1975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Simon Ryder
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle (Excused)
Warren Bushnell,
Acting Bldg, Official
Len. Schmidt,
Chief Bldg. Inspector
Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and
welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present to the first regu-
lar meeting in July of the Planning & Zoning Board of the
City of Boynton Beach. He introduced the members of the
Board, Mr. Bushnell and Mrs. Kruse, Recording Secretary.
Parcel #1 - Abandonment of alley between Lots 22 and 23,
Block 12, Boynton Heights Rev. Plat, Recorded
in. Plat Book 10, Page 64, Palm Beach County
Records and the South 25 ft. of Lots 4 and 5,
Block 6, Boynton Heights (Original)
Applicant - Clarence W. Shelton, Sr.
Mr. Clarence W. Shelton, Sr., stated his name and his address
as 115 South Seacrest Blvd. He informed the Board that he
asked to have this alley going through his property abandoned.
In looking at the records and maps, he found this alley to be
much narrower here than the rest of the way west. Since he
did not know the size of the alley, he decided it was best
to have it surveyed.. The surveyors could not have it surveyed
by tonight, but thought they would have it surveyed later on
this week. He requested that they table his application until
it is surveyed, so they would know what they are talking about.
Chairman Kelly added that Mr. Shelton had called him this
morning and mentioned the fact of the lack of a new survey and
requested the meeting to be posSponed. He asked him to appear
tonight and he has graciously complied. He stated he had a
coupl$ of things that possibly they had not been advised about.
First, he read a letter from Mr. Perry Cessna of the Utilities
Department stating they have no objections providing a pro-
perly executed easement is given. ~Ir. Shelton replied that
he did not receive this letter, but did receive a letter from
JULY 8, 1975
Florida Power & Light. He added there was no reason why he
should not give an easement. Chairman Kelly continued that
it seemed they were perfectly willing to go along with the
abandonment, as long as an easement is given for their lines.
He then read a letter dated July 7 addressed to the City
Clerk from Southern Bell advising that they have cable ~aci-
lities within this alley absmdonment. If the P~mson will
grant aneasement for these utilities, they have no objec-
tions to the proposed abandonment. ChairmanKelly suggested
to Mr. Shelton that he take care of these. He advised' him
that when he was ready to appear before the Board, he could
call Mr. Busknell and he will arrange to put this on the
agenda again.
Mr. Ryderquestioned if there were possible neighbors in-
volve~ fro~ whom they would require releases and Chairman
Kelly - him that this notice had Been published. He
added i in certain cases, they do notify the neighbors
withim 400 feet. Mr. Ryder asked if the City considered
this proper notice and Chairman Kelly informed him that it
was considered as the public notice. He added that it really
didn,t affect the neighbors, as it was located on the appli-
cant's ~operty. Mr. Ryder asked if this alley ram along the
entire blockf~om Seacrest to 1st Street and M~. Bmsh~el[
informed him that it did, but was undeveloped~ Mr. Ryder
remarked that other people were involved them~ Mr. Bushnell
informed him that these people were notified by mail. Chair-
man Kelly added that this was taken care of by the City
Mr. Rossi asked if anyone in the audience was interested in
this abandomment and Chairman Kelly asked, but received no
reply. Mr- RosSi suggested if the Board looked favorable on
this request, a proper legal description should be prepared
and given to the City so they cam ha~e their comments to act
on it. Mr. Bushnell stated he would check this with the City
Mr~ Rossi made a motion to table this matter of the abamdon-
merit petition requested by Clarence W. Sheltom, Sr. umtil
such time that he f~rnishes the necessary survey an~ the 3
easements to the City of Boynton Beach, Southern Bell, and
Florida Power & Light. Col. Trauger seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Walker asked how they kmew they were
going to act favorably since he still had to fUrnish, the
easements? Mr. Bushnell said he was not certain if this
was the proper procedure, but he would check. Mr. Rossi
remarked he thought they should get a clarification as they
are about to take action on an abandonment. He thinks they
should get a ruling from the City Attorney whether they can
take action on the abandonment and also take actiom on the
JULY 8, 1975
easememts. He suggests that Mr. Bushnell contact the City
Attorney. Mr. Bmshnell replied that he would do this.
Motion carried 5-1, with Mr. Walker voting against.
Mr. Bmshnell added that there was actually very little for
Mr. Shelton to do as locating the legal papers womld be a
fm~ction of the City· Ne will combine t~e giving of the
abandonment and taking of the easements and discuss this
with the City Attorney. Mr~: ~yder asked if the City had a
survey of th~s strip and Bushnell replied: yes ,as it is
a planned right-of-way. Mr. Rossi referred to there Being
the que. stiom of a pipeline existing and they mmst determine
where it is. Mr. Bushmell agreed Mr. Rossi clarified that
Shelton was as~g for something amd before they grant
it, they must be sure there is an easement~~ a~d it is correctly
located. Mr. Ehelton informed him that he didn,t think any
of the utilities were in the alley, but the smrveyor will
locate whore that Mrs. Rethman
also advised '. that Teleprompter was ~lved in this, but
they are on the power company poles·
Chairman Kelly read the following statement:
"There are several revisions, additions and corrections
to the Official Zoning Regulations and the Official Zoning
Map which in our opinion require immediate action by the
Planning and Zoning Board and recommendation to City Council
for emergency amendment action·
Am example of the changes follows:
The enlarged side setback requirements which were brought
about by the zoning ~pgradings of ms~uy subdivisions have ren-
dered developed property no~-conformi~g. As a consequence,
the Building Department cannot legally issue building permits
to owners or builders for additions or other improvements to
their properties· Further, the regulations impose strimgent
conditions on builders and/or prospective owners of vacant
lots. ~n all instances, it is most often necessary for the
Building Department to refuse the permits and suggest that
the applicants make application ~or variances~ through the
Board of Adjustment. This procedure is time-consuming mot
altogether satisfying and in some cases costly· '
As a result, we feel that we, the Planning and Zoning
Board should consider this a matter of utmost comcern requir-
ing expedient action. It is,, therefore, suggested that this
Board arrange a workshop session at our earliest opportunity
to resolve these situations quickly and then ask the City
JULY 8, 1975
Council to take emergency action in the form of amendments
to the Zoning Regulations and Eo~ing Map.
We realize that there is no shorter way that these aims
can be accomplished and we ask that we be given the necessary
few weeks to accomplish this purpose. We ask for this time
because of the need to resolve, place in legal form and con-
clude by amendment. These things do take time."
Mr. Rossi asked if they were talking about three specific
zones in the single family residential zones and Mr. Bushnell
replied that two were in question, R1AA amd R1A. He first
referred to R1AA going from ?½, tS lO' side setback and how
various people had applied to put in. a pool, patio, etc. and
the Building Department could not issue a permit because they
are non. co~orming. He added that the same was true of R1A,
which is ?-~, and used to be 6'. Mr. Rossi asked about the
other zonesand Mr. Bushnell informed him that they had noth-
ing regarding them. Mr. Rossi stated if they were going to
review something because of hardships, he believes they
should look at all the zones. Chairman Kelly agreed and
stated this was why he suggested a special workshop meeting
be held to discuss this. Mr. Rossi asked if the staff had
reviewed all the districts and problem areas and if there
would be problems~in all districts? Mr. Ryder pointed out
that R1AAA~amd RIAAB were new categories and they should not
rum into these difficulties. Mr. Busknell informed them'
that some R1AA~ did
exist, but he has not had any record of
reviewingaa for this zone. Mr. Rossi referred to R1AAB
and asked ere were a lot of non-conforming uses and Mr.
Bushmell that he did not know. study this
and will if there will be uses. They
have no.t dome this completely. This subject was only Brought
to their atltention yesterday.
Chairman Kelly informed them that another reason for the
workshop meeting is that Mr. Barrett and Mr. Simon spent a
day or more going over the Board of Adjustment section and
non-conformity does not appear. This was evidently left
out in their hurry. Mr. Bushnell added that there were pro-
visions for those instances of non-conforming uses and non-
conforming lots, but this text was not included when the
Board of Adjustment section was re-written. This might he
covered in a blanket by changing this, rather than
changing the rec in the zoning. This is a need
for a workshop meeting.
Mr. Walker questioned how this hardship with side setbacks
came about and Mr. Busknell explained hoW a homeowner wanted
to improve their property and now couldn,t. The constant
appeal from the public to the Building Department has forced
JULY 8, ~ 97
rT~. ~r. W~ker aske~ ~f
solution for this and ~
bo~ With t · ~. Bushne there
_ _ he~r shot 11 referr _ .~Y other
~d =t · t lots. e~ to Go
,~_ ~._ a llst of a:~ +~- : -~Y Could _lmV~ew
~= ~1~ C · ~ ~ io~s ~e~ go to the su ' -
Y O~ncll lng too b~lVlsi
}he lots uest _. shomt
~n~_~_, ,_ or this Boa~q~___ ~ $~ulal exce~-- ~ go before
~ r~m~ked as' h~ ~~ ~9e Board of~E~n~S, or the
~ was ~he inten~ ,i dJ?~aa~zed this th~~s~m?n=.
~ ~ ua~om~. If
Proper manner.
whe~ a special
there are these
non. C on
and re
with deci
Mr. j. White of J. ~hite
Avenue a Aluminum
, pPeared befor Products 2
the~e was also ~ o g _~ the Board. He i~e~l ~ E..6th
a ~ ~-= area affe --~-~u ~nem t
PPlied for a .... ~ · cted. H~ ~ ..... . hat
~-m~ yesterday for - ~-t=~rre~ to aaving
~ ~ ~creen room on one l~t
and he has run into six instances within one week l~
With not being able to et
~hat this th' -- g permits. 6h ' _ ke this
=o check ~n~ was so new, that t~ = j~_,am K~lly replied
- a= ~nows Mr e~ -==~=u a litt
noon. Possib~-- =L . - ~ushnell C~led ~ -. le time
th ~ u~ lnser~in --. o~on this
.. e old code. ~ ~ ~ g the non-confor.~ ..... after.
= - ~ ~ ~nms could -~s uovera e f
~~-~ng his Dusin ~t~ ~nfor~=d
ess. He referred
to one of his customers re
~ ~S~en room, but w~ ~~n~.who W~ted to ~-~
a~vised him that ~e-- _~n~y_need or wan~. C~~ ~e~ing
~r~ected 3Ust as fa~t~fe-~=e~ssted in getti~'~%~'~
~o ~avin~ cus~-~-~- =- 2~~°ssiule- ~ ., . ~ ~ s~ua~io~
~ .... '~ ~Ol~ ~_2._ · White then
to the rear Where there is a cam~ to screen in an existi~
~ uu encroach
slab. The n~xt door neighbor has a pool with a screen encI~
sure, but his customer was denied a permit. ~. Walker
formed him that some owners were granted vari~ces By the
Board of Adjustment. ~. White ~reed and added that some
Were also denied.
~. Rossi asked if he knew which areas t~s h~ds~p w~
created in ~d ~. White replied in Bowers P~k, La~el
Hills, Sky R~ch Estates and Golfview H~bo~. Col. Trauger
remarke~ that it seemed to him for just the little footage
from 7~' to 10,, they would have had this Problem before.
}~- B~hnell agree~ that there were lots which were non-
Co~or~, but they should consider those which were con-
for~ng and from what they have done, have now made them
~rred to the Board of Adjustment
could not even act on
JULY 8, 1975
~n-conforming. Chairman Eeliy announced that they hoped
correct this situation through a recommendation to the
City Council. They will establish a date for this workshop
meeting shortly.
Mr. White then referred to another strange thing with the
City Building Department Policing a condomini~rule. He
referred to Leisureville and how they must go through the
Leisureville Association even though they receive permits
and everything from the City. Ee believes this is wrong.
He did put a job up today Without the condominium,s approval
and got camght. He did this because the people wanted it
done and his man was going out of town. This association
only meets twice a month and he must wait for them to meet
to get approval and he cannot get abuilding permit
without ti
very ;hat th~ ~. Ryder informed him that it was
association reviewed the plans.
They cannot let a resident go out to the rear or side lot
line. They are trying to keep within the
house. Mr. White replied that the of the
care of this and he is aware of the Department took
stated that they could not find the lot line~ ia Leisure_
ville. Mr. ~hmte stated
~ . Mr. Ryder
he was ~ecause of this
two Week wa~ and he- they should meet every
week. Mr. imformed him that this matter had been
brought to the attem~
the process of
ity of the City inter
They have been these
ing the proper method get
are not going to concern themselv,
they get the opinion from the City Att.
stated that if the Building De
merits as the association, this
Rossi referred to the associatio~
Color of the aluminmm scre.
Chairman Kelly added
approve~ contractor an¢
they also make re~
he is in
the legal-
now seek-
permits until
Mr. Ryder
same require-
of the
Mr. Ryder agreed.
must so have an
d by
remarked that most of the problems c
~gntractgrs' Mr' Bushnell stated in°me from out of town
=zon, no~ specifically Leisur -. regards to this situa-
~uch s · eville they have Other things
a one wanting to enclose -~
the~- porch. Who is to say
the Building Department is not to iSsue a permit because
there is an association not allowing it? They prescribe a
certa~ type of aluminum, color, etc., but the Buit~ing
Department is concerned with all types that will conform.
There is a conflict about this legality. This will be
JULY 8, 1975
concentrated on by the City Attorney. Mr. Rossi remarked
that in condominiums, there are rules and regulations set
by the association and many check things twice a~ter the
City does.
~s. Mary Jova~ti stated her name and her address as 300
So W. 12th Avenue. She informed the Board that she went
to City Hall for a permit to enclose her existing porch,
which now has a concrete slab, roof and screen, but was
denied because her lot is non-conforming. Why does she
have to appear before the Board of Adjustment when there
is already something there? Why can't a permit be issued?
Her house conformed when it was built 14 years ago. She
doesn,t want to go through all this trouble. Chairma~
Kelly informed her that they would try to str~hten this
out. Mr. Rossi added that rules have been changed. Chair-
man. Kelly asked her to give the Board some time. Mr. Rossi
continued that apparently there are quite a number of these
things coming up and they must make changes to avoid having
people such asher appear ~efore the Board of Adjustment.
Mrs. Jovanti continued that her screen porch, is there and
she just~wants to enclose it. ~he could see the reasoning
if she was adding to the house or building a new porch.
Mr. Ryder informed her that they were trying to remedy this.
Mr. Rossi added that legally now, the Building Department
must be goVerned by but there have been
some errors. Mrs. replied that she still had to
wait before do~ now. Chairman Kelly advised that
it wouldm't be The Board will work expeditious-
ly. Mrs. Jova~l ated that her applicatio~ could also be
disapproved, informed her that the workshop
would be just a Mr. Rossi added that they would
try to overcome Chairman Kelly stated that it
was certainly no~ to make a~ existing property
non-conforming. Jovanti asked what happened if she
were denied and ChairmanKelly replied that he is sure she
wouldn't be. ~tated that they should have
thought of this making the new ordinamce. Other
places have thought of it and worked that way. She is
surprised it was nOt thought of here. Mr. Rossi informed
her that it would be discussed, since it has been brought
up. Mr. BUshnell added a list of about 12 of
these sitUatiOns and the them all. Mrs.
Jovamti stated that as a homeowner, she just wante~ to view
her opinion.
Mr. Howard Mallory stated his name and his address as 1045
E. W. 25th and advised the Board that he was a builder. He
informed the Board that he has two lots in Laurel Hills and
just found out that they are non-conforming. ChairmamKelly
suggested that he obtain a ~opy of the zoning regulations
from the Building Department. He explained the existing
JULY 8, 1975
zones. He added that the whole intent of this was to try
to upgrade the City and not hurt anybody. The members are
human beings and if they see errors, they will have a work-
shop meeting and try to correct them. Mr. Mallory continued
that he bought the two lots and filed plans and spent about
$1.400 and then fomnd out they were non-conforming. These
lots back up to industrial property. They were R1 and have
been changed to R1A. Ne bmilt models on adjoining lots and
now finds that these two lots are non-conforming. Chairman
Kelly informed him that the remaining members of the Board
were not even aware of this until this meeting. It was not
a~ybody's intent te make anything non-conforming. Mr. Rossi
added that certain peoplewould be non-conforming, as that
Lng. It was not intended to be a wide
spread Lon They must check.whether mass areas
are affected. Mr. Mallery~continued that this also happened
in 1962 when they upgraded in Golfview Harbour. He had
models there and lots on which he could not build. Now it
has happened again. He has models and cannot sell them.
left in Golfview Harbou~ are
only put !a 45' house on a
corner lot. This makes corner lots in Golfview Har-
hour non-conforming to b~ild on. Mr. Bushnell informed him
that he had notes on this.
Chairma~ Kelly suggested at this time they should set a work-
shop meeting date. Mr. Bushnell checked with Mr. Schmidt an~
they agreed they should have all the information by ten days.
If it did not create a hardship on the peoDle waiting, they
should certainly be ready by then. He referred to having
aerial photos from 1975 and he explained how these were very
helpful. He added that if they met this Saturday, they might
wind up doing quite a bit of guessing in three days. Mr.
$chmidt agreed that they could be more certai~ and thorough
with having the additional week and he think~sit would be
better for everyone. The members discussed whether to meet
this week or next, preparing their recommendations for the
City Council, etc.
Mr. Rossi made a motion to meet in workshop session on Satur-
day, July 19, at 9:30 A. Mo Mr. Walker seconded the motion.
Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. White advised the Board that he would be out of town at
this time. Chairman Kelly replied that he hoped when he re-
turned, he would be happy with their results. He thinks it
will be resolved by that time. He added that they are a
recommending body to the City Council only.
Mr. Rossi suggested that if there were any other things to be
looked at, such as misspelling, etc., they should also t~ke
care of these at the workshop meeting. Mr. Bushnell replied
that he had notes about this.
JULY 8, 1975
M~inutes ,of J, une 1 O, 1 9~5
The June 10, 1975 were read, Mr. Walker moved
to minutes 6f Ju~e 1Oas presented, seconded by
Col. Trauger. Motion carried 4-0, with Chairman. Kelly and
Mr. RYder abstaining.
Minutes of June 2,4, 197~
The minut ;ume 24, 1975 were read. Chairman Kelly re-
ferred to three absentees at this meeting, with two
being noted as excused. Since then, he has learned from Mr.
Rossi that he asked Mr. Barrett to tell him that he was going
on vacation and Mr. Barrett failed to tell him. Mr. Rossi
was, there excused for this meeting. Mr. Ryder moved
to approve of Ju~e 24 as presented, seconded by
Mrs. Castello. Motion carried 4-0, with Col. Trauger and
Mr. Rossi abstaining.
onp Business
1. Lake Roma
Mr. Bus~kmell advised that this was before the Board for final
approval. Thromgh an error, this was given final approval by
the City Council before going before this Board, but will go
back before them. He showed the plan and informed them that
there were no changes.
Mr. Walker moved to recommend to the City Council fiual appro-
val of Lake Roma, replat of Parcel H and Parcel I, Plat of
lOth Section, Palm Beach Leisureville. ~s. Castello seconded
the motion. Motion carried 5-0, with Mr. Rossi abstaining.
1. FOPA Indoor Pistol Range
N. W. 17th Ave., West of 1-95
Mr. Busknell informed the Board that this had been cancelled
per the request of the FOPA.
Roger Miel Investment Casting & Machine Shop
Neptune Drive, Paddock Park
Col. Trauger asked for an explanation of investment castings
and Chairman Kelly explained. Mr. Bushnell showed the plans.
The members discussed the location.
JULY 8, 1975
Mr. Rossi suggested they establish some kind of format for
reviewing these plans. The Acting City Planner should tell
the members if they have been reviewed by the necessary
Boards, stamped, etc. and they should have input from the
Building Official. Also, they should possibly have a form.
~M. Bushnell agreed and stated he planned to do this.
Mr. Bushnell continued with explainingtthe plan and stated
that it met the requirements of zoning, has the required
amount of parking, has septic tank approval, etc.
Mr. Schmidt referred to Mr. Rossi's suggestion and informed
him that the plans come to him after being reviewed by the
Boards and he scrutinizes them for use, lot size, etc. He
sort of double checks.
In getting back to the review of the plan, Col. Trauger
asked what the end product was and ~. Bushnell informed
him it would be porcelain figurines. Mr. Rossi asked if
the other Boards approved and Mr. Bushnell replied: yes
and showed their stamps. Mr. Rossi referred to the Boards
having made comments on one set of plans and Mr. Bushnell
explained that all the Boards' comments and markings were
made on all the copies and one was returned to the builder
which he must live up to. He added that they would make
up a form as he requested. Mr, Rossi questioned what
happened if a builder asked for some changes after the plans
were approved? He added that somebody should take the re-
sponsibility for marking up plans showing just how it was
built. Mr. Bushnell informed him that they were insisting
on this now, but the Building Department is only interested
in changes affecting the structure. M~. Rossi asked by
what method an inspector could verify everything on the
plan and ~. Bushnell replied that he did this in the course
of the inspection. Mr. Schmidt added that they were now
calling for tie-in surveys and this will take care of a
lot of this.
Col. Trauger moved to recommend to City Council the accept-
ance of the plan for Roger Miel Investment Casting & Machine
Shop, Neptune Drive, Paddock Park. Mr. Ryder seconded the
motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Boca Raton Federal Savings and Loan
1114 S. Federal Highway
Lee Manor Isles
Mr. Bushnell showed the plans and advised this was the old
Lee M~anor Building, which will be restored and he explained
further. This plan has been approved by T~.B. and C.A.B.
The zoning is correct, as it was changed to accommodate this.
Provisions have been worked out with the Fire Marshall.
JULY 8, 1975
Mrs. Castello questioned the parking requirements, but Mr.
Bushnell did not have the sheet designating how many were
required and provided. Mr. Ryder asked if sewers were in
this area and Mr. Bushnell replied: yes, but the connections
have not been shown. Mr. Ryder questioned drainage and ~.
Bushnell informed him .that the T.R.B. takes care of this.
He added that there was a storm sewer in this area. Mr.
Rossi asked how they kuew the storm water would be contained
on the site as required and Mr. Bushnell informed him that
they must provide elevations to take care of it and the City
Engineer checks this.
Col. Trauger moved to recommend to City Council the approval
of the preliminary site plan of Boca Raton Federal Savings
and Loam, 1114 S. Federal Highway. Mr. Walker seconded the
motion. Motion carried 6-0.
St. John's Methodist Church, Sanctuary
3015 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Tract 3, Metes and Bounds
Mr. Bushnell showed the plans. He informed the members that
they had gone through all the Boards without any additional
requests being made by them. It is a good set of plans from
their point of view. Mr. Rossi asked if the parking spaces
met the code and Mr. Bushnell replied: yes, it exceeds it an~
he explained.
Col. Trauger moved to recommend to the City Council the appro-
val of the preliminary site plan for St. John's Methodist
Church, Sanctuary, 3015 N. Seacrest Blvd. Mr. Ryder seconded
the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
6. Seacrest Plaza Apartments
Mr. Bushnell referred to the City Council meeting on Tuesday,
June 17, when~he City proposed Resolution 75-QQ regarding
Seacrest Plaza Aoartments, Leonard~Smith's property. He
explained that t~is went before the Boards several years ago
and was held up byF.H.A. It has now been approved tenta-
tively by the City Council. He read from the C~ty Council
minutes regarding this property. In the meantime as a re-
sult of the zoning, this particular piece of property was
not properly zoned to accommodate an R-3 building. Mr.
Rossi asked when it was zoned R-3 and Mr. Bushnell informed
him it was late in 1973. Chairman Kelly clarified that in
orde~ to permit this project to go in there, it must be
zoned R-3. It is shown as R-lA on the new map, Mr. Rossi
remarked that it should have been retained as R-3. Mr.
Bushnell agreed, since this project was pending. They
must reverse this now and request the City Council to make
JULY 8, 1975
an amendment to the map. He suggested considering this fur-
ther at the workshop meeting and the members agreed. Chair-
man. Kelly added that mnother thing which should be deferred
to the workshop meeting is a memo from the City Clerk re-
garding an application for re-zoning. The members then dis-
cussed non-conforming lots and uses further.
Cot. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~s.
Castello. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly
adjourned at 9:50 P. M.
Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting.
Time: 7:30
Date: Tuesday July 8. 1975
Place:Council Chambers, City Hall.
1. Acknowledgement of members and visitors
2. Reading and approving of minutes.
S. Announcements:
4. Old Business:
5. N~w Business: 1.
FOPA Indoor Pistol Range.
N.W. 17th Ave., West of 1-95
2. Roger Miel Investment Casting & ~achine Shop.
Neptune Drive, Paddock Park.
3. Boca Raton Federal Savings and Loan.
1114 S. Federal Highway
Lee Manor Isles.
4. Clarence W. Shelton Sr. Abandonment
5. St. Johns Methodist Church,
3015 N. Seacrest Blvd.,
Tract 3. Metes and Bounds
S an ct u ary.
Revision: Items # 4 and #5 added 7-2-75