1975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Eelly, Chairman
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Simon Ryder
Warren Bushnell,
Acting Bldg. Official
James Smoot, Consultant
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chmano (Excused)
Mrs. Vicki Castello (Excused)
GhairmanKelly called the meeting to order at 7:36 P. M. and
welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present to the first regu-
lar meeting in the month of August of the Planning & Zoning
Board. He introduced the members of the Board, the acting
Building Official and Recording Secretary. He announced that
two members of the Board were unable to attend, Col. Trauger
was on vacation and Mrs. Castello wasn't feeling well this
evening. He acknowledgedthe presence of 14 people in the
audience, including Mr. Fred Kostner, the Chairman of the
1974 Planning & Zoning Board.
The Minutes of July 19 amd July 22 were read. Mrs. Huckle
moved to approve the minutes of the workshop meeting of July
19, 1975, and the regular and workshop meetings of July 22,
1975, as submitted. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. Motion
carried 4-0, wi~h Mr. Walker abstaining since he was not pre-
sent at these meetings.
Chairman Kelly referred to his memo dated July 23, 1975, to
the City Manager, Mr. Kohl, and ascertained that each member
had received a copy. In reference ~e this, he announced that
a Planning Consultant, Mr. James Smoot, had been engaged by
the City and is planning to attend this meeting, but has not
yet appeared.
Discussion te correct error in zoning map adopted by Ordi-
nance 75-19 with respect to the following described proper-
ties located within the limits of said City, Palm Beach
AUGUST 12, 1975
Lots 123 and 124~ Lots 126 thru 129 inclusive,
Lets 135 thru 138 inclusive
Lots 140 thru 144 inclusive
Lots 148, 149 smd the East Half of Lot 150
Lot 1 92
East 25~68 ft. of Lot 140
Lots 141 thru 144 inclusive
Lots 148 thru 151 inclusive
Lots 130 thru I34 inclusive
Lots 145 thru 147 inclusive
REQUEST- C-2 to R-3
The abandoned Rights of Way formerly described as
N. W. 7th Court and N. W. 7th Avenue lying between
Seacrest Boulevard and N. W. Ist Street
All the above recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51, Palm
Beach County Records
Applic~at - City of BoyntonBeach
Chairman Kelly ascertained that each member had a copy of the
map and H~s. Padgett's memo to Mr.. Bushnell outlining the en-
closures. He explained that there was a technical question
here with reference to the Seacrest Plaza project where an
error was made in the final issue of the zoning map. This
w. as reviewed by the Board on April 9, 1974, and recommended
to the City Council ~animously on a 7-0 vote. Ne then read
correspondence from Mr. Kohl to Mr. Leonard Smith in refer-
ence to correcting this error. He showed the map to the people
in the audience and pointed out the area marked in red which
should have been sho~m as R-3. He added that this was ap-
proved by the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council previ-
ously. It is not a question of changing any zoning, as it
was approved as R-3 zoning. The purpose tonight is to recom-
mend the map be changed as it was intended to be. It has
bee~ a long desired project as far as the City Council is
concerned. He has attended all the City Council meetings
and doesn,t remember anyone opposing it.
Chairman Kelly asked if anyone present desired to speak
either in favor or objection to this application and re-
ceived no response.
Mr. ~yder moved to recommend to the City Council the change
of the zoning map, per the legal description above, to in-
clude the Seacrest Plaza in R-3 and move the line as neces-
sary. Mr. ~alker seconded and the motion was carried 5-0.
AUGUST 12, t 975
Chairman Kelly read a memo dated July 29 from Mr. Kohl to
Mr. Simon referring to recommendations given by Mr. Kelly
pertaining to Ordinance 75-19, after he ascertained that
none of the members had received a copy. He then read his
memo dated July 28 outlining the recommendations. He
added that ~i~of the members agreed with his recommenda-
tions, but he was unable to reach Mr. Rossi.
Mr. Rossi stated he did not entirely concur with the recom-
mendations. He didn't think it was their intent to grand-
father all the platted areas, commercial, industrial, etc.
He disagreed with this one paragraph referring to this. He
cannot go along with grand~athering in all the platted lets.
He believes this is undoing all that they have done. Chair-
man Kelly disagreed. He referred to having consulted with
various people in the City and their reaching frustration
with getting no answers. Mr. Rossi continued that they must
find out how they can overcome the problem that was caused
by adopting these new regulations. He did not thimks they
were going to include all areas. He does not thi~ they
should sho~g~ the whole thing.
Chairman Kelly referred to the few zones they discussed in
response to people objecting. He stated that following their
July 2_2 meeting, Mr. Rossi, Mr. Ryder and he met with the
City Nanager and requested his assistance in getting the
service of a professional planner, He then acknowledged the
presence of Mr. Smoot in the audience and asked him to join
the Board and introduced him to the members.
Mr. Rossi then explained for Mr. Smoot that he thought he
ha~ been considered and was now present as a consultant was
because of the problems of the new regulations as th~affect
the platted areas with fences, lots, structures, etc. being
non-conforming. These things started to build up from dif-
ferent areas in the City. They found this was quite wide
spread in different zones. They tried to focu~ in on the
problem and tried to alleviate some of the hardships. He
still would like to use the surgical approach instea~ of
massive~ There are large areas with these restrictions.
They must determine if there is a vehicle available to allow
~he development to continue and still try to come up with
the intent of the regulations. Ne then asked for Mr. Smoot's
Mr. Smoot advised them that he had read the minutes from the
meetings of July !9 and 22. He informed the Board that the
City Manager had called him and asked him to assist the
Board in the problem on non-conforming lots. The difficulty
AUGUST 12, 1 975
apparently was rather extensive. He has read the code four
times. There are no provisions at all for non-conforming use,
lot nor structures. There is no mention, no definition, no
anything in this code in reference to this. However, in a
previous draft of the cede on Page 44, Section 10, there is
a rather extensive outline of this. He thint~ this i~ a
rather extensive and comprehensive review of the subject.
Essentially, have no relief pro¢~ess. The b~rden
and guilt is put ~n the applicant. There is
no relief now u~til they adopt some mechanism. Mrs. Huckle
informed him that this whole section was deleted and Chairman
Kelly added that the Plan~ing & Zoning Board did not have
to do with the final review of the Board of Adjust-
Mr. Smoot continued that he had also found other discrepan-
cies in the code. There are no procedures for re-zoning. He
explained this a~d pointed out it was a serious deficiency,
so mmch as to question the authenticity of the code. He
referred to planning and development of a PUD and pointed out
there were no provisions in the code for a P~D. Mr. Bushnell
informed him that the PUD was covered by another ordinance.
Mr. Smoot stated that it was not in the new zoning code and
it should Be corrected if there are other ordinances. If
there are other ordinances, he thinks, it is ethically correct
to include them in the zoning code instead of having ordi-
nances scattered all over the place. He continued and re-
ferred to the mention of the term "cluster" and cluster is
not defined. There is a section in the BOard of Adjustment
for special exceptions and the Board of Adjustment is not
authorized By Florida Statutes to grant special exceptions in
any way and can only grant variances.. Chairman Kelly agreed
that things had been excluded, as it had been prepared in a
big rush. Mr. Smoot continue~ that he had a whole flock of
comments page by page through the code, but these were the
major ones.
Mr. Smoot then referred to Mr. Rossi's statement and ques-
tioned~twas a platted lot? What do they do with platted
lots not recorded? Essentially he agrees with Chairman Kelly,s
memo to Mr. Kohl, But thinks there are problems of definitions.
He thinks they should talk about just what is a lot. Mr.
Rossi stated he was trying to provide some kind of approach
to the problems which have developed.
Mr. Rossi asked Mr. Smoot what he thought about the period of
three years? N~. Smoot replies that he thought three years
was an adequate period of time considering the unique situa-
tion they are in now. However, there may Be a legal question
regarding the right to build a single family house.
AUGUST 12, 1975
Chairman Kelly informed the members that the City Manager
sent another ~memo to the City Attorney last Friday advising
him of the fact that he had consulted with the City Council
members and this was to be put on the agenda for the next
City Council meeting and he implored the City Attorney to
have an answer at that time. ~. Ryder stated he thought
the intent was after they received the City Attorney's opinion,
they would make a recommendation to City Council. Chairman
Kelly stated they have not been able to get an a~swer from
the City Attorney and in handling it this way, hopefully they
will. Mr. Bushnell re~ferred to this being a matter of tem-
porary relief an~ asked if Mr. Smoot could enlighten them as
to how they could give relieft quickly.
Mr. Smoot referred to nob-conformity and stated unless there
was another ordinance providing for non-conformity, they could
not get quick relief. He agreed they needed answers from the
City Attorney and he had also called him four times and left
messages, but got no response.
Mr. Smoot continued with referring to the other deficiencies
and how they were far more serious. He suggested they try
to structure a re-zoning procedure. Mr. Rossi stated that
there may be ordinances covering this and he suggested that
it would be good te put them altogether. ~. Smoot continued
that the ordinance should state what is required for a re-
zoning application and he explained. He referred to a little
sectio~ under Supplemental Regmlations and pointed out that
it didn't state for what. He referred to the mentio~ of
special exceptions and how they didn't even have them. He
referred to Pages 42 and 43 and not knowing what the site
plan was for. He pointed out that some house cleaning m~st
be done in this cede and it must be spelled out clearly for
the public.
Mr. Rossi referred to the pressing problem being right now
that the Building Department was stymied. They cannot heno~
applications for permits ~ecause of what has happened. They
must take this into account. Mr. Smoot agreed that every
lot which is non-conforming or substandard is stuc~less
the City Attorney tells them that the previous code does
hold. There is relief. However, if this is not true, the
Building Department has no relief. Mr. Bushnell advised
them that he has contacted the City Attorney several times,
but has not gotten a reply. Mr. Smoot referred to a previ-
ous draft and how non-conforming was covered very adequately
and provided the answers. He added that apparently it was
reviewed and somehow did not get into the new one. Mrs.
Huckle informed him theft it was taken out of the Board's
hands and they do not know what happened to the Board of
Adjustment section.
AUGUST 12, 1975
Mr. Smoot referred to the Board annexing a PUD and actually
not having the authority a~d no way to govern it. Mrs.
Huckle informed him that a PU~was included in one of the
first drafts. Mr. Rossi stated that he had the PUD ordinance.
Mrs. Huckle pointed out that it was not part of the zoning
book. Mr. Smoot stated that a PUD is zoning and should he
included i~ the ze~ng regulations. This is the Body of law
governing land use regulations and a PUD must be included.
By virtue of mot Being included, it is voided. Mr. Bushnell
informed him that reference was made in Ordinance 75-t9 and
it is still valid. The conditions still stand. Mr. Smoot
replied that if they were going to have azoning code, every-
thing relating to zoning should be included. Mrs. Huckle
informed him that many ef these things cam~ up and they took
the advice of Mr. ~rett that it need not be included, since
it was included in Other ordinances. They did not even thi~k
this ordinance would cancel out the existing other ordinances.
They keep finding more things they have dropped out without
having cancelled. Mr. Smoot pointed out that if they were in
order, they will still be in a bind with having nothing to
govern them. Chair~Eelly referred to the Table of Con-
tents, Section 9, 35 and 37, and pointed out that it
still lacked the tee. for enforcement. Mr. Smoot informed
them that enforcement was generally at the end of the code.
He stated he would l~ke to have all the ordinances relating
to land use and zon~ including the new current valid ordi-
nances available rel to zoning such as swimming pools,
fences, etc. Chairman Kelly state~ he would obtain these for
him~ Mrs. Huckle ad~ed that Mr. Simon could tell them whether
this code cancelled the existing ordinances. Mr. Smoot read
the reference to repealing those ordinance in conflict and
Mrs. Huckle replied that all were not in conflict. Mr.
Smoot questioned the procedure of authorizing a PUD and Mr.
Rossi gave him the ordinance to read.
~s. Henry Gie~vaun~ stated her name and her address as 300
S. N. 12th Avenue. Ehe referred to having a lot which does
not conf~rm and wanting to enclose a porch and questioned
where she now stands. Mr. 8moot informed her that until they
heard from the City Attorney, she was stuck. Chairman Kelly
added that they were trying to get this straightened out.
Mr. Smoot agreed that the Board had made ~mendous efforts
to solve this and he was called in By the City Manager to
provide a solution, but unfortunately, the problem is much
larger. ~s. questioned how long this was going to
take? Chairman Kelly informed her that Mr. Smoot was the
first professional man to assist the Board. They hope to
make progress now. They hope to find a solution very
AUGUST 12, 1 975
Mr. Richard Decker appeared before the Board smd referred to
Mr. Smoot's statement that there was a court ruling that the
Board of Adjustment could not make a special exception and
he asked him to please define this. Mr. Smoot informed him
that it was a use generally permitted in~ a zone such as
churches, ba~ks, large apartments, etc., but they refer to
the intensity ef the use and he explained. It is not sub-
Jective, but an objective study done nationally. These uses
are subject to public hearings and if certai~ facts are made
by the Planning & Zoning Board or City Council, they may be
Mr. Bushnell referred to the request to abandon an alley from
Mr. Shelton. He reported that to date, he has not had an
answer from the City Attorney in reference to this. Mr.
Ryder questioned if Mr. Shelton was supposed to submit a
survey and ~.~. Bushnell informed him that he did. Ne con-
tinued that it was a technical matter whether it was legal
or proper to abandon this alley with the easements. He is
still'waiting for an answer from the City Attorney.
Review of Pla~s for Sewage Plant Addition - Offices, Labora-
tory sad Maint. e. nance Shop. 551 N. W. 14th Avenue. L
Mr. Bushnell showed the plans and explained that it was a
new addition, single story building, consisting of one office,
one laboratory and one maintenance shop. There is adequate
parking and it has been approved by the T.R.B. The members
studied the plans and discussed the location. Mr. Bushnell
pointed out what was existing and what was planned.
Mr. Walker made a motion to recommend approval of the prelimi-
nary site plan for the Sewage Plant Additiom inclmding am
office, laboratory and maintenance shop located at 551N. W.
14th Avenue. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Motion car-
ried 5-0.
Mr. Rossi referred to this being a preliminary site plan and
questioned if it had to come before the Board again? Mr.
B~hnell replied that he often wondered about this as they
only see it once. Mr. Rossi stated he believed these site
plans were in their final form. Chairman Kelly asked for
Mr. Smoot's comments and he replied that he would like to
see these things go through one time and be done. The
actual procedure and flow through the Boards was discussed.
Mr. Smoot told about his experience with the City of Delray
Beach and explained their procedure. Mr. Rossi referred to
a plat and how it was understandable to require a preliminary
AUGUST 12, 1975
and final plat. Mr. Smoot clarified that they were talking
about site plan versus plat. The members discussed further
the actual procedure and flow of material. Mr. Smoot re-
quested a copy of this from Mr. Kohl and ChairmamKellyad-
vised that he would obtain this.
Review ..of Plans for James E. W~ur~h, 6~O CastillaLan~
Mr. Wurth stated his ~ame and his address.and informed the
Board that he would like a recommendation from the Board
for the City Counc~for the erection of a structure in ex-
cess of 25 ft. He wishes to install a wind generator for a
portion of his house. Ne showed the Board computations and
pictures of what was planned. He added that it would be 45
feet high. Chairman Kelly remarked that he thought it was
unfair to ask the Board to read this presentation on such
short notice..
Mr. Ryder asked the current limitation and Mr. Bushnell in-
formed him it was 25 feet in R-1AA and referred to the sec-
tion pertaining to towers on Page 14, Section 4, F-2. Mr.
Rossi stated the only thing he remembered coming before this
Board of a similar nature was when a man requested a steeple.
Mr. Rossi questioned if it fe~l into the same definition and
.Mr. Bushnell replied that it did fall into this category ac-
cording to the City Clerk. Mr. Smoot informed them that
generally codes relating to this state that height limita-
tions are not applicable to water cooling towers, etc. and
really there is no requirement to go through the Planning &
Zoning Board and City Council. He referred to the proce-
dure stated ~1 added that he was not in. total agreement
with all the items listed. Most of the items would fall
into the category of being able to build.
Mrs. Huckle stated she thought they should consider that when
they look over uses allowed in residential zones, they have
been a little restrictive as to what is allowed. She re-
ferred to the uses permitted listed on Page 16. She con-
tinued that they must consider the height approach of what
is allowed in residential zoning and a use not specifically
spelled out. Mr. Smoot pointed out that R-1AAdid not per-
mit a television.tower, b. ut did permit a chimuey. They are
forcing the applicant through this procedure.
Mr. Ryder referred to the impact on the surrounding area and
notifying people within 300 feet. Mr. Smoot stated that
generally height was not a consideration, But the use. Ne
gave examples of televisionand radio towers with high volt-
age. He suggested adding paragraph3 to the code to dis-
cuss those particular uses not required to go through this
particular process. He added that most of the uses which
AUGUST 12, 1975
are going to occur are in commercial zones which are men-
tioned. Mr. Ryder pointed emt that this request was in a
residential zone. Mrs. Huckle asked if it was allowable in
Mr. Rossi referred to the plan and stated it appe~ared he was
going to store energy and use it for some purpose. He ques-
tioned if he would be encroaching on Florida Power & Light?
Mr. Wurth replied: no. Mr. Smoot referred to a television
antenna being of the same structure. ~ir. W~rth agreed that
it could be objective and this is one of the primary thoughts
he had in mind. He explained the exact ~tructure planned.
Chairmam Kelly asked about the structure supporting it and
Mr. Wu~th replied that normally they use steel towers, but
being in a residential area, he would like to use a tele-
phone pole stud the same as are all through the area. He
plans to place it on his adjoining lot behind trees amd
none of the neighbors on the far side of the canal will see
it. He has talked to the people who will see it and they
have stated no objectiom. He feels this won't be a distrac-
tion, but it will be different. In the future, there may
be more people who might do this. He thinks it is a step
in the right direction. If more people would do this, they
might be better off. He has installed a solar water heater,
which is quite satisfactory.
Mr. Rossi referred to having certain circuits within the
house to utilize the e~ergy from this wi~ll amd Mr. W~rth
agreed this was correct and explained the plans further. He
added that any of the heavy draw items would be taken care of
Mr. Ryder asked if he was going to fence this area and Mr.
Wurth replied: no, since he didn,t believe anyone would get
into trouble unless they could climb a40 ft. pole. Unless
a fellow fell out of an airplanes on it, he deesn,t see how
anyone would get up there. He added that the machine was
designed to withstand hurricane force winds. The one he
bought has been in service for 25 years in Aberdeen, South
Dakota. Mr. Rossi asked if it would have guy wires and ~.
Wurth replied: yes, as a safety consideration. Mrs. Huckle
~uestioned the weight of the unit and Mr. Wurth informed her
it was abomt 600 lbs. Mr. Rossi asked what would happen if
there wasn't much wind one day to supply the electricity and
Mm. Wurth replied that he would rum a long extension cord.
He added that people have talked to him about the power situ-
ation, etc. amd he doesn,t believe FPL is going to like this.
The battery bank can store power for abomt four days. Mr.
Rossi asked the wattage output and Mr. ~rth informed him
it would be 3,000 wattage. He added that he planned to run
part of his household from it, the low draw items. Most of
his circuits will be DC with only a few outlets being AC.
AUGUST 12, 1975
~. Rossi questioned the anticipated cost of the installa-
tion and Mr. Wurth replied that he really couldn't jUtify
it, but it would be about $2,500 doing it himself with a
used wit. A new u~it would be $6,000.~ Mr. Rossi asked the
physical size of this on top of the pole and
formed him that the generator was not qUite 2 ft. in dia-
meter and the pro_~ller is 14 ft. in diameter. He added
that the diameter of the blade had to do with the amount of
power'and this will have three blades.
Mrs. Huckle questioned who would inspect the final process
to make sure the blades wouldn,t fly off, etc.? Mr. Bushnell
informed her that the electrical inspector would i~spect it.
Ghairman Kelly ~mestioned the weight and Mr. W~rth i~formed
him that the blades were light, a 7 ft. Diece of wood about
1" x ~'~. They are quite light and quite efficient If the
~lade would fly elf, it would probably flutter off~ It is a
slew r.p.m, and wouldn't have much energy behin~ it.
Mr. Bushnell pointed out that with using a pole rather than
a tower, he didn't think it would create a nuisance to
children. Mr. Rossi added that it was relatively new, ~ut
he ~elieved with the rates of FPL, many people will a~k
where he got it. He added that they must consider aesthetics
and structure integrity. He suggested that some strmcture
engineer shomld pro~ably seal the plans with certain safety
factors. Mr. Bushnell informed him that the calculations
have been presented and accepted. Mr. W~urth informed them
that there never has been a recorded case of having a prop
l~st on this particular unit. It has stood up in the North
Pole, in all kinds of blizzards, etc. and the blades have
never come off.
Mr. Rossi referred to hurric~e winds and the oossiBility
of having it frozen in position when he was no~ there. Mr.
W~urth stated he could see no way the mechanism comld be
frozen and he explained. Mr. Rossi disagreed stating it was
a mechanism and could break. Mr. Wurth informed him that
these things are still mp and still spinning since 1920.
Mr. Rossi pointed out that they have been used i~ rural areas
and not next to homes. Mr. W~rth explained that the ca~al
was in the rear a~d he owned the lo~t next door. If it was
to fall, it would ~all o~ his house or in the street. He
can never see how it would fall down though.. This is a
proven unit. Thousands have ~een sold.
Mr. Smoot asked how he intended to service this ~it? Mr.
W-~u~th replied as far as service, the ~emrimgs are self-lub-
ricated and don.'t need to be service~ for the first 25 years.
The only other thing that could happen is possibly one of the
blades may be damaged and he would have to go ~pand change
AUGUST 12, 1975
the blade. Mr. Smoot asked if it would be feasible to remove
the propeller if high winds occurred? Mr. W~rth explained
there was a line from the tail mech~sm which you ca~ pull
and it pulls the tail crosswise to the propeller a~d it can
be locked. If he were to leave on vacation, he would just
pull the tail vane and it would never t~rn. This is an added
backup protection on these units. It is well protected in
this manner.
Mrs. Huckle stated as a neighbor, she has no objection. How-
ever, her concern is solely whether it meets the code. She
just wonders whether they are allowed to allow this. She is
a little foggy abomt whether this is allowable. Mr. Smoo$
referred to accessory use in the code. Chairman Kelly added
that churches are permitted in R-1AA and are allowed to have
steeples. Mr. Smoot stated that they must go back to tele-
vision antennas and they may have to define every use which
could be ~uck on the end of a pole or tower. He thinks it
is within the discretion of this Board to make a recommenda-
tion to City Comncil. In the cause of ecology, he thinks
this is an interesting solution. He thinks they can authorize
it as an a$cessory use or accessory structure. The members
discussed further whether it was clearly allowed and how it
might set a precedent.
Mr. Wurth informed the Beard that he was making this request
as he wants it fair and square. He wants to do it from the
legal standpoint. His neighbors do not object. Mr. Rossi
explained that this application needed special treatment
being in a residential area, but added that he has gotten
the neighbors, approval. Mrs. Huckle stated she was in
agreement with going along with this if it meets the code.
However, she referred to other people stating they had got-
ten their neighbors, approval, bmt did not have verification.
All the neighbors have not been notified about this. Mr.
Bushnell informed her that according to the City Clerk, it
was not required for this. Mrs. Huckle continued that she
did know Mr. Wurth had talked to everyone in the ~eighbor- ~
hood and ~he doesn,t believe there is a problem with this.
However, she doesn,t believe it is valid according to the
applicant,s statement. Mr. Smoot asked if he could obtain
a petition between now and the City Council meeting if this
Board approved? Mr. Ryder stated that his objection was
that it was in a residential district. He agreed that per-
haps with people stating they didn't object would have some
validity. He commends the reason for this, but questions
whether they are setting a precedent- Mr. Wurth clarified ~
that what Mr. Ryder was ~ayi~g was unless he lived om a
farm, he should not do it. He pointed out that they didn't
want a~y changes made. stiffling progress. He
chose to live in a nice ood a~ud believes he should
be able to be self-sufficient. He doesn,t believe he should
AUGUST 12, 1975
be limited. ~. Ryder informed him that he lives in an area
with a lot of restrictions and because of these restrictions,
they have a nice appearing community. Mrs. Huckle added that
there were also restrictive deed restrictions dm this area.
Chairman Kelly stated he thought if Mr. ~urth obtained per-
mission from his neighbors, it would be helpful.
Mr. Rossi referred to FPL poles in the area and asked what
would happen if this fell on one of their poles? Mro W~rth
informed him that it would not fall on any. He has talked
to their field representative. Mrs. Huckle asked how far
back from the seawall it would be and Mr. Wurth replied: 18
feet. ~. Smoot asked if there was overhead power in this
subdivision and Mr. W~rth replied: yes and the poles are
about 45 ft. tall and this will be just about the same. Mr.
Smoot added that there wasn't a great deal of differen~be-
tween a telephone pole with a transformer and a propeller.
Mrs. Huckle asked if they thought they should get the neigh-
bors' petition. Mr. Walker stated he thought it should be
the normal procedure. ~s. H~ckle questioned if he meant for
the City Clerk to make out ~otices? Mr. ~rth stated this
would put an unfair burden on the City. Mr. Ryder suggested
considering tabling this so the applicant could get a signed
petition or indicatio~ the neighbors don't object without
a~y commitment at this time and it will also give ~hem some
time to thi~k about it. Mrs. ~Huekle added that it also was
not on the agenda. Chairman Kelly agreed that they did not
could come back. ~. WUrth agreed. Mr. Rossi state~ he
thought they should possibly make something specific ~oout
distance away from the property line. They must establish
somehow or other those properties which are involved.
Chairman Kelly pointed ou~ this could be done with an ordi-
nary City map. Mr. Rossi suggested the City Clerk could
prepare the names or Mr. Wurth could show a plat showing
the people contacted. Mr. Ryder remarked that he preferred
the latter.
Mr. Rossi suggested they get the City Engineer to state this
is acceptable. He suggests that Mr. Wurth meet with the City
Engineer and go over this with him. Mr. Smoot suggested
that he meet with a structural engineer. M~. ~u~th informed
them that very few people know about these things who have
not gone into a lot of study and research. Ne has done all
these calculations and consulted with the Building Department
and doesn't see the need for all these figures. Mr. Rossi
disagreed and referred to engineers stamping and approving
all plans. Mr. Wu~th stated that if the City makesit so
difficult for an applicant to do this, nobody will do it.
AUGUST 12, 1975
He mounted a solar water heater and went to the City and
asked for recommendations. He did not have to go through
any calculations to do this. He explained the structure of
the heater. Anengineer can see by looking at it that it is
structurally so~d and he did not have to go through all
these calculations. Mr. Smoot advised him that if the City
permitted something, the City can be held liable. He agrees
with Mr. Rossi that some sort of engineering seal should be
on this. The City could go back to the engineer who mealed
it. He added that the pole~could have been erected without
a building permit, But they must consider what goes on top
of it. If it was within the height limit, he wouldn't be
here. Mr. Wurth could have done this anyhow without the
City Council even hearing about it. However, he is honest
and wanted to apprise us of what is going on. Chairman
Kelly stated he didn't see any problem with getting an engi-
neer,s Stamp and Mr. Mr. Bushnell pointed
out that he had all the and he was totally sat-
isfied with them.
Mr. Ryder asked what material the guys wo~d be made out of
and Mr. Wurth informed him it would be steel whichhhe will
buy from FPL and will last 20 years. He is just putting on
the guys as an extra safety factor. Mr. Rossi stated there
were many factors involved in the design and he referred to
a~choring it down, etc. H~ever, apparently the City feels
the calculations meet with their approval and Mr. Bushnell
agreed. Mr. Rossi remarked that there must be some point in
time when somebody has to review it and stamp it. Mr.
Bushnell informed him that he has to sign the permit. Mr.
Rossi referred to a commercial tower 100 feet high and asked
who calculated the wind loads and Mr. W~.rth informed him that
the people who constructed the tower determined this. Mr.
Bushnell added that he had the ability and right to do this.
If he is satisfied, the City is slatisfied. However, Mr.
W,~rth is concerned about his neighbors. He comld issue the
permit, but Mr. Wurth appeared because h~ wante~ to. Chair-
man Kelly clarified that in effect, there were no calculated
risks and Mr. W~rth agreed. He added that if it fell, it
would fall on his house. He tried to do it as right as he
could. ~. Bushnell added that they could get a seal for it
from a structural engineer.
F~. WUrth asked if it would be pe~missable for him to contact
the people only who would see it? ~f he drew a 400 ft. circle,
there will be people who won't even see it. This would be
easier for him, than to talk to people he hardly knows and
they wouldn't even know what they were signing. He has thor-
oughly apprised everyone in contact with it and he knows he
comld get their signatures very easily. He thinks it would be
AUGUST 12, 1975
difficult with not knowing the others. ~. ~Ryder suggested
submitting a sketch indicating where the people lived. Mr.
Smoot added that it could be indicated by a map with lot
numbers. Mr. W~urth stated he would get signatures of appro-
val from his neighbors and designate where they are in refer-
ence to him. ~. Bushnell added that they would give him a
copy of this section of the map. Mr. Wu~rth asked if he would
have to come back again or just submit the petition, as he
does not know if he will be in town in two weeks~
Mr. Ryder moved that this matter be tabled until the next
regular meeting of the Beard with the understanding in the
meantime, the applicant will furnish evidence to the effect
that his neighbors have no objection to the installation of
this device. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion~ Motion car-
ried 5-0.
~hairman Kelly referred to the time being 10:06 P. M. and
possibl~ being too late to go into a workshop session. He
suggested a possible four ho~~ workshop session on Sat~rday.
~ro Smoot stated that he enjoyed sitting with the Board.
Whi~e he was hired te look at the code, he doesn't believe
Mr. Kohl wanted him to sit here and advise on all zoning
matters. He suggested going into the code at the end of
the agenda of a regular meeting, Mr. Ryder informed him
that the workshop session would only be a discussion of
the code. Mr. Smoot questioned what they would discuss and
Chairman Kelly informed him that they would discuss what was
wrong with the regulations and what could be done. Mr.
Ryder added that it must be done soon with the pressures on
everyone. M~. Smoot stated there were two very big problems
with non-conforming and lack of re-zoning. He suggested
discussing the non-conforming section of the old draft and
devoting two hours for discussion of it and coming to a con-
clusion ~ewing what and how it is going to be grandfathered.
Then, the next two hours, they should ta~ about re-zoning.
Chairman Kelly referred to there being a moratorium on re-
zoning and there not being as m~ch of a hurry for this.
Mr. Smoot referred to the Rinker case and the possibility
of them coming back and the need for a re-zoning Droced~re.
They shoed solve this problem now rather than having to go
through court.
Chairman Kelly announced they would have a workshop meeting
o~ Saturday afternoon, August 16, at 1:00 P. M.
AUGUST 12, 1 975
~. Rossi asked Mr. Smoot if he would have a chance to read
all these ordinances by Saturday? Mr. Smoot replied that he
must have two days to read these things and would like
Simon's response. Chairman Kelly informed him that Mr. Simon
was supposed to speak at the City Council meeting on Tuesday.,
H.e added that he would see Mr. Kohl and Mrs. Padgett tomorrow
morning to obtain the ordinances. .~. Ryder added that they
must determine if they are in conflict, superseded, etc. Mr.
Smoot agreed that he must have anything referring Go zones.
He would also like a copy of the municipal code, charter, etc.
Chairman Kelly stated he would take care of this.
Mrs. Huckle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Walker.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
10:15 P. M.