Minutes 04-05-75MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP ~ETiNG OF THE PLAR~NING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1975 AT 9~00 A. M. ?RESENT Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chman Mrs. Marilyn Huckle John I. Rogers Enrico Rossi ABSENT Oris Walker (Excused) ~rs. Vicki Ca~tello (Excused) Jack Barrett, Building Official Warren Bushnell, Deputy Bldg. Official Mrs. Suzann~ Kruse, Recording Secretary Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 9:30 A. M. and welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present to the workshop meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board. He announced this was a workshop meeting and not a public hearing; however, any person wishing to address the Board with recommendations or petitions will be allotted a period of five minutes. Previ- ously more time was given, hut the Board is getting to the point where they must get this job finished. He introduced the members of the Board, Mr. Barrett and ~ Bushnell. He announced that Mrs. Castello and Mx. Walker were excused from this meeting om account of other business Chairman Kelly read a letter written by M~s. Lois Rogers of 206 S. W. 14th Avenue to Congressman Paul Rogers dated Feb- ruary I4 regarding the proposed zoning of 15th Avenue in the area of the 1-95 interchange. He advised that Congressman Rogers referred this letter to the Palm Beach Building and Planning Department in West Palm Beach and it was forwarded to M~. Barrett. He then read Mr. Barrett's reply to Congress- man Rogers. He ascertained that each member~ had copies of these letters. Mrs. Kathleen Kirton stated her name and her address as 2526 S. ~. 13th Court. She read a letter, previously given to the Board members, regarding the proposed zoning for the corner at S. W. 23rd Avenue and Congress Avenue. She gave Chairman Kelly a petition signed by home owners in the immediate area with over 200 names against the commercial zoning of this corner. She added that these were received on a voluntary basis. She expressed gratitude and appreciation for the mem- bers, hard work and stressed that they did want this area to remain residential. She referred to the original proposed commercial zone and how now they were talking about doubling this area. She asked them to please not downgrade her neigh- horhood. MINUTF£ PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE ~'0 Mr. W. H. Carter stated his name and his address as 1195 S. W. 24th Avenue, at the corner of 12th Court. He stated he thought ~,~s. Kirton had presented the case for the people of Golfview Harbor satisfactorily. He stated that one thing that should be considered is that since Leisure- ville opened an entrance on 23rd Avenue, the traffic has increased two-fold. He has noticed that the ambulance ser- vice has been slowed down on 23rd Avenue due to the extra traffic. If commercial is put on this corner, it will in- crease the traffic that much more. He hopes it will be left as a residential area as proposed originally. This is a main artery for ambulance service to the west and they have trouble getting through traffic crea~ed by Leisureville and will have even more from a commercial area. Mrs. Huckle questioned if he was opposed to any type of commercial zoning there at all or the extensive zoning which Mr. Michael re- quested? ~. Carter replied that he would like it left as it is. ~s. Huckle ~sked what would be appropriate for this corner? Mr. Carter replied that he had no idea. He continued that ~. Michael 'bought this property knowing it was zoned residential and it is his problem to find out what he can do with it. The property should be used for something. Mrs. Huckle replied that they were open for suggestions. ~. Carter said that with starting commercial just at the corner, it will spread. Possibly a ch~ch could be built there. He is sure co~ercial property in that area would be an eyesore. ~. ~chael bought the property ~auowing what it was zoned for and he has made very good use of the balance of the property. M~. Louis Labrador stated his name and his address as 1331 S. W. 25th Avenue. He recommended that since people were present today that did not attend the last meeting, that the Board shoul~ discuss this area first and then give them a chance to comment. Chairman Kelly thanked him for this recom- mendation. Chairman Kelly then announced that before getting into this area in detail, they would give the opportunity to any other people present to speak about other areas of the City. Mr. Etmo Elliott stated his name and his address as 23t0 S. E. 1st Street, lots 44 and 54 running from 1st St. to 2nd St. He informed the Board that R-lA zoning was proposed for this property and it was surroun~,d by proposed R-3 zoning. He requested R~zoning for these properties.~ He could no~ build a single family house in this area and sell it. He added that he submitted a petition with. about ten signatures from this area. Mr. M. W. Duvall stated his name and his address as 117 S. E. 22nd Avenue. He stated he attended the last meeting and dis- cussed the feasibility of the strip zoning on 23rd Avenue. M~UTES ~LANNiNG & ZONING BOARD PAGE THREE APRIL 5, 1975 He has no intention of rescinding the evidence he gave at the last meeting nor on the petition. R-3 zoning is the suitable zoning for this area. 23rd Avenue is an artery highway and ao is Seacrest Avenue. He seconds what Mr. Elliott had to Chairman Kelly ascertained there were no other comments to be made from the people present amd announced they would proceed with the discussion of the area in Golfview Harbor. M~s. Kat~hleen Kirton appeared before the Board again and read the petition she previously presented to Chairman Kelly. Mr. Bushnell pointed out the area in question on the existing and proposed maps. He explained that this area at 23rd Avenue and Congress extends east 600 feet and the ~ilnor proposal almost doUbles the area. Mrs. Kirton p~nted out that it was just advertised as the corner and not all that Mr. Michael proposed. She remarked that it was like the camel getting his nose into the tent. Chairman Kelly advised her that when Mr. M~chael made his presentation, it was the first time the Board was aware of it. Mrs. Kirton replied that she would just like a church or beautification project on the corner and it should be left residential. M~. Louis Labrador stated his name an8 his address as 1331 S. E. 25th Avenue. He stated he wanted to go along with Mrs. Eirton and questioned if the Zoning Board at this present time was considering just this corner or the whole area Milnor Corporation ~esented? Chairman Kelly replied that they did not have a full Board present and this issue was of the i~ortance that a full Board should be present to take action. Up to the point when ~. Michael made his presentation, they had considered and only proposed the cor- ner for commercial. They will give all consideration possi- ble to all aspects of the entire piece. ~. Labrador asked again ~f the Zoning Board at this date in this workshop meet- ing was just considering the proposed C-2 or what ~. Michael proposed? Chairm~m Kelly replied that they have made the recommendation for the 600 feet, but before coming to a vote, they will consider the additional, but must have a full Board. ~s. Huckle added that they did not visualize this. Mr. Barrett added that he thought that under the circumstances with part of the Board being absent, they would have to have the input of everyone concerned. This would govern their decision of which way to go. Mr. Labrador questioned again which area they were talking about and Mr. Barrett replied that he thought they must talk about the total parcel. ~t this ~ime, Mr. Kelley Kirton asked everyone present who was opposed to commercial zoning for the total piece to please stand and several people responded. MINUTES PLA~E~ING & ZONING BOAt~D PAGE FOUR APRIL 5, t975 ~s. Kathleen Kirton appeared before the Board again and referred to the petition she submitted. She advised the Board that a number of people who signed this petition called her an~ stated they had si~gned something else that Milnor Corporation had a public relations man going around with and they' wanted to be taken Off that list. Her peti- tion was made on a voluntary basis. The other petition was done by a professional man by the I~lnor Corporation. The Golfview Harbor Home Owners Association is also going to do a survey and will have it ready for the City Council. ~. Norman Michael stated his name and his address as 1310 S. W. 27th Place and that he represented Milnor Corporation. He presented a plan to the Board with the homes colored in red representing the people in favor of his proposal. Over 225 people have signed the petition in. favor. They contacted these people and asked them to come into the office and see the plans. They did have a professional public relations man going aroumdrequest~them to come in prior to signing and they did seewhat was prop, osed. Mrs. Kirton stated that some wanted their names taken ~off andM~. Michael replied that these requests had been taken care of. Mr. Wayne Upton stated his name and his address as 1401S. W. 25th Avenue. First he advised that he really didn't want to get involved with this. He did see Mr. Michael's plans and did sign the petition, but has given it further consideration during the last two weeks. He is not concerned with the cor- ner in back of the apartments, but is concerned with the land directly behind him. Mr. Michael is not going to live fore~er and what would happen if he doesn't put this shopping center there? Chairman Kelly replied that the proposed regulations are subject to further review and he then read the permitted and prohibited use~ under C-2 zoning. Mr. Upton replied that this pointed out one thing he was concerned with in allowing restaurants. He thinks he wouldn't possibly enjoy the smell of food cooking all the time. M~s. Huckle questioned if the 600 proposed feet worried him and he replied not as much as the land behind him. Mrs. Huckle suggested that the ty~ of things allowed under R-1AA zoning be read, so they would kn~w what was allowed besides houses in this zoning. Chairman Kelly then read the regulations for R-tAA zoning. ~. Stanton Packard stated his name and his address as 1311 S. W. 25th Avenue. He asked what the rulings on the north side of the canal were and questioned if there was a right- of-w~v for the City or County to take care of the 8anal? Mr. Barrett replied that there was no right-of-way except for the actual width of the canal. ~. Michael added that he thought the right-of-way of that canal was 100 feet. 60 feet has been put into use and there is 40 feet on the north MINUTES ~ANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FIVE APRIL 5, 1975 side. ~. Packard continued that he was concerned with this piece-meal deal, but would like to see it developed all at one time. After seeing Mr. Michael's presentation, he is very much in favor of what he would put rather than have another builder come in and put anything. Chairman Kelly suggested that Mr. Michael outline his presen- tation for those people who weren't present at the last meet- ing. Mr. Michael advised that there were approximately 9½ acres involved, an 1150 x 360 ft. parcel. They notified the residents and also people cameby word of mouth to see the plans on display. They desire to build it as one unit in an early American architectural style. It will be named Williams- burg Row. All the people signing the petition have viewed the plans. They have been on display for over a month. It is going to be a fi~e unit development. The architecture is in keeping with the homes built. He thinks it will be a credit to the area and will blend in with the present build- ings. Not one person has complained about how it will look. Mr. Pack~rd added that he thought it would be an asset to the co,unity. Chairman Kelly stat!ed he would like to point out that what goes into an area under a zoning classification has more control than the Planning & Zoning Board. Plans are also reviewed by the Technical Review Board and Commmnity Appear~uce Board also. The City does have control of what goes into an area. Mr. A. J. Wolfert stated his name and his address as 132~ S. W. 25th Avenue. He advised the Board that he lives~ o~ that canal and is 10~ against con~aercial buildings going there. He never signed the petition and his lot is marked in red on ~. Michael's plan. He bought his house about ~½ years ago for about $55,000. When he looked out his window, he saw rats running around there and had to get cats to take care of them. His next door neighbor is a doctor and also is against commercial zoning, but doesn't have the time to at- tend the meetings. Mr. Michael interrupted stating that M~. Wolfert's wife had signed his petition and the doctor next door also signed it. Mr. Wolfert replied that he owns the house and not his wife. The other homes marked in red are not going to get the stink from the commercial buildings like he will. If ~M. Michael wants to buy his home, he will sell it. He will take a loss if commercial properties go behind him. Mrs. Huckle questioned how he felt about the corner piece and Mr. Wolfert replied that a church could be there. M~s. Huckle stated that they couldn,t guarantee a church and M~. Wolfert replied that he was against anything commercial. ~s. Dorothy Hemstreet stated her name and her address as 1108 S. W. 24th Avenue. She referred to Mr. Michael,s pre- sentation of how it was going to be a beautifully designed area, but it would be very difficult to get away from ser- vice entrances. These would be along the canal and face the houses there. MIN~ES P~ANNiNG & ZONING BOARD ~PRi~ 5, 1975 M~. W. H. Carter stated his name and his address as 1195 S. W. 24th Avenue. He questioned ~f Mr. Michael had to carry out his proposal as proposed? Chairman Kelly replied that if it was approved as such, he must. ~. Barrett added that if Mr. Michael made application for a development of tn~s type, he must use this particular design and locate the buildings as presented. If he plans to make any changes, he must come back before the Board. Mrs. Huckle added that they were talking about how property is going to be ~oned and not how it is going to be developed. He is just indi- cating what he would like to build at some date. We are only talking about zoning property on a map, regardless of What he pl~s to do. Mr. Bo~ Largent stated his name and his address as 1350 S. W. 26th Avenue. First he apologized fer having Mr. Wolfert's home blocked out for the petition. They did take this off, as they know his wife has changed her mind. He continued that he also went to see Mrs. Perkins and she asked him to come to this meeting for her and she is very much for this project. She lives at the east end of it. She is the closest resident to the area. She is convalescin~ from surgery; but if necessary, she will appear before the Board. She has not signed either for or against at this time, as she is being cared for by a neighbor who is against it, but she ~s defi- nitely for it. Mr. Kelley Kirton stated his n~me and his address as 2526 S. W. ~3th Court. He advised the Board that when this zoning was first proposed, Mrs. Perkins asked Mrs. Kirton to come hy~ as she wanted to write a letter opposing it. Mrs. Huckle stated that this letter was in their file. ~s. Kirton con- tinued that ~s. Perkins did dictate the letter on file to her. She called and wanted this done before she went to the hospital. Her son probably does not feel this way. This lady wanted to have a letter on file. She did this the day she went to the hospital~ and it was very pathetic. She stated her deceased husband would want her to do this. Out of respect to a dear old lady who is very ill, she did not go back and ask her to sign the petition. The 200 to 250 names on her petition were ~oluntary. She didn"t pressure anybody. Mr. Norman Michael appeared before the Board again and stated he was very sorry t~t ~s. Kirton brought this uo. She wrote a letter which waa scandalous and libelous ~nd his attorney is instituting a suit against her. He is sorry this had to be brought up today. This should not be dis- cussed here. Mrs. Kirton did k~uock on doors. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD RAGE SEVEN APRIL 5, 1975 ~. Louis Labrador appeared before the Board again. He advised that he Ll~vea on the canal. He is personally against anything that becomes a personal matter. Mr. Michael is president of Milnor. He doesn't believe any personalities should interfere into this aEgument at all. He respects him as a neighbor and man in~ business. He rec- ommends these personal matters be taken off the record as they are not part of what they are talking about. He does not entertain commercial traffic or buildings across from where he lives~ Mrs. Helen Cook stated her name and her address as 1056 S. W. 26th Avenue. She informed the Board that she moved into Golfview Harbor because of the open space and previously lived in Briny Breezes. The odor from the Seascape Restau- rant there and the commotion from Dante's Den was certainly undesirable and she would not like the same in Golfview Har- bor. ~s. Huckle asked how she felt about the plan proposed by Mr. Michael and Mrs. Cook replied it was the first s~e heard about it. ~'s. Huckle asked if she received a map in the mail or heardabout the public hearing and Mrs. Cook re- plied that she did not receive the map nor know of a public hearing. Chairman Kelly added that everyone receiving a water bill received a copy of the map. Mm~s. Cook replied that she was not aware of anything being circulated before. She would like a church, park or library on this corner. ~. Gerald Sanderson stated his name and his address as 1026 S. W. 24th A~enue. He asked if the notices of the public hearings in January were supposed to h~ve gone to the resi- dents and ~{rs. HucY~e replied: yes. ~4r. Sanderson stated that four neighbors and himself did not receive any notice of the oublic hearing. Mrs. Huckle showed him the map which was mai~ed and added that a notice was attached to it. Mr. Sanderson acknowledged that he did receive this. He contin- ued that he was against the changing of the entire project to co~nercial. What bothers him is piece-meal changing of the zoning in the area. Four years ago, it was changed to allow rental apartments. Chairman Kelly informed him that this change was affected by the courts. Mr. Sanderson continued that now this comes along. If this changes, what is going to prevent another builder from changing the zoning on some of the vacant property on 23rd? Chairman Kelly replied that there were controls. Property must 'be contiguous. The days of spot zoning have passed. Mrs. Huckle questioned how he felt about the corner piece and if he had any suggestions for that busy corner? Mr. Sanderson replied that it wasn't suit- able for residential with Congress so heavily traveled. He thinks there should be some type of commercial building, such as a bank or church. If this new change allows something like a restaurant, he is definitely against it. They bring MINUTES PLA~,~ING & ZONING BO. ARD PAGE EIGHT APRIL 5, 1975 rats and people coming in all hours of the night. are a dist~bance in a neighborhood. Res taurants Chairman Kelly ascertained that nobody else desired to speak and he announced that the public hearing would now come to an end. He declared a five minute recess at 10:45 A. M. The meeting was called back to order at 10:52 A. M. ~. Barrett announced they would start discussing requests in numerical order from the public, hearing, minutes and were scheduled to start with No. 29. Request of Rev. Westgate, No. 29, Part of this was taken care of with changes being made along Seacrest BOulevard. The members now discussed the second part of his request con- cerning the proposed zoning for 15th Avenue. Chairman Kelly ascertained that the members received copies of letters ad- dressed to the City Manager from M~. McCauley and Mr. ~omberg in reference to this area. Mrs. Huc~kle_ added that there was also a petition on file 'with at least bO signatures from taxpayers. For the members' information, Chairman Kelly read Chapter 176.06 of the Municipal Zoning on Page 89 of the State Statutes. The members considered the petition, letters re- ceived, size of lots, right-of-way along street, etc. After discussion, it was agreed to propose C-1 zoning for one block west of Seacrest, abutting the R-2 area to the north. This cont~nues the C-1 zoning from the emst side of Seacrest. C-1 zonir~ is proposed from S. E. 1st Street to S. W. 1st Street and the balance westward to S. W. 3rd Street to be zoned R-1AA. Draw the line north and south on S. W. 1st Street and that concludes the C-1 zone to the east. ~. Barrett referred to Mr. Julian Patrick's request in this area east of Seacrest for M-! zoning. He talked to Pete Kelly about this and they plan the right-of-way will come right_up to the edge of ~. Patrick's building. After dis- cussion, the members agreed to leave this area as C-1 and no~ change it. RequeSt of residents of High Point, No. 30. M~. Barrett read their comments from the previous minutes. The members also considered the requests of Mr. Elliott, ~. Duvall and ~. Elam in reference to this area. ~. Rossi pointed out that they had considered this previously and recommended C-1, but after receiving new input they should possibly consider R-2 zoning. They discussed the condition of the existing houses along 23rd, the size of the lots, number of vacant lots, possible widening of the road, etc., but could not ~ W/~?f reach a decision by 12:00 ~.~.'~ ~' Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting for lunch at 12:00 P. M. The meeting was called back to order at 1:28 P. M. MINUTES ~LAI~ING & ZONING BOARD PAGE Ni~E APRIL 5, 1975 After further discussion of the area along S. E~ 23rd Avenue, it was agreed to propose R-2 zoning starting at the north/ south line two lots west of the railroad and on south side of 23rd Avenue, go west along rear lot lines on 23rd Avenue to first lot east of Seacrest, go north along that lot line to 23rd Avenue~ go west to Seacrest, north along Se~crest to S. E. 21st Avenue, east to S. E. 1st Street to east side of S. E. 1st Street, go north to rear lot line dividing 20th Avenue, go east to railroad right-of-way, go south to rear of lots on S. E. 21st Avenue, go west along rear lot lines to S~ E. 2nd Street, and south to close line at original line. In order to correct the C-2 zoning, start at the rear lot line of those lots on the south side of 23rd Avenue, the first two lots lying west of the railroad, bring the zoning line across westerly along rear lot line, north along second lot line and join with C-2 north of 2pra to make shape. Those two lots immediately south of The Cellar and going east to the railroad will also be included in C-2 area. ~. B~rrett suggested getting the east side of the railroad straightened out. It was ~reed to leave the ioroposed C-3 line running from the intercoastal across U. S. 1 and roughly one block deep. Come across weste~l~ with this line and take line south to 23rd Avenue, bring it west on 23rd to join other north/south line and omit the '~L~. The ~C-3 line will be omitted between Federal Highway and one lot deep to join line. ~. Barrett suggested getting the R-3 area on the east side of Federal cleared up. Draw a vertical line on the east side of Federal to close up R-3 on east side of Federal from the top of the proposed C-3 to the bottom of the proposed C-3 where the bank is. Request of M~. Laswell, No. 30. Mr. Barrett read the com- ments from the previous minutes and c~arified that M~. Las- well just wanted High Point identified. Request of M~. Ralph Blank representing Mr. Rose, No. 31. ~. Barrett read the comments from the previous minutes. What Y~. Blank was asking for has been proposed. Mr. Las- well was fearful of having high rises here, but this is pro- hibited by regulations. This problem has been solved with everything north of 23rd and west of Seacrest being proposed for R-3 and the members agreed. Request of Mr. Vic Zelinski, No. 33, concerning the northwest corner of S. W. 2nd Street and S. W. 4th Avenue. Mr. Barrett pointed out that this was zoned R-lA as he requested. His complaint is that he doesn't want the surrounding area zoned R-2, which is already developed as such. Chairman Kelly stated his zoning was as he requested. MINUTES P~A~NING & ZONING BOARD PAGE TEN APRIL 5, t975 Request of M~r. Zito, No. 34, in reference to the west side of the railroad tracks, south of 23rd, in the ~ea extend- ing to 31st Street. P~r. Barrett pointed out that this was in the proposed C-3 zoning and this is what he wants. He also objected to the frontage, but this will be considered when reviewing the regulations. Request No. 35. It was agreed to correct this inverse spot zoning at 24th Avenue by continuing two lots to 26th Avenue, which follows the old line. First lots are two lots deep smd then drops to five lets deep, instead bring line to 'three lots down, go west one lot depth and join line. Request of Mr. Moxley, No. 36, regarding the area of 15th Avenue near the interchange. M~. Barrett stated they satis- fied him by dropping the line. Request of Mr. Robert Leite, No. 37, representing Miss Agnes Stoner and the lot next door to The Cellar. ~. Barrett pointed out that they have now proposed R-2 for this area and it isn't what she wanted. After discussion, the members agreed to leave it proposed for R-2. Request of Mr. Walter Dutch, No. 38, referring to his lot on N. E. 3rd Street and 2nd Avenue. Chairman Kelly abstained from any discussion of this request. The members discussed the possibility of C-3 and C-4 zoning and also reviewing the regulations regarding 16t size for these classifications. After further discussion, it was agreed to propose C-4 zoning on the south side of 2nd Avenue from the F. E. C. Railroad to City Hall one lot depth or to the alley south of 2nd Avenue. Request of ~. Dick. Weiiand, No. 39, referring to the R-2 area along the railroad at the south end cf the City. After discussion, it was agreed to move the line east to mske the existing line straight north and south. Request of Mr. Gordon McGhee, No. 40, has been answered. Request of Mr. Willie Anders, No. 4I. M~. Barrett read his comments from the previous minutes. He informed the Board that he is in a R-lA zone. The same thing applies to him as to M~. Zelinski. He is not affected by the new zoning. Chel- sea Pickett is already there. Even if it was rezoned, the things he objected to couldn't be removed. After discussion, the members agreed not to make any change and lea~e it as proposed. Reeuest of Cathy Catdwell, No. 42~ which re~ee--~ to the ~oro- po~ed C-2 zoning at the corner of Golfview Harbor. No de- cision has been made on this and further discussion will take place when a full Board is present. Chairman Kelly MINUTES FLANNING & ZONING BOARD P~GE ELEVEN APRIL 5, 1975 suggested having a special meeting after the regular meeting on Tuesday night. Col. Trauger stated he would not be pre- sent at the Tuesday meeting, but likes the plan as shown by M~. Michael for a shopping center. Chairman Kelly replied that his recoi~mendation would be considered when this was discussed by the remainder of the Board members. Mr. Rogers questioned if he would go along if the rest of the Board recommended only the 600 feet? Col. Trauger replied that he would also go along with that, but did like ~. Michael's presentation. He feels he should put in the whole thing as presented and also must agree to the park. Request of Mrs. Loyal Rohrbaugh, No. 43. Mr. Barrett read her comments from the minutes. Mu. Rogers stated he thought the changes made two wee~ ago and today have shown the ex- pression of the Board in regards to the various areas men- tioned by M~s. Rohrbaugh and he believes they should leave it as proposed now. The remaining members agreed, except ~s. Huckle abstained from giving an opinion on this area north of the hospital, but agrees with south of the hospi- tal across from the church. Request of Dr. Skinner, No. 44. Mr. Barrett read his com- ments from the previous minutes. Mr. Rogers stated they previously agreed not to change this line and the remain- ing members agreed. Request of ~. Everitt, No. 45, has been taken care of. Request of Mr. Pearson, No. 46, has been taken care of. Request of ~. Emil Freund, No. 47, this problem has been answered. Request of M~. Zompa, No. 48. ~. Barrett read his comments from the previous minutes and the Board agreed that no change was required. Request of M~. Donald Ramsey, No. 49, regarding the property west of the hospital. ~. Barrett read his comments from the previous minutes and the Board agreed ~to make no change there. Request of ~. M. W. Duvall, No. 50. ~k~. Barrett read his comments from the previous minutes and pointed out that they did take care of this by zoni~ it R~2. Request of Patricia Pickett, No. 51. Mm. Barrett read her comments from the previous minutes. ~. Rogers stated that this has been taken care of and no change has been made. The other members agreed. MINUTES ~At~NIN$ & ZONING BO~D A~.IL 5, 1975 Request of M~. Bill Elam,. No. 52. ~. Barrett pointed out that this pr~perty has been proposed for R-2 now and the members agreed to make no change. Request of Mrs. Kelley Kirton, No. 53. ferred until a f~l Board is present. This has been de- Chairman Kelly noted at this time that it was 4:00 and he asked how many requests remained for consideration and Mr. Barrett informed h~ %hat they were numbered to 68. Chair- man Kelly than asked if there was a full agenda for their regular meeting on Tuesd~ night and ~. Barrett replied: no and they could be tsd~en care of at a meeting after the regular meeting. Chairman Kelly announced they would hold a work~hop meeting after the regular Board~i~meeting on Tues- day night. The meeting was properly adjourned at 4:00 P. Mo