SATURDAY, NOVE~ER 8, 1 975 AT 2 :O0 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Simon Ryder
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Warren Bushnell,
Acting Bldg. Official
James Smoot,
Planning Consultant
Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 2:06 P. M. He
took roll call and announced that Col. Trauger was eEeused on
account of a business engagement on the west coast.
He informed the members that he was not able to prepare an
agenda, but spoke to Mr. Smoot during the week and he has
some things ready. However, the main purpose of this meet-
ing refers to an annexation program after having received a
presentation at the last regular meeting requesting annexa-
tion. He also obtained Resolution 74-L with its attached
Exhibit A, They must get this thing straightened out with the
advice of Mr. Smoot. He then referred to the City Council
meeting on Tuesday night and a motion being made by Vice
Mayor DeLong and approved by the City Council requesting the
City Attorney to give this Board something in writing on this.
The State statute pertaining to this was called to his atten-
tion after the meeting and he obtained copies and gave one to
each member. He then requested Mr. Smoot to make his presen-
Mr. Smoot stated he thought he could summarize the problems
with annexation. He informed the Board that he talked to
.Assistant City Attorney Robert Federspiel and also Roger
Saber~son, the City Attorney for Delray Beach. They explained
to him how the three statutes were messed up. Mr. Federspiel
advised him that the Board could do absolutely nothing as far
as annexation is concerned until the two city attorneys can
get together and find out what can be done legally. He con-
curs with this, as he would, not like to see a precedent es-
tablished. He requested the Board to hold anything regarding
annexation in abeyance regardless how good or how bad it is.
He suggests not even considering any applications for annexa-
tion. He believes Mr. Federspiel, through ~M. Simon, will
communicate these remarks to the City Council.
NOVEMBER 8, 1975
Mr. Ryder questioned what they could tell an applicant and
Chairman Kelly replied that they did not have to say anything
and he referred to the flow chart. Mr. Walker referred to
the application coming up. Mr. Smoot gave an exampl~ of a
piece of property zoned agriculture in the reserve area and
the county land use plan showing a m~e contrary to the City
plan. He then pointed out that the whole thing was pivotal
on land use.
Mr. Rossi referred to annexation having gone in, which possi-
bly could have been illegal and he referred to Greenacres.
Mr. Smoot agreed that Greenacres started this whole mess, but
they are saddled with it. The problem is when Greenacres
did all this annexation, the bill had not been amended on the
second amendment and he explained. He continued that in the
meantime, the State passed the Comprehensive Planning Act and
this City is in the process of complying with it. Mrs. Huckle
asked if it was up to the Florida Legislature to unravel all
this and Mr. Smoot informed her that they were about to pass
anothe~amendment. However, they must CmOme up with an interim
procedure to give the applicant and the City a fair shake.
Chairman Kelly asked if he suggested an interim procedure and
Mr. Smoot he advised Mr. Federspiel that he would
give input
Chairman Kelly then read Florida Skate Statute 171.062, Para-
graph 2, Page 147. Mr. Smoot pointed out that even if the
applicant wanted to increase the density, he could not by
statute. This law i~ this particular section was written
prior to the Comprehensive Planning Act. It was w~ten
primarily because only seven counties in the State had zon-
ing codes. Mrs. Huckle asked when the Comprehensive Planning
.Act was passed by the Florida Legislature and Mr. Smoot in-
formed her it was one year old and requires compliance by
~979o Mr. ~der stated that the City Attorney must come up
with an interim plan and the City Council should be notified.
Mr. Smoot stated that he believed the City Attorneys were
muddle~ and he told about Mr. Saberson being involved in it
and he suggested that Mr. Federspiel get together with him.
Mr. Ryder stated that this should particularly be brought to
the City Council,s attention. Chairman Eelly stated if the
Board agreed, he would present a memo to the City Council
giving a synopsis of this presentation. Mr. Smoot suggested
requesting that an interim procedure be suggested by the City
Mr. Smoot continued that he did not disagree with annexation,
hut he explained how it must be considered thoroughly. He
then referred to short term costs and how he believed the
developer or applicant should pay for them and the City must
acknowledge there are long term costs and responsibilities.
NOVEF~R 8, 1975
Chairman Kelly informed him that this system has been followed
during the past few years and Mr. Smoot replied that some costs
have been missed.
Mr. Rossi summarized that if they take action now based on
the present law, they may be wrong. They are talking about
zoning in reference to how the County and City sees how it
looks. Also, in annexation,, they should realize what they
should get with it. The people with large areas applying
should pay their share of the costs. Mr. Smoot replied that
it was not a question, although it is questionabl~, what con-
ditions the City must apply to all annexations. The question
is what does the statute say regarding their annexing.
Rossi asked if there was any time involved and ~r. Smoot re-
plied that he had asked Mr. Federspiel and he had no idea.
However, he does want to ,ask what are the penalties if they
do it wrong.
Chairman Kelly referred to The Meadows annexation, which was
zoned asaa PUD, and asked if this was a valid application.
Mr. Smoot replied that it depended what the PUD ordinance
stated regarding density. The statute states they may not
increase or decrease the units as approved by the County.
Mr. Rossi referred to the rules governing PUDSs in the County
and questioned if the man was relieved from this set of rules?
Mr. Smoot replied that he. believed this was annexed because
they were having difficulties obtaining sewers and water. Mr.
Rossi asked what would happen if this applicant came to the
Board next week with Plat #1 and rM. Bushnell informed the
Board that they had just inquired last Thursday advising that
the property was changing hands and ~ked if the PUD still
applied. He added that i~t was annexed under the City PUD.
Mr. Rossi asked if a given set of plans or documents was
attached to the resolution when p~ssed and rM. Bushnell re-
plied: yes. Mr. Smoot asked if the County Plan reflected the
City PUD and Mrs. Huckle gave him the PUD ordinance. Mr.
the Meadows plat and ~M.
man was wor~ng with only
60 acres of the property and it would be coming in pieces
since it is hhanging hands.
Mr. Smoot informed them when a PUD, zoning, variance, etc. is
granted, it runs with the land. Chairman Kelly referred to
the possibility of this 60 acres constituting the commercial
area of this PUD. Mrs. HUckle referred to having a certain
set of rules with this prescribed piece of land and if it
changes, it must come back before this Board and the City
Council. ~. Smoot added that if the new owner did not go
along with the original proposal, then he would have to re-
apply. Chairman Kelly referred to having a commercial piece,
but only as part of the PUD. ~. Rossi explained how he
worked withtthe Leisureville PUD. Mrs. Huckle pointed out
NOVEM~ER 8, 1975
that it had come in piece by piece and they had control over
it. Mr. Rossi~suggested checking the resolution which brought
The Meadows into the City.
Mr. Smoot referred to the PUD ordinance and read Section 7,
Paragraph H, Article 7, pertaining to neighborhood commer-
cial uses. He informed them that the County code specifi-
cally states these commercial uses. They must ~n~ow the uses
in order to create a traffic pattern.
Mr. Rossi referred totthe annexation of The Meadows agai~
and asked if a represemtative from the County was present at
that time to give input and Chairman Kelly replied: mo. Mr.
Smoot informed them that it was approved By the Commty, but
evidently the Board did mot kmOw of the Commty plan at the
time of the annexation. Mr. Rossi s~ated he believed the
City should stick to the requirements made at that time and
Chairman Kelly agreed. He added that he would get a copy of
this res~lutiom for each member.
Mr. Smoot referred to the PUD ordinance and read Article 10,
Section 10, Paragraph B-3, third subsection, pertaining to
the reverting of the PUD in a period of 18 months. He also
read Article 11, which did not state whether it covered the
entire area. He stated he didn't see where the density was
controlled in the PUD ordinance and M~o Rossi informed him
that the density went back to LUI. Mrs. Huckle added that it
was regulated by the zoning code.
Chairman Kelly stated he thought they covered annexation. They
have been advised they should not c~nsider ~y annexation ap-
plications until the atmosphere is cleared by the City Attor-
ney as per the preliminary comference between Mr. Federspiel
and Mr. Smoot. He stated that he would meet with ~. Smoot
to formulate a memo to the City Council advising of this.
Mr. Bushnell referred to the annexation in process for the
Cogen property and Mr. Smoot replied that he didn't see how
this could be processed until this was settled. Mrs. Huckle
suggested taking this off the table at the nex$ regular meet-
ing ~ formulating it this way to do it properly. The mem-
bers agreed.
Mr. Smoot imformed the Board that he talked to Mr. Federspiel
in reference to the Board of Adjustment non-conforming ~ec-
tion. It is in his hands for the final draft, it will be
available for the Board's regular meeting on Wednesday night,
He suggests that the Board include it on the agenda for dis-
cussion, tf they elect to accept it as written or suggest
amendments, he suggests that it then be scheduled for public
hearing. He would li~e to have it resolved, so the City
Council will be aware they are making progr~ss~im!~this.
OVEMB~IR 8, 1975
Mr. Smoot then referred to the attached front sheet outlin-
ing a flow chart for re-zoning. The attached four pages are
the discussions of what he believes should occur in the pro-
cess of re-zoning. The last item (9) is a note that he should
discuss this further with the City Attorney. He then passed
out copies to the members.
Mr. Smoot then referred to the request beginning with the
owner, agent or Planning & Zoning Board. He pointed out
that the City Council may not originate a re-zoning request,
but may request this Board to do so. The City Council may
not initiate er act on a re-zoning without going to this
Board. He then explained the requirements for the forms to
be submitted.and processed. He explained the procedure for
meetings and hearings per the chart.
Mrs. Huckle asked why the recormmendation must be made to the
City Council with~60 days and ~. Smoot replied that he be-
lieve2 the City should process any application it receives as
quickly as possible. He explained how applications were post-
poned in Delray Beach. Mrs. Huckle asked who it would go back
to if the Board did not make a recommendation within 60 days
and Mr. Smoot replied that if the Board did not arrive at a
decision within the prescribed time, it went to the City
Council as being approved. F~s. Huckle referred to their
present procedure and questioned who would take it to the City
Council and Mr. Smoot replied that if the item was not passed,
it must be communicated to the City Council. Mrs. Huckle
asked who would keep track of this 60 dsy limit and Mr. Smoot
replied that he believed the applicant would keep track and
Chairman Kelly added that they must be dated.
Mr. Smoot continued with reading Page I of the discussion of
the re-zoning procedure.
M~. Smoot then read Page 2. Chairman Kelly suggested that the
Building Department obtain a receipt if they returned the
whole package and ~. Smoot replied that it was not needed.
Chairman Kelly suggested attaching a memo when returning, so
they would have a copy for their files.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the processing and questioned if it
wasnnecessary for re-zonings to be reviewed by the T.R.B. and
C.A.B. and Mr. Smoot replied that he thought they should be.
Mrs. Huckle asked if this was a change from their present
system and ~M. Bushnell replied that it was a complete change.
Mrs. Huckle stated that re-zoning previously only came to,this
Board, but site plans went to the other boards. Mr. Smoot
referred to the time taken by this Board at meetings trying
to find information. He added that he thought it was good
public relations to do it this way. He also stated that he
NOVEMBER 8, 1975
included the County, as communications are a two way street
and the cities should notify the County of what is going on.
In doing this, the County will be quick to respond in refer-
ence to rights-of-way.
Mr. Smoot continued with Paragraph (3) on Page 2 and stated
he expects the Building Department to summarize the comments
from the T.R.B. and County on one sheet. He assumes the re-
sponses that are contradictory ~ill be worked out.
M~. Smoot continued with reading Paragraph (4) and stated the
municipal services would be fire, police, water, trash, sewers,
schools, etc. M~. Bushnell questioned if schools should be
included and Mr. Smoot replied that schools were definitely
an issue and explained. Mr. Smoot continued with explaining
how full consideration must be given to the extension of a
sewer trunk line.
Mr. Rossi referred to having had several applications that
warranted a traffic impact analysis and asked if the T.R.B.
should take care of this? Mr. Smoot replied that he would
comment on this. This procedure goes up to a point. He
also will submit to the members copies of the re-zoning ap-
plication form. However, he doesn't know exactly how to re-
quire a traffic impact study as they can't do it in all uses.
How does the applicant know if he would qualify in submitting
this report? He explained how the County had a different
code with special exceptions, but require a public hearing
and the staff is permitted to require certain studies and
reports to validate their requests. ~. Rossi replied that
they could probably establish something. Mr. Smoot replied
that the County has a very well qualified group of people,
who would be glad to help in this regard. Mrs. Huckle asked
if this was the proper place to include this and Mr. Smoot
replied that this is not the way the code will come out, as
he will give this to the City AttOrney and request a clear
form of it. Mrs. Huckle remarked that they are always run-
ning into difficulties with finding the right things in the
right place. Mr. Smoot informed her that the thrust of these
four pages and the flow chart was to try to systemize the
process so the Board and applicant knows what is happening.
Mr. Smoot continued with reading Paragraph (5) on Page 2 and
Page 3. Mr. Smoot explained that the wor~kshop meeting was
for their information. He stated he was referring to public
hearings and the need for a workshop meeting prior to it.
They can have a wor~hop meeting at any time, but he thinks
they should have them. The Building Official should notify
the Chairman and judge whether it is necessary tohhold a work-
shop meeting. The members discussed whether regularly scheduled
workshop meetings were necessary and ~r. Smoot pointed out how
they ha~ other things to discuss, like today, and the regularly
scheduled meetings should be for processing applications.
NOVEMBER 8, 1975
Mr. Smoot continued with reading Page 3 and after Paragraph
(10), he commented that the agenda should be solidified at
the end of the workshop meeting. Mrs. Huckle stated that
this meant that they must have a workshop meeting. She asked
if they did~,t have a workshop meeting, what would be the cut-
off date for the agenda? Mr. Smoot agreed that they must have
a shut-off date for the agenda and also referred to lomg dis-
cussions taking place at regular meetings which could be taken
care of at workshop meetings. He suggested adding a paragraph
that in the absence of a workshop meeting, the agenda would
be closed one week prior to the regular meeting. Mrs. Huckle
pointed out that they have made additions by polling the mem-
bers and Mr. Smoot replied that he didn't think this was
good, as they discuss the matter. Mr. Smoot added that if
there were a~ministrative matters to be brought up by Mr.
Bushnell, possibly they could be considered at the end of
the aganda. Mrs. Huckle stated that occasionally there is
an administra or did previously
which should be She think the appli-
cant should be penalized. The members discussed how the City
Council had a cut-off date for their agenda. Mr. Smoot also
referred to the public Re added that if a
person did walk in wi
call a workshop meeting for
stated he would
ified one week
matte~, they could always
next day. The members all
Mr. Smoot them referred to Paragraph (11) and informed the
Board that they must discuss sPecifically why it is being
postponed and it must be piostponed to a specific date.
Mr. Smoot continued with reading Paragraph (1) under Public
Hea~ing and pointed out if there was an error by their previ-
ous action, it could be handled here.
F~. Smoot continued with reading Page 4, Paragraph (2) and
informed them that the City Clerk must give them the notifi-
cation from the newspaper a~d the Chairman would then return
it to the City Clerk.
Mr. Smoot continued with reading Page 4 and informed them
that he put the Building Department last for recommendations
i~ because the applicant or people by their testimony could
cause the City's recommendation to change to some degree.
Mr. Smoot continued and referred to the previous school appli-
cation and informed tham that the zoning law states that
schools must be permitted. A school is a school and they
cannot differentiate between private and public. If a public
school is permitted, a private school must be permitted scud
he explained. Mrs. Huckle informed him that this was not
specifically spelled out in the code and they could not act.
Mr. Smoot replied that a school could be run by the County,
City, or private individual.
NOVE~J~BER 8, 1975
Mr. Smoot continued with remding the remaining paragra?hs on
Page 4. He added that they must have statements of why they
are approving or denying an application. He also pointed out
that when an application as received, they must study that
area, look at the map, consider the need, etc. They must
look at the immediate demand capabilities.
Mx. Rossi referred back to their discussion of a PUD and
stated that this must also be resolved and he requested Mr.
Smoot's input. He gave an exampl~ of the possibility of
there being a need for R-1 instead of R-IA or R-1AA and hav-
ing a nice plan presented~with a green area and trees, etc.
He pointed out this was between a PUD and zoning and ques-
tioned if they could give R-l? Mr. Smoot replied that they
have always thought of zoning rather than land use planning.
The orange book is their guide for the future. This example
could relate in an implied way since it is single family.
Possibly they could required that the applicant supply an
economic analysis if the zoned change is for a less restric-
tive classification. He gave a~ example of property in Boca
Raton which the city wanted to change from commercial to re-
sidential. He also explained how PUD's originated. He
would prefer not to do it to a subdivision process, but
w~ite a PUD that would not allow more people, satisfy needs
and have control by the City. He would prefer to throw out
the present PUD and re-write it. There would be a lot more
open space ~d they would have more conmervation and the City
would have a greater to have the developer change
designs. Mr. Rossi to Mr. Smoot's explanation of
how ~UD~s originated and pointed out that this applied to
Condominiums, but now they were leaning towards the building
of single family homes. H!e doesn't think the PUD would apply
as wsll to single family homes. ~. Smoot replied that it
could apply to single fami~ly development and they could con-
trol height, eto. They can do PUD in R-1AA~, but would have
controls in size of living! area, height, etc., but would
eliminate the lot area requirement and setbacks. ~. Rossi
referred to the possibility of having an applicant with a
nice presentation with going down one zone and showing a
curvilinear layout with more lots. He asked if the Board
could take aCtion? Mr. Smoot referred to the code and asked
if he thought it was ~reasonable in open space and Mr. Rossi
replied that as compared with the County in single f~mily,
an umusmally large area must be provided.~ Mr. Smoot told
about a single family subdivision in Boca Raton which more
than complied with the city PUD in open space and had no
problem. He stated that one of the basic advantages to the
builder of a PUD is the economy of the buildings, streets,
length of pipe, sidewalk and a single family design is still
maintained. ~. Ryder rema~ed that they ended up with in-
adequate setbacks.
Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting at 4:28 P. M.
Boynton Beach
P&Z workshop
November 8, 1975
Draft No. 1
(Narrative Form)
Boynton Beach
P&Z Workshop
November 8, ~ ~'~-75
Draft No. 1
Since the current practice is to receive the rezoning
forms from the city Clerk and since that department
is charged with the certification of all city doc-
uments, i% is suggested that the practice continue.
However, %he Clerk shall only-provide the prospective
applicant with the necessary number of forms and
whatever other basic information the applicant needs
for an understanding of the information requested.
Under no circumstances should the Clerk attempt to
offer judgments as to the veracity of the application
or offer interpretations of the Zoning Code. Should
the applicant require an interpretation, the matter
shall be referred to the Building Department.
Once~the applicant-has returned with the required
number of completed applications~nd attachments,-
the Clerk shall stamp the time and date the appli-
cation is received. The applicant shall be informed
that unless the Building Department has notified
him in writing within two (2) weeks from that date,
the request for rezoning shall be heard by the Plann-
ing and Zoning Board on day and month and at
time. Said'information shall be placed upon-
all copies of the application~for inter-departmental
The Clerk shall distribute two (2) copies of the
application to the Building Department for certi-
fication review. While the Building Department
is performing its assigned function, the Clerk
shall spot check the accompanying "Property Owners'
List" and ~
The fee f ~
the Cle~'
be cf
Boynton Beach
P&Z Workshop
November 8, !5 '5
Draft No. 1
Page 2.
The applicant sP~ll revise the application as
directed by the letter from the Building Department
and shall resubmit same to the City Clerk, noti-
fying that department that it is a resubmission.
The Clerk shall reactivate the file and process
in the normal fashion. A copy of the original
although faulty application shall remain in the
file for record purposes.
Once again the applicant shall be informed of the
possibility that the application will not be certi-
fied and should also be informed of the public
hearing date of the Planning and Zoning Board should
the application be certified.
The Building Department shall prepare a form which
summarizes the thrust of the rezoning request also
noting the probable date Of. the public hearing.
A distribution shall be made to all members of the
Techhica! Review Board (with a response time so
noted), to'the chairman of the Community Appearance
Board, and to the Planning, Zoning and Building
Depar'tme~t of Palm Beach County as well as to the
Land Development Division of the County Engineering
Department for record or response purposes.
The Building Department shall coordinate all responses
incorporating same into the file together with a
summary recommendation from the Building Department.
Boyn%on Beach
P&Z Workshop
~J~-~m~ 8, 197
Draft No. !
Page 3,
(5) (e)
A coN of the Zoning Code and the Subdivision
The Planning and Zoning Board sh~!! fami!arize %hem-
sei%~es with each appiica%ion and the recommendations
of the ~rious ~
c~uy departments. Prior to the
begim~ing of ~he meeting, %he Building Department
sh~i! distribute %0 each member an informaqionai
package which shall include the following:
A copy of the sum~mary recommendation;
Copies of the various depar~menta! recommen-
A copy of the form ~-hich summarizes the
thrust of th~ request~ and,
A copy of a locationa! drawing.
The purpose of the ~orkshop is for informational
~rposes ~~ The Board as a whole or as individuals
shall no~ express appro~ral or denial of any of the
Discussion f~om the floor sh~!! not be permit%ed
unless the Chairman or any member of the Board requests
additional information or clarification from
app_mcant. The applicant sh~!l not be permit%ed
%o argue the merits of the ~ppiication nor shall any
member phrase informational questions begging ~n
argument. Men,ers of the public sh~l! also be
governed by %he same rule.
Aside from t~ose items %ha% have been scheduled~
public hea~n~ ~v ~h~ £i~ Clerk and those items
not requ~
Boynton Beach
P&Z Workshop
November 8, 1975
Draft No. 1
Page 4.
The proof of publication shall be presented authenicat-
the validity of the noticed public hearings. Further
reference to said noitce is not necessary.
sinCe the Board has been made aware of the background
information on each petition~and since each member
has a complete informational package, the BuildinG
Department shall briefly discuss for the public
present the following~
Using the Zoning Map previously discussed
at the workshop, the property to be rezoned
shall be identified as to location and exist-
ing zoning; ~
The nature of the request should be explained
to th~ public as should the surrounding
zoning and land uses~ and,
Should there be other exhibits explaining
the request, they shall be located for
later public comment.
Arguments from the applicant may now be heard and
additional exhibits, documents, and testimony may
be referred to. It is suggested that the applicant
be asked to coordinate his presentation at the outset
so informing the Board as to ~{ho his speakers shall
Questions and statements from the public may now b~~
taken. Caution is advised here against allowing
the public from arguing with the applicant or he w~th
them. The purpose of the hearing is to hear from the
public, but this can be carried to rather a~k%-ard extremes
the Board i~
a dec~
- I
SUBIECT: Annexation Guidelines
I Nov. 6. 1975
The City Council at their regular meeting of November 4,
1975 directed that you'prepare.for the Planning and Zoning
Board guidelines' for annexation indicating specifics to
upgrade the existing annexation ordinance. P!ease.take
appropriate action. .
~ E R. L Y ~:): Fr~~'~ '.a~er - '
--~- '' c~9.~elly,~ --C~ira~/n of Planning & ' Zoning Board (with encl.)
- "In.lmy: discus~fons: with Joe KellsrT--h~i~fformed me that the only question to be
.arified in the Planning and Zoning Board's mind is whether~or not the Board's recommendation
to annexation should include its recommendation as to the zoning classification for the
The present guidelines set forth in Resolution No. 74-L include the applicant's
of the proposed zoning. Th~refor~:..~the application is submitted to the Board for
tudy and recommendation'~ it would appear that the Council wishes the Board's recomm~ndatio~
: to the total application. If the City C~ncil desires otherwise, the question should be
arified by CounciL. by revising the guidelines set forth in Resolution No. 74-L.
In addition, I have furnished Mr. Kelly with copies of Sec. 171.062, Florida Statute~ ~opy
tached hereto, regarding adherence to the county land-use plan. I would suggest tha~ the
application be amended to include the applicant's statement of the present county
'~ in order t~hat appropriate, consideration is to the ~.estrictions in sec. 171.Q62,F.S.
Ernest G.$~mon, City Attorney
co..,~c....oo.~.. ,.~. ,,=3= .'-- 'TH~5 COPY FO~ P~$ON ADDRESSSD -