1975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
~rs ~ Vicki Castel!o
John I. Rogers
Enrico Rossi
Oris ~alker
Col. ~Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle (Excused)
Jack Barrett,
Building Official
Chairman Kelly called the special meeting of the Pl~uning &
Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach to order at 7:40
P.M. He took roll call and announced that Col. Trauger was
excused on account of business and ~s. Huckle was excused
on account of a foot injury. He also added that Mr. Barrett,s
wife was the only audience present.
~. Barrett referred to Yachtsman's Cove which they tabled at
their previous regular meetingbecause~ the stamps were missing.
He informed the Board that this~s~ a subdivision and does no~
go before the other Boards, but just before the Planning &
Zoning Board and City Council. Chairman Kelly stated he
thought any predecessor of the Planning & Zoning Board should
know about things they should know. ~. Rossi questioned if
the T.R.B. did not have to stamp~ this and ~@. Barrett re-
plied: no, not a subdivision. Mr. Rossi euestioned if they
reviewed subdivisions and Y~. Barrett informed him that only
he Tom Clark, the Plannm~.g & Zoning Board and City Council
did. The T.R.B. does not ~eview subdivisions. Chairman
Kelly remarked that this was the first he has known about
this. M~. Rossi questioned if the fire marshall looked over
the plans smd Mr. Barrett replied-. Eo, just the City Engmneer~
and him. He added that when it comes to building on these
lots, it is another story. He and Tom Clark state what is
necessary ink.regard to sub-grade developments. ~. Walker
statsd he was not aware of th~s either. Chairman Kelly
stated that they were glad to learn this tonight. Mr.
Barrett stated there was no reason to know this before now.
He knows they stumbled on this and it was a question of nothav-
~i~g~ his guidance at the previous meeting. Mr. Rossi referred
to having submitted some plans to the City and he thought he
had to meet with the T.R.B., bmt possibly the format has
changed since then. Mr. Barrett stated possibly he was refer-
ring to a recreation center or something. If Bob Largent
called the T.R.B., he was wr, Sometimes for a large sub-
division, they may call in t~ marshall, but it is not
required by ordinance. T.R.B. is concerned with construction.
MAY 15, 1975
Mr. Rossi referred to plans having a plat coming before the
City Engineer and Building Official and asked if there was
a letter from the City Engimeer showing his approval or dis-
approval? Mr. Barrett informed him there was no place for
it to be indicated and it was largely verbal. There will be
a memo from us when it goes before Council.
Mr. Rossi referred to the plan and stated they questioned it
because there was a change in the plat regarding a boundary
line and adding an easement which the gentleman could not
describe. A line was there, but was not noted. Mr. Barrett
stated he thought it represented a property line which was
not marked. He added that 'the preliminaries were largely
the same as this, but there were no storm sewers, easements,
indications of development plans, etc. It was approved for
prelimins~y approval. After the preliminary, he made these
changes and then we required additional changes and he has
made them. After they approve it, he 'will submit it to Tom
This is what leads
is given subject
to a few changes. They must also realize the fact that Mr.
Abdullah has a little language barrier and he didn't fully
understand what they required. He has finally met all the
requirements. Mr. Rossi qnestioned if he marked the line.
~. Rogers added that he d~d indicate that it was an ease-
ment line. Mr. Barrett replied that he has not had the
plan to mark the line, but this is minor. He doesn't think
the easement line is required for four water front lots.
Maintenance of the seawall on private property is the property
owner's responsibility. He believes Mr. Ahdullah didn't
understand quite what Tom Clark wanted. Chairman Kelly
stated that ~. Abdullah~did have an associate width him
involved with the property on the highway and possibly he
should be brought along to clarify things, [~. Barrett
informed him that he is getting there slowly and it would
be an insult to him, as he does speak, the language.
The members looked at the plan and Mr. Rossi pointed out the
line they mentioned. M~. Barrett stated he woUld have it
corrected before going to Council. and the line will be indi-
cated. Mr. Rossi added that ~,~. Abdullah directed their
attention to this end of the property and then when they
asked the question, he couldn't answer. M~s. Castello
asked who owned the property to the north and ~. Barrett
informed her it was Seaview Trailer Park.
Mr. Rogers made a motion to recommend to City Council the
proposed final plat for Yachtsman's Cove for approval with
the stipulation that the line that doesn't have a designa-
tion be removed or marked with the designation. Mr. Rossi
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
MAY ~5, ~975
M~. Barrett referred to the Broward Bank plan they tabled
at their previous regular meeting and their concern regard-
ing ingress and egress. He informed them that 18th Avenue
was a dead end street. The bank property runs 550 feet
deep and they will pave the additional footage on the street
to reach the drive-in. Everybody has looked at this, but the
Police Department failed to sign it. They have nothing call-
ing for an impact study. It is a dead end street and there
are only two properties on it. 1~. Rogers remarked that a
dead end street was worse than a through street with traffic
going in and out. M~. Barrett informed him that the drive-in
tellers would be on the other side of the street. ~. Rogers
stated the plan showed drive-in tellers also on this side of
the street. Mr. Barrett stated there were two sets of plans
and he suggested they look at them. ~. Rogers pointed out
that 18th Avenue did not have ~ traffic light at U. S. 1.
Mr. Rossi asked if the temporary drive-in tellers were going
to be phased out and Mm. Barrett replied: no, they are going
to leave them there. The bank has purchased property all the
way back, which is quite a large piece of property for a bank.
~ir. Rossi stated they should require a traffic count, possibly
require them to acquire additional rights-of-way on the street
for paving, and if a traffic signal is required in the future,
they should have to pay for it. Mr. Barrett replied they did
not have the authority to require this. They do require cer-
tain things, but not these. Mr. Rossi remarke~ that the
developem should have some knowledge of traffic. Mr. Barrett
replied he could tell the architect that thLs is what the
?lanning & Zoning Board wants. M~. Rossi added that he
thought they needed trip generation. Mr. Barrett stated he
thought the plan was fouled up with being Voided and possi-
bly some things are not .included and some included which
should have been left out. He indicated the property they
own. M~. Rossi asked if there were any provisions to e~tend
the road and M~. Barrett replied: no. Mrs. Castello remarked
that it really wasn't good with having only one street. Mr.
Rossi referred to the traffic and questioned if there was a
turn-around at the end of the street and Mr. Barrett replied:
no. Mr. Rossi questioned if they could be required to make
one and Mr. Barrett replied he didn,t think they could, since
they do not own the property at the end. Mr. Rogers sug-
gested possibly asking them to provide a tUrn-arOund in their
area. Mr. Barrett re.plied they could ask for this. Mr.
Rossi stated they should check into traffic signalization
and Mr. Barrett replied he doubted they would provide it,
but the Board could request it.
Mr. Rogers made a motion to return to the submittor for
further requirements for traffic study, for an agreement
for a turn-around, even though temporary at this time, pay
for future signalization when and if r~quired and clarifi-
cation of floor plan. Mrs. Castello seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0.
MAY 15, 1975
Chairman Kelly announced this concluded the two points the
special meeting was called for.
Mr. Rogers made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs, Castello.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:O8 P. M.