1975 AT 8:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Enrico Rossi
Simon Ryder
Warren Bushnell,
Acting Bldg. Official
Len Schmidt,
Acting Chief Bldg. Inspector
Oris Walker (Excused)
Chairman Kelly called the Workshop Meeting to order at 8:37
P.M. He announced that in effect, it was a continuance of
the Saturday workshop session. He stated they are at a point
where he thin~ they can get a summary review of the Saturday
meeting by referring to Page 15 as a starting point.
Mrs. Huckle asked Mr. Bushnell if he was able to ascertain
whether the City had on the books an ordinance requiring a
minimum lot of 60 ft.? ~!r. Bushnell replied that he ne-
glected to find this out. It was pointed out to him that all
ordinances relating to planning and zoning in the City are
completely rescinded unless these regulations state otherwise.
Chairman Kelly referred to Mrs. Padgett showing him the ordi-
nance where specifics were mentioned and that the Board had
left out not only the chapter on the Board of Adjustment,
but they didn't specifically recommend that the old code
covering gas stations be included. He informed her that they
did not handle this section of the blue book, but Mr. Barrett
took care of this with the City Attorney.
Mx. Decker appeared before the Board and referred to his
previous inquiry of being allowed to build duplexes on 50
ft. lots. He bought four lots and built on two and has
two which are not buildable now because of the 50 ft. width.
His reason for being here tonight is to point out if they are
going to recommend grandfathering on one~ section, he believes
everyone should be treated equally by granting it on all sec-
tions. Chairman Kelly informed him that on Saturday, they
Just had time to discuss the R-1AA sections.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the R-1AAB zones and these properties
previously being R-1AA. If they are ~oing to allow the ori-
ginal R-1AA zones go back to ?½ ft., ~t would also apply to
this zone. Chairman Kelly asked what was platted as R-1AAB
and Mr. Bushnell informed him there was only one area, Lake
JULY 22, 1975
Eden. Mrs. HUckle stated that this should be in the same
category as the other R-1AA. Chairman Kelly informed them
that City personnel stated they should just grandfather
everything before Jane 3 and make new areas conform.
Mr. Ryder referred to the minutes and several people appear-
ing before the Board with similar problems. They have come
to a consensus on R-I~, but must go further on residential
zon!ng. If they do it generally, they could state it can be
rolled back stating they are entitled to build according to
regulations in effect prior to June 13. Mr. Bushnell agreed
this would open up construction in the City. Mrs. Huckle
suggested they start at the top and work down.
Mr. Bushnell referred to the R-1AAB area and informed them
that a study was made, but the area is somewhat less than
5~ developed. The lots are also over the minimum allowed.
In most instances, lots are 96 ft. wide and 90 ft. is required.
These areas were studied. Chairman Kelly referred to Page 17
stating the requirements for R-lAmB and Mrs. Huckle pointed
out with comparing it to R-lk&, which they were previously~$
means anyone doing anything new will look a lot different
from the neighbors and also some may be non-conforming now.
Mr. Bushnell agreed that this possibility does exist. Mrs.
Huckle stated she thought it should be included in the same
recommendation as R-1AA.
Mr. Ryder referred to the Board of Adjustment not acting on
non-conforming properties. Mr. Healy informed him that this
would change and they must hear the cases. ~s. Huckle asked
when they expected to get this ruling and ~. Healy replied:
hopefully this week.
Mrs. Castello referred to their recommendation meaning all
lots which were platted before this new ordinance will actu-
ally not be upgraded at all and will stay as they are.
Chairman Kelly referred to the input from people stating that
most areas are nice. ~s. Castello stated in order not to
discriminate, they must include all areas platted before
June 13, 1975, which takes in all undeveloped platted land
and is very broad. Mr. Ryder questioned how broad this was
going to be and referred to people talking about this at the
last meeting with areas being almost completely developed.
He is not too happy when they talk about platted and not
developed. Chairman Kelly pointed out there was recourse
with the Board of Adjustment. Mrs. Huckle stated she was
unhappy with people being unable to enclose a screen porch.
Mr. Ryder suggested possibly limiting it to those wanting to
make alterations. Mr. Rossi stated~he thought the whole
purpose of zoning was to improve something which they felt
was unsightly before and to upgrade the City. They are
JULY 22, 1975
saying now that what they have done was a mistake and they
should un~o and let people build according to the previous
zoning code. With running their thoughts into a couple zones,
it could also go back to commercial zones. Mr. Bushnell sug-
gested confining their discussion regarding grandfathering to
residential areas, since they deal with densities. ~. Rossi
disagreed. Mr. Ryder stated it should apply to future develop-
ments, but not wi~e out everything havin~ b~en done.
Mrs. Huck]pe referred to a neighborhood half built. People
building on vacant lots would have to have a smaller house.
Are they making a better City with requiring a smaller house
in an area with larger homes? Are they doing the City a
favor? They could not think of everything ahead. They also
did not realize it would penalize people wanting to make ad-
ditions. She does not think they are doing the citizens a
favor by making them shrink on the property they have paid
good money for, especially since they bought it knowing what
the regulations were. The unplatted should be platted ac-
cording to the new zoning.
Mr. Ryder asked what area was planned for future expansion
and Mr. Schmidt informed him that the master plan went to
441. Mr. Bushnell added that 1/3 of the unplatted area was
residential. Mr.-Ryder asked what the present western limit
was and ~. Bushnell informed him that it was the City limits
with all annexations to date. M~. Ryder continued that he
thought to that extent, the zoning would be helpful if they
do limit it to that. These new requirements should substan-
tially apply to unplatted areas.
Col. Trauger referred to their changes and pointed out that
they did it with the hopes of upgrading the City. If they
go and change each one of these back, they really have not
progressed much. Chairman Eelly referred to Mrs. Huckle's
statement referring to undeveloped lots being built with
smaller houses which is not upgrading.
Mr. Rossi asked what percentage was not conforming with tak-
ing each one of the areas outlined and shown on the map and
going through the plat books? Has a study been made of how
many do not meet the requirements? Mr. Schmidt replied that
a study has not been made, but he has had four houses which
the builder chopped off the sides to conform to the setbacks.
~-M. Rossi referred to the R-1AAB lots mnd asked how many met
the requirements? Mr. Schmidt replied that they had not
studied this. Mr. Bushnell added that the developed lots may
be a problem, but the undeveloped lots are not. Mrs. Castello
suggested adding a clause that when this code renders a struc-
ture non-conforming and they plan to make an addition, it is
all right. Mrs. Huckle asked about lots not built on. M~.
JULy 22, 79?5
Rossi asked if the lots met the Size in R-1AAB and ~. Bush_
nell replied: yes.
Mr. Ryder stated if they grandfathered them ail in, the map
WOUldn,t mean anything at all. Mr. Rossi
lng the old map onto the new map.SUggested OVerlay_
Healy referred to tz~ o_~.. .
this thi~ ~ ~ ~? about 8~.~ ~_ ~_~ ~q. ft. area?
tared to respond to the 80o~ as he thinks the figure will be
larger. Mr. Rossi informed him that they did recognize this
problem on Saturday and it was a general consensus on this
particular zone that it should be reduced. Chairman Kelly
referred to Page 15 of the minutes of the July ~9 workshop
meeting and read the consensus of opinion of the members re-
garding the R-1AA zones.
~l~°~aiwr~ferred back to the
· ~e consensus ~ao zone a~d
S~nce the~ ~ that the ~_~.~ stated if
thi .... ~ ~e~ requirement~ '~ °~ area is n
.... o ~.'ea. Mr. Bus ~ ~? then they don,t ~ .... o~ a ~roblem
.~ ~ on on R-~A~ ~ ~ ~ ~e Would lik~ ,~- ~ :nange
~* ~nis ar~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ne BUil~ ~_ T~ ~=~ ~o tab~
requ~emen ~_ ~si_ asked if : .ent will 1
met _ts.and ~. ~Ushn :: ~_£.~h? pl~tted lot~ ~^~
~,~ al~ requ~rement~ ,,__e~ ~'~Yl~ed that t~ .... ~
2~uSr they Were ~JC ~'s. ~Uckle added ~f~jacan~ lots
merits. Mr ~-~ TtS~us±Y regulate -.. ~ cneY must co -
forminghouses which are built and °~ COnsider non-con_
this will be a separate
action. Nfs. Huckle replied that this is what she was refer_
ring to.
Mr. Rossi stated that rather than making a blanket statement
~o turn everything back to what it was before, it wouldn,t
show much foresight in the preparation of the regulations.
They must come up with specific recommendations for specific
zones. If something has to be done in every zone, it will
different. Mrs. Huckle stated that Dne ~- -- ~J nad
good Plan at the first .ear~ng, but C~ty Council made ~ ~any
h ' ~ey thought t~i .... be
changes. When they face the property OWner with his little
Piece of property, you don,t dare give one fellow a leniency
and have the next appear before the Board of Adjustment. Mr.
Rossi rezarked that it was not upgrading the City then. Mrs.
HUckle continued that they must Provide for the future. What
they ha4 Planned after two years Work evidently isn't work_
able. When meeting the property owner face to face, it be-
came a different story. ~
Mr- Schmidt requested that he be brought up to date with
having only attended a few meetings. He referred to the
preliminary copy 002 and asked what happened to the para-
graphs dealing With the Board of Adjustment and what was
JULY 22, 1975
the reason for taking them out? These paragraphs sound like
the whole answer. Chairman Kelly informed him that this
Board had nothing to do with this. The former acting City
Planner and the City Attorney took care of this and the Board
had nothing to do with the removal of these paragraphs. ~.
Schmidt suggested if there was no reason for dropping them,
they should put them in and it will solve the problems.
gives relief to the person owning one or two lots, applie~
to non-conforming lots and houses, etc. Col. Trauger read
this Page 45. ~s. Castello stated she thought something
should be included in the new code to keep applications from
going before the Board of Adjustment. AlsO~, the Board of
Adjustment is awaiting a clearer decision regarding this.
Chairman Kelly asked if Mr. Bushnell discussed this with Mr.
Simon and Mr~ Bushnell replied that he gave this information
to Mr. Simon at the last City Council meeting with the pages
marked for his reading. Mrs. Huckle stated she thought they
should consider what they should do prior to having someone
having to go to the Board of Adjustment. They must make it
a workable zoning plan.
Mr. Bushnell referred to the possibility that these para-
graphs be included and pointed out that it gave relief allow-
ing people owning less than two lots to build houses conform-
ing under the old code, but it did not apply to those people
owning more. He also asked if it was wise for ~ person to
build large houses in a community of small houses from a mone-
tary point of view? Also, is it wise for the Planning &
Zoning Board to force this issue? Mro Ryder stated it didn't
always mean a larger house and should mean more air and light.
~r. B~hnell statedhhe thought this was worth considering.
Chairman Kelly asked what happened to the pages covering the
Board of Adjustment including this non-conformity area that
they were not in the new book? Mr. Bushnell repliedtthat
they were replaced by those appearing now. Col. Trauger
added that someone determine~ it inappropriate to include
them. Chairman Kelly stated they must consult the City Attor-
ney and have guidance by him. Mrs. Huckle remarked that this
whole thing gets depressing. First they started with Mr.
Largent, then ~. Barrett and now he's gone and they cannot
get the background. Mr. Healy informed them that the Board
of Adjustment met with Mr. Barrett and M~. Simon and they
discussed these alterations and were told these were situa-
tions they would not be confronted with. They did not dis-
cuss non-conforming use at all. Chairman Kelly asked if he
knew why this was dropped and Mr. Healy replied that he did
not. He continued that t~ey discussed special exceptions
and reference to the Planning & Zoning Board. They wanted to
know why the special exception paragraphs were left in, since
they were not going to hear any. He referred to letters
being presented at a City Comncil meeting with the explanation
JULY 22, 1975
given by Mr. Simen's partner. They are wondering what hap-
pened to these letters and they are trying to find out about
them. Mrs. Huckle referred to Page 39 which spells out the
Board of Adjustment shall consider special exceptions and Mr.
Healy informed her this was all supposed to be eliminated.
Mrs. Huckle compared the floor area requirements between the
old and new codes. Col. Trauger remarked that he didn't like
going back to the old codes. ~. Ryder agreed that he didn't
like it either, but they should be consistent. He added that
it must be limited to developed areas only and not platted
areas. Mrs. Huckle pointed out that platted lots could be
owned by people for ten years. Mr. Ryder replied that people
lived on developed lots. They would be throwing everything
out otherwise. They should m~ke exceptions for developed
areas only,regardless when the vacant areas were platted.
Mr. Rossi statedhhe didn't think they really focused on the
problem. The whole plan must be reviewed. They must also
consider commercial areas. They must focus in on the areas
which are problems. They seemed to have solved the R-1AA
areas and now must consider R-1A~B. M~. Bushnell requested
that they leave this zone and the Building Department will
measure these lots to see if they are affected.
Mrs. Huckle referred to their consideration affecting platted
or developed lots. Mr. Ryder referred to limiting it to
people living in homes now, it would be all right, but they
included vacant lots in the R-1AA recommendation, if what
they h~ve done in R-~A~ applies to the others, the map does
not mean anything. Mr. Bushnell stated it would change the
parameters of the City developed, but would make it better in
undevelooed areas. Mr. Ryder agreed that outside of the
develope~ areas, it did not mean anything. ~. Bushnell ques-
tioned if it was wise to force downgrading of medium size
houses by smaller houses, have people before the Board of Ad-
justment in large quantities so they just pass them or send
people back with owning lots which they cannot do anything
with? F~. Ryder referred to ~. Decker having two lots not
being able to build on. The only way to retain essence of
all the work is to limit the changes to developed areas.
Mr. Schmidt referred to the ultimate of the City limits being
441. He informed the Board that the City Council was con-
cerned with annexing as fast as possible as much as they could
out to 441, so they could set up standards and plan it rather
than accepting each tract piece by piece. He thinks this is
what the plan is all about, not the center of the City. Mr.
Rossi disagreed and referred to the services of a professional
planner, which the members discussed. Mrs. Huckle referred
to the work on the regulations and map over the years with
different planners, Board members and chairmen. Three years
JULY 22, 1975
ago, they were ecology minded; but with the recession, they
have become economy minded forcing changes., Many elements
must be considered which went into these regulations. Mr.
Ryder added that they must also hear the people too.
Mr. Rossi referred to going back in all the areas and he is
sure if they went by the old zoning plan, they would be doing
something which is not right to continue. ~Ms. Huckle stated
that if they compared the old code page by page to the new
code, they would see that it has been changed. Mm. Rossi
replied that he was referring to lot areas, etc. ¥~s. Huckle
continued that they threw out 2/3's of the old code. Mr.
Rossi stated he was referring to technical things. Col.
Trauger stated he thought it would be wrong to let people go
back and build according to the old code. They recognized
someone would get hurt to a degree, but did not realize the
degree of the hurt. He believes it is still a small minority.
Changing the side setback from 7½ ft. to 10 ft. really does
not change the neighborhood too much. The Board of Adjustment
paragraph states everything prior to the code can go accord-
mng to the old regulations. He thinks they should take a look
at some of these and the measurements and how great a hurt
there is. If most comply, let the regulations hold.
Mr. Bushnell informed them that the greatest hurt wasson those
smaller lots with smaller houses and now, larger lots are re-
quired for the same size house. He does not see the improve-
ment of 7½ ft. ~er 6 ft. set~ack means one thing to the City
improvement. The combination of changing the parameters and
width of the lot really does not have to exist. It is not the
large lots in R-1AA, R-1AAB and R-1AAA which have caused the
problem. One area went from R-1 to R-1L~ and this really
caused a ~roblem.
Mr. Rossi referred to R-1AAB and there not seeming to be much
of a problem. Mr. Bushnell informed him that some of the
houses may have been built with the minimum setbacks and the
new code msd~es them non-confor~ming. They will measure these
and give the Board a count. The members studied the aerial
photo of the Lake Eden area. Mr. Bushnell counted approxi-
mately 28 lots non-conforming in frontage in this area. ~.
Schmidt also noted that the square footage and rear se2backs
were kmocked out. Mr. Bushnell pointed out that those being
short'in the rear setback were non-conforming before. He
added that 28 in a neighborhood of 100 could possibly get
Chairman Kelly referred to the R-lA areas and asked how many
undeveloped, but unplatted lots there were? Mr. Rossi stated
he believed the biggest question was increasing the side set-
back from 6 ft. to 7½ ft. and he believes 7½ ft. is too severe
JULY 22, 1975
on a 60 ft. lot. Mr. Bushnell pointed out that they went
from 6,000 sq. ft. lot area to 7,500 sq. ft. lot area where
there isn't the depth. A 5~ increase in lot size was made.
~. Schmidt referred to the Boynton Hills area. Mrs. Huckle
stated that these lots were non-conforming before. ~. Rossi
asked if they wanted 60 ft. lots in R-lA? Mr. Schmidt in-
formed them that they previously did. Col. Trauger stated
that when they put the zoning categories on, they actually
did not consider the actual real estate. ~. Rossi agreed
that holding 7,500 sq. ft. was a problem.
~. Rossi pointed out that there was no question about it
that with the new zoning code, the Board of Adjustment would
have a heavy workload. He questioned how they wanted to han-
dle all these districts all the way down the line? He recom-
mended that the Building Department review the areas and come
back with parameters, how many lots occupied, etc. Mr.
$chmidt informed him that this was almost impossible. M~.
Bushnell suggested that he make the recommendation to the City
Manager, as the B~ildi~g Department is short-handed with an
increased workload. Mrs. Huckle questione~ what they would
accomplish with all this and Mr. Bushnell replied that he
didn,t think in some areas they could make a wiser decision.
Mrs. Huckle suggested they let the people in residential
zones,on developed lots with something built on them, choose
whether to use the old or new setbacks and they could take
the old setbacks if necessary. Mr. Schmidt agreed this would
answer a 'big problem with homes already built. Mrs. Huckle
stated she didn't know what would happen to the vacant lots,
but possibl~ they would have to appear before the Board of
Adjustment. It just doesn't seem like they are going to be
able to correct this thing outside of correcting it halfway
and hoping it is enough. It looks like it is insurmountable.
Mr. Bushnell agreed it would correct non-conformities and
problems existing. However, he feels it may make a lot of
property useless. If they go through the Board of Adjustment
and are not favorably look on, they must wait one year before
they can re-apply. He doesn't even think they can make the
people cut the weeds on lots which are not buildabie. Mrs.
Huckle questioned if it was feasible at all to get an agree-
ment in view of all the time spent in reverting back to the
old code on all platted properties? She can see what Mr.
Bushnell stated is true with unusable properties.
Col. Trauger clarified that those which were non-conforming
should not be enlarged, but those who owned properties platted
now could go ahead under the previous zoning criteria to
build. They must have a cut-off date someplace and they will
still have people who won't get around to doing it. Mrs.
Huckle stated it would be prior to 1962. Col. Trauger asked
JULY 22, 1975
about a date in the future and ~. Bushnell agreed there was
value to this. Mrs. Huc~kle suggested getting a legal opinion
on this. Col. Trauger continued with referring to non-con-
formities expanding which should be barred and ceased. Mrs.
Castello suggested setting a three year limit.
Col. Trauger referred to a solution for the areas where there
was a large jump. Mr. Bushnell referred to Laurel Hills and
how they needed a second replat now. He explained that they
were originally 50 ft. lots and the builders made them 60 ft.
lots according to the 1962 zoning and now the requirement is
75 ft. lots and the area is 50% developed. Col. Trauger
pointed out if it went for one particular section, they must
consider the other sections.
Mr. Schmldt asked if there was an answer for this. He asked
if the City Council could instruct the Board of Adjustment
that when there is a laud-locked lot and the man applies for
a variance, not to just refuse but look at the neighborhood
and if it is the only one left, let him build on it. M~.
Bushnell stated this could create a problem. ~s. Huckle~
added that she was not sure if the City Council could lay
out stipulations to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Schmidt
asked if something could be written into the regulations re-
ferring to land-locked lots and Mr. Rossi replied that he
wasn't concerned with these lots. Mr. Ryder agreed there
'weren't too many land-locked lots and from his experience on
the Board of Adjustment, they have granted the variance.
Mr. Bushnell questioned why they should impose a $50 fee
when it could be solved with the zoning? Mr. Ryder replied
that with giving a man the opportunity to do something, he
was not going to worry about the $50 fee. M~s. Huckle stated
she was worried about the person having had a lot for five
years and now gets the money to build and finds he cannot.
Mr. Rossi stated he feels they need expert advice. He is
sure if they laid out their problem to Bill Boos, they would
get guidelines. ~s. Huckle referred to Mr. Boos agreeing
he would come down, but added it would take a long time to
go through all this. ~. Rossi suggested meeting in a work-
shop session with him and get his advice as he k~ows zoning
law.. Chairman Melly agreed. The members discussed this
further and decided to meet with Mr. Kohl tomorrow to discuss
this suggestion further.
Mrs. Huckle referred to the time involved to go over this
thoroughly with a planner and how the Building Department
was being held up in issuing permits. She suggested ma~ng
a diversion in all the zones just regarding requirements,
setbacks, etc. Chairman Kelly added that if these people
have had a piece of property for ten years and have not
built on it, it could be confined to the pla~ted and deve-
loped and they would have a small minority of people affected.
JULY 22, 1975
Mr. Bushnell suggested reverting to the old zoning parameters
enly on existing houses and lots in developed plats. Mr.
Ryder agreed that if they did this and treated only hardships
with people living there, it would solve many problems. They
could go on from there and retain a consultant and consider
making changes in the future. They should not hold up any-
thing now and destroy construction. This would apply not
only to R-1AA, but all others and limit it to developed
properties. Mr. Bushnell replied that construction would
come to a standstill with stating developed properties.
Mrs. Castello suggested setting a time limit. ~. Ryder
pointed out they would be suspending the new zoning and going
back to the old zoning. Mr. Bushnell advised them that the
sewer moratorium may be lifted. Mrs. Huckle remarked that
she liked the idea of a planner, but could see a stall. ~.
Rossi informed them that he would see ~. Boos tomorrow and
see if he was available and was interested. Chairman Kelly
suggested meeting with Mr. Kohl first and the members agreed.
Mrs. Castello added that they do have a dilemma which must
be solved legally.
~. Rossi stated he would like to have i~. Bushnell and ~.
Schmidt review this and make suggestions. Mr. Bushnell sug-
gested reverting back. He advised them that they would make
a list of every zoning district which appears. They will do
it by subdivisions and tell the old and new zoning. Mr.
Rossi asked if they could solve the problem without changing
a district line and changing regulations? Mr. Schmidt re-
plied: no and referred to Laurel Hills. The members dis-
cussed marking the map to show the changes.
Mrs. Huckle asked if there was a problem in R-3 and Mr.
Bushnell explained they just had a lack of one. He added
that there were also some corrections in the book to be
made. They must also do something about a filling station
ordinance and others which have fallen out as a result of
the new regulations. Mrs. Castello asked if it could be in-
corporated by reference and Mr. Bushnell replied: yes. He
added that they could ask that the filling station ordinance
be re-instated. Chairman Kelly informed him that the Board
never discussed this and did not know who took it out.
Before adjourning, Chairman Kelly summarized that they have
reached a point that they mtu~t discuss some things with ~.
Kohl and arrange for some help.
Col. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ?~s.
Castello. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly
adjourned at t1:12 P. M.