1975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Mrs. Vicki Castello
~s. Marilyn Huckle
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Jack Barrett,
Bldg. Official
'Warren Bushnell,
Deputy Bldgo Official
Col. Walter M. Tr~uger, Vice Chman.
Chairman Kelly welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present to
the second regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board for
the month of May and called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M.
He introduced the members of the Board, City Building Official
and acting City Planner, Deputy Building Official, and Record-
ing Secretary.
Chairman Kelly called the public hearing to order at 7:44
P.M. He announced this application was tabled previously
because of the absence of the applicant and a copy of the
application. He then read the following notice:
Parcel #1 - Lot 32, Block 17 Rolling Green Ridge 1st
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 224
Palm Beach County Records
Address - 170 N. E. 27th Court
Applicant - Ann L. Siarto
Request - Conditional Use to allow
Child Care Center
Chairman Kelly stated they would first like to hear from the
applicant. M~s. Huckle asked if the people present at the
last meeting opposed to this application were notified of
this hearing tonight? M~. Walker replied that all the people
within 300 feet were notified. Mrs. Huckle stated that Chair-
man Kelly assured Mr. Paul Wessen and Mr. Julian Patrick that
they would be notified, t~r. Barrett suggested calling these
men~ since they made a ~pecific request.
Chairman Yeliy declared a recess at 7:45 P.M.~ so he could
call ~. Patrick and Mr. ~essen. Chairman Kelly called the
meeting back to order at 7:53 P. M.
MAY 27, 1975
Chairman Kelly announced that Mr. Patrick walked in the door
when he was talking to M~s. Patrick on the phone. Mr, Patrick
advised him that Mr. Wessen and he were notified of this meet-
He announced they would c'ontinue where they left off and re-
quested anyone in favor of this application to come forward.
~@s. Ann L. Sis~to stated her nmme and her address as t70
N. E. 27th Court. She informed the Board that she would like
very much to put a nursery school on this ~iece of property.
She has the required space for 22 children. There is a defi-
nite need for a nursery school there. Children run wild in
this area. The school, people in Rolling Green, and other
nurseries have tried to take care of this, but haven't. She
has worked with children all her life. it is definitely
needed in this area.
Chairman Kelly then requested anyone in opposition to this
application to come forward.
Mr. Julian Patrick stated his n~me and his address as 2585
S. W. 1Otb Street. He informed the Board that he was repre-
sentlr~both ~. Wessen and himself. He owns Boynton Academy
Nursery School located at t00 N. W. 19th Avenue and Mr. Wessen
is the owner of Storybook School on Miner Road. He also re-
presents Roiling Green Ridge Associates, the developer of this
area. This location is for a single family residence. There
are single family residences both adjacent and to the rear of
this property. It is also his understanding this would fall
under a home occupation and would be limited to 250 squ~re feet
for the occupation. This would be in direct conflict with the
requirements for child care centers requiring two people on
the premises at all times. That property is not zoned for a
commercial enterprise and a child care center definitely is
a commercial enterprise. Operators p~v commercial rates for
water, telephone, etc. A child care center, in his opinion~
should her be classified as a home occupation. Also, he and
~. Wessen gave testimony at the last meeting that there is
no n~ed with the two schools in this immediate ~s_~ea both hav-
ing vacancies. On the basis of these facts, they request
that this application be denied.
Chairman Kelly announced four letters had been received ex-
pressing opposition to this application. He then ascertained
that each member had a copy of the application, which they did
not have at the previous meeting. ~s. Huckle suggested that
the letters be read and Chairman Kelly read the following:
A letter from Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Crambiet, 201N. E.
27th Co~t stated in response to the request of
Ann L. Siarto, they most stranuousty object. This
street is an i~-between street with no parking for
cars and houses too close.
~Y 27, 1975
A letter from MX. & Mrs. Xeil, 201N. E. 27th Ave.
stating they object to a child care center, as they
cannot take the noise.
& note o~ the notice from i~Lr. & ~s. Frank Parker,
171N. E. 27th Avenue, stated they did not want it.
A letter from R. N. Field Associates stating since
this location is in a single family residential area,
they do not feel it should be allowed.
Mss. Huckle noted there was no information regarding the li-
cense by Palm Beach County and questioned if Mrs. Siarto had
applied to them? Mrs. Siarto informed her that she has all
their specifications, but there was no use in applying until
it was approved. Mrs. Huckle asked if she could meet the
specifications and Mrs. Siarto replied: yes, she just needs
one more bathroom and a fence. She added that her family will
not live in this house. It will strictly be for a nursery
school. The house will be according to the requirements of
the Board of Health. The back yard space allows 25 children.
The building itself has 1,056 square feet and one child is
allowed for every 40 square feet. This is the actual area
without the bath and kitchen. There are two parking areas in
the driveway and two in front, allowing four cars to park.
She showed the sketch of what was planned. Mr. Walker asked
if she was requested to submit the sketch with the application
and Mrs. Siarto replied: no, she was just told to bring it
with her this evening. She gave copies of the sketch to the
~. Rossi referred to the criteria being mentioned, but stated
he would like to hear her comments in rebuttal to Mr. Patrick's
comments. Mrs. Siarto stated that this was his living and she
was going to infringe on his living. The neighbors opposing
are older retired people, but young couples are in favor of
it. She added that out of nine neighbors, actually only three
stated they would oppose. Mr. Walker questioned which were
favorable and Mrs. Siarto replied the neighbors on both sides.
Mr. Rossi stated if he were an applica~2 for this kind of use,
he would think he would try to get people in favor to speak
on his behal~ or have documentation. I~s. Siarto re~lied
that she thought these people would be in favor of i% and
was surprised to hear of their written letters. She added
that ~. & M~'s. Keil did not border her property. Upon
checking the map, ~. Walker agreed they lived a good way
from her, but were within the radius. He asked if the neigh-
bors on each side, ~ent and Althouse, were in favor and M~s.
Siarto replied: yes.
Mms. Huckle referred to the previous meeting and the refer-
ence being made to deed restrictions limiting this to single
family residences. She asked if Mrs. Siarto was aware of this
ML&¥ 2 7, 1 9 7 5
and M~s. Sismto replied: no. ~s. Huck!e added that this
didn't apply to this Board. Mr. Rossi added that if this
Board voted favorably to this request, she would still have
the legal obstacle with the deed restriction. ~'~s. Siarto
replied that she did not realize this. Mr. Patrick stated
that it was restricted to single family residences on deed
covenants. Mm. Barrett added that the City could not be regu-
lated by d~ed restrictions, but it is between the developer
and applicant. Mr. Patrick stated it was a matter of court
action. If she opens a school there ~ud if ~yone withia
Rolling Green Ridge First Addition wanted to take this to
court, they could.
Mrs. Castet!o referred to this being mentioned as a home
occupation and pointed out that she would not be living
there. Mr. Barrett stated that home occupation and condi-
tiona!uses are defined in the regu!atio~s. Conditional uses
are allowed in a residential area. A home occupation is
something housed in a home. Mrs. Castetlo stated that this
was not a home occupation then. ~r. Patrick stated it was
debatable. He added that it would be a zoning cha~uge. ~.
Barrett clarified that it was not a zoning change~ but a
conditional use.
~s. Huck!e referred to the stipulation of there being a
need for it. Mrs. Siarto told about several young children
in the neighborhood and their mothers expressing their desire
to send their children to her as the other nursery schools
are understaffed and overcrowded. Chairman Kelly suggested
that she get this in writing from these mothers. Mr. Barrett
stated this could be presented to the City Council at their
public hearing. Mrs. Castello pointed out that the parents
may have expressed this, but their children are still attend-
i. ng other schools. She doesn't believe the parents would
come forward, since their children attend the other schools,
in case this application is turned down. ~. Walker stated
he thought she should be able to get a few. This would show
there was a need. At the previous meeting, it was stated
there was no need because of ~acancies at the other schools.
~. Rossi referred to 'the opposition indicating vacancies
and stated he didn't see any documentation stating a real
need for this neighborhmood. ~s. Siarto informed him that
there were a lot of mothers who could not afford the other
nurseries and would like to work, but are unable to work.
~s. Huck~e read the code referring to conditional use for
a nursery school under R-].zoning. Chairman Kelly re-read
the building site regulatior~ for nursery schools and kinder-
gartens stating they shall have minimum lot areas to provide
t00 square feet of play area per child in a fenced area.
He pointed out that 100 square feet would be 2500 square feet
~Y 27, 1975
in the play area, which she has. He continued that subject
lots shall not have less then 7,500 square feet. Mr. Rossi
pointed out that she did not comply, since she has only
6,180 square feet. She is shy about 1,320 square feet.
M~Walker made a motion to recommend that the request for
condition~l use for a child care center by Ann L. Siarto be
denied, because the lot area of the property does not meet
the present requirements of the 62-9 Code. M~s. Huckle
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Patrick referred to the new code and asked if some changes
were made in regards to nursery schools and Mr. Barrett in-
formed him that it was changed to R-2 for nursery schools.
Chairman Kelly read the following lettersdated M~¥ 16, 1975,
addressed to The Hon. David F. Roberts, Mayor, from John I.
Rogers, 714 Hillcrest Road, Boynton Beach.
"I am writing to express n~ disappointment in the recent
actions of the City Council with regard to the new Zoning Map
and Ordinance.
It is very apparent that the council does not have either
trust or confidence in the recommendations of the Planning amd
Zoning Board. After many workshop sessions over a rather long
period of time, after hearing from'the public, both in public
hearings and in workshop meetings, and after considerable dis-
cussion on the part of the board, the map and ordinance was
reco~ended to council. In their great wisdom, many changes
were made instantaneously without consideration for any rea-
soning by the board, in m~v opinion, the council, after hear-
ing from 'the public, should have deferred any decisions until
they learned the reasoning behind the board's recommendations.
This would have given them a much broader basis for makdng am
intelligent decision. ~Instant Zoning~' is seldom wise.
I now feel that the appointed boards of the city have no
real impact upon the actions of council and serve no real pur-
pose except as a compliance with the charter. For these rea-
sons, I feel that my time can be better spent and hereby sub-
mit my resignation from the Planning and Zoning Board of the
City of Boynton Beach effective this date."
Chairman Kelly stated he was sorry he had to read this, as
he would like to have had John stay with them as he was a
great help. Mr. Rossi added that he thinks the Board lost
a good man. He made a considerable contribution to the Board.
it is a sad thing that he has decided not to serve on the
Board for his own reasons. Having served with him for just
MAY aT, 1975
a few months, Jot~nhas certainly made one great contribution
towards the final product. Chairman Kelly agreed. He added
that he understood that Mayor Roberts was going to write to
John. He has 'not heard further, but did want to read this to
the members.
The minutes of the regular meeting of May I3, 1975 were read.
Y~s. Huckle referred to Page 2, middle of page, bottom of
first paragraph, where she stated in view of the £~ct there
was a petition, it should read: in view of the fact there no
doubt was a petition (insert "no doubt~"). ~. ~alker made a
motion to adopt the minutes as corrected, seconded by ~.
Rossi. Motion carried 4-0, with Mrs. Castello abstaining
since she was not present at this meeting.
The minutes of the special meeting of May 15, 1975 were read.
~s. Castello made a motion to accept the ~inutes as written,
seconded by ~. Walker° Motion carried 4-0, with ~s. Huck~e
abstaining since she was mot present at this meeting.
Chairman Kelly suggested that the agendas have an addition
after ~'Reading of the Minutes~ and insert ~'~eading of Corres-
pondence~. He stated he would like to read a letter received
from Broward Banks dated May 21~ 1975, stating:
~We presently have before your Board an application for
a building permit for drive-in units. In this connection,
we ask this commitment letter be made part of the application.
When, in the opinion of the City Council, Planning & Zoning
Board., or Police Department, it is deemed necessary to in-
stall traffic signalizations at the corner of S.E. 18th and
Federal, we will shs~e in the cost of this project on a pro-
rated basis.~
Mr. Walker asked if when they each had copies of the letters,
was it necessary to include correspondence on the agenda?
Chairman Kelly replied that sometimes letters arrive the day
of the meeting and it isn't possible to get copies. Mr.
Barrett stated if they had correspondence prior to publish-
ing the agenda, he would gladly list it on the agenda.
Broward Bank Teller Windows
1905 South Federal Highway
~ v 1 ~5
~ 27,
~. George McGee stated his name and that he represented
Broward Banjo. He requested that they accept this letter as
part of the requirements and added that 'there were two pro-
blems, this and the traffic impact study. Mr. Bushnell in-
formed the Board that an engineer, who has been retained by
the bank, called him last week and is in the process of making
this traffic impact study. ~. McGee corrected him stating
they just inquired of this firm, but have not retained anyone
to make this study. ~. Rossi stated he thought the motion
was quite clear. The questions were raised in connection
with the drive-in tellers in regards to the proposed facility.
He could see no provision for rights-of-way, left turn lanes,
or width of road to accommodate the increased traffic. He
made a motion that the application be accompanied with a
traffic impact study which would include reicommendations by
a traffic eagineer. He asked if this lette.r was to be part
of the solution? Mr. McGee replied that they understood there
were two requirements. One was they would share in the cost
of the signalizations when it was put in and this letter agrees
to that. The other pa~t was a traffic impact survey. Right
now, they are only going to put in three operating imues. They
are going to extend 18th Avenue to encompass the area they are
going to use and he explained. It will be a long time before
they generate a great deal more traffic th~n is normally gen-
erated by a small bank, which is nom~nat for two to five years.
This traffic impact study will cost $2,500 and this is a lot
of money for a small bank to put out when sts~tingo The day
may come when they will do an impact study. They feel they
would want traffic lights in there before the City, Police
Department, etc. would, as they don't want to be jammed up
and want to keep traffic flowing steady. They feel to do the
traffic impact study now, they would come up with a lot of
figures which really wouldn't tell them much now. Maybe in
five, ten or fifteen years from now, they may need certain
things. At that time, they would do it prior to being asked
by the Police Department or City.
Chairman Eelly referred to other banks along Federal and hav-
ing not required them to install sign~lizations. He thinks
he would favor this application with this letter. He then
asked about the floor clarification request and Mr. Barrett
informed him this was nos clarified on the plan.
Huckle referred to these other ba~ks and not having this
requirementsand pointed out that they had other entrances
and exits on side streets. Congestion would not be caused,
but it would with egress and ingress on the same spot. Mr.
McGee informed her that they would have a right-of-way at
the south end of the property and would have traffic flow
going around the bs~k. They will have two traffic flows.
M~s. Huckle asked if the main bank would be located on the
'west or east side and Mr, McGee replied on the west side.
MAY 27, t975
He continued that the board believed this would be best to
service both sidesof the highway. The bank will be in front
o~ the drive-ins, but will sit back well off Federal and more
or less in the middle of the property. There is nothing
planned on the east sidee~here they are presently.
Chairman Kelly referred to the previous minutes and ~.
Barrett's statement of ~8th Avenue being a dead end street.
He asked if they were going to pave the additional part of
18th to reach the drive-in, and Mr. McGee replied: yes, they
have agreed to do this as required by Mr. Barrett.
Rossi stated they also requested a turn-around and i~. Barrett
informed him this was now provided and shown on the revised
Mr. Rossi referred back to the traffic impact study and ques-
tioned that they didn't want to do this now because of cost
and ~m. McGee replied: yes. Mr. Rossi referred to pro-rated
share and questioned if they meant other 'uses coming out on
18th and Mr. McGee replied: yes, they believe other businesses
would be able to share according to who is creating the most
traffic. ~Lr. Rossi added he had hoped the traffic imoact
study would bring out whether left turn lanes were needed or
not. In a traffic impact study, they also give recommenda-
tions for additional lanes. The only time they would be in
a position to make a determination to know if this road has
ample capacity to handle this would be at a future application,
if they come to extend the !acm!mty. [~. Barrett sta~ed that
when the permanent bank goes in, he thinks they would be will-
ing to 'provide a traffic impact study for the whole facility.
Mr. Rossi asked if they had any idea of traffic projection
per day, hour, etc. and ~. McGee replied that they had not
done any- projections on that. They had an economical survey
done in ~973 and the pace has not keot up since then. The
hourly or daily flow would be a hard-thing to estimate at
'this time. They have a very small amount of drive-in traffic.
They only have one drive-in behind the trailer at this time.
They only serve approximately ~5 to 20 cars per day now.
Mr. Rossi stated that since they lack the kmowledge of what
to set up tohhandle traffic at this time, he supposes the
bamkwould be willing when extending to evaluate the traffic
closer. Mr. McGee replied he 'was sure they would want to
take a closer look at it. He is not just talking about stop
and go lights. They would have to have it so people going
north were able to turn in there. They are no~ fortunate with
having the lights at 15th and 23rd. Mr. Rossi stated he was
concerned that at such time when they crea~an impact, they
will share the cost. Mr. McGee stated they would request it.
Chairman Kelly suggested viewing the revised plans. Mr.
Barrett showed the plans and pointed out the provision for
the turn-aro-mad. ~. Mc=ecG explained further. He added
~i&Y 27, 1975
they would only have three operating lanes at the present
time. They have taken out the wal~-u~ w~ndow. Mr. Rossi
questioned what was located west on l~th and Mr. Barrett
informed him the railroad and vacant property was there.
~. Rossi questioned the proposed use and Mr, McGee informed
him that they owned the property in the rear. ~. Rossi
questioned What ingress and egress was being proposed for
people~ back on 18th and Mr. Barrett adv~ed~ him tnat~ they
could request the developer to extend back when it is deve-
loped. ~. McGee explaine~d the future plus for the proposed
development.! Mr. Rossi asked how much property they owned
and ~. Barrett informed him that it averages out to about
750 x 300 and i~ not a regular shaoed lot. Mr. Rossi said
that someone living back oln 18th m~ have to wait for traffic
waiting to go into the banh and Mr, McGee informed him that
they have the area for 20~cars or more and would not create
a bottleneck. ~. ROssi asked if the bank would co~sider
paving the side for cars to pass to get back on the street
and Mr. Barrett informed hlm that when the police noted this
was being caused, the bank could be required to do this.
He added that when the permanent facility was planned, they
could ask for a traffic impact study.
M~s. Huckie made a motion to reco~end to the City Council
the site plan for the teller windows for the Broward Bank
of Boynton Beach as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the mo-
tion. Under discussion, Mrs. Casteiio questioned whether
they should include having a traffic impact study and
Barrett informed her:~ this would be required when the perman-
ent plans were presented. Mr. ~falker added that all future
plans would have to come before the Board. Motion carried
American Legion Hall
571 ~est Ocean Avenue
i~. Barrett showed the plans and explained the location° He
added that they have more parking tha~,what is required. Mr.
Rossi questioned the zoning and Mr. Barrett informed him that
it was C-1. He added that 1-95 would cross here and there
would 'be a fence and this will 'be a dead end.
~s. Castello made a motion to recommend approval to City
CoUncil of the plan for the American Legion Hall as presented.
~. ~alker seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
~. Doughty, 12 Unit Office Building
109 thru 131S.~. '~ 15th Avenue
~. Barrett showed the plans and pointed out several require-
ments made by the T.R.B. He also noted that the agenda was
'incorrect and it is a 12 ~it office building and not apart-
ments. M~s. Huckle questioned the current zoning and ~.
~Y 27, 1 975
Barrett informed her it was C-1 and proposed C-2. Mrs.
Huckle questioned what they were going to be used for and
Mr. Barrett replied: offices, they don't k~ow what type
until they are rented. M~. Rossi questioned the required
height of the fence in the rear and ~. Barrett informed
him that they were going to put a fence in the rear, but it
was not required. M~. Rossi asked if the parking reGuirements
were met and Mr. Barrett replied: yes and showed on the plan.
Mr. Rossi asked if this part of 15th Avenue was being widened
and ~. Barrett informed him this was already set back. Mr.
Rossi asked if this was according to the proposed improvement
plan and Mr. Barrett advised it was as it exists right now.
He was required to set back 40 feet instead of 25 feet for
the additional space reqUired. Mr. Rossi referred to storm
drainage and M~. Barrett informed him that the engineer took
care of this and pointed out on the plan where it stated
drainage was to be contained on the site.
~s. Huckle made a motion to recommend to City Council the
site p~an as ~ubmmttea by Mr. Doughty for a 12 unit office
complex on S. E. ~5th Avenue. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Huckle suggested correcting the code on Page 43 in refer-
ence to the County regulating nursery schools and not the
State Health Department. ~'. Barrett informed her that this
was correct and that the County does it for the State Board
of Health.
M~. ~alker made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Castello.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was proper~y adjourned at
9:24 P. M.