HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2021, AT 6:00 P.M.
Marcia Levine, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director
(Arrived at 6.03 p.m.) Kat Green, Senior Librarian Youth Services
Lindsay Karten (Arrived at 6:22 p.m.) Quentin Morgan, Assistant City Attorney
George Feldman
Ace Tilton Ratcliff
Victor Gaud-Cabrera
Robyn Boucard
Elizabeth Sherlock
Sarah Brown, Alternate
I. Call to Order— Marcia Levine, Board Chair
Chair Levine called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
II. Approval of Minutes — Meeting of May 26, 2021
A motion was made by Mr. Gaud-Cabrera to approve the minutes. Mr. Feldman
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Mr. Feldman announced he was at the last City Commission meeting and he spoke
about the signage. He told the Commission he thought it was important to have interior
and exterior signage for people visiting the Library for the first time and so people
driving by the building will know where the Library is. Mr. Gaud-Cabrera attended the
same meeting via Zoom and echoed Mr. Feldman's comments.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations)
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2021
V. Chair's Report
Chair Levine went to the Summer Reading Kick-Off event and announced it was great.
She has been collecting a lot of information. She is Vice Chair of the AAB and the Chair's
children attended the event. He advised he was really impressed about the event.
VI. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update - Craig Clark
The part-time Library Page position was approved to be posted on the City website,
hopefully by tomorrow and for a week. It will take a few months to recruit for the position,
and once the position is filled, the Library will be fully staffed.
Career Online High School/LSTA Grant - Jeannie Taylor
Ms. Taylor explained the Library applied for the LSTA grant, which they qualified for, but
they are not yet funded as they are waiting to hear if the State would be funded.
Fortunately, the State would be funded. That will enable the Library to be eligible to ask
for more scholarships than they asked for in their grant. They should allow them to add
10 scholarships or more if they get enough requests. Chair Levine asked how the Library
finds participants. Ms. Taylor explained the information is posted on social media and on
the Library website. There is a big banner in the library advertising the program, but
mostly the information is shared by word of mouth which accounts for half of the
participants, or someone saw it in the library and asked. Mr. Clark explained the State
funded the $700K which they are excited about. The $700K will be managed by the State
Librarian and the Department of State and she will contact him in a month of so and ask
how many scholarships they want to start out with which would be 10.
Library Budget Request— Updated
Mr. Clark announced he submitted an updated budget request, which was adjusted on
the Museum side. He included the Library and Museum Budget Request in the meeting
materials in the meeting backup and that will go to the City Commission that was
recommended by the City Manager for approval in July.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked how the Cultural Center is used in the Library Budget and
learned the Cultural Center across the street is managed by Recreation and Parks. Dr.
Hayden-Adeyemo recalled in one of their meetings last year, it was mentioned rooms
there will be used for the Library. She asked if the Library receives any revenue. Mr.
Clark explained the Library does not generate any revenue from their programming. If
they need a room, he will work with the person who runs the building and arrange it but
at this time, they have no need to use any of the rooms. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo also
recalled there was a discussion about naming rights at the library to generate revenue by
naming rooms and meeting places in the library. Mr. Clark explained the naming rights
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2021
campaign is currently active and naming opportunities are still available. There is a page
with the information possibly on the website, but the campaign is being managed by a
consulting firm, so potential donors are introduced to the consultants.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo recalled the Board had previously spoke about a docent. She
asked how the Friends of the Library was involved with the naming campaign and learned
they have nothing to do with it. They raise money just for the library although they did
pay $165K to name the Florida Room on the second floor. Their store is on the second
floor. There is a big sign overhead and they sell used books to raise money for the library.
The Friends of the Library location is not enclosed, but it is a definite area with the sign
on the ceiling to delineate their space.
VII. New Business
Summer Reading Club Event Kickoff— Recap & Summer Youth Programs
— Kat Green
Kat Green, Children's Librarian and Manager of Youth Services, advised the Kick-Off was
a fun event. All of the staff, including those who were scheduled to be off, moved their
day around to attend the event. There were 12 AmeriCorps volunteers, which is a big
number to show up for a weekend event. There were 250 people in attendance and they
had 110 children and teens who registered for the Summer Reading Program and since
then, another 40 signed up and a few more are registering every day at the desk. Ms.
Green explained this was the first time, since COVID, they offer digital registration with a
link live with a Google form. Two volunteers assisted with the registration, but even
without them, the library is still receiving about five or so registrations at the desk. For
programs, she handed out teen and youth programs, which is seeing increasing
attendance each week. The first youth program had 6, then 10 participants. The outdoor
story time program had 20 participants and today had 50 people. They will continue their
weekly program and the man who did the DJ kickoff was there with his kids. They are
continuing collaborating with other parts of the City. They will have a Fall into the Arts
program at the Cultural Center and they will be there with a craft table, talking about
different children illustrators and they will lend things out forthe Fourth of July Celebration.
They will use their colorful cushions, purchased with Summer Reading funds they will
continue using for a long time. This morning someone from the Cultural Center saw staff
holding Story Time outside and asked if they could collaborate with them either at the
Library, or helping the Cultural Center promote programming and they can get special
guests to come and add something special to the story time events. They would be happy
to see those partnerships continue to expand with a lot of that due to Madison Kjosa and
the great marketing she is doing.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if the Library was providing drones and learned they do and
they have a fleet. Chair Levine asked about the Build a Mars Rover. Ms. Green explained
Youth Services has a big purple table where they do most of the materials intensive
program, if too big, it will overflow the lobby or take it outside. She noted the students
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2021
have really enjoyed being outside under the big tree. Mr. Clark and Ms. Taylor went
outside for parts of the children program. The kids had a blast. He thanked Ms. Green
for a phenomenal job and he spoke with the parents and they were excited. It is one of
the best programs at the Library, and they will do it again next year. People are coming
to check it out.
Chair Levine asked how she would promote, Take a Boynton Snapshot. She thought the
Art Advisory Board could be involved and would bring it up at the next meeting. Ms.
Green has been seeing an increase in the teens who come. The 13-year-olds have the
highest enrollment. Older students are coming for the Virtual Zone, and they already have
five users oriented and some musicians. The sound booth (the Whisper Room), which is
state of the art and mostly sound proof, is up and running. The younger students using it
socialize with the high schoolers. Ms. Kjosa has a lot with that age group.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked what are they doing for groups that are 18 to 23. Mr. Clark
explained they are considered adults.
Mr. Clark explained for adults in June, they had a few Pride events. One was a virtual
tour of the LGBTQ History Exhibition at the Stonewall National Museum and Archive in
Ft. Lauderdale. The Marketing Manager conducted a tour and the Executive Director of
the museum talked about a couple of things regarding the museum. The Library has a
Makers Space, Grab and Go Craft Kits, Hurricane Preparedness with the National
Weather Service, and Back to the Data Basics Canopy Training. There are quite a few
things going on for adults. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought they should create a niche for
every age group. She felt when developing things and programming staff should consider
the entire City and use forward thinking about what the library looks like for someone who
grows up with a library. She thought be forward thinking about planning ahead aside from
Ms. Green explained Subbora Jackson, a Library volunteer, did a Chess Club for teens.
She made great use of the Makers Space and will make chess board they will circulate.
She works with the group and has access to adult materials and create interest. The
Makers Space fits that need for both. They want to check teen specific materials and
ensure the 18 to 23-year-olds are served first.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo recalled something about Library Leadership. Mr. Clark recalled
they had a teen advisory board in the summer and further added, they offer a variety of
good programs for all ages, but they are always open to suggestions.
Ms. Karten asked how strict is the library on the ages because her daughter will go crazy
with the Makers Space. Ms. Green explained they are loose as they are building up the
teens. If everyone that is coming is 16 to 18, they would be steered away, but they have
been having a lot of 12-year-olds in the teen program and they make their decision based
on who they know is coming.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2021
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented Mr. Clark had indicated they have built in surveys in
the library software. When someone checks out a book, they get a message suggesting
other books the patron may like. She asked if there is a way to push surveys through the
library card system. She asked, when pulling reports, if there was some way to track
what is being circulated and what has the highest interest topics or ideas. She conveyed
the reason why the library purchased some software is to do quick surveys. Ms. Green
explained material check outs are instrumental and staff uses it with programming
attendance. She used age when signing up for a reading club. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo
asked when using self-check if they can have a question as a tab or matrix. Mr. Clark
advised he would research the issue to see if it was an option for self-check. Dr. Hayden-
Adeyemo thought there should be an option and it would be a better use of the software
which can help drive programming. Chair Levine suggested moving this item to another
meeting. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo believed they should try to get everything they can out of
the software purchased and she feels it can be used to push out surveys and to get better
reports. See if there is a way to use the self-check software to push ideas or topics to
patrons to see if there is interest. Mr. Clark explained the software does a lot of things
and the self-checks do too as well, but the software does not have a mechanism to ask
questions. If they need a survey, Ms. Green handles them. She had conducted a survey
about programming and topics of interest which is used before rolling out new
programming. They cover a broad range of topics and skill sets. When they did the
mental health program, they brought in people from the outside who had experience and
professional background to work with youth in this area. In this instance, attendance was
driven with a connection with a teacher who was an AmeriCorps tutor and personal
connections help.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
May 2021 Monthly Report
Mr. Clark noted several increases transparent language sessions have more people
learning foreign languages. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked when reviewing the statistics,
what the red parenthesis mean. Mr. Clark explained that was the budget, not the monthly
IX. Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting — July 28, 2021
Craig announced the next meeting.
There was no information about when the Library sign will be put up, but Mr. Clark will
keep the Board apprised.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 23, 2021
X. Adjournment
Ms. Karten moved to adjourn. Mr. Feldman seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist