TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Simon Ryder
~Ms. Marilyn Huckle (Excused)
Walter Mo Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello (Excused)
Warren Bushnell,
Acting Bldg. Official
Chairman Kelly called the regular meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 7:40 P. M. and acknowledged that no-
body was present in the audience. He then took roll call and
announced that ~Ms. Huckle had called him and was unable to
attend, but he had not heard from Col. Trauger nor Mrs. Castello.
The Minutes of August 26, 1975, were read. MX. Walker in-
formed the Board that he was absent from this meeting and
they did not have a quorum to adopt the minutes. Chairman
Kelly announced that in the absence of a quorum, they will
table these minutes u~til the next meeting.
Mr. James Wurth
640 Castilla Lane
Pole Height for wind generator
Mr. Walker made a motion to remove this item from the table,
seconded by ~. Ryder. Motion carried 4-0.
Chairman Kelly informed the members that Mrs. Huckle had
called him and Mr. Wurth told her that his project is at a
eomplete standstill. Mr. Wurth is not able to purchase the
generator as planned and it is indefinite now as to when he
can get a new one. Chairman Kelly explained the situation of
how the generator became unavailable.
The members discussed whether a fee had been submitted with
this application. Chairman Kelly informed them that a fe~
was not required for applications before this Board. Mr.
Bushnell added that if a fee had been paid and no action could
be taken, he believes the fee should be refunded. Mr. Ryder
read the discussion of this installation and requirements sug-
gested by the Board from the previous minutes. The members
al~o_d~scu~s~ ~h~. applicant.not being present, but it
po~n~e~ ou~ ~a~ ~he ~nforma~ionWas given ~o a member ~Sthe
Board in direct contact with ~M. Wurth.
Mr. Rossi made a motion to strike this item from the agenda
and requested ~. Bushnell to return the documents pertain-
ing to this installation to Mr. Wurth. Mro Ryder seconded
the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. C. Shelton
115 S. Seacrest Blvd.
Abandonment of alley and granting of a
utility easement (Tabled)
~. Rossi made a motion to remove this application from the
table, seconded by Mr. Walker. Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Bushnell informed the Board that he had copies of all the
responses to the letters sen~ out by the City Clerk with the
exception of Teleprompter and by word of mouth, he has been
told that they did respond and there is no objection. In
addition, he has received fromM r. Shelton another letter
dated September 6 stating that it is his intention to grant
a 10 ft. easement to those utilities existing in the alley.
According to the City Clerk, by granting an easement to one
utility, it is granting to all utilities. He believes this
indicates Mr. Shelton's compliance. He added that he did
have a memo requesting the City Engineer to give a descrip-
tion of this easement, which he has not received.
Mr. Rossi referred to the applicant not being present and
stated he thought it was incumbent for the applicant to fur-
nish all the necessary information. Mr. Bushnell replied
that he believed the City Engineer was erroneous in his re-
sponse, but he does not have a legal description of the
easement. Mr. Rossi stated that based on this, they did ~
not have the last ingredient required.
Mr. Walker then referred to the water mains not being in a
consistent pattern. Mr. Rossi agreed and stated~that it
must be dug up to determine the location. Mr. Bushnell
added that they did not have the exact location of the tele-
phone cable either. The members then discussed whether it
was necessary to require an easement for private utilities.
M~. Rossi c~arified there were two utilities involved and
they did not know where they were located.
Mr. Rossi referred to this application still being incom-
plete and made a motion to have the applicant prepare the
necessary easements to the satisfaction of the City and
Southern Bell and get letters of acknowledgment from Southern
Bell and the City that the easement as prepared is acceptable.
Upon receipt of these two instruments in satisfactory f~m,
the Board will re-consider this application. Mr. Walker
seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
SEPTEP~ER 9, ~975
Mr. Rossi added that on the next agenda that is Prepared,
this Will still appear as Old Business,
item The members but not as a tabled
of t~e then discussed who Weuld advise ~. Shelten
B°~d's request and after d~sc~sion, ~.
agreed to do it.
Cha~m~ Eelly stated he Would l~e to bring the Bo~d members
up-te-~ate en the meetings held With ~. Eimon, City Atter~ey;
~. Smeot, Cons~tant Pla~er; ~. Bushnell, Acting Building
Official; and himself.
have a p ~lie hearing on September 23 to COVer the four ite~
u · ~t ha~ been the Original intent to
listed on the Aught 20 memo to the City M~ager. H~Wever,
~ Smoot ~s sub~tted three sheets COVering non-conforming
definitions. About h~f of these were dlsc~ssed at one meet-
ing, but ~. Smoot was ~a~le to attend the last meeting.
meeting with ~. Simon and ~. B~hnell, we liste~ Basic er-
r°rs, O~ssions, etc. in the regulations. Also to ~e inc!u~ed
is the service station ordin~ce which was omitted.
BUshnell a~ed that five paragraphs di~ not beteng an~ e~-
Plai~ed~ Chairman Eei~y continue '
sheets for recommendat~on~ for th~ Bo~ of ~d~Ustment.
They hope to finish that they ~so made up
~ all these items at a meeting tomorrow ~d
another ~efore SeptemBer ~5 to meet the PuBiishing date for
the PUBlic hearing. He suggeste~ they ha~e a special meeting
on October 6 to make recommendations for the City CO~cil
meeting on OctoBer 7. He would like to
reviewed at this one meeting~ get all these ite~
~- Rossi stated that whe
prepared, the n all this wa~
when t ~B~d shoul~ rev ~ 9°mpleted an
he pu~l~ ~ ~ ~ iew ~d d fin
, ~c ne~n ac~ on th
~d October 6. ~ ff_~ould, be held and ~'~--~m' _He asked
~e~+~ ~at!o~s befo~ ~- .}~ted they sho,,~ ..... lie-!Y
i-T~F~ ~ney Woula ~.Y.~ ~. PUOlic hear~- ~ ~'e~ew the
tember ]M ~.~ _ Sed that he ~ .... ~ ,_ g . eZween now
dations wou~ ~ ~2~.~. ~. ~o~ _~_o~ ~o~m f~o~
replied ....*~-2~=~~ ~e wC°~&eted before ~e lefta~Kea if .the reco~en_-~-
row. ~. w~-~ ~u~'t ~ow unti ~ Cnairm~ Ee
mate.~-= o'~°~ ssased that th=~ _l ~fter the meet~n' tl~-lly
u ~ ~ ~Pared ~d wh . Bo~r~_must rev' ~ ~ o~or-
P bloc he~ _ ether ~t _ ~ ~ew all
l~g. ~he member- ~- should b~ ouol~-~ ~the
--o ~souss the ~'t~me'~=u ior
meeting the September ~5 Publishing date.
~- R~der suggested do~-- ~ ~
agreed and s~+~ _~__~.~s zn seeps ~d Mr. Bushnell
tomorrow coul~ .... ~ =~ryth~ng Completed at the meeting
be reviewed by the Board later this week to
be sub~tted for publishing on September 15. ~- B~s~ell
gave copies of the revisions ~d corrections to be discussed
at the meeting tomorrow to the members. ~ Rossi referred
mtO ~'Smoot,s reference to Case law and stated he disagreed
and explained.
S ~,~ER 9, 1975
Chairman Kelly stated that after the first meeting, he po~ed
all the members, except Mr. Rossi who was not available, and
they were in agreement with the decisions made. At the
second meeting, they discussed non-conforming uses and only
got halfway through. Mr. Smoot was unable to attend the next
meeting and in the meantime, the revisions, corrections, etc.
were prepared and ~iscussed. By Monday, we should be able to
hand 'these two things over to the City Clerk for publication.
rM. Rossi referred to the reference of Laurel Hills Subdivi-
sion and stated it must be in proper form for publishing,
such as whether all plats were included.
The members decided that they must meet to review the recom-
mendations for publishing and agreed to meet on Saturday,
September 13 at 1:00 P. M.
Mr. Ryder made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Rossi.
Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:4t P. M.
Per a telephone call from Chairman Kelly at 9:40 P. M.,
he advised that he contacted Mrs. Castello and Co~.
Trauger after the meeting and both were delayed by
business out of town and were unable to attend to-
night,s meeting.
Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting.
Time: 7:30 P.M.'
Date: Sept.9, 1975
Place: Council Chambers, City Hall.
1. Acknowledgement of members and visitors
2. Reading and approving of minutes.
S. Announcements:
4. Old Business: 1.
5. New Business:
Mr. Wurth
640 Castilla Lane.
Pole Height for wind generator (Tabled).
Mr. C. Shelton,
11§ S.Seacrest Blvd.
Abandonment of alley and granting of a
Utility easement (Tabled).