
expired. The members discussed whether to suggest a time period
or base it on the implementation of the new re-zoning procedure.
M~. Rossi made a motion to have the Chairman of this Board write
a memo to the City Manager stating attached are copies of memos
to Mr. Smoot, Planning Consultant; and one to ~. Simon, City
Attorney, which are self-explanatory. In view of the fact, we do
not have any approved re-zoning procedure at this moment, we sug-
gest you call this to the attention of the City Council. The ex-
tended moratorium on applications for re-zoning expired on Novem-
ber 13 and we are unable to see how any applications can be pro-
cessed without an approved procedure. We suggest that the mora-
torium be extended until the adoption by the City Council. Mrs.
Castello seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Col. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by M~s. Castelto.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
11:40 A. M.