1975 AT 9:00 A. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Mrs. Vicki Castello
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
John I. Rogers
Enrico Rossi (Arrived 10:40 A.M.)
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman.
Otis Walker (Excused)
Jack Barrett,
Bldg. Official
Warren Bushnell,
Deputy Bldg. Official
M~s. Suzanne Kruse,
Recording Secretary
ChairmamKelly called the meeting to order at 9:15 A. M.
He took roll call and introduced Mr. Barrett and Mr. Bushnell.
He announced that Mr. Rossi would be approximately one hour
late, Mr. Walker thought he would make it this morning but
has not arrived yet, and Col. Trauger has a board meeting at
the college and probably won't be finished in time to attend.
He announced they would continue with reviewing the zoning
Page 16
Mr. Barrett referred to having omitted being recommended to
the City Council by the Planning & ZonLug Board in many cate-
gories. He stated he was wondering whether this was the
right thing or not and if they wanted every application to
come before the Board if it was not specifically called for.
He added that he didn't believe it was necessary under C-I
and C-2 spells itself out fairly well, but he gave an exam-
ple of how it may be necessary under l(e). He suggested re-
viewing the allowable uses, so they didn't have to hear every-
thing and make a burden on the Board. The members discussed
this and also referred to the general description covered
under the first paragraph on Page 24. It was then agreed to
add on Page 24 after services "others of a similar natures'.
Mr. Rogers questie~,~i~whether they wanted to enumerate para-
graph E? After discussion., it was agreed that l(a) would be:
"Any use~ permitted in R-1AA,~'and (b) would be: ~'(e) from
Page 16."
Mr. Bushnell stated that the verbage om B should be: "On
corner lots, the side yard setback adJacen~ to the street
shall not be less than etc." He added that wherever it
appeared in this form, it would be changed.
APRIL 19, 1975
rM. Barrett stated that the "minimum lot width" would be
changed to "minimum lot frontage".
Mr. Rogers referred to R-li& and questioned if the uses
would be broken down and Mr.. Barrett replied: yes, see Page
16 for duplication.
Page 18
E~airmaa Kelly said on the top it should state: "shall be
not less".
Mr. Barrett referred to (c) Nursery Schools and they dis-
cussed Mr. Patrick's request. It was agreed to put the
paragraph from Page 16 in after (c).
Page 19
~. Barrett referred to R-2, F-l(c), and stated they should
include Nmrsery Schools a~d Pre-School Facilities. (d) will
be the paragraph from Page 16.
Page 20
Mr. Bushnell referred to the 25' and t0' setbacks and they
discussed changing these to 20' and 6' setbacks. After dis-
cussion, it was agreed to leave it at 25' and 20'.
Mr. Barrett referred to R-3, Uses Permitt~, and suggested
the members look over the alphabetical categories carefully
and added.he didn't think they should add the paragraph from
Page 16.
Mr. Rogers referred to Paragraph C and the reference to desig-
nated thoroughfares. Mr. Barrett told about an inquiry from
a major chain to locate a motel, hotel, restaurant and lo~ge
complex in an area adjacent to 1-95 at one of the interchanges.
He informed them o~ the two interchange areas and suggested
they appear at the public hearings, which they did not do.
Mr. Rogers smggested showing S. E. and'S. W. 15th Avenue in-
stead of just S. E. 15th Avenue. Chairma~Kelly read a letter
dated Febraa~m~y 14 from Boynton West Development Corporation
requesting am'Certain parcel in Leisureville be proposed for
C-2 zoning in the area of S. W. 15th Avenue. Mr. Barrett ex-
plained the location on the map. The members discussed the
extension of 15th Avenue to Congress. After discussion, it
was agreed to leave it as proposed as work has been closed
on the map and they would comsider plans when presented.
At this time, Chairman Kelly read a letter from Mr. Rose
and referred to copies of the contracts of sale enclosed.
APR~ 19, 1975
After discussion, it was ~reed to refer this letter to the
City Attorney, so it could be clarified for the City Council.
The members then went back to discuss major thoroughfares as
designated in Paragraph C. It was agreed to state S. E. a~d
S. W. 15th Avenue, strike out 23rd Avenue, a~d add N. E. and
N. W. 2nd Avenue.
Mrs. H~kle referred to the definition for major thoroughfare
on Page 8. After reading this, Mr. Barrett suggested cross-
ing out ~major~ and striking out the reference to see the
definitions under (c) and the members agreed.
Page 22
Mr. Bushnell stated that #2 should state: "Bmilding and Site
Mr. Rogers referred to Paragraph 2(a) in which it states
rooming and boarding houses with a little asterisk requiring
minimum square foot liv~ng area and he stated this didn't
seem quite clear. He added that the paragraph heading was
for multi-family and didn't refer to single family dwellings
except for the one asterisk. In reply, Mr. Barrett read
l(a) on Page 21. Mr. Rogers stated it didn't tell him the
lot requirement size. After discussion, it was agreed to
remove the asterisk and add (b) stating: "Single family
dwellings shall conform to R-1 requirements." Mr. Rogers
adde~ they should also refer to Paragraph E-2, Section 5.
Mrs. Hmckle referred to 2(a), Maximum lot coverage, and
stated she thought there was a conflict regarding the none
meaning. Chairma~ Kelly replied that he thought it was
because of the R-3 reqmirement, but thinks they should make
reference to the applicable category. Mr. Barrett stated
that~ they governed this in another place.~ He explai~e~ that
with req~ring mi~mum lot area per dwelling, it ruled
this was different
at this time at
~0:40 A. M.) This was discussed and it was agreed to state
4~P~ m~imum lot coverage. Mr. Barrett added that based on
the other uses, the same 4~ figure would apply down below.
Mr. Bushnell referred to (c) and qmestioned why there was
no minimum lot ~fron~age? After discussion, it was agreed
to insert between mimimmm lot area and minimum front yard:
"minimum lot frontage of 100'."
Mr. Rogers referred to t(b) and questioned if a bank wasn't
a financial institution? After discussion, it was agreed to
cross out banks and leave financial institutions.
APRIL 19, 1975
Mrs. Huckle questioned if churches could be included in
other than residential zones? After discussion, it was
agreed to make (a) Churches and other places of worship
and attendant uses.
Mrs. Castelle referred to a note in her regulations regard-
ing multi-family dwellings increasing traffic. Chairman
Kelly referred to the first paragraph and explained. After
discussion, it was agreed to strike multi-family (g).
Mr. Rogers referred to C(1) and stated there should be
parenthesis around excluding crematory.
Mr. Barrett referred to these things having to be on a major
thoroughfare and stated he didn't thi~k they could regulate
within a zone just where the offices could be place~. He
suggested taking out thoroughfares. After discussion, it
was agreed to state: "These district regulations will pro-
vide appropriate space for office and professional uses lo-
cated to provide ready access for services for all.~
Mr. Barrett stated they must also add ~reCommendation to City
Council by Planning & Zoning Board~.
Page 24
Mr. Rogers pointed out that the Building and Site Regulations
were under separate letters on this page. After discussion,
it was agreed to consolidate it and put it under one caption,
the same as Page 22.
Mrs. Huckle questioned whether they should state yards and
setbacks. After discussion, it was decided to state "yar~'
and adda yard definition per the existing code defining
yard, fro~t yard and rear yard.
Under Uses Permitted following sales and services, it was
agreed to add~ "All other sales or services of similar
~ge 25
Mr. Bushnell referred to the first one and it was agreed to
strike "multi-family dwellings~,.
Mr. Barrett referred to multi-family dwellings in C-2 and
C-3 zones and gave examples of how this could be allowed.
The members discussed this some, but agreed to consider it
further after getting a better concept of .this.
Mr. Rogers referred to how some items meant the same thing
as others. After discussion, it was agreed to strike out
Items C, G, J, U and V.
APRIL 19, 1975
Page 26
Mr. Barrett stated they would consolidate lot dimensions
and building setbacks and make it all conform with the previ-
ous pages.
Mr. Barrett stated they must go back and find out if they
are controlling the density, but possibly it will be taken
care of under C-3 with m~ng reference to this Board and
the City Council.
Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting for lunch at 11:55 A. M.
Chairman Kelly Called the meeting back to order at 1:15 P. M.
Page_ 27
Mr. Rogers referred to considering possible multi-family use.
It was agreed to insert as (j) Multi-family residential use
upon recommendation of Planning & Zoning Board and approval
by City Council. tt was also agreed to combine (g) and (h)
as one item.
Mr. Barrett referred to service stations and stated they
should refer to a certain ordinance. He made a note to add
the ordinance number.
Mr. Rossi referred to multi-family use and the requirement of
approval by the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council. He
questioned if the applicant would have to do whatever was
necessary for it to be proper and compatible to the use of
the land and Mr. Barrett replied: yes and explained. He added
that they would use the density cri%eria of R-3. This was
discussed thoroughly and how it could be controlled by the
Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Rogers also referred to Page 53
in reference to Mixed Uses and Mr. Barrett informed him there
was a paragraph written regarding density on mixed uses.
Page 28
Mr. Rogers stated they would consolidate this the same as the
other pages.
Mr. Barrett referred to front footage. He informed the Board
that originally they had a 350' front requirement. It appears
there are quite a few lots where the additional property is
not available and in order to make it usable, perhaps a rea-
sortable requirement would be to reduce the 200' to 100'.
Chairman. Kelly questioned if they were talking about just
one store or a group of stores. Mr. Barrett replied that
they were basically talking about one store, but couldn't
rule out a small shopping center. He added that if they
reduce the front footage, thei~side yard setbacks must also
APR~~, 19, 1975
be reduced. Mrs. Huckle referred to how traffic would be
going in and ~out on a highwsy with several cutouts into the
street. ~. Bs~rett read the philisophy of the C-3 zoning.
Using lots with 50' a~d 100' frontage were discussed. Mr.
Barrett added that they must try to keep stores grouped in-
figured out the coverage allowed on various lots with the
required setbacks. The members located the C-2 and C-3 areas
on the map. Mr. Rossi pointed omt that sufficient space
must be left for i. He stated that the controlling
factors would be , lot coverage and setbacks. Mrs.
Huck~ why they were even requiring a fro~t foot-
Rogers questioned why they required depth? This
was ussed~and it was agreed to state 100' min!~um depth
a~d 5 Mr. footage
and this was was agreed to the total
area and state m~xim~um lot
~o state: 15' minimum one side yard,
20' on street side).
~. Barrett referred to filling stations and stated it shoul~
state: erected in accordance with filling station ordinance
without major repairs.
Page 28
Mr. Barrett referred to the C-3 requirements. The members
agreed to leave the 100' frontage. Mr. Regerm stated he
thought a 200' depth minimum was good. ~. Barrett stated
he thought a minimum lot area should be established. ~ome
areas could accomplish the area, but not the depth. It
was agreed that 20,000 would be the minimum lot area. They
agreed to change to 20' minimum one side. The street and
corner lots to be stated the same as in ~-2. Mr. Bushnell
clarified that it should state: minimum front yard - 30',
side yard set~ack on interior lots - 20' one side, side
yard street side - 30', height - 45'.
It was agreed to add "except" between used and for in the
fir~tparagraph. They also agreed to strike (p).
Mr. Barrett questioned why (e) was referred to the Plan~ing
and Zoning Board an~ Mr. Rogers informed him because of the
questions in recapping. Mr. Barrett stated he thought they
wo~ld have a static from major tire companies. He suggested
taking out recapping and putting it in the indmstrial zone
and the members agreed.
APR~ 19, 1975
Mr. Barrett referred to Boarding Kennels and the reference
made to being enclosed. He stated they could be enclosed
with a fence only and possibly they should state within an
enclosed hmilding. Mr. Rogers suggested that they be
limited to a fully enclosed, sold proof building° Mr.
Rossi read the C regulations regarding ke~nels. Mrs.
Nuckle ~ste! it from C-4 a~d possibly in-
cluding ~ M-1 o~ Page 34. After discussion, it was
agreed to strike out (i).
Mr. Elam questioned if (k) Camera Sales smd Service could be
included in C-2. This was discussed and it was decided to
eliminate this from Page 29 and pmt u~der C-2 on Page 25.
Mrs. Nuckle referred to Equipment Rental Stores u~der (m).
She added that Taylor Rental was in a C-3 zone on the map,
but rentals are included ~nder C-4. After discussion, it
was agreed to let (m) remain as stated. Mr. Rogers added
that it should state where and how equipment can be stored.
Mr. Rogers stated he would like an asterisk added after (q)
for the same reason as applied previously. He added that
marinas with dry storage could be a problem. He would like
this to come Before the Planning & Zoning Board a~d City
COuncil. The members agreed to put an asterisk where Mr.
Rogers suggested.
Chairman Kelly questioned if they wanted mUlti-family in
C-4 and Mr. Barrett replied: yes, they could be a combina-
tion of stores and apartments and he gave an example. He
added that he would like to see it allowed as a use with
review before this Board and the City Council.
LPa~e 30
Mr. Barrett referred to (v) a~d stated they should add:
~erected in accordance with filling station ordinance.~
Mr. Rogers referred to #2 and stated he thought they should
add something about exterior storage being hidden from view.
Mr. Barrett stated they would discuss this first at the next
Chairman Kelly a~uounced there would be a regular meeting
on Tuesday, April 22, followed by a worP~hop meeting.
Chairman Eelly adjourned the meeting at 4:00 P. M.