1975 AT 8:00 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Mrs. Vicki Castello
¥~rs. Marilyn Hmckle
John I. Rogers
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker
Jack Barrett,
Bldg. Official
Warren Bushnell,
Deputy Bldg. Official
Chairman Kelly called the workshop meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 8:08 P. M. Ne introduced the mem-
bers of the Board, Building Official amd Deputy Building
Official. Ne announced they would continue with reviewing
the regulations on Page 30, second paragraph.
Before going to Page 30, Mr. Barrett referred to the notice
of the public hearing to be held by the City Council on May
8. He informed the Board that this was predica~d_~.on~th~
fact that at the last City Council meeting he was asked if
they would be ready at this time. '
Mr. Barrett informed the Board' that ~. Simon,s secretary
gave him a copy of the regulations this morning with notes
made by Mrs. Padgett for consideration. He suggested start-
ing at Page 1 and discussing these notes.
~. Barrett stated that ~s. Padgett questioned in Para-
graph one what olau~Was being referred to. Chairman Kelly
acknowledged that this change had already been made and the
plan identified.
Mr. Barrett referred to the second paragraph and advised
that the note stated the map should be identified by date
and number. He stated this would be taken care of and given
a date when it was adopted by the City Council.
Mr. Barrett stated Mrs. Padgett,s note pointed out that CO
and PUD must be included. The members discussed this and
whether to change the map and legend. It was agreed not to
make any changes om the map but to include an addition to
paragraph three of '~city '
development district,,, owned district,, and "planned unit
Mr. Barrett referred to the fourth paragraph and they agreed
to re-word it for clarification.
APRIL 22, 1975
~. Barrett referred to A-2 and advised that the word ~reso-
lution~ should be changed to "ordinanceS.
Mr. Barrett advised that ~s. Padgett questioned the 400',
since it is now 300', but we discussed this and do want 400'.
Mr. Barrett referred to D and the reference to Chapter 176.04
and stated he would check this.
Mr. Barrett advised that ~s. Padgett,s note referred to
Sectionpage. 31.15 and they could check this when discussing this
He advised the members there was a change to be made under E
and he has made a note for this to be considered when discuss-
ing this page.
~. Barrett advised that Mrs. Padgett questioned the amount
of the fee and this will be considered when this page is dis-
Mr. Barrett referred to the top of the page, No. 2 and stated
it should ~e ~the Chairman,, and not "B ~ ~' '
u~l~ng Official,, shall
designate the time and place of the meeting.
This completed the notes submitted by ~s. Padgett.
At this time, Mrs. Huckle reminded the Board that they over-
zones.l°°ked including schools when they _~out churches in different
Chairman Kelly announced they would now continue with Page 30.
Mr. Rogers referred to Paragraph 2, Uses Prohibited, and stated
he wanted to include some wordage to prohibit or control out-
door storage. He either wanted to eliminate e~terior storage
APRIL 22, 1975
or provide some effective means of screening it. The differ-
ence between display and storage was discussed. He pointed
out that exterior storage was not allowed under certain
classifications, but they must also consider how rental equip-
ment stores display their merchandise. After discussion, it
was agreed to insert between V and W: '~Small equipment and
tool rental (home use) Mr. Rogers stat6d ~e still
t · owner .
hougnt they must put something in about screening outdoor
storage. After discussion, it was agreed to strike "mo
exterior storage,, after roofing supplies under L and add
the under Uses Prohibited: (b) Any exterior storage
unless screened.
Mr. Barrett referred to No. 3 and stated they should, consoli_
date and reorganize this, the same as the previous ~pages.
Mrs. Huckle referred to "none', being stated under coverage on
C-4 and suggested that this be resolved. The members dis-
cussed what was stated previously and in other zones. After
figuring out a sample sized lot and discussing it further, it
was agreed to add: 40% maximum lot coverage.
Mx. Barrett pointed out ~hat apparently they left out a note
referring to corner lots and the required setback for the
side. He added that a letter had been received in reference
to rear yard setbacks and screen enclosures. Chairman Kelly
read a letter from Metal Products outlining the results of a
survey taken from neighboring cities giving their rear set-
bacP~. Chairman Eelly also read a letter from Palm Beach
County AluminRm Association Contractors, Inc. regarding pool
screen enclosures. It pointed out that they felt the 25'
setback requirement was extremely unfair and Boyntom Beach
was the only City to have such a requirement. Mr. Rogers
stated he believed this could be corrected on Page 50, if
they so desired. ~ir. Rossi referred back to the setbacks for
corner lots. After a leng..~.~ discussion, it was decided to
state the following: '
Area coverage _ 40%
Front - 25'
*Side, Interior _ ~5' one side
*Side, Corner Lot - 15' on street side
*Rear - 20'
*30' when abutting residentiald'~str~cts' etc. (Use
se¢~c~asterisk as first) '
Note: Wh~re rear property line abuts a ~ubl
or 'alley re P ~c street
10,? and ~o s~eY~a~s~k~may be.reduced tO
on/corner lots.
APRIL 22, 1975
Mrs. Huckle referred to C-4 uses and stated it was mentioned
previously that they should discuss department stores. After
discussion, it was agreed to insert "Department Stores,, on
Page 27 render C-3. This will fit in without changing the al-
Phabetical order as Florists and Greenhouses have been com-
Mr. Rossi referred to protective buffer and questioned if it
applied when the building wam on the lot line? After discus-
sion, it was agreed to state: ~'Where side and rear yard
setbacks are required, a 5~ high solid vegetative bUffer or'
decorative masonry wall shall be required except where an
alley abuts, the buffer may be omitted.
At this time, 9:57 P. M., Mr. Rogers asked to be excused, as
he did not even have dinner this evening before the meeting
and must get up at 5:00 A. M. Chairman Kelly stated he cout~
te ave.
Chairman Kelly announced that a workshop meeting would be
~ ,6.
held on Saturday, ~pr i t 9~00
the regulations
. or continuance of
out of town and Col. Trauger ~nformed hmm that he woul
unable to attend this meeting, d be
Mr. Bushnell distributed copies of the map to the members.
Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting at ~0:05 P. M.