SATURD~Y, SEPTEmbER 13, 1975 AT 1:00 P.M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Mrs. Marilyn Ruckle
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Simon Ryder
Chairman Kelly called the Special Meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 1:12 P. M. He took roll call. He
then announced that a recorder was not available for this
meeting, so they will be dependent upon Mrs. Kruse for their
Chairma~ Kelly passed out copies of the Revisions and Correc-
tions to the Official Zo~ng Regulations, Part II, prepared
by the committee of four. He informed the members that these
were brought up-to-date yesterday by Mr. Bushnell and given
to Mrs. Padgett for the public hearing notice. He stated
there was one further correctiom and he referred to Page 47,
Section 11, Paragraphs L and M, both should be deleted
the new "L" will ~e inserted which will read: "Service Sta-
tions with and/or without Major Repairs". The members agreed
aud changed Page 1 of the Revisions.
Chairman Kelly then suggested that they first review the four
points of the August 20 memo dictated by Mr. Simon and signed
by Mr. Kelly. He added that these would take care of 90% of
the problems. He explained that they had hoped to go ahead
with some other things, but were unable to in the absence of
Mr. Smoot and ~. Simon, so only this memo and the revision
sheet will be discussed at the public hearing,
The members~then discussed the first two items of the August
20 memo regarding square footage and side setbackm of lots in
R-1AA zones. ¥~. Ryder referred to the memo of July 28 from
Mr. Kelly to Mr~ Kohl and stated at that time, there was a
consensus that they might retain the new setbacks in new areas.
The August 20 memo does not make any difference ~etween un-
platted and platted lots. It was not the original intent to
proceed on this basis with new developments. The members dis-
cussed at great length whether it would be appropriate to
make a disti~ctio~ for new areas in the western annexation
areas, the requirements for ~ PUD, the R-1A_~A holding areas,
non-conformimg lots in the R-1AAB area, whether it affected
the lot frontage i~ R-I~ zones, the County plan for the
western areas, etc.
SEPTE~{BER 13 , 1975
Mr. Ryder made a motion in reference to Section 5C-2, Page
18, insert one asterisk behind 8,000 sq. ft. and one asterisk
behind t0 ft. followed with *Note: In areas developed and/or
platted prior to June 13, 1975, (Ordinance 75-19), the minimum
lot area shall be 7,500 square feet and the minimum side yard
shall be 7~- feet. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion
carried 7-0.
The members then proceeded with discussing Items 3 and 4 of
the August 20 memo. The membersddiscussed the location of
Laurel Hills, whether it was proper to list it as Just the
subdivision or to have the limits defined, the size of the
lots existing in Laurel Hills and Glen Arbor, the same side
setbacks being required in R-1 as in R-lA and R-1AA. the
necessity of having the legal description of these two areas
for publishing, etc.
Mr. Ryder made a motion to recommend the following changes to
the Official Zoning Map~
1. Laurel Hills Subdivision within the specified
limits be changed from R-1AA to R-1Ao
2. Glen Arbor Subdivision within the specified
limits be changed from R-1AA to R-lA.
Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman. Kelly then requested that the members review the two
sheets of revisions and corrections. Mr. Rossi asked who pre-
pared these sheets and Chairman Kelly informed him that they
were the result of his meeting with Mr. Smoot, Mr. Bushnell,
and Mr. Simon's associate. Mr. Ryder added that at a later
date, they must consider the non-conforming issues and the
Board of Adjustment section. The members then proceeded with
reviewing the two sheets.
Chairman Kelly read P. 7 and P. 8 Definitions. The members
discussed why valve work was left out. TheY~agreed with
these changes and noted in their books.
Chairman Kelly referred to P. 14~ and he read from
the old book while the members compare~o the new. The
members agreed to this change and noted.
Chairman Kelly referred to P. 15 Section ~-~-2 and he read
from the old book while the members c6mpared-it to the new.
Mrs. Castello noticed that "walksW was typed on the new sheet
and it should be "walls". She also questioned whether they
intended to delete the word "height" after 8 feet ~nd Chair-
man Kelly replied: ~o and stated that it should be added.
Chairman Kelly read P. 22 Section 5-G-2. He clarified that
this would be an addition "bo ParagraPh~'-(b)- The members
agreed and noted.
SEPTE~R 13, 1 975
ChairmanKelly read P. 24 Section 6-A-3..
~ud noted.
The members agreed
Chairman Kelly read P, 27 Section 8-Cm3_. The members agreed
and noted.
Chairma~Kelly read P. 47 Section~ 11-L and referred to the
cOrrection made at the beg~hni~g'~f~e meeting. ~s. Gastello
referred to (3) and the members discussed how the last sen-
tence of this paragraphwould be enforced. Chairm~u Kelly
informed them thatthe Building Department and Police Depart-
ment are supposed to enforce the code.
Col. Trauger m~de a motion to accept the Revisions and Cor-
rections to Official Zoning Regulations, Part II, as changed
this date. ~-~. Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried
7-0. Chairman Kelly informed the Board that he would see Mr.
Bushnell Mond~ morning and have these c. orrectio~ made. He
wo~d also request that a new set of copies be sent to each
Planni~ & Zoning Board member.
Chairma~ Kelly then announced that the next regular meeting
would Be held on September 23.
Mrs. Huckle informed Chairman Kelly that Mr. Wurth would like
his generator request put back on the agenda. She explained
that he had found another generator to purchase. She also
requested Chairman Kelly to give the members the attorney,s
report in reference to this before he left town. The members
discussed the requirements requested from Mr. Wurth at the
previous meetings and whether these should, be necessary if it
is possible it will not be approved. They discussed further
whether it was proper in a residential area, the actual height
of the generator, whether it would be a safety hazard,
whether it fell within definitions stated in the code, etc.
Mr. Rossi then referred to September 13 being the date re-
zoning applicatior~ could be submitted. He suggested that
possibly this date should be extended, since they do not have
a procedure for accepting re-zoning applications. Chairman
Kelly informed him that Mrs. Rothman did bring this to his
attention last week and he suggested that the City Council be
asked to extend the moratorium for a period of sixty days.
In this 60 day period, the procedure for handling applica-
tions by the Planning & Zoning Board should have been revised.
He added that he would request Mr. Kohl to put this on the
agenda for the City Council meeting on Tuesday night.
Mrs. Huckle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Castello.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
3:52 P. M.