Minutes 07-22-75 (2)MiNUTES OF TH~ REGULAR ~EETING OF THE PLk-~.TNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY H~LL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1975 AT 7:30 P. M. P~ESENT Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman. Mrs. Vicki Castello Mrs. Marilyn Huckle Enrico Rossi Simon Ryder ABSENT Warren Bushnell, Acting Bldg. Official Len Schmidt, Acting Chief Bldg. Inspector Oris Walker (Excused) Chairman Kelly called the second regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board in the month of July to order at 7:52 P. M. He acknowledged the three gentlemen present in the audience and then introduced the members of the Board, ~. Bushnell, Mr. Schmidt, and Mrs. Kruse. He announced that they intended to have a workshop meeting beginning at 7:00 P. M., but only three members were present at that time, but they now have six members present. MINUTES The minutes of July 8, 1975 were read. Col. Trauger moved that the minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board meeting of July 8, 1975, be approved as submitted. Mir. Ryder seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0, with ~s. Huckle abstaining because of not being at the meeting. AIfNOUNCEM~NTS Chairman Kelly announced that Mr. Walker was on vacation and was excused from attending this meeting. He then referrad to both Mr. Walker and Col. Trauger not attending the work- shop meeting on Saturday, July 19. It was unfortunate there was a lack of memory perhaps and he thinks they should be moted as excused from last Saturday,s meeting. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Site Plan Review Fra. Order of Police Indoor Pistol Range N. W. ~7th Ave., West of 1-95 Rep.: Robert C. Cole MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE TWO JULY 22, 1 975 Chairman Kelly asked if Mr. Cole was present in the audience and received no response. He then referred to the C.A.B.'s review of this plan and read their comments from the minutes of their meeting on Ju~ 21, 1975. Mr. Bushnell showed the plans and informed the members that it was located on City owned property which has no setback regulations. Mr. Ryder asked if this was entirely indoors and Mr. Bushnell replied~ yes and is windowless. Mr. Ryder asked if it was considered a category of the City and Mr. Bushnell replied that it was on City owned property, but he would consider it under the heading of clubs. He further explained that they do have some facilities on this location now, but do not have an indoor pistol range. It is in a zone where it will offer nothing detrimental to a residen- tial area. The land to the west, north and sou~h is indus- tri~land to the east is ~-95. As a private club, it requires one parking place per each seat, but there are no seats in a pistol range so he doesn't believe the parking space require- ment applies to this particular addition. The members studied the plans. Chairman Kelly referred to this being located on City owned property and questioned if everything had been approved by the City Council and if the ~lte plans were legal? Mr. Rossi also questioned if there was something in the City Council minutes stating the F.O.P.A. could use this land? Chairman Kelly stated he believed there should be something on record. Mr. Bushnell recommended that this be sent to the City Council without recommendation for advisement. Mro Rossi questioned whether it was within their prerogative to decide whether there was an agreement between these two parties. Mrs. Huckle stated she didn't believe it was pertinent. Col. Trauger added that they had never before questioned who owned the property. Mr. Ryder replied that this was in a different category with being on City owned property. Col. Trauger noted it was located in the middle of a large plot, has a fence and the building meets structural regulations and he believes they should recommend si~ plan approval. Mrs. Huckle questioned the requirements for obtaining a building permit number and ~. Bushnell explained the procedure. Mrs. Huckle then asked why they were so concerned if the City owned the lan~? She is sure they wouldn,t go to this e×pense if they couldn,t buil~. Mr. Decker appeared before the Board for the purpose of giving some background. He first stated he thought it was a bad word to use with stating a private owne~ club. The policemen must qualify and the City must see that they must qualify and it is really them furnishing something to the City, than the other way around. MINUTES .PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THI~EE JULY 22, 1 975 Mr. Rossi suggested making a recommendation based on the F.O.P.A. having the right to do this. Mrs. Castello asked if it was a preliminary or final review and Mr. Bushnell informed her it was a preliminary review. Mr. Rossi re- ferred to this structure on City owned land and an addition being made and questioned if it would undo the maximum use of this parcel? Chairman Kelly suggested adjourning for a short recess, so he could call the Mayor to find out about this. Mrs. Huckle referred to the library and how it had to come before the Planning & Zoning Board first. ~. Bushnell stated this was not in comparison to the library, as this is an addition to something which has already been there. It must have been approved by the City to have gotten there already. ~M. Ryder remarked that he didn't think it was choice property in this location. Mrs. Huckle suggested tabling it until they got it clarified. Mr. Rossi asked the estimated cost of the addition and Mr. Bushnell informed him that it was not estimated until after approval. Mr. Ryder suggested it be approved on the basis that assumption has been made for the City's approval. Col. Trauger made a motion that the Board recommend to the City Council the approval of the preliminary site plan for the Fra. Order of Police Indoor Pistol Range, N. W. 17th Ave., West of 1-95, if said pistol range has the approval of the City Council to be erected on City owned property. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-1, with Mrs. Castelle voting against. Discussion of City Master Plan Mr. Rossi asked if the City had any preliminary plans as to the ultimate City plans for expansion of the garage, etc.? Mr. Bushnell replied that they did not have overall infor- mation regarding this matter; however, there are drawings and specifications for a new maintenance building in the hands of the Building Department at this time. Mr. Rossi stated he was just wondering if a master plan had been drawn for City owned property for ultimate use. Mrs. Huckle pointed out that suggestions for this should come from this Board. Col. Trauger stated it would be long range extension planning and he referred to the Largent plan showing this. Mr. Ryder suggested proposing this to the City Manager, who might turn it over to the City Engineer to determine the departments, needs. M~. Rossi referred to a parcel showing a small structure on a~massive piece of land and stated he felt they should be reluctant to act without a master plan. Col. Trauger re- ferred to the boat ramp area and how projected planning should be considered. Mrs. Castello asked if the City anti- cipated hiring a City Planner? Chairman Kelly stated he had MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR JULY 22, 1975 read a newspaper article stating they were going to sit tight for a bit. Mr. Rossi pointed out that when the ~ity starts to move again, they are going to find themselves in a situa- tion where they should have planned ahead for these areas. He added that there is no doubt that the services of a pro- fessional planner are needed. Chairman Kelly questioned if it would be in order to send a memo through the City Manager to the City Council asking whether there were plans to fill the vacancy of the City Planner? Mrs. Huckle agreed it would be a good idea and Mrs. Castello also agreed. Mrs. Huckle made a motion to write a memo to the City Manager recommending that the City Council consider providing for the services of a professional planning cons~Rtant to assist the Planning & Zoning Board in the planning of the City. Mrs. Castello seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Rossi stated they may not need a full time planner, but the ser- vices of a planner on a consultant basis. Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT Col. Trauger made a motion to a~mrn, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly ad- journed at 8:30 P. M. AGENDA Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting. Time: 7:30 P.M. Date: July 22, 1975 Place: Council Chambers City Hall 1. Acknowledgement of members and visitors 2. Reading and approving of minutes. 3. Announcements: 4. Old Business: 5. New Business: Fra. Order of Police Indoor Pistol Range. N.W. 17th Ave., West of 1-95 Rep.: Robert C. Cole.