Minutes 04-08-75 (2)MINUTES OF T~ w ~ ~ ~ORKSHO~ MEET_rNG OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BO. ARD HELD AT CITYHAi~L~'T, BOYNTON BEACH, ~L~RIDA, TUESDA_, APRIL 8, 1975 AT 8:~0~ P. M. PRF£ENT Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman Mrs~ Vic~i Castello ~s. Marilyn Huckle John i. Rogers Enrico Rossi Oris ~alker Jack Barrett, Building Official Warren Bushnell, Deputy Bldg. Official ~BSENT Col. '~alter M. Trauger, Vice Chman (Excused) Chairman ~elly called the workshop meeting to order at 8:35 ~. M. He announced they would continue with the remaining requests, etc. in reference to the zoning map which they have been working on for the past four Saturdays. ~. Barrett referred to Request #53 of ~s. Kelley Kirton re- garding the area proposed for C-2 at the ~orner of S. W. 23rd & Congress Avenues. Chairman Kelly added that they deferred decisio~ on this question until a full Board was present. Technically tonight, they do not have a full Board, but they do have a record of Col. Trauger's opinion. He is not able to attend this meeting because of being out of town on busi- ness. He expressed his views last Saturday. He stated he would withhold Col. Trauger's opinion until the remaining members expressed their opinions. He then requested a con- sensus from the members. Mr. Walker stated he was not here Saturday, but was quite familiar with the site. At one time he was under the im- pression that a bank application, was granted for this site, but he would have to see any other type of proposed plans be£ore m~ing a decision. Chairman Kelly asked if he was present when Mr. Michael showed his plans and Mr. Walker replied: yes. Mr. Walker continued that right now if he knew Mr. Michael had ~u application for a bank, he would go with extending the site. Otherwise, he does not agree to it, but would accept the status quo. Chairman Kelly recalled . ~mc ~hael stating the application for the bank was sus- pended by the new controller, but only until it was recon- sidered. M~. Walker stated that ~. ~chael stated one thing, but the State Controllar stated something different. Mrs. Huckle stated that they must discount any hearsay about a bank or anything else. They must consider whether to pro- pose C-2 for the 600 feet, the 1100 feet ~. Michael re- quested, or just leave it zoned R-1AA. M~~. Walker stated he would recommend leaving it in some sort of holding zone and letting M~. Michael present plans at a later date. MINUTES WO~SHOP ~2EE T !N'G ~ANNING & ZONING BO~RD P~IGE TW~O ~RIL 8, 1975 M~. Rogers stated he believed even the people present at the previous meetings, expressed they would not want single family residences on this corner. He is opposed to extend- ing it beyond the point shown on the map, because it would then be behind single family residences. He recommends leaving it proposed for C-2 as shown. ~. Rossi stated he concurred with Mr. Rogers, since nobody seemed to be able to suggest a use for residential. Also, the future Planning Board will have some control over how the land immediately to the east will be developed owned 'by Mr. Michael. He recommends the proposed C-2 be adopted as shown. Mrs. Huck!e stated she concurred with M~r. Rogers and Rossi. She recommends leaving the C-2 as proposed on the map as submitted at the public hes~ing. Mrs. Castello referred to the sentiments of the residents and stated she concurred with ~. Walker of keeping it in a holding zone of R-I~. Chairman Kelly stated he totally agrees with ~s. Huckle, ~. Rogers and Mr. Rossi and recommends C-2 on the corner as proposed in the past. He sympathizes with the viewpoints of Mrs. Castello and ~£r. Walker, but they must try to be fair to the applicant because it leaves it completely in limbo, even though it was stated it was irrelevant whether a bank went there or not. It may take several months for the bank's application to be approved. At this time, Chairman Kelly read. Col. Trauger's opinion and recommendation from the minutes of the April 5 meeting as stated on the bottom of Page 10 and continued o~ Page 11. ~s. Castello referred to Chairman Kelly's reference of being fair to the applicant and she pointed out there was no applicant before the Board. Her feeling of being the fairest would be to have 'the owner of this property come before this Bo~d with the plans at a later date. Propos- ing C-2 now would be giving the zoning with no strings attached. M~. Rossi stated he didn't think, strings should be attached to zoning and zoning should be done because you feel it is the best thing. ~s. Castello replied that she would take back the wor~ strings. Chairman Kelly stated he fe~s it is not the proper area for single family residences as expressed by several people. He agrees with Mr. Rossi that the best use must be considered regardless of who, what, where or when. MINUTES ~ ORe, SHOP .~E TING PAGE THeE APRIL 8, 1975 Mr. Walker continued that they have no final application for the use of the particular parcel. He now agrees with leaving the proposed area at C-2, but wants the remaining property left in a residential holding zone. He recommends leaving the part proposed C-2 remain, but not extending it until plans are submitted. Chairman Kelly announced the consensus was 6-1 to leave it s~ proposed and not to extend it. Mrs. Huckle added that the existing zoning was R-1AA and the proposed is C-2 for 600 ft. ~s. Castello stated she still recommended leaving it all as a holding zone. Mr. Barrett informed her if there was a bank proposed on this corner and it is not properly zoned, the charter would be denied. If the charter is approved, it will only be approved ~in a C-2 zone. Mrs. Castello pointed out that the zoning was shown now as R-1AA and Mr. Barrett informed her that'~. Michael showed C-2 on his application. M~s. CaStello continued that the way it was proposed, it did not give him enough land. M~. Barrett replied that this was correct and it only gave him enough room for the bank. ~s. Castello stated she would go along with proposing the C-2 if it meant not being able to get a bank charter. Chairman Kelly announced that the consensus was now 7-0 to pass on the oriEinal recommendation to make the corner of S. W. 23rd Avenue and Congress eastward for a distance of approximately 600 ft. proposed for C-2. Request ~54 of ~'~. John FitzPatrick, 101S. W. 4th Avenue. Mr. Barrett read his comments from the previous minutes and stated he thought they took this back of his line because just north are apartments. He stated that he thought they did the right thing and ~. Rogers, ~. Rossi, ~. Walker and Chairman Kelly agreed. Mrs. Huckle and }~s. Castello stated they agreed with his request. M~. Barrett stated he didn't think ~. Fitzpatrick had a ls~ge enough lot to do anything under R-3 and he also pointed out there were single family homes along the whole street. ?~s. Castello then changed her mind and agreed they should leave it as proposed. ~s. Huckle stated she would still like to see it go to R-3 on the street line. She does not care for back yard split zoning. Chairman Kelly announced the con- sensus was 5-1 to leave it as proposed. Request ~55 of Rosalie Roth, 191 S. W. 27th Place. ~. B ~ . arrett ream the request from the previous ~minutes and -stated this had already been taken 'care of. The members checked the location on the map and agreed no change was required. MINUTES WOMKSHOP ~ET ING ~ANNING & ZONING BO~RD PAGE FOUR APRIL 8, 1975 Request iI56 of Thomas Roche regarding 236 S. W. 24th Ave. Mu. Barrett read the request fro'm the previous minutes and stated it was taken care of and no change was necessary. Request 457 of Mary Law representing Law Realty. ~. Barrett read the comments from the previous minutes and the members agreed that two requests had been taken care of and the regu- lations would have to be checked. Request ~58 of David Stone regarding Lots 22-27 and 4 -43 on S. W. 2nd Avenue and South Seacrest. The members consulted the plat book and aerial map. ~. Bushnell noted the loca- tion on the proposed zoning map. After discussion, the con- sensus was 4-2 to leave it as proposed. Mr. Rogers had sug- gested moving the line to 1st street and Mrs. Castello agreed. Request ~59 of Tom Gable. Mr. Barrett read the comments from the previous minutes an~ the members agreed this had been taken care of. Request ~60 of Loyal Roh~baugh. action was .necessary. The members agreed that no Request #61 of John Pag!oruli. Mr. Barrett read the comments from the previous minutes and the members agreed to leave it as requested and no action was necessary. Request #62 of Bill Bond, 1140 S. Federal Highway, regarm_ng~ the property south of Sunshine Square. The members agreed that this had been taken care of. Request ~63 of Scott Davis. Mr. Barrett read the comments from the previous minutes and the members agreed it had been t~ a~en care of. Request #64 of Joseph Teofilo regarding the area at 23rd and Congress. The members agreed this had been t~en care of'and no change was necessary. Request· #65 of Heather Wiiliamson. ~r. ~Bar~ett~ read the re- quest from the 'previous minutes and the members agreed it had been taken care of. Request ~6o of Harold Jones referring to S. E. 2nd otreet~ between 27th and 31st Avenues. The members consulted the plat book and determined that ~. Jones was wrong as it w~s shown two lots all the way down. They agreed that no change was required. MINUTES WORKSHO~ MEETING PLANNING & ~,~ BOARD PAGE FIVE APRIL 8, 1 975 Request #67 of Harold Sommerville~referring to the area on Seacrest near the library. Mr. Barrett read his comments from the minutes regarding his request for R-3. The members consulted the plat book and aerial map. After discussion, the consensus was 4-2 to leave it as proposed. ~. Rogers suggested moving the line to include 1st Street and Mrs. Castello agreed. Request #68 of Norman Borcher. Mr. Barrett read his com- ments from the previous minutes and it was agreed this would be considered when reviewing the regulations. Chairman Kelly announced they had completed the 68 requests made at the public hearings regarding the zoning map. He announced the Board would meet on Saturday, April 12 at 9:00 A. M. to consider the regulations. He added they could also decide on a date then to have a meeting to complete this and make final recommendations. Mr. Walker moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:35