TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Halter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Enrico Rossi
Simon Ryder
Oris Walker (Arrived 7:37 P. M.)
Warren Bushnell,
Acting Bldg. Official
James Smoot,
Planning Consultant
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:31P. M. and
welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present to the first regu-
lar meeting in October of the Planning & Zoning Board.
Chairman Kelly introduced the members of the Board; Mr. Smoot,
Professional Planner engaged to assist the Board; and Mr.
Bushnell, Acting Building Official. He acknowledged approxi-
mately 13 people present in the audience and announced they
did not have any outstanding visitors to introduce, so would
proceed with the agenda.
Minutes o_f~ptembe~..9, 197~
Chairman Kelly stated that these minutes were tabled because
at the subsequent meeting, they did not have ~ quorum present.
He ascertained they still did not have a quorum present;
therefore, these minutes would have to remain on the table.
Minutes of Septem~er23__z~1975
Col. Trauger made a motion to accept the Minutes of Tuesday,
September 23, 1975, as presented. Mrs. Castello seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Minutes of_October 6~ 197__5
Mr. Rossi referred to Page 9, about mid-way down the page,
where he compared the 7½ to 6 ft. side sethmCk. He stated
this 1½ ft. over the present 6 ft. would "not" make a con-
siderable difference.
.~ ~i~J TES
OCTOBER 14, 1975
Mrs. Castello referred to Page 10 and questioned if it was
proper to sell a variance to build on a 50 ft. lot to a
builder and ~. Ryder explained that the variance went with
the land.
Col. Trauger moved to accept the Ninutes of October 6, 1975,
as amended by Mr. Rossi. ~. Ryder seconded the motionl
Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Nalker arrived at this time at 7:37 P. Mo
Chairman Kelly referred to having set the reconvening of the
special meeting at 8:00 P. M. and asked the pleasure of the
Board, in proce~d~g with the agenda. After discussion, it
was agreed to move to item No. 2.
Bernard's Res_ · ~ ~_-taurant Fz~let~er pro er~_~?30 ~N,_F_e~d_e_.r_al Hw~
Mr. Bushnell referred to the previous meeting when the Board
requested a survey be presented together witha legal descrip-
tion of the lease and drawings outlining the limits of the
property under the lease. He informed the members that these
were available now.
Chairman Kelly identified the property ~or the benefit of the
audience. ~. Rossi added that it was a site plan review
showing certain intended additions to be made to this build-
ing and he explained the additional information requested by
the Board.
M~. Bushnell informed the members that everything was in
order and explained the survey showing the property and
limits. He pointed out where the lease line had been ex-
tended and additional parking provided for the employees.
He also pointed out where they did away with the cut. He
added that the parking had been increased from the required
93 spaces to 104 spaces. The members reviewed and discussed
the plan.
Col. Trauger moved to recommend to the City Council the appro-
val of the initial site plan for Bernard's Restaurant,
Fletcher Property, 1730 North Federal Highway. Mr. Walker
seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Ab~_a~._~0_~m_~nt ~f Alley S~hel. ton .,P~..0Perty
Chairman Kelly stated that at long last, he thought every-
thing was in order for this application. ~. Bushnell agreed
OCTOBER 14, 1975
and stated that the one missing document up until today was
a legal description of the existing alley and a legal descri?
tion of the proposed easement, both of which are on hand now.
Chairman Kelly read the legal description of the subject
right-of-way. ~. Rossi asked if the City Engineer reviewed
it and Mr. Bushnell replied that the City Engineer prepared
~M. Ryder referred to having the matter of abandonments of
City owned property in the future and the possibility of
financial considerations. He feels this should be brought
to the attention of the City Council. This was discussed
and Mr. Smoot gave examples of how they could barter with
people if 2here was a reason to barter. Mr. Ryder remarked
that normally they don't convey City property to a private
individual. Mr. Smoot pointed out that in the bulk of cases,
it is not City owned property; they have the right to use it,
but do net own the underlying land. Col. Trauger questioned
who inherited the mineral rights in this abandoned easement
and Chairman Kelly informed him that this would be a legal
question and they should not consider this at this time.
Mr. Walker moved to recommend to the City Council that the
request for the abandonment of the Shelton alley and taking
of the easement as recorded b~ granted. Col. Trauger seconded
the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Reconvene to the ~pe3~al Meeti. . n~ of Tuesd~ay~, October
Chairman Kelly noted that there were now present approxi-
mately 35 people in the audience. He continued that those
who were present at the previous meeting were aware there
was some statistical work to be done and ~. Smoot has done
this. He then asked M~Smoot to explain.
~M. Smoot stated that last Thursday, he went to the City
Clerk's office and requested certain data from her regard-
ing Laurel Hills~ 4th and 5th Additions. He got a copy of
the plats for the two additions and they pulled all the
Droperty owners, files in the two additions. The study
looked at several bits of data. Essentially he ~Tote down
the lots that were owned and in many cases, people owned one
lot and adjacent property. He was concerned where the owner
resided, whether in Boynton Beach or elsewhere and noted this.
He also looked at the parcel frontage which the person owned.
He was also interested in the lot depth, but only as a point
of information. He also was interested whether there was a
building and when it was built. He also wrote down the valu-
ation of the land improvements. He read the study regarding
Laurel Hills, 4th Addition, Lots 145-220, as attached and ex-
OCTOBER 14, 1975
Pk. Smoot continued that the pe~ople present previously indi-
cated in their estimation that they would probably find es-
tates there. He did not find that, but found surprising
statistics. There are 55 parcels in Laurel Hills, 4th Addi-
tion. The most lots owned are in 50 ft. frontage. He read
the various frontage measurements of lots. The numbersof
50 ft. lots was interesting to him for two reasons. He first
referred to how many of these lots were owned by single owners
and explained how even though being substandard, they consti-
tuted a legal bUilding site. He then explained how an amend-
ment was being considered making an owner with two adjoining
substandard lots requiring them to mak~ one b. uilding site.
He continued that of the 27 lots with a 50 ft. frontage, 3
are improved and 24 do not have a house. Of the 24, there
are 8 or 4 pai~s of 2 owned by an individual, which would be
one building site. He then referred to a builder being men-
tioned at the previous meeting and according to his records,
this builder has built 9 houses and owns I vacant lot. He
does not see where this particular builder is building half
the subdivision. The number of possibilities to combine 50
ft. to meet R-1AA he believes to be only valid in the 4 pairs
Mr. Smoot then referred to Laurel Hills, 5th Addition, Lots
221-352 and explained the Ownership Study attached. There
are 86 parcels. Of the parcels, 30 of them are less then 75
ft. in frontage or 40%. Some people live on 100 ft. lots or
two 50 ft. lots. The highest category was 23 parcels with
100 ft. lots. 45% of the vacant lots are substandard. In
this category, he does not find any pairing. One person
owns one lot. There is a very high number of people owning
the 50 ft. lots which do not live in Boynton Beach. Most
live out of the City and most live in the Northeast or Great
Lakes area of the country. He asked how ma~y of the people
in the audience came from this area and several raised their
hands. He then asked how many owned their lot prior to com-
ing here and then contracted with a builder to 'build and
one person responded. Mr. Smoot remarked that he assumed
the remaining bought their house on. the lot. He continued
that as far as the lot patterns were concerned, the 5t~h
addition has deeper and wider lots. He added that he found
that the developer switched lots around on the corners and
~. Smoot stated that as far as he was concerned, he would
give his recommendations after hearing from the Board mem-
bers and oeople in the audience. He thinks the non-conform-
zng .problems wml~ not be as severe as they anticipated and
possibly the degree of the problem might be modified to a
certain exten~.
OCTOBER 14, 1 975
Mr. Ryder asked if everything was platted in Laurel Hills
and~ Mr. Smoot replied that he just checked the 4th and 5th
Addition plats. Mr. Bushnell added that those parcels which
were unplatted will have to be platted within the zoning
regulations. Mr. Walker asked if the substandard lots would
also have to comply with the code and ~. Smoot replied: yes,
with two exceptions: the lot frontage ~ud area dimension.
He gave an example of people buying a lot several years ago
and now having adjacent lots built upon and how the change in
the law affected him. Mr. Walker referred to the 3 lots
listed with 55 and 54 ft. frontages and clar~f~e~ ' ~ that a house
could be placed on these lots with the standard R-1AA side
yards if he requested a variance from the Board of Adjustment.
Col. Trauger pointed out that the study more or less substan-
tiated what the people stated at the last meeting in support
of R-~AA zoning. Mr. Smoot agreed, particularly in the 5th
Addition and explained with reference to the 23 - 100 ft.
frontage lots, etc.
~s. Williams appeared before the Board and stated she was
resident of Leisureville and owns property in Laurel Hills.
She is one of the original owners and has been paying ta~es
for 25 years and now cannot put two houses on these two lots.
She has lots with 140 ft. frontage in the 5th Addition. She
asked if she could se~lthese as two 70 ft. ~ots? How can
people who just bought propertyiin the past two years put
houses on 50 ft. lots? ~. Smoot clarified that she owned
Lots 301, 302 and the north 40 ft. of Lot 300. He informed
her that there is a paragraph in the original draft of the
zoning code now in effect that states if you own two lots
with continuous frontage and both are substandard, you can-
not sell them separately. However, it was not put in the
new code and was deleted through an error. It is a proposal
which he has r~ade to be included in an amendment to the new
code. Between now and then, she could sell these as two 70
ft. lots. Also, the City Council may elect not to pass this
amendment. Mrs. Williams continued that after paying taxes
for 25 years, the City now decides it is illegal. Chairman
Kelly suggested that she wait and appear before the City
Council. Mrs. ~illiams asked how come people were putting
houses on 50 ft. lots? They got variauces to build.
Smoot informed her that the procedure the City has followed
in the past is if you have a lot which is substandard, you
had to ac~quire additional property to bring it up to stan-
dard or go before the Board of Adjustment. He e~plained how
his proposed amendment had to go before this Bo~d and the
City Council. M~. Bushnell pointed out that it was a ques-
tion of the zoning selected. If R-lA zoning was recommended,
she would be able to split her lots.
OCTOBER 14, 1975
Mr. Harold Werger stated his name and his address as 719
N. W. 7th Court. He informed the Board that he was speak-
ing for all the people who signed the petitions and they are
about 80 to 9~ of the property owners in Laurel Hills,
Laurel Hills was in 50 ft. lots and most of the people bought
l½ or 2 lots. Only the builders who have bought a string of
lots want the zoning changed. The home owners want the zoning
to remain and want all of Laurel Hills zoned R-1AA. He re-
ferred, to the last meeting when the Board stressed that the
houses built to the R-lA specifications would be non-conform-
lng. They disagree and he told about this condition being
brought to court in Cleveland, Ohio. This is the first City
to have non-confforming houses. If this Board is persistent
in labeling their houses as non-conforming, they will band
together to get their taxes lowered as it makes the value
Mr. Smoot replied that he was not going to argue whether the
tax appraiser appraised the homes at 100% or not. He referred
to his study and stated he did not seek toffind out whether
or not any particular building or any particular lot in either
the 4th or 5th Addition was non-conforming. In order to do
so, he would have to check all the building permits or go out
in the field and measure. He gave an example of how they
could make additions to their homes if they were non-conform-
ing being on lots less than 75 ft. He added that in residen-
tial areas, the non-conformimg lots and houses are lightly
controlled, but what is heavily controlled is non-conforming
Mr. Werger continued that he has worked in many cities and
this is the first City to label, houses non-conforming. PM.
Smoot informed him that most of the surrounding cities and
Palm Beach County do have this in their zoning code. He
added that it was something which you stu~ole upon rather
than being aware of as a daily occur~ance. Practically every
City in the U. S. has a non-conforming section. Mr. Werger
questioned if a house built on a 60 ft. lot with 6 ft. side
setbacks, 35 ft. front setback and 60 ft. rear setback, could
put an addition on the front or back? Mr. 2moot replied: yes,
the way the code is drafted now.and he explained. Mr. Werger
then referred to enclosing a carport with only a 6 ft. side
setback and ~. Smoot and ~. Bushnell discussed whether this
would require an application to the Board of Adjustment. Mr.
Werger stated they should let the home owner live within the
confines of the law and Chairman Kelly agreed, as long as it
did not increase the non-conformity.
Mr. Werger then suggested that the Board should tone down the
non-conformity and call it a double zoning section. Chairman
OCTOBER 14, 1975
Kelly replied that the Board was looking at this thing logic-
ally. They are not attempting to hurt anyone. As long as
the non-conformity is not increased, they will be all right.
Mr. Bushnell added that there were two things coming out of
the present study. One points out there are vacant lots
which do not conform, but shall be considered substandard
lots and can be built on. The second thing coming out is
the question of non-conformity and how to treat it.
~. Werger continued that he bought in this section about
four years ago and most of the houses were built by builders
who bought the lots from the original owners. These lots
were sold by mail to people in the North for $400 a lot.
This is why the 50 ft. lots are mcattered around. Most of
the builders bought lots and split them to 60 ft. lots.
Most of the building has been done by builders within the
past three years. He still thinks they should hold it to
the 75 ft. frontage. When he came, the 1962 zoning was in
effect for 60 ft. and you could not buy 10 ft., but bought
a half lot. That bears out why there are 75 and 100 ft.
Mr. Rossi clarified that the reason they were discussing
Laurel Hills, Gordon Park and Glen Arbor was to decide
whether to m~e it R-lA from R-1AA. The Board thought they
were doing the proper thing, but at the last meeting, it
turned out that people wanted R-1AA to stay. As a result,
this study was made. One of the fears the people had was
that builders were going to develop a string of lots, but
this study shows there are no string of lots. ~. Smoot
agreed and pointed out that there were no more than two lots
owned by one person. Mr. Werger stated that the builders
could still buy a ~tring of vacant lots. ~. Smoot pointed
out there were two owning two lots each and he thought it
was quite possible these people were considering these as
100 ft. building sites.
Mr. Rossi referred to the last meeting when only one person
was against changing it from R-lA to R-1AA. He questioned
if there was anyone in the audience now who would like to
see it remain R-tA instead of R-1AA? Chairman Kelly asked
for a show of hands from the people wanting Laurel Hills to
remain in the R-1~A classification and the majority raised
their hands.
Mr. Werger stated that it wasn, t a question of who the lot
owners were now. In the last three years, builders h~e
contacted the original lot owners and have bought three,
four or five lots a~ud that is what they are going to continue
to do. He asked how many permits had been issued to individ-
uals as compared to builders? Mr. Smoot agreed with this,
and added that three builders were involved, but he didn't
OCTOBER 14, 1 975
think it was as high as M~. WeEger claims it is. Mr.
~erger replied that probably 60 to 7~ of alltthe houses
In the last three years have been built by builders. They
will continue to do this. One builder had 28 lots. Mr.
Smoot informed him that Manor Development had 8 parcels at
75 ft. and built these homes in 1973, which exceeded the code
at that time. The R-lA zone required 60 ft. frontage and
this builder built on 75 ft. lots. M~. Werger replied that
they wanted to build the most houses on the smallest lots
they could. Chairman Kelly stated he thought M~. Smoot had
given the record of what they have done and ~. Werger
agreed~ but stated these builders will continue this way.
~. Smoot referred to ~s. Williams speaking before the
Board and being very concerned with this proposal. He
pointed out that if a developer attempted to acquire lots
in a row, they would be combined into one building st~e
and would be covered by his proposed amendment. Mr. Werger
stated that Mrs. Williams should be entitled to build on her
lot. However, he referred to original owners selling lots
and variances. Chairman Kelly informed him that a variance
went with thelland. Mr. Werger disagree~ with this. He
stated he wanted the Board tokkeep the zoning at R-~AA to
everyone buying from now on, but th~fshould not jeopardize
the original lot owners. Mr. Bushnell informed him that
they now had a system where you could not appear before the
Board of Adjustment for a variance unless you apply for a
building permit and are denied. Mr. Werger replied that it
could still be sold. Mr. Smoot informed him that in the
proposed amendment, it would be included that a variance
would last for a particular period of tim~ and he explained
how a time limit would be placed on it. Mr. Werger stated
they objected to a man getting a variance and selling it.
~M. Rossi referred to their discussions centering on Laurel
Hills and questioned if it applied to Glen Arbor and Gordon
Park? Chairman Kelly referred to their discussion with
Co,fey at the previous meeting and how he did not realize
these areas could be petitioned separately and he thought
the people in this area would agree to being R-lA.
~s. Dougherty stated her name and her address as 506 N'. W.
Sth Court. She submitted a petition to the Board from the
Gordon Park Subdivision which states they are in favor of
M~. Tom Coffey stated his name and his address as 326 Glen
Arbor Terrace. He asked what the lots listed at the bottom
of the notice would be considered for? Mr. Bushnell in-
formed him that these were tracts not platted in building
lots. These will possibly consist of eight lots if platted.
OCTOBER 14, 1975
When the time comes about, they must be platted according
to the zoning. ~. Coffey informed him that these were not
a part of any subdivision. Mr. Bushnell agreed that they
were to the north and west of him.
Mr. C. F. Stuart stated his name and his address as 825 N. W.
6th kvenue. He informed the Board that he lives in Laurel
Hills, 5th Addition, and could sit on his front porch and
count eleven houses which have been built within the past
two years. When he bought, he bought the type of lot he
thought was the type to be in that neighborhood. However,
developers are building on smaller lots now. Chairman Kelly
asked the size of his lot and ~. Stuart replied it was 83 x
124 ft. His house was not allowed on a 60 ft. lot and he had
to add a half lot. These contractors have been building on
smaller lots. Chairman Kelly informed him that they must
conform to the code. Mr. Stuart asked what the size of the
narrowest lot was and Mr. Smoot informed him that the require-
ment was 75 ft. now. If a person does not have additional
property, he must appear bef6re the Board of Adjustment.
Mm. Stuart stated that contractors were buying lots and sub-
dividing 'to their own convenience.
Mr. Ray Zompa stated his name and his address as 410 S. W.
4th Avenue. He informed the Board that he owns the two acres
in Sections 20/29. He is in favor of R-lA. ~. Bushnell
clarified that this was the area referred to by ~. Coffey
across from Glen Arbor. M~. Zompa continued that this was
always zoned for 1,O00 square feet and it would not be feasi-
ble to build in R-1A~ on 50 ft. lots.
Mr. Rossi questioned if there was a problem since they have
grouped together Laurel Hills, Glen Arbor and Gordon Park?
He referred to Glen Arbor and Gordon Park being 90%,o developed
and the opinions being expressed and the petition sub~tted
in favor of R-IA. He questioned if there was a problem to
define this demarkation line? Mr. Bushnell informed him
than Glen Arbor, Gordon Park and l~k~. Zompa's lots would be
a "L" shape from Laurel Hills. Chairman Kelly questioned if
it would be spot zoning and Mr. Bushnell replied that it
would not be as it is contiguous. The members discussed
with the audience the location of these subdivisions. Mr.
Bushnell pointed out that these areas combined would be con-
tiguous to the present R-IA area of Laurel Hills. Chairman
Kelly referred totthe people requesting all of Laurel Hills
being made R-1AA.~and the people in the audience agreed. The
members consulted the map. ~t~. Ryder as~_ed if all the people
in Laurel Hills were notified of this considered zoning change
and Chairman Kelly read the $otice as published.
OCTOBER 14, 197 5
Mr. Rossi referred to the survey indicating it would be
proper to allow R-I~ to remain for La~el Hills, 4th and
5th Additions and Mr. Smoot agreed. M~. Rossi continued
that since they have gotten response and a petition from
the people in Glen Arbor, Gordon Park and the un,letted
lots that they would like R-IA, he believes a motion is in
order. Col. Trauger agreed and stated he concurred with
the study indicating R-1AA zoning for Laurel Hills and R-IA
for the other areas. Chairman Kelly informed him that the
petition was for Gordon Park only. Mrs. Castello asked what
the ~len Arbor residents desired and the response from the
audience wasR- TM,~. Mr. Rossi suggested ~l~i~the~plat
book and ~. Bushnell stated he would get it from ~is oxfice.
Chairman Kelly declared a recess at 9~15 P. M.
meeting back to order at 9:30 P. M.
He called the
~. Smoot referred to spot zoning being a legal concept in
his opinion. It has been declared illegal primarily because
it grants .privileges to a small piece of property. It has
to be radically different. The question is how big a spot
and how small a spot. When it relates to single family, he
thinks the question of spot zoning sort of falls apar~
he believes they should use convenient zoning. Regardless
of the people here or not here, they should consider the
people of Boynton Beach. it is all single family and has
the same essential general requirements. ~ey must get
aw~y from thinking of spot zoning. They must think whether
there is a public benefit to the City and people who live and
own property there.
~@. Walker stated he consulted the plat book and would go
along with the request of Gordon Park to recommend R-lA,
but thinks the others should remain R-1AA.
Mr. Ryder stated he thought the people here tonight were
aware of the ~act that originally when they recommended
R-1AA, they felt it would be beneficial. It was only after
endorsing it ~ud recommending it to the City Council that
they were given to understand there were problems, particu-
larly with non-conformities. The R-1AA side setback is 7½
ft., R-lA is 7½ ft. and R-1 is 7½ ft. This apparently
seems to be the prime consideration. However, they now
get the indication from the people in Laurel Hills that they
want to hold onto the R-1AA in spite of being non-conforming.
However, ~.. Smoot pointed out that they still have work to
do in the future in treating non-conforming issues. They
also have th~qmestion of Mrs. Williams with the 140 ft.
parcel an~ because of R-1A~ requires a 75 ft. front. He
feels they would have to, go along with the majority because
it agrees with the original concept they had.
OCTOBFcR 14, 1975
Mrs. Castello stated she felt the sentiments expressed here
show that the two sections of Laurel Hills, as well as the
two sections of Glen Arbor, want the zoning to remain as
R-l~a. She understands Gordon Park is almost completely
developed and believes it should go back to R-lA. She
stated she would like to consult the plat bo~k first regard-
ing the unplatted area to see approximately what area it was
adjacent to. ~M. Coffey informed her that he believed the
unplatted area joined Glen Arbor and runs back towards Laurel
Hills. After consulting the plat book, ~s. Castello stated
that this area in question~ is surrounded by Glen Arbor and
therefore, she would like this particular area to remain
R-1AA. She added that Gordon Park is mostly developed and
as requested by the petition should be R-IA.
Mr. Smoot agreed with the com=~ents made by the Board members.
Gordon Park is platted and people are living there. Apparently
by virtue of submission of the petition, they believe if R-12A
remains, they would have difficulties with non-conformities.
On the unsubdivided tracts, nobody lives there~and it has not
been improved; therefore, there has been no hardship except
more lots could be given to the owner under R-1Ao R-1AA
would not crea~ a hardship though.
Col. Trauger then made the following motion:
Laurel Hills, 4th Addition, Lots 208 thru 220 incl.
Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 142,
Palm Beach County Records
Remain at R-I~~A.
Laurel Hills, 5th Addition, Lots 221 thru 283 incl.
Lots 287 thru 340 incl.
Lots 343 thru 352 incl.
Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 183,
Palm Beach County Records
Remain at R-lk~.
Glen _arbor - The Entire Subdivision
Recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 121
Palm Beach County Records
Remain at R-1A~..
Glen Arbor, Addition 1 - The Entire Subdivision
Recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 182
Palm Beach County Records
Remain at R-lkA.
Glen Arbor, Addition 2 - The Entire Subdivision
Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 103
Palm Beach County Records
Remain at ~-IAA.
OCTOBER 14, 1 975
Gordon Park S/D - The Entire Subdivision
Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 122
Palm Beach County Records
Change to R-lA.
Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 & 19, Ac. Sec. 20/29, Twp. 45 S.,
Range 43 East
Recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 20
Palm Beach County Records
Remain at R-1AA.
~s. Castello seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Walker stated he felt they only had to
re-define the borders of Gordon Park because all the other
areas are presently zoned R-1AA. The motion could be to
change Gordon Park from the present zone to R-lA. Col.
Trauger explained the reason for the motion being stated as
such was because of it being advertised in this sequence and
he wanted the motion to follow this sequence. Mr. Walker
disagreed since they are only changing the one zone. Chair-
man Kelly stated he thought it was covered by the motion.
Motion carried 5-1, with Mr. Walker voting against.
Mx. Smoot suggested to the people living in Gordon Park that
they attend the City Council meeting to view their opinion
again. M~s. Dougherty requested that a copy of her petition
be given to the City Council and M~. Bushnell replied that
he would take care of this.
Mr. Joe Barbera stated his name and his address as Lake Worth.
He informed the Board that he is a contractor and owns property
in Boynton Beach. He has no objection to the R-1AA zoning,
but feels the code is misinterpreted regarding the minimum
s~uare footage of ill-lng area which states 1,500 square feet.
He asked if this included the garage, porch, etc.? ~.
Bushnell read the present zoning regulations and explained.
M~. Smoot stated he believed the code should state minimum
floor sm~ea. Mr. Barbera continued that it was unfair for
people o~ming lots to move into a home with 1,500 square ft.
living area and with a garage and porch, it would make the
home 1,800 to 1,900 square feet. ~. Smoot explained how
the garage and porch gave credit to the l~ing area. Mr.
Barbera informed them that he has built 18 houses in Laurel
Hills and feels only 1~ meet this requirement. He thinks
relief should be given totthe minimum square footage of
living area. He thinks the coverage of the lot should be
1,500 square feet and not the home. in order tobbuild a
home under this code, even on a 75 ft. lot, he is objecting
to the 1,500 square feet of living area. Col. Trauger pointed
out that the residents were opposed to smaller homes. Mr.
Barbera stated that people con~ng here in the last ten years
have wanted small homes and they are satisfied, but what
happens to the people still coming and wanting a small house?
T-TT~ ~_
PAGE Tx .... T~EN
OCTOBER 14, 1975
Col. Trauger replied that they should move to an area which
allows this house size. Mr. Barbera asked what about the
people who have owned property for years waiting to retire
and he gave an example of people wanting smaller homes after
having lived in large homes in the North. Mr. Smoot clari-
fied that Mr. Barbera felt people from the North should be
able to buy houses 1,200 square feet and he think~ there
should be vacant lots in these areas. He informed him that
there is plenty of property in all the zones and he cannot
buy his argument as far as need. Mr. Barbera replied that
he felt a complete study of the area was not done satisfac-
torily. If it was done satisfactorily, the study would have
shown the size of the homes. ~,~. Smoot disagreed with his
reference to the study and the need and informed him that
the study was done in eight days, five working days. !~.
Barbera replied, that this was not enough time. Mr. Smoot
referred to the petition submitted asking for R-1AA to re-
main and pointed out that they also agreed to the floor
areas. The study did not pertain to f~oor areas and as a
further example he told about the subdivision where he
lives. Chairman Kelly stated he thought the majority ex-
pressed their opinions to stay at R-1AA and if people come
down and disagree, they should move to a~other area.
Rezo~ng Lets 44 and 45, Westchester Heights
N. W. Corner South Seacrest and $. w. 23rd Ave~nu~
Col. Trauger questioned how they could re-zone with the mora-
torium being in effect and Chairman Kelly replied that the
City Clerk explained to him that during the lull between the
expiration of the moratorium and the re-enactma~t of the mora-
torium, some applications came in. .Mr. Rossi questioned if
it was proper for this Board and also the City Council to
act with the moratorium be~ on? Mr. Smoot explained his
experience with the County and how they had to process appli-
cations received when the moratorium was not in effect. Mr.
Rossi suggested getting an opinion from the City Attorney
about this procedure. Chairman Kelly further explained that
the first moratorium ended September 13 and the second was
enacted on September 16. ~. Smoot pointed out that i~ it
lapsed, it did not exist. Mr. Bushnell agreed and added
that there are lapses between all periods of zoning.
The members discussed the location and Chairman Kelly added
that the southeast, southwest and northeast corners are C-1
and the application is for the northwest corner.
~/~. Donald Besecker stated his name and his address as 139
S. W. 24th Avenue. He presented a petitiOn to the Board con-
taining 28 names of property owners in Westchester Heights
OCTOBER 14, 1975
against this zoning change. He referred to spot zoning
being mentioned previously and pointed out that this would
definitely be spot zoning with changing just two parcels.
There are plenty of C-1 locations right in this area. There
are all houses surrounding this property. Also, commercial
will cause more traffic than there is now. He thinks if the
Board looks at the map, they will see the ground to the north
and west is all R-2 and goes all the way to High Point. The
members checked the map.
M~. Smoot referred to the traffic along S. W. 23rd Avenue
and stated it is great now because it affords the only com-
munication from Congress mAVenue to the hospital and to the
shopping areas. When 15th Avenue is opened, it will take
traffic away from 23rd.
Mr. James Sarno stated his name and his address as 2409
S. W. tst Street. He informed the Board that he lives
within 100 yards of this property and it is zoned R-1AA.
C-I is on the previous three corners. He served as Chair-
man of this Planning & Zoning Board for three years and
they would not change the west side of Seacrest south of
23rd to multi-family because of the traffic. After 3:00
P. M., you cannot get by any o~ these four corners. The
master plan has changed the three corners without notifica-
tion, which was just recently done. In years past, they
would not go for C-1 zone in that immediate area. The re-
cord stands from previous Boards. There is a house in the
~-IAA zone facing this corner. He referred to Mr. Smoot's
previous statement that the Board is working for the better-
ment of the people of Boynton Beach and they should not for-
get that. To chsmge this last existing corner to C-I to
conform towwhat has already been done would be wrong and
two wrongs do not make a right. Chairman Kelly informed
him that the City Council did have a public hearing when
they changed the other corners. Mr. Smoot explained how
the widening of Seacrest was planned by the County. He
also talked about single family homes being located on Sea-
crest in Delray Beach.
M~. Raymond Zompa stated his name and that he was the agent
for ~. & ~s. Schraut, the owners of this property. Ori-
ginally the property was zoned R-3. The property is adja-
cent to High Point. All the homes they are talking about
are better than 400 ft. away from this property. All the
lots on Seacrest were zoned C-1 for medicalaand professional
use because of the hospital. It is R-2 now and he was
against R-3, which it was previously, the same as the people
in High Point. He feels if he spoke at the night of the
City Council meeting, he thinks the people in High Point
would be in favor as they were in agreement with him and not
in favor of R-3. On the night of the original hearing,
OCTOB~ 14, 1975
nobody was present from Westchester Heights and they could
have opposed the three corners when they were previously
zoned. He thin~ his client is being taken advantage of in
relation to the other corners being zoned C-~.
~-~. Besecker appeared before the Board again and stated that
he thought this lot was 75 ft. He referred to ~. Smoot men-
tioning that Seacrest was going to be widened and he believes
that 23rd is also going to be widened. Chairman Kelly agreed
and referred to the four lane bridge just being put in on
23rd. M~. Smoot then explained the County thoroughfare plan.
He added that he believes the State anticipated 23rd would
be four laues in the future and that is why a four lane
bridge was put in. Col. Trauger asked if the petition was
signed by the adjacent property owners and Chairman Kelly
read the petition. Mr. Rossi added that he thought the regu-
lations called for the people located within 400 feet to be
notified. Mro Besecker informed them that everyone within
400 feet had signed the petition. ~. Rossi asked if some-
body reviewed this list of names to see whether in fact
they were within the ~00 ft. of the property and Mr. Zompa
informed them that he submitted the list. ~. Smoot asked
if it was necessary for the City Clerk to verify these names
and ~. Rossi replied that he believed it should be done in
the future. ~r. Sarno added that this was required. He
clarified that the residents in Westchester Heights within
the radius have signed the petition with all the other resi-
dents of Westchester Heights, as they are concerned about
Westchester Heights. He added that any re×payer could ap-
pear before the Bo~rd in reference to an application.
Mr. Smoot informed them that the Board must consider if
there is a need for C-1 zoning in this City and more speci-
fically in this location. The applicant states there is.
He drives this road frequently and there are msny vacant C-I
lots along this road. M~. Zompa informed him that his client
owned ten lots. When they were zoned C-1, the people had
time to complain. He referred to Mr. Smoot asking if there
was a need and pointed out that all the doctors were located
in Delray Beach. He has people ready to construct a medical
building on the eight lots south of this. The previous owner
was going to build two nice apartment houses and these same
people objected, so the City is still not getting any taxes
from this. They need doctors in this area. Mr. Smoot re-
plied'that whether the taxes were increased or decreased
was not an issue in zoning to another zone. They must con-
sider whether there is a need and if a medical building is
needed. Until they eliminate the C-1 properties at this
location, there is not a necessity. Chairman Kelly agreed
that the taxes did not make any difference and they must
consider whether there is a need.
OCTOBER 14, 1975
~. Rossi stated based on the discussion previously and the
recommendation of the Consultant Planner, he recommends to
the City Council that the application for re-zoning of the-
following property be denied~
Westchester Heights, Lots 44 and 45
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 210
Palm Beach County Records
Address - Lot #44, 103 S. W. 23rd Avenue
Lot #45, 2393 S. Seacrest Blvd.
Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-1 with Col.
Trauger abstaining. He explained his reason for abstaining
was that ~. Zompa was the first man he met when he came to
Boynton Beach. Mr. Zompa was supposed to show him an apart-
ment, but when he saw his dog he refused to do so and stomped
off with a barrage of indecent language. If he had his name
at that time, he would have reported him to the Board of
Realtors and has been looking for him for the past eight years.
Therefore, he believes he would be voting with downright hate
if he did so.
Tufo Restaurant and Amusement Center
8th Avenue and U. S. Hw~l
Mr. Bushnell explained that Mr. Tufo proposes to expand his
building, which is now a drive-in restaurant, with an addition
of a sit-down restaurant and an amusement center indoors.
The parking regulations must be set by this Board as these
classifications are not covered in the regulations. Mr.
Smoot clarified that the zoning districts provided for these
uses, but the parking section did not cover them. Somehow,
the drive-in restaurant and amusement center was left out.
Eol. Trauger asked what kind of amusements were planned? P~.
Joseph Tufo stated his n~ne and his address as 1320 S. W.
26th .Avenue. He replied that he plauned to have pinball
game machines. He continued that he was here to see what
recommendations were required for parking for these two stores
which he would like to build.
Mrs. Castello questioned the seating capacity of the indoor
restaurant and ~. Tufo replied approximately 20. M~s.
Castello asked how msny machines were to be installed and
Mr. Tufo replied that he didn't know.
At this time, the members reviewed the plans. ~. Smoot
pointed out that 15 parking spaces were shown and added that
he also owned the lot on the corner. Mr. Smoot referred to
a previous conversation with k~. Bushnell and I~. Tufo and
at that time, they estimated approximately 34 par~ng spaces
were needed and he explained how they reached this figure.
OCTOBER 14, 1975
He also pointed out that approximately 6 of the 15 spaces
shown were not acceptable, as some must back out on Route 1
and in the back, the spaces are not large enough. There are
only 9 left and the balance must be accommodated somewhere
else. He added that Mr. Tufo owns property next door where
he wants to put a miniature golf course and they have not
computed the parking requirements for this.
Mr. Tufo informed the Board that he has had this drive-in
restaurant for three years and has never had one accident
in these present parking spaces and there are room for 20
cars now. ~. Smoot agreed this might be true, but he is
talking about a totally different situation there. Ne new
plans must comply with C.A.B., T.R.B., etc. requirements.
~. Tufo requested that they give him the amount of parluing
spaces and he would discuss it with the City Council.
Col. Trauger pointed out if 34 spaces were required, there
was just not room and they could not recommend approval if
it did not comply. Chairman Kelly clarified that they were
just to recommend how' many parking spaces were required.
~. Bushnell added that Mr. Tufo was not asking the Board
to recommend anything to the City Council, but ws~ just ask-
ing guidance in the preparation of the drawings so he could
conrply and he would then come back with the drawings before
this Board for a recommendation.
Col. Trauger moved to accept Mr. Smoot's recommendation of
34 spaces being the requirement for this site. !~. Walker
seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mrs. Castello re-
quested Mr. Smoot to put on record how he arrived with the
34 spaces. ~[r. Bushnell informed them that 21 spaces were
required for the restaurant based on the floor area accord-
ing to the Southern Stands~d Building Code Occupancy Level,
2 for the drive-in and 11 for the 20 pinball machines. He
continued that there was 1,080 square feet of pinball area
and that is divided by 15 square feet per person which is
72, divide that by 3 and you get 24 spaces. Then, consider
the restaurant and ~ for the drive-in. ~. Tufo informed
him that he included the store rooms in this square footage.
Mm. Smoot replied that they would still arrive at between
30 to 40, no matter how it was split. He added that he
believed there was a lot of activity on this site and he
explained. The members discussed further whether these
uses were covered under any category. Motion carried 6-0.
Charles Clarke's B. P. Service Station
N. E. 2nd Avenue and N. E. 2nd Street ((N. W. Cornerl
Mr. Bushnell informed the Board that it involved a garage
and filling station and the owner proposes to enclose the
smaller part between the two 'buildings. It will not change
the use. He explained the location and showed the plans.
The members studied and reviewed the plans.
OCTOBER 14, 1975
Col. Trauger moved that this Board recommend to the City
Council the approval of the Charles Clarke B. P. SerVice
Station located at N. E. 2nd Avenue and No E. 2nd Street.
~s. Castello seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Lake View Haven Subdivision Platting
(Preliminary Review)
The members discussed the location. ~. Bushnell showed the
plans. He pointed out the location of the private canal.
He informed the Board that the City Engineer recommended
that if it was passed, there should be a 15 ft. drainage
easement provided at the rear of the property.
A representative from Arthur V. Strock & Associates appeared
before the Board and exolained the olans. He added that if
an owner decided to fil~ it in, the~ must obtain a permit
from the City. ~. Rossi asked if there was a provision for
maintenance of this canal and M~. Bushnell replied that it
was not necessary since it is privately owned. Chairman
Kelly read the notation on the plan regarding maintenance of
the canal. Mr. Bushnell suggested adding to this the 15 ft.
requirement. ~. Rossi asked if there were any calculations
of the required section of the canal to handle flowing water?
There must be a minimum section which carries the flow.
This was discussed by the members and the representatives.
Mrs. Castello questioned if the lot requirements had. been
met and ~. Smoot explained that the property line went to
the middle of the water. ~. Rossi then questioned provi-
sions for the maintenance of the canal in the abutting sub-
division. This was discussed and Mr. Smoot suggested making
the easement a bit larger than what ~. Clark smggested. Mr.
Rossi pointed out that they didn't have the answer concerning
this canal relative to the platted areas on the other side.
Mr. Rossi added that this proposed 15 ft. drainage easement
could also just mean a pipe. He added that they must con-
struct a canal which wouldn't turn into a ditch and will be
maintained with sufficient depth and width of water. Chair-
man Kelly pointed out that the canal was existing. ~. Rossi
continued that according to the way it was proposed, the
people could fill in the canal, but he wants to make sure a
decent size is left. This was discussed further and the
representative agreed, but added that they didn't want an
80 ft. wide canal.
Mr. Rossi moved that the action this Board should take in
review of the preliminary plat of Lake View Haven Subdivi-
sion should be as follows:
OCTOBER 14, 1975
They recommend the owner submits to the Board a
defined canal section showing water elevations,
finish lot pad elevations, slopes and submit a
width of canal easement on which, the proposed
canal shall be constructed, in addition, the
engineer should take into consideration the
drainage from the abutting plat and submit cal-
culations substantiating the defined section.
Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. Under discussion, the repre-
sentative remarked that he felt this was an overlapse with
what their engineer was doing now. ~. Rossi replied that
his recommendations were guidance for them subject to this
being approved. Motion carried 6-0.
M~. Ryder moved to adjourn, seconded by Col. Trauger.
Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at t1~41P. M.
Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting.
Time: ?:S0 P.M.
Date: October 14, 1975
Place: Council Chambere
1. Acknowledgement of members and visitors
2. Reading and approving of minutes.
S. Announcements:
4. Old Business:
Reconvene to the special meeting of Tuesday October 6, lg75
Bernard's Restaurant, Fletcher property, 1730 North Federal Hwy.
Abandonment of Alley, Shelton property.
5. New Business:
4. Rezoning Lots 44 and 45, Westchester'Heights
N. W. Corner South Seacrest and S. W. ,23rd Avenue
5. Tufo Restaurant and Amusement Certer
8th Avenue and U. S. Hwy. 1.
6. Charles Clarke's B. P. Service Station
N. E. 2nd Avenue and N. E. 2nd Street (N. W. Corner)
7. Lake View Haven Subdivision Platting
(Preliminary Review) ~