Minutes 03-25-75MINUTES OF THE REGTfLAR ~EETING OF THE iLA~ING & ZONING BOARD HELD _&T CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, ~CH 25, 1975 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman ~a!ter M. Trauger, Vice Chman Mrs. Vicki Castello Mrs. Marilyn Huckle John I. Rogers Enrico Rossi Oris Walker Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official Chairman Kelly called the second regular meeting of the month of the Planning & Zoning Board to order at 7:35 P. M. He took roll call and introduced the Building Official. He then re- quested that it be noted that they did not have a tape recorder this evening, as it was in use in the Council Chambers and this meeting is being held in the conference room. He announced there was nothing on the agenda. MINUTES ~nutes - March 11, ~.[.97~ .... The minutes of the regular meeting of Tuesday, March tl were read. ~s. Huckle moved that the minutes of Tuesday, March 11 of the regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board be ac- cepted as submitted. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. The minutes of the workshop meeting of Saturday, March 15 were read. Chairman Kelly referred to Page 3, last paragraph, where Mr. Chuck Fronrath stated this was industrial when he purchased it and it has been rezoned to OP. This should ~e "proposed" OP (insert proposed). ~s. Huckle referred to Page 5, where the two paragraphs separate, in reference to her quotation. In her reply to Rev. Westgate, she act~lly stated: "We should not judge each other-. Mrs. Huckle referred to P~ge 7, bottom of page, where she stated she would like to have the affidavits for the record. She would like to see these, But not necessarily for the record. Mrs. Huckle referred to Page 18, bottom of first psmagraph, she asked Mr. Michael to point out the proposed C-2 area on his sketch. MINUTES ~ANN~G & ZONING BOARD PAGE TWO ~L~RCH 25, 1975 Chairman Kelly stated that Mr. Roger~2 absence at this meet- ing should be noted as excused. ~s. Hnckle moved to accept the minutes of March 15, Planning and Zoning Board workshop meeting, with the corrections as noted. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0, with Mr Rogers '~ - · ap~talning since he was ~ot present at this meeting· 0L_ ~D BU£IB~SS ~one grEW BUSINESS ~one OTHER Chairman Kelly announced that the next workshop meeting would be hsld on April 5 at 9:00 A. M. and the next regular meeting would be~.held on April 8. - ADJOURN~!fT F~s. Huckle~made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~s. Castello. 7:50M°ti°np. CarriedM. 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at